Beispiel #1
def createGeometricFactors(scheme, numerical=None, mesh=None, verbose=False):
    """Create geometric factors for a data scheme.

    Create geometric factors for a data scheme with and without topography.
    Calculation will be done analytical (only for half space geometry)
    or numerical.

    This function caches the result depending on scheme, mesh and pg.version()

    scheme: :gimliapi:`GIMLI::DataContainerERT`
        Datacontainer of the scheme.
    numerical: bool | None [False]
        If numerical is None, False is assumed, we try to guess topography
        and warn if we think we found them.
        If set to True or False, numerical calculation will used respectively.
    mesh: :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` | str
        Mesh for numerical calculation. If not given, analytical geometric
        factors for halfspace earth are guessed or a default mesh will be
        created. The mesh will be h and p refined. If given topo is set to
        True. If the numerical effort is to high or the accuracy to low
        you should consider to calculate the factors manual.
    verbose: bool
        Give some output.
    if numerical is None:
        numerical = False
        if (min(pg.z(scheme)) != max(pg.z(scheme))):
            verbose = True
            pg.warn('Sensor z-coordinates not equal. Is there topography?')

    if numerical is False and mesh is None:
        if verbose:
  'Calculate analytical flat earth geometric factors.')

        return pg.core.geometricFactors(scheme, forceFlatEarth=True)

    if mesh is None:
        mesh = createInversionMesh(scheme)

    if verbose:'mesh', mesh)

    m = mesh.createH2()
    if verbose:'mesh-h2', m)

    m = m.createP2()
    if verbose:'mesh-p2', m)'Calculate numerical geometric factors.')
    d = simulate(m,
    return 1. / d['u']
Beispiel #2
    def simulate(mesh, res, scheme, verbose=False, **kwargs):
        """Forward calculation vor given mesh, data and resistivity."""
        fop = ERTModelling(verbose=verbose)
        # fop = ERTManager.createFOP(verbose=verbose)

        fop.setMesh(mesh, ignoreRegionManager=True)

        if not scheme.allNonZero('k'):

            if min(pg.y(scheme)) != max(pg.y(scheme)) or min(
                    pg.z(scheme)) != max(pg.z(scheme)):
                    "Non flat earth topography found. "
                    "We will set geometric factors to -1 to emulate "
                    "electrical impedance tomography (EIT). If you want to "
                    "use ERT will full topography support. "
                    "Please consider the use of pyBERT.")

                scheme.set('k', pg.RVector(scheme.size(), -1))
                scheme.set('k', fop.calcGeometricFactors(scheme))

        rhoa = None
        isArrayData = None

        if hasattr(res[0], '__iter__'):
            isArrayData = True
            rhoa = np.zeros((len(res), scheme.size()))
            for i, r in enumerate(res):
                rhoa[i] = fop.response(r)
            rhoa = fop.response(res)

        pg.renameKwarg('noisify', 'noiseLevel', kwargs)

        noiseLevel = kwargs.pop('noiseLevel', 0.0)

        if noiseLevel > 0:
            noiseAbs = kwargs.pop('noiseAbs', 1e-4)
            err = noiseLevel + noiseAbs / rhoa
            scheme.set('err', err)
            if verbose:
                    "Set noise (" + str(noiseLevel * 100) + "% + " +
                    str(noiseAbs) + " V) min:", min(err), "max:", max(err))
            rhoa *= 1. + pg.randn(scheme.size()) * err

        if isArrayData is None:
            scheme.set('rhoa', rhoa)

        if kwargs.pop('returnArray', False):
            return rhoa
        return scheme
Beispiel #3
    def simulate(mesh, res, scheme, verbose=False, **kwargs):
        """Forward calculation vor given mesh, data and resistivity."""
        fop = ERTModelling(verbose=verbose)
        # fop = ERTManager.createFOP(verbose=verbose)

        fop.setMesh(mesh, ignoreRegionManager=True)

        if not scheme.allNonZero('k'):

            if min(pg.y(scheme)) != max(pg.y(scheme)) or min(pg.z(scheme)) != max(pg.z(scheme)):
      "Non flat earth topography found. "
                    "We will set geometric factors to -1 to emulate "
                    "electrical impedance tomography (EIT). If you want to "
                    "use ERT will full topography support. "
                    "Please consider the use of pyBERT.")

