Beispiel #1
 def get_antiround(self, radius, background):
     w, h = self.c.get_size()
     surface = self.s.copy().convert_alpha()
     newsurf = pygame.Surface((w, h),
     newsurf.fill((0, 0, 0, 0))
     outer = self.c.get_rect().inflate((-2 * radius, -2 * radius))
     n_a = surfarray.pixels_alpha(newsurf)
     n_rgb = surfarray.pixels3d(newsurf)
     b_b_c_rgb = surfarray.pixels3d(self.c)
     rngs = [(0, 0, 0, 2 * radius, 0, 2 * radius),
             (w, 0, w - 2 * radius, w, 0, 2 * radius),
             (0, h, 0, 2 * radius, h - 2 * radius, h),
             (w, h, w - 2 * radius, w, h - 2 * radius, h)]
     for i, ranges in enumerate(rngs):
         x0, y0, xi, xf, yi, yf = ranges
         for x in range(xi, xf):
             for y in range(yi, yf):
                 d = math.hypot(x - x0, y - y0)
                 n_a[x][y] = get_y(d, 0, 2 * radius)
                 n_rgb[x][y] = b_b_c_rgb[x][y]  #grass
     del n_a
     del n_rgb
     surface.blit(newsurf, (0, 0))
     return surface
 def _appliquerTransformationGlobale(self, nomTransformation, **p):
     """Applique la transformation globale <nomTransformation> avec le dico de paramètres <p>."""
     if nomTransformation == "Rouge":
         pixels = surfarray.pixels3d(self._fenetre)[:FENETRE["longueurFenetre"], :FENETRE["largeurFenetre"]] #On exclut la zone de pensée
         pixels[:,:,1:] = 0
     elif nomTransformation == "Noir":
         pixels = surfarray.pixels3d(self._fenetre)[:FENETRE["longueurFenetre"],:FENETRE["largeurFenetre"]]
         pixels /= p["coef"]
         if p["coef"] >= 12:
             pixels[:] = (0,0,0)
     elif nomTransformation == "NoirTotal":
         pixels = surfarray.pixels3d(self._fenetre)[:FENETRE["longueurFenetre"],:FENETRE["largeurFenetre"]]
         pixels[:] = (0,0,0)
     elif nomTransformation == "RemplirNoir":
     elif "SplashText" in nomTransformation:
         if "couleurFond" in p.keys():
         surfaceTexte = self._jeu.zonePensee.polices["splashText"].render(p["texte"], p["antialias"], p["couleurTexte"], couleurFond)
         self._fenetre.blit(surfaceTexte, p["position"])
     elif nomTransformation == "Nuit":
         c = 0
         while c < self._nombreCouches: 
             for nomPnj in self._pnj[c]: 
                 self._afficherBlocPnj(c, nomPnj)
             c += 1
def get_cliff_round(c, s, cliff, r_int, r_ext):
    #version for color background
    w,h = c.get_size()
    surface = s.copy()
    inner = c.get_rect().inflate((-4*r_int, -4*r_int))
    outer = c.get_rect().inflate((-4*r_ext, -4*r_ext))
    arrayrgb = surfarray.pixels3d(surface)
    c_arrayrgb = surfarray.pixels3d(c)
    cliff_arrayrgb = surfarray.pixels3d(cliff)
##    rngs = [(inner.x,inner.y,0,inner.x,0,inner.y),
##            (inner.right,inner.y,inner.right,w,0,inner.y),
##            (inner.x,inner.bottom,inner.x-r_int,inner.x,inner.bottom,h),
##            (inner.right,inner.bottom,inner.right,w-r_int+1,inner.bottom,h)]
    rngs = [(outer.x,outer.y,0,outer.x,0,outer.y),
##    rngs = [(r_ext,r_ext,0,r_ext,0,r_ext),
##            (w-r_ext,r_ext,w-r_ext,w,0,r_ext),
##            (r_ext,h-r_ext,0,r_ext,h-r_ext,h),
##            (w-r_ext,h-r_ext,w-r_ext,w,h-r_ext,h)]
    print(c.get_size(), s.get_size(), cliff.get_size(),rngs)
    for i, ranges in enumerate(rngs):
        x0,y0,xi,xf,yi,yf = ranges
        for x in range(xi,xf):
            for y in range(yi,yf):
                d = math.sqrt((x-x0)**2 + (y-y0)**2)
##                if i < 2:
##                    if d > r_int+1:
##                        continue
                if r_ext >= d >= r_int:
                    arrayrgb[x][y] = cliff_arrayrgb[x][y]
                elif d < r_int:
                    arrayrgb[x][y] = c_arrayrgb[x][y]
    return surface
Beispiel #4
 def get_round(self, radius, background):
     w, h = self.c.get_size()
     surface = self.s.copy().convert_alpha()
     newsurf = pygame.Surface((w, h),
     newsurf.fill((0, 0, 0, 0))
     inner = self.c.get_rect().inflate((-4 * radius, -4 * radius))
     n_a = surfarray.pixels_alpha(newsurf)
     n_rgb = surfarray.pixels3d(newsurf)
     b_b_c_rgb = surfarray.pixels3d(self.c)
     rngs = [(inner.x, inner.y, 0, inner.x, 0, inner.y),
             (inner.right, inner.y, inner.right, w, 0, inner.y),
             (inner.x, inner.bottom, 0, inner.x, inner.bottom, h),
             (inner.right, inner.bottom, inner.right, w, inner.bottom, h)]
     for i, ranges in enumerate(rngs):
         x0, y0, xi, xf, yi, yf = ranges
         for x in range(xi, xf):
             for y in range(yi, yf):
                 d = math.hypot(x - x0, y - y0)
                 n_a[x][y] = 255 - get_y(d, 0, 2 * radius)
                 n_rgb[x][y] = b_b_c_rgb[x][y]
     del n_a
     del n_rgb
     surface.blit(newsurf, (0, 0))
     return surface
Beispiel #5
 def get_antiround(self, radius, background):
     w, h = self.c.get_size()
     surface = self.c.copy()
     b_c_rgb = surfarray.pixels3d(surface)
     s_rgb = surfarray.pixels3d(self.s)
     rngs = [(0, 0, 0, radius, 0, radius), (w, 0, w - radius, w, 0, radius),
             (0, h, 0, radius, h - radius, h),
             (w, h, w - radius, w, h - radius, h)]
     for x0, y0, xi, xf, yi, yf in rngs:
         for x in range(xi, xf):
             for y in range(yi, yf):
                 if math.sqrt((x - x0)**2 + (y - y0)**2) < radius:
                     b_c_rgb[x][y] = s_rgb[x][y]
     return surface
Beispiel #6
    def pgBlitColumn(self,surface,pos):
        # Copy the column to a numpy array
        self.buffer[pos:pos+1] = np.copy(surfarray.pixels3d(surface).flatten())

