def do_button(screen, ren, where, x, y): ren_rect = ren.get_rect().inflate(20, 10) if where == "topleft": ren_rect.topleft = screen.get_rect().topleft if x != None: ren_rect[0] = x if y != None: ren_rect[1] = y if where == "midtop": ren_rect.midtop = screen.get_rect().midtop if y != None: ren_rect[1] = y if where == "topright": ren_rect.topright = screen.get_rect().topright if x != None: ren_rect[0] = ren_rect[0] - x if y != None: ren_rect[1] = y if where == None: if x != None: ren_rect[0] = x if y != None: ren_rect[1] = ren_rect[1] + y screen.blit(ren, ren_rect.inflate(-20, -10)) update(ren_rect) return ren_rect
def paint_screen(screen, color, *rect): if not rect: screen.fill(color) update() else: screen.fill(color, rect) update(rect)
def main(): rect = Rect((0, 0), SCREEN_SIZE) surface = Surface(SCREEN_SIZE) pxarray = PixelArray(surface) P = [(0, 100), (100, 0), (200, 0), (300, 100), (400, 200), (500, 200), (600, 100), (400, 400), (700, 50), (800, 200)] n = len(P) - 1 # n = len(P) - 1; (P[0], ... P[n]) k = 3 # degree of curve m = n + k + 1 # property of b-splines: m = n + k + 1 _t = 1 / (m - k * 2) # t between clamped ends will be evenly spaced # clamp ends and get the t between them t = k * [0] + [t_ * _t for t_ in xrange(m - (k * 2) + 1)] + [1] * k S = Bspline(P, t, k) # insert a knot (just to demonstrate the algorithm is working) S.insert(0.9) step_size = 1 / STEP_N for i in xrange(STEP_N): t_ = i * step_size try: x, y = S(t_) # if curve not defined here (t_ is out of domain): skip except AssertionError: continue x, y = int(x), int(y) pxarray[x][y] = (255, 0, 0) del pxarray for p in zip(S.X, S.Y):, (0, 255, 0), p, 3, 0) SCREEN.blit(surface, (0, 0)) while 1: for ev in event.get(): if ev.type == KEYDOWN: if ev.key == K_q: exit() display.update()
def draw(self): if self.drawn is False: Constants.SCREEN.fill((0, 0, 0)) game_ended = self.title_font.render(self.dis_text, 1, (255, 255, 255)) background = pygame.Surface(Constants.SCREEN.get_size()) game_ended_rect = game_ended.get_rect() = background.get_rect().center Constants.SCREEN.blit(game_ended, game_ended_rect) # Center our 'Press any key text' font = pygame.font.Font(None, 30) presskey = font.render("Press the ESC key to quit, or (m) " "to go back to the Menu", 1, (255, 255, 255)) background = pygame.Surface(Constants.SCREEN.get_size()) presskeyrect = presskey.get_rect() presskeyrect.centerx = background.get_rect().centerx presskeyrect.y = Constants.HEIGHT - 40 Constants.SCREEN.blit(presskey, presskeyrect) alphaSurface = pygame.Surface((Constants.WIDTH,Constants.HEIGHT)) # The custom-surface of the size of the screen. alphaSurface.fill((0,0,0)) alphaSurface.set_alpha(Constants.ALPHA_SURFACE) # Set the incremented alpha-value to the custom surface. Constants.SCREEN.blit(alphaSurface,(0,0)) display.update() self.drawn = True else: pass
def start_editor(self): glyph = self.editor_info glyph_rect = glyph.rect glyph.input(PAGES['editor']) glyph.update() editor = self.editor editor_rect = editor.rect SCREEN.blit(EDITOR_BKGSCREEN, (0, 0)) SCREEN.blit(glyph.image, glyph_rect) SCREEN.blit(editor.image, editor_rect) editor_focus = False while 1: mouse_pos = mouse.get_pos() link = glyph.get_collisions(mouse_pos) if link: mouse.set_cursor(*HAND_CURSOR) else: mouse.set_cursor(*DEFAULT_CURSOR) for ev in event.get(): if ev.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if link: pass if editor.rect.collidepoint(mouse_pos): editor_focus = True else: editor_focus = False if ev.type == KEYDOWN: if ev.key == K_ESCAPE: exit() if editor_focus == True: editor.input(ev) cursor = editor.get_cursor() editor.image.fill((255, 205, 0), cursor) SCREEN.blit(editor.image, editor_rect) display.update()
def draw(self): #Animate the car until we want a 'trail' of fire if self.steps * self.speed <= Constants.WIDTH: Constants.SCREEN.fill((0, 0, 0)) #Center our 'Press any key text' font = pygame.font.Font(None, 30) presskey = font.render("Press any key to continue to the Menu", 1, (255, 255, 255)) background = pygame.Surface(Constants.SCREEN.get_size()) presskeyrect = presskey.get_rect() presskeyrect.centerx = background.get_rect().centerx presskeyrect.y = Constants.HEIGHT - 40 Constants.SCREEN.blit(presskey, presskeyrect) #Move the car until it's off the screen if self.rect.left <= Constants.WIDTH: self.rect.midright = (self.steps * self.speed, Constants.HEIGHT / 2) Constants.SCREEN.blit(self.image, self.rect) #Once it's off the screen, show our ActionRPM text else: label = self.font.render("ActionRPM", 1, (0, 0, 0)) Constants.SCREEN.blit(label, (Constants.WIDTH / 3.5, Constants.HEIGHT / 3)) alphaSurface = pygame.Surface((Constants.WIDTH,Constants.HEIGHT)) # The custom-surface of the size of the screen. alphaSurface.fill((0,0,0)) alphaSurface.set_alpha(Constants.ALPHA_SURFACE) # Set the incremented alpha-value to the custom surface. Constants.SCREEN.blit(alphaSurface,(0,0)) display.update()
def __draw(self): self.__gen.draw(self.__canvas) if self.__mouseDown: diffX = self.__mouseCurrPos[0] - self.__mouseDownPos[0] diffY = self.__mouseCurrPos[1] - self.__mouseDownPos[1] if diffX > 0 and diffY > 0: sizeX = max([diffX, diffY]) sizeY = sizeX elif diffX > 0: sizeX = max([abs(diffX), abs(diffY)]) sizeY = -sizeX elif diffY > 0: sizeY = max([abs(diffX), abs(diffY)]) sizeX = -sizeY else: sizeX = min([diffX, diffY]) sizeY = sizeX self.__drawSize = (sizeX, sizeY) pygame.draw.rect(self.__canvas, self.__highlightColor, Rect(self.__mouseDownPos, self.__drawSize), 1) display.flip() display.update()
def view_filter(screen): paint_screen(screen, gl.BLACK) show_message(screen, "Current filter", "top", 20, ("underline", "bold")) show_message(screen, "Imgv will only display files whose filenames:", (5, 30), 15, ("bold")) line = 60 for k in gl.FILTER_COMMAND.keys(): font = pygame.font.Font(gl.FONT_NAME, 12) if k == "startwith": ren = font.render("Start with: %s" % gl.FILTER_COMMAND["startwith"], 1, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0)) if k == "notstartwith": ren = font.render("Do not start with: %s" % gl.FILTER_COMMAND["notstartwith"], 1, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0)) if k == "endwith": ren = font.render("End with: %s" % gl.FILTER_COMMAND["endwith"], 1, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0)) if k == "notendwith": ren = font.render("Do not end with: %s" % gl.FILTER_COMMAND["notendwith"], 1, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0)) if k == "contain": ren = font.render("Contain: %s" % gl.FILTER_COMMAND["contain"], 1, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0)) if k == "notcontain": ren = font.render("Do not contain: %s" % gl.FILTER_COMMAND["notcontain"], 1, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0)) ren_rect = ren.get_rect() ren_rect[0] = 5 ren_rect[1] = line screen.blit(ren, ren_rect) line = line + 30 update(ren_rect) while 1: ev = pygame.event.wait() check_quit(ev) if ev.type == KEYDOWN or ev.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: return
def square_four(screen, file): wait_cursor() draw_lines(screen) num_imgs = len(gl.files) if file >= num_imgs or file <= 0: file = 0 img_four_name = gl.files[file] img_four_file = file img_four = load_img(img_four_name, screen, 0) file = file + 1 img_four = adjust_img_size(img_four, screen.get_width(), screen.get_height()) img_four_rect = img_four.get_rect() img_four_rect[0] = (screen.get_width() / 2) img_four_rect[1] = (screen.get_height() / 2) screen.blit(img_four, img_four_rect) update(img_four_rect) draw_lines(screen) if gl.FOUR_STATUS_BARS: font_size = 9 font = pygame.font.Font(gl.FONT_NAME, font_size) name = os.path.basename(img_four_name) name = check_truncate(screen.get_width(), name) img_status = "%s [%d/%d]" % (name, img_four_file + 1, num_imgs) raise_up = 12 show_message(screen, img_status, ((screen.get_width() / 2) + (screen.get_width() / 4 - font.size(img_status)[0]/2), screen.get_height() - raise_up), font_size, ("bold")) normal_cursor() return (file, img_four_rect, img_four_name, img_four_file)