                scheme.set('k', pg.RVector(scheme.size(), -1))
                scheme.set('k', fop.calcGeometricFactors(scheme))

        rhoa = None
        isArrayData = None

        if hasattr(res[0], '__iter__'):
            isArrayData = True
            rhoa = np.zeros((len(res), scheme.size()))
            for i, r in enumerate(res):
                rhoa[i] = fop.response(r)
            rhoa = fop.response(res)

        pg.renameKwarg('noisify', 'noiseLevel', kwargs)

        noiseLevel = kwargs.pop('noiseLevel', 0.0)

        if noiseLevel > 0:
            noiseAbs = kwargs.pop('noiseAbs', 1e-4)
            err = noiseLevel + noiseAbs / rhoa
            scheme.set('err', err)
            if verbose:
      "Set noise (" + str(noiseLevel*100) + "% + " + str(noiseAbs) + " V) min:",
                      min(err), "max:", max(err))
            rhoa *= 1. + pg.randn(scheme.size()) * err

        if isArrayData is None:
            scheme.set('rhoa', rhoa)

        if kwargs.pop('returnArray', False):
            return rhoa
        return scheme
Beispiel #4
def cellDataToBoundaryGrad(mesh, v, vGrad):
    if len(v) != mesh.cellCount() or len(vGrad) != mesh.cellCount():
    gB = mesh.cellDataToBoundaryGradient(v, vGrad)
    return np.vstack([pg.x(gB), pg.y(gB), pg.z(gB)]).T

    gB = np.zeros((mesh.boundaryCount(), 3))

    for b in mesh.boundaries():
        leftCell = b.leftCell()
        rightCell = b.rightCell()
        gr = pg.RVector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        t = (b.node(1).pos() - b.node(0).pos()).norm()

        if leftCell and rightCell:
            df1 =
            df2 =

            gr = b.norm() * (v[] - v[]) / (df1 +

            grL = t *[])
            grR = t *[])

            gr += (grL + grR) * 0.5

        elif leftCell:
            gr = t *[])

        gB[, 0] = gr[0]
        gB[, 1] = gr[1]
        gB[, 2] = gr[2]
    return gB
Beispiel #5
def createCoarsePoly( coarseData ):
    boundary = 1250.0
    mesh = g.Mesh()

    x = g.x( coarseData )
    y = g.y( coarseData )
    z = g.z( coarseData )

    xMin = min( x ); xMax = max( x )    
    yMin = min( y ); yMax = max( y )
    zMin = min( z ); zMax = max( z )        

    print(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)
    border = max( (xMax - xMin) * boundary / 100.0, (yMax - yMin) * boundary / 100.0);

    n1 = mesh.createNode( xMin - border, yMin - border, zMin, 1 )
    n2 = mesh.createNode( xMax + border, yMin - border, zMin, 2 )
    n3 = mesh.createNode( xMax + border, yMax + border, zMin, 3 )
    n4 = mesh.createNode( xMin - border, yMax + border, zMin, 4 )
    mesh.createEdge( n1, n2, 12 );
    mesh.createEdge( n2, n3, 23 );
    mesh.createEdge( n3, n4, 34 );
    mesh.createEdge( n4, n1, 41 );

    for p in coarseData:
        mesh.createNode( p )

    return mesh
Beispiel #6
def cellDataToCellGrad(mesh, v, CtB):
    if len(v) != mesh.cellCount():
        print(len(v), mesh.cellCount())
    div = mesh.boundaryDataToCellGradient(CtB * v)
    return np.vstack([pg.x(div), pg.y(div), pg.z(div)]).T

    vF = cellDataToBoundaryData(mesh, v)
    gC = np.zeros((mesh.cellCount(), 3))

    for b in mesh.boundaries():
        leftCell = b.leftCell()
        rightCell = b.rightCell()
        vec = b.norm() * vF[] * b.size()

