def __init__(self, screen): sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.image = surface.Surface(screen) self.image.fill((255, 255, 255)) self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.playButton = surface.Surface( [int(screen[1] * 0.5), int(screen[1] * 0.5)]) self.playButton.fill(Color("white")) rect = self.playButton.get_rect() =, Color("yellow"), [ int(self.playButton.get_width() / 2), int(self.playButton.get_width() / 2) ], int(self.playButton.get_width() / 2)) rect = self.playButton.get_size() rect = Rect([(int(rect[0] * 0.25), int(rect[1] * 0.35)), (int(rect[0] * 0.5), int(rect[1] * 0.3))]) # rect = (self.rect.centerx, int(screen[1]*0.5*0.25), self.rect.centery, int(screen[1]*0.5*0.15)) # rect = Rect(rect[0]-rect[1], rect[2]-rect[3], rect[1]*2, rect[3]*2) draw.polygon(self.playButton, Color("orange"), [ rect.topleft, (rect.x + 0.25 * rect.w, rect.centery), rect.bottomleft, rect.midright ]) self.image.blit( self.playButton, tuple( map(lambda val: int(val - self.playButton.get_width() / 2), del rect self.complete = True self.actualizar = False self.code = 1
def test_color_validation(self): surf = pygame.Surface((10, 10)) colors = 123456, (1, 10, 100), RED # but not '#ab12df' or 'red' ... points = ((0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 0)) # 1. valid colors for col in colors: draw.line(surf, col, (0, 0), (1, 1)) draw.aaline(surf, col, (0, 0), (1, 1)) draw.aalines(surf, col, True, points) draw.lines(surf, col, True, points) draw.arc(surf, col, pygame.Rect(0, 0, 3, 3), 15, 150) draw.ellipse(surf, col, pygame.Rect(0, 0, 3, 6), 1), col, (7, 3), 2) draw.polygon(surf, col, points, 0) # 2. invalid colors for col in ('invalid', 1.256, object(), None, '#ab12df', 'red'): with self.assertRaises(TypeError): draw.line(surf, col, (0, 0), (1, 1)) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): draw.aaline(surf, col, (0, 0), (1, 1)) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): draw.aalines(surf, col, True, points) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): draw.lines(surf, col, True, points) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): draw.arc(surf, col, pygame.Rect(0, 0, 3, 3), 15, 150) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): draw.ellipse(surf, col, pygame.Rect(0, 0, 3, 6), 1) with self.assertRaises(TypeError):, col, (7, 3), 2) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): draw.polygon(surf, col, points, 0)
def prepare_text(self): """ Рисует буквы с переливающимся цветом :return: """ # Рисуем полоски (параллелограммы) for strip in range(self.num_strips): x_coord = (strip * self.len_of_strip + self.position) % ( self.len_of_strip * self.num_strips) - self.len_of_strip coords = ((x_coord, 0), (x_coord - self.height_of_strip * cos(pi / 4), self.height_of_strip), (x_coord + self.len_of_strip - self.height_of_strip * cos(pi / 4), self.height_of_strip), (x_coord + self.len_of_strip, 0)) polygon(self.camera_surface, self.colors[strip % len(self.colors)], coords) # Вырезаем буквы self.camera_surface.blit(self.text_surface, (0, 0)) # Делаем прозрачным то, что нужно # удалив это строчку, можно накинуть 20 фпс self.camera_surface.set_colorkey((1, 1, 1))
def house(x, y, scale=1.0): """function draws a house with (x, y) coordinates of top left corner""" width = int(220 * scale) height = int(130 * scale) windows(x, y, width, height) top_windows(x, y, width, height) vertical_beams(x, y, width, height, scale) tubes(x, y, width, height) d.rect(screen, brown, (x, y, width, height)) d.rect(screen, dark_gray, (x - int(20 * scale), y + 5, int(width + 40 * scale), height // 8)) d.rect(screen, dark_gray, (x - int(20 * scale), y + 5 - height // 4, int(width + 40 * scale), height // 12)) d.rect(screen, dark_gray, (x, y - height, width, height // 6)) d.polygon(screen, dark_gray, ((x - int(30 * scale), y - height + height // 6), (x, y - height + height // 6), (x, y - height))) d.polygon(screen, dark_gray, ((x + width + int(30 * scale), y - height + height // 6), (x + width, y - height + height // 6), (x + width, y - height))) cords = [(x + int(22 * scale), y + int(35 * scale)), (x + int(195 * scale), y + int(105 * scale)), (x + int(40 * scale), y - int(90 * scale)), (x + int(180 * scale), y - int(50 * scale))] probs = coinflip(4) for i in range(len(cords)): if probs[i] == 1: a, b = cords[i] cobweb(a, b, 0.45 * scale)
def draw_legs(surf_2, surf_1, length, width): """ Функция рисует на дополнительных поверхностях ноги птицы :param surf_2: поверхность, на которой будет нарисована желтая часть лапок и черный контур вокруг лапок :param surf_1: поверхность, на которой будут нарисованы ноги без желтой части лапок :param length: длина белой части ноги :param width: ширина белой части ноги :return: функция ничего не возвращает """ draw.ellipse(surf_2, white, (45, 10, 20, 50)) draw.ellipse(surf_1, white, (0, 0, 30, 60)) draw.polygon(surf_2, black, [(width - 1, length), (width - 16, length + 10), (width - 31, length + 29), (width - 5, length + 11), (width - 1, length + 36), (width + 4, length + 19), (width + 1, length + 11), (width + 1, length + 9), (width + 19, length + 34), (width + 18, length + 19), (width + 11, length + 11), (width + 7, length + 4), (width + 36, length + 30), (width + 29, length + 14), (width + 11, length)]) draw.polygon(surf_2, (234, 211, 114), [(width + 0, length), (width - 15, length + 10), (width - 30, length + 28), (width - 5, length + 10), (width, length + 35), (width + 3, length + 20), (width, length + 10), (width + 2, length + 8), (width + 20, length + 33), (width + 17, length + 20), (width + 10, length + 10), (width + 7, length + 4), (width + 35, length + 29), (width + 28, length + 14), (width + 10, length)])