def _display_with_pygame(self, imagefile): try: t1 = time.time() # Clear the screen self._blank_screen() logging.debug('Time: {0}'.format(time.time() - t1)) img = image.load(imagefile) # img = pygame.image.load(imagefile).convert() logging.debug(time.time() - t1) img, offset_x, offset_y = self.scale_image(img) logging.debug(time.time() - t1) self._screen.blit(img, (offset_x, offset_y)) logging.debug(time.time() - t1) # update the display display.update() logging.debug('Time image displayed: {0}'.format(time.time() - t1)) ''' fadeIn? from black ''' # pygame.display.flip() # pause pygame_time.wait(self._image_display_time * 1000) # time.sleep(self._image_display_time) ''' fadeOut? to black ''' except Exception, e: logging.error('Error: ' + str(e))
def absorb(attack, defend, move, me): """ function """ if == 'Dream Eater': if 'SLP' not in defend.buffs: display.update(write_btm('but it failed!')) sleep(1) return 0 crit, type_, dmg = attack.calc_dmg(defend, move) if crit: display.update(write_btm('Critical Hit!')) sleep(1) if type_ > 1: display.update(write_btm("It's Super Effective!")) sleep(1) elif 0 < type_ < 1: display.update(write_btm("It wasn't", "very effective!")) sleep(1) elif type_ == 0: display.update(write_btm("It had no effect")) sleep(1) retval = dmg_pkmn(defend, dmg, me) if retval: meth = getattr( pokepong.move_sandbox, 'do_' +' ', '_').replace('-', '_')) meth(attack, defend, me) dmg_pkmn(attack, int(floor(dmg / 2) * -1), not me) return retval
def print_version(screen, screen_height): imgvlogo = load_img(gl.IMGV_LOGO_SMALL, screen, False) imgvlogo_rect = imgvlogo.get_rect() imgvlogo_rect[0] = 5 imgvlogo_rect[1] = screen_height - 50 screen.blit(imgvlogo, imgvlogo_rect) update(imgvlogo_rect) msg = "Version %s" % gl.IMGV_VERSION msg_font = pygame.font.Font(gl.FONT_NAME, 11) msg_font.set_bold(1) char = 0 i = 0 pygame.event.set_blocked(MOUSEMOTION) while 1: event = pygame.event.poll() pygame.time.wait(1) check_quit(event) if char < len(msg): if msg[char] != ' ': # don't delay on spaces pygame.time.delay(75) ren = msg_font.render(msg[char], 1, gl.RED) # one char at a time ren_rect = ren.get_rect() # center it ren_rect[0] += (i + 7) ren_rect[1] = screen_height - 15 screen.blit(ren, ren_rect) i += ren.get_width() # make letters space evenly char += 1 update(ren_rect) else: break
def draw(self): if self.timer >= GameIntro.delay: self.timer = 0 if self.current_display == 2: # Constants.Levels = [] # Constants.Levels.append(None) # Constants.Levels.append(None) # Constants.Levels[0] = Level_1.Level_1() Constants.PLAY = Play() Constants.STATE = Constants.PLAY #Constants.STATE = Play() Constants.STATE.set_level(0) else: self.current_display += 1 Constants.SCREEN.fill(pygame.Color("black")) Constants.SCREEN.blit(GameIntro.images[self.current_display], self.rect) alphaSurface = pygame.Surface((Constants.WIDTH,Constants.HEIGHT)) # The custom-surface of the size of the screen. alphaSurface.fill((0,0,0)) alphaSurface.set_alpha(Constants.ALPHA_SURFACE) # Set the incremented alpha-value to the custom surface. Constants.SCREEN.blit(alphaSurface,(0,0)) display.update() else: pass
def draw(self): Constants.SCREEN.fill((0, 0, 0)) Constants.SCREEN.blit(Volume.image, Volume.image.get_rect(center=(Constants.WIDTH / 2, Constants.HEIGHT / 2))) Constants.SCREEN.blit(self.text, self.text_rect) Constants.SCREEN.blit(self.speedometer.image, self.speedometer.rect) display.update()
def recoil(attack, defend, move, me): """ function """ crit, type_, dmg = attack.calc_dmg(defend, move) ret1 = dmg_pkmn(defend, dmg, me) if dmg: meth = getattr( pokepong.move_sandbox, 'do_' +' ', '_').replace('-', '_')) meth(attack, defend, me) if crit: display.update(write_btm('Critical Hit!')) sleep(1) if type_ > 1: display.update(write_btm("It's Super Effective!")) sleep(1) elif 0 < type_ < 1: display.update(write_btm("It wasn't", "very effective!")) sleep(1) elif type_ == 0: display.update(write_btm("It had no effect")) sleep(1) ret2 = dmg_pkmn(attack, dmg / 4, not me) if ret2: display.update(write_btm( + ' was', 'hit with recoil!')) if ret1 and ret2: return 3 elif ret1: return 1 elif ret2: return 2 else: return 0
def dmg_pkmn(pkmn, dmg, me): """ function """ if pkmn.substitute == 0: if pkmn.bide: pkmn.bidedmg += dmg * 2 if dmg > 0: for d in range(dmg): if pkmn.hp <= 0: return 1 pkmn.sethp(pkmn.hp - 1) if not me: display.update(draw_my_hp(pkmn)) else: display.update(draw_opp_hp(pkmn)) sleep(.02) else: for d in range(0, dmg, -1): if pkmn.maxhp == pkmn.hp: break pkmn.sethp(pkmn.hp + 1) if not me: display.update(draw_my_hp(pkmn)) else: display.update(draw_opp_hp(pkmn)) sleep(.02) return 0 else: pkmn.substitute -= dmg if pkmn.substitute < 1: pkmn.substitute = 0 display.update(write_btm('The substitute broke')) sleep(1)
def update_display(update_queue): """(deque) -> NoneType Updates the display with Rect's given in update_queue, and clears update_queue. Specifically, for each such Rect, updates the display/screen only within that Rect.""" display.update(update_queue) update_queue.clear()
def draw(self): """Draw all of the objects to the screen.""" # Update all scene layers to the screen. self.all.update() self.dirty_rects = self.all.draw(self.screen) display.update(self.dirty_rects)
def do_view_tagged(screen, num_imgs, file): "show all tagged dir names" paint_screen(screen, gl.BLACK) (esc_rect, close_font) = close_button(screen) line = 5 if len(gl.MULT_DIRS) == 0: show_message(screen, "[No directories are currently tagged]", "bottom", 12) for d in gl.MULT_DIRS: font = pygame.font.Font(gl.FONT_NAME, 9) ren = font.render(d, 1, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0)) ren_rect = ren.get_rect() ren_rect[0] = 5 ren_rect[1] = line screen.blit(ren, ren_rect) line = line + 12 update(ren_rect) pygame.event.set_allowed(MOUSEMOTION) while 1: ev = pygame.event.wait() check_quit(ev) hover_cursor(pygame.mouse.get_pos(), (esc_rect,)) if ev.type == KEYDOWN and ev.key not in (K_LALT, K_RALT, K_TAB, K_LCTRL, K_RCTRL) or ev.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: gl.ADDED_DIR_NUMS = 0 (num_imgs, file) = show_dirs(screen, num_imgs, file) break # break event loop
def run(self): running = True while running: new_time = PT.get_ticks() frame_time = (new_time - self.current_time)/1000.0 self.current_time = new_time self.clock.tick() running = self.handleEvents() if(running == False): return False #Key Handling---------------------------- # self.character.handle_keys() # handle the keys self.screen.fill((0,0,0)) # fill the screen with white # self.character.handle_collision(self.block_group) #move and draw the enemies player_face = self.character.get_face() for enemy in self.enemy_list.sprites(): Enemy_face = enemy.get_face() enemy.set_face(player_face) enemy.draw() #draw blocks Draw.draw_map(self.block_group) self.character.draw(self.screen, self.block_group) # draw the character to the screen PD.flip() self.updates = 0 #clock is added clock = PT.Clock() while frame_time > 0.0: delta = min(frame_time, self.interval) for enemy in self.enemy_list.sprites(): enemy.update(delta) self.character.handle_keys(self.block_group, self.interval) frame_time -= delta self.updates += 1 last = PT.get_ticks() clock.tick() PD.flip() elapsed = (PT.get_ticks() - last) / 1000.0 if (PG.key.get_pressed()): self.update(self.character, elapsed) #camera handling #end camera handle PD.update() # update the screen
def draw(self): screen.fill(color_black) draw.rect(screen, color_white, [[0,0],[int(screen.get_width()),int(screen.get_height()*.9)]]) self.player.draw() for ball in self.balls: ball.draw() display.update([[0,0],[int(screen.get_width()),int(screen.get_height()*.9)]])
def draw(self): """Run the update method of every sprite, keeping track of which ones are dirty and need updating, and then finally updating only the dirty areas.""" self.layers.update() State.dirty = self.layers.draw(State.window) display.update(State.dirty)
def change_box(screen, positions): change_img = load_img(gl.CHANGE_BOX, False) change_rect = change_img.get_rect() change_rect[0] = positions[1] change_rect[1] = positions[0] screen.blit(change_img, change_rect) update(change_rect) return change_rect
