def test_kinematics_api(self):
        # TODO(eric.cousineau): Reduce these tests to only test API, and do
        # simple sanity checks on the numbers.
        tree = RigidBodyTree(FindResourceOrThrow(
        num_q = 7
        num_v = 7
        self.assertEqual(tree.number_of_positions(), num_q)
        self.assertEqual(tree.number_of_velocities(), num_v)
        q = np.zeros(num_q)
        v = np.zeros(num_v)

        # Trivial kinematics.
        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q, v)
        p = tree.transformPoints(kinsol, np.zeros(3), 0, 1)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(p, np.zeros(3)))

        # Ensure mismatched sizes throw an error.
        q_bad = np.zeros(num_q + 1)
        v_bad = np.zeros(num_v + 1)
        bad_args_list = (
            (q_bad, v),
            (q, v_bad),
        for bad_args in bad_args_list:
            with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):

        # AutoDiff jacobians.

        def do_transform(q):
            kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q)
            point = np.ones(3)
            return tree.transformPoints(kinsol, point, 2, 0)

        # - Position.
        value = do_transform(q)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(value, np.ones(3)))
        # - Gradient.
        g = jacobian(do_transform, q)
        g_expected = np.array([
            [[1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1, 1]],
            [[0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0]],
            [[0, 0, 1, 1, -1, 0, -1]]])
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(g, g_expected))

        # Relative transform.
        q[:] = 0
        q[6] = np.pi / 2
        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q)
        T = tree.relativeTransform(kinsol, 1, 2)
        T_expected = np.array([
            [0, 0, 1, 0],
            [0, 1, 0, 0],
            [-1, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(T, T_expected))

        # Relative RPY, checking autodiff (#9886).
        q[:] = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7]
        q_ad = np.array([AutoDiffXd(x) for x in q])
        world = tree.findFrame("world")
        frame = tree.findFrame("arm_com")
        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q)
        rpy = tree.relativeRollPitchYaw(
            cache=kinsol, from_body_or_frame_ind=world.get_frame_index(),
        kinsol_ad = tree.doKinematics(q_ad)
        rpy_ad = tree.relativeRollPitchYaw(
            cache=kinsol_ad, from_body_or_frame_ind=world.get_frame_index(),
        for x, x_ad in zip(rpy, rpy_ad):
            self.assertEqual(x, x_ad.value())

        # Do FK and compare pose of 'arm' with expected pose.
        q[:] = 0
        q[6] = np.pi / 2
        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q)
        T = tree.CalcBodyPoseInWorldFrame(kinsol, tree.FindBody("arm"))
        T_expected = np.array([
            [0, 0, 1, 0],
            [0, 1, 0, 0],
            [-1, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(T, T_expected))

        # Geometric Jacobian.
        # Construct a new tree with a quaternion floating base.
        tree = RigidBodyTree(FindResourceOrThrow(
        num_q = 8
        num_v = 7
        self.assertEqual(tree.number_of_positions(), num_q)
        self.assertEqual(tree.number_of_velocities(), num_v)

        q = tree.getZeroConfiguration()
        v = np.zeros(num_v)
        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q, v)
        # - Sanity check sizes.
        J_default, v_indices_default = tree.geometricJacobian(kinsol, 0, 2, 0)
        J_eeDotTimesV = tree.geometricJacobianDotTimesV(kinsol, 0, 2, 0)

        self.assertEqual(J_default.shape[0], 6)
        self.assertEqual(J_default.shape[1], num_v)
        self.assertEqual(len(v_indices_default), num_v)
        self.assertEqual(J_eeDotTimesV.shape[0], 6)

        # - Check QDotToVelocity and VelocityToQDot methods
        q = tree.getZeroConfiguration()
        v_real = np.zeros(num_v)
        q_ad = np.array(list(map(AutoDiffXd, q)))
        v_real_ad = np.array(list(map(AutoDiffXd, v_real)))

        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q)
        kinsol_ad = tree.doKinematics(q_ad)
        qd = tree.transformVelocityToQDot(kinsol, v_real)
        v = tree.transformQDotToVelocity(kinsol, qd)
        qd_ad = tree.transformVelocityToQDot(kinsol_ad, v_real_ad)
        v_ad = tree.transformQDotToVelocity(kinsol_ad, qd_ad)
        self.assertEqual(qd.shape, (num_q,))
        self.assertEqual(v.shape, (num_v,))
        self.assertEqual(qd_ad.shape, (num_q,))
        self.assertEqual(v_ad.shape, (num_v,))