def draw_fig(new_x, new_y, r, color, m): if m != 3:, color, (new_x, new_y), r) else: pgd.polygon(screen, color, [(new_x, new_y), (new_x + r, new_y), (new_x + r, new_y + r), (new_x, new_y + r)])
def draw_boat(boat_x, boat_y, p): """ boat_x - координата x центра иллюминатора boat_y - координата y центра иллюминатора p - коэффициент пропорциональности размеров лодки """, (139, 80, 20), (boat_x, boat_y), p * 7) draw.rect(screen, (0, 0, 255), (boat_x - p * 7, boat_y - p * 7, p * 7 * 2, p * 7)) draw.rect(screen, (0, 0, 255), (boat_x, boat_y, p * 7, p * 7)) draw.rect(screen, (0, 0, 0), (boat_x, boat_y, p * 28 + 2, p * 7)) draw.rect(screen, (139, 80, 20), (boat_x + 1, boat_y, p * 28, p * 7)) draw.polygon(screen, (0, 0, 0), [(boat_x + p * 28 + 2, boat_y), (boat_x + p * 28 + 2, boat_y + p * 7 - 1), (boat_x + p * 43, boat_y)]) draw.polygon(screen, (139, 80, 20), [(boat_x + p * 28 + 2, boat_y), (boat_x + p * 28 + 2, boat_y + p * 7 - 1), (boat_x + p * 43, boat_y)]), (0, 0, 0), (boat_x + p * 33, boat_y + p * 3 - 2), p * 2), (255, 255, 255), (boat_x + p * 33, boat_y + p * 3 - 2), p * 2 - 3)
def rounded_corners(self, surface): """ Applies a rounded corners effect to this Widget's initial background surface. """ bg = self.current_background_color() # points are (x, y) polygon(surface, bg, [(0, self.border_radius), (self.rect.width, self.border_radius), (self.rect.width, self.rect.height - self.border_radius), (0, self.rect.height - self.border_radius)]) polygon(surface, bg, [(self.border_radius, 0), (self.rect.width - self.border_radius, 0), (self.rect.width - self.border_radius, self.rect.height), (self.border_radius, self.rect.height)]) circle(surface, bg, (self.border_radius, self.border_radius), self.border_radius) circle(surface, bg, (self.rect.width - self.border_radius, self.border_radius), self.border_radius) circle(surface, bg, (self.rect.width - self.border_radius, self.rect.height - self.border_radius), self.border_radius) circle(surface, bg, (self.border_radius, self.rect.height - self.border_radius), self.border_radius) return surface
def main(): Tx=50 Ty=400 Turret = LaserTurret(Tx,Ty,75,10,3,pi/2,pi,3,MockLevel,20) init() screen = display.set_mode((sizeX, sizeY)) times = [0] * 10 i = 0 t = time.perf_counter_ns() while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): pass mosePos = mouse.get_pos() MockPlayer.posX=mosePos[0]+50 MockPlayer.posY = mosePos[1]+50 screen.fill(Color(0,0,0)) Turret.nextCycle(times[i]/10**9,MockLevel.player.posX,MockLevel.player.posY),Color(255,255,255),(MockLevel.player.posX,MockLevel.player.posY),10), Color(255, 0, 0), (Tx, Ty), 10), Color(0, 255, 0), Turret.getPoint(), 3) s=Turret.draw() screen.blit(s, (Turret.posX, Turret.posY)) Turret.shoot(MockLevel.player.posX,MockLevel.player.posY) draw.polygon(screen,Color(0,255,0),MockPlayer.getPoints(1)) draw.polygon(screen, Color(0, 0, 255), [(1000,100),(1000,200),(1200,200),(1200,100)]) Turret.effect(screen) display.flip() times[i] = time.perf_counter_ns() - t t = time.perf_counter_ns() i += 1 i %= 10
def __make_pentagon__(self, surface, *args, **kwargs): color, width = pgbase.colors['black'], 0 side = kwargs['side'] if 'side' in kwargs else self._shape_properties[ 'side'] center = kwargs['center'] if 'center' in kwargs else ( self._shape_properties['center'] if 'center' in self._shape_properties else None) if center is None: start = kwargs[ 'start'] if 'start' in kwargs else self._shape_properties[ 'start'] else: start = Position( center.x() - 0.5 * side, center.y() + (0.5 * side * math.tan(math.radians(54)))) if 'color' in kwargs: color = pgbase.colors[kwargs['color']] elif 'color' in self._shape_properties: color = pgbase.colors[self._shape_properties['color']] if 'width' in kwargs: width = kwargs['width'] elif 'width' in self._shape_properties: width = self._shape_properties['width'] # this will draw an upright pentagon r_72 = math.radians(72) r_54 = math.radians(54) points = [(start.x(), start.y())] points.append((points[0][0] + side, start.y())) points.append((points[1][0] + side * math.cos(r_72), points[1][1] - side * math.sin(r_72))) points.append((points[2][0] - side * math.sin(r_54), points[2][1] - side * math.cos(r_54))) points.append((points[3][0] - side * math.sin(r_54), points[3][1] + side * math.cos(r_54))) pgdraw.polygon(surface, color, points, width)
def __proximateAircraft__(self, x, y, status, relative_alt): pgD.polygon(self.gD, BLUE, [[x, y - 15], [x - 10, y], [x, y + 15], [x + 10, y]], 0) if status == 1: pgD.line(self.gD, BLUE, [x + 20, y - 5], [x + 20, y + 10], 2) pgD.line(self.gD, BLUE, [x + 20, y + 10], [x + 15, y + 5], 2) pgD.line(self.gD, BLUE, [x + 20, y + 10], [x + 25, y + 5], 2) elif status == 2: pgD.line(self.gD, BLUE, [x + 20, y - 5], [x + 20, y + 10], 2) pgD.line(self.gD, BLUE, [x + 20, y - 5], [x + 15, y + 0], 2) pgD.line(self.gD, BLUE, [x + 20, y - 5], [x + 25, y + 0], 2) relative_alt = int(relative_alt / 100) if abs(relative_alt) > 99: feet = str(99) else: feet = str(abs(relative_alt)) f = font.SysFont('Lucida Console', 16) if abs(relative_alt * 100) < 1000: feet = '0' + feet if relative_alt > 0: textsurface = f.render('+' + feet, False, BLUE) elif relative_alt < 0: textsurface = f.render('-' + feet, False, BLUE) else: textsurface = f.render(' ' + feet, False, BLUE) self.gD.blit(textsurface, (x - 12, y - 35))