def paint_screen(color, *rect): screen = get_surface() if not rect: screen.fill(color) update() else: screen.fill(color, rect) update(rect)
def message(self, qw, text): "Display entered text." frect = ((self.irect[0][0] + qw, self.irect[0][1]), (self.irect[1][0] - qw, self.irect[1][1])) draw.rect(self.screen, self.boxc, frect) if text: self.blitfont(text, (self.fontupleft[0] + qw, self.fontupleft[1])) display.update(self.irect)
def draw(self): if self.drawn is False: Constants.SCREEN.fill((0, 0, 0)) high_title = self.title_font.render("Your High Scores", 1, (255, 255, 255)) background = pygame.Surface(Constants.SCREEN.get_size()) high_title_rect = high_title.get_rect() high_title_rect.centerx = background.get_rect().centerx high_title_rect.centery = 75 Constants.SCREEN.blit(high_title, high_title_rect) # Center our 'Press any key text' font = pygame.font.Font(None, 30) presskey = font.render("Press any key to get back to the Menu, " "or the ESC key to quit", 1, (255, 255, 255)) background = pygame.Surface(Constants.SCREEN.get_size()) presskeyrect = presskey.get_rect() presskeyrect.centerx = background.get_rect().centerx presskeyrect.y = Constants.HEIGHT - 40 Constants.SCREEN.blit(presskey, presskeyrect) if len(self.scores) == 0: score = self.score_font.render("No high scores yet!", 1, (255, 255, 255)) score_rect = score.get_rect() score_rect.centerx = background.get_rect().centerx score_rect.y = high_title_rect.bottom + 100 Constants.SCREEN.blit(score, score_rect) else: rect_top = high_title_rect.bottom + Constants.HEIGHT / 100 rect_left = high_title_rect.left + Constants.WIDTH / 40 for i in range(len(self.scores)): color = (255, 0, 0) curr_name = self.scores[i][0] curr_score = self.scores[i][1] if (self.from_new): if ( == curr_name): if (abs(self.score - curr_score) < .01): color = (0, 255, 0) curr_score = self.score_font.render( str(i + 1) + ". " + self.scores[i][0] + ": " + "%3.0f" % self.scores[i][1], 1, color) curr_score_rect = curr_score.get_rect() curr_score_rect.left = rect_left = rect_top Constants.SCREEN.blit(curr_score, curr_score_rect) rect_top += Constants.WIDTH / 20 alphaSurface = pygame.Surface((Constants.WIDTH,Constants.HEIGHT)) # The custom-surface of the size of the screen. alphaSurface.fill((0,0,0)) alphaSurface.set_alpha(Constants.ALPHA_SURFACE) # Set the incremented alpha-value to the custom surface. Constants.SCREEN.blit(alphaSurface,(0,0)) display.update() self.drawn = True else: pass
def loop(self,FPS): while True: if (self.playerEvent() == 'QUIT'): quit() sys.exit() self.update() self.draw() display.update() self.fpsClock.tick(FPS)
def update(self, fps, time): #print("GC:", "update called") self.display.fill(self.config.background.color) self.info_y = 10 self._draw() self._render_info("fps: {}".format(fps)) pdis.update()
def show_current_image(self, file): self.current = load_img(gl.files[file], self.screen, False) (self.current, img_width, img_height) = preview_img(self.screen, self.current) current_rect = self.current.get_rect() current_rect[0] = 15 current_rect[1] = self.prev_pic_row self.screen.blit(self.current, current_rect) update(current_rect) img_border(self.screen, img_width, img_height, 15, self.prev_pic_row - 2)
def draw_lines(screen): "Draw the lines that split the screen into 4 squares" screen_width = screen.get_width() screen_height = screen.get_height() line_color = gl.FOUR_DIV_COLOR vline = pygame.draw.line(screen, line_color, ((screen_width / 2), screen_height), ((screen_width / 2), 0), 1) hline = pygame.draw.line(screen, line_color, (0, (screen_height / 2)), (screen_width, (screen_height / 2)), 1) update(vline) update(hline)
def PlayerCrash(background_game1, background_move1, background_game2, background_move2, player, enemies, siren, x, y): music.stop() crash = True coin_animation = 0 while crash: CLOCK.tick(8) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: exit() SCREEN.blit(background_game1, background_move1) player.draw(SCREEN) enemies.draw(SCREEN) SCREEN.blit( load(join(f_vfx, f'explosion_{coin_animation}.png')).convert_alpha(), (x - 30, y - 9)) SCREEN.blit(background_game2, background_move2) siren.draw(SCREEN) SCREEN.blit(imgCrash, (0, 0)) SCREEN.blit(bgArcadeGameOver, (0, 0)) display.update() coin_animation += 1 if coin_animation == 7: crash = False player.draw(SCREEN) enemies.draw(SCREEN) SCREEN.blit( load(join(f_vfx, 'explosion_3.png')).convert_alpha(), (x - 30, y - 9)) SCREEN.blit(background_game2, background_move2) siren.draw(SCREEN) SCREEN.blit(imgCrash, (0, 0)) SCREEN.blit(bgArcadeLose, (0, 0)) display.update() sleep(1)
def run(self, run_tutorial): # comment out this line to remove the tutorial if run_tutorial == 1: self._tutorial.begin_tutorial(self._screen) self.spawn() while not self._done: time.Clock().tick(FPS) # setting fps not sure if it works tho if self._initiate_countdown: # activate pre level screen self._load_pre_level_screen() self._initiate_countdown = False for e in event.get(): if e.type == QUIT: # user closes application exit() elif e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_TAB: # will eventually be moved self._access_pause_screen() elif e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_m and self._room_manager.is_room_cleared( ): self._done = self._room_manager.render_map( self._screen, False, 0, True) self._player_manager.player._data.pos.update( WINDOW_WIDTH / 2, WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2) self._newRoom = True self._items_dropped = False self._drop_manager.clearHearts() time.wait(200) elif e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_e and self._room_manager.get_proximity( ): self._screen.fill("BLACK") upgradeChooser = random.choices([1, 2, 3], weights=[0.33, 0.33, 0.33], k=1)[0] if upgradeChooser == 1: self._player_manager._player._data._attack_speed -= 2 self._treasure_screen.update_treasure_screen( self._screen, "+2 to Attack Speed! Press any Key to Continue") elif upgradeChooser == 2: self._player_manager.player._data._max_health += 1 self._player_manager.player._data._health += 1 self._treasure_screen.update_treasure_screen( self._screen, "+1 to Health! Press any Key to Continue") elif upgradeChooser == 3: self._player_manager.player._data._vel += 1 self._treasure_screen.update_treasure_screen( self._screen, "+1 to Velocity! Press any Key to Continue") display.flip() display.update() z = True while z: for e in event.get(): if e.type == KEYDOWN: self._room_manager.set_cleared() self._items_dropped = True z = False self.update() self.draw(True)
def clear(self): """ Erase the window contents """ self.__surface__.fill(self.__bg_color__) if self.__auto_update__: update()
def update(self): ###(variables)#### trap_attack_player = False # tells if a trap attacked trap_attack_enemy = False projectile_attack_player = False # tells if a projectile attacked projectile_attack_enemy = False enemy_attacked = None self.enemy_ID = -1 ###(attacks on player)#### ##trap handling for trap in self.trap_group.sprites(): if (trap.get_trap_attack_player() and Globals.INVINCIBILITY_COUNT == 0): trap_attack_player = True if (trap.get_trap_attack_enemy()): enemies_attacked = trap.get_enemies_attacked() if enemies_attacked is not None: for enemy in enemies_attacked: enemy.decrement_health(1) if trap.will_remove(): self.trap_group.remove(trap) ##icecream attacks for icecream in self.icecream_list.sprites(): #see if the enemy will release weapon/attack if (icecream.will_attack(self.level)): #get a new puddle sprite #sending level through to tell it to make a puddle #with a longer life new_trap = icecream.attack(, self.level) #add the new trap to the list of traps self.trap_group.add(new_trap) if (icecream.get_attacked_player() or trap_attack_player): if trap_attack_player: trap_attack_player = False #if so start invincibility count after attack if Globals.INVINCIBILITY_COUNT == 0: Globals.INVINCIBILITY_COUNT = self.INVINCIBILITY_TIME #see which enemy attacked the player self.enemy_ID = icecream.get_ID() #lettuce ##projectile handling for projectile in self.projectile_group.sprites(): if (projectile.attacked_player and Globals.INVINCIBILITY_COUNT == 0): projectile_attack_player = True projectile.attacked_player = False