Beispiel #1
def process_tavg(args):
    infs = {}
    # Interrogate files passed by the shell
    for fname in args.infs:
        # Load solution files and obtain solution times
        inf = read_pyfr_data(fname)
        tinf = Inifile(inf['stats']).getfloat('solver-time-integrator',

        # Retain if solution time is within limits
        if args.limits is None or args.limits[0] <= tinf <= args.limits[1]:
            infs[tinf] = inf

            # Verify that solutions were computed on the same mesh
            if inf['mesh_uuid'] != infs[infs.keys()[0]]['mesh_uuid']:
                raise RuntimeError('Solution files in scope were not computed '
                                   'on the same mesh')

    # Sort the solution times, check for sufficient files in scope
    stimes = sorted(infs.keys())
    if len(infs) <= 1:
        raise RuntimeError('More than one solution file is required to '
                           'compute an average')

    # Initialise progress bar, and the average with first solution
    pb = ProgressBar(0, 0, len(stimes), 0)
    avgs = {name: infs[stimes[0]][name].copy() for name in infs[stimes[0]]}
    solnfs = [name for name in avgs.keys() if name.startswith('soln')]

    # Weight the initialised trapezoidal mean
    dtnext = stimes[1] - stimes[0]
    for name in solnfs:
        avgs[name] *= 0.5 * dtnext

    # Compute the trapezoidal mean up to the last solution file
    for i in xrange(len(stimes[2:])):
        dtlast = dtnext
        dtnext = stimes[i + 2] - stimes[i + 1]

        # Weight the current solution, then add to the mean
        for name in solnfs:
            avgs[name] += 0.5 * (dtlast + dtnext) * infs[stimes[i + 1]][name]
        pb.advance_to(i + 2)

    # Weight final solution, update mean and normalise for elapsed time
    for name in solnfs:
        avgs[name] += 0.5 * dtnext * infs[stimes[-1]][name]
        avgs[name] *= 1.0 / (stimes[-1] - stimes[0])
    pb.advance_to(i + 3)

    # Compute and assign stats for a time-averaged solution
    stats = Inifile()
    stats.set('time-average', 'tmin', stimes[0])
    stats.set('time-average', 'tmax', stimes[-1])
    stats.set('time-average', 'ntlevels', len(stimes))
    avgs['stats'] = stats.tostr()

    outf = open(args.outf, 'wb')
    np.savez(outf, **avgs)
Beispiel #2
def process_tavg(args):
    infs = {}
    # Interrogate files passed by the shell
    for fname in args.infs:
        # Load solution files and obtain solution times
        inf = read_pyfr_data(fname)
        tinf = Inifile(inf['stats']).getfloat('solver-time-integrator',

        # Retain if solution time is within limits
        if args.limits is None or args.limits[0] <= tinf <= args.limits[1]:
            infs[tinf] = inf

            # Verify that solutions were computed on the same mesh
            if inf['mesh_uuid'] != infs[infs.keys()[0]]['mesh_uuid']:
                raise RuntimeError('Solution files in scope were not computed '
                                   'on the same mesh')

    # Sort the solution times, check for sufficient files in scope
    stimes = sorted(infs.keys())
    if len(infs) <= 1:
        raise RuntimeError('More than one solution file is required to '
                           'compute an average')

    # Initialise progress bar, and the average with first solution
    pb = ProgressBar(0, 0, len(stimes), 0)
    avgs = {name: infs[stimes[0]][name].copy() for name in infs[stimes[0]]}
    solnfs = [name for name in avgs.keys() if name.startswith('soln')]

    # Weight the initialised trapezoidal mean
    dtnext = stimes[1] - stimes[0]
    for name in solnfs:
        avgs[name] *= 0.5*dtnext

    # Compute the trapezoidal mean up to the last solution file
    for i in xrange(len(stimes[2:])):
        dtlast = dtnext
        dtnext = stimes[i+2] - stimes[i+1]

        # Weight the current solution, then add to the mean
        for name in solnfs:
            avgs[name] += 0.5*(dtlast + dtnext)*infs[stimes[i+1]][name]

    # Weight final solution, update mean and normalise for elapsed time
    for name in solnfs:
        avgs[name] += 0.5*dtnext*infs[stimes[-1]][name]
        avgs[name] *= 1.0/(stimes[-1] - stimes[0])

