def pie_count_gender(self): """ 用户性别分布 :return: """ # 分组 gender_df = self.df.groupby(['gender'])['level'].agg(['count']) gender_df.reset_index(inplace=True) attr = gender_df['gender'] v = gender_df['count'] pie = Pie('用户性别分布') pie.add('', attr, v, is_label_show=True, legend_orient="vertical", legend_pos="80%") return pie
def score_rose_render(score): from pyecharts import Pie attr = list(set(score)) value = [] for x in attr: value.append(score.count(x)) Pie("评分玫瑰饼图分布", title_pos='center').add( "", attr, value, is_label_show=True, is_legend_show=False, radius=[40, 75], # rosetype="radius", rosetype="area").render("score_rose.html")
def drawPie(name, rank, chatroomname): outputFile = './result/{}_群性别比例图.html'.format(chatroomname) pie = Pie('{} 群性别比例图'.format(chatroomname), width=1200, height=600, title_pos='center') pie.add( '', name, rank, is_label_show=True, # 是否显示标签 label_text_color=None, # 标签颜色 legend_orient='vertical', # 图例是否垂直 legend_pos='left') pie.render(outputFile)
def nk_to_pie(complaints): data = {} for i in complaints: if i.nk[:4].isdigit(): nk = i.nk[:4] if nk in data.keys(): data[nk] += 1 else: data[nk] = 1 else:pass attr = list(data.keys()) value = list(data.values()) pie = Pie('投诉年款分布图', width=1300) pie.add('', attr, value, is_label_show=True) return pie
def show_male(dict_data): '''饼图展示男女比例''' sex_key_list = [] sex_value_list = [] # 提取数据 for sex_key, sex_value in dict_data.items(): sex_key_list.append(sex_key) sex_value_list.append(sex_value) # 创建饼图 title_pos:标题位置 pie = Pie('男女比例', width=1400) # 添加数据 is_random:是否随机排列颜色,默认false pie.add("", sex_key_list, sex_value_list, is_label_show=True) pie.render('./img/男女比例.html')
def showPie(self, title, attr, value): from pyecharts import Pie pie = Pie(title) # pie.add("aa", attr, value, is_label_show=True, title_pos='center') pie.add( "", attr, value, radius=[40, 75], label_text_color=None, is_label_show=True, legend_orient="vertical", legend_pos="left", ) pie.render()
def bw_to_pie(complaints): data = {} for i in complaints: for i in i.wt.split(','): wt = i.split('#') if wt[0] in data.keys(): data[wt[0]] += 1 else: data[wt[0]] = 1 attr = list(data.keys()) value = list(data.values()) pie = Pie('投诉部位分布图',width=1300) pie.add('',attr,value,is_legend_show=False, is_label_show=True) return pie
def bingzhuangtu(dict_data, title_info): '''饼状图''' list_key = [] list_values = [] for key, values in dict_data.items(): list_key.append(key) list_values.append(values) # 创建饼图 title_pos:标题位置 pie = Pie(title_info, width=900) # 添加数据 is_random:是否随机排列颜色,默认false pie.add("", list_key, list_values, is_label_show=True) # pie.show_config() pie.render('./img/' + title_info + '.html')
def PaintPie(name, school, num): pie = Pie("山东软件大赛一等奖获奖学校统计-饼图", title_pos='center', width=900) pie.add( "山软一等奖获奖学校", school, num, center=[50, 50], is_random=True, radius=[30, 75], rosetype="area", is_legend_show=False, is_label_show=True, ) pie.render(name)
def DrawPie(title, data, savepath='./results'): if not os.path.exists(savepath): os.mkdir(savepath) pie = Pie(title, title_pos='center') attrs = [i for i, j in data.items()] values = [j for i, j in data.items()] pie.add('', attrs, values, is_label_show=True, radius=[30, 50], rosetype="radius", legend_pos="left", legend_orient="vertical") pie.render(os.path.join(savepath, '%s.html' % title))