        # Is there isn't already a burst task in the queue, create a write_column task
        if not self.transmitter.burstInQueue.isSet():
            self._send_noRcv([const.WRITE_COLUMN|const.DATA, pos, self.buffer[pos:pos+1]])
Beispiel #7
def draw_rectangle(width, height, colour, position, window):
    rectangle = Surface((width, height))
    pixels = surfarray.pixels3d(rectangle)
    pixels[:][:] = colour
    del pixels
    window.blit(rectangle, position)
Beispiel #8
def from_function_alpha(surface):
    if not HAS_NUMPY:
        raise Exception("Could not use surfarray module from PyGame.\
                     NumPy is probably missing.")
    size = surface.size
    newsurf = pygame.Surface(size, SRCALPHA,
    newsurf.blit(surface, (0, 0))
    if subrect:
        rect = subrect
    arrayrgb = surfarray.pixels3d(newsurf)
    arraya = surfarray.pixels_alpha(newsurf)
    points = []
    max_d = hypot(rect.w, rect.h)
    for x in range(rect.left, rect.right):
        for y in range(, rect.bottom):
            if tuple(arrayrgb[x][y]) != color_except:
                points.append((x, y))
    if points:
        for x in range(rect.left, rect.right):
            for y in range(, rect.bottom):
                if not (x, y) in points:
                    d = 1. - illuminate_dist(points, rect, x, y) / max_d
                    d = 255 * factor * d**fadout
                    arraya[x][y] = d
                    arrayrgb[x][y] = color_target
                    if color_bulk:
                        arrayrgb[x][y] = color_bulk
                    if bulk_alpha:
                        arraya[x][y] = bulk_alpha
Beispiel #9
def NumPy2Ipl(surf):
    """Converts a pygame surface to an openCV cvArray.
    Parameters:   pygame.Surface surf - pygame Surface
    py_image = surfarray.pixels3d(surf)
    cv_image = adaptors.NumPy2Ipl(py_image.transpose(1, 0, 2))
    return cv_image
Beispiel #10
def recolor(image, mode):
    if mode is None:
    red =
    yellow = mode.yellow
    green =
    red, yellow, green = (np.asarray(c,np.uint8) for c in (red, yellow, green))
    # We need to make a copy in this specific format
    image = image.convert_alpha(pygame.Surface((1,1), pygame.SRCALPHA, 32))
    # We can't make a new image from an array, so we're going to
    # jigger this one in place.
    a = surfarray.pixels3d(image)

    yellow_red = (a[...,0] > a[...,1]) & (a[...,2]<=a[...,1])
    yr = a[yellow_red,:]
    c1 = yr[:,2]
    c2 = yr[:,1]-yr[:,2]
    c3 = yr[:,0]-yr[:,1]
    a[yellow_red,:3] = np.minimum(c1[:,None] + 
                                    (c2[:,None]/255.)*yellow[None,:] + 
    green_yellow = (a[...,0] <= a[...,1]) & (a[...,2]<=a[...,0])
    gy = a[green_yellow,:]
    c1 = gy[:,2]
    c2 = gy[:,0]-gy[:,2]
    c3 = gy[:,1]-gy[:,0]
    a[green_yellow,:3] = np.minimum(c1[:,None] + 
                                      (c2[:,None]/255.)*yellow[None,:] + 

    return image
def from_function_alpha(surface):
    if not HAS_NUMPY:
        raise Exception("Could not use surfarray module from PyGame.\
                     NumPy is probably missing.")
    size = surface.size
    newsurf = pygame.Surface(size, SRCALPHA, depth=surface.get_bitsize()).convert_alpha()
    newsurf.blit(surface, (0, 0))
    if subrect:
        rect = subrect
    arrayrgb = surfarray.pixels3d(newsurf)
    arraya = surfarray.pixels_alpha(newsurf)
    points = []
    max_d = hypot(rect.w, rect.h)
    for x in range(rect.left, rect.right):
        for y in range(, rect.bottom):
            if tuple(arrayrgb[x][y]) != color_except:
                points.append((x, y))
    if points:
        for x in range(rect.left, rect.right):
            for y in range(, rect.bottom):
                if not (x, y) in points:
                    d = 1. - illuminate_dist(points, rect, x, y) / max_d
                    d = 255 * factor * d**fadout
                    arraya[x][y] = d
                    arrayrgb[x][y] = color_target
                    if color_bulk:
                        arrayrgb[x][y] = color_bulk
                    if bulk_alpha:
                        arraya[x][y] = bulk_alpha
Beispiel #12
def compileSVASheet(sheet, color):
    color = tuple([255-c for c in color])
    width = sheet.get_width()
    height = sheet.get_height() / 3
    colorSurf = Surface((width, height))
    colorSurf.blit(sheet, (0, 0), None, BLEND_MULT)
    # Now create a white surface so we can invert the Saturation map
    result = Surface((width, height), SRCALPHA)
    result.fill((255, 255, 255))
    result.blit(colorSurf, (0, 0), None, BLEND_RGB_SUB)
    # Multiply this with the Value Map
    result.blit(sheet, (0, -height), None, BLEND_MULT)
    # copy the alpha mask from the spritesheet
    alpha = Surface((width, height))
    alpha.blit(sheet, (0, -2 * height))
    #convert the (nearly done) Surface to per pixel alpha
    # Use Numpy here
    numWhite = surfarray.pixels_alpha( result )
    numAlpha = surfarray.pixels3d( alpha )
    numWhite[ :, : ] = numAlpha[ :, :, 0 ]
    return result.copy()
def set_alpha_from_intensity(surface, alpha_factor, decay_mode, color):
    if not HAS_PIL:
        raise Exception("PIL was not found on this machine.")
    if not HAS_NUMPY:
        raise Exception("NumPy was not found on this machine.")
    rect = surface.get_rect()
    newsurf = Surface(rect.size, SRCALPHA, depth=surface.get_bitsize())
    newsurf = newsurf.convert_alpha()
    newsurf.blit(surface, (0, 0))
    arrayrgb = surfarray.pixels3d(newsurf)
    arraya = surfarray.pixels_alpha(newsurf)
    bulk_color = tuple(color)
    for x in range(rect.left, rect.right):
        for y in range(, rect.bottom):
            color = tuple(arrayrgb[x][y])
            light = square_color_norm(color)
            alpha = float(light)/MAX_NORM * 255
            arrayrgb[x][y][0] = bulk_color[0]
            arrayrgb[x][y][1] = bulk_color[1]
            arrayrgb[x][y][2] = bulk_color[2]
            if decay_mode == "linear":
                actual_alpha = int(255 - alpha)
            elif decay_mode == "exponential":
                tuning_factor = 1.03
                actual_alpha = int(255*tuning_factor**-alpha)
##            elif decay_mode == "quadratic":
##                pass
                raise Exception("decay_mode not recognized: " + decay_mode)
            actual_alpha *= alpha_factor
            arraya[x][y] = actual_alpha
    return newsurf
def illuminate_color_except(surface, color_except, color_target, color_bulk=None,
                            subrect=None, factor=1., fadout=2):
    mode : "except" means all the pixels that are not color_source.
           "exact" means all the pixels that are exacly color_source.
    if not HAS_NUMPY:
        raise Exception("Could not use surfarray module from PyGame.\
                     NumPy is probably missing.")
    rect = surface.get_rect()
    newsurf = pygame.Surface(rect.size, depth=surface.get_bitsize()).convert()
    newsurf.blit(surface, (0, 0))
    if subrect:
        rect = subrect
    arrayrgb = surfarray.pixels3d(newsurf)
    points = []
    max_d = hypot(rect.w, rect.h)
    for x in range(rect.left, rect.right):
        for y in range(, rect.bottom):
            if tuple(arrayrgb[x][y]) != color_except:
                points.append((x, y))
    for x in range(rect.left, rect.right):
        for y in range(, rect.bottom):
            if not (x, y) in points:
                d = 1. - illuminate_dist(points, rect, x, y) / max_d
                d = d**fadout
                color = grow_color(factor * d, color_target)
                color = normalize_color(color)
                arrayrgb[x][y] = color
            elif color_bulk:
                arrayrgb[x][y] = color_bulk
    return newsurf
    def surf2CV(surf):
        Given a Pygame surface, convert to an OpenCv cvArray format.
        Either Ipl image or cvMat.
        numpyImage = surfarray.pixels3d(surf)#.copy()    # Is this required to be a copy?
        cvImage = adaptors.NumPy2Ipl(numpyImage.transpose(1,0,2))
        '''arr = surfarray.pixels3d(surf)
        w = int(surf.get_width())
        h = int(surf.get_height())
        print str(w) + " " + str(h)
        cvImage = cv.CreateImage((w,h), 8, 3)

