Beispiel #1
def from_xarray(dataset):
  Converts an xarray Dataset into a PyGeode Dataset.

  dataset : xarray.Dataset
    The dataset to be converted.

  out : pygeode.Dataset
    An object which can be used with the pygeode package.
    import xarray as xr
    from pygeode.dataset import Dataset
    from pygeode.formats.netcdf import dims2axes
    from pygeode.formats.cfmeta import decode_cf
    # Encode the axes/variables with CF metadata.
    out = []
    # Loop over each axis and variable, and wrap as a pygeode.Var object.
    for varname, var in dataset.variables.items():
        # Apply a subset of conventions that are relevant to PyGeode.
            var = xr.conventions.maybe_encode_datetime(var)
            var = xr.conventions.maybe_encode_timedelta(var)
        except AttributeError:
            var = xr.coding.times.CFDatetimeCoder().encode(var)
            var = xr.coding.times.CFTimedeltaCoder().encode(var)
            var = xr.conventions.maybe_encode_string_dtype(var)
        except AttributeError:
            pass  # Using an older version of xarray (<0.10.0)?
        out.append(XArray_DataArray(varname, var))
    # Wrap all the Var objects into a pygeode.Dataset object.
    out = Dataset(out, atts=_fix_atts(dataset.attrs))
    # Re-construct the axes as pygeode.axis.NamedAxis objects.
    out = dims2axes(out)
    # Re-decode the CF metadata on the PyGeode end.
    # This will get the approperiate axis types for lat, lon, time, etc.
    out = decode_cf(out)
    return out
Beispiel #2
def from_xarray(dataset):
  Converts an xarray Dataset into a PyGeode Dataset.

  dataset : xarray.Dataset
    The dataset to be converted.

  out : pygeode.Dataset
    An object which can be used with the pygeode package.
  import xarray as xr
  from pygeode.dataset import Dataset
  from pygeode.formats.netcdf import dims2axes
  from pygeode.formats.cfmeta import decode_cf
  # Encode the axes/variables with CF metadata.
  out = []
  # Loop over each axis and variable, and wrap as a pygeode.Var object.
  for varname, var in dataset.variables.items():
    # Apply a subset of conventions that are relevant to PyGeode.
      var = xr.conventions.maybe_encode_datetime(var)
      var = xr.conventions.maybe_encode_timedelta(var)
    except AttributeError:
      var = xr.coding.times.CFDatetimeCoder().encode(var)
      var = xr.coding.times.CFTimedeltaCoder().encode(var)
      var = xr.conventions.maybe_encode_string_dtype(var)
    except AttributeError:
      pass # Using an older version of xarray (<0.10.0)?
    out.append(XArray_DataArray(varname, var))
  # Wrap all the Var objects into a pygeode.Dataset object.
  out = Dataset(out, atts=_fix_atts(dataset.attrs))
  # Re-construct the axes as pygeode.axis.NamedAxis objects.
  out = dims2axes(out)
  # Re-decode the CF metadata on the PyGeode end.
  # This will get the approperiate axis types for lat, lon, time, etc.
  out = decode_cf(out)
  return out
Beispiel #3
def finalize_open(dataset, dimtypes={}, namemap={}, varlist=[], cfmeta=True):
    # {{{
    from pygeode.formats import cfmeta as cf
    # Process CF-metadata?
    if cfmeta is True:
        # Skip anything that we're going to override in dimtypes
        # (so we don't get any meaningless warnings or other crap from cfmeta)
        dataset = cf.decode_cf(dataset, ignore=list(dimtypes.keys()))

    # Apply custom axis types?
    if len(dimtypes) > 0:
        dataset = set_axistypes(dataset, dimtypes)

    # Keep only specific variables?
    if len(varlist) > 0:
        dataset = whitelist(dataset, varlist)

    # Rename variables?
    if len(namemap) > 0:
        # Check both axes and variables
        dataset = dataset.rename_vars(vardict=namemap)
        dataset = dataset.rename_axes(axisdict=namemap)

    return dataset
Beispiel #4
def finalize_open(dataset, dimtypes = {}, namemap = {}, varlist = [], cfmeta = True):
# {{{
  from pygeode.formats import cfmeta as cf
  # Process CF-metadata?
  if cfmeta is True:
    # Skip anything that we're going to override in dimtypes
    # (so we don't get any meaningless warnings or other crap from cfmeta)
    dataset = cf.decode_cf(dataset, ignore=list(dimtypes.keys()))

  # Apply custom axis types?
  if len(dimtypes) > 0:
    dataset = set_axistypes(dataset, dimtypes)

  # Keep only specific variables?
  if len(varlist) > 0:
    dataset = whitelist(dataset, varlist)

  # Rename variables?
  if len(namemap) > 0:
    # Check both axes and variables
    dataset = dataset.rename_vars(vardict=namemap)
    dataset = dataset.rename_axes(axisdict=namemap)

  return dataset
Beispiel #5
def open(url):
    from pygeode.axis import NamedAxis
    from pygeode.formats.cfmeta import decode_cf
    from pygeode.dataset import asdataset
    from warnings import warn

        " is deprecated.  Please use, if you have a netcdf library with opendap support compiled in.  It is more flexible, faster, and standard.",

    dds = readurl(url + ".dds")

    # Get list of variables, axes, and types from the url
    dataset = parse_dataset(tokenize(dds))

    # Get metadata
    das = readurl(url + ".das")
    attributes = parse_attributes(tokenize(das))

    # Get the axes
    axis_names = []
    axis_shapes = []
    for (daptype, name, dimnames, shape) in dataset:
        for dimname, length in zip(dimnames, shape):
            #TODO: handle unnamed axes
            assert dimname is not None, "can't handle unnamed axes"
            if dimname not in axis_names:
    # Construct the axes
    dataset_axes = []
    for axis, length in zip(axis_names, axis_shapes):
            values = load_array(url + ".dods?" + axis)
        # catch any problematic axes
        # i.e., nbnds in
        # (which doesn't have any values!!)
        except ValueError:
            from warnings import warn
            from numpy import arange
            warn("No values found for axis '%s'" % axis, stacklevel=2)
            values = arange(length)
        atts = {}
        # get the axis attributes
        for A in attributes:
            # Match to axis name
            if A[0] == axis:
                atts = dict([(k, v) for t, k, v in A[1]])

        # Construct this axis
        dataset_axes.append(NamedAxis(values=values, name=axis, atts=atts))

    # Construct the vars
    dataset_vars = []
    for daptype, name, dimnames, shape in dataset:
        # Don't treat axes as vars
        if name in axis_names: continue
        axes = [a for n in dimnames for a in dataset_axes if == n]
        dtype = dap2np[daptype]
        var = OpenDAP_Var(name, axes, dtype, url)
        atts = {}
        # get the var attributes
        for A in attributes:
            # Match to var name
            if A[0] == name:
                atts = dict([(k, v) for t, k, v in A[1]])
        if len(atts) > 0: var.atts = atts


    # Create a dataset
    dataset = decode_cf(dataset_vars)

    # Global attributes?
    for A in attributes:
        if A[0] == 'NC_GLOBAL':
            dataset.atts = dict([(k, v) for t, k, v in A[1]])

    return dataset
Beispiel #6
def open (url):
  from pygeode.axis import NamedAxis
  from pygeode.formats.cfmeta import decode_cf
  from pygeode.dataset import asdataset
  from warnings import warn

  warn (" is deprecated.  Please use, if you have a netcdf library with opendap support compiled in.  It is more flexible, faster, and standard.", stacklevel=2)

  dds = readurl(url+".dds")

  # Get list of variables, axes, and types from the url
  dataset = parse_dataset(tokenize(dds))

  # Get metadata
  das = readurl(url+".das")
  attributes = parse_attributes(tokenize(das))

  # Get the axes
  axis_names = []
  axis_shapes = []
  for (daptype,name,dimnames,shape) in dataset:
    for dimname,length in zip(dimnames,shape):
      #TODO: handle unnamed axes
      assert dimname is not None, "can't handle unnamed axes"
      if dimname not in axis_names:
  # Construct the axes
  dataset_axes = []
  for axis, length in zip(axis_names, axis_shapes):
      values = load_array(url+".dods?"+axis)
    # catch any problematic axes
    # i.e., nbnds in
    # (which doesn't have any values!!)
    except ValueError:
      from warnings import warn
      from numpy import arange
      warn ("No values found for axis '%s'"%axis, stacklevel=2)
      values = arange(length)
    atts = {}
    # get the axis attributes
    for A in attributes:
      # Match to axis name
      if A[0] == axis:
       atts = dict([(k,v) for t,k,v in A[1]])

    # Construct this axis
    dataset_axes.append(NamedAxis(values=values, name=axis, atts=atts))

  # Construct the vars
  dataset_vars = []
  for daptype, name, dimnames, shape in dataset:
    # Don't treat axes as vars
    if name in axis_names: continue
    axes = [a for n in dimnames for a in dataset_axes if == n]
    dtype = dap2np[daptype]
    var = OpenDAP_Var(name, axes, dtype, url)
    atts = {}
    # get the var attributes
    for A in attributes:
      # Match to var name
      if A[0] == name:
       atts = dict([(k,v) for t,k,v in A[1]])
    if len(atts) > 0: var.atts = atts


  # Create a dataset
  dataset =  decode_cf(dataset_vars)

  # Global attributes?
  for A in attributes:
    if A[0] == 'NC_GLOBAL': dataset.atts = dict([(k,v) for t,k,v in A[1]])

  return dataset