        if leftCell:
            gC[, 0] += vec[0]
            gC[, 1] += vec[1]
            gC[, 2] += vec[2]
        if rightCell:
            gC[, 0] -= vec[0]
            gC[, 1] -= vec[1]
            gC[, 2] -= vec[2]

    gC[:, 0] /= mesh.cellSizes()
    gC[:, 1] /= mesh.cellSizes()
    gC[:, 2] /= mesh.cellSizes()

    return gC
Beispiel #7
    def checkData(self):
        """Check data

        w.r.t. shot/geophone identity and zero/negative
        traveltimes, plus check y/z sensor positions
        oldsize = self.dataContainer.size()
        self.dataContainer.markInvalid(pg.abs(self.dataContainer('s') -
                                              self.dataContainer('g')) < 1)
        self.dataContainer.markInvalid(self.dataContainer('t') <= 0.)
        newsize = self.dataContainer.size()

        if newsize < oldsize:
            if self.verbose:
                print('Removed ' + str(oldsize - newsize) + ' values.')

        maxyabs = max(pg.abs(pg.y(self.dataContainer.sensorPositions())))
        maxzabs = max(pg.abs(pg.z(self.dataContainer.sensorPositions())))

        if maxzabs > 0 and maxyabs == 0:
            for i in range(self.dataContainer.sensorCount()):
                pos = self.dataContainer.sensorPosition(i).rotateX(-pi / 2)
                self.dataContainer.setSensorPosition(i, pos)

        if self.verbose:
def cellDataToBoundaryGrad(mesh, v, vGrad):
    if len(v) != mesh.cellCount() or len(vGrad) != mesh.cellCount():
    gB = mesh.cellDataToBoundaryGradient(v, vGrad)
    return np.vstack([pg.x(gB), pg.y(gB), pg.z(gB)]).T

    gB = np.zeros((mesh.boundaryCount(), 3))

    for b in mesh.boundaries():
        leftCell = b.leftCell()
        rightCell = b.rightCell()
        gr = pg.RVector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        t = (b.node(1).pos() - b.node(0).pos()).norm()

        if leftCell and rightCell:
            df1 =
            df2 =

            gr = b.norm() * \
                (v[] - v[]) / (df1 + df2)

            grL = t *[])
            grR = t *[])

            gr += (grL + grR) * 0.5

        elif leftCell:
            gr = t *[])

        gB[, 0] = gr[0]
        gB[, 1] = gr[1]
        gB[, 2] = gr[2]
    return gB
Beispiel #9
def cellDataToBoundaryGrad(mesh, v, vGrad):
    """TODO Documentme."""
    if len(v) != mesh.cellCount() or len(vGrad) != mesh.cellCount():
        raise BaseException("len(v) dismatch mesh.cellCount()")

    gB = mesh.cellDataToBoundaryGradient(v, vGrad)
    return np.vstack([pg.x(gB), pg.y(gB), pg.z(gB)]).T
Beispiel #10
def cellDataToBoundaryGrad(mesh, v, vGrad):
    """TODO Documentme."""
    if len(v) != mesh.cellCount() or len(vGrad) != mesh.cellCount():
        raise BaseException("len(v) dismatch mesh.cellCount()")

    gB = mesh.cellDataToBoundaryGradient(v, vGrad)
    return np.vstack([pg.x(gB), pg.y(gB), pg.z(gB)]).T
def cellDataToCellGrad(mesh, v, CtB):
    if len(v) != mesh.cellCount():
        print(len(v), mesh.cellCount())
    div = mesh.boundaryDataToCellGradient(CtB * v)
    return np.vstack([pg.x(div), pg.y(div), pg.z(div)]).T

    vF = cellDataToBoundaryData(mesh, v)
    gC = np.zeros((mesh.cellCount(), 3))

    for b in mesh.boundaries():

        leftCell = b.leftCell()
        rightCell = b.rightCell()
        vec = b.norm() * vF[] * b.size()

        if leftCell:
            gC[, 0] += vec[0]
            gC[, 1] += vec[1]
            gC[, 2] += vec[2]
        if rightCell:
            gC[, 0] -= vec[0]
            gC[, 1] -= vec[1]
            gC[, 2] -= vec[2]