        #cvSet(cvImage, (0,0,0))
        #print arr[0][0][0]
        for x in range(200):
            for y in range(200):
                cv.Set2D(cvImage, y, x, (int(arr[y][x][0]), int(arr[y][x][1]), int(arr[y][x][2])))'''
        return cvImage
Beispiel #16
def palettify_bogus(infile, outfile):
	surface = pygame.image.load(infile).convert(24)
	a = surfarray.pixels3d(surface)

	realgreens = (a[...,0]==0) & (a[...,2]==0)
	realreds = (a[...,1]==0) & (a[...,2]==0)
	realyellows = (a[...,0]==a[...,1]) & (a[...,2]==0)
	realblues = (a[...,0]==0) & (a[...,1]==0) & (a[...,2]==255)

	blues = (a[...,2]>127)
	greens = (a[...,0]<a[...,1]//2)
	reds = (a[...,1]<a[...,0]//2)
	yellows = ~greens & ~reds

	print infile, np.sum(realgreens & ~greens), np.sum(realreds & ~reds), np.sum(realyellows & ~yellows & ~reds & ~greens), np.sum(realblues & ~blues), np.sum(~realreds & ~realgreens & ~realyellows & ~realblues)

	a[greens,0] = 0
	a[greens,2] = 0
	a[yellows,0] = a[yellows,0] + (a[yellows,1]-a[yellows,0])//2
	a[yellows,1] = a[yellows,0]
	a[yellows,2] = 0
	a[reds,1] = 0
	a[reds,2] = 0
	a[blues,0] = 0
	a[blues,1] = 0
	a[blues,2] = 255

	del a, outfile)
Beispiel #17
    def runTest(self) -> None:
        width, height = 800, 600
        screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width * 2, height))
        pygame.display.set_caption("bright pass filter (bpf24_inplace)")
        checker = pygame.image.load(
        checker = pygame.transform.smoothscale(checker, (1600, 600))

        background = pygame.image.load('../Assets/I1.png').convert_alpha()
        background = pygame.transform.smoothscale(background, (800, 600))
        background_cp = background.copy()

        # array3d
        # test_bpf24_inplace(array3d(background), 40)

        # pixel3d
        test_bpf24_inplace(pixels3d(background), 45)

        # test argument threshold
        self.assertRaises(OverflowError, test_bpf24_inplace,
                          array3d(background), -40)
        self.assertRaises(OverflowError, test_bpf24_inplace,
                          array3d(background), 440)

        display(screen, checker, background_cp, background)
Beispiel #18
def illuminate_color_except(surface, color_except, color_target, color_bulk=None,
                            subrect=None, factor=1., fadout=2):
    mode : "except" means all the pixels that are not color_source.
           "exact" means all the pixels that are exacly color_source.
    if not HAS_NUMPY:
        raise Exception("Could not use surfarray module from PyGame.\
                     NumPy is probably missing.")
    rect = surface.get_rect()
    newsurf = pygame.Surface(rect.size, depth=surface.get_bitsize()).convert()
    newsurf.blit(surface, (0, 0))
    if subrect:
        rect = subrect
    arrayrgb = surfarray.pixels3d(newsurf)
    points = []
    max_d = hypot(rect.w, rect.h)
    for x in range(rect.left, rect.right):
        for y in range(, rect.bottom):
            if tuple(arrayrgb[x][y]) != color_except:
                points.append((x, y))
    for x in range(rect.left, rect.right):
        for y in range(, rect.bottom):
            if not (x, y) in points:
                d = 1. - illuminate_dist(points, rect, x, y) / max_d
                d = d**fadout
                color = grow_color(factor * d, color_target)
                color = normalize_color(color)
                arrayrgb[x][y] = color
            elif color_bulk:
                arrayrgb[x][y] = color_bulk
    return newsurf
Beispiel #19
 def take_damage(self, damage: int): = - damage
     arr = surfarray.pixels3d(self.image)
     arr[:, :, 0] = 255
     arr[:, :, 1] = 0
     arr[:, :, 2] = 0
Beispiel #20
def draw_rectangle(width, height, colour, position, window):
    rectangle = Surface((width, height))
    pixels = surfarray.pixels3d(rectangle)
    pixels[:][:] = colour
    del pixels
    window.blit(rectangle, position)
def set_alpha_from_intensity(surface, alpha_factor, decay_mode, color):
    if not HAS_PIL:
        raise Exception("PIL was not found on this machine.")
    if not HAS_NUMPY:
        raise Exception("NumPy was not found on this machine.")
    rect = surface.get_rect()
    newsurf = Surface(rect.size, SRCALPHA, depth=surface.get_bitsize())
    newsurf = newsurf.convert_alpha()
    newsurf.blit(surface, (0, 0))
    arrayrgb = surfarray.pixels3d(newsurf)
    arraya = surfarray.pixels_alpha(newsurf)
    bulk_color = tuple(color)
    for x in range(rect.left, rect.right):
        for y in range(, rect.bottom):
            color = tuple(arrayrgb[x][y])
            light = square_color_norm(color)
            alpha = float(light) / MAX_NORM * 255
            arrayrgb[x][y][0] = bulk_color[0]
            arrayrgb[x][y][1] = bulk_color[1]
            arrayrgb[x][y][2] = bulk_color[2]
            if decay_mode == "linear":
                actual_alpha = int(255 - alpha)
            elif decay_mode == "exponential":
                tuning_factor = 1.03
                actual_alpha = int(255 * tuning_factor**-alpha)
##            elif decay_mode == "quadratic":
##                pass
                raise Exception("decay_mode not recognized: " + decay_mode)
            actual_alpha *= alpha_factor
            arraya[x][y] = actual_alpha
    return newsurf
Beispiel #22
    def pgBlit(self,surface):
        # Copy the matrix as a numpy array
        self.buffer = np.copy(surfarray.pixels3d(surface).flatten())

