Beispiel #1
 def Inverse3(self, lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2):  # PYCHOK outmask
     '''Return the distance in C{meter} and the forward and
        reverse azimuths in C{degrees}.
     m = self.DISTANCE | self.AZIMUTH
     d = self.Inverse(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, m)
     return Distance3Tuple(d.s12, wrap360(d.azi1),
Beispiel #2
    def _inverse(self, other, azis, wrap):
        '''(INTERNAL) Inverse Karney method.

           @raise TypeError: The B{C{other}} point is not L{LatLon}.

           @raise ValueError: If this and the B{C{other}} point's L{Datum}
                              ellipsoids are not compatible.
        g = self.ellipsoids(other).geodesic
        m = g.DISTANCE
        if azis:
            m |= g.AZIMUTH
        _, lon = unroll180(self.lon, other.lon, wrap=wrap)
        r = g.Inverse(, self.lon,, lon, m)
        t = r['s12']
        if azis:  # forward and reverse azimuth
            t = t, wrap360(r['azi1']), wrap360(r['azi2'])
        return t
Beispiel #3
def _to3zll(lat, lon):  # imported by .ups, .utm
    '''Wrap lat- and longitude and determine UTM zone.

       @arg lat: Latitude (C{degrees}).
       @arg lon: Longitude (C{degrees}).

       @return: 3-Tuple (C{zone, lat, lon}) as (C{int}, C{degrees90},
                C{degrees180}) where C{zone} is C{1..60} for UTM.
    x = wrap360(lon + 180)  # use wrap360 to get ...
    z = int(x) // 6 + 1  # ... longitudinal UTM zone [1, 60] and ...
    lon = x - 180.0  # ... lon [-180, 180) i.e. -180 <= lon < 180
    return Zone(z), wrap90(lat), lon
Beispiel #4
 def _direct(self, distance, bearing, llr, height=None):
     '''(INTERNAL) Direct Karney method.
     g = self.datum.ellipsoid.geodesic
     m = g.AZIMUTH
     if llr:
         m |= g.LATITUDE | g.LONGITUDE
     r = g.Direct(, self.lon, bearing, distance, m)
     t = wrap360(r['azi2'])
     if llr:
         a, b = wrap90(r['lat2']), wrap180(r['lon2'])
         h = self.height if height is None else height
         t = self.classof(a, b, height=h, datum=self.datum), t
     return t
Beispiel #5
    def _direct(self, distance, bearing, LL, height):
        '''(INTERNAL) Karney's C{Direct} method.

           @return: A L{Destination2Tuple}C{(destination, final)} or
                    a L{Destination3Tuple}C{(lat, lon, final)} if
                    B{C{LL}} is C{None}.
        g = self.datum.ellipsoid.geodesic
        r = g.Direct3(, self.lon, bearing, distance)
        if LL:
            h = self.height if height is None else height
            d = LL(wrap90(, wrap180(r.lon), height=h, datum=self.datum)
            r = Destination2Tuple(self._xnamed(d), wrap360(
        return r