def head(): ''' draw the head of the dog :return: ''' draw.rect(SnoopDogg, (153, 102, 0), (45, 545, 80, 80)) # морда draw.aalines(SnoopDogg, BLACK_KOSTYL, True, [[45, 545], [125, 545], [125, 625], [45, 625]]) draw.ellipse(SnoopDogg, (153, 102, 0), (30, 545, 20, 30)) # left ear draw.arc(SnoopDogg, BLACK_KOSTYL, (30, 545, 20, 30), pi, 2 * pi, 1) draw.arc(SnoopDogg, BLACK_KOSTYL, (30, 545, 20, 30), 0, pi, 1) draw.ellipse(SnoopDogg, (153, 102, 0), (120, 545, 20, 30)) # right ear draw.arc(SnoopDogg, BLACK_KOSTYL, (120, 545, 20, 30), pi, 2 * pi, 1) draw.arc(SnoopDogg, BLACK_KOSTYL, (120, 545, 20, 30), 0, pi, 1) draw.ellipse(SnoopDogg, WHITE, (100, 570, 20, 15)) # right zrachok draw.arc(SnoopDogg, BLACK_KOSTYL, (100, 570, 20, 15), pi, 2 * pi, 2) draw.arc(SnoopDogg, BLACK_KOSTYL, (100, 570, 20, 15), 0, pi, 2) draw.ellipse(SnoopDogg, WHITE, (50, 570, 20, 15)) # left zrachok draw.arc(SnoopDogg, BLACK_KOSTYL, (50, 570, 20, 15), pi, 2 * pi, 2) draw.arc(SnoopDogg, BLACK_KOSTYL, (50, 570, 20, 15), 0, pi, 2) draw.ellipse(SnoopDogg, BLACK_KOSTYL, (55, 575, 5, 5)) # tocka right draw.ellipse(SnoopDogg, BLACK_KOSTYL, (110, 575, 5, 5)) # tocka left draw.arc(SnoopDogg, BLACK_KOSTYL, (65, 590, 40, 20), pi, 2 * pi, 2) # mouth draw.polygon(SnoopDogg, WHITE, [[70, 605], [70, 615], [75, 610]]) # left tooth # animation is here draw.ellipse(SnoopDogg, (66, 170, 255), (70, 615 + i, 5, 5)) draw.ellipse(SnoopDogg, (66, 170, 255), (100, 615 + k, 5, 5)) draw.polygon(SnoopDogg, WHITE, [[100, 605], [100, 615], [95, 610]]) # right tooth draw.aalines(SnoopDogg, BLACK_KOSTYL, True, [[70, 605], [70, 615], [75, 610]]) draw.aalines(SnoopDogg, BLACK_KOSTYL, True, [[100, 605], [100, 615], [95, 610]])
def create(color, angulo): img = Surface((32, 32), SRCALPHA) draw.polygon(img, color, [[1, 13], [20, 13], [20, 5], [30, 14], [20, 26], [20, 18], [1, 17]]) image = transform.rotate(img, angulo) return image
def draw_tree(screen, x, y, size_x, size_y, color): #the center(x,y) of the tree is the point in the middle of its trunk #bottom part of trunk pgd.line(screen, color, [x, y + int(size_y/60)], [x, y + int(size_y/4)], int(size_x/18)) pgd.line(screen, color, [x, y + int(17*size_y/60)], [x, y + int(size_y/2)], int(size_x/18)) #right and bottom branch pgd.arc(screen, tree_color, [[x, y - int(5*size_y/57)], [int(14*size_x/35), int(size_y/2 + 5*size_y/57)]], 6*m.pi/14, 4*m.pi/5, 4) #top part of trunk pgd.polygon(screen, tree_color, [[x, y], [x - int(size_x/22), y - int(size_y/80)], [x, y - int(17.5*size_y/116)], [x + int(size_x/22), y - int(16*size_y/116)]]) pgd.polygon(screen, tree_color, [[x + int(size_x/80), y - int(size_y/6 + 0.5*size_y/100)], [x - int(size_x/80), y - int(17*size_y/96)], [x + int(size_x/18), y - int(size_y/2 + 1*size_y/100 )], [x + int(7*size_x/86), y - int(size_y/2 + 0.5*size_y/100)]]) #leaves on right and bottom branch delta_1 = int(5*size_x/37) for i in range(3): pgd.ellipse(screen, tree_color, [[x + delta_1, y - int(5*size_y/70)], [int(size_x/40), int(5*size_y/35)]]) delta_1 += int(3*size_x/60) #right and top branch and leaves on it pgd.arc(screen, tree_color, [[x + int(5*size_x/80), y - int(size_y/2)], [int(size_x - 5*size_x/40), int(30*size_y/35)]], m.pi/2, 9*m.pi/10, 4) delta_2x = int(8*size_x/24) delta_2y = int(32*size_y/70) for i in range(5): pgd.ellipse(screen, tree_color, [[x + delta_2x, y - delta_2y], [int(size_x/40), int(5*size_y/35)]]) delta_2x += int(3*size_x/80) delta_2y += int(size_y/70) #left top branch and leaves pgd.arc(screen, tree_color, [[x - size_x, y - int(size_y/2)], [size_x, size_y]], m.pi/10, m.pi/2, 4) delta_3x = int(2.5*size_x/8) delta_3y = int(3.5*size_y/8) for i in range(5): pgd.ellipse(screen, tree_color, [[x - delta_3x, y - delta_3y], [int(size_x/40), int(5*size_y/35)]]) delta_3x += int(3*size_x/80) delta_3y += int(size_y/70) #left top branch and leaves pgd.arc(screen, tree_color, [[x - int(22*size_x/48), y], [int(22*size_x/48), int(size_y/2)]], m.pi/6, 2.5*m.pi/4, 4) delta_4 = int(size_x/6) for i in range(3): pgd.ellipse(screen, tree_color, [[x - delta_4, y], [int(size_x/40), int(5*size_y/35)]]) delta_4 += int(3*size_x/60)
def draw_trunk(screen, x, y, trunk_width, trunk_height, tree_color): ''' the center(x,y) of the tree is the point in the middle of its trunk ''' bottom_trunk_y_lower_begin = y + trunk_height // 60 bottom_trunk_y_lower_end = y + trunk_height // 4 pgd.line(screen, tree_color, [x, bottom_trunk_y_lower_begin], [x, bottom_trunk_y_lower_end], trunk_width // 18) bottom_trunk_y_upper_begin = y + 17 * trunk_height // 60 bottom_trunk_y_upper_end = y + trunk_height // 2 pgd.line(screen, tree_color, [x, bottom_trunk_y_upper_begin], [x, bottom_trunk_y_upper_end], trunk_width // 18) top_trunk_coords_lower = [[x, y], [x - trunk_width // 22, y - trunk_height // 80], [x, y - 35 * trunk_height // 232], [ x + trunk_width // 22, y - 16 * trunk_height // 116 ]] top_trunk_coords_upper = [ [x + trunk_width // 80, y - trunk_height // 6 + trunk_height // 200], [x - trunk_width // 80, y - 17 * trunk_height // 96], [x + trunk_width // 18, y - trunk_height // 2 + trunk_height // 100], [ x + 7 * trunk_width // 86, y - trunk_height // 2 + trunk_height // 200 ] ] pgd.polygon(screen, tree_color, top_trunk_coords_lower) pgd.polygon(screen, tree_color, top_trunk_coords_upper)