        # Is there isn't already a burst task in the queue, create one
        if not self.transmitter.burstInQueue.isSet():
            self._send_noRcv([const.BURST|const.DATA, self.buffer])
Beispiel #23
 def get_antiround(self, radius, background):
     w, h = self.c.get_size()
     surface = self.c.copy()
     b_c_rgb = surfarray.pixels3d(surface)
     s_rgb = surfarray.pixels3d(self.s)
     rngs = [(0, 0, 0, radius, 0, radius), (w, 0, w - radius, w, 0, radius),
             (0, h, 0, radius, h - radius, h),
             (w, h, w - radius, w, h - radius, h)]
     radiusSqr = radius**2
     for x0, y0, xi, xf, yi, yf in rngs:
         for x in range(xi, xf):
             dxSqr = (x - x0)**2
             if dxSqr < radiusSqr:
                 for y in range(yi, yf):
                     if dxSqr + (y - y0)**2 < radiusSqr:
                         b_c_rgb[x][y] = s_rgb[x][y]
     return surface
Beispiel #24
 def get_round(self, radius, background):
     #version for color background
     w, h = self.c.get_size()
     surface = self.c.copy()
     inner = self.c.get_rect().inflate((-4 * radius, -4 * radius))
     b_c_rgb = surfarray.pixels3d(surface)
     s_rgb = surfarray.pixels3d(self.s)
     rngs = [(inner.x, inner.y, 0, inner.x, 0, inner.y),
             (inner.right, inner.y, inner.right, w, 0, inner.y),
             (inner.x, inner.bottom, 0, inner.x, inner.bottom, h),
             (inner.right, inner.bottom, inner.right, w, inner.bottom, h)]
     for x0, y0, xi, xf, yi, yf in rngs:
         for x in range(xi, xf):
             for y in range(yi, yf):
                 if math.sqrt((x - x0)**2 + (y - y0)**2) > radius:
                     b_c_rgb[x][y] = s_rgb[x][y]
     return surface
Beispiel #25
 def surf2CV(surf):
     Given a Pygame surface, convert to an OpenCv cvArray format.
     Either Ipl image or cvMat.
     numpyImage = surfarray.pixels3d(surf)  # .copy()    # Is this required to be a copy?
     cvImage = adaptors.NumPy2Ipl(numpyImage.transpose(1, 0, 2))
     return cvImage
Beispiel #26
def get_round_river(radius_divider, corner, front):
    if corner is None:
        return front
    w, h = front.get_size()
    background = pygame.Surface((w, h))
    surface = front.copy().convert_alpha()
    newsurf = pygame.Surface((w, h),
    newsurf.fill((0, 0, 0, 0))
    radius = w // radius_divider
    inner = background.get_rect().inflate((-2 * radius, -2 * radius))
    n_a = surfarray.pixels_alpha(newsurf)
    n_rgb = surfarray.pixels3d(newsurf)
    b_b_c_rgb = surfarray.pixels3d(background)
    #Define ranges.
    topleft = (inner.left,, 0, inner.left, 0,
    topright = (inner.right,, inner.right, h, 0,
    bottomleft = (inner.left, inner.bottom, 0, inner.left, inner.bottom, h)
    bottomright = (inner.right - 1, inner.bottom - 1, inner.right, h,
                   inner.bottom, h)
    ranges = {
        "topleft": topleft,
        "topright": topright,
        "bottomleft": bottomleft,
        "bottomright": bottomright
    r2 = radius**2
    centerx, centery, xi, xf, yi, yf = ranges[corner]
    for x in range(xi, xf):
        rx2 = (x - centerx)**2
        for y in range(yi, yf):
            if rx2 + (y - centery)**2 > r2:
                n_a[x][y] = 255  #alpha background = 255
                n_rgb[x][y] = b_b_c_rgb[x][y]
##            else:
##                n_rgb[x][y] = (b_b_c_rgb[x][y]+n_rgb[x][y])//2
    del n_a
    del n_rgb
    surface.blit(newsurf, (0, 0))
    surface = surface.convert()
    surface.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0))
    return surface
Beispiel #27
    def pgBlitSection(self,surface,pos,lenght):
        # Copy the section to a numpy array
        self.buffer[pos:pos+lenght] = np.copy(surfarray.pixels3d(surface).flatten())

        # Is there isn't already a burst task in the queue, create a write_section task
        if not self.transmitter.burstInQueue.isSet():
            self._send_noRcv([const.WRITE_SECTION|const.DATA, pos, lenght,
Beispiel #28
 def surf2CV(surf):
     Given a Pygame surface, convert to an OpenCv cvArray format.
     Either Ipl image or cvMat.
     numpyImage = surfarray.pixels3d(
         surf)  #.copy()    # Is this required to be a copy?
     cvImage = adaptors.NumPy2Ipl(numpyImage.transpose(1, 0, 2))
     return cvImage
Beispiel #29
def genLands(r,
    """Generates a planet with seas and islands."""
    DIRS = ((0, -1), (-1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0))
    MAXTRIES = 10  # number of times to try to find a land seed
    PROBA, PROBB = 0.49, 1.1  # generation parameters

    if len(seaColRange) == 2: sf = planetSolid(r, *seaColRange)
    else: sf = planetSolid(r, seaColRange, seaColRange)
    randAngle = random() * 2 * math.pi
    sf = rotateCircle(sf, randAngle)
    sizeProb = (PROBA / sizeParam) * (1 - (1 / PROBB**r))
    landArray = circleMask(r).clip(0, 1)
    sfArray = sfa.pixels3d(sf)
    d = r * 2

    landCols = [HtoR(*col) for col in landCols]

    def joinLands(y, x, landArray, sfArray, col):
        if y < 0 or y > d or x < 0 or x > d or landArray[y][x] != 1: return
        landArray[y][x] = 2
        if random() < colChangeRate: sfArray[y][x] = choice(landCols)
        else: sfArray[y][x] = col
        for dy, dx in DIRS:
            if random() < sizeProb:
                joinLands(y + dy, x + dx, landArray, sfArray, col)

    for i in range(lands):
        for j in range(MAXTRIES):
            # find a land seed
            y, x = randint(0, d), randint(0, d)
            if landArray[y][x] == 1: break
        else: continue
        # recursively generate land starting from the seed
        callWithLargeStack(joinLands, x, y, landArray, sfArray,