def size_price(size,price): #page=Page() overlap=Overlap() #print(size) k=[] attr=['0-30','30-60','60-90','90-120','120-150','150及以上'] for i in range(len(size)): size[i]=float(size[i][:-2]) n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6=[],[],[],[],[],[] for i in range(len(size)): if size[i]<=30: #print(size[i]) n1.append(price[i]) #n1.append(size[i]) if 30<size[i]<=60: n2.append(price[i]) #n2.append(size[i]) if 60< size[i] <= 90: n3.append(price[i]) # n3.append(size[i]) if 90<size[i]<=120: n4.append(price[i]) #n4.append(size[i]) if 120<size[i]<=150: n5.append(price[i]) #n5.append(size[i]) if 150<size[i]: n6.append(price[i]) #n6.append(size[i]) l=[len(n1),len(n2),len(n3),len(n4),len(n5),len(n6)] ave=[numpy.mean(n1),numpy.mean(n2),numpy.mean(n3),numpy.mean(n4),numpy.mean(n5),numpy.mean(n6)] bar = Bar("房屋面积_数量价位分布图", "", title_pos="left", width=1200, height=600) bar.add("", attr,ave, is_visualmap=True, visual_text_color='#fff', is_more_utils=True, is_label_show=True, is_datazoom_show=True, xaxis_rotate=45) overlap.add(bar) #page.add(bar) #bar.render('房屋面积_数量bar.html') line = Line('房屋面积_均价图', width=1200, height=600) line.add('数量', attr,l, is_stack=True, mark_point=['max', 'min'],line_color='lightblue', is_more_utils=True, visual_range=[0, 50]) #page.add(line) overlap.add(line,is_add_yaxis=True,yaxis_index=1) #line.render('房屋面积_均价折线图.html') overlap.render('房屋面积_数量_均价折线图.html') pie=Pie('面积占比', title_pos='center', width=1200, height=600) pie.add("", attr, l, label_text_color=None, is_label_show=True, legend_orient='vertical', is_more_utils=True, legend_pos='left') pie.render('面积占比Pie.html')
def test_page(): page = Page() line = Line("折线图示例") line.chart_id = "id_my_cell_line" line.add( "最高气温", WEEK, [11, 11, 15, 13, 12, 13, 10], mark_point=["max", "min"], mark_line=["average"], ) line.add( "最低气温", WEEK, [1, -2, 2, 5, 3, 2, 0], mark_point=["max", "min"], mark_line=["average"], ) # pie v1 = [11, 12, 13, 10, 10, 10] pie = Pie("饼图-圆环图示例", title_pos="center", width="600px") pie.add( "", CLOTHES, v1, radius=[40, 75], label_text_color=None, is_label_show=True, legend_orient="vertical", legend_pos="left", ) page.add([line, pie, create_a_bar(TITLE)]) # Start render and test html = page._repr_html_() # Test base html structure assert html.count("<script>") == html.count("</script>") == 2 assert html.count("<div") == html.count("</div>") == 3 assert html.count("require.config") == html.count("function(echarts)") == 1 # Test some chart attributes json_encoded_title = json.dumps(TITLE) assert json_encoded_title in html assert "nbextensions/echarts" in html # default jshost assert html.count("height:400px") == 3 assert html.count("width:600px") == 1 assert html.count("width:800px") == 2 assert html.count("id_my_cell_line") == 6
def pic(data, file): all_poet = [i[0] for i in data] all_num = [i[1] for i in data] pie = Pie(title=file.rstrip('2.txt') + '中的四季', title_pos='center') pie.add( "", all_poet, all_num, radius=[40, 75], label_text_color=None, is_label_show=True, legend_orient="vertical", legend_pos="left", ) pie.render(path=file.rstrip('2.txt') + '中的四季' + '.html')
def ePie(myList): key = [] value = [] for item in myList: key.append(item[0]) value.append(item[1]) pie = Pie("") pie.add("热词", key, value, is_label_show=True, is_legend_show=True, label_text_color=None, legend_orient='vertical', legend_pos='left') return pie
def user_count_pie(self): """ 用户地区分布 :return: """ # 分组 user_count_df = self.df.groupby(['address'])['level'].agg(['count']) overseas = user_count_df['count']['海外'] nil = user_count_df['count']['无'] home = user_count_df['count'].sum() - overseas - nil attr = ['国内', '海外', '无'] value = [home, overseas, nil] pie = Pie('用户地区分布') pie.add("", attr, value, is_label_show=True) return pie
def pie(spi, name): """ :param spi: 接受为元组((),()) :param name: :return: """ attr = [] v1 = [] for i in spi: attr.append(i[0]) v1.append(i[1]) pie_pie = Pie(name, title_pos='center') pie_pie.add("", attr, v1, radius=[40, 75], label_text_color=None, is_label_show=True, legend_orient='vertical', legend_pos='left') return pie_pie.render_embed()
def mCityAll(dfAll, minit): df_ = dfAll.drop('id', axis=1).groupby('city').agg([len]) attr = list(df_.index) value = list(df_['count']['len']) pie = Pie("") pie.add( "各个城市的油站数量", attr, value, is_random=True, rosetype="area", is_legend_show=False, is_label_show=True, legend_pos="20%", ) pie.render('img-各个城市的油站数量.html')
def stars_of_bread(data): stars = data['Star'].value_counts().sort_index() stars_pcc = data.groupby('Star')['Per_Consumption'].mean() starts_fig = Pie("Stars of Restaurant", title_pos='center') starts_fig.add('', ['0星', '2星', '3星', '3.5星', '4星', '4.5星', '5星'], stars.values, legend_pos='left', legend_orient='vertical', is_label_show=True, rosetype='radius') starts_fig.render(os.path.join(data_out, 'stars_of_bread.html')) plt.figure() # plt.axis(rotation=90) stars_pcc.plot(kind='barh')
def drawPie(value): #画出不同时区的店铺的分布数量饼状图 dict1 = Counter(value) # print(dict1.keys()) attr = dict1.keys() v = dict1.values() pie = Pie("饼图示例", "正代表东,负代表西,数字代表第几个时区,30代表这条记录缺失时区值", title_pos='center') pie.add("", attr, v, center=[50, 60], is_label_show=True, label_text_color=None, legend_orient='vertical', legend_pos='left') pie.render("timezone_pie.html")
def build_top10_dst_port_diagram(df, logs): df_top10_grouped_by_dst_port = None if not df.empty: df_top10_grouped_by_dst_port = df.groupby('dstport').agg({'msg': 'count'})\ .sort_values(by='msg').tail(10) attr = list(df_top10_grouped_by_dst_port.index ) if df_top10_grouped_by_dst_port is not None else {} v = list(df_top10_grouped_by_dst_port['msg'] ) if df_top10_grouped_by_dst_port is not None else {} pie = Pie() pie.add("DST Port", attr, v) logs.update(top10_dst_port_diagram=pie.render_embed()) logs.update(echart_pie_script_list=pie.get_js_dependencies())
def create_profession(data, title): page = Page() style = Style(width=900, height=400, title_pos="center", background_color='#c4ccd3') kwargs = dict(radius=(40, 75), label_text_color=None, is_label_show=True, legend_orient='her', legend_pos='left') profession_chart = Pie(title, **style.init_style) attr, value = profession_chart.cast(data) profession_chart.add("", attr, value, **kwargs) page.add(profession_chart) return page
def ReadOther(): attr = ["城市社区服务", "环保项目", "帮扶活动", "文体活动", "安全医疗", "法律宣传讲座培训", "其他"] value = [373257, 159648, 212721, 246070, 143465, 120205, 93256] funnel = Funnel("项目类别统计", width='100%', height='100%', title_pos='center', title_text_size=16, title_color='#3B5077') funnel.add("类别统计", attr, value, is_label_show=True, label_pos="inside", label_text_color="#fff", label_text_size=8, legend_orient="vertical", legend_pos="left", legend_text_size=10) name = [] value = [] with open('data/全国院校统计前100.csv', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: reader = csv.reader(file) for row in reader: name.append(row[2]) value.append(row[1]) wordcloud = WordCloud(width='120%', height='100%') wordcloud.add("", name, value, word_size_range=[8, 30]) schema = [ ("博士研究生", 1000000), ("硕士研究生", 1000000), ("大学本科", 1000000), ("大学专科", 1000000), ("中等专科", 1000000), ("技工学校", 1000000), ("高中", 1000000), ("初中", 1000000), ("职业高中", 1000000), ("小学", 1000000), ] v1 = [[9979, 48300, 716519, 448358, 118656, 36065, 600168, 697599, 54160, 270191]] v2 = [[863336, 462984, 953627, 646927, 234893, 170111, 354992, 241914, 158316, 84504]] radar = Radar(width='100%', height='110%') radar.config(schema) radar.add("实际人数分布", v1, is_splitline=True, is_axisline_show=True, label_text_size=8, legend_orient="vertical") radar.add("人数比例分布", v2, label_color=["#4e79a7"], is_area_show=False, legend_selectedmode='single', legend_pos="right", legend_text_size=10, legend_orient="vertical") attr = ["群众", "中国少年先锋队队员", "无党派民主人士", "台湾民主自治同盟盟员", "九三学社社员", "中国致公党党员", "中国农工民主党党员", "中国民主促进会会员", "中国民主建国会会员", "中国民主同盟盟员", "中国国民党革命委员会会员", "中国共产主义青年团团员", "中国共产党预备党员", "中国共产党党员"] v2 = [34688546, 2725751, 95275, 2180, 713840, 3787, 30049, 7356, 7278, 14952, 21065, 12621879, 294148, 6089445] pie = Pie(width='100%', height='90%', title_pos='center', title_text_size=10) pie.add("政治面貌统计", attr, v2, center=[50, 50], is_random=True, radius=[10, 80], rosetype="area", is_legend_show=True, is_label_show=False, legend_pos="left", legend_text_size=10, legend_orient="vertical") attr = ['2005', '2006', '2007', '2008', '2009', '2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018'] line = Line(width='100%', height='100%') line.add("志愿者数增长", attr, [1, 59580, 532707, 258196, 26194, 628465, 311171, 1970707, 1539836, 2807952, 6566130, 6775399, 36504414, 7408478], mark_line=["average"]) line.add("团体增长", attr, [371, 485, 471, 924, 798, 1266, 2887, 4963, 4848, 7781, 24203, 15936, 25280, 5376], mark_line=["average"]) line.add("项目增长", attr, [10, 6, 3, 94, 125, 152, 210, 802, 3209, 10937, 58426, 166609, 341083, 203931], mark_line=["average"], legend_text_size=10, yaxis_label_textsize=8, yaxis_margin=2) return funnel, wordcloud, radar, pie, line
def GuanJianCi(self, data_name="None", num=20, text=None): page = Page() if text == None: text = "SimHash是一种局部敏感hash,它也是Google公司进行海量网页去重使用的主要算法。传统的Hash算法只负责将原始内容尽量均匀随机地映射为一个签名值,原理上仅相当于伪随机数产生算法。传统的hash算法产生的两个签名,如果原始内容在一定概率下是相等的;如果不相等,除了说明原始内容不相等外,不再提供任何信息,因为即使原始内容只相差一个字节,所产生的签名也很可能差别很大。所以传统的Hash是无法在签名的维度上来衡量原内容的相似度,而SimHash本身属于一种局部敏感哈希算法,它产生的hash签名在一定程度上可以表征原内容的相似度。我们主要解决的是文本相似度计算,要比较的是两个文章是否相似,当然我们降维生成了hash签名也用于这个目的。看到这里估计大家就明白了,我们使用的simhash就算把文章中的字符串变成 01 串也还是可以用于计算相似度的,而传统的hash却不行。" tags = jieba.analyse.extract_tags(text, topK=num, withWeight=True, withFlag=True) name = [] value = [] for tag in tags: name.append(tag[0]) value.append(tag[1]) print(value) wordCloud = WordCloud(data_name) wordCloud.add("", name, value) pie = Pie('前十个词汇占重', "", title_pos='center') style = Style() pie_style = style.add(label_pos="center", is_label_show=True, label_text_color=None) hight = 10 width = 30 sum_Wight = sum(value) for index, (n, v) in enumerate(zip(name, value)): if index == 5: hight = 10 width = width + 40 if index < 10: pie.add("", [n, ""], [v / sum_Wight, 1 - v / sum_Wight], center=[hight, width], radius=[18, 24], **pie_style) hight = hight + 20 print(hight, width) print index page.add(pie) page.add(wordCloud) save_helper.save_tu_helper(page, data_name)
def make_pie(): drugs = [] stocks = [] res = mysql_conn.exec_readsql("select drug_name,stock from drug_info") for i in res: drugs.append(i[0]) stocks.append(i[1]) print drugs #pie = Pie("药品库存显示",title_pos='center',width=900) pie = Pie("药品库存显示 药品销量显示", title_pos='center', width=1000) pie.add("", drugs, stocks, center=[25, 50], is_random=True, radius=[30, 75], legend_orient="vertical", legend_pos="left") #pie.add("药品销量情况",drugs,stocks,center=[25,50],is_random=True,radius=[30,75],rosetype='radius') drugs = [] sells = [] res_2 = mysql_conn.exec_readsql("select drug_name,sum(drug_amount)\ from transaction_list,drug_info where transaction_list.drug_id=drug_info.drug_id\ group by transaction_list.drug_id") for i in res_2: drugs.append(str(i[0].encode('utf-8'))) sells.append(str(i[1])) for i in drugs: print i pie.add("药品销量情况", drugs, sells, center=[65, 50], is_random=True, radius=[30, 75], legend_orient="vertical", legend_pos="right") pie.render('./templates/render_drug.html')
def PaintRosePie(school, number, name): pie = Pie(name, title_pos='center', width=900) pie.add( "获奖情况", school, number, center=[50, 50], is_random=True, radius=[30, 75], rosetype="area", is_legend_show=True, is_label_show=True, legend_orient="vertical", legend_pos="left", ) pie.render(name + '.html')
def showPie(self): title = ' 公司类型' attr, value = self.get_company_type() pie = Pie(title) # pie.add("aa", attr, value, is_label_show=True, title_pos='center') pie.add( "", attr, value, radius=[40, 75], label_text_color=None, is_label_show=True, legend_orient="vertical", legend_pos="left", ) pie.render('公司类型.html')
def test_grid_line_pie(): line = Line("折线图示例", width=1200) attr = ['周一', '周二', '周三', '周四', '周五', '周六', '周日'] line.add("最高气温", attr, [11, 11, 15, 13, 12, 13, 10], mark_point=["max", "min"], mark_line=["average"]) line.add("最低气温", attr, [1, -2, 2, 5, 3, 2, 0], mark_point=["max", "min"], mark_line=["average"], legend_pos="20%") attr = ["衬衫", "羊毛衫", "雪纺衫", "裤子", "高跟鞋", "袜子"] v1 = [11, 12, 13, 10, 10, 10] pie = Pie("饼图示例", title_pos="55%") pie.add("", attr, v1, radius=[45, 65], center=[65, 50], legend_pos="80%", legend_orient='vertical') grid = Grid() grid.add(line, grid_right="55%") grid.add(pie, grid_left="60%") grid.render()
def draw_pie_mulit(): attr = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'] pie = Pie("饼图示例", width=1000, height=600) pie.add("", attr, [random.randint(0, 100) for _ in range(6)], radius=[50, 55], center=[25, 50], is_random=True) pie.add("", attr, [random.randint(20, 100) for _ in range(6)], radius=[0, 45], center=[25, 50], rosetype='area') #pie.add("", attr, [random.randint(0, 100) for _ in range(6)], radius=[50, 55], center=[65, 50],is_random=True) #pie.add("", attr, [random.randint(20, 100) for _ in range(6)], radius=[0, 45], center=[65, 50],rosetype='radius') pie.show_config() pie.render()
def showHotPie(keys=getHotWords()): content = getAllContents() labels, values = myCal(content, keys) pie = Pie("水利热点比例图", title_pos='center') #pie.add("",labels,values,is_label_show=True) pie.add( "", labels, values, radius=[40, 75], label_text_color=None, is_label_show=True, legend_orient="vertical", legend_pos="left", ) # pie.render() return pie
def pie_chart(w=600, h=400, is_show=True, is_toolbox_show=True, is_legend_show=True): chart = Charts.query.filter_by(name='pie').first() current_chart_paras = chart.inf.all() pie = Pie(chart.tit, "", title_pos='center', width=w, height=h, title_color='#fff', title_text_size=12) attr = [] v = [] info = Msg.query.filter() for i in current_chart_paras: v.append(i.info_value) attr.append(i.info_name) # 获取JSON数据 with open('map.json', 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) num_blue = data["blue"] num_red = data["red"] label_color = ['#bbd3b1', "#8db978", '#669f40', '#548534'] # v = [num_red, num_blue] pie.add('', attr, v, legend_pos='right', legend_orient='vertical', rosetype='radius', radius=[40, 70], legend_text_color='#fff', label_color=label_color, is_label_show=is_show, is_toolbox_show=is_toolbox_show, is_legend_show=is_legend_show) return pie