def budka_plus_cep(): ''' Draw the home for dogs :return: ''' draw.polygon(screen, (235, 191, 0), [[350, 450], [350, 650], [500, 700], [550, 650], [550, 450], [450, 300], [400, 350]]) draw.aalines(screen, BLACK, False, [[350, 450], [350, 650], [500, 700], [550, 650], [550, 450], [450, 300], [400, 350], [500, 500], [500, 700]]) draw.aalines(screen, BLACK, False, [[400, 350], [350, 450], [500, 500], [550, 450]]) draw.ellipse(screen, BLACK, (375, 500, 100, 150)) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (355, 610, 15, 30), 0, pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (355, 610, 15, 30), pi, 2 * pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (357, 630, 15, 30), 0, pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (357, 630, 15, 30), pi, 2 * pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (355, 650, 15, 30), 0, pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (355, 650, 15, 30), pi, 2 * pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (345, 665, 30, 15), 0, pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (345, 665, 30, 15), pi, 2 * pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (325, 663, 30, 15), 0, pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (325, 663, 30, 15), pi, 2 * pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (305, 665, 30, 15), 0, pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (305, 665, 30, 15), pi, 2 * pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (285, 663, 30, 15), 0, pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (285, 663, 30, 15), pi, 2 * pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (265, 665, 30, 15), 0, pi, 4) draw.arc(screen, YELLOW, (265, 665, 30, 15), pi, 2 * pi, 4)
def draw(self, __display_surface): ''' Draws table, balls, pockets ''' __display_surface.fill(pygame.Color("black")) self.ball_surf.fill((0, 220, 100)) coordinates = self.generate_bumper_coords( self.play_surface ) #Generate new coordinates in case window resized (Resize not implemented) for key, item in coordinates.items(): drw.polygon(self.ball_surf, cl.Color('black'), item, 1) self.pockets.draw(self.ball_surf) self.balls.draw(self.ball_surf) __display_surface.blit(self.ball_surf, self.ball_surf_origin) #__display_surface.blit(self.scratch, (220,170)) self.score.draw(__display_surface, (__display_surface.get_width() - 2 * self.score_size[0], self.score_size[1])) self.scratch.draw(__display_surface, (220, 170)) #Draw stick last so it is drawn above the ball surface if not self.balls_still_moving(): self.stick.draw(__display_surface, self.play_stick_animation, self.cue_ball.get_pos())
def draw(self, screen): halfw = self.width / 2 halfh = self.height / 2 x = self.x y = self.y # 1 4 # x # 2 3 slope = 15 points = None if self.side == Sides.LEFT: points = ((x - halfw, y + halfh + slope), (x + halfw, y + halfh), (x + halfw, y - halfh), (x - halfw, y - halfh - slope)) elif self.side == Sides.RIGHT: points = ((x + halfw, y + halfh + slope), (x - halfw, y + halfh), (x - halfw, y - halfh), (x + halfw, y - halfh - slope)) elif self.side == Sides.TOP: points = ((x - halfw - slope, y - halfh), (x - halfw, y + halfh), (x + halfw, y + halfh), (x + halfw + slope, y - halfh)) elif self.side == Sides.BOT: points = ((x - halfw - slope, y + halfh), (x - halfw, y - halfh), (x + halfw, y - halfh), (x + halfw + slope, y + halfh)) draw.polygon(screen, self.color, points)
def update(self): self.turn_towards( self.image = Surface(self.rect.size) rot = lambda point: Vector(point).rotate(self.direction ) + self.center_point polygon(self.image, self.color, [rot(p) for p in self.points]) MovingSprite.update(self)
def display_abacus_add_subtract_problem( screen, color, separator_bead_color, upper_left, height, operands, line_spacing=1.2, font=None, ): if font is None: font = SysFont('Lucida Console', height) x_ul, y_ul = upper_left max_digits = max(len(digitize(operand)) for operand in operands) column_width = height_to_width(height) max_sign_width = 0. for row_n, operand in enumerate(operands): x_row = x_ul y_row = y_ul + row_n * height * line_spacing digits = digitize(abs(operand)) n_digits = len(digits) sign = '+' if operand >= 0 else '-' sign_surface = font.render(sign, True, color) sign_width = sign_surface.get_width() max_sign_width = max(sign_width, max_sign_width) screen.blit(sign_surface, (x_row, y_row)) draw_columns( screen, color, (x_row + sign_width + (max_digits - n_digits) * column_width, y_row), height, digits, separator_bead_color=separator_bead_color, ) row_n = len(operands) x_rect_left = x_ul x_rect_right = (x_ul + max_sign_width + max_digits * column_width) y_rect_top = (y_ul + height * (row_n * line_spacing - .25 * (line_spacing - 1.))) y_rect_bottom = (y_rect_top + .25 * (line_spacing - 1.) * height) polygon(screen, color, [ (x_rect_left, y_rect_top), (x_rect_right, y_rect_top), (x_rect_right, y_rect_bottom), (x_rect_left, y_rect_bottom), ]) # coordinates of where to draw the rightmost digit # of the response return ((x_ul + sign_width + max_digits * column_width), y_ul + row_n * height * line_spacing)