    # get rid of 1x1 seas
    h, w = landArray.shape
    for y in range(h):
        for x in range(w):
            if (landArray[y][x] == 1 and (x == 0 or landArray[y][x - 1] == 2)
                    and (y == 0 or landArray[y - 1][x] == 2)
                    and (x == w - 1 or landArray[y][x + 1] == 2)
                    and (y == h - 1 or landArray[y + 1][x] == 2)):
                landArray[y][x] = 2
                dy, dx = choice(DIRS)
                if 0 < y < h - 1 and 0 < x < w - 1:
                    sfArray[y][x] = sfArray[y + dy][x + dx]
    del sfArray
    return sf
def _smooth(surface):
    w,h = surface.get_size()
    arrayrgb = surfarray.pixels3d(surface)
    sum_array = numpy.zeros(arrayrgb.shape)
    for d in mapgen.MOORE:
        sum_array += numpy.roll(
                        numpy.roll(arrayrgb[:,:], d[0], axis=0),
                            d[1], axis=1 )
    sum_array /= len(mapgen.MOORE)
    s = surfarray.make_surface(sum_array)
    return s
Beispiel #31
def blit_tinted(surface, image, pos, tint, src_rect=None):
    from Numeric import array, add, minimum
    from pygame.surfarray import array3d, pixels3d
    if src_rect:
        image = image.subsurface(src_rect)
    buf = Surface(image.get_size(), SRCALPHA, 32)
    buf.blit(image, (0, 0))
    src_rgb = array3d(image)
    buf_rgb = pixels3d(buf)
    buf_rgb[...] = minimum(255, add(tint, src_rgb)).astype('b')
    buf_rgb = None
    surface.blit(buf, pos)
Beispiel #32
def blit_tinted(surface, image, pos, tint, src_rect=None):
    from Numeric import add, minimum
    from pygame.surfarray import array3d, pixels3d

    if src_rect:
        image = image.subsurface(src_rect)
    buf = Surface(image.get_size(), SRCALPHA, 32)
    buf.blit(image, (0, 0))
    src_rgb = array3d(image)
    buf_rgb = pixels3d(buf)
    buf_rgb[...] = minimum(255, add(tint, src_rgb)).astype('b')
    surface.blit(buf, pos)
Beispiel #33
 def cut_side(self, side, radius, background):
     w, h = self.c.get_size()
     b_c_surf = self.c.copy().convert_alpha()  #beach
     newsurf = pygame.Surface((w, h),
     newsurf.fill((0, 0, 0, 0))
     n_a = surfarray.pixels_alpha(newsurf)
     n_rgb = surfarray.pixels3d(newsurf)
     s_rgb = surfarray.pixels3d(self.s)
     b_c_rgb = surfarray.pixels3d(b_c_surf)
     if "top" in side:
         for x in range(w):
             for y in range(0, 2 * radius):
                 n_a[x][y] = 255 - get_y(y, 0, 2 * radius)
                 n_rgb[x][y] = s_rgb[x][y]
     if "bottom" in side:
         for x in range(w):
             for y in range(h - 2 * radius, h):
                 n_a[x][y] = get_y(y, h - 2 * radius, h)
                 n_rgb[x][y] = s_rgb[x][y]
     if "left" in side:
         for y in range(h):
             for x in range(0, 2 * radius):
                 n_a[x][y] = 255 - get_y(x, 0, 2 * radius)
                 n_rgb[x][y] = s_rgb[x][y]
     if "right" in side:
         for y in range(h):
             for x in range(w - 2 * radius, w):
                 n_a[x][y] = get_y(x, w - 2 * radius, w)
                 n_rgb[x][y] = s_rgb[x][y]
     del n_a
     del n_rgb
     del b_c_rgb
     b_c_surf.blit(newsurf, (0, 0))
     return b_c_surf
Beispiel #34
 def draw_spectrum(self, f, x):
     draw_area = Surface((1, len(f)), depth=24)
     d = surfarray.pixels3d(draw_area)
     self.peak = np.maximum(np.amax(f, axis=0), self.peak)
     a = (255 * f / self.peak[np.newaxis, :]).astype(np.uint8)
     d[0, :, 1:] = a[::-1]
     d[0, :, 0] = a[::-1, 1] / 2 + a[::-1, 0] / 2
     for m in self.markers:
         im = int((2 * m / self.sample_rate) * len(f))
         d[0, -im, 0] = 255
     del d
     it = int((2 * self.top_freq / self.sample_rate) * len(f))
     self.surface.blit(smoothscale(draw_area.subsurface((0, len(f) - it - 1, 1, it)), (1, self.size[1])), (x, 0))
     self.peak *= 2.0 ** (-1.0 / 100)
Beispiel #35
    def recolor_crosshair(self, entity):
        Changes the color of the entity crosshair to that of the hive
        :param entity:
        :return: void
        new_crosshair = entity.crosshair.image.copy()
        arr = surfarray.pixels3d(new_crosshair)
        color = team_color_dict[]

        arr[:, :, 0] = color[0]
        arr[:, :, 1] = color[1]
        arr[:, :, 2] = color[2]
        entity.crosshair.image = new_crosshair

        entity.highlighted = self.highlighted
Beispiel #36
 def draw_spectrum(self, f, x):
     draw_area = Surface((1, len(f)), depth=24)
     d = surfarray.pixels3d(draw_area)
     self.peak = np.maximum(np.amax(f, axis=0), self.peak)
     a = (255 * f / self.peak[np.newaxis, :]).astype(np.uint8)
     d[0, :, 1:] = a[::-1]
     d[0, :, 0] = (a[::-1, 1] / 2 + a[::-1, 0] / 2)
     for m in self.markers:
         im = int((2 * m / self.sample_rate) * len(f))
         d[0, -im, 0] = 255
     del d
     it = int((2 * self.top_freq / self.sample_rate) * len(f))
         smoothscale(draw_area.subsurface((0, len(f) - it - 1, 1, it)),
                     (1, self.size[1])), (x, 0))
     self.peak *= 2.**(-1. / 100)
Beispiel #37
def illuminate_alphacolor_except(surface,
    mode : "except" means all the pixels that are not color_source.
           "exact" means all the pixels that are exacly color_source.
    Set fadout to 0 and bulk_alpha to 255 if you do not want alpha fade out.
    if not HAS_NUMPY:
        raise Exception("Could not use surfarray module from PyGame.\
                     NumPy is probably missing.")
    rect = surface.get_rect()
    newsurf = pygame.Surface(rect.size, SRCALPHA,
    newsurf.blit(surface, (0, 0))
    if subrect:
        rect = subrect
    arrayrgb = surfarray.pixels3d(newsurf)
    arraya = surfarray.pixels_alpha(newsurf)
    points = []
    max_d = hypot(rect.w, rect.h)
    for x in range(rect.left, rect.right):
        for y in range(, rect.bottom):
            if tuple(arrayrgb[x][y]) != color_except:
                points.append((x, y))
    if points:
        for x in range(rect.left, rect.right):
            for y in range(, rect.bottom):
                if not (x, y) in points:
                    d = 1. - illuminate_dist(points, rect, x, y) / max_d
                    d = 255 * factor * d**fadout
                    arraya[x][y] = d
                    arrayrgb[x][y] = color_target
                    if color_bulk:
                        arrayrgb[x][y] = color_bulk
                    if bulk_alpha:
                        arraya[x][y] = bulk_alpha
        functions.debug_msg("No points for illuminate alpha except")
    return newsurf
Beispiel #38
 def _transformerPartie(self, surface, nomPnj, positionVisible, positionCarte, **p):
     """Applique une transformation individuellement à chaque <surface> (mobile) lors de sa pose."""
     for nomTransformation in self._transformationsParties:
         p = self._parametresTransformations[nomTransformation]
         if nomTransformation == "AlphaFixe":
             """pixels = surfarray.pixels_alpha(surface)
             positionsNulles = numpy.where(pixels == 0)
             pixels[:,:] = p["alpha"]
             pixels[positionsNulles] = 0"""
         elif nomTransformation == "Action Joueur" and nomPnj == "Joueur":
             centre = positionCarte.move(-self._scrollingX, -self._scrollingY).center
   , (255,255,255), centre, p["rayon"], 1)
         elif "Rouge" in nomTransformation and nomPnj == p["nom"]:
             pixels = surfarray.pixels3d(surface) #On exclut la zone de pensée
             pixels[:,:,1:] = 0
Beispiel #39
	def CreateShadow(self):

		if self._shadows:

		self._shadows = [InterpolateToScale(surface, 1.025) for surface in self._surfaces]

		for shadow in self._shadows:

			# Make the shadow black.

			pixels = surfarray.pixels3d(shadow)
			pixels[:] = 0

			# Make the shadow semi-transparent.

			alpha = surfarray.pixels_alpha(shadow)
			alpha[alpha > 0] = 150
Beispiel #40
    def get_step(self):
        if p_name == "Darwin":
            next_state = pixels3d(self.screen)
            next_state = array3d(setup.SCREEN)

        reward = 0
        score = self.state.get_score()
        position_x = self.state.last_x_position
        if position_x > self.max_posision_x:
            reward += (position_x - self.max_posision_x) * 2
            self.max_posision_x = position_x
            reward = 0

        reward = reward + score

        # time penalty
        #reward -= 0.1
        #if self.keys[275] == 1:
        #    reward += 1
        if self.keys[276] == 1:
            reward -= 1
        elif self.keys[275] == 1:
            reward += 1

        if self.keys[275] == 1:
            reward += 1
            reward -= 5
        if self.before_x < position_x:
            reward += position_x - self.before_x
        self.before_x = position_x

        #if position_x < 70 and position_x != 0:
        #    self.ml_done = True

        return (next_state, reward, self.ml_done, self.state.clear,
                self.max_posision_x, self.state.timeout, position_x)
Beispiel #41
def process_image(file):
    """Функция обрабатывает изображение и преобразует его в массив.
    :param file: файл-изображение.
    :return: сериализованный массив."""

    # Получаем данные о пикселях изображения
    img = image.load(file)
    rgb = surfarray.pixels3d(img)
    # Ширина и высот исходного изображения
    WIDTH = img.get_width()
    HEIGHT = img.get_height()
    # Отношение исходных размеров к новым
    kx = WIDTH / SIZE
    ky = HEIGHT / SIZE
    # Вычисляем массив для изображения
    array = []
    for x in range(SIZE):
        # Пиксели по горизонтали из старого изображения, которые нужно учесть
        # в пикселе нового изображения
        xs = get_pix_pos(x * kx, kx)
        for y in range(SIZE):
            r = g = b = 0  # RGB цвета в пикселе нового изображения
            # Пиксели по вертикали из старого изображения, которые нужно учесть
            # в пикселе нового изображения
            ys = get_pix_pos(y * ky, ky)
            n = 0
            for x_old in xs:
                if x_old >= WIDTH:
                for y_old in ys:
                    if y_old >= HEIGHT:
                    r += rgb[x_old][y_old][0]
                    g += rgb[x_old][y_old][1]
                    b += rgb[x_old][y_old][2]
                    n += 1
            r = round(r / n) / NORM
            g = round(g / n) / NORM
            b = round(b / n) / NORM
            array.append([r, g, b])
    # Сериализуем массив
    return pickle.dumps(array)
Beispiel #42
    def runTest(self) -> None:
        width, height = 800, 600
        screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width * 2, height))
        checker = pygame.image.load(
        checker = pygame.transform.smoothscale(checker, (1600, 600))

        background = pygame.image.load('../Assets/I1.png').convert()
        background = pygame.transform.smoothscale(background, (800, 600))
        background_cp = background.copy()

        # Testing wrong datatype
        rgba_array = numpy.zeros((800, 600, 4), numpy.float32)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, blur5x5_array32, rgba_array)
        # Testing wrong size (depth = 4)
        rgba_array = numpy.zeros((800, 600, 4), numpy.int8)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, blur5x5_array32, rgba_array)

        display(screen, checker, background_cp, background)
def illuminate_alphacolor_except(surface, color_except, color_target,
                                 color_bulk=None, subrect=None, factor=1.,
                                 fadout=2, bulk_alpha=255):
    mode : "except" means all the pixels that are not color_source.
           "exact" means all the pixels that are exacly color_source.
    Set fadout to 0 and bulk_alpha to 255 if you do not want alpha fade out.
    if not HAS_NUMPY:
        raise Exception("Could not use surfarray module from PyGame.\
                     NumPy is probably missing.")
    rect = surface.get_rect()
    newsurf = pygame.Surface(rect.size, SRCALPHA, depth=surface.get_bitsize()).convert_alpha()
    newsurf.blit(surface, (0, 0))
    if subrect:
        rect = subrect
    arrayrgb = surfarray.pixels3d(newsurf)
    arraya = surfarray.pixels_alpha(newsurf)
    points = []
    max_d = hypot(rect.w, rect.h)
    for x in range(rect.left, rect.right):
        for y in range(, rect.bottom):
            if tuple(arrayrgb[x][y]) != color_except:
                points.append((x, y))
    if points:
        for x in range(rect.left, rect.right):
            for y in range(, rect.bottom):
                if not (x, y) in points:
                    d = 1. - illuminate_dist(points, rect, x, y) / max_d
                    d = 255 * factor * d**fadout
                    arraya[x][y] = d
                    arrayrgb[x][y] = color_target
                    if color_bulk:
                        arrayrgb[x][y] = color_bulk
                    if bulk_alpha:
                        arraya[x][y] = bulk_alpha
        functions.debug_msg("No points for illuminate alpha except")
    return newsurf
Beispiel #44
    def runTest(self) -> None:
        width, height = 800, 600
        screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width * 2, height))
        pygame.display.set_caption("bright pass filter (bpf24)")
        checker = pygame.image.load(
        checker = pygame.transform.smoothscale(checker, (1600, 600))

        background = pygame.image.load('../Assets/I1.png').convert_alpha()
        background = pygame.transform.smoothscale(background, (800, 600))

        # array3d
        bpf_surface = test_bpf24_c(array3d(background), 40)
        self.assertRaises(OverflowError, test_bpf24_c, array3d(background),
        self.assertRaises(OverflowError, test_bpf24_c, array3d(background),