    gC[:, 0] /= mesh.cellSizes()
    gC[:, 1] /= mesh.cellSizes()
    gC[:, 2] /= mesh.cellSizes()

    return gC
Beispiel #12
def cellDataToCellGrad(mesh, v, CtB):
    """TODO Documentme."""
    if len(v) != mesh.cellCount():
        print(len(v), mesh.cellCount())
        raise BaseException("len of v missmatch mesh.cellCount()")
    div = mesh.boundaryDataToCellGradient(CtB * v)
    return np.vstack([pg.x(div), pg.y(div), pg.z(div)]).T
Beispiel #13
def showMesh3DFallback(mesh, data, **kwargs):
    Plot the 3D object sketchy.
    ax = kwargs.pop('ax', None)

    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

    if ax is None or not isinstance(ax, Axes3D):
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.gca(projection='3d', proj_type='persp')
        #ax = fig.gca(projection='3d', proj_type='ortho')

    if mesh.boundaryCount() > 0:
        x, y, tri, z, dataIndex = pg.viewer.mpl.createTriangles(mesh)
        ax.plot_trisurf(x, y, tri, z)
        if mesh.nodeCount() < 1e4:
            x = pg.x(mesh.positions())
            y = pg.y(mesh.positions())
            z = pg.z(mesh.positions())
            ax.scatter(x, y, z, 'ko')
    ax.set_title('Fallback, install pyvista for proper 3D visualization')

    return ax, None
Beispiel #14
def cellDataToCellGrad(mesh, v, CtB):
    """TODO Documentme."""
    if len(v) != mesh.cellCount():
        print(len(v), mesh.cellCount())
        raise BaseException("len of v missmatch mesh.cellCount()")
    div = mesh.boundaryDataToCellGradient(CtB * v)
    return np.vstack([pg.x(div), pg.y(div), pg.z(div)]).T
Beispiel #15
    def checkData(self):
        """Check data

        w.r.t. shot/geophone identity and zero/negative
        traveltimes, plus check y/z sensor positions
        oldsize = self.dataContainer.size()
            pg.abs(self.dataContainer('s') - self.dataContainer('g')) < 1)
        self.dataContainer.markInvalid(self.dataContainer('t') <= 0.)
        newsize = self.dataContainer.size()

        if newsize < oldsize:
            if self.verbose:
                print('Removed ' + str(oldsize - newsize) + ' values.')

        maxyabs = max(pg.abs(pg.y(self.dataContainer.sensorPositions())))
        maxzabs = max(pg.abs(pg.z(self.dataContainer.sensorPositions())))

        if maxzabs > 0 and maxyabs == 0:
            for i in range(self.dataContainer.sensorCount()):
                pos = self.dataContainer.sensorPosition(i).rotateX(-pi / 2)
                self.dataContainer.setSensorPosition(i, pos)

        if self.verbose:
Beispiel #16
def createTriangles(mesh):
    """Generate triangle objects for later drawing.

    Creates triangle for each 2D triangle cell or 3D boundary.
    Quads will be split into two triangles.
    Result will be cached into mesh._triData.

    mesh : :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh`
        2D mesh or 3D mesh

    x : numpy array
        x position of nodes
    y : numpy array
        x position of nodes
    triangles : numpy array Cx3
        cell indices for each triangle, quad or boundary face
    z : numpy array
        z position for given indices
    dataIdx : list of int
        List of indices for a data array
    if hasattr(mesh, '_triData'):
        if hash(mesh) == mesh._triData[0]:
            return mesh._triData[1:]

    x = pg.x(mesh)
    y = pg.y(mesh)
    z = pg.z(mesh)
    #    x.round(1e-1)
    #    y.round(1e-1)

    if mesh.dim() == 2:
        ents = mesh.cells()
        ents = mesh.boundaries(mesh.boundaryMarkers() != 0)
        if len(ents) == 0:
            for b in mesh.boundaries():
                if b.leftCell() is None or b.rightCell() is None:

    triangles = []
    dataIdx = []

    for c in ents:
        triangles.append([c.node(0).id(), c.node(1).id(), c.node(2).id()])

        if c.shape().nodeCount() == 4:
            triangles.append([c.node(0).id(), c.node(2).id(), c.node(3).id()])

    mesh._triData = [hash(mesh), x, y, triangles, z, dataIdx]

    return x, y, triangles, z, dataIdx
Beispiel #17
def tapeMeasureToCoordinates(tape, pos):
    """Interpolate 2D tape measured topography to 2D Cartesian coordinates.