break if (projectile.projectile_attack_enemy): enemies_attacked = projectile.get_enemies_attacked() if enemies_attacked is not None: for enemy in enemies_attacked: enemy.decrement_health(1) # if projectile.will_remove(): # self.projectile_group.remove(projectile) ##lettuce attacks for lettuce in self.lettuce_list.sprites(): #see if the enemy will release weapon/attack if (lettuce.will_attack(self.level)): #get a new puddle sprite new_projectile = lettuce.attack() #add the new projectile to the list of projectiles self.projectile_group.add(new_projectile) if (lettuce.get_attacked_player() or projectile_attack_player): if projectile_attack_player: projectile_attack_player = False #if so start invincibility count after attack if Globals.INVINCIBILITY_COUNT == 0: Globals.INVINCIBILITY_COUNT = self.INVINCIBILITY_TIME #see which enemy attacked the player self.enemy_ID = lettuce.get_ID() ##burger attacks for burger in self.burger_list.sprites(): #see if the enemy will release weapon/attack if (burger.will_attack(self.level)): #get a new puddle sprite new_projectile = burger.attack() #add the new projectile to the list of projectiles self.projectile_group.add(new_projectile) if (burger.get_attacked_player() or projectile_attack_player): if projectile_attack_player: projectile_attack_player = False #if so start invincibility count after attack if Globals.INVINCIBILITY_COUNT == 0: Globals.INVINCIBILITY_COUNT = self.INVINCIBILITY_TIME #see which enemy attacked the player self.enemy_ID = burger.get_ID() ##egg attacks for egg in self.egg_list.sprites(): if (egg.get_attacked_player()): if Globals.INVINCIBILITY_COUNT == 0: Globals.INVINCIBILITY_COUNT = self.INVINCIBILITY_TIME #see which enemy attacked the player self.enemy_ID = egg.get_ID() ##cupcake attacks for cupcake in self.cupcake_list.sprites(): #see if the enemy will release weapon/attack if cupcake.will_attack(self.level): #get a new puddle sprite new_projectile = cupcake.attack() #add the new projectile to the list of projectiles self.projectile_group.add(new_projectile) if (cupcake.get_attacked_player() or projectile_attack_player): if projectile_attack_player: projectile_attack_player = False #if so start invincibility count after attack if Globals.INVINCIBILITY_COUNT == 0: Globals.INVINCIBILITY_COUNT = self.INVINCIBILITY_TIME #see which enemy attacked the player self.enemy_ID = cupcake.get_ID() self.burn_player = False ######Pad damage here for pad in self.pad_list.sprites(): if pad.rect.colliderect(self.character.rect): #DEPENDING ON PAD TYPE, CALL DIFFERENT PAD METHODS if pad.type == 0: # pad.i_am_hot(self.character) self.burn_player = pad.will_burn() if self.burn_player and Globals.INVINCIBILITY_COUNT == 0: Globals.INVINCIBILITY_COUNT = self.INVINCIBILITY_TIME elif pad.type == 1: pad.i_am_cold(self.character) ##player damage & invincibility handling #If enemy attacked the player while player not invincible if ((self.enemy_ID != -1 or self.burn_player) and Globals.INVINCIBILITY_COUNT == self.INVINCIBILITY_TIME): self.character.decrement_health(self.enemy_ID) self.enemy_ID = -1 self.burn_player = False #decrement invincibility count if player is in invincibility #handles player flashing during invincibility if (Globals.INVINCIBILITY_COUNT > 0): if (Globals.INVINCIBILITY_COUNT % 50 == 0): self.character.invincibility_frames() Globals.INVINCIBILITY_COUNT -= 1 ###Joystick if self.use_joy == 'y': self.character.handle_joy(self.block_group, self.enemy_list, self.item_group, else: self.character.handle_keys(self.block_group, self.enemy_list, self.item_group, if self.character.chng_invincibility(): self.INVINCIBILITY_TIME = self.character.get_invincibility() #get new items from the killed enemies new_items = self.character.get_items_of_killed() for item in new_items: if (item != None): self.item_group.add(item) #check if any of the items need to be removed (lifetime == 0) # if(item != None): for item in self.item_group.sprites(): if item.will_remove(): self.item_group.remove(item) player_traps = self.character.get_player_traps() for trap in player_traps: self.trap_group.add(trap) trap.set_enemy_list(self.enemy_list) # for traps in player_traps: if trap.will_remove(): self.character.remove_player_trap(trap) player_projectiles = self.character.get_player_projectiles() for projectile in player_projectiles: self.projectile_group.add(projectile) projectile.set_enemy_list(self.enemy_list) #update the allsprites self.allsprites = PS.LayeredDirty(self.trap_group, self.pad_list, self.item_group, self.player_group, self.icecream_list, self.burger_list, self.egg_list, self.cupcake_list, self.lettuce_list, self.projectile_group) #cheese/door handling if self.character.get_modified_map(): self.background = self.map_modified = False if self.character.banner != -1: #make sure it doesn't redraw banner already presen t? self.objective.changeObj(self.character.banner) self.updated_obj = True #allow banner to be drawn in draw() self.character.banner = -1 #update camera's position on the map if self.character.update_camera(): self.camera_background = self.character.get_coordinates(), self.allsprites.update(self.block_group, self.player_group) if (Locals.CHANGESTATE == "Menu"): # Globals.SCORE = self.character.score return False PD.update() # update the screen
def draw(self): screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) for planet in self.planets.values(): planet.draw() display.update([[0, 0], [screen.get_width(), screen.get_height()]])
def settings_loop(screen, game_clock, settings): def update_settings(): data = { 'map_size': int(map_size_dropdown.selected_option), 'resolution': ast.literal_eval(resolution_dropdown.selected_option), 'initial_hives': int(bee_hive_dropdown.selected_option), 'initial_bees': int(bees_dropdown.selected_option), 'flower_strat': flower_spawn_strat_dropdown.selected_option, 'hive_strat': hive_spawn_strat_dropdown.selected_option, 'music': music_dropdown.selected_option == 'True', 'flower_num': int(flower_num_dropdown.selected_option) } new_settings = Settings(data) new_screen = display.set_mode(new_settings.frame_resolution, DOUBLEBUF) return 0, new_screen, new_settings frame_resolution = settings.frame_resolution game_frame_rate = settings.frame_rate gui_manager = UIManager(frame_resolution, main_theme) element_size = (150, 50) element_size_l = (250, 50) tooltip_size = (150, 25) tooltip_size_l = (250, 25) back_button = elements.UIButton(relative_rect=Rect((30, 30), (50, 50)), text='', object_id="back_button", manager=gui_manager) save_settings_button = elements.UIButton(relative_rect=Rect((30, 100), (125, 50)), text="Save Settings", object_id="save_settings_button", manager=gui_manager) resolution_dropdown = elements.UIDropDownMenu( options_list=[ '1920, 1080', '1536, 864', '1360, 768', '1280, 1024', '640, 360', ], starting_option=str( settings.frame_resolution)[1:len(str(settings.frame_resolution)) - 1], relative_rect=Rect((200, 100), element_size), manager=gui_manager) resolution_tooltip = elements.UILabel(relative_rect=Rect((200, 75), tooltip_size), text="Window Resolution", manager=gui_manager) map_size_dropdown = elements.UIDropDownMenu( options_list=['2000', '1000', '500'], starting_option=str(settings.map_size), relative_rect=Rect((200, 250), element_size), manager=gui_manager) map_size_tooltip = elements.UILabel(relative_rect=Rect((200, 225), tooltip_size), text="Map Size", manager=gui_manager) music_dropdown = elements.UIDropDownMenu( options_list=["True", "False"], starting_option=str(settings.play_music), relative_rect=Rect((200, 400), element_size), manager=gui_manager) music_tooltip = elements.UILabel(relative_rect=Rect((200, 375), tooltip_size), text="Play Music", manager=gui_manager) bee_hive_dropdown = elements.UIDropDownMenu( options_list=['2', '5', '10', '12', '20'], starting_option=str(settings.initial_hives), relative_rect=Rect((375, 100), element_size), manager=gui_manager) bee_hive_tooltip = elements.UILabel(relative_rect=Rect((375, 75), tooltip_size), text="Number of Hives", manager=gui_manager) bees_dropdown = elements.UIDropDownMenu( options_list=['6', '8', '10', '12', '16', '20'], starting_option=str(settings.initial_bees_per_hive), relative_rect=Rect((375, 250), element_size), manager=gui_manager) bees_tooltip = elements.UILabel(relative_rect=Rect((375, 225), tooltip_size), text="Initial Bees", manager=gui_manager) flower_spawn_strat_dropdown = elements.UIDropDownMenu( options_list=['normal distribution'], starting_option=settings.flower_spawn_strategy, relative_rect=Rect((550, 100), element_size_l), manager=gui_manager) flower_spawn_strat_tooltip = elements.UILabel(relative_rect=Rect( (550, 75), tooltip_size_l), text="Flower Spawn Strategy", manager=gui_manager) hive_spawn_strat_dropdown = elements.UIDropDownMenu( options_list=['default'], starting_option=settings.hive_spawn_strategy, relative_rect=Rect((550, 250), element_size_l), manager=gui_manager) hive_spawn_strat_tooltip = elements.UILabel(relative_rect=Rect( (550, 225), tooltip_size_l), text="Hive Spawn Strategy", manager=gui_manager) flower_num_dropdown = elements.UIDropDownMenu( options_list=['200', '300', '400', '500', '600', '700'], starting_option=str(settings.flower_num), relative_rect=Rect((550, 400), element_size_l), manager=gui_manager) music_tooltip = elements.UILabel(relative_rect=Rect((550, 375), tooltip_size_l), text="Number of Flowers", manager=gui_manager) while True: screen.fill((219, 173, 92)) time_delta = game_clock.tick(game_frame_rate) / 1000.0 gui_manager.update(time_delta) gui_manager.draw_ui(screen) display.update() for e in event.get(): if e.type == QUIT: quit() exit() if e.type == USEREVENT: if e.user_type == 'ui_button_pressed': if e.ui_element == back_button: return 0, screen, settings # Returns back to main menu elif e.ui_element == save_settings_button: return update_settings() gui_manager.process_events(e)
def focus_changed(self, btn): self.screen.blit(self.submenu, (20, 490)) self.screen.blit(self.bomb, (20, btn[1] + 2)) update()
def draw(self): '''Draw the game window''' self.locale.draw() self.gnome.draw() display.update()
def main(): """ The main function. The driving function for Pygame, and the one which pieces functions and classes together to run the program. """ global primary, secondary, node_name, start pydisplay.init() pydisplay.set_caption("Create your graph") while True: # will always be running pygame.draw.rect(screen, (192, 192, 192), graph_screen) # draw background for graph screen for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type in (QUIT, KEYDOWN): # exit screen check sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: # button click check for button in buttons: # check if a button is clicked button.is_clicked(event.pos) mouse_pos = pymouse.get_pos() # adding nodes -> must be far enough away, on screen, correct mode if my_graph.not_within_min( mouse_pos) and graph_screen.collidepoint( mouse_pos) and add_node_mode == 1: new_node = Node(node_name, not_selected_color, mouse_pos, 0) my_graph.add_node(new_node) node_name += 1 # adding edges -> a node must be selected and correct mode if not my_graph.not_within_min( mouse_pos) and not add_node_mode: for node in my_graph.get_graph(): if primary == -1 and node.state == 1: # if no primary node has been selected primary = node elif primary != -1 and node.state == 1 and primary != node: # cannot make a edge with itself secondary = node if primary != -1 and secondary != -1: # add the edge and reset primary and secondary new_edge = Edge(primary, secondary, not_selected_color) if new_edge.get_edge_data( ) not in my_graph.get_edges( ): # no duplicate edges allowed my_graph.add_bi_edge(new_edge) primary.not_selected() secondary.not_selected() primary = -1 secondary = -1 # deleting nodes -> correct mode, and node selected if add_node_mode == 2 and not my_graph.not_within_min( mouse_pos): for node in my_graph.get_graph( ): # find which node was selected if node.state == 1: my_graph.del_node(node) # deleting edges -> correct mode, edge selected NEEDS FIXING if add_node_mode == 3 and not my_graph.not_within_min( mouse_pos): for node in my_graph.get_graph(): if primary == -1 and node.state == 1: # if no primary node has been selected primary = node elif primary != -1 and node.state == 1 and primary != node: # cannot make a edge with itself secondary = node if primary != -1 and secondary != -1: # add the edge and reset primary and secondary for edge in my_graph.edge_list: if (edge.u is primary and edge.v is secondary ) or (edge.v is primary and edge.u is secondary): my_graph.del_edge(edge) primary.not_selected() secondary.not_selected() primary = -1 secondary = -1 if add_node_mode == 4 and not my_graph.not_within_min( mouse_pos): num_selected = 0 # make sure only one start node can be selected at a time for node in my_graph.get_graph(): if node.state == 1: start = node.not_selected() for node in my_graph.get_graph(): if == start: node.colour = selected_color for button in buttons: # draw all buttons button.draw() my_graph.draw() pydisplay.update()
def start(): pygame.init() p = Player((200, 0, 0)) p2 = Player((100, 100, 0)) p2.pos = (100, 100) p.prepare() p2.prepare() players = [] players.append(p) players.append(p2) gameDisplay = display.set_mode(resolution[choseResolution]) display.set_caption('Survival\'s King') clock = pygame.time.Clock() bullets = [] gameItens = [] item1 = Gun() item1.damage = 35 item1.pos = (150, 150) gameItens.append(item1) crashed = False fpsCounter = 0 fps = 0 lastDisplay = 0 while not crashed: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: crashed = True keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[pygame.K_w]: p.pos = (p.pos[0], p.pos[1] - p.moveSpeed) if keys[pygame.K_s]: p.pos = (p.pos[0], p.pos[1] + p.moveSpeed) if keys[pygame.K_a]: p.pos = (p.pos[0] - p.moveSpeed, p.pos[1]) if keys[pygame.K_d]: p.pos = (p.pos[0] + p.moveSpeed, p.pos[1]) if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0] == 1: if keys[pygame.K_f]: (gr, it, eq) = mouseOver() if it >= 0 and len(p.itens) > it: pass if gr >= 0 and len(p.ground) > gr: p.itens.append(p.ground[gr]) gameItens.remove(p.ground[gr]) if eq >= 0 and len(p.itens) > eq: pass else:, p.pos, (pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0] - p.pos[0], pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1] - p.pos[1]), bullets) for item in gameItens: drawItem(item, gameDisplay) for player in players: player.ground = [] for bullet in bullets: drawBullet(bullet, gameDisplay) if hit(player, bullet): player.takeShot(bullet) if bullet.die: bullets.remove(bullet) for item in gameItens: if colide(player, item): player.ground.append(item) drawPlayer(player, gameDisplay) drawStatsPanel(p, gameDisplay) if keys[pygame.K_f]: drawInventory(gameDisplay, p.itens, p.ground) fpsCounter += 1 if pygame.time.get_ticks() - lastDisplay >= 1000: lastDisplay = pygame.time.get_ticks() fps = fpsCounter fpsCounter = 0 fpsText = font.render('FPS: ' + str(fps), False, (200, 200, 200)) gameDisplay.blit(fpsText, (10, 10)) display.update() gameDisplay.fill((0, 0, 0)) #gameDisplay.fill(pygame.image.load('/sprits/ground.png')) clock.tick(30) pygame.quit()
def play(self): set_repeat(1, 1) timer = Clock() while not self.end: for event in get(): if event.type == QUIT: exit() if event.type == KEYDOWN: k = event.key if k == K_ESCAPE: self.game_pause() if k == K_DOWN: self.hero.rotate(0) self.hero.ismoved = True if k == K_UP: self.hero.rotate(1) self.hero.ismoved = True if k == K_RIGHT: self.hero.rotate(2) self.hero.ismoved = True if k == K_LEFT: self.hero.rotate(3) self.hero.ismoved = True if k == K_SPACE: self.hero.place_bomb(self.sprites_and_bombs) elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key != 32: self.hero.ismoved = False for m in self.mobs: m.strategy() self.screen.fill(self.color) self.grass.update(self.screen) self.bonuses.update(self.screen) self.sprites.update(self.screen) self.hero.update(self.screen, self.sprites) self.mobs.update(self.screen, self.sprites_and_bombs) self.show_info() update() killed = False clock = get_ticks() for ex in self.hero.explosions: if clock + 780 < ex.clear_time: for m in self.mobs: if collide_rect(m, ex): self.scores += 15 m.kill() if collide_rect(self.hero, ex): killed = True if killed or self.hero.collide(self.mobs): self.death() if self.end: break else: for bon in self.bonuses: if bon.visible() and collide_rect(self.hero, bon): if bon.type == 4: self.lives += 1 elif bon.type == 5: self.max_bombs += 1 self.hero.max_bombs += 1 elif bon.type == 6: self.strength += 1 self.hero.strength += 1 bon.remove(self.bonuses) self.scores += 10 if len(self.mobs) == 0: self.lvl += 1 self.scores += 20 self.load_level() timer.tick(self.fps)
