Beispiel #1
 def testZeroOrMore(self):
     mygrammar = ZeroOrMore(String("a"))
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(mygrammar, Grammar))
     self.assertEqual(mygrammar.first(), Choice([String("a")]))
     from pydsl.Check import check
     self.assertTrue(check(mygrammar, "a"))
     self.assertTrue(check(mygrammar, "aa"))
     self.assertTrue(check(mygrammar, "aaaa"))
     self.assertTrue(check(mygrammar, ""))
     self.assertFalse(check(mygrammar, "b"))
Beispiel #2
 def __call__(self, data, include_gd=False):
     if isinstance(self.base, Encoding):
         data = [x for x in EncodingLexer(self.base)(data)]
         from pydsl.Token import append_position_to_token_list
         data = append_position_to_token_list(data)
     for element in data:
         from pydsl.Check import check
         if not check(self.base, element):
             raise ValueError('Unexpected input grammar')
     graph = graph_from_alphabet(self.alphabet, self.base)
     solved_elements = {}
     graph.node[self.base]['parsed'] = data #Attach data to every element in the graph
     digraph_walker_backwards(graph, self.base, my_call_back)
     result = []
     for output_alphabet in self.alphabet:
         if output_alphabet not in graph.node or 'parsed' not in graph.node[output_alphabet]:
             raise Exception("alphabet not initialized:%s" % output_alphabet)
         for token in graph.node[output_alphabet]['parsed']:
             #This step needs to flat the token so it matches the signature of the function (base -> alphabet)
             def flat_token(token):
                 while hasattr(token, 'content'):
                     token = token.content
                 return token
             result.append(PositionToken(flat_token(token), output_alphabet, token.left, token.right))
     result = sorted(result, key=lambda x: x.left)
     result = remove_subsets(result)
     result = remove_duplicates(result)
     return [Token(x.content, for x in result]
Beispiel #3
 def __aux_parser(self, symbol):
     from pydsl.Grammar.Symbol import TerminalSymbol
     if isinstance(symbol, TerminalSymbol):
         LOG.debug("matching symbol %s, data:%s, index:%s" %
                   (symbol,, self.index))
         result = self.match(symbol)
         LOG.debug("symbol matched %s" % result)
         return result
     productions = self._productionset.getProductionsBySide(symbol)
     valid_firsts = []
     for production in productions:
         first_of_production = self._productionset.first_lookup(
         if check(first_of_production, self.current):
     if len(valid_firsts) != 1:
         raise Exception("Expected only one valid production, found %s" %
     childlist = []
     for element in valid_firsts[0].rightside:
     left = childlist[0].left
     right = childlist[-1].right
     content = [x.content for x in childlist]
     return ParseTree(left, right, symbol, content, childlist=childlist)
Beispiel #4
    def __call__(self, data, include_gd=False):
        if isinstance(self.base, Encoding):
            data = [x for x in EncodingLexer(self.base)(data)]
            from pydsl.Token import append_position_to_token_list
            data = append_position_to_token_list(data)
        for element in data:
            from pydsl.Check import check
            if not check(self.base, element):
                raise ValueError('Unexpected input grammar')
        graph = graph_from_alphabet(self.alphabet, self.base)
        solved_elements = {}
            'parsed'] = data  #Attach data to every element in the graph
        digraph_walker_backwards(graph, self.base, my_call_back)
        result = []
        for output_alphabet in self.alphabet:
            if output_alphabet not in graph.node or 'parsed' not in graph.node[
                raise Exception("alphabet not initialized:%s" %
            for token in graph.node[output_alphabet]['parsed']:
                #This step needs to flat the token so it matches the signature of the function (base -> alphabet)
                def flat_token(token):
                    while hasattr(token, 'content'):
                        token = token.content
                    return token

                    PositionToken(flat_token(token), output_alphabet,
                                  token.left, token.right))
        result = sorted(result, key=lambda x: x.left)
