Beispiel #1
This file will use pydy.codegen to simulate the double pendulum.


from numpy import concatenate, array, linspace
from pydy.system import System
from scipy.integrate import odeint

from double_pendulum import *

constants = {l: 10.0, m: 10.0, g: 9.81}

initial_conditions = {q1: 1.0, q2: 0.0, u1: 0.0, u2: 0.0}

sys = System(KM, constants=constants,

frames_per_sec = 60
final_time = 5.0

times = linspace(0.0, final_time, final_time * frames_per_sec)
sys.times = times
x = sys.integrate()

Beispiel #2
    q[7]: 0.0,
    q[8]: 0.0,
    q[9]: 0.0,
    q[10]: 0.14,
    q[11]: 0.0,
    u[0]: 0.0,
    u[1]: 0.0,
    u[2]: 0.0,
    u[3]: 0.0,
    u[4]: 0.0,
    u[5]: 0.0,
    u[6]: 0.0,
    u[7]: 0.0,
    u[8]: 0.0,
    u[9]: 0.0,
    u[10]: 0.0,
    u[11]: 0.0

sys.times = np.linspace(0, 10.0, 1000000)


x = sys.integrate()
plt.plot(sys.times, x)

plt.plot(sys.times, x[:, 0:3])
plt.plot(sys.times, x[:, 3:6])
plt.plot(sys.times, x[:, 6:9])
plt.plot(sys.times, x[:, 9:12])
Beispiel #3
    g: 9.81,
    H: workspace_width,
    a: plate_width,
    b: plate_height,
    c: cable_c,
    c_rod: rod_c,
    k_rod: rod_k,
    Izz: inertia_of_plate,
    Izz_rod: inertia_of_rod,
sys.initial_conditions = {x: x_init, y: y_init, beta: beta_init, e: -rod_init}
sys.specifieds = {
    L1: lambda x, t: s_curve(t, L1_init_s, L1_end_s, RiseTime, StartTime),
    L2: lambda x, t: s_curve(t, L2_init_s, L2_end_s, RiseTime, StartTime)
sys.times = np.linspace(0.0, Simulation_Time, 1000)

y = sys.integrate()

sim_time = np.linspace(0.0, Simulation_Time, 1000)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 4))

# fig = plt.figure(0)
plt.plot(sim_time, y[:, 0], label='Unshaped')
# plt.ylim(25,0)
plt.title(r'X Motion')

plt.plot(sim_time, y[:, 1], label='Unshaped')
Beispiel #4
    lB: 0.2,  # m
    h: 0.1,  # m
    w: 0.2,  # m
    mA: 0.01,  # kg
    mB: 0.1,  # kg
    g: 9.81,  # m/s**2

sys.initial_conditions = {
    theta: np.deg2rad(90.0),
    phi: np.deg2rad(0.5),
    omega: 0,
    alpha: 0

sys.times = np.linspace(0, 10, 500)

x = sys.integrate()

plt.plot(sys.times, x)
plt.legend([sym.latex(s, mode='inline') for s in sys.coordinates + sys.speeds])

# visualize

rod_shape = Cylinder(2 * lA, 0.005, color='red')
plate_shape = Plane(h, w, color='blue')

v1 = VisualizationFrame('rod', A.orientnew('rod', 'Axis', (sym.pi / 2, A.x)),
                        Ao, rod_shape)

v2 = VisualizationFrame(
Beispiel #5
        c: cable_c,
        Ip: plate_inertia,
        Ir: rod_inertia,
        L1: Length1_values[i],
        L2: Length2_values[i],
        e_offset: e_offset_scalar,
        k_C: spring_on_frame_C
    sys.initial_conditions = {
        x: x_values_heat_np[i],
        z: z_values_heat_np[i],
        theta: theta_values_heat_np[i, 0],
        e: e_equil,
        phi: theta_values_heat_np[i, 0]
    sys.times = np.linspace(0.0, runtime, runtime * 30)
    resp = sys.integrate()
    true_x_pre.append(resp[:, 0][-1])
    true_z_pre.append(resp[:, 1][-1])
    true_e_pre.append(resp[:, 2][-1])
    true_theta_pre.append(resp[:, 3][-1])
    true_phi_pre.append(resp[:, 4][-1])
true_x = np.asarray(true_x_pre)
true_z = np.asarray(true_z_pre)
true_e = np.asarray(true_e_pre)
true_theta = np.asarray(true_theta_pre)
true_phi = np.asarray(true_phi_pre)'true_x', true_x)
Beispiel #6
sys = System(kane)

sys.constants = {lB: 0.2, # m
                 h: 0.1, # m
                 w: 0.2, # m
                 mA: 0.01, # kg
                 mB: 0.1, # kg
                 g: 9.81, # m/s**2

sys.initial_conditions = {theta: np.deg2rad(90.0),
                          phi: np.deg2rad(0.5),
                          omega: 0,
                          alpha: 0}

sys.times = np.linspace(0, 10, 500)

x = sys.integrate()

plt.plot(sys.times, x)
plt.legend([sym.latex(s, mode='inline') for s in sys.coordinates + sys.speeds])

# visualize

rod_shape = Cylinder(2 * lA, 0.005, color='red')
plate_shape = Plane(h, w, color='blue')

v1 = VisualizationFrame('rod',
                        A.orientnew('rod', 'Axis', (sym.pi / 2, A.x)),