Beispiel #1
    def readMesh(self,ncoords,nelems,nplex,props,eltype,normals,sep,objtype='Mesh'):
        """Read a Mesh from a pyFormex geometry file.

        The following arrays are read from the file:
        - a coordinate array with `ncoords` points,
        - a connectivity array with `nelems` elements of plexitude `nplex`,
        - if present, a property number array for `nelems` elements.

        Returns the Mesh constructed from these data, or a subclass if
        an objtype is specified.

        ndim = 3
        x = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Float, (ncoords, ndim), sep=sep)
        e = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Int, (nelems, nplex), sep=sep)
        if props:
            p = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Int, (nelems,), sep=sep)
            p = None
        M = Mesh(x, e, p, eltype)
        if objtype != 'Mesh':
                clas = locals()[objtype]
                clas = globals()[objtype]
            M = clas(M)
        if normals:
            n = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Float, (nelems, nplex, ndim), sep=sep)
            M.normals = n
        return M
Beispiel #2
    def oldReadBezierSpline(self, ncoords, nparts, closed, sep):
        """Read a BezierSpline from a pyFormex geometry file version 1.3.

        The coordinate array for ncoords points and control point array
        for (nparts,2) control points are read from the file.
        A BezierSpline is constructed and returned.
        from pyformex.plugins.curve import BezierSpline
        ndim = 3
        coords = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Float, (ncoords, ndim), sep=sep)
        control = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Float, (nparts, 2, ndim), sep=sep)
        return BezierSpline(coords, control=control, closed=closed)
Beispiel #3
    def readNurbsCurve(self, ncoords, nknots, closed, sep):
        """Read a NurbsCurve from a pyFormex geometry file.

        The coordinate array for ncoords control points and the nknots
        knot values are read from the file.
        A NurbsCurve of degree p = nknots - ncoords - 1 is returned.
        from pyformex.plugins.nurbs import NurbsCurve
        ndim = 4
        coords = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Float, (ncoords, ndim), sep=sep)
        knots = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Float, (nknots,), sep=sep)
        return NurbsCurve(control=coords, knots=knots, closed=closed)
Beispiel #4
    def readNurbsSurface(self, ncoords, nuknots, nvknots, uclosed, vclosed, sep):
        """Read a NurbsSurface from a pyFormex geometry file.

        The coordinate array for ncoords control points and the nuknots and
        nvknots values of uknots and vknots are read from the file.
        A NurbsSurface of degree ``pu = nuknots - ncoords - 1``  and
        ``pv = nvknots - ncoords - 1`` is returned.
        from pyformex.plugins.nurbs import NurbsSurface
        ndim = 4
        coords = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Float, (ncoords, ndim), sep=sep)
        uknots = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Float, (nuknots,), sep=sep)
        vknots = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Float, (nvknots,), sep=sep)
        return NurbsSurface(control=coords, knots=(uknots, vknots), closed=(uclosed, vclosed))
Beispiel #5
    def readFormex(self, nelems, nplex, props, eltype, sep):
        """Read a Formex from a pyFormex geometry file.

        The coordinate array for nelems*nplex points is read from the file.
        If present, the property numbers for nelems elements are read.
        From the coords and props a Formex is created and returned.
        ndim = 3
        f = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Float, (nelems, nplex, ndim), sep=sep)
        if props:
            p = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Int, (nelems,), sep=sep)
            p = None
        return Formex(f, p, eltype)
Beispiel #6
    def readBezierSpline(self, ncoords, closed, degree, sep):
        """Read a BezierSpline from a pyFormex geometry file.

        The coordinate array for ncoords points is read from the file
        and a BezierSpline of the given degree is returned.
        from pyformex.plugins.curve import BezierSpline
        ndim = 3
        coords = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Float, (ncoords, ndim), sep=sep)
        return BezierSpline(control=coords, closed=closed, degree=degree)
Beispiel #7
    def readPolyLine(self, ncoords, closed, sep):
        """Read a Curve from a pyFormex geometry file.

        The coordinate array for ncoords points is read from the file
        and a Curve of type `objtype` is returned.
        from pyformex.plugins.curve import PolyLine
        ndim = 3
        coords = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Float, (ncoords, ndim), sep=sep)
        return PolyLine(control=coords, closed=closed)
Beispiel #8
    def readField(self,field=None,fldtype=None,shape=None,sep=None,**kargs):
        """Read a Field defined on the last read geometry.

        data = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Float, shape, sep=sep)
Beispiel #9
    def readGeometry(self,objtype='Formex',name=None,nelems=None,ncoords=None,nplex=None,props=None,eltype=None,normals=None,color=None,colormap=None,closed=None,degree=None,nknots=None,sep=None,**kargs):
        """Read a geometry record of a pyFormex geometry file.

        If an object was succesfully read, it is set in self.geometry
        pf.debug("Reading object of type %s" % objtype, pf.DEBUG.INFO)
        self.geometry = None

        if objtype == 'Formex':
            obj = self.readFormex(nelems, nplex, props, eltype, sep)
        elif objtype in ['Mesh', 'TriSurface']:
            obj = self.readMesh(ncoords, nelems, nplex, props, eltype, normals, sep, objtype)
        elif objtype == 'PolyLine':
            obj = self.readPolyLine(ncoords, closed, sep)
        elif objtype == 'BezierSpline':
            obj = self.readBezierSpline(ncoords, closed, degree, sep)
        elif objtype == 'NurbsCurve':
            obj = self.readNurbsCurve(ncoords, nknots, closed, sep)
        elif objtype in globals() and hasattr(globals()[objtype], 'read_geom'):
            obj = globals()[objtype].read_geom(self,**kargs)
            print("Can not (yet) read objects of type %s from geometry file: skipping" % objtype)

        if obj is not None:
            if color is not None:
                if isinstance(color,str):
                    # Check for special values:
                    if color == 'element':
                        colorshape = (nelems,)
                    elif color == 'vertex':
                        colorshape = (nelems,nplex,)
                    elif color == '':
                        # Fix for pre 1.9 versions using color='' for no color
                        color = colorshape = None
                        # string should be a color name
                        colorshape = None

                    if colorshape:
                        if colormap == 'default':
                            colortype = at.Int
                            colortype = at.Float
                            colorshape += ( 3,)

                            # Read the color array
                            color = at.readArray(self.fil, colortype, colorshape, sep=sep)
                        except Exception as e:
                            print("Invalid color array on PGF file: skipped. Traceback: %s" % e)
                            color = None

                    # A single color encoded in the attribute
                    if colormap == 'default':
                        colortype = 'i'
                        colortype = 'f'
                    colorshape = (3,)
                        color = at.checkArray(color, colorshape, colortype)
                    except Exception as e:
                        print("Invalid color attribute on PGF file: skipped. Traceback: %s" % e)
                        color = None

            obj.attrib.color = color

            # store the geometry object, and remember as last
            if name is None:
                name = next(self.autoname)
            self.results[name] = self.geometry = obj