    Tape and pos value are expected to be sorted along distance to the orign.

    TODO optional smooth curve with harmfit

    tape : [[x,z]] | [RVector3] | R3Vector
        List of tape measured topography points with measured distance (x)
        from origin and height (z)

    pos : iterable
        Query positions along the tape measured profile

    res : ndarray(N, 2)
        Same as pos but with interpolated height values.
        The Distance between pos points and res (along curve) points remains.

    >>> # no need to import matplotlib. pygimli's show does
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import pygimli as pg
    >>> import pygimli.meshtools as mt
    >>> elec = np.arange(11.)
    >>> topo = np.array([[0., 0.], [3., 2.], [4., 2.], [6., 1.], [10., 1.]])
    >>> _= pg.plt.plot(topo[:,0], topo[:,1])
    >>> p = mt.tapeMeasureToCoordinates(topo, elec)
    >>> pg.plt.gca().plot(p[:,0], p[:,1], 'o') #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    >>> pg.plt.gca().set_aspect(1)
    >>> pg.wait()
    if isinstance(tape, pg.R3Vector) or isinstance(tape, pg.stdVectorRVector3):
        xTape = pg.x(tape)
        zTape = pg.z(tape)
        xTape = tape[:, 0]
        zTape = tape[:, 1]

    t = pg.utils.cumDist(pos)
    # print(t)
    tTape = pg.utils.cumDist(tape)
    xt = np.interp(t, tTape, xTape)
    zt = np.interp(t, tTape, zTape)

    pg.plt.plot(xTape, zTape)
    pg.plt.plot(xt, zt, 'o')
    return np.vstack([xt, zt]).T
Beispiel #18
def cellDataToBoundaryData(mesh, data):
    """ TODO DOCUMENT_ME """
    if len(data) != mesh.cellCount():
        raise BaseException(
            "Dimension mismatch, expecting cellCount(): " +
            str(mesh.cellCount()) + "got: " + str(len(data)),

    CtB = mesh.cellToBoundaryInterpolation()

    if isinstance(data, pg.R3Vector()):
        return np.array([CtB * pg.x(data), CtB * pg.y(data),
                         CtB * pg.z(data)]).T
        return CtB * data
Beispiel #19
def cellDataToBoundaryData(mesh, vec):
    if len(data) != mesh.cellCount():
        raise BaseException("Dimension mismatch, expecting cellCount(): " 
                            + str(mesh.cellCount()) 
                            + "got: " + str(len(vec)), str(len(vec[0])))
    CtB = mesh.cellToBoundaryInterpolation()
    if type(vec) == pg.R3Vector():
        return np.array([CtB*pg.x(vec), CtB*pg.y(vec), CtB*pg.z(vec)]).T
        return CtB*vec
Beispiel #20
def cellDataToBoundaryData(mesh, data):
    """ TODO DOCUMENT_ME """
    if len(data) != mesh.cellCount():
        raise BaseException("Dimension mismatch, expecting cellCount(): " +
                            str(mesh.cellCount()) +
                            "got: " + str(len(data)), str(len(data[0])))

    CtB = mesh.cellToBoundaryInterpolation()

    if isinstance(data, pg.R3Vector()):
        return np.array([CtB * pg.x(data),
                         CtB * pg.y(data),
                         CtB * pg.z(data)]).T
        return CtB * data
Beispiel #21
 def calcGeometricFactor(self, data):
     """Calculate geometry factors for a given dataset."""
     if pg.y(data.sensorPositions()) == pg.z(data.sensorPositions()):
         k = np.zeros(data.size())
         for i in range(data.size()):
             a = data.sensorPosition(data('a')[i])
             b = data.sensorPosition(data('b')[i])
             m = data.sensorPosition(data('m')[i])
             n = data.sensorPosition(data('n')[i])
             k[i] = 1. / (2. * np.pi) * (1. / a.dist(m) - 1. / a.dist(n) -
                                         1. / b.dist(m) + 1. / b.dist(n))
         return k
         raise BaseException("Please use BERT for non-standard "
                             "data sets" + str(data))
Beispiel #22
    def calcGeometricFactors(self, data):
        """Calculate geometry factors for a given dataset."""
        if pg.y(data) == pg.z(data):
            k = np.zeros(data.size())

