Beispiel #1
def write_death_lisa_usafacts():

    month_day = get_month_day()

    gdf = geopandas.read_file(
    gdf.columns = rename_column_usafacts(gdf.columns.tolist())
    cluster = gdf.copy()

    counties = pygeoda.geopandas_to_geoda(gdf)
    w = pygeoda.weights.queen(counties)

    select_vars = list(gdf.columns[12:-1])
    int_data = [gdf[c].tolist() for c in select_vars]
    n = len(select_vars)

    lisa = pygeoda.batch_local_moran(w, int_data, nCPUs=1, perm=999)
    for i in range(n):
        cluster.iloc[:, i + 12] = lisa.GetClusterIndicators(i)

    death = cluster.iloc[:, :-1].to_dict(orient="records")
    death = {"type": "death", "source": "USAFacts", "features": death}
    with open(
            os.path.join(dir_path, '_working/lisa_county_death_usafacts.json'),
            'w') as fp:
        json.dump(death, fp)

    print("Successfully wrote USAFacts death lisa")

Beispiel #2
def write_new_json_state():

	gdf = geopandas.read_file(os.path.join(repo_root, "data/states_update.geojson"))
	cluster  = gdf.copy()

	counties = pygeoda.geopandas_to_geoda(gdf)
	w = pygeoda.weights.queen(counties)

	select_vars = list(gdf.columns[16:-3])
	int_data = [gdf[c].tolist() for c in select_vars]
	n = len(select_vars)

	lisa = pygeoda.batch_local_moran(w, int_data, nCPUs=1, perm=999)

	for i in range(n):
		cluster.iloc[:,i+16] = lisa.GetClusterIndicators(i)

	confirmed = cluster.loc[:,:'d2020-01-21'].iloc[:,:-1]
	confirmed = confirmed.to_dict(orient="records")
	confirmed = {"type": "confirmed", "source": "1P3A", "features": confirmed}
	with open(os.path.join(dir_path, '_working/lisa_state_confirmed_1P3A.json'), 'w') as fp:
		json.dump(confirmed, fp)

	death = cluster[list(cluster.iloc[:,0:16]) + list(cluster.loc[:,"d2020-01-21":])].iloc[:,:-3]
	death = death.to_dict(orient="records")
	death = [{k.replace("d", ""):v for k,v in d.items()} for d in death]
	death = {"type": "death", "source": "1P3A", "features": death}
	with open(os.path.join(dir_path, '_working/lisa_state_death_1P3A.json'), 'w') as fp:
		json.dump(death, fp)

	print("Successfully wrote 1P3A state lisa")

Beispiel #3
def update_lisa_usafacts(type_):

    # Check if new file exists
    file = os.path.join(repo_root,
    if not os.path.isfile(file):
        print("USAFacts - {}: No Updates!".format(type_))
        return None

    # Read file and import geometry
    type_ = "death" if type_ == "deaths" else type_

    with open(
                '_working/lisa_county_{}_usafacts.json'.format(type_))) as f:
        old_lisa = json.load(f)
    gdf = geopandas.read_file(file)
    gdf.columns = write_lisa_json.rename_column_usafacts(gdf.columns.tolist())

    # Find new dates
    lisa_dates = list(old_lisa["features"][0].keys())
    dates = list(gdf.filter(regex='^[0-9]+', axis=1).columns)
    select_vars = [i for i in dates if i not in lisa_dates]
    if not select_vars:
        print("USAFacts - {}: Already Updated!".format(type_))
        return None

    # Calcualte new lisa
    counties = pygeoda.geopandas_to_geoda(gdf)
    w = pygeoda.weights.queen(counties)
    int_data = [gdf[c].tolist() for c in select_vars]
    n = len(select_vars)
    lisa = pygeoda.batch_local_moran(w, int_data, nCPUs=1, perm=999)

    cluster = gdf.loc[:, ["GEOID"]]
    for i in range(n):
        cluster[select_vars[i]] = lisa.GetClusterIndicators(i)

    features = []
    for county in old_lisa["features"]:
        geoid = county["GEOID"]
            cluster[cluster["GEOID"] == geoid].to_dict(orient="records")[0])

    data = {"type": type_, "source": "USAFacts", "features": features}
    filename = 'lisa_county_{}_usafacts.json'.format(type_)
    with open(os.path.join(dir_path, '_working/{}'.format(filename)),
              'w') as fp:
        json.dump(data, fp)


    print("Update for {} completed!".format("%-m.%-d")))
Beispiel #4
def write_confirmed_lisa_usafacts():

	gdf = geopandas.read_file("../download/usafacts_confirmed_9.14.geojson")
	gdf.columns = rename_column_usafacts(gdf.columns.tolist())
	cluster  = gdf.copy()

	counties = pygeoda.geopandas_to_geoda(gdf)
	w = pygeoda.weights.queen(counties)

	select_vars = list(gdf.columns[12:-1])
	int_data = [gdf[c].tolist() for c in select_vars]
	n = len(select_vars)

	lisa = pygeoda.batch_local_moran(w, int_data, nCPUs=1, perm=999)
	for i in range(n):
		cluster.iloc[:,i+12] = lisa.GetClusterIndicators(i)

	confirmed = cluster.iloc[:,:-1].to_dict(orient="records")
	confirmed = {"type": "confirmed", "source": "USAFacts", "features": confirmed}
	with open('lisa/lisa_county_confirmed_usafacts.json', 'w') as fp:
		json.dump(confirmed, fp)

	print("Successfully wrote USAFacts confirmed lisa")

Beispiel #5
def county_update_lisa_1P3A():

    # Read in files
    with open('lisa/lisa_county_confirmed_1P3A.json') as f:
        old_lisa_confirmed = json.load(f)
    with open('lisa/lisa_county_death_1P3A.json') as f:
        old_lisa_death = json.load(f)
    gdf = geopandas.read_file("../data/counties_update.geojson")

    # Find new dates
    lisa_dates = list(old_lisa_confirmed["features"][0].keys())

    dates = list(gdf.loc[:, :'d2020-01-21'].iloc[:, :-1].columns)
    select_vars = [i for i in dates if i not in lisa_dates]
    if not select_vars:
        print("1P3A - County: Already Updated!")
        return None
    select_vars.extend(["d" + i for i in select_vars])

    # Calculate moran
    counties = pygeoda.geopandas_to_geoda(gdf)
    w = pygeoda.weights.queen(counties)
    int_data = [gdf[c].tolist() for c in select_vars]
    n = len(select_vars)
    lisa = pygeoda.batch_local_moran(w, int_data, nCPUs=1, perm=999)

    cluster = gdf.loc[:, ["GEOID"]]
    for i in range(n):
        cluster[select_vars[i]] = lisa.GetClusterIndicators(i)

    # Update Confirmed LISA json
    confirmed = cluster[["GEOID"] +
    features = []
    for county in old_lisa_confirmed["features"]:
        geoid = county["GEOID"]
        county.update(confirmed[confirmed["GEOID"] == geoid].to_dict(
    confirmed = {"type": "confirmed", "source": "1P3A", "features": features}
    with open('lisa/lisa_county_confirmed_1P3A.json', 'w') as fp:
        json.dump(confirmed, fp)

    # Update Death LISA json
    death = cluster[["GEOID"] + cluster.filter(regex='^d').columns.tolist()]
    features = []
    for county in old_lisa_death["features"]:
        geoid = county["GEOID"]
            death[death["GEOID"] == geoid].to_dict(orient="records")[0])
    features = [{k.replace("d", ""): v
                 for k, v in d.items()} for d in features]
    death = {"type": "death", "source": "1P3A", "features": features}
    with open('lisa/lisa_county_confirmed_1P3A.json', 'w') as fp:
        json.dump(death, fp)

Beispiel #6
def calculate_lisa(lisa_dic, k, seven_dates):
    '''Calculate lisa'''

    df = lisa_dic[k]

    counties = pygeoda.geopandas_to_geoda(df)
    w = pygeoda.weights.queen(counties)

    int_data = [df[c].tolist() for c in seven_dates]

    lisa = pygeoda.batch_local_moran(w, int_data, nCPUs=1, perm=999)
    for i, col in enumerate(seven_dates):
        df[col] = lisa.GetClusterIndicators(i)
    dic = df.to_dict(orient="records")
    dic = {"type": k, "source": "USAFacts", "features": dic}
    lisa_dic[k] = dic
    print(k + " updated!")
Beispiel #7
def calculate_seven_day_lisa():

    month_day = util.get_month_day()

    gdf = geopandas.read_file(

    gdf.columns = util.rename_column_usafacts(gdf.columns.tolist())

    # Select informational columns and calculate 7-day average for last 7 days
    seven_day = gdf.iloc[:, 1:13]
    seven_day_adjusted = gdf.iloc[:, 1:13]
    stable_adjusted = gdf.iloc[:, 1:13]
    stable_unadjusted = gdf.iloc[:, 1:13]

    for i in range(-8, -1):
        seven_day[gdf.columns[i]] = (gdf.iloc[:, i] - gdf.iloc[:, i - 7]) / 7
        seven_day_adjusted[gdf.columns[i]] = (
            (gdf.iloc[:, i] - gdf.iloc[:, i - 7]) /
            7) * 100000 / gdf['population']
        stable_unadjusted[gdf.columns[i]] = gdf.iloc[:, i]
            gdf.columns[i]] = gdf.iloc[:, i] * 100000 / gdf['population']

    seven_day["average"] = seven_day.iloc[:, -7:].mean(axis=1)
    seven_day_adjusted["average"] = seven_day_adjusted.iloc[:,
    stable_unadjusted["average"] = stable_unadjusted.iloc[:, -7:].mean(axis=1)
    stable_adjusted["average"] = stable_adjusted.iloc[:, -7:].mean(axis=1)

    seven_day["geometry"] = gdf["geometry"]
    seven_day_adjusted["geometry"] = gdf["geometry"]
    stable_unadjusted["geometry"] = gdf["geometry"]
    stable_adjusted["geometry"] = gdf["geometry"]

    # Weight parameters for LISA
    counties = pygeoda.geopandas_to_geoda(seven_day)
    w = pygeoda.weights.queen(counties)

    # Unadjusted Seven Day
    select_col = util.get_date(ndays=7)
    int_data = [seven_day[c].tolist() for c in select_col]

    lisa = pygeoda.batch_local_moran(w, int_data, nCPUs=1, perm=999)
    for i, col in enumerate(select_col):
        seven_day[col] = lisa.GetClusterIndicators(i)
    seven_day = seven_day.to_dict(orient="records")
    seven_day = {
        "type": "7 day average unadjusted",
        "source": "USAFacts",
        "features": seven_day
    print("7 day average unadjusted")

    # Adjusted Seven Day
    int_data = [seven_day_adjusted[c].tolist() for c in select_col]

    lisa = pygeoda.batch_local_moran(w, int_data, nCPUs=1, perm=999)
    for i, col in enumerate(select_col):
        seven_day_adjusted[col] = lisa.GetClusterIndicators(i)
    seven_day_adjusted = seven_day_adjusted.to_dict(orient="records")
    seven_day_adjusted = {
        "type": "7 day average adjusted",
        "source": "USAFacts",
        "features": seven_day_adjusted
    print("7 day average adjusted")

    # Unadjusted Stable
    int_data = [stable_unadjusted[c].tolist() for c in select_col]

    lisa = pygeoda.batch_local_moran(w, int_data, nCPUs=1, perm=999)
    for i, col in enumerate(select_col):
        stable_unadjusted[col] = lisa.GetClusterIndicators(i)
    stable_unadjusted = stable_unadjusted.to_dict(orient="records")
    stable_unadjusted = {
        "type": "stable unadjusted",
        "source": "USAFacts",
        "features": stable_unadjusted
    print("stable unadjusted")

    # Adjusted Stable
    int_data = [stable_adjusted[c].tolist() for c in select_col]

    lisa = pygeoda.batch_local_moran(w, int_data, nCPUs=1, perm=999)
    for i, col in enumerate(select_col):
        stable_adjusted[col] = lisa.GetClusterIndicators(i)
    stable_adjusted = stable_adjusted.to_dict(orient="records")
    stable_adjusted = {
        "type": "stable adjusted",
        "source": "USAFacts",
        "features": stable_adjusted
    print("stable adjusted")

    return seven_day, seven_day_adjusted, stable_unadjusted, stable_adjusted
Beispiel #8
def state_update_lisa_1P3A():

    # Read in files
        os.path.join(dir_path, '_working/lisa_state_confirmed_1P3A.json'))
    with open(os.path.join(dir_path,
                           '_working/lisa_state_confirmed_1P3A.json')) as f:
        old_lisa_confirmed = json.load(f)
        os.path.join(dir_path, '_working/lisa_state_death_1P3A.json'))
    with open(os.path.join(dir_path,
                           '_working/lisa_state_death_1P3A.json')) as f:
        old_lisa_death = json.load(f)
    gdf = geopandas.read_file(
        os.path.join(repo_root, "data/states_update.geojson"))

    # Find new dates
    lisa_dates = list(old_lisa_confirmed["features"][0].keys())
    dates = list([col for col in gdf.columns if len(col) == 10])
    select_vars = [i for i in dates if i not in lisa_dates]
    if not select_vars:
        print("1P3A - State: Already Updated!")
        return None
    select_vars.extend(["d" + i for i in select_vars])

    # Calculate moran
    states = pygeoda.geopandas_to_geoda(gdf)
    w = pygeoda.weights.queen(states)
    int_data = [gdf[c].tolist() for c in select_vars]
    n = len(select_vars)
    lisa = pygeoda.batch_local_moran(w, int_data, nCPUs=1, perm=999)

    cluster = gdf.loc[:, ["GEOID"]]
    for i in range(n):
        cluster[select_vars[i]] = lisa.GetClusterIndicators(i)

    # Update Confirmed LISA json
    confirmed = cluster[["GEOID"] +

    features = []
    for county in old_lisa_confirmed["features"]:
        geoid = county["GEOID"]
        county.update(confirmed[confirmed["GEOID"] == geoid].to_dict(
    confirmed = {"type": "confirmed", "source": "1P3A", "features": features}
    with open(
            os.path.join(dir_path, '_working/lisa_state_confirmed_1P3A.json'),
            'w') as fp:
        json.dump(confirmed, fp)

    # Update Deaths LISA json
    death = cluster[["GEOID"] + cluster.filter(regex='^d').columns.tolist()]
    features = []
    for county in old_lisa_death["features"]:
        geoid = county["GEOID"]
            death[death["GEOID"] == geoid].to_dict(orient="records")[0])
    features = [{k.replace("d", ""): v
                 for k, v in d.items()} for d in features]
    death = {"type": "death", "source": "1P3A", "features": features}
    with open(os.path.join(dir_path, '_working/lisa_state_death_1P3A.json'),
              'w') as fp:
        json.dump(death, fp)
