Beispiel #1
 def do_c(self, line):
     """Send the Master a Counter (group 22) value. Command syntax is: c index value"""
     index, value_string = self.index_and_value_from_line(line)
     if index and value_string:
             self.application.apply_update(opendnp3.Counter(int(value_string)), index)
         except ValueError:
             print('Please enter an integer value as the second argument.')
Beispiel #2
 def test_Indexed(self):
     assert type(opendnp3.WithIndex(opendnp3.Binary(), 0)) == opendnp3.IndexedBinary
     assert type(opendnp3.WithIndex(opendnp3.DoubleBitBinary(), 0)) == opendnp3.IndexedDoubleBitBinary
     assert type(opendnp3.WithIndex(opendnp3.Analog(), 0)) == opendnp3.IndexedAnalog
     assert type(opendnp3.WithIndex(opendnp3.Counter(), 0)) == opendnp3.IndexedCounter
     assert type(opendnp3.WithIndex(opendnp3.FrozenCounter(), 0)) == opendnp3.IndexedFrozenCounter
     assert type(opendnp3.WithIndex(opendnp3.BinaryOutputStatus(), 0)) == opendnp3.IndexedBinaryOutputStatus
     assert type(opendnp3.WithIndex(opendnp3.AnalogOutputStatus(), 0)) == opendnp3.IndexedAnalogOutputStatus
     assert type(opendnp3.WithIndex(opendnp3.OctetString(), 0)) == opendnp3.IndexedOctetString
     assert type(opendnp3.WithIndex(opendnp3.TimeAndInterval(), 0)) == opendnp3.IndexedTimeAndInterval
     assert type(opendnp3.WithIndex(opendnp3.BinaryCommandEvent(), 0)) == opendnp3.IndexedBinaryCommandEvent
     assert type(opendnp3.WithIndex(opendnp3.AnalogCommandEvent(), 0)) == opendnp3.IndexedAnalogCommandEvent
     assert type(opendnp3.WithIndex(opendnp3.SecurityStat(), 0)) == opendnp3.IndexedSecurityStat
     assert type(opendnp3.WithIndex(opendnp3.ControlRelayOutputBlock(), 0)) == opendnp3.IndexedControlRelayOutputBlock
     assert type(opendnp3.WithIndex(opendnp3.AnalogOutputInt16(), 0)) == opendnp3.IndexedAnalogOutputInt16
     assert type(opendnp3.WithIndex(opendnp3.AnalogOutputInt32(), 0)) == opendnp3.IndexedAnalogOutputInt32
     assert type(opendnp3.WithIndex(opendnp3.AnalogOutputFloat32(), 0)) == opendnp3.IndexedAnalogOutputFloat32
     assert type(opendnp3.WithIndex(opendnp3.AnalogOutputDouble64(), 0)) == opendnp3.IndexedAnalogOutputDouble64
 def test_default_constructors(self):
         Create the class object with default values for instance variable and test if the object is not empty.
     assert asiodnp3.ConsoleLogger() is not None
     assert asiodnp3.DefaultListenCallbacks() is not None
     assert asiodnp3.DefaultMasterApplication() is not None
     assert asiodnp3.MasterStackConfig() is not None
     assert asiodnp3.PrintingChannelListener is not None
     assert asiodnp3.PrintingSOEHandler() is not None
     assert asiodnp3.UpdateBuilder() is not None
     assert asiopal.ChannelRetry() is not None
     assert asiopal.ResourceManager() is not None
     assert asiopal.SerialSettings() is not None
     assert asiopal.steady_clock_t() is not None
     assert opendnp3.AnalogCommandEvent() is not None
     assert opendnp3.AnalogOutputInt16() is not None
     assert opendnp3.AnalogOutputInt32() is not None
     assert opendnp3.AnalogOutputFloat32() is not None
     assert opendnp3.AnalogOutputDouble64() is not None
     assert opendnp3.BinaryCommandEvent() is not None
     assert opendnp3.ClassField() is not None
     assert opendnp3.ControlRelayOutputBlock() is not None
     assert opendnp3.DNPTime() is not None
     assert opendnp3.Flags() is not None
     assert opendnp3.GroupVariationID() is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedBinary() is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedDoubleBitBinary() is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedAnalog() is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedCounter() is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedFrozenCounter() is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedBinaryOutputStatus() is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedAnalogOutputStatus() is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedOctetString() is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedTimeAndInterval() is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedBinaryCommandEvent() is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedAnalogCommandEvent() is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedSecurityStat() is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedControlRelayOutputBlock() is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedAnalogOutputInt16() is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedAnalogOutputInt32() is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedAnalogOutputFloat32() is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedAnalogOutputDouble64() is not None