def next_frame(self, action, text=''): pump() reward = 1 terminal = False # Check input action if action == 0: # 0 means flap self.current_velocity_y = self.upward_speed self.is_flapped = True # Update score bird_center_x = self.bird_x + self.bird_width / 2 for pipe in self.pipes: pipe_center_x = pipe["x_upper"] + self.pipe_width / 2 if pipe_center_x < bird_center_x < pipe_center_x + 5: self.score += 1 break # get detal_x, detal_y for pipe in self.pipes: if self.bird_x < pipe["x_lower"] + self.pipe_width: detal_x = pipe['x_lower'] + self.pipe_width - self.bird_x detal_y = pipe['y_lower'] - self.bird_y + self.bird_height # a triangle points = ((self.bird_x, self.bird_y + self.bird_height), (pipe['x_lower'] + self.pipe_width, pipe['y_lower']), (self.bird_x, pipe['y_lower'])) break # Update index and iteration if (self.iter + 1) % 3 == 0: self.bird_index = next(self.bird_index_generator) self.iter = 0 self.base_x = -((-self.base_x + 100) % self.base_shift) # Update bird's position if self.current_velocity_y < self.max_velocity_y and not self.is_flapped: self.current_velocity_y += self.downward_speed if self.is_flapped: self.is_flapped = False self.bird_y += min( self.current_velocity_y, self.bird_y - self.current_velocity_y - self.bird_height) if self.bird_y < 0: self.bird_y = 0 # Update pipes' position for pipe in self.pipes: pipe["x_upper"] += self.pipe_velocity_x pipe["x_lower"] += self.pipe_velocity_x # Update pipes if 0 < self.pipes[0]["x_lower"] < 5: self.pipes.append(self.generate_pipe()) if self.pipes[0]["x_lower"] < -self.pipe_width: del self.pipes[0] if self.is_collided(): terminal = True reward = -1000 self.__init__() # show info font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 20) info = font.render(text, False, (255, 200, 10)) # Draw everything self.screen.blit(self.background_image, (0, 0)) self.screen.blit(self.base_image, (self.base_x, self.base_y)) self.screen.blit(self.bird_images[self.bird_index], (self.bird_x, self.bird_y)) for pipe in self.pipes: self.screen.blit(self.pipe_images[0], (pipe["x_upper"], pipe["y_upper"])) self.screen.blit(self.pipe_images[1], (pipe["x_lower"], pipe["y_lower"])) self.screen.blit(info, (0, 100)) pygame.draw.polygon(display.get_surface(), (255, 0, 0), points, width=1) image = array3d(display.get_surface()) display.update() self.fps_clock.tick(self.fps) return image, reward, terminal, self.score, str( (int(detal_x / 4), int(detal_y / 4)))
def update_display(self, dirty_rects): display.update(dirty_rects)
def change_level(self, currentLevel, stage): self.reset_level() self.level = currentLevel self.stage = stage ldata = Lvl_Data(self.level, stage) self.objective = ldata.objective self.updated_obj = False ######CHANGED ####turn back on only for presentations? if self.stage == 1: Cutscene(Globals.SCREEN, self.level) #interpretting mapfile.txt if (self.level > 1): del Map.GRASS_ARRAY = [] Map.PAD_ARRAY = [] self.pad_list.empty() ##new map is different than level 1's map, of course. = Map.Map(ldata.map_file, self.level) = cam.Camera( self.camera_background = None self.background = self.allsprites.clear(Globals.SCREEN, self.background) Globals.SCREEN.blit(self.background, (0, 0)) PD.update() self.num_enemies += # icecream self.num_enemies += # burger self.num_enemies += # lettuce self.num_enemies += # cupcake self.num_enemies += # egg #icecream for e in range( icecream = IceCream(, 1),, 1)) self.icecream_list.add(icecream) #burger for e in range( burger = Burger(, 2),, 2), self.level) self.burger_list.add(burger) #lettuce for e in range( lettuce = Lettuce(, 3),, 3)) self.lettuce_list.add(lettuce) #cupcake for e in range( cupcake = Cupcake(, 4),, 4)) self.cupcake_list.add(cupcake) #egg for e in range( egg = Egg(, 5),, 5), self.level) self.egg_list.add(egg) self.enemy_list.add(self.icecream_list) self.enemy_list.add(self.burger_list) self.enemy_list.add(self.lettuce_list) self.enemy_list.add(self.cupcake_list) self.enemy_list.add(self.egg_list) player_health = 0 #get enemy health if self.stage > 1: player_health = self.character.get_health() self.character = Player(Globals.DELTA) self.player_group = PS.GroupSingle(self.character) if self.stage > 1: self.character.set_health(player_health, True) #pads for e in range(len( if[e] == 0: # hot newPad = Pad.create_Pad(,, 0) self.pad_list.add(newPad) elif[e] == 1: newPad = Pad.create_Pad(,, 1) self.pad_list.add(newPad) #get block sprite group from the map file self.block_group = #list that holds traps self.trap_list = [] # self.trap_group = PS.Group() # self.item_group = PS.Group() #allsprites has all dirty sprites (player, enemies, traps) self.allsprites = PS.LayeredDirty(self.trap_group, self.pad_list, self.item_group, self.player_group, self.icecream_list, self.burger_list, self.egg_list, self.lettuce_list, self.projectile_group) self.allsprites.clear(Globals.SCREEN, self.background) ####(Level variables)#### Globals.INVINCIBILITY_COUNT = 0 # player's invinicibility frame time #what kind of enemy by ID (-1 means no enemy) used for collisions self.enemy_ID = -1 #if true, tells map to update w/o key & door self.map_modified = False ##temp obj conditions self.cheesed = True self.killed = True self.camera_background = self.character.get_coordinates(),
def update(self): """ Update the window by copying all drawn objects from the frame buffer to the display. - self is the Window """ update()
def play(): # OBJECTS croshair = game_objects.Object(images.croshair_img) bogeys = [] missiles = [] clip = 4 score = 0 missed = 0 lives = 3 ship = game_objects.Object(image=images.ship_img, x=SHIP_LOCALE[0], y=SHIP_LOCALE[1], expire=False) missile_speed = 20 * 25 / fps min_bogey_speed = 5 * 25 / fps max_bogey_speed = 15 * 25 / fps show_target = 20 * fps / 25 # ship_rect = config.ship_img.get_rect(center = (SHIP_LOCALE)) # EVENTS SPAWNBOGEY = pygame.USEREVENT pygame.time.set_timer(SPAWNBOGEY, 800) # Start 1500 REFILL = pygame.USEREVENT + 1 pygame.time.set_timer(REFILL, 700) running = True # GAME LOOP while running == True: # GARBAGE COLLECTION # # deletes objects that have expired: # whose time has run out and expiration is enabled missiles = [ missile for missile in missiles if not missile.is_garbage() ] bogeys = [bogey for bogey in bogeys if not bogey.is_garbage()] # DRAWING screen.blit(images.background_img, (0, 0)) ship.draw(screen) croshair.draw(screen) texts.clip_display(screen, config, clip) texts.score_display(screen, config, score) texts.missed_display(screen, config, missed) # texts.debug_display(screen, config, missiles, bogeys) # Draw Bogeys for bogey in bogeys: bogey.move_y() bogey.draw(screen) # Check if Bogey is leaving the screen if bogey.rect.centery > SCREEN_SIZE[1]: missed += 1 # Draw Missiles for missile in missiles: missile.move_2d() missile.draw(screen) # Check collisions hits = check_collision(bogeys, missiles) score += hits # If enough bogeys aren't shot down # end the game if missed >= lives: running = False # EVENTS current_events = pygame.event.get() for event in current_events: # KEYBOARD if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key in (pygame.K_SPACE, pygame.K_ESCAPE, pygame.K_RETURN, pygame.K_KP_ENTER): running = False # APP CLOSE if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False # MOUSE if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if clip > 0: clip -= 1 mouse_x, mouse_y = mouse.get_pos() vect = vector((mouse_x, mouse_y), SHIP_LOCALE) missiles.append(spawn_missile(vect, missile_speed)) croshair.pos(mouse_x, mouse_y) # TIMED EVENTS if event.type == SPAWNBOGEY: bogeys.append( spawn_bogey(random.randrange(32, SCREEN_SIZE[0] - 32), random_speed(min_bogey_speed, max_bogey_speed))) if event.type == REFILL: clip = refill_clip(clip) display.update() clock.tick(fps) # SHOW POST_GAME post_game = True while post_game: screen.blit(images.background_img, (0, 0)) texts.clip_display(screen, config, clip) texts.score_display(screen, config, score) # texts.debug_display(screen, config, missiles, bogeys) texts.missed_display(screen, config, missed) gameover_rect = texts.gameover_display(screen, config, score) current_events = pygame.event.get() for event in current_events: # KEYBOARD if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: post_game = False if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mouse_x, mouse_y = mouse.get_pos() if gameover_rect.collidepoint((mouse_x, mouse_y)): post_game = False # APP CLOSE if event.type == pygame.QUIT: post_game = False display.update() clock.tick(25) return score
