Beispiel #1
def writeto(filename, data, header=None, output_verify='exception',
            clobber=False, checksum=False):
    Create a new FITS file using the supplied data/header.

    filename : file path, file object, or file like object
        File to write to.  If opened, must be opened for append (ab+).

    data : array, record array, or groups data object
        data to write to the new file

    header : `Header` object (optional)
        the header associated with `data`. If `None`, a header
        of the appropriate type is created for the supplied data. This
        argument is optional.

    output_verify : str
        Output verification option.  Must be one of ``"fix"``,
        ``"silentfix"``, ``"ignore"``, ``"warn"``, or
        ``"exception"``.  See :ref:`verify` for more info.

    clobber : bool (optional)
        If `True`, and if filename already exists, it will overwrite
        the file.  Default is `False`.

    checksum : bool (optional)
        If `True`, adds both ``DATASUM`` and ``CHECKSUM`` cards to the
        headers of all HDU's written to the file.

    hdu = _makehdu(data, header)
    if hdu.is_image and not isinstance(hdu, PrimaryHDU):
        hdu = PrimaryHDU(data, header=header)
    hdu.writeto(filename, clobber=clobber, output_verify=output_verify,
Beispiel #2
    def insert(self, index, hdu):
        Insert an HDU into the `HDUList` at the given `index`.

        index : int
            Index before which to insert the new HDU.

        hdu : _BaseHDU instance
            The HDU object to insert

        if not isinstance(hdu, _BaseHDU):
            raise ValueError('%s is not an HDU.' % hdu)

        num_hdus = len(self)

        if index == 0 or num_hdus == 0:
            if num_hdus != 0:
                # We are inserting a new Primary HDU so we need to
                # make the current Primary HDU into an extension HDU.
                if isinstance(self[0], GroupsHDU):
                    raise ValueError(
                        "The current Primary HDU is a GroupsHDU.  "
                        "It can't be made into an extension HDU, "
                        "so another HDU cannot be inserted before it.")

                hdu1 = ImageHDU(self[0].data, self[0].header)

                # Insert it into position 1, then delete HDU at position 0.
                super(HDUList, self).insert(1, hdu1)
                super(HDUList, self).__delitem__(0)

            if not isinstance(hdu, (PrimaryHDU, _NonstandardHDU)):
                # You passed in an Extension HDU but we need a Primary HDU.
                # If you provided an ImageHDU then we can convert it to
                # a primary HDU and use that.
                if isinstance(hdu, ImageHDU):
                    hdu = PrimaryHDU(, hdu.header)
                    # You didn't provide an ImageHDU so we create a
                    # simple Primary HDU and append that first before
                    # we append the new Extension HDU.
                    phdu = PrimaryHDU()

                    super(HDUList, self).insert(0, phdu)
                    index = 1
            if isinstance(hdu, GroupsHDU):
                raise ValueError('A GroupsHDU must be inserted as a '
                                 'Primary HDU.')

            if isinstance(hdu, PrimaryHDU):
                # You passed a Primary HDU but we need an Extension HDU
                # so create an Extension HDU from the input Primary HDU.
                hdu = ImageHDU(, hdu.header)

        super(HDUList, self).insert(index, hdu)
        hdu._new = True
        self._resize = True
        self._truncate = False
        # make sure the EXTEND keyword is in primary HDU if there is extension