            for i in range(data.size()):
                a = data.sensorPosition(data('a')[i])
                b = data.sensorPosition(data('b')[i])
                m = data.sensorPosition(data('m')[i])
                n = data.sensorPosition(data('n')[i])
                k[i] = 2.*np.pi * 1./(1./a.dist(m) - 1./a.dist(n) - 
                                      1./b.dist(m) + 1./b.dist(n))
            return k
            raise BaseException("Please use BERT for non-standard "
                                "data sets" + str(data))
Beispiel #23
def exportHDF5Mesh(mesh,
    """Writes given :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` in a hdf5 format file.

    3D tetrahedron meshes only! Boundary markers are ignored.

    Keywords are explained in :py:mod:`pygimli.meshtools.readHDFS`
    h5py = pg.optImport('h5py', requiredFor='export mesh in .h5 data format')

    if not isinstance(mesh, pg.Mesh):
        mesh = pg.Mesh(mesh)

    # prepare output for writing in hdf data container
    pg_pos = mesh.positions()
    mesh_pos = np.array((np.array(pg.x(pg_pos)), np.array(pg.y(pg_pos)),

    mesh_cells = np.zeros((mesh.cellCount(), 4))  # hard coded for tetrahedrons
    for i, cell in enumerate(mesh.cells()):
        mesh_cells[i] = cell.ids()

    mesh_indices = np.arange(0, mesh.cellCount() + 1, 1, dtype=np.int64)
    mesh_markers = np.array(mesh.cellMarkers())

    with h5py.File(exportname, 'w') as out:
        for grp in np.atleast_1d(group):  # can use more than one group
            # writing indices
            idx_name = '{}/{}'.format(grp, indices)
            out.create_dataset(idx_name, data=mesh_indices, dtype=int)
            # writing node positions
            pos_name = '{}/{}'.format(grp, pos)
            out.create_dataset(pos_name, data=mesh_pos, dtype=float)
            # writing cells via indices
            cells_name = '{}/{}'.format(grp, cells)
            out.create_dataset(cells_name, data=mesh_cells, dtype=int)
            # writing marker
            marker_name = '{}/{}'.format(grp, marker)
            out.create_dataset(marker_name, data=mesh_markers, dtype=int)
            out[grp][cells].attrs['celltype'] = np.string_('tetrahedron')
            out[grp][cells].attrs.create('partition', [0])
    return True
Beispiel #24
def createGradientModel2D(data, mesh, vTop, vBot):
    """Create 2D velocity gradient model.

    Creates a smooth, linear, starting model that takes the slope
    of the topography into account. This is done by fitting a straight line
    and using the distance to that as the depth value.
    Known as "The Marcus method"

        * Cite "The Marcus method"

    data: pygimli DataContainer
        The topography list is in here.
    mesh: pygimli.Mesh
        The parametric mesh used for the inversion
    vTop: float
        The velocity at the surface of the mesh
    vBot: float
        The velocity at the bottom of the mesh

    model: pygimli Vector, length M
        A numpy array with slowness values that can be used to start
        the inversion.
    yVals = pg.y(data)
    if abs(min(yVals)) < 1e-8 and abs(max(yVals)) < 1e-8:
        yVals = pg.z(data)

    p = np.polyfit(pg.x(data), yVals, deg=1)  # slope-intercept form
    n = np.asarray([-p[0], 1.0])  # normal vector
    nLen = np.sqrt(, n))

    x = pg.x(mesh.cellCenters())
    z = pg.y(mesh.cellCenters())
    pos = np.column_stack((x, z))

    d = np.array([
        np.abs([i, :], n) - p[1]) / nLen for i in range(pos.shape[0])