def render(self, window, color=(255, 0, 0)): # rotation for camera # translation for camera # actual render polygon(window, color, self.actual_model(), self.width)
def draw_parus(parus_x, parus_y, p): """ parus_x - координата x левого верхнего угла стержня паруса parus_y - координата y левого верхнего угла стержня паруса p - коэффициент пропорциональности размеров паруса """ draw.rect(screen, (0, 0, 0), (parus_x, parus_y, p * 2 - 2, 2 * 10 * p)) draw.polygon(screen, (218, 173, 128), [(parus_x + p * 2 - 2, parus_y), (parus_x + p * 6, parus_y + p * 10), (parus_x + p * 14, parus_y + p * 10)]) draw.polygon(screen, (218, 173, 128), [(parus_x + p * 2 - 2, parus_y + p * 10 * 2), (parus_x + p * 6, parus_y + p * 10), (parus_x + p * 14, parus_y + p * 10)]) draw.aaline(screen, (0, 0, 0), (parus_x + p * 6, parus_y + p * 10), (parus_x + p * 14, parus_y + p * 10)) draw.aaline(screen, (0, 0, 0), (parus_x + p * 6, parus_y + p * 10), (parus_x + p * 2 - 2, parus_y)) draw.aaline(screen, (0, 0, 0), (parus_x + p * 14, parus_y + p * 10), (parus_x + p * 2 - 2, parus_y)) draw.aaline(screen, (0, 0, 0), (parus_x + p * 6, parus_y + p * 10), (parus_x + p * 2 - 2, parus_y + 2 * 10 * p)) draw.aaline(screen, (0, 0, 0), (parus_x + p * 14, parus_y + p * 10), (parus_x + p * 2 - 2, parus_y + 2 * 10 * p))
def look(self, surface, walls): scene = [] prev = self.rays[0].pos for ray in self.rays: ray.rotate(self.angle) closest = None record = inf for wall in walls: pt = ray.cast(wall) if(pt): d = self.pos.distance_to(pt) d = d * cos(radians(ray.initangle)) if(d < record): record = d closest = pt if closest: # Draw ray draw.polygon(surface, YELLOW, [prev, closest, self.pos]) # draw.aaline(surface, YELLOW, self.pos, closest) prev = closest scene.append(record) return scene
def _draw_parallelogram(self): for color, shape in PARALLELOGRAM.values(): polygon( self._screen, color, shape )
def paint(self, surface): if not return point_list = self.get_points() converted_point_list = [] for point in point_list: converted_point_list.append(point.pair()) draw.polygon(surface, self.color, converted_point_list)
def __draw_walls(self): closed = [(x,y) for y in range(len(self.matrix)) for x in range(len(self.matrix[0])) if not self.matrix[y][x]] for c in closed: x, y = c2r(c) draw.polygon(self.window, (100, 50, 50), [(x,y), (x + X_CELL, y), (x + X_CELL, y + Y_CELL), (x, y + Y_CELL)])
def simple(screen, shapes, color = [255, 255, 255]): for shape in shapes: if shape[0] == "segment": draw.line(screen, color, shape[1], shape[2], int(shape[3])) if shape[0] == "circle":, color, [int(shape[1][0]), int(shape[1][1])], int(shape[2])) if shape[0] == "polygon": draw.polygon(screen, color, shape[1])
def draw_item(self, item): if item.role == "Woger": #if hasattr(item, 'image'): #self.window.display_surface.blit( # item.image, if item.body.velocity[0] < -0.1: self.window.display_surface.blit( item.image[0], self.facing_right = 0 elif item.body.velocity[0] > 0.1: self.window.display_surface.blit( item.image[1], self.facing_right = 1 else: self.window.display_surface.blit( item.image[self.facing_right], elif item.role == "Bough": #an_image = item.image[angle(item.body.angle)] #Only 16 images in there. So we find the closest image for that angle. # >>> 360 / 23 # 15 # >>> 0 / 23 # 0 # >>> 180 / 23 # 7 assert (len(item.image) == 16) idx_for_angle = int(angle(item.body.angle) / 23) an_image = item.image[idx_for_angle] ## verts = item.shape.get_points() ## x,y = sum(v[0] for v in verts)/3, sum(v[1] for v in verts)/3 self.window.display_surface.blit( an_image, ##,y))) elif item.role == "Owange": if item.status == "Collided": self.window.display_surface.blit( item.image[0], else: self.window.display_surface.blit( item.image[0], elif item.role == "Cherry": self.window.display_surface.blit( item.image[0], else: # note: 80% of program execution time is in this clause # particularly retrieving the item.verts draw.polygon(self.window.display_surface, item.color,, 0)
def __draw_stick(self, __display_surface): ''' Draw the stick ''' drw.polygon(__display_surface, (255, 255, 255), self.cue_tip_pts) #White drw.polygon(__display_surface, (131, 81, 69), self.stick_pts) #Brown color
def new_map(screen, image, game): cities = game.take_cities_list() graph = game.take_cities_graph() screen.blit(image, (0, 0)) exceptions = [(16, 38), (16, 45), (24, 47)] # Отрисовка ребер между городами for city in cities: for neighbor in city.take_neighbors(): # Если ребро должно выходить за пределы карты и входить с другой стороны if (city.take_num(), neighbor.take_num()) in exceptions: x1, y1 = city.take_cords() x2, y2 = neighbor.take_cords() if x1 > x2: x1, y1 = x2, y2 draw.line(screen, EDGE_COLOR, (x1, y1), (0, (y1 + y2) // 2), width=3) draw.line(screen, EDGE_COLOR, (x2, y2), (IMAGE_W, (y1 + y2) // 2), width=3) font = pygame.font.Font(None, 20) text = font.render(neighbor.take_name(), True, TEXT_COLOR) screen.blit(text, (0, (y1 + y2) // 2)) font = pygame.font.Font(None, 20) text = font.render(city.take_name(), True, TEXT_COLOR) screen.blit(text, (IMAGE_W - 105, (y1 + y2) // 2)) elif (int(neighbor.take_num()), int(city.take_num())) not in exceptions: draw.line(screen, EDGE_COLOR, city.take_cords(), neighbor.take_cords(), width=3) for city in cities: x, y = city.take_cords(), VIRUS_COLORS[city.take_virus()], (x, y), CITY_RADIUS) if city.is_station(): draw.polygon(screen, STATION_COLOR, ((x + 5, y), (x + 5, y - 7), (x + 7 + 5, y - 14), (x + 19, y - 7), (x + 19, y))), CONTAMINATION_COLOR, (x - 10 - 5, y + 8), 7) font = pygame.font.Font(None, 20) text = font.render(str(city.take_contamination()), True, (100, 255, 100)) screen.blit(text, (x - 10 - 9, y + 2)) font = pygame.font.Font(None, 18) text = font.render(city.take_name(), True, TEXT_COLOR) if city.take_name() == 'Нью-Дели' or city.take_name( ) == 'Лос-Анджелес' or city.take_name() == 'Монреаль': draw.rect(screen, 'white', ((x - 15, y - 25), (text.get_width(), text.get_height()))) screen.blit(text, (x - 15, y - 25)) else: draw.rect(screen, 'white', ((x - 5, y + 7), (text.get_width(), text.get_height()))) screen.blit(text, (x - 5, y + 7))
def draw(self): angles = [np.pi / 2, np.pi + np.pi / 6, -np.pi / 6] vertices = [] for a in angles: vx = self.pos[0] + int(np.cos(a) * self.size) vy = self.pos[1] + int(np.sin(a) * self.size) vertices.append((vx, vy)) dr.polygon(screen, self.color, vertices)
def __draw_menu_cursor(self, surface): cursor_height = self.menu_items_pos[self.selected_index] draw.polygon(surface, self.orange_color, [ (400, cursor_height), (400, cursor_height + self.cursor * 2), (400 + self.cursor, cursor_height + self.cursor)]) draw.polygon(surface, self.orange_color, [ (780, cursor_height), (780, cursor_height + self.cursor * 2), (780 - self.cursor, cursor_height + self.cursor)])
def draw_arrows(self, surf, i, rect): m = self.margin color = self.sel_color or self.fg_color x, y = rect.midtop pts = [(x - m, y - m), (x + m, y - m), (x, y)] draw.polygon(surf, color, pts) x, y = rect.midbottom y -= 1 pts = [(x - m, y + m), (x + m, y + m), (x, y)] draw.polygon(surf, color, pts)
def draw_item(self, item): if item.role == "Woger": #if hasattr(item, 'image'): #self.window.display_surface.blit( # item.image, if item.body.velocity[0] < -0.1: self.window.display_surface.blit( item.image[0], self.facing_right = 0 elif item.body.velocity[0] > 0.1: self.window.display_surface.blit( item.image[1], self.facing_right = 1 else: self.window.display_surface.blit( item.image[self.facing_right], elif item.role == "Bough": #an_image = item.image[angle(item.body.angle)] #Only 16 images in there. So we find the closest image for that angle. # >>> 360 / 23 # 15 # >>> 0 / 23 # 0 # >>> 180 / 23 # 7 assert(len(item.image) == 16) idx_for_angle = int(angle(item.body.angle) /23) an_image = item.image[idx_for_angle] ## verts = item.shape.get_points() ## x,y = sum(v[0] for v in verts)/3, sum(v[1] for v in verts)/3 self.window.display_surface.blit(an_image, ##,y))) elif item.role == "Owange": if item.status == "Collided": self.window.display_surface.blit( item.image[0], else: self.window.display_surface.blit( item.image[0], elif item.role == "Cherry": self.window.display_surface.blit( item.image[0], else: # note: 80% of program execution time is in this clause # particularly retrieving the item.verts draw.polygon( self.window.display_surface, item.color,, 0)
def redraw(self): self.pointlist = [] self.heights = [] if not self.pointlist: self.generate_terrain(self.buffer.get_size()) if self.color: draw.polygon(self.buffer, white, self.pointlist) else: draw.polygon(self.buffer, black, self.pointlist) draw.lines(self.buffer, white, True, self.pointlist)
def __draw_view_cells(self, obj): color = obj.color if obj.mode is 'hunting': color = (255, obj.color[1], obj.color[2]) for point in obj.view_cells: tl = c2r(point) tr = tl[0] + X_CELL, tl[1] br = tr[0], tr[1] + Y_CELL bl = br[0] - X_CELL, br[1] draw.polygon(self.window, color, (tl, tr, br, bl), 1)
def render(surface): from pygame import draw pts = [] gl.rotate(1.0/180*math.pi, 0.5 , 1 , 0.25); #for pt in [(-160,-120,0),(-160,120,0),(160,120,0),(160,-120,0)]: z = 0 for pt in [(-160,-120,z),(-160,120,z),(160,120, z),(160,-120, z)]: tp = gl.trans_(pt); # 画面の中心に移動 tp[0]+=320; tp[1]+=240; pts.append(tp); draw.polygon(surface, (255,255,255), pts)
def runGUI(): pygame.display.set_mode((800,600)) pygame.display.set_caption("Neuro Junk 2012/13") screen = pygame.display.get_surface() while True: input(pygame.event.get()) screen.fill((0,0,0)) circle(screen, (255,255,255), (0,0), radius, 1) line(screen, (255,255,255), point1, point2, 1) polygon(screen, (255,255,255), outer_line, 2) polygon(screen, (255,255,255), inner_line,2) if intersectCircle(point1, point2, radius): rect(screen, (0,255,0), Rect(600, 200, 100, 100), 0) inn = changeField(inner_line, car) out = changeField(outer_line, car) csect = curSection(inn, out) polygon(screen, (0,0,255), out, 2) polygon(screen, (0,0,255), inn, 2) rect(screen, (255,255,255), Rect(car.x-2, car.y-2, 4, 4), 0) if csect is not None: line(screen, (0,255,0), csect.inner_start, csect.inner_end, 1) line(screen, (0,255,0), csect.outer_start, csect.outer_end, 1) pygame.display.update()
def draw_poly(poly): polygon = Polygon(poly.points) if poly.orientation: c = polygon.centroid.coords[0] polygon = Polygon([rotate(p, c, -poly.orientation) for p in polygon.exterior.coords]) c = polygon.centroid.coords[0] p = poly.position dx, dy = [p[i] - c[i] for i in range(2)] draw.polygon(screen, (0,255,0), [defloat(scale(offset(p, dx, dy))) for p in polygon.exterior.coords], 1), (0,255,0), defloat(scale(offset(c, dx, dy))), 3)
