ui.Item('Nine', size=9) ], columns=[('Name', 'text', 6, 0), ('Size', 'size', 6, ui.F_EDITABLE)], layout=(8, 13, 12, 7), columnLabels=1, ).subscribeAction('*', echoHandler) items = [] for i in xrange(0, 100): items.append( ui.Item(str(i), tooltip='This is a tooltip', statustip='This is a statustip')) ui.ButtonArray( win, items=items, layout=(20, 13, 9, 6), buttonSize=(2, 2), ) ui.Title(win, text='This is a title', align=ui.ALIGN_W, layout=(8, 12, 12, 1)) pBar = ui.ProgressBar(win, layout=(0, 20, 10, 1)) progBars.append(pBar) scrlbar = ui.Scrollbar(win, layout=(28, 0, 1, 10)) text = ui.Text( win, layout=(20, 0, 8, 10), text=[ 'This is a very looooong text which will be displayed in that text widget.', 'And one more long line to show.', 'And another one.',
def createUI(self): w, h = gdata.scrnSize cols = 32 rows = 20 dlgWidth = cols * 20 + 4 dlgHeight = rows * 20 + 4 self.win = ui.Window(self.app, modal=1, escKeyClose=1, movable=0, title=_('Select structure to construct'), rect=ui.Rect((w - dlgWidth) / 2, (h - dlgHeight) / 2, dlgWidth, dlgHeight), layoutManager=ui.SimpleGridLM()) self.win.subscribeAction('*', self) rows -= 1 # title ui.Title(self.win, layout=(0, 0, cols, 1), text=_('Production planet'), align=ui.ALIGN_W, font='normal-bold') ui.ButtonArray(self.win, layout=(0, 1, cols, 3), id='vPlanets', buttonSize=(8, 1), showSlider=0, action='onSelectPlanet') ui.Title(self.win, layout=(0, 4, cols - 10, 1), text=_('Structures to construct'), align=ui.ALIGN_W, font='normal-bold') ui.Title(self.win, layout=(cols - 10, 4, 10, 1), text=_('(right click for technology info)'), align=ui.ALIGN_E, font='normal') ui.ButtonArray(self.win, layout=(0, 5, cols, 9), id='vTechs', buttonSize=(2, 3), showSlider=0, action='onConstruct', rmbAction='onInfo') ui.Title(self.win, layout=(0, 14, 18, 1), text=_('Filters'), align=ui.ALIGN_W, font='normal-bold') ui.Label(self.win, layout=(0, 15, 6, 1), text=_('Technology levels:'), align=ui.ALIGN_W) ui.Button(self.win, layout=(6, 15, 1, 1), text=_('1'), id='vLevel1', toggle=1, action='onToggleLevel', data=1) ui.Button(self.win, layout=(7, 15, 1, 1), text=_('2'), id='vLevel2', toggle=1, action='onToggleLevel', data=2) ui.Button(self.win, layout=(8, 15, 1, 1), text=_('3'), id='vLevel3', toggle=1, action='onToggleLevel', data=3) ui.Button(self.win, layout=(9, 15, 1, 1), text=_('4'), id='vLevel4', toggle=1, action='onToggleLevel', data=4) ui.Button(self.win, layout=(10, 15, 1, 1), text=_('5'), id='vLevel5', toggle=1, action='onToggleLevel', data=5) ui.Button(self.win, layout=(11, 15, 1, 1), text=_('6'), id='vLevel6', toggle=1, action='onToggleLevel', data=6) ui.Button(self.win, layout=(12, 15, 1, 1), text=_('7'), id='vLevel7', toggle=1, action='onToggleLevel', data=7) ui.Button(self.win, layout=(13, 15, 1, 1), text=_('8'), id='vLevel8', toggle=1, action='onToggleLevel', data=8) ui.Button(self.win, layout=(14, 15, 1, 1), text=_('9'), id='vLevel9', toggle=1, action='onToggleLevel', data=9) ui.Check(self.win, layout=(0, 16, 6, 1), text=_('Bio production'), id='vBioProduction', checked=1, align=ui.ALIGN_W, action='onFilter') ui.Check(self.win, layout=(0, 17, 6, 1), text=_('En production'), id='vEnProduction', checked=1, align=ui.ALIGN_W, action='onFilter') ui.Check(self.win, layout=(6, 16, 6, 1), text=_('CP production'), id='vCPProduction', checked=1, align=ui.ALIGN_W, action='onFilter') ui.Check(self.win, layout=(6, 17, 6, 1), text=_('RP production'), id='vRPProduction', checked=1, align=ui.ALIGN_W, action='onFilter') ui.Check(self.win, layout=(12, 16, 6, 1), text=_('Military'), id='vMilitary', checked=1, align=ui.ALIGN_W, action='onFilter') ui.Check(self.win, layout=(12, 17, 6, 1), text=_('Morale'), id='vMorale', checked=1, align=ui.ALIGN_W, action='onFilter') ui.Title(self.win, layout=(18, 14, 6, 1), text=_('Sort'), align=ui.ALIGN_W, font='normal-bold') ui.Check(self.win, layout=(18, 15, 6, 1), text=_('Type'), id='vSortType', checked=1, align=ui.ALIGN_W, action='onSort', data='type') ui.Check(self.win, layout=(18, 16, 6, 1), text=_('Tech Level'), id='vSortTL', checked=0, align=ui.ALIGN_W, action='onSort', data='tl') ui.Check(self.win, layout=(18, 17, 6, 1), text=_('Name'), id='vSortNone', checked=0, align=ui.ALIGN_W, action='onSort', data='none') ui.Title(self.win, layout=(24, 14, 8, 1), text=_('Options'), align=ui.ALIGN_W, font='normal-bold') ui.Label(self.win, layout=(24, 15, 3, 1), text=_('Quantity'), align=ui.ALIGN_W) ui.Entry(self.win, layout=(27, 15, 5, 1), id='vQuantity', align=ui.ALIGN_E) ui.Check(self.win, layout=(26, 16, 8, 1), id='vReportFin', text=_('Report finalization'), align=ui.ALIGN_W) ui.Title(self.win, layout=(0, rows - 1, cols - 5, 1), align=ui.ALIGN_W) ui.TitleButton(self.win, layout=(cols - 5, rows - 1, 5, 1), text=_('Cancel'), action='onCancel')
