def consumer_acquisition_report(request, stype): """ Generates a report showing monthly consumer sign-ups for the MediaPartner """ site = get_current_site(request) partner_site = SiteConsumerStats(site=site) graph = Flot() graph.add_time_series(partner_site.get_series(stype)['series'], "My Site", lines={'show': True}) return render_to_response('media_partner/consumer_acquisition.html', {'graph': graph, 'graph_title': stype.replace('-', ' ').capitalize(), 'js_flot': True}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def monthly_expenses_vs_quota(request): """ return flot data/options for the expenses of all months with their quota """ graph = Flot() user_profile = request.user.get_profile() quotas = user_profile.quotas.all() num_months = quotas.count() used_quota_datas = [] quota_datas = [] # date0 = quotas[num_months-1].date - datetime.timedelta(days=30) # used_quota_datas.append([date0, float(user_profile.used_monthly_quota(num_months-1))]) # quota_datas.append([date0, float(quotas[num_months-1].quota)]) for i in xrange(0,num_months): quota = quotas[num_months-1-i] used_quota = float(user_profile.used_monthly_quota(num_months-1-i)) xaxis = quota_datas.append([xaxis,float(quota.quota)]) used_quota_datas.append([xaxis,used_quota]) dateN1 = quotas[0].date + datetime.timedelta(days=30) used_quota_datas.append([dateN1, float(user_profile.used_monthly_quota(0))]) quota_datas.append([dateN1, float(quotas[0].quota)]) graph.add_lines(used_quota_datas, label="Expenses",**{"fill":True,"steps":True}) graph.add_lines(quota_datas, label="Quota",**{"steps":True}) graph = add_axis_label(graph,"x","Months") graph = add_axis_label(graph,"y","Amount ($)") graph._options['xaxis'].update({"minTickSize": [1, "month"]}) # #show a month before # date0 = quotas[num_months-1].date - datetime.timedelta(days=30) # graph._options['xaxis'].update({"min": time.mktime(date0.timetuple())*1000 }) content = "{\"datas\": %(DATAS)s, \"options\": %(OPTS)s }" % {"DATAS":graph.series_json, "OPTS":graph.options_json} return HttpResponse(content, mimetype="application/json")
def test_flot(request): "testing flot ajax" m1 = m0 = m1 - datetime.timedelta(days=30) m2 = m1+datetime.timedelta(days=30) m3 = m2+datetime.timedelta(days=30) graph = Flot() graph.add_lines([(m1, 1), (m2, 2), (m3, 3)], label="func a",**{"fill":True}) # graph.add_bars([(1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 3)], label="func b") graph = add_axis_label(graph,"x","Label x") graph = add_axis_label(graph,"y","Label y") graph._options['xaxis'].update({"minTickSize": [1, "month"]}) # graph._options['xaxis'].update({"min": time.mktime(m0.timetuple())*100 }) # graph._options['xaxis'].update({"min": 1354154400000 }) content = "{\"datas\": %(DATAS)s, \"options\": %(OPTS)s }" % {"DATAS":graph.series_json, "OPTS":graph.options_json} return HttpResponse(content, mimetype="application/json")
def test_flot(request): "testing flot ajax" m1 = m0 = m1 - datetime.timedelta(days=30) m2 = m1 + datetime.timedelta(days=30) m3 = m2 + datetime.timedelta(days=30) graph = Flot() graph.add_lines([(m1, 1), (m2, 2), (m3, 3)], label="func a", **{"fill": True}) # graph.add_bars([(1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 3)], label="func b") graph = add_axis_label(graph, "x", "Label x") graph = add_axis_label(graph, "y", "Label y") graph._options['xaxis'].update({"minTickSize": [1, "month"]}) # graph._options['xaxis'].update({"min": time.mktime(m0.timetuple())*100 }) # graph._options['xaxis'].update({"min": 1354154400000 }) content = "{\"datas\": %(DATAS)s, \"options\": %(OPTS)s }" % { "DATAS": graph.series_json, "OPTS": graph.options_json } return HttpResponse(content, mimetype="application/json")
def monthly_expenses_vs_quota(request): """ return flot data/options for the expenses of all months with their quota """ graph = Flot() user_profile = request.user.get_profile() quotas = user_profile.quotas.all() num_months = quotas.count() used_quota_datas = [] quota_datas = [] # date0 = quotas[num_months-1].date - datetime.timedelta(days=30) # used_quota_datas.append([date0, float(user_profile.used_monthly_quota(num_months-1))]) # quota_datas.append([date0, float(quotas[num_months-1].quota)]) for i in xrange(0, num_months): quota = quotas[num_months - 1 - i] used_quota = float(user_profile.used_monthly_quota(num_months - 1 - i)) xaxis = quota_datas.append([xaxis, float(quota.quota)]) used_quota_datas.append([xaxis, used_quota]) dateN1 = quotas[0].date + datetime.timedelta(days=30) used_quota_datas.append( [dateN1, float(user_profile.used_monthly_quota(0))]) quota_datas.append([dateN1, float(quotas[0].quota)]) graph.add_lines(used_quota_datas, label="Expenses", **{ "fill": True, "steps": True }) graph.add_lines(quota_datas, label="Quota", **{"steps": True}) graph = add_axis_label(graph, "x", "Months") graph = add_axis_label(graph, "y", "Amount ($)") graph._options['xaxis'].update({"minTickSize": [1, "month"]}) # #show a month before # date0 = quotas[num_months-1].date - datetime.timedelta(days=30) # graph._options['xaxis'].update({"min": time.mktime(date0.timetuple())*1000 }) content = "{\"datas\": %(DATAS)s, \"options\": %(OPTS)s }" % { "DATAS": graph.series_json, "OPTS": graph.options_json } return HttpResponse(content, mimetype="application/json")
def setUp(self): self.flot = Flot()
class TestFlot(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.flot = Flot() def check_add_series(self, raw, label=None): count = len(self.flot._series) self.flot.add_series(raw, label) self.assertEqual(count+1, len(self.flot._series)) series = self.flot._series[count] self.assertEqual(raw, series['data']) if label: self.assertEqual(label, series['label']) else: self.assertFalse('label' in series) def test_initial_state(self): "make sure internal structures initialize properly" self.assertEqual(self.flot._series, []) self.assertEqual(self.flot._options, {}) def test_basic_add_series(self): "make sure a series can be added with no label or options" self.check_add_series(S1) def test_reject_empty_series(self): """don't accept empty series""" self.assertRaises(MissingDataException, self.flot.add_series, []) self.assertEqual(len(self.flot._series), 0) def test_add_series_with_label(self): """make sure a label can be associated with a series""" self.flot.add_series(S1, "as_arg") self.flot._series = [] self.flot.add_series(S1, label="as_kwarg") def test_reject_duplicate_label(self): "make sure a series is not added if it has a duplicate label" self.check_add_series(S1, "label1") self.assertRaises(DuplicateLabelException, self.flot.add_series, S1, "label1") def test_add_multiple_series(self): "make sure multiple series can be added" self.check_add_series(S1) self.check_add_series(S1) def test_add_line_types(self): "test the line type shortcuts" for stype in ('bars', 'line', 'points'): getattr(self.flot, 'add_%s' %stype)(S1) self.assertEqual(self.flot._series[0][stype], {'show': True}) self.flot._series = [] def test_add_bars(self): "test the shortcut for adding a series as bars" series = {'data': ((0,0), ) + S1, "bars": {"barWidth": 0.75, "show": True}} self.flot.add_bars(((0,0), ) + S1) self.assertEqual(self.flot._series[0]['bars'], {'show': True}) self.assertEqual(json.dumps([series]), self.flot.series_json) def test_series_json(self): "make sure conversion to JSON works for simple series" self.assertEqual("[]", self.flot.series_json) series = {'data': S1} self.flot.add_series(S1) self.assertEqual(json.dumps([series]), self.flot.series_json) def test_series_with_label_json(self): "make sure series with label converts to JSON properly" series = {'data': S1, 'label': 'label1'} self.flot.add_series(S1, 'label1') self.assertEqual(json.dumps([series]), self.flot.series_json) def test_add_time_series(self): """ make sure adding time series works properly: * conversion to JS timestamp * time series mode added to options """ time_series = [(date(2010, 3, 14) - timedelta(days=i), i) \ for i in range(5)] self.flot.add_time_series(time_series) self.assertEqual(self.flot._series[0]['data'], [(1268553600000.0, 0), (1268467200000.0, 1), (1268380800000.0, 2), (1268294400000.0, 3), (1268208000000.0, 4)]) self.assertEqual(self.flot._options['xaxis'], {'mode': 'time'}) def test_empty_options_json(self): "make sure conversion to JSON works for default options" self.assertEqual("{}", self.flot.options_json) def test_options(self): "make sure options are applied correctly for a Flot subclass" class MyFlot(Flot): options = FAKE_NESTED_OPTIONS f = MyFlot() self.assertEqual(f._options, FAKE_NESTED_OPTIONS) self.assertEqual(f.options_json, json.dumps(FAKE_NESTED_OPTIONS)) def test_options_inheritance(self): "make sure options in an inheritance chain are applied correctly" class MyFlot(Flot): options = FAKE_NESTED_OPTIONS class AnotherFlot(MyFlot): options = { 'level1': { 'd': 4, 'level2': { 'a': 10}}} f = AnotherFlot() self.assertEqual(f._options, {'level1': {'d': 4, 'level2': {'a':10, 'level3': {'b':2}}}, 'c':3}) #TODO will the dumped dict string match work across platforms? self.assertEqual(f.options_json, '{"level1": {"level2": {"a": 10, "level3": {"b": 2}}, "d": 4}, "c": 3}')