        # pixel3d
        bpf_surface = test_bpf24_c(pixels3d(background), 40)

        # Test a single pixel
        bpf_array = array3d(bpf_surface)
        bck_array = array3d(background)

        r = bck_array[100, 100, 0]
        g = bck_array[100, 100, 1]
        b = bck_array[100, 100, 2]

        lum = r * 0.299 + g * 0.587 + b * 0.114
        # no div by zero lum must be strictly > 0
        if lum > 40:
            c = (lum - 40) / lum
            self.assertEqual(bpf_array[100, 100, 0], int(r * c))
            self.assertEqual(bpf_array[100, 100, 1], int(g * c))
            self.assertEqual(bpf_array[100, 100, 2], int(b * c))

        display(screen, checker, background, bpf_surface)
 def reddened(chromograph):
     """ obtain a reddened version of a chromograph """
     redder = chromograph.copy()
     arr = surfarray.pixels3d(redder)
     arr[:,:,0] = 255
     return redder
Beispiel #46
		return socket.inet_ntoa(ioctl(
			pack('256s', ifname[:15])
	except IOError : 
		print ("Can't find interface")

def hex_to_rgb(value):
	value = value.lstrip('#')
	lv = len(value)
	return tuple(int(value[i:i+lv/3], 16) for i in range(0, lv, lv/3))

def color_surface(surface, (red, green, blue)):
	arr = surfarray.pixels3d(surface)
	arr[:,:,0] = red
	arr[:,:,1] = green
	arr[:,:,2] = blue

def _linux_set_time(time_tuple):
    import ctypes
    import ctypes.util

    # /usr/include/linux/time.h:
    # define CLOCK_REALTIME                     0

    # /usr/include/time.h
Beispiel #47
 def _appliquerTransformationGlobale(self, nomTransformation, **p):
     """Applique la transformation globale <nomTransformation> avec le dico de paramètres <p>."""
     if nomTransformation == "Alpha":
         surface = self._fenetre.copy()
         self._fenetre.blit(surface, (0,0))
     if nomTransformation == "Rouge":
         pixels = surfarray.pixels3d(self._fenetre)[:FENETRE["longueurFenetre"], :FENETRE["largeurFenetre"]] #On exclut la zone de pensée
         pixels[:,:,1:] = 0
     elif nomTransformation == "Noir" or nomTransformation == "NoirTransition":
         pixels = surfarray.pixels3d(self._fenetre)[:FENETRE["longueurFenetre"],:FENETRE["largeurFenetre"]]
         pixels /= p["coef"]
         if p["coef"] >= 12:
             pixels[:] = (0,0,0)
     elif nomTransformation == "NoirTotal":
         pixels = surfarray.pixels3d(self._fenetre)[:FENETRE["longueurFenetre"],:FENETRE["largeurFenetre"]]
         pixels[:] = (0,0,0)
     elif nomTransformation == "Glow":
         nomPNJ, c = p["nomPNJ"], p["couche"]
         if nomPNJ in self._pnj[c].keys():
             x, y = self._pnj[c][nomPNJ].positionCarte.left - self._scrollingX, self._pnj[c][nomPNJ] - self._scrollingY
             x1, y1, x2, y2 = x-32 if x-32 >= 0 else 0, y-32 if y-32 >= 0 else 0, x+64 if x+64 <= FENETRE["longueurFenetre"] else FENETRE["longueurFenetre"], y+64 if y+64 <= FENETRE["largeurFenetre"] else FENETRE["largeurFenetre"]
             #On limite les coordonnées du carré autour du cercle aux limites de la fenêtre
             cerclePossible = False
             if x1 < x2 and y1 < y2: #On évite les problèmes quand le cercle est en dehors de l'écran à l'arrière...
                 xCentre, yCentre, (xPixels, yPixels), pixels, cerclePossible = x+16, y+16, numpy.mgrid[x1:x2, y1:y2], surfarray.pixels3d(self._fenetre)[x1:x2,y1:y2], True
             if cerclePossible and 0 not in pixels.shape: #...comme à l'avant
                 distancesCarrees = (xPixels - xCentre) ** 2 + (yPixels - yCentre) ** 2
                 pixels[distancesCarrees <= 32 ** 2] *= 5
     elif nomTransformation == "Fog":
         idParam = id(self._parametresTransformations[nomTransformation])
         fogAlpha = p.get("alpha", 150)
         if self._idParametres.get(nomTransformation, False) == idParam or (self._idParametres.get(nomTransformation, False) != idParam and p.get("minorChange", False) is True):
             fog, tempsPrecedent = self._donneesParametres[nomTransformation]["fog"], self._donneesParametres[nomTransformation]["tempsPrecedent"]
             fogScrollX = self._donneesParametres[nomTransformation]["fogScrollX"]
             fog = pygame.image.load(os.path.join(DOSSIER_RESSOURCES, "fog.png"))
             surfarray.pixels_alpha(fog)[:] = fogAlpha
             self._donneesParametres[nomTransformation] = {"fog":fog, "tempsPrecedent":pygame.time.get_ticks(), "fogScrollX":0}
             self._idParametres[nomTransformation], tempsPrecedent = idParam, self._donneesParametres[nomTransformation]["tempsPrecedent"]
             fogScrollX = self._donneesParametres[nomTransformation]["fogScrollX"]
         if p.get("minorChange", False) is True:
             surfarray.pixels_alpha(fog)[:] = fogAlpha
         tempsActuel = pygame.time.get_ticks() 
         avancee = ((tempsActuel - tempsPrecedent) / 1000) * VITESSE_DEFILEMENT_FOG
         if avancee >= 1.0:
             self._donneesParametres[nomTransformation]["tempsPrecedent"] = tempsActuel
             fogScrollX += avancee
             self._donneesParametres[nomTransformation]["fogScrollX"] = fogScrollX
         #We calculate where the junction between two scroll images will be on screen
         xScrollRelatif = (((self._scrollingX+fogScrollX) / FENETRE["longueurFenetre"]) - int((self._scrollingX+fogScrollX) / FENETRE["longueurFenetre"])) * FENETRE["longueurFenetre"]
         yScrollRelatif = ((self._scrollingY / FENETRE["largeurFenetre"]) - int(self._scrollingY / FENETRE["largeurFenetre"])) * FENETRE["largeurFenetre"]
         fogPositions = dict()
         #Four images on screen
         if xScrollRelatif > 0 and yScrollRelatif > 0:
             fogPositions[0] = Rect(xScrollRelatif, yScrollRelatif, FENETRE["longueurFenetre"]-xScrollRelatif, FENETRE["largeurFenetre"]-yScrollRelatif)
             fogPositions[1] = Rect(0, yScrollRelatif, xScrollRelatif, FENETRE["largeurFenetre"]-yScrollRelatif)
             fogPositions[2] = Rect(xScrollRelatif, 0, FENETRE["longueurFenetre"]-xScrollRelatif, yScrollRelatif)
             fogPositions[3] = Rect(0, 0, xScrollRelatif, yScrollRelatif)
         elif xScrollRelatif > 0:
             fogPositions[0] = Rect(xScrollRelatif, 0, FENETRE["longueurFenetre"]-xScrollRelatif, FENETRE["largeurFenetre"])
             fogPositions[1] = Rect(0, 0, xScrollRelatif, FENETRE["largeurFenetre"])
         elif yScrollRelatif > 0:
             fogPositions[0] = Rect(0, yScrollRelatif, FENETRE["longueurFenetre"], FENETRE["largeurFenetre"]-yScrollRelatif)
             fogPositions[2] = Rect(0, 0, FENETRE["longueurFenetre"], yScrollRelatif)
             fogPositions[0] = Rect(0,0, FENETRE["longueurFenetre"], FENETRE["largeurFenetre"])
         i = 0
         while i < 4:
             coord = (0,0) if i == 0 else (FENETRE["longueurFenetre"]-xScrollRelatif,0) if i == 1 else (0, FENETRE["largeurFenetre"]-yScrollRelatif) if i == 2 else (FENETRE["longueurFenetre"]-xScrollRelatif, FENETRE["largeurFenetre"]-yScrollRelatif)
             self._fenetre.blit(fog.subsurface(fogPositions[i]), coord)
             i += 1
             while i not in fogPositions.keys() and i < 4:
                 i += 1
     elif nomTransformation == "RemplirNoir":
         self._fenetre.fill((0,0,0), rect=(0,0,FENETRE["longueurFenetre"],FENETRE["largeurFenetre"]))
     elif "SplashText" in nomTransformation:
         idParam = id(p)
         if self._idParametres.get(nomTransformation, False) == idParam:
             surfaceTexte = self._donneesParametres[nomTransformation]
             self._idParametres[nomTransformation] = id(p)
             couleurFond, police, taille = p.get("couleurFond", None), p.get("police", NOM_FICHIER_POLICE_PAR_DEFAUT), p.get("taille", TAILLE_POLICE_SPLASH_SCREEN)
             self._ajouterPolice(police, taille)
             surfaceTexte = self._polices[police][taille].render(p["texte"], p["antialias"], p["couleurTexte"], couleurFond)
             self._donneesParametres[nomTransformation] = surfaceTexte
         if p.get("position", False) is not False:
             position = p["position"]
             self._fenetre.blit(surfaceTexte, position)
         elif self._ecranVisible.colliderect(self._pnj[p["couche"]][p["nomPNJ"]].positionCarte) or self._jeu.carteActuelle._ecranVisible.contains(self._pnj[p["couche"]][p["nomPNJ"]].positionCarte):
             position = self._pnj[p["couche"]][p["nomPNJ"]].positionCarte.move(-16, -surfaceTexte.get_height())
             position.move_ip(-self._scrollingX, -self._scrollingY)
             self._fenetre.blit(surfaceTexte, position)
     elif nomTransformation == "Nuit":
         self._fenetre.fill((0,0,0), rect=(0,0,FENETRE["longueurFenetre"],FENETRE["largeurFenetre"]))
         c = 0
         while c < self._nombreCouches: 
             for nomPnj in self._pnj[c]: 
                 self._afficherBlocPnj(c, nomPnj)
             c += 1
from pygame import surfarray, image, display
import pygame

