Beispiel #1
    def _datumatch(self, latlon):
        '''Check for matching datum ellipsoids.

           @raise CSSError: Ellipsoidal mismatch of B{C{latlon}} and this projection.
        C, E = self.datum.ellipsoid, latlon.datum.ellipsoid
        if E != C:
            raise CSSError(E.named2, txt=_incompatible(C.named2))
Beispiel #2
    def exactTM(self, exactTM):
        '''Set the ETM projection (L{ExactTransverseMercator}).
        _xinstanceof(ExactTransverseMercator, exactTM=exactTM)

        E = self.datum.ellipsoid
        if exactTM._E != E or exactTM.majoradius != E.a \
                           or exactTM.flattening != E.f:
            raise ETMError(repr(exactTM), txt=_incompatible(repr(E)))
        self._exactTM = exactTM
        self._scale0  = exactTM.k0
Beispiel #3
    def toLatLon(self, LatLon=None, unfalse=True, **unused):  # PYCHOK expected
        '''Convert this ETM coordinate to an (ellipsoidal) geodetic point.

           @kwarg LatLon: Optional, ellipsoidal class to return the
                          geodetic point (C{LatLon}) or C{None}.
           @kwarg unfalse: Unfalse B{C{easting}} and B{C{northing}} if
                           falsed (C{bool}).

           @return: This ETM coordinate as (B{C{LatLon}}) or a
                    L{LatLonDatum5Tuple}C{(lat, lon, datum,
                    convergence, scale)} if B{C{LatLon}} is C{None}.

           @raise EllipticError: No convergence.

           @raise TypeError: If B{C{LatLon}} is not ellipsoidal.


           >>> from pygeodesy import ellipsoidalVincenty as eV, Etm
           >>> u = Etm(31, 'N', 448251.795, 5411932.678)
           >>> ll = u.toLatLon(eV.LatLon)  # 48°51′29.52″N, 002°17′40.20″E
        xTM, d = self.exactTM, self.datum
        # double check that this and exactTM's ellipsoids stil match
        if xTM._E != d.ellipsoid:
            t = repr(d.ellipsoid)
            raise ETMError(repr(xTM._E), txt=_incompatible(t))

        if self._latlon and self._latlon_args == (xTM, unfalse):
            return self._latlon5(LatLon)

        f = not unfalse
        e, n = self.to2en(falsed=f)
        # f  = unfalse == self.falsed
        #   == unfalse and self.falsed or (not unfalse and not self.falsed)
        #   == unfalse if self.falsed else not unfalse
        #   == unfalse if self.falsed else f
        if self.falsed:
            f = unfalse
        lon0 = _cmlon( if f else None
        lat, lon, g, k = xTM.reverse(e, n, lon0=lon0)

        ll = _LLEB(lat, lon, datum=d,
        ll._convergence = g
        ll._scale = k

        self._latlon_to(ll, xTM, unfalse)
        return self._latlon5(LatLon)
Beispiel #4
    def others(self, other, name=_other_, up=1):  # see .points.LatLon_.others
        '''Check this and an other instance for type compatiblility.

           @arg other: The other instance (any C{type}).
           @kwarg name: Optional, name for other (C{str}).
           @kwarg up: Number of call stack frames up (C{int}).

           @raise TypeError: Mismatch of the B{C{other}} and this
                             C{class} or C{type}.
        if not (isinstance(self, other.__class__)
                or isinstance(other, self.__class__)):
            n = _callname(name,
                          classname(self, prefixed=True),
                          up=up + 1)
            raise _TypeError(name, other, txt=_incompatible(n))
Beispiel #5
    def ellipsoids(self, other):
        '''Check the type and ellipsoid of this and an other point's datum.

           @arg other: The other point (C{LatLon}).

           @return: This point's datum ellipsoid (L{Ellipsoid} or L{Ellipsoid2}).

           @raise TypeError: The B{C{other}} point is not C{LatLon}.

           @raise ValueError: Incompatible datum ellipsoids.
        self.others(other, up=2)  # ellipsoids' caller

        E = self.ellipsoid()
        try:  # other may be Sphere, etc.
            e = other.ellipsoid()
        except AttributeError:  # PYCHOK no cover
            try:  # no ellipsoid method, try datum
                e = other.datum.ellipsoid
            except AttributeError:
                e = E  # no datum, XXX assume equivalent?
        if e != E:
            raise _ValueError(e.named2, txt=_incompatible(E.named2))
        return E
Beispiel #6
def _xotherError(inst, other, name=_other_, up=1):
    '''(INTERNAL) Return a C{_TypeError} for an incompatible, named C{other}.
    n = _callname(name, classname(inst, prefixed=True),, up=up + 1)
    return _TypeError(name, other, txt=_incompatible(n))