def main(username: str) -> int: global isMuted run, fps = True, 60 lives, font_, clock = 5, SysFont("comicsans", 50), Clock() level = 0 player = Player(300, 650, username) bgy, bgy2 = 0.0, -float(BACKGROUND.get_height()) enemies, enemy_lasers = [], [] player_laser_vel = -8 wave_length, enemy_vel, laser_vel = 5, 1, 5"assets/background.wav") def update_window() -> None: WIN.blit(BACKGROUND, (0, bgy)) WIN.blit(BACKGROUND, (0, bgy2)) level_label = font_.render(f"Score: {player.score}", True, (255, 255, 255)) lives_label = font_.render(f"Lives: {lives}", True, (255, 255, 255)) WIN.blit(lives_label, (10, 10)) for enemy in enemies: enemy.draw(WIN) for laser in enemy_lasers: laser.draw(WIN) WIN.blit(level_label, (WIDTH - level_label.get_width()-10, 10)) player.draw(WIN) update() while run: clock.tick(fps) if len(enemies) == 0: if level == 10: update_scores(player) return 1 wave_length += 1 enemies.extend(spawn(wave_length)) level += 1 if level % 4 == 0: enemy_vel += 1 player.v += 1 player_laser_vel -= 1 level_label = font_.render(F"Level {level}...", True, (255, 255, 255)) WIN.blit(level_label, (WIDTH//2 - level_label.get_width()//2, HEIGHT//2)) update() pygame.time.wait(2500) update_window() bgy += 1.4 bgy2 += 1.4 if bgy > HEIGHT: bgy = -BACKGROUND.get_height() if bgy2 > HEIGHT: bgy2 = -BACKGROUND.get_height() for event in get(): if event.type == QUIT: quit() keys = get_pressed() if len(keys): player.move(keys) if keys[K_SPACE]: player.shoot() if keys[K_m]: isMuted = not isMuted if isMuted: else: for enemy in enemies[:]: enemy.move(enemy_vel) if randint(0, 2*30) == 1 and enemy.y > 0: enemy.shoot(enemy_lasers) if collide(enemy, player): enemies.remove(enemy) lives -= 1 elif enemy.off_screen(): enemies.remove(enemy) player.score -= 1 player.score = max(player.score, 0) lives = move_lasers(laser_vel, player, enemy_lasers, lives) if lives <= 0: update_scores(player) return 1 player.move_lasers(player_laser_vel, enemies) update_scores(player) return 1
def update(cls): fondo = display.get_surface() fondo.fill(COLOR_FONDO) cls.contents.draw(fondo) display.update()
def cambiaColorFondo(sc, color): sc.fill(color) update()
def _blank_screen(self): """Render a blank screen filled with the background color.""" self._screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) display.update()
def graphsProcess(s): display.update()
def draw_game(self): self.DISPLAY.fill(self.BACKGROUND_COLOR) self.draw_grid() self.snake.draw(self.DISPLAY) display.update()
def update(self): self._draw_background() self._draw_buttons() self._draw_tiles() self._draw_labels() update()
def update(self): # Update the window by copying all drawn objects from the # frame buffer to the display. # - self is the Window update()
def next_frame(self, action): pump() reward = 0.1 terminal = False # Check input action if action == 1: self.current_velocity_y = self.upward_speed self.is_flapped = True # Update score bird_center_x = self.bird_x + self.bird_width / 2 for pipe in self.pipes: pipe_center_x = pipe["x_upper"] + self.pipe_width / 2 if pipe_center_x < bird_center_x < pipe_center_x + 5: self.score += 1 reward = 1 break # Update index and iteration if (self.iter + 1) % 3 == 0: self.bird_index = next(self.bird_index_generator) self.iter = 0 self.base_x = -((-self.base_x + 100) % self.base_shift) # Update bird's position if self.current_velocity_y < self.max_velocity_y and not self.is_flapped: self.current_velocity_y += self.downward_speed if self.is_flapped: self.is_flapped = False self.bird_y += min( self.current_velocity_y, self.bird_y - self.current_velocity_y - self.bird_height) if self.bird_y < 0: self.bird_y = 0 # Update pipes' position for pipe in self.pipes: pipe["x_upper"] += self.pipe_velocity_x pipe["x_lower"] += self.pipe_velocity_x # Update pipes if 0 < self.pipes[0]["x_lower"] < 5: self.pipes.append(self.generate_pipe()) if self.pipes[0]["x_lower"] < -self.pipe_width: del self.pipes[0] if self.is_collided(): terminal = True #if self.distance_reward < 0.2: # reward = -1 #else: if terminal == True: while 1 == 1: print("1") reward = -1 + self.distance_reward #print(reward) self.__init__() # Draw everything self.screen.blit(self.background_image, (0, 0)) self.screen.blit(self.base_image, (self.base_x, self.base_y)) self.screen.blit(self.bird_images[self.bird_index], (self.bird_x, self.bird_y)) for pipe in self.pipes: self.screen.blit(self.pipe_images[0], (pipe["x_upper"], pipe["y_upper"])) self.screen.blit(self.pipe_images[1], (pipe["x_lower"], pipe["y_lower"])) image = array3d(display.get_surface()) display.update() self.fps_clock.tick(self.fps) return image, reward, terminal, self.score
def menu(): init() FPS = 15 clock = pygame.time.Clock() red = (255, 0, 0) green = (0, 255, 0) blue = (255, 255, 100) screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) display.update() play_is_pressed = False chosen_pers = None chosen_btn = 0 first_screen_chosen_btn = 0 #music'2.mp3') bg = pygame.image.load('images/bg1.png') bg1 = pygame.image.load('images/bg2.png') x = 250 y = 250 r = 20 dx = 0 dy = 0 btn_play = [512 - 100, 368 - 50, 200, 90] btn_exit = [5, 690, 80, 50] first_screen_btns_r = [btn_play, btn_exit] btn_play = [512 - 100, 368 - 50,pygame.image.load('images/play.png')] btn_exit = [18, 700, pygame.image.load('images/exit.png')] first_screen_btns = [btn_play, btn_exit] btn1 = [512 - 100 - 250, 368 - 100] btn2 = [512 - 100, 368 - 100] btn3 = [512 - 100 + 250, 368 - 100] btn_back = [18, 700] btn_rating = [900, 700] r_btn1 = [512 - 100 - 250, 368 - 100, 200, 200] r_btn2 = [512 - 100, 368 - 100, 200, 200] r_btn3 = [512 - 100 + 250, 368 - 100, 200, 200] r_btn_back = [18, 700, 60, 50] r_rating = [900, 700, 100, 60] buttons_r = [r_btn1, r_btn2, r_btn3, r_btn_back, r_rating] btn1 += [pygame.image.load('images/Nps/Рыцарь/2(Стоит).png')] btn2 += [pygame.image.load('images/Nps/Принцесса/Стоит.png')] btn3 += [pygame.image.load('images/Nps/Маг/2(Стоит).png')] btn_back += [pygame.image.load('images/back.png')] btn_rating += [pygame.image.load('images/rating.png')] buttons_ = [btn1, btn2, btn3, btn_back, btn_rating] display.update() loop = 1 rating_screen = 0 st = 0 check = 0 while loop: pygame.mouse.set_visible(0) clock.tick(FPS) screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) if st == 0: screen.blit(bg, (0,0)) for btn in first_screen_btns: screen.blit(btn[2], btn[:2]) draw.rect(screen, blue, first_screen_btns_r[first_screen_chosen_btn], 5) display.update() for i in event.get(): if i.type == QUIT: loop = 0 elif i.type == KEYDOWN: if i.key == K_SPACE: if first_screen_chosen_btn == 0: st = 1 else: loop = 0 if i.key == K_s: first_screen_chosen_btn = 1 if i.key == K_w: first_screen_chosen_btn = 0 elif st == 2: text_get("Last 5 player results", (255 ,255,255), 512, 100, 100) with open("history.txt", "r") as file: text = list(map(str, [line[:-1] for line in file]))[-5:] for i in range(5): text_get(text[i], (255,255,255), 512, 250 + i * 100, 79) for i in event.get(): if i.type == QUIT: loop = 0 elif i.type == KEYDOWN: if i.key == K_a: check = 1 elif i.key == K_d: check = 1 elif i.key == K_w: check = 1 elif i.key == K_s: check = 1 elif i.key == K_SPACE: st = 1 screen.blit(buttons_[3][2], buttons_[3][:2]) draw.rect(screen, blue, buttons_r[3], 5) if keyPressed(pygame.K_SPACE) and check: st = 1 sleep(0.5) display.update() elif chosen_pers == None and st == 1: screen.blit(bg1, (0,0)) text_get("Choose one of sprites:", (255, 255, 255), 512, 100, 50) for button in buttons_: screen.blit(button[2], button[:2]) # draw.rect(screen, (255, 255, 255), button) draw.rect(screen, blue, buttons_r[chosen_btn], 5) display.update() for i in event.get(): if i.type == QUIT: loop = 0 elif i.type == KEYDOWN: if i.key == K_a: chosen_btn = max(0, chosen_btn - 1) elif i.key == K_d: chosen_btn = min(4, chosen_btn + 1) elif i.key == K_w: if chosen_btn == 3 or chosen_btn == 4: chosen_btn = 0 elif i.key == K_s: chosen_btn = 3 elif i.key == K_SPACE: if chosen_btn < 3: chosen_pers = chosen_btn elif chosen_btn == 4: st = 2 else: st = 0 # sleep(0.5) else: loop = 0 # quit() return chosen_pers quit() time.delay(30)