    # Compute and assign stats for a time-averaged solution
    stats = Inifile()
    stats.set('time-average', 'tmin', stimes[0])
    stats.set('time-average', 'tmax', stimes[-1])
    stats.set('time-average', 'ntlevels', len(stimes))
    avgs['stats'] = stats.tostr()

    outf = open(args.outf, 'wb')
    np.savez(outf, **avgs)
Beispiel #3
    def __call__(self, intg):
        dowrite = abs(self.tout - intg.tcurr) < self.tol
        doaccum = intg.nacptsteps % self.nsteps == 0

        if dowrite or doaccum:
            # Evaluate the time averaging expressions
            currex = self._eval_exprs(intg)

            # Accumulate them; always do this even when just writing
            for a, p, c in zip(self.accmex, self.prevex, currex):
                a += 0.5 * (intg.tcurr - self.prevt) * (p + c)

            # Save the time and solution
            self.prevt = intg.tcurr
            self.prevex = currex

            if dowrite:
                # Normalise
                accmex = [a / self.dtout for a in self.accmex]

                stats = Inifile()
                stats.set('data', 'prefix', 'tavg')
                stats.set('data', 'fields', ','.join(k for k, v in self.exprs))
                stats.set('tavg', 'tstart', intg.tcurr - self.dtout)
                stats.set('tavg', 'tend', intg.tcurr)

                metadata = dict(config=self.cfg.tostr(),

                self._writer.write(accmex, metadata, intg.tcurr)

                self.tout = intg.tcurr + self.dtout
                self.accmex = [np.zeros_like(a) for a in accmex]
Beispiel #4
    def __call__(self, intg):
        if intg.tcurr - self.tout_last < self.dt_out - self.tol:

        stats = Inifile()
        stats.set('data', 'fields', ','.join(self.fields))
        stats.set('data', 'prefix', 'soln')

        # Prepare the metadata
        metadata = dict(intg.cfgmeta,

        # Extract and subset the solution
        soln = [intg.soln[i][..., rgn] for i, rgn in self._ele_regions]

        # Add in any required region data
        data = self._add_region_data(soln)

        # Write out the file
        solnfname = self._writer.write(data, metadata, intg.tcurr)

        # If a post-action has been registered then invoke it

        # Update the last output time
        self.tout_last = intg.tcurr
Beispiel #5
    def __call__(self, intg):
        if intg.tcurr - self.tout_last < self.dt_out - self.tol:

        stats = Inifile()
        stats.set('data', 'fields', ','.join(self.fields))
        stats.set('data', 'prefix', 'soln')

        # Prepare the metadata
        metadata = dict(intg.cfgmeta,

        # Prepare the data itself
        data = self._prepare_data(intg)

        # Write out the file
        solnfname = self._writer.write(data, metadata, intg.tcurr)

        # If a post-action has been registered then invoke it

        # Update the last output time
        self.tout_last = intg.tcurr
Beispiel #6
    def __call__(self, intg):
        if abs(self.tout_next - intg.tcurr) > intg.dtmin:

        stats = Inifile()
        stats.set('data', 'fields', ','.join(self.fields))
        stats.set('data', 'prefix', 'soln')

        metadata = dict(config=self.cfg.tostr(),

        self._writer.write(intg.soln, metadata, intg.tcurr)

        self.tout_next += self.dt_out
Beispiel #7
    def __call__(self, intg):
        if abs(self.tout_next - intg.tcurr) > intg.dtmin:

        stats = Inifile()
        stats.set('data', 'fields', ','.join(self.fields))
        stats.set('data', 'prefix', 'soln')

        metadata = dict(config=self.cfg.tostr(),

        self._writer.write(intg.soln, metadata, intg.tcurr)

        self.tout_next += self.dt_out
Beispiel #8
    def __call__(self, intg):
        if intg.tcurr - self.tout_last < self.dt_out - self.tol:

        comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

        # If we are the root rank then prepare the metadata
        if rank == root:
            stats = Inifile()
            stats.set('data', 'fields', ','.join(self.fields))
            stats.set('data', 'prefix', 'soln')

            metadata = dict(intg.cfgmeta,
            metadata = None

        # Fetch data from other plugins and add it to metadata with ad-hoc keys
        for csh in intg.completed_step_handlers:
                prefix = intg.get_plugin_data_prefix(, csh.suffix)
                pdata = csh.serialise(intg)
            except AttributeError:
                pdata = {}

            if rank == root:
                metadata |= {f'{prefix}/{k}': v for k, v in pdata.items()}

        # Fetch and (if necessary) subset the solution
        data = dict(self._ele_region_data)
        for idx, etype, rgn in self._ele_regions:
            data[etype] = intg.soln[idx][..., rgn].astype(self.fpdtype)