    return 1.0 / np.interp(d, [min(d), max(d)], [vTop, vBot])
Beispiel #25
def createFinePoly( coarseMesh, ePos ):
    paraBoundary = 10
    mesh = g.Mesh()
    n1 = None; n2 = None; n3 = None; n4 = None
    for n in coarseMesh.nodes():
        if n.marker() == 1:
            n1 = mesh.createNode( n.pos(), 1 )
        elif n.marker() == 2:
            n2 = mesh.createNode( n.pos(), 2 )
        elif n.marker() == 3:
            n3 = mesh.createNode( n.pos(), 3 )
        elif n.marker() == 4:
            n4 = mesh.createNode( n.pos(), 4 )

    mesh.createEdge( n1, n2, 12 );
    mesh.createEdge( n2, n3, 23 );
    mesh.createEdge( n3, n4, 34 );
    mesh.createEdge( n4, n1, 41 );

    x = g.x( ePos )
    y = g.y( ePos )
    z = g.z( ePos )

    xMin = min( x ); xMax = max( x )    
    yMin = min( y ); yMax = max( y )
    zMin = min( z ); zMax = max( z )

    maxSpan = max( xMax - xMin, yMax - yMin );
    borderPara = maxSpan * paraBoundary / 100.0;

    n5 = mesh.createNode( xMin - borderPara, yMin - borderPara , 0.0, 5 );
    n6 = mesh.createNode( xMax + borderPara, yMin - borderPara , 0.0, 6 );
    n7 = mesh.createNode( xMax + borderPara, yMax + borderPara , 0.0, 7 );
    n8 = mesh.createNode( xMin - borderPara, yMax + borderPara , 0.0, 8 );

    mesh.createEdge( n5, n6, 56 );
    mesh.createEdge( n6, n7, 67 );
    mesh.createEdge( n7, n8, 78 );
    mesh.createEdge( n8, n5, 85 );

    for p in ePos:
        mesh.createNode( p )

    return mesh;
Beispiel #26
def exportHDF5Mesh(mesh,
    3D tetrahedron meshes only! Boundary markers are ignored.

    Keywords are explained in "readH5"
    h5py ='h5py',
                            requiredTo='export mesh in .h5 data format')
    if not isinstance(mesh, pg.Mesh):
        mesh = pg.Mesh(mesh)

    # prepare output for writing in hdf data container
    pg_pos = mesh.positions()
    mesh_pos = np.array((np.array(pg.x(pg_pos)), np.array(pg.y(pg_pos)),

    mesh_cells = np.zeros((mesh.cellCount(), 4))  # hard coded for tetrahedrons
    for i, cell in enumerate(mesh.cells()):
        mesh_cells[i] = cell.ids()

    mesh_indices = np.arange(0, mesh.cellCount() + 1, 1, dtype=np.int64)
    mesh_markers = np.array(mesh.cellMarkers())

    with h5py.File(exportname, 'w') as out:
        # writing indices
        idx_name = '{}/{}'.format(group, indices)
        out.create_dataset(idx_name, data=mesh_indices, dtype=np.int64)
        # writing node positions
        pos_name = '{}/{}'.format(group, pos)
        out.create_dataset(pos_name, data=mesh_pos, dtype=float)
        # writing cells via indices
        cells_name = '{}/{}'.format(group, cells)
        out.create_dataset(cells_name, data=mesh_cells, dtype=np.int64)
        # writing marker
        marker_name = '{}/{}'.format(group, marker)
        out.create_dataset(marker_name, data=mesh_markers, dtype=np.uint64)
        out[group][cells].attrs['celltype'] = np.array(('tetrahedron'))
        out[group][cells].attrs['partition'] = np.array([0], dtype=np.uint64)
    return True
Beispiel #27
    def checkData(self):
        """ check data w.r.t. shot/geophone identity and zero/negative
        traveltimes, plus check y/z sensor positions """
        oldsize ="s") -"g")) < 1)"t") <= 0.0)
        newsize =
        if newsize < oldsize:
            print("Removed " + str(oldsize - newsize) + " values.")
        maxyabs = max(pg.abs(pg.y(
        maxzabs = max(pg.abs(pg.z(
        if maxzabs > 0 and maxyabs == 0:
            for i in range(
                pos = / 2)
      , pos)

Beispiel #28
def exportHDF5Mesh(mesh, exportname, group='mesh', indices='cell_indices',
                   pos='coordinates', cells='topology', marker='values'):
    """Writes given :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` in a hdf5 format file.