def clear(self): # Erase the window contents # - self is the Window if self.__auto_update__: update()
def run(self): self.setup() self.running = introGame(self.screen,, self.database.getProfile()) add_rumput = True add_keris = True add_bambu = True while self.running: events = if events["type"]["quit"]: self.running = False break elif events["type"]["keydown"]: if events["keys"]["space"] or events["keys"]["up"]: self.player.jump_up() #=== Move position ===# boundary_values = [0, self.grass_position[-1]] self.player.update( boundary_values, float( self.clock.tick(self.config.parse["settings"]["frame"]) / 1000)) self.tanah_position[0] = -( (-self.tanah_position[0] + self.speed) % self.tanah_diff) self.grass_position[0] = -( (-self.grass_position[0] + self.speed) % self.grass_diff) #=== Move rumput object ===# for rumput in self.rumputGroup: rumput.rect.left -= self.config.parse["settings"]["speed"] if rumput.rect.left < 4 and rumput.rect.left > 0 and add_rumput: if len(self.rumputGroup) > 50: continue else: image =["textures"][ "rumput" + str(random.randint(1, 6))] self.rumputGroup.add( Rumput(image, [ random.randint(self.config.getRect.width, 3000), self.config.getRect.height * 0.80 ])) elif rumput.rect.right < 0: if len(self.rumputGroup) > 50: self.rumputGroup.remove(rumput) else: self.rumputGroup.remove(rumput) image =["textures"][ "rumput" + str(random.randint(1, 6))] self.rumputGroup.add( Rumput(image, [ random.randint(self.config.getRect.width, 3000), self.config.getRect.height * 0.80 ])) #=== Move keris object ===# for keris in self.kerisGroup: keris.rect.left -= self.config.parse["settings"]["speed"] #=== Check object to object ===# if collide_mask(self.player, keris) and not keris.is_used: keris.is_used = True self.kerisGroup.remove(keris) add_keris = True if self.score.add_score(): self.running = False break if keris.rect.left < 4 and keris.rect.left > 0 and add_keris: if self.running = False break keris = Keris(["anim"]["keris"], [ random.randint(self.config.getRect.width, self.config.getRect.width * 2), 10 ]) keris.rect.bottom += random.randint( 10, self.config.getRect.height - 130) self.kerisGroup.add(keris) add_keris = False elif add_keris and keris.is_used: if random.randint(0, 1) == 1: for _ in range(random.randint(1, 2)): keris = Keris(["anim"]["keris"], [ random.randint(self.config.getRect.width, self.config.getRect.width * 2), 10 ]) keris.rect.bottom += random.randint( 10, self.config.getRect.height - 130) self.kerisGroup.add(keris) else: keris = Keris(["anim"]["keris"], [ random.randint(self.config.getRect.width, self.config.getRect.width * 2), 10 ]) keris.rect.bottom += random.randint( 10, self.config.getRect.height - 130) self.kerisGroup.add(keris) add_keris = False elif keris.rect.right < 0: self.kerisGroup.remove(keris) keris = Keris(["anim"]["keris"], [ random.randint(self.config.getRect.width, self.config.getRect.width * 2), 10 ]) keris.rect.bottom += random.randint( 10, self.config.getRect.height - 130) self.kerisGroup.add(keris) for bambuEnemy in self.bambuGroup: bambuEnemy.rect.left -= self.config.parse["settings"]["speed"] if collide_mask(self.player, bambuEnemy) and not bambuEnemy.is_used: bambuEnemy.is_used = True add_bambu = True self.score.rescore() if bambuEnemy.rect.left < 4 and bambuEnemy.rect.left > 0 and add_bambu: bambu = Bambu(["other"]["bambu"], [ random.randint(self.config.getRect.width, self.config.getRect.width * 2), 10 ]) bambu.rect.bottom += self.config.getRect.height * 0.78 self.bambuGroup.add(bambu) add_bambu = False elif bambuEnemy.rect.right < 0: self.bambuGroup.remove(bambuEnemy) bambu = Bambu(["other"]["bambu"], [ random.randint(self.config.getRect.width, self.config.getRect.width * 2), 10 ]) bambu.rect.bottom += self.config.getRect.height * 0.78 self.bambuGroup.add(bambu) #=== Screen display ===# self.screen.blit(self.BACKGROUND, (0, 0)) self.rumputGroup.draw(self.screen) self.screen.blit(self.tanah, self.tanah_position) self.screen.blit(self.grass, self.grass_position) self.bambuGroup.draw(self.screen) self.kerisGroup.draw(self.screen) self.player.draw(self.screen) self.score.draw(self.screen) #=== Check ===# if self.score.check(): self.running = False elif self.running = False self.clock.tick(self.config.parse["settings"]["frame"]) update() self.logs.warning("Menyimpan score") self.database.updateScore(self.score.getScore) self.logs.warning("Menutup game...") pygame.quit()
elif rhombus.collidepoint(mouse_pos): grab = rhombus other = triangle elif triangle.collidepoint(mouse_pos): grab = triangle other = rhombus Y_triangle = triangle.project((0, 1)) Y_rhombus = rhombus.project((0, 1)) draw.line(SCREEN, (255, 0, 0), (2, Y_triangle[0]), (2, Y_triangle[1]), 2) draw.line(SCREEN, (0, 0, 255), (7, Y_rhombus[0]), (7, Y_rhombus[1]), 2) X_triangle = triangle.project((1, 0)) X_rhombus = rhombus.project((1, 0)) draw.line(SCREEN, (255, 0, 0), (X_triangle[0], 2), (X_triangle[1], 2), 2) draw.line(SCREEN, (0, 0, 255), (X_rhombus[0], 7), (X_rhombus[1], 7), 2), (255, 255, 255), triangle.C.astype(int), 3), (255, 255, 255), rhombus.C.astype(int), 3) r = array(mouse.get_rel()) if grab: grab.C = mouse_pos distance = grab.distance(other, -r) msg = font.render(str(distance), 0, (255, 255, 255)) SCREEN.blit(msg, (0, 0)) display.update()
def main(): pygame.init() # ============================================================================= # import ctypes # # Query DPI Awareness (Windows 10 and 8) # awareness = ctypes.c_int() # errorCode = ctypes.windll.shcore.GetProcessDpiAwareness(0, ctypes.byref(awareness)) # print(awareness.value) # errorCode = ctypes.windll.shcore.SetProcessDpiAwareness(0) # print(errorCode) # success = ctypes.windll.user32.SetProcessDPIAware() # ============================================================================= screen = display.set_mode(size=(WIDTH, HEIGHT), flags=pygame.SCALED, display=0, depth=32) #screen = display.set_mode(size=(WIDTH,HEIGHT),display=0,depth=32) # declaration of algorithms for ThorPy buttons runKnn = thorpy.make_button("kNN", func=lambda: run_classification("KNN")) runLda = thorpy.make_button("LDA", func=lambda: run_classification("LDA")) runNB = thorpy.make_button("NB", func=lambda: run_classification("NB")) runTree = thorpy.make_button("Decision Tree", func=lambda: run_classification("TREE")) runForest = thorpy.make_button("Random Forest", func=lambda: run_classification("RF")) runSvc = thorpy.make_button("SVM", func=lambda: run_classification("SVM")) runGB = thorpy.make_button("Gradient Boosting", func=lambda: run_classification("GB")) runPerc = thorpy.make_button("Perceptron", func=lambda: run_classification("PERC")) runReset = thorpy.make_button("RESET", func=reset) # create a box of buttons box = thorpy.Box.make(elements=[ runKnn, runLda, runNB, runTree, runForest, runSvc, runGB, runPerc, runReset ]) menu = thorpy.Menu(box) box.set_topleft((600, 5)) box.blit() box.update() display.set_caption("Simple classifier byPK") while True: clock.tick(40) for event in pygame.event.get(): menu.react(event) #read an event if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]: pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if pos[0] < 600: if color == RED: red_points.append(pos) if color == GREEN: green_points.append(pos) if pos[0] > 600 and pos[1] > 450: switch_color() refresh(screen) display.update()