Beispiel #1
def writeGTS(fn, coords, edges, faces):
    """Write a mesh of triangles to a file in GTS format.


    - `fn`: file name, by preference ending on '.gts'
    - `coords`: float array with shape (ncoords,3), with the coordinates of
      `ncoords` vertices
    - `edges`: int array with shape (nedges,2), with the definition of
      `nedges` edges in function of the vertex indices
    - `faces`: int array with shape (nfaces,3), with the definition of
      `nfaces` triangles in function of the edge indices
    if coords.dtype.kind != 'f' or coords.ndim != 2 or coords.shape[
            1] != 3 or edges.dtype.kind != 'i' or edges.ndim != 2 or edges.shape[
                1] != 2 or faces.dtype.kind != 'i' or faces.ndim != 2 or faces.shape[
                    1] != 3:
        raise RuntimeError("Invalid type or shape of argument(s)")

    fil = open(fn, 'w')
    fil.write("%d %d %d\n" % (coords.shape[0], edges.shape[0], faces.shape[0]))
    writeData(fil, coords, fmt='%f ')
    writeData(fil, edges + 1, fmt='%i ')
    writeData(fil, faces + 1, fmt='%i ')
    fil.write("#GTS file written by %s\n" % pf.Version())
Beispiel #2
def fmtHeadingComm(text=''):
    """Format the heading of the Code Aster command file (.comm)."""
    out = """#
# Code Aster command file created by %s (%s)
# %s
""" % (pf.Version(), pf.Url, text)
    return out
Beispiel #3
def fmtHeadingMesh(text=''):
    """Format the heading of the Code Aster mesh file (.mail)."""
    out = """TITRE
Code Aster mail file created by %s (%s)
""" % (pf.Version(), pf.Url, text)
    return out
Beispiel #4
def about():
    """Display short information about pyFormex."""
    version = pf.Version()


A tool for generating, manipulating and transforming 3D geometrical models by sequences of mathematical operations.


Distributed under the GNU GPL version 3 or later
""" % (version, '=' * len(version), pf.Copyright))
Beispiel #5
def initialize():
    """Initialize the image module."""
    global image_formats_qt, image_formats_qtr, image_formats_gl2ps, image_formats_fromeps, gl2ps, _producer, _gl2ps_types

    # Find interesting supporting software
    # Set some globals
    pf.debug("Loading Image Formats", pf.DEBUG.IMAGE)
    image_formats_qt = [
        str(f) for f in QtGui.QImageWriter.supportedImageFormats()
    image_formats_qtr = [
        str(f) for f in QtGui.QImageReader.supportedImageFormats()
    ## if pf.cfg.get('imagesfromeps',False):
    ##     pf.image_formats_qt = []

    if utils.hasModule('gl2ps'):

        import gl2ps

        _producer = pf.Version() + ' (%s)' % pf.cfg.get('help/website', '')
        _gl2ps_types = {
            'ps': gl2ps.GL2PS_PS,
            'eps': gl2ps.GL2PS_EPS,
            'tex': gl2ps.GL2PS_TEX,
            'pdf': gl2ps.GL2PS_PDF,
        if utils.checkVersion('gl2ps', '1.03') >= 0:
                'svg': gl2ps.GL2PS_SVG,
                'pgf': gl2ps.GL2PS_PGF,
        image_formats_gl2ps = _gl2ps_types.keys()
        image_formats_fromeps = [
            'ppm', 'png', 'jpeg', 'rast', 'tiff', 'xwd', 'y4m'
Qt image types for saving: %s
Qt image types for input: %s
gl2ps image types: %s
image types converted from EPS: %s""" %
        (image_formats_qt, image_formats_qtr, image_formats_gl2ps,
         image_formats_fromeps), pf.DEBUG.IMAGE | pf.DEBUG.INFO)
Beispiel #6
 def __init__(self, name=_name_, datasize={'U': 3, 'S': 6, 'COORD': 3}): = name
     self.datasize = datasize.copy()
     self.about = {
         'creator': pf.Version(),
         'created': pf.StartTime,
     self.modeldone = False
     self.labels = {}
     self.nelems = 0
     self.nnodes = 0
     self.dofs = None
     self.displ = None
     self.nodid = None
     self.nodes = None
     self.elems = None
     self.nset = None
     self.nsetkey = None
     self.eset = None
     self.res = None
     self.hdr = None
     self.nodnr = 0
     self.elnr = 0
Beispiel #7
 def __init__(self, filename):
     self.file = open(filename, 'w')
     self.file.write("# .obj file written by %s\n" % pf.Version())