def draw(self, screen): halfw = self.width / 2 halfh = self.height / 2 x = self.x y = self.y # 1 4 # x # 2 3 slope = 15 points = None if self.side == Sides.LEFT: points = ( (x - halfw, y + halfh + slope), (x + halfw, y + halfh), (x + halfw, y - halfh), (x - halfw, y - halfh - slope) ) elif self.side == Sides.RIGHT: points = ( (x + halfw, y + halfh + slope), (x - halfw, y + halfh), (x - halfw, y - halfh), (x + halfw, y - halfh - slope) ) elif self.side == Sides.TOP: points = ( (x - halfw - slope, y - halfh), (x - halfw, y + halfh), (x + halfw, y + halfh), (x + halfw + slope, y - halfh) ) elif self.side == Sides.BOT: points = ( (x - halfw - slope, y + halfh), (x - halfw, y - halfh), (x + halfw, y - halfh), (x + halfw + slope, y + halfh) ) draw.polygon( screen, self.color, points )
def _draw_base(self): img = self._images["image"] img.fill(self._parent_view._settings["col"]) img.fill((200,200,200), self.rect.inflate(-4, -4)) # Draw line in center r = self.rect start_pos = (3, r.centery) if self.xy == "y" else (r.centerx, 3) end_pos = (r.w-4, r.centery) if self.xy == "y" else (r.centerx, r.h-4) draw.line(img, (100,100,100), start_pos, end_pos) # Draw arrows if self.xy == "y": points1 = ((3, r.h/4), (r.centerx, r.h/5-1), (r.w-3, r.h/4)) points2 = ((3, r.h*.75), (r.centerx, r.h*.8), (r.w-3, r.h*.75)) else: points1 = ((r.w/4, 3), (r.w/5-1, r.centery), (r.w/4, r.h-3)) points2 = ((r.w*.75, 3), (r.w*.8, r.centery), (r.w*.75, r.h-3)) draw.polygon(img, (50,50,50), points1) draw.polygon(img, (50,50,50), points2)
def draw_poly(poly, surface, color=None, width=None): polygon = orient_polygon(poly) c = polygon.centroid.coords[0] p = poly.position dx, dy = [p[i] - c[i] for i in range(2)] if color is None: color = (0,255,0) if width is None: width = 1 draw.polygon(surface, color, [defloat(scale(offset(p, dx, dy))) for p in polygon.exterior.coords], width) if width:, color, defloat(scale(offset(c, dx, dy))), 3*width)
def _draw_base(self): # Frames around edge of button x = min(self.image.get_size()) / 8 self._frame_lt = ((0,0), (self.rect.w,0), (self.rect.w-x,x), (x,x), (x,self.rect.h-x), (0,self.rect.h)) self._frame_rb = ((self.rect.w,self.rect.h), (0,self.rect.h), (x,self.rect.h-x), (self.rect.w-x,self.rect.h-x), (self.rect.w-x,x), (self.rect.w,0)) cols = {} cols["image"] = self._settings["col"] cols["over"] = [min(c*1.1, 255) for c in self._settings["col"]] cols["down"] = [c*0.8 for c in self._settings["col"]] for img in cols: self._images[img].fill(cols[img]) # Draw a frame around the edges of the button frame_lt_c = [min(c*1.3,255) for c in cols[img]] frame_rb_c = [c*0.8 for c in cols[img]] draw.polygon(self._images[img], frame_lt_c, self._frame_lt) draw.polygon(self._images[img], frame_rb_c, self._frame_rb)
def _draw_shape_filled(surface, shape): """Draw the shape on the given surface. Arguments: surface - drawing surface (an instance of pygame.Surface class); shape - shape to draw (an instance of one of the shape classes defined in shapes module); Result: bounding box, defined during the drawing; """ return draw.polygon(surface, SHAPE_COLOR, shape.get_vertices())
def render(surface): surface.fill(black) c = 0 for bv in world: x, y = bv.position if c >= len(colors): colors.append(Color(randint(40, 255), randint(40, 255), randint(40, 255))) color = colors[c] c += 1 for fv in bv: s = fv.shape st = fv.shape.type if st == b2Shape.e_circle:, color, (int(x*PPM), int(y*PPM)), int(s.radius*PPM)) elif st == b2Shape.e_polygon: transformed_verts = [bv.transform * v for v in s.vertices] verts = [(v.x*PPM, v.y*PPM) for v in transformed_verts] draw.polygon(surface, color, verts)
def render_filled_poly(turtle, string, i): #print "render_filled_poly:", string, i ### lturtle = turtle.clone(mirror = 1, enable_drawing = False) rturtle = turtle.clone(mirror = -1, enable_drawing = False) j = render_boundary(lturtle, rturtle, string, i, 1) h = turtle.heading lturtle.mirror_heading(h) rturtle.mirror_heading(h) render_boundary(lturtle, rturtle, string, j - 2, -1) ###points = [turtle.position] + lturtle.path + list(reversed(rturtle.path)) ###draw.polygon(turtle.surface, fill_color, points) ###gfxdraw.bezier(turtle.surface, points, 10, fill_color) ### ###fill_bezier(turtle.surface, fill_color, points, bezier_steps) pfirst = [turtle.position] plast = [0.5 * (lturtle.path[-1] + rturtle.path[-1])] side1 = pfirst + lturtle.path + plast side2 = pfirst + rturtle.path + plast points1 = calculate_multi_bezier(side1, bezier_steps) points2 = calculate_multi_bezier(side2, bezier_steps) points = points1 + list(reversed(points2)) draw.polygon(turtle.surface, lturtle.fill_color, points) return j
def draw_ring(screen, rad, color, bg_color, xpos, ypos, thk, pct): draw_filled_aacircle(screen, rad, color, xpos, ypos) draw_filled_aacircle(screen, rad-thk, bg_color, xpos, ypos) x_calc = xpos - 1.1*rad*np.cos(.5*np.pi + 2*np.pi*(1-pct)) y_calc = ypos - 1.1*rad*np.sin(.5*np.pi + 2*np.pi*(1-pct)) if pct > .75: point_list = np.array([[xpos,ypos], [x_calc,y_calc], [xpos+1.5*rad,ypos-1.5*rad], [xpos,ypos-1.5*rad], [xpos,ypos]]) elif pct > .5: point_list = np.array([[xpos,ypos], [x_calc,y_calc], [xpos+1.5*rad,ypos+1.5*rad], [xpos+1.5*rad,ypos-1.5*rad], [xpos,ypos-1.5*rad], [xpos,ypos]]) elif pct > .25: point_list = np.array([[xpos,ypos], [x_calc,y_calc], [xpos-1.5*rad,ypos+1.5*rad], [xpos+1.5*rad,ypos+1.5*rad], [xpos+1.5*rad,ypos-1.5*rad], [xpos,ypos-1.5*rad], [xpos,ypos]]) else: point_list = np.array([[xpos,ypos], [x_calc,y_calc], [xpos-1.5*rad,ypos-1.5*rad], [xpos-1.5*rad,ypos+1.5*rad], [xpos+1.5*rad,ypos+1.5*rad], [xpos+1.5*rad,ypos-1.5*rad], [xpos,ypos-1.5*rad], [xpos,ypos]]) polygon(screen, bg_color, point_list)