     assert opendnp3.Binary() is not None
     assert opendnp3.DoubleBitBinary() is not None
     assert opendnp3.BinaryOutputStatus() is not None
     assert opendnp3.Analog() is not None
     assert opendnp3.Counter() is not None
     assert opendnp3.FrozenCounter() is not None
     assert opendnp3.AnalogOutputStatus() is not None
     assert opendnp3.TimeAndInterval() is not None
     assert opendnp3.OctetData() is not None
     assert opendnp3.OctetString() is not None
     assert opendnp3.SecurityStat() is not None
     assert opendnp3.LinkHeaderFields() is not None
     assert opendnp3.LinkStatistics() is not None
     assert opendnp3.CommandSet() is not None
     assert opendnp3.HeaderInfo() is not None
     assert opendnp3.StartStopRangeUint8() is not None
     assert opendnp3.StartStopRangeUint16() is not None
     assert opendnp3.CountUint8() is not None
     assert opendnp3.CountUint16() is not None
     assert opendnp3.HeaderUnion() is not None
     assert opendnp3.Header() is not None
     assert opendnp3.MasterParams() is not None
     assert opendnp3.RestartOperationResult() is not None
     assert opendnp3.TaskConfig() is not None
     assert opendnp3.ApplicationIIN() is not None
     assert opendnp3.DatabaseSizes() is not None
     assert opendnp3.EventBufferConfig() is not None
     assert opendnp3.OutstationConfig() is not None
     assert opendnp3.OutstationParams() is not None
     assert opendnp3.StaticTypeBitField() is not None
     assert opendnp3.StackStatistics() is not None
     assert opendnp3.IINField() is not None
     assert openpal.ArrayBinaryConfig() is not None
     assert openpal.ArrayDoubleBitBinaryConfig() is not None
     assert openpal.ArrayAnalogConfig() is not None
     assert openpal.ArrayCounterConfig() is not None
     assert openpal.ArrayFrozenCounterConfig() is not None
     assert openpal.ArrayBOStatusConfig() is not None
     assert openpal.ArrayAOStatusConfig() is not None
     assert openpal.ArrayTimeAndIntervalConfig() is not None
     assert openpal.ArrayBuffer() is not None
     assert openpal.ArrayViewBinaryConfig() is not None
     assert openpal.ArrayViewDoubleBitBinaryConfig() is not None
     assert openpal.ArrayViewAnalogConfig() is not None
     assert openpal.ArrayViewCounterConfig() is not None
     assert openpal.ArrayViewFrozenCounterConfig() is not None
     assert openpal.ArrayViewBOStatusConfig() is not None
     assert openpal.ArrayViewAOStatusConfig() is not None
     assert openpal.ArrayViewTimeAndIntervalConfig() is not None
     assert openpal.ArrayViewBuffer() is not None
     assert openpal.Buffer() is not None
     assert openpal.RingBuffer16() is not None
     assert openpal.RSlice() is not None
     assert openpal.SecureBuffer() is not None
     assert openpal.SettableRSlice() is not None
     assert openpal.SettableWSlice() is not None
     assert openpal.StaticBuffer4() is not None
     assert openpal.StaticBuffer14() is not None
     assert openpal.StaticBuffer100() is not None
     assert openpal.StaticBuffer292() is not None
     assert openpal.WSlice() is not None
     assert openpal.MonotonicTimestamp() is not None
     assert openpal.TimeDurationBase() is not None
     assert openpal.TimeDuration() is not None
     assert openpal.UTCTimestamp() is not None
     assert openpal.LogFilters() is not None
     assert openpal.Logger() is not None
     assert openpal.SerializerBinary() is not None
     assert openpal.SerializerDoubleBitBinary() is not None
     assert openpal.SerializerBinaryOutputStatus() is not None
     assert openpal.SerializerAnalog() is not None
     assert openpal.SerializerCounter() is not None
     assert openpal.SerializerFrozenCounter() is not None
     assert openpal.SerializerAnalogOutputStatus() is not None
     assert openpal.SerializerTimeAndInterval() is not None
     assert openpal.SerializerAnalogOutputInt16() is not None
     assert openpal.SerializerAnalogOutputInt32() is not None
     assert openpal.SerializerAnalogOutputFloat32() is not None
     assert openpal.SerializerAnalogOutputDouble64() is not None
 def test_passing_args(self):
         Create the class object with defined arguments and test if the object is not empty.