        # Write out the file
        solnfname = self._writer.write(data, intg.tcurr, metadata)

        # If a post-action has been registered then invoke it

        # Update the last output time
        self.tout_last = intg.tcurr
Beispiel #9
    def save_solution(self, savedir, basename, t=0):
        ndims = self.solver.system.ndims
        nvars = self.solver.system.nvars
        writer = NativeWriter(self.solver,
        fields = self.solver.system.elementscls.convarmap[ndims]
        stats = Inifile()
        stats.set('data', 'fields', ','.join(fields))
        stats.set('data', 'prefix', 'soln')
        stats.set('solver-time-integrator', 'tcurr', str(t))

        metadata = dict(self.solver.cfgmeta,
        writer.write(self.solver.soln, metadata, t)
Beispiel #10
    def __call__(self, intg):
        if abs(self.tout_next - intg.tcurr) > self.tol:

        stats = Inifile()
        stats.set('data', 'fields', ','.join(self.fields))
        stats.set('data', 'prefix', 'soln')

        # Prepare the metadata
        metadata = dict(intg.cfgmeta,

        # Write out the file
        solnfname = self._writer.write(intg.soln, metadata, intg.tcurr)

        # If a post-action has been registered then invoke it
        self._invoke_postaction(mesh=intg.system.mesh.fname, soln=solnfname,

        # Compute the next output time
        self.tout_next = intg.tcurr + self.dt_out
Beispiel #11
    def __call__(self, intg):
        dowrite = abs(self.tout - intg.tcurr) < self.tol
        doaccum = intg.nacptsteps % self.nsteps == 0

        if dowrite or doaccum:
            # Evaluate the time averaging expressions
            currex = self._eval_exprs(intg)

            # Accumulate them; always do this even when just writing
            for a, p, c in zip(self.accmex, self.prevex, currex):
                a += 0.5*(intg.tcurr - self.prevt)*(p + c)

            # Save the time and solution
            self.prevt = intg.tcurr
            self.prevex = currex

            if dowrite:
                # Normalise
                accmex = [a / self.dtout for a in self.accmex]

                stats = Inifile()
                stats.set('data', 'prefix', 'tavg')
                stats.set('data', 'fields',
                          ','.join(k for k, v in self.exprs))
                stats.set('tavg', 'tstart', intg.tcurr - self.dtout)
                stats.set('tavg', 'tend', intg.tcurr)

                metadata = dict(intg.cfgmeta,

                self._writer.write(accmex, metadata, intg.tcurr)

                self.tout = intg.tcurr + self.dtout
                self.accmex = [np.zeros_like(a) for a in accmex]
Beispiel #12
    def __call__(self, intg):
        # If we are not supposed to be averaging yet then return
        if intg.tcurr < self.tstart:

        # If necessary, run the start-up routines
        if not self._started:
            self._started = True

        # See if we are due to write and/or accumulate this step
        dowrite = intg.tcurr - self.tout_last >= self.dtout - self.tol
        doaccum = intg.nacptsteps % self.nsteps == 0

        if dowrite or doaccum:
            # Evaluate the time averaging expressions
            currex = self._eval_acc_exprs(intg)

            # Accumulate them; always do this even when just writing
            for a, p, c in zip(self.accex, self.prevex, currex):
                a += 0.5*(intg.tcurr - self.prevt)*(p + c)

            # Save the time and solution
            self.prevt = intg.tcurr
            self.prevex = currex

            if dowrite:
                comm, rank, root = get_comm_rank_root()

                if self.mode == 'windowed':
                    accex = self.accex
                    tstart = self.tout_last
                    for a, c in zip(self.accex, self.caccex):
                        c += a

                    accex = self.caccex
                    tstart = self.tstart_actual

                # Normalise the accumulated expressions
                tavg = [a / (intg.tcurr - tstart) for a in accex]

                # Evaluate any functional expressions
                if self.fexprs:
                    funex = self._eval_fun_exprs(intg, tavg)
                    tavg = [np.hstack([a, f]) for a, f in zip(tavg, funex)]

                # Form the output records to be written to disk
                data = dict(self._ele_region_data)
                for (idx, etype, rgn), d in zip(self._ele_regions, tavg):
                    data[etype] = d.astype(self.fpdtype)

                # If we are the root rank then prepare the metadata
                if rank == root:
                    stats = Inifile()
                    stats.set('data', 'prefix', 'tavg')
                    stats.set('data', 'fields', ','.join(self.outfields))
                    stats.set('tavg', 'tstart', tstart)
                    stats.set('tavg', 'tend', intg.tcurr)

                    metadata = dict(intg.cfgmeta,
                    metadata = None

                # Write to disk
                solnfname = self._writer.write(data, intg.tcurr, metadata)

                # If a post-action has been registered then invoke it
                self._invoke_postaction(intg=intg, mesh=intg.system.mesh.fname,
                                        soln=solnfname, t=intg.tcurr)