def createWarning(screen,message): def close(): nonlocal tmpFrame tmpFrame.kill() # Creation tmpFont = font.SysFont("Arial",34) tmpText = tmpFont.render("!",1,(0,0,0)) tmpFrame = Frame(screen,htitle="Warning",width=300,height=100) t = TypableSurface((160,90),text=message) tmpSurface = Surface((42,36)) tmpButton = Button(tmpFrame,width=50,height=20,text="Ok",target=close) # Assembly tmpSurface.fill((255,255,255)) draw.polygon(tmpSurface,(255,255,0),[(20,0),(0,35),(40,35)]) draw.polygon(tmpSurface,(0,0,0),[(20,0),(0,35),(40,35)],3) tmpSurface.blit(tmpText,(16,0)) tmpFrame.blit(tmpSurface,(2,10)) tmpFrame.blit(t,(50,10)),74)),screen.get_height()//2-50)) return tmpFrame
def draw_triangle (surface, color, a, b, c, width=0): """draw_triangle (...) -> Rect Draws a triangle with the vertices a, b, c on a surface. The 'color' argument needs to match the pygame color style. 'a', 'b', 'c' are sequences of the x- and y-coordinates of the three vertices on th surface. 'width' denotes the width of lines in pixels or, if set to 0, fills the triangle with the passed color. The return value is the bounding box of the affected area. The following example would draw a white, filled triangle on the specified surface: draw_triangle (surface, (255, 255, 255), (5, 1), (1, 5), (10, 5)) Note: This function is a wrapper around pygame.draw.polygon() with a fixed three point list and thus all documentation about it can be applied to this function, too. """ return draw.polygon (surface, color, [a, b, c], width)
def build_ship_sprite(size=None, scale=None, orientation=None, heading=None, main_engine=False, retro_engine=False): ship_height = int(round(size * scale)) if ship_height <= 0: ship_height = 9 width = ship_height / 3 flame_height = ship_height / 5 image_width = width image_height = ship_height + (flame_height * 2) sprite = Sprite() sprite.layer = 10 surface = Surface((image_width, image_height)) surface.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) ship_top = flame_height ship_bottom = image_height - flame_height ship_left = 0 ship_right = image_width ship_middle = image_width / 2 ship_triangle = [(ship_middle, ship_top), (ship_left, ship_bottom), (ship_right, ship_bottom)] draw.polygon(surface, (255, 255, 255), ship_triangle) if main_engine: bottom_flame = [(ship_middle, ship_bottom), (0, image_height), (image_width, image_height)] draw.polygon(surface, (255, 255, 0), bottom_flame) if retro_engine: top_flame = [(ship_middle, ship_top), (0, 0), (image_width, 0)] draw.polygon(surface, (255, 255, 0), top_flame) rotated_surface = transform.rotate(surface, -orientation) sprite.image = rotated_surface return sprite
def draw_scroll_down_button(self, surface): r = self.scroll_down_rect c = self.scroll_button_color draw.polygon(surface, c, [r.topleft, r.midbottom, r.topright])
def draw_scroll_up_button(self, surface): r = self.scroll_up_rect c = self.scroll_button_color draw.polygon(surface, c, [r.bottomleft, r.midtop, r.bottomright])
def draw_deadend_bullet(self, surf, bg, fg, shape, text, item_text, lvl): r = self.get_bullet_rect(surf, lvl) draw.polygon(surf, bg, [r.midtop, r.midright, r.midbottom, r.midleft]) self.draw_item_text(surf, r, item_text)
def draw_opened_bullet(self, surf, bg, fg, shape, text, item_text, lvl): r = self.get_bullet_rect(surf, lvl) draw.polygon(surf, bg, [r.topleft, r.midbottom, r.topright]) self.draw_item_text(surf, r, item_text)
def draw(self, surface): from pygame.draw import polygon polygon(surface, (128, 200, 255), self.points) polygon(surface, (255, 128, 0), self.points, 5)
def draw_square(surf, bg, r): draw.polygon(surf, bg, [r.topleft, r.topright, r.bottomright, r.bottomleft])
def draw_triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, thickness = 1): draw.polygon(screen, color, [(int(x1), int(WINDOW_HEIGHT-y1)), (int(x2), int(WINDOW_HEIGHT-y2)), (int(x3), int(WINDOW_HEIGHT-y3))], int(thickness))
if __name__ == '__main__': pygame.init() SCREEN_SIZE = (800, 600) # initialize screen size SCREEN = display.set_mode(SCREEN_SIZE) # load screen triangle = Polygon([(0, 70), (110, 0), (110, 70)]) rhombus = Polygon([(0, 80), (20, 0), (80, 0), (60, 80)]) triangle.move_ip(200, 200) rhombus.move_ip(300, 300) grab, other, theta = None, None, 0 while 1: SCREEN.fill((0, 0, 0)) draw.polygon(SCREEN, (255, 0, 0), triangle.P, 1) draw.polygon(SCREEN, (0, 0, 255), rhombus.P, 1) mouse_pos = array(mouse.get_pos()) for ev in event.get(): if ev.type == KEYDOWN: if ev.key == K_q: exit() if ev.key == K_LEFT: theta = -0.01 if ev.key == K_RIGHT: theta = 0.01 if ev.type == KEYUP: if ev.key == K_LEFT: theta = 0 if ev.key == K_RIGHT: theta = 0 if ev.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if grab: grab, other = None, None elif rhombus.collidepoint(mouse_pos): grab = rhombus other = triangle
def draw_scroll_right_button(self, surface): r = self.scroll_right_rect() c = self.scroll_button_color draw.polygon(surface, c, [r.topleft, r.midright, r.bottomleft])