def createUI(self): w, h = gdata.scrnSize self.win = ui.Window( self.app, modal=1, escKeyClose=1, movable=0, title=_('Global production queues'), rect=ui.Rect((w - 400 - 4) / 2, (h - 440 - 4) / 2, 400 + 4, 420 + 4), layoutManager=ui.SimpleGridLM(), ) self.win.subscribeAction('*', self) ui.Title(self.win, layout=(0, 0, 20, 1), text=_('Default global queue'), align=ui.ALIGN_W, font='normal-bold') ui.ButtonArray(self.win, layout=(0, 1, 20, 2), id='vPQueue0', buttonSize=(2, 2), showSlider=0, tags=['pl'], action='onQueueItemSelected', orderNo=0) ui.Title(self.win, layout=(0, 3, 20, 1), text=_('Queue \"{0}\"'.format(res.globalQueueName(1))), align=ui.ALIGN_W, font='normal-bold') ui.ButtonArray(self.win, layout=(0, 4, 20, 2), id='vPQueue1', buttonSize=(2, 2), showSlider=0, tags=['pl'], action='onQueueItemSelected', orderNo=1) ui.Title(self.win, layout=(0, 6, 20, 1), text=_('Queue \"{0}\"'.format(res.globalQueueName(2))), align=ui.ALIGN_W, font='normal-bold') ui.ButtonArray(self.win, layout=(0, 7, 20, 2), id='vPQueue2', buttonSize=(2, 2), showSlider=0, tags=['pl'], action='onQueueItemSelected', orderNo=2) ui.Title(self.win, layout=(0, 9, 20, 1), text=_('Queue \"{0}\"'.format(res.globalQueueName(3))), align=ui.ALIGN_W, font='normal-bold') ui.ButtonArray(self.win, layout=(0, 10, 20, 2), id='vPQueue3', buttonSize=(2, 2), showSlider=0, tags=['pl'], action='onQueueItemSelected', orderNo=3) ui.Title(self.win, layout=(0, 12, 20, 1), text=_('Queue \"{0}\"'.format(res.globalQueueName(4))), align=ui.ALIGN_W, font='normal-bold') ui.ButtonArray(self.win, layout=(0, 13, 20, 2), id='vPQueue4', buttonSize=(2, 2), showSlider=0, tags=['pl'], action='onQueueItemSelected', orderNo=4) ui.Label(self.win, layout=(0, 16, 20, 1), id='vTaskName', align=ui.ALIGN_W, font='normal-bold', tags=['queue', 'data']) ui.Label(self.win, layout=(9, 17, 7, 1), text=_('Construction pts'), align=ui.ALIGN_W, tags=['queue']) ui.Label(self.win, layout=(16, 17, 4, 1), id='vTaskConstPoints', align=ui.ALIGN_E, tags=['queue', 'data']) ui.Label(self.win, layout=(0, 17, 5, 1), text=_('Quantity'), align=ui.ALIGN_W, tags=['queue']) ui.Label(self.win, layout=(5, 17, 3, 1), id='vTaskQuantity', align=ui.ALIGN_E, tags=['queue', 'data']) ui.Button(self.win, layout=(0, 18, 2, 1), id='vITFirst', text=_('<<'), tags=['queue'], action='onMoveTaskFirstLast', tooltipTitle=_('Move task to first position in queue'), data=-1) ui.Button(self.win, layout=(2, 18, 2, 1), id='vITPrev', text=_('<'), tags=['queue'], action='onMoveTask', data=-1, tooltipTitle=_('Move task to previous position in queue')) ui.Button(self.win, layout=(4, 18, 2, 1), id='vITNext', text=_('>'), tags=['queue'], action='onMoveTask', data=1, tooltipTitle=_('Move task to next position in queue')) ui.Button(self.win, layout=(6, 18, 2, 1), id='vITLast', text=_('>>'), tags=['queue'], action='onMoveTaskFirstLast', tooltipTitle=_('Move task to last position in queue'), data=1) ui.Button(self.win, layout=(8, 18, 4, 1), text=_('Quantity'), tags=['queue'], action='onQtyTask', tooltipTitle=_('Change task quantity')) ui.Button(self.win, layout=(12, 18, 4, 1), text=_('Info'), id="vITInfo", tags=['queue'], action='onTaskInfo', tooltipTitle=_('Show task informations')) ui.Button(self.win, layout=(16, 18, 4, 1), text=_('Abort'), tags=['queue'], action='onAbortTask', tooltipTitle=_('Abort task construction')) # status bar + submit/cancel ui.TitleButton(self.win, layout=(15, 19, 5, 1), text=_('Close'), action='onClose') ui.Title(self.win, id='vStatusBar', layout=(0, 19, 15, 1), align=ui.ALIGN_W)