Beispiel #1
def buildT3():
    lon = pyg.regularlon(60)
    lat = pyg.gausslat(42)
    tm = pyg.modeltime365n('1 Jan 2000', 200)

    def eps_like(v):
        return pyg.Var(v.axes, values=np.random.randn(*v.shape))

    X1 = (5. * tm / 2000.) * pyg.cosd(lat)
    X2 = pyg.cosd(2 * np.pi * tm / 500.) * pyg.sind(0.5 * lon)
    X3 = pyg.sind(2 * np.pi * tm / 120.) * pyg.cosd(3 * lon)**2

    X1e = X1 + 0.1 * eps_like(X1)
    X2e = X2 + 0.2 * eps_like(X2)
    X3e = X3 + 0.2 * eps_like(X3)

    Y1 = -1. * pyg.sind(lon) * X1e + eps_like(X1).smooth('lat', 4)
    Y2 = -0.2 * X1e + 0.8 * X2e + -0.6 * X3e + 0.1 * eps_like(X1)

    X1 = X1.rename('X1')
    X2 = X2.rename('X2')
    X3 = X3.rename('X3')
    X1e = X1e.rename('X1e')
    X2e = X2e.rename('X2e')
    X3e = X3e.rename('X3e')
    Y1 = Y1.rename('Y1')
    Y2 = Y2.rename('Y2')
    Y3 = Y2.rename('Y3')

    return pyg.Dataset(
        [X1e, X2e, X3e, Y1, Y2],
        atts={'history': 'Synthetic dataset generated by pygeode'})
Beispiel #2
def buildT2():
    nyrs = 10
    lat = pyg.regularlat(31)
    lon = pyg.regularlon(60)
    time = pyg.ModelTime365(values=np.arange(nyrs*365), \
            units='days', startdate={'year':2011, 'month':1, 'day':1})
    pres = pyg.Pres(np.arange(1000, 0, -50.))
    z = 6.6 * pyg.log(1000. / pres)

    ts1 = 2 * pyg.sin(2 * np.pi * time / 365.) + 4 * pyg.Var(
        (time, ), values=np.random.randn(nyrs * 365))
    ts1 = ts1.smooth('time', 20)
    ts2 = -5 + 0.6 * time / 365. + 5 * pyg.Var(
        (time, ), values=np.random.randn(nyrs * 365))
    ts2 = ts2.smooth('time', 20)

    T_c = 260. + 40. * pyg.exp(-(
        (lat - 10 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * time / 365)) / 45.)**2)
    T_wave = 0.05 * lat * pyg.sind(6 * lon - time)  # * ts1
    T_lapse = -5 * z

    Tf = (T_lapse + T_c + T_wave).transpose('time', 'pres', 'lat', 'lon') = 'Temp'

    U_c = 40 * pyg.sind(2 * lat)**2 * pyg.sin(2 * np.pi * z / 12)**2
    U_wave = 0.08 * lat * pyg.sind(6 * lon - time)
    U = (U_c + ts2 * U_wave).transpose('time', 'pres', 'lat', 'lon') = 'U'
    return pyg.Dataset(
        [Tf, U],
            'Synthetic Temperature and Wind data generated by pygeode'
Beispiel #3
def buildT2():
  nyrs = 10
  lat = pyg.regularlat(31)
  lon = pyg.regularlon(60)
  time = pyg.ModelTime365(values=np.arange(nyrs*365), \
          units='days', startdate={'year':2011, 'month':1, 'day':1})
  pres = pyg.Pres(np.arange(1000, 0, -50.))
  z = 6.6 * pyg.log(1000./pres)

  ts1 = 2*pyg.sin(2*np.pi*time/365.) + 4*pyg.Var((time,), values=np.random.randn(nyrs*365))
  ts1 = ts1.smooth('time', 20)
  ts2 = -5 + 0.6*time/365. + 5*pyg.Var((time,), values=np.random.randn(nyrs*365))
  ts2 = ts2.smooth('time', 20)

  T_c = 260. + 40. * pyg.exp(-((lat - 10*np.sin(2*np.pi*time/365))/45.)**2)
  T_wave = 0.05 * lat * pyg.sind(6*lon - time)# * ts1
  T_lapse = -5*z

  Tf = (T_lapse + T_c + T_wave).transpose('time', 'pres', 'lat', 'lon') = 'Temp'

  U_c = 40 * pyg.sind(2*lat)**2 * pyg.sin(2*np.pi * z / 12)**2
  U_wave = 0.08 * lat * pyg.sind(6*lon - time)
  U = (U_c + ts2*U_wave).transpose('time', 'pres', 'lat', 'lon') = 'U'
  return pyg.Dataset([Tf, U], atts={'history':'Synthetic Temperature and Wind data generated by pygeode'})
Beispiel #4
def buildT1():
  lat = pyg.regularlat(31)
  lon = pyg.regularlon(60)

  T_c = 260. + 40. * pyg.exp(-(lat/45.)**2)
  T_wave = 0.05 * lat * pyg.sind(6*lon)
  T = T_c + T_wave = 'Temp'
  T.units = 'K'

  return pyg.Dataset([T], atts={'history':'Synthetic Temperature data generated by pygeode'})
Beispiel #5
import pygeode as pyg
from pygeode.tutorial import t1

sinLat = pyg.sind(  # sind() takes an argument in degrees