        v_to_qdot = tree.GetVelocityToQDotMapping(kinsol)
        qdot_to_v = tree.GetQDotToVelocityMapping(kinsol)
        v_to_qdot_ad = tree.GetVelocityToQDotMapping(kinsol_ad)
        qdot_to_v_ad = tree.GetQDotToVelocityMapping(kinsol_ad)
        self.assertEqual(v_to_qdot.shape, (num_q, num_v))
        self.assertEqual(qdot_to_v.shape, (num_v, num_q))
        self.assertEqual(v_to_qdot_ad.shape, (num_q, num_v))
        self.assertEqual(qdot_to_v_ad.shape, (num_v, num_q))

        v_map = tree.transformVelocityMappingToQDotMapping(kinsol,
        qd_map = tree.transformQDotMappingToVelocityMapping(kinsol,
        v_map_ad = tree.transformVelocityMappingToQDotMapping(kinsol_ad,
        qd_map_ad = tree.transformQDotMappingToVelocityMapping(kinsol_ad,
        self.assertEqual(v_map.shape, (num_v, num_q))
        self.assertEqual(qd_map.shape, (num_q, num_v))
        self.assertEqual(v_map_ad.shape, (num_v, num_q))
        self.assertEqual(qd_map_ad.shape, (num_q, num_v))

        # - Check FindBody and FindBodyIndex methods
        body_name = "arm"
        body = tree.FindBody(body_name)
        self.assertEqual(body.get_body_index(), tree.FindBodyIndex(body_name))

        # - Check ChildOfJoint methods
        body = tree.FindChildBodyOfJoint("theta")
        self.assertIsInstance(body, RigidBody)
        self.assertEqual(body.get_name(), "arm")
        self.assertEqual(tree.FindIndexOfChildBodyOfJoint("theta"), 2)

        # - Check that default value for in_terms_of_qdot is false.
        J_not_in_terms_of_q_dot, v_indices_not_in_terms_of_qdot = \
            tree.geometricJacobian(kinsol, 0, 2, 0, False)
        self.assertTrue((J_default == J_not_in_terms_of_q_dot).all())
        self.assertEqual(v_indices_default, v_indices_not_in_terms_of_qdot)

        # - Check with in_terms_of_qdot set to True.
        J_in_terms_of_q_dot, v_indices_in_terms_of_qdot = \
            tree.geometricJacobian(kinsol, 0, 2, 0, True)
        self.assertEqual(J_in_terms_of_q_dot.shape[0], 6)
        self.assertEqual(J_in_terms_of_q_dot.shape[1], num_q)
        self.assertEqual(len(v_indices_in_terms_of_qdot), num_q)

        # - Check transformPointsJacobian methods
        q = tree.getZeroConfiguration()
        v = np.zeros(num_v)
        kinsol = tree.doKinematics(q, v)
        Jv = tree.transformPointsJacobian(cache=kinsol, points=np.zeros(3),
        Jq = tree.transformPointsJacobian(cache=kinsol, points=np.zeros(3),
        JdotV = tree.transformPointsJacobianDotTimesV(cache=kinsol,
        self.assertEqual(Jv.shape, (3, num_v))
        self.assertEqual(Jq.shape, (3, num_q))
        self.assertEqual(JdotV.shape, (3,))

        # - Check that drawKinematicTree runs
            join(os.environ["TEST_TMPDIR"], ""))

        # - Check relative twist method
        twist = tree.relativeTwist(cache=kinsol,
        self.assertEqual(twist.shape[0], 6)
class TestRBTIK(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.r = RigidBodyTree(

    def testSingleTimeKinematicConstraint(self):
        # Demonstrate that a subclass of SingleTimeKinematicConstraint
        # inherits functional `eval` and `bounds` methods.

        q = np.zeros(self.r.get_num_positions())
        kinsol = self.r.doKinematics(q)
        ub = np.array([0.0, 0.0, -0.45])
        lb = np.array([0.0, 0.0, -0.55])
        # This point, at the zero configuration, is
        # at [0, 0, -1] in world frame as well.
        body_pt = np.array([0., 0., -1])
        constraint = ik.WorldPositionConstraint(self.r,
                                                body_pt, lb, ub)
        self.assertIsInstance(constraint, ik.SingleTimeKinematicConstraint)
        lb_inspect, ub_inspect = constraint.bounds(t=0.)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(lb_inspect, lb))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(ub_inspect, ub))
        c, dc_dq = constraint.eval(0., kinsol)
        # Because the floating base position is all 0's and the arm
        # origin is not offset from the floating base, the world
        # point should equal the body point.
        c_expected = body_pt
        dc_dq_expected = np.array([[1., 0., 0., 0., -1., 0., -1.],
                                   [0., 1., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.],
                                   [0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.]])
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(c, c_expected))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(dc_dq, dc_dq_expected))

    def testPostureConstraint(self):
        q = -0.9
        posture_constraint = ik.PostureConstraint(self.r)
        posture_constraint.setJointLimits(np.array([[6]], dtype=np.int32),
                                          np.array([[q]]), np.array([[q]]))
        # Choose a seed configuration (randomly) and a nominal configuration
        # (at 0)
        q_seed = np.vstack((np.zeros((6, 1)), 0.8147))
        q_nom = np.vstack((np.zeros((6, 1)), 0.))