    3D tetrahedron meshes only! Boundary markers are ignored.

    Keywords are explained in :py:mod:`pygimli.meshtools.readHDFS`
    h5py = pg.optImport('h5py',
                        requiredFor='export mesh in .h5 data format')

    if not isinstance(mesh, pg.Mesh):
        mesh = pg.Mesh(mesh)

    # prepare output for writing in hdf data container
    pg_pos = mesh.positions()
    mesh_pos = np.array((np.array(pg.x(pg_pos)), np.array(pg.y(pg_pos)),

    mesh_cells = np.zeros((mesh.cellCount(), 4))  # hard coded for tetrahedrons
    for i, cell in enumerate(mesh.cells()):
        mesh_cells[i] = cell.ids()

    mesh_indices = np.arange(0, mesh.cellCount() + 1, 1, dtype=np.int64)
    mesh_markers = np.array(mesh.cellMarkers())

    with h5py.File(exportname, 'w') as out:
        for grp in np.atleast_1d(group):  # can use more than one group
            # writing indices
            idx_name = '{}/{}'.format(grp, indices)
            out.create_dataset(idx_name, data=mesh_indices, dtype=int)
            # writing node positions
            pos_name = '{}/{}'.format(grp, pos)
            out.create_dataset(pos_name, data=mesh_pos, dtype=float)
            # writing cells via indices
            cells_name = '{}/{}'.format(grp, cells)
            out.create_dataset(cells_name, data=mesh_cells, dtype=int)
            # writing marker
            marker_name = '{}/{}'.format(grp, marker)
            out.create_dataset(marker_name, data=mesh_markers, dtype=int)
            out[grp][cells].attrs['celltype'] = np.string_('tetrahedron')
            out[grp][cells].attrs.create('partition', [0])
    return True
Beispiel #29
def drawTravelTimeData(a, data):
        Draw first arrival traveltime data into mpl axes a. 
        data of type \ref DataContainer must contain sensorIdx 's' and 'g' and thus numbered internal from [0..n)

    x = pg.x(data.sensorPositions())
    z = pg.z(data.sensorPositions())

    shots = pg.unique(pg.sort(data('s')))
    geoph = pg.unique(pg.sort(data('g')))

    startOffsetIDX = 0

    if min(min(shots), min(geoph) == 1): 
        startOffsetIDX = 1
    a.set_xlim([ min(x), max(x) ])
    a.set_ylim([ max(data('t')), -0.002 ])
    for shot in shots:
        gIdx = pg.find(data('s') == shot)
        sensorIdx = [int(i__ - startOffsetIDX) for i__ in data('g')[ gIdx ]]
        a.plot(x[ sensorIdx ], data('t')[ gIdx ], 'x-')
    yPixel = a.transData.inverted().transform_point((1, 1))[1]-a.transData.inverted().transform_point((0, 0))[1]
    xPixel = a.transData.inverted().transform_point((1, 1))[0]-a.transData.inverted().transform_point((0, 0))[0]

    # draw shot points
    a.plot(x[ [int(i__ - startOffsetIDX) for i__ in shots] ], np.zeros(len(shots)) + 8.*yPixel, 'gv', markersize = 8)    

    # draw geophone points
    a.plot(x[ [int(i__ - startOffsetIDX) for i__ in geoph] ], np.zeros(len(geoph)) + 3.*yPixel, 'r^', markersize = 8)    

    a.set_ylim([ max(data('t')), +16.*yPixel])
    a.set_xlim([ min(x)-5.*xPixel, max(x)+5.*xPixel ])

    a.set_xlabel('x-Coordinate [m]')
    a.set_ylabel('Traveltime [ms]')
# def drawTravelTimeData(...)
Beispiel #30
def interpolateAlongCurve(curve, t, **kwargs):
    """Interpolate along curