def test_invalid_region(self): with pytest.raises(InvalidInputValue) as ex: _ = gh.nlcd(GEOM, years=self.years, resolution=self.res, region="us") assert "L48" in str(ex.value)
class TestNLCDExceptions: "Test NLCD Exceptions" years = {"cover": [2016, 2019]} res = 1e3 lulc = gh.nlcd(GEOM, years={"cover": [2016, 2019]}, resolution=1e3, crs="epsg:3542") @pytest.mark.skipif(has_typeguard, reason="Broken if Typeguard is enabled") def test_invalid_years_type(self): with pytest.raises(InvalidInputType) as ex: _ = gh.nlcd(GEOM, years=2010, resolution=self.res) assert "dict" in str(ex.value) def test_invalid_region(self): with pytest.raises(InvalidInputValue) as ex: _ = gh.nlcd(GEOM, years=self.years, resolution=self.res, region="us") assert "L48" in str(ex.value) def test_invalid_years(self): with pytest.raises(InvalidInputValue) as ex: _ = gh.nlcd(GEOM, years={"cover": 2020}, resolution=self.res) assert "2019" in str(ex.value) @pytest.mark.skipif(has_typeguard, reason="Broken if Typeguard is enabled") def test_invalid_cover_type(self): with pytest.raises(InvalidInputType) as ex: _ = gh.cover_statistics(self.lulc) assert "DataArray" in str(ex.value) def test_invalid_cover_values(self): with pytest.raises(InvalidInputValue) as ex: _ = gh.cover_statistics(self.lulc.cover_2016 * 2) assert "11" in str(ex.value)
def test_invalid_years(self): with pytest.raises(InvalidInputValue) as ex: _ = gh.nlcd(GEOM, years={"cover": 2020}, resolution=self.res) assert "2019" in str(ex.value)
def test_invalid_years_type(self): with pytest.raises(InvalidInputType) as ex: _ = gh.nlcd(GEOM, years=2010, resolution=self.res) assert "dict" in str(ex.value)
def test_nlcd_deprecated(self): lulc = gh.nlcd(GEOM, years=self.years, resolution=self.res) self.assertion(lulc.cover_2016, 83.4)