        options = ik.IKoptions(self.r)
        results = ik.InverseKin(self.r, q_seed, q_nom, [posture_constraint],
        self.assertEqual([0], 1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(results.q_sol[0][6], q, 1e-9)

        # Run the tests again both pointwise and as a trajectory to
        # validate the interfaces.
        t = np.array([0., 1.])
        q_seed_array = np.transpose(np.array([q_seed, q_seed]))[0]
        q_nom_array = np.transpose(np.array([q_nom, q_nom]))[0]

        results = ik.InverseKinPointwise(self.r, t, q_seed_array, q_nom_array,
                                         [posture_constraint], options)
        self.assertEqual(len(, 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(results.q_sol), 2)
        self.assertEqual([0], 1)

        # The pointwise result will go directly to the constrained
        # value.
        self.assertAlmostEqual(results.q_sol[0][6], q, 1e-9)
        self.assertEqual([1], 1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(results.q_sol[1][6], q, 1e-9)

        results = ik.InverseKinTraj(self.r, t, q_seed_array, q_nom_array,
                                    [posture_constraint], options)
        self.assertEqual(len(, 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(results.q_sol), 2)
        self.assertEqual([0], 1)

        # The trajectory result starts at the initial value and moves
        # to the constrained value.
        self.assertAlmostEqual(results.q_sol[0][6], q_seed[6], 1e-9)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(results.q_sol[1][6], q, 1e-9)

    def testWorldGazeTargetConstraint(self):
        model = self.r
        body = 2
        axis = np.ones([3, 1])
        target = np.ones([3, 1])
        gaze_origin = np.zeros([3, 1])
        cone_threshold = 1e-3
        tspan = np.array([0., 1.])

        # Test that construction doesn't fail with the default timespan.
        ik.WorldGazeTargetConstraint(model, body, axis, target, gaze_origin,

        # Test that construction doesn't fail with a given timespan.
        ik.WorldGazeTargetConstraint(model, body, axis, target, gaze_origin,
                                     cone_threshold, tspan)

    def testRelativePositionConstraint(self):
        model = self.r
        pts = np.zeros([3, 1])
        lb = -np.ones([3, 1])
        ub = np.ones([3, 1])
        bodyA_idx = 1
        bodyB_idx = 2
        translation = np.zeros(3)
        quaternion = np.array([1, 0, 0, 0])
        bTbp = np.concatenate([translation, quaternion]).reshape(7, 1)
        tspan = np.array([0., 1.])

        # Test that construction doesn't fail with the default timespan.
        ik.RelativePositionConstraint(model, pts, lb, ub, bodyA_idx, bodyB_idx,

        # Test that construction doesn't fail with a given timespan.
        ik.RelativePositionConstraint(model, pts, lb, ub, bodyA_idx, bodyB_idx,
                                      bTbp, tspan)

    def testRelativeGazeDirConstraint(self):
        model = self.r
        bodyA_idx = 1
        bodyB_idx = 2
        axis = np.ones([3, 1])
        dir = np.ones([3, 1])
        conethreshold = 1e-3
        tspan = np.array([0., 1.])

        # Test that construction doesn't fail with the default timespan.
        ik.RelativeGazeDirConstraint(model, bodyA_idx, bodyB_idx, axis, dir,

        # Test that construction doesn't fail with a given timespan.
        ik.RelativeGazeDirConstraint(model, bodyA_idx, bodyB_idx, axis, dir,
                                     conethreshold, tspan)

    def testMinDistanceConstraint(self):
        model = self.r
        min_distance = 1e-2
        active_bodies_idx = list()
        active_group_name = set()
        tspan = np.array([0., 1.])

        # Test that construction doesn't fail with the default timespan.
        ik.MinDistanceConstraint(model, min_distance, active_bodies_idx,

        # Test that construction doesn't fail with a given timespan.
        ik.MinDistanceConstraint(model, min_distance, active_bodies_idx,
                                 active_group_name, tspan)