                # Reset the accumulators
                for a in self.accex:

                self.tout_last = intg.tcurr
Beispiel #13
    def __init__(self, backend, systemcls, rallocs, mesh, initsoln, cfg,
                 tcoeffs, dt):
        self.backend = backend

        sect = 'solver-time-integrator'
        mgsect = 'solver-dual-time-integrator-multip'

        # Get the solver order and set the initial multigrid level
        self._order = self.level = cfg.getint('solver', 'order')

        # Get the multigrid cycle
        self.cycle, self.csteps = zip(*cfg.getliteral(mgsect, 'cycle'))
        self.levels = sorted(set(self.cycle), reverse=True)

        if max(self.cycle) > self._order:
            raise ValueError('The multigrid level orders cannot exceed '
                             'the solution order')

        if any(abs(i - j) > 1 for i, j in zip(self.cycle, self.cycle[1:])):
            raise ValueError('The orders of consecutive multigrid levels can '
                             'only change by one')

        if self.cycle[0] != self._order or self.cycle[-1] != self._order:
            raise ValueError('The multigrid cycle needs to start end with the '
                             'highest (solution) order ')

        # Initialise the number of cycles
        self.npmgcycles = 0

        # Multigrid pseudo-time steps
        dtau = cfg.getfloat(sect, 'pseudo-dt')
        self.dtauf = cfg.getfloat(mgsect, 'pseudo-dt-fact', 1.0)

        self._maxniters = cfg.getint(sect, 'pseudo-niters-max', 0)
        self._minniters = cfg.getint(sect, 'pseudo-niters-min', 0)

        # Get the multigrid pseudostepper and pseudocontroller classes
        pn = cfg.get(sect, 'pseudo-scheme')
        cn = cfg.get(sect, 'pseudo-controller')

        cc = subclass_where(BaseDualPseudoController,
        cc_none = subclass_where(BaseDualPseudoController,

        # Construct a pseudo-integrator for each level
        from pyfr.integrators.dual.pseudo import get_pseudo_stepper_cls

        self.pintgs = {}
        for l in self.levels:
            pc = get_pseudo_stepper_cls(pn, l)

            if l == self._order:
                bases = [cc, pc]
                bases = [cc_none, pc]

                cfg = Inifile(cfg.tostr())
                cfg.set('solver', 'order', l)
                cfg.set(sect, 'pseudo-dt',
                        dtau * self.dtauf**(self._order - l))

                for sec in cfg.sections():
                    m = re.match(r'solver-(.*)-mg-p{0}'.format(l), sec)
                    if m:
                        cfg.rename_section(, 'solver-' +

            # A class that bypasses pseudo-controller methods within a cycle
            class lpsint(*bases):
                name = 'MultiPPseudoIntegrator' + str(l)
                aux_nregs = 2 if l != self._order else 0

                def _aux_regidx(iself):
                    if iself.aux_nregs != 0:
                        return iself._regidx[-2:]

                def ntotiters(iself):
                    return self.npmgcycles

                def convmon(iself, *args, **kwargs):

                def finalise_pseudo_advance(iself, *args, **kwargs):

                def _rhs_with_dts(iself, t, uin, fout):
                    # Compute -∇·f
                    iself.system.rhs(t, uin, fout)

                    # Coefficients for the physical stepper
                    svals = [sc / iself._dt for sc in iself._stepper_coeffs]

                    # Physical stepper source addition -∇·f - dQ/dt
                    axnpby = iself._get_axnpby_kerns(len(svals) + 1,
                    iself._prepare_reg_banks(fout, iself._idxcurr,
                    iself._queue % axnpby(1, *svals)

                    # Multigrid r addition
                    if iself._aux_regidx:
                        axnpby = iself._get_axnpby_kerns(2)
                        iself._prepare_reg_banks(fout, iself._aux_regidx[0])
                        iself._queue % axnpby(1, -1)

            self.pintgs[l] = lpsint(backend, systemcls, rallocs, mesh,
                                    initsoln, cfg, tcoeffs, dt)

        # Get the highest p system from plugins
        self.system = self.pintgs[self._order].system

        # Get the convergence monitoring method
        self.mg_convmon = cc.convmon

        # Initialise the restriction and prolongation matrices

        # Delete remaining elements maps from multigrid systems
        for l in self.levels[1:]:
            del self.pintgs[l].system.ele_map
Beispiel #14
    def __call__(self, intg):
        # If we are not supposed to be averaging yet then return
        if intg.tcurr < self.tstart:

        # If necessary, run the start-up routines
        if not self._started:
            self._started = True

        # See if we are due to write and/or accumulate this step
        dowrite = intg.tcurr - self.tout_last >= self.dtout - self.tol
        doaccum = intg.nacptsteps % self.nsteps == 0

        if dowrite or doaccum:
            # Evaluate the time averaging expressions
            currex = self._eval_acc_exprs(intg)

            # Accumulate them; always do this even when just writing
            for a, p, c in zip(self.accex, self.prevex, currex):
                a += 0.5 * (intg.tcurr - self.prevt) * (p + c)

            # Save the time and solution
            self.prevt = intg.tcurr
            self.prevex = currex

            if dowrite:
                if self.mode == 'windowed':
                    accex = self.accex
                    tstart = self.tout_last
                    for a, c in zip(self.accex, self.caccex):
                        c += a

                    accex = self.caccex
                    tstart = self.tstart_actual

                # Normalise the accumulated expressions
                data = [a / (intg.tcurr - tstart) for a in accex]

                # Evaluate any functional expressions
                if self.fexprs:
                    funex = self._eval_fun_exprs(intg, data)
                    data = [np.hstack([a, f]) for a, f in zip(data, funex)]

                # Prepare the stats record
                stats = Inifile()
                stats.set('data', 'prefix', 'tavg')
                stats.set('data', 'fields', ','.join(self.outfields))
                stats.set('tavg', 'tstart', tstart)
                stats.set('tavg', 'tend', intg.tcurr)

                # Prepare the metadata
                metadata = dict(intg.cfgmeta,

                # Add in any required region data and write to disk
                data = self._add_region_data(data)
                solnfname = self._writer.write(data, metadata, intg.tcurr)

                # If a post-action has been registered then invoke it

                # Reset the accumulators
                for a in self.accex:

                self.tout_last = intg.tcurr
Beispiel #15
def process_tavg(args):
    infs = {}

    # Interrogate files passed by the shell
    for fname in args.infs:
        # Load solution files and obtain solution times
        inf = read_pyfr_data(fname)
        cfg = Inifile(inf["stats"])
        tinf = cfg.getfloat("solver-time-integrator", "tcurr")

        # Retain if solution time is within limits
        if args.limits is None or args.limits[0] <= tinf <= args.limits[1]:
            infs[tinf] = inf

            # Verify that solutions were computed on the same mesh3
            if inf["mesh_uuid"] != next(iter(infs.values()))["mesh_uuid"]:
                raise RuntimeError("Solution files in scope were not" " computed on the same mesh")

    # Sort the solution times, check for sufficient files in scope
    stimes = sorted(infs)
    if len(infs) <= 1:
        raise RuntimeError("More than one solution file is required to " "compute an average")

    # Initialise progress bar
    pb = ProgressBar(0, 0, len(stimes), 0)

    # Copy over the solutions from the first time dump
    solnfs = infs[stimes[0]].soln_files
    avgs = {s: infs[stimes[0]][s].copy() for s in solnfs}

    # Weight the initialised trapezoidal mean
    dtnext = stimes[1] - stimes[0]
    for name in solnfs:
        avgs[name] *= 0.5 * dtnext

    # Compute the trapezoidal mean up to the last solution file
    for i in range(len(stimes[2:])):
        dtlast = dtnext
        dtnext = stimes[i + 2] - stimes[i + 1]

        # Weight the current solution, then add to the mean
        for name in solnfs:
            avgs[name] += 0.5 * (dtlast + dtnext) * infs[stimes[i + 1]][name]
        pb.advance_to(i + 2)

    # Weight final solution, update mean and normalise for elapsed time
    for name in solnfs:
        avgs[name] += 0.5 * dtnext * infs[stimes[-1]][name]
        avgs[name] *= 1.0 / (stimes[-1] - stimes[0])
    pb.advance_to(i + 3)

    # Compute and assign stats for a time-averaged solution
    stats = Inifile()
    stats.set("time-average", "tmin", stimes[0])
    stats.set("time-average", "tmax", stimes[-1])
    stats.set("time-average", "ntlevels", len(stimes))
    avgs["stats"] = stats.tostr()

    # Copy over the ini file and mesh uuid
    avgs["config"] = infs[stimes[0]]["config"]
    avgs["mesh_uuid"] = infs[stimes[0]]["mesh_uuid"]

    # Save to disk
    with h5py.File(args.outf, "w") as f:
        for k, v in avgs.items():
            f[k] = v