        result = remove_subsets(result)
        result = remove_duplicates(result)
        return [Token(x.content, for x in result]
Beispiel #5
 def _reduce_terminal(self, symbol, data, showerrors = False):
     from pydsl.Check import check
     from pydsl.Tree import ParseTree
     result = check(, data)
     if result:
         return [ParseTree(0,1, symbol , data)]
     if showerrors and not result:
         return [ParseTree(0,1, symbol , data, valid = False)]
     return []
Beispiel #6
 def _reduce_terminal(self, symbol, data, showerrors=False):
     from pydsl.Check import check
     from pydsl.Tree import ParseTree
     result = check(, data)
     if result:
         return [ParseTree(0, 1, symbol, data)]
     if showerrors and not result:
         return [ParseTree(0, 1, symbol, data, valid=False)]
     return []
Beispiel #7
 def get_trees(self, data, showerrors = False): # -> list:
     """ returns a list of trees with valid guesses """
     if not all(check(self._productionset.alphabet, x) for x in data):
         raise ValueError("Unknown element in %s" % str(data))
     result = self.__recursive_parser(self._productionset.initialsymbol, data, self._productionset.main_production, showerrors)
     finalresult = []
     for eresult in result:
         if eresult.left == 0 and eresult.right == len(data) and eresult not in finalresult:
     return finalresult
Beispiel #8
 def insert(self, state, token):
     """change internal state, return action"""
     if token == EndSymbol():
         return self[state][EndSymbol()]
     from pydsl.Check import check
     symbol_list = [x for x in self[state] if isinstance(x, TerminalSymbol) and check(,token)]
     if not symbol_list:
         return {"action":"Fail"}
     if len(symbol_list) > 1:
         raise Exception("Multiple symbols matches input")
     symbol = symbol_list[0]
     return self[state][symbol]
Beispiel #9
 def get_trees(self, data, showerrors=False):  # -> list:
     """ returns a list of trees with valid guesses """
     if isinstance(data, str):
         data = [x for x in data]
     for element in data:
         if not check(self._productionset.alphabet, element):
             raise ValueError("Unknown element %s" % str(element))
     result = self.__recursive_parser(self._productionset.initialsymbol,
     finalresult = []
     for eresult in result:
         if eresult.left == 0 and eresult.right == len(
                 data) and eresult not in finalresult:
     return finalresult
Beispiel #10
 def __aux_parser(self, symbol):
     from pydsl.Grammar.Symbol import TerminalSymbol
     if isinstance(symbol, TerminalSymbol):
         LOG.debug("matching symbol %s, data:%s, index:%s" % (symbol,,self.index ))
         result= self.match(symbol)
         LOG.debug("symbol matched %s" % result)
         return result
     productions = self._productionset.getProductionsBySide(symbol)
     valid_firsts = []
     for production in productions:
         first_of_production = self._productionset.first_lookup(production.rightside[0])
         if check(first_of_production, self.current):
     if len(valid_firsts) != 1:
         raise ParseError("Expected only one valid production, found %s" % len(valid_firsts), 0)
     childlist = [self.__aux_parser(x) for x in valid_firsts[0].rightside]
     left = childlist[0].left
     right = childlist[-1].right
     content = [x.content for x in childlist]
     return ParseTree(left, right, symbol, content, childlist=childlist)
Beispiel #11
 def __call__(self, data):
     return [x for x in self.grammarlist if check(x,data)]
Beispiel #12
 def testChoice(self):
     mygrammar = Choice((String("a"), String("b")))
     from pydsl.Check import check
     self.assertTrue(check(mygrammar, "a"))
     self.assertTrue(check(mygrammar, "b"))
     self.assertFalse(check(mygrammar, "c"))
Beispiel #13
 def check(self, data):# ->bool:
     """Checks if input is recognized as this symbol"""
     return check(, data)
Beispiel #14
 def check(self, data):  # ->bool:
     """Checks if input is recognized as this symbol"""
     return check(, data)
Beispiel #15
 def testChoice(self):
     mygrammar = Choice((String("a"), String("b")))
     from pydsl.Check import check
     self.assertTrue(check(mygrammar, "a"))
     self.assertTrue(check(mygrammar, "b"))
     self.assertFalse(check(mygrammar, "c"))