     assert asiodnp3.ConsoleLogger(True) is not None
     assert asiodnp3.DatabaseConfig(opendnp3.DatabaseSizes()) is not None
     assert asiodnp3.DNP3Manager(1) is not None
     assert asiodnp3.DNP3Manager(
         asiodnp3.ConsoleLogger().Create()) is not None
     assert asiodnp3.OutstationStackConfig(
         opendnp3.DatabaseSizes()) is not None
     assert asiodnp3.X509Info(1, openpal.RSlice(), "test") is not None
     assert asiopal.ChannelRetry(openpal.TimeDuration(),
                                 openpal.TimeDuration()) is not None
     assert asiopal.ChannelRetry(openpal.TimeDuration(),
                                 asiopal.IOpenDelayStrategy()) is not None
     assert asiopal.Executor(asiopal.IO()) is not None
     assert asiopal.IPEndpoint("", 502) is not None
     assert asiopal.LoggingConnectionCondition(openpal.Logger()) is not None
     assert asiopal.SerialChannel(asiopal.Executor(
         asiopal.IO())) is not None
     assert asiopal.TCPClient(openpal.Logger(),
                              asiopal.IPEndpoint("", 502),
                              "adapter") is not None
     assert asiopal.ThreadPool(openpal.Logger(), asiopal.IO(),
                               1) is not None
     assert asiopal.TLSConfig("~/files/peerCert", "~/files/localCert",
                              "~/files/privateKey") is not None
     assert opendnp3.AnalogOutputInt16(
         1, opendnp3.CommandStatus.TIMEOUT) is not None
     assert opendnp3.AnalogOutputInt32(
         1, opendnp3.CommandStatus.FORMAT_ERROR) is not None
     assert opendnp3.AnalogOutputFloat32(
         1, opendnp3.CommandStatus.ALREADY_ACTIVE) is not None
     assert opendnp3.AnalogOutputDouble64(
         1, opendnp3.CommandStatus.LOCAL) is not None
     assert opendnp3.BinaryCommandEvent(opendnp3.Flags()) is not None
     assert opendnp3.BinaryCommandEvent(opendnp3.Flags(),
                                        opendnp3.DNPTime()) is not None
     assert opendnp3.BinaryCommandEvent(
         True, opendnp3.CommandStatus.TOO_MANY_OPS) is not None
     assert opendnp3.BinaryCommandEvent(
         False, opendnp3.CommandStatus.NOT_AUTHORIZED,
         opendnp3.DNPTime()) is not None
     assert opendnp3.ClassField(opendnp3.PointClass.Class0) is not None
     assert opendnp3.ClassField(1) is not None
     assert opendnp3.ClassField(True, False, True, False) is not None
     assert opendnp3.ControlRelayOutputBlock(
         opendnp3.ControlCode.LATCH_ON, 1, 100, 100,
         opendnp3.CommandStatus.AUTOMATION_INHIBIT) is not None
     assert opendnp3.ControlRelayOutputBlock(
         0x1, 1, 100, 100,
         opendnp3.CommandStatus.AUTOMATION_INHIBIT) is not None
     assert opendnp3.GroupVariationID(0x10, 0x1) is not None
     assert opendnp3.IINField(opendnp3.IINBit.ALL_STATIONS) is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedBinary(opendnp3.Binary(), 1) is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedDoubleBitBinary(opendnp3.DoubleBitBinary(),
                                            1) is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedAnalog(opendnp3.Analog(), 1) is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedCounter(opendnp3.Counter(), 1) is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedFrozenCounter(opendnp3.FrozenCounter(),
                                          1) is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedBinaryOutputStatus(
         opendnp3.BinaryOutputStatus(), 1) is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedAnalogOutputStatus(
         opendnp3.AnalogOutputStatus(), 1) is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedOctetString(opendnp3.OctetString(),
                                        1) is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedTimeAndInterval(opendnp3.TimeAndInterval(),
                                            1) is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedBinaryCommandEvent(
         opendnp3.BinaryCommandEvent(), 1) is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedAnalogCommandEvent(
         opendnp3.AnalogCommandEvent(), 1) is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedSecurityStat(opendnp3.SecurityStat(),
                                         1) is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedControlRelayOutputBlock(
         opendnp3.ControlRelayOutputBlock(), 1) is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedAnalogOutputInt16(opendnp3.AnalogOutputInt16(),
                                              1) is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedAnalogOutputInt32(opendnp3.AnalogOutputInt32(),
                                              1) is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedAnalogOutputFloat32(
         opendnp3.AnalogOutputFloat32(), 1) is not None
     assert opendnp3.IndexedAnalogOutputDouble64(
         opendnp3.AnalogOutputDouble64(), 1) is not None
     assert opendnp3.Binary(True) is not None
     assert opendnp3.Binary(opendnp3.Flags()) is not None
     assert opendnp3.Binary(opendnp3.Flags(),
                            opendnp3.DNPTime()) is not None
     assert opendnp3.Binary(False, opendnp3.Flags()) is not None
     assert opendnp3.Binary(True, opendnp3.Flags(),
                            opendnp3.DNPTime()) is not None
     assert opendnp3.DoubleBitBinary(opendnp3.DoubleBit(1),
                                     opendnp3.DNPTime()) is not None
     assert opendnp3.BinaryOutputStatus(False, opendnp3.Flags(),
                                        opendnp3.DNPTime()) is not None
     assert opendnp3.Analog(1.2, opendnp3.Flags(),
                            opendnp3.DNPTime()) is not None
     assert opendnp3.Counter(100, opendnp3.Flags(),
                             opendnp3.DNPTime()) is not None
     assert opendnp3.FrozenCounter(2000, opendnp3.Flags(),
                                   opendnp3.DNPTime()) is not None
     assert opendnp3.AnalogOutputStatus(109.68, opendnp3.Flags(),
                                        opendnp3.DNPTime()) is not None
     assert opendnp3.TimeAndInterval(opendnp3.DNPTime(), 10,
                                     0x1) is not None
     assert opendnp3.TimeAndInterval(
         opendnp3.DNPTime(), 10, opendnp3.IntervalUnits.Seconds) is not None
     assert opendnp3.OctetData(openpal.RSlice()) is not None
     assert opendnp3.OctetString(openpal.RSlice()) is not None
     assert opendnp3.SecurityStat(opendnp3.SecurityStatValue(), 0x1,
                                  opendnp3.DNPTime()) is not None
     assert opendnp3.SecurityStat(0x1, 10, 100) is not None
     assert opendnp3.SecurityStat(0x1, 10, 100,
                                  opendnp3.DNPTime()) is not None
     assert opendnp3.LinkConfig(True, True) is not None
     assert opendnp3.LinkConfig(True, False, 100, 10, 10,
                                openpal.TimeDuration()) is not None
     assert opendnp3.LinkHeaderFields(opendnp3.LinkFunction.INVALID, False,
                                      True, False, 10, 10) is not None
     assert opendnp3.LinkStatistics(
         opendnp3.LinkStatisticsParser()) is not None
     assert opendnp3.CommandPointResult(
         100, 10, opendnp3.CommandPointState.INIT,
         opendnp3.CommandStatus.PROCESSING_LIMITED) is not None
     assert opendnp3.HeaderInfo(opendnp3.GroupVariation.Group10Var0,
                                100) is not None
     assert opendnp3.RestartOperationResult(
         openpal.TimeDuration()) is not None
     assert opendnp3.DatabaseSizes(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) is not None
     assert opendnp3.EventBufferConfig(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) is not None
     assert opendnp3.OutstationConfig(
         opendnp3.EventBufferConfig()) is not None
     assert opendnp3.OutstationParams(opendnp3.IndexMode.Contiguous, 0x3,
                                      openpal.TimeDuration(), 10, 20, True,
                                      opendnp3.ClassField()) is not None
     assert opendnp3.SimpleCommandHandler(
         opendnp3.CommandStatus.SUCCESS) is not None
     assert opendnp3.StaticTypeBitField(1) is not None
     assert opendnp3.StackStatistics(
         opendnp3.StackStatisticsTransport()) is not None
     assert openpal.ArrayBinaryConfig(1) is not None
     assert openpal.ArrayDoubleBitBinaryConfig(1) is not None
     assert openpal.ArrayAnalogConfig(1) is not None
     assert openpal.ArrayCounterConfig(1) is not None
     assert openpal.ArrayFrozenCounterConfig(1) is not None
     assert openpal.ArrayBOStatusConfig(1) is not None
     assert openpal.ArrayAOStatusConfig(1) is not None
     assert openpal.ArrayTimeAndIntervalConfig(1) is not None
     assert openpal.ArrayBuffer(10) is not None
     assert openpal.Buffer(27) is not None
     assert openpal.Buffer(openpal.RSlice()) is not None
     assert openpal.LinkedListInt(5) is not None
     assert openpal.PairInt(5, 10) is not None
     assert openpal.RSlice(0xFF, 100) is not None
     assert openpal.SecureBuffer(10) is not None
     assert openpal.SecureBuffer(openpal.RSlice()) is not None
     assert openpal.WSlice(0x30, 20) is not None
     assert openpal.MonotonicTimestamp(100) is not None
     assert openpal.UTCTimestamp(900) is not None
     assert openpal.LogEntry("123", openpal.LogFilters(), "location 1",
                             "test") is not None
     assert openpal.LogFilters(20) is not None
     assert openpal.LoggerSettings("234", openpal.LogFilters())
Beispiel #5
 def test_send_counter(self, run_master):