image = image.load('img.png')
resolution = (image.get_width(), image.get_height())
screen = display.set_mode(resolution)
screenpix = surfarray.pixels3d(image)

data = []
data_str = ''
for y in range(resolution[1]):
    for x in range(resolution[0]):
        red = screenpix[x][y][0]
        green = screenpix[x][y][1]
        blue = screenpix[x][y][2] 
        data.append([red / 255.0 , green / 255.0 ,blue / 255.0])
        data_str += str([red / 255.0 , green / 255.0 ,blue / 255.0]) + ',' + '\n'
with open('rgb.js', 'w') as f:
    f.write('var labels = [' + data_str + '];') #[[1,1,1],[0,0,0],...]
Beispiel #49
size = (CellSize*nSites,CellSize*nSites)
	# Set initial configuration
state = Initialize(nSites)

UpColor = 255, 0, 0       # red
DownColor = 0, 0, 255     # blue
	# Get display surface
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
pygame.display.set_caption('2D Ising Model Simulator')
	# Clear display
	# Create RGB array whose elements refer to screen pixels
sptmdiag = surfarray.pixels3d(screen)

    # display initial dipole configuration
for i in range(nSites):
   for j in range(nSites):
      if state[i][j] < 0:

t = 0
t0 = time.clock()
    # total execution time
t_total = time.clock()

# Main loop
flag = 1
while flag > 0:
Beispiel #50
for i in range(100):
    if camera.query_image(): # ready to take an image?
snapshot = camera.get_image()


print("Captured an image")
raw_input("Press Enter to convert into opencv format")

npy = surfarray.pixels3d(snapshot)
ipl = adaptors.NumPy2Ipl(npy)

print("Captured an image")
raw_input("Press Enter to pass to cvEyeTrack to add a cross")

green = opencv.CV_RGB(0,255,0)

print("Added a cross")
raw_input("Press Enter to pass to back from opencv to pygame")

npy2 = adaptors.Ipl2NumPy(ipl)

Beispiel #51
            count = 0
    if not count:
        color[2] = space[count]
    return color
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)

sarr = surfarray.pixels3d(screen)

Yc = 0
Xc = 0
space = N.linspace(-2, 2, size[0]-1)
for Y in space:
    for X in space:
        C = complex(X, Y)
        print Yc, ",",Xc, ":  ",C
        color = check_mad(C, precis)
        print "Color: ",color
        sarr[Yc,Xc] = color
        #The surface array is odd. sarr[0] is the first coulum.
    Xc = 0
Beispiel #52
def surf2CV(surf):
    """Given a surface, convert to an opencv format (cvMat)
    numpyImage = surfarray.pixels3d(surf)
    cvImage = adaptors.NumPy2Ipl(numpyImage.transpose(1,0,2))
    return cvImage
Beispiel #53
    def __init__(self, image=None):

        if isinstance(image, Surface):
            image = Image.fromarray(surfarray.pixels3d(transform.flip(transform.rotate(image, 90), False, True)), mode="RGB")

        self.image = image.convert(mode="RGBA") if image else None
Beispiel #54
    if camera.query_image():  # ready to take an image?
snapshot = camera.get_image()

display.blit(snapshot, (

print("Captured an image")
raw_input("Press Enter to convert into opencv format")

npy = surfarray.pixels3d(snapshot)
ipl = adaptors.NumPy2Ipl(npy)

print("Captured an image")
raw_input("Press Enter to pass to cvEyeTrack to add a cross")

green = opencv.CV_RGB(0, 255, 0)
Draw_Cross(ipl, 200, 200, 50, 100, green)

print("Added a cross")
raw_input("Press Enter to pass to back from opencv to pygame")

npy2 = adaptors.Ipl2NumPy(ipl)
npy2.transpose(1, 0, 2)
In [2]: type(npy2)