class TestFlot(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.flot = Flot() def check_add_series(self, raw, label=None): count = len(self.flot._series) self.flot.add_series(raw, label) self.assertEqual(count + 1, len(self.flot._series)) series = self.flot._series[count] self.assertEqual(raw, series['data']) if label: self.assertEqual(label, series['label']) else: self.assertFalse('label' in series) def test_initial_state(self): "make sure internal structures initialize properly" self.assertEqual(self.flot._series, []) self.assertEqual(self.flot._options, {}) def test_basic_add_series(self): "make sure a series can be added with no label or options" self.check_add_series(S1) def test_reject_empty_series(self): """don't accept empty series""" self.assertRaises(MissingDataException, self.flot.add_series, []) self.assertEqual(len(self.flot._series), 0) def test_add_series_with_label(self): """make sure a label can be associated with a series""" self.flot.add_series(S1, "as_arg") self.flot._series = [] self.flot.add_series(S1, label="as_kwarg") def test_reject_duplicate_label(self): "make sure a series is not added if it has a duplicate label" self.check_add_series(S1, "label1") self.assertRaises(DuplicateLabelException, self.flot.add_series, S1, "label1") def test_add_multiple_series(self): "make sure multiple series can be added" self.check_add_series(S1) self.check_add_series(S1) def test_add_line_types(self): "test the line type shortcuts" for stype in ('bars', 'line', 'points'): getattr(self.flot, 'add_%s' % stype)(S1) self.assertEqual(self.flot._series[0][stype], {'show': True}) self.flot._series = [] def test_add_bars(self): "test the shortcut for adding a series as bars" series = { 'data': ((0, 0), ) + S1, "bars": { "barWidth": 0.75, "show": True } } self.flot.add_bars(((0, 0), ) + S1) self.assertEqual(self.flot._series[0]['bars'], {'show': True}) self.assertEqual(json.dumps([series]), self.flot.series_json) def test_series_json(self): "make sure conversion to JSON works for simple series" self.assertEqual("[]", self.flot.series_json) series = {'data': S1} self.flot.add_series(S1) self.assertEqual(json.dumps([series]), self.flot.series_json) def test_series_with_label_json(self): "make sure series with label converts to JSON properly" series = {'data': S1, 'label': 'label1'} self.flot.add_series(S1, 'label1') self.assertEqual(json.dumps([series]), self.flot.series_json) def test_add_time_series(self): """ make sure adding time series works properly: * conversion to JS timestamp * time series mode added to options """ time_series = [(date(2010, 3, 14) - timedelta(days=i), i) \ for i in range(5)] self.flot.add_series(time_series) self.assertEqual(self.flot._series[0]['data'], [(1268553600000.0, 0), (1268467200000.0, 1), (1268380800000.0, 2), (1268294400000.0, 3), (1268208000000.0, 4)]) self.assertEqual(self.flot._options['xaxis'], {'mode': 'time'}) def test_bogus_call(self): """make sure explicit and dynamic instance methods work, and that bogus attribute access fails as expected""" self.assertRaises(AttributeError, lambda: self.flot.add_shrimp) self.assertRaises(AttributeError, lambda: self.flot.minus_bars) self.assertRaises(AttributeError, lambda: self.flot.asdf) self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.flot.add_bars, partial)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.flot.add_line, partial)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.flot.add_points, partial)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.flot.add_series, MethodType)) def test_empty_options_json(self): "make sure conversion to JSON works for default options" self.assertEqual("{}", self.flot.options_json) def test_options(self): "make sure options are applied correctly for a Flot subclass" class MyFlot(Flot): options = FAKE_NESTED_OPTIONS f = MyFlot() self.assertEqual(f._options, FAKE_NESTED_OPTIONS) self.assertEqual(f.options_json, json.dumps(FAKE_NESTED_OPTIONS)) def test_options_inheritance(self): "make sure options in an inheritance chain are applied correctly" class MyFlot(Flot): options = FAKE_NESTED_OPTIONS class AnotherFlot(MyFlot): options = {'level1': {'d': 4, 'level2': {'a': 10}}} f = AnotherFlot() self.assertEqual(f._options, { 'level1': { 'd': 4, 'level2': { 'a': 10, 'level3': { 'b': 2 } } }, 'c': 3 }) #TODO will the dumped dict string match work across platforms? self.assertEqual( f.options_json, '{"level1": {"level2": {"a": 10, "level3": {"b": 2}}, "d": 4}, "c": 3}' )