Beispiel #1
def test_group_delay_two_channel(impulse_group_delay_two_channel):
    """Test the function returning the group delay of a signal,
    two channels."""
    signal = impulse_group_delay_two_channel[0]
    grp = dsp.group_delay(signal, method='scipy')
    assert grp.shape == (signal.cshape + (signal.n_bins, ))
    npt.assert_allclose(grp, impulse_group_delay_two_channel[1], rtol=1e-10)

    grp = dsp.group_delay(signal, method='fft')
    assert grp.shape == (signal.cshape + (signal.n_bins, ))
    npt.assert_allclose(grp, impulse_group_delay_two_channel[1], rtol=1e-10)
Beispiel #2
def test_linear_phase_multichannel():
    # test signal
    N = 64
    fs = 44100
    x = pf.signals.impulse(N, [0, 0], sampling_rate=fs)

    # test with scalar group delay
    y = dsp.linear_phase(x, N / 2)
    npt.assert_allclose(dsp.group_delay(y[0]), N / 2 * np.ones(y.n_bins))
    npt.assert_allclose(dsp.group_delay(y[1]), N / 2 * np.ones(y.n_bins))

    # test with array like group delay
    y = dsp.linear_phase(x, [N / 2, N / 4])
    npt.assert_allclose(dsp.group_delay(y[0]), N / 2 * np.ones(y.n_bins))
    npt.assert_allclose(dsp.group_delay(y[1]), N / 4 * np.ones(y.n_bins))
Beispiel #3
def test_group_delay_custom_frequencies(impulse_group_delay):
    """Test the function returning the group delay of a signal,
    called for specific frequencies."""
    signal = impulse_group_delay[0]
    # Single frequency, of type int
    frequency = 1000
    frequency_idx = np.abs(signal.frequencies - frequency).argmin()
    grp = dsp.group_delay(signal, frequency, method='scipy')
    assert grp.shape == ()
    npt.assert_allclose(grp, impulse_group_delay[1][0, frequency_idx])

    # Multiple frequencies
    frequency = np.array([1000, 2000])
    frequency_idx = np.abs(signal.frequencies -
                           frequency[..., np.newaxis]).argmin(axis=-1)
    grp = dsp.group_delay(signal, frequency, method='scipy')
    assert grp.shape == (2, )
    npt.assert_allclose(grp, impulse_group_delay[1][0, frequency_idx])
Beispiel #4
def test_linear_phase():
    # test signal
    N = 64
    fs = 44100
    x = pf.signals.impulse(N, sampling_rate=fs)

    # test default parameters
    y = dsp.linear_phase(x, N / 2)
    # test output
    assert isinstance(y, pf.Signal)
    npt.assert_allclose(dsp.group_delay(y), N / 2 * np.ones(y.n_bins))
    # test if input did not change
    npt.assert_allclose(x.time, pf.signals.impulse(N).time)

    # test group delay in seconds
    y = dsp.linear_phase(x, N / 2 / fs, unit="s")
    npt.assert_allclose(dsp.group_delay(y), N / 2 * np.ones(y.n_bins))

    # test assertion
    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="signal must be a pyfar Signal"):
        dsp.linear_phase(1, 0)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="unit is km"):
        dsp.linear_phase(x, N / 2 / fs, unit="km")
Beispiel #5
def _group_delay(signal, unit=None, xscale='log', ax=None, **kwargs):
    """Plot the group delay on the positive frequency axis."""

    # check input
    if not isinstance(signal, Signal):
        raise TypeError('Input data has to be of type: Signal.')

    # prepare input
    kwargs = _return_default_colors_rgb(**kwargs)
    data = dsp.group_delay(signal)
    # auto detect the unit
    if unit is None:
        unit = _time_auto_unit(np.nanmax(np.abs(data) / signal.sampling_rate))
    # set the unit
    if unit != "samples":
        factor, unit = _deal_time_units(unit)
        data = data / signal.sampling_rate * factor

    # prepare figure
    _, ax = _prepare_plot(ax)
    ax.set_xlabel("Frequency in Hz")
    ax.set_ylabel(f"Group delay in {unit}")
    ax.grid(True, 'both')
    _set_axlim(ax, ax.set_xlim, _lower_frequency_limit(signal),
               signal.frequencies[-1], ax.get_xlim())
    _set_axlim(ax, ax.set_ylim, .5 * np.nanmin(data), 1.5 * np.nanmax(data),

    # plot data
    if xscale == 'log':
        ax.semilogx(signal.frequencies, data.T, **kwargs)
        ax.plot(signal.frequencies, data.T, **kwargs)

    # set and format ticks
    if xscale == 'log':

    return ax
Beispiel #6
def test_group_delay_single_channel(impulse_group_delay):
    """Test the function returning the group delay of a signal,
    single channel."""
    signal = impulse_group_delay[0]

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Invalid method"):
        dsp.group_delay(signal, method='invalid')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="not supported"):
        dsp.group_delay(signal, method='fft', frequencies=[1, 2, 3])

    grp = dsp.group_delay(signal, method='scipy')
    assert grp.shape == (signal.n_bins, )
    npt.assert_allclose(grp, impulse_group_delay[1].flatten(), rtol=1e-10)

    grp = dsp.group_delay(signal, method='fft')
    assert grp.shape == (signal.n_bins, )
    npt.assert_allclose(grp, impulse_group_delay[1].flatten(), rtol=1e-10)

    grp = dsp.group_delay(signal, method='fft')
    assert grp.shape == (signal.n_bins, )
    npt.assert_allclose(grp, impulse_group_delay[1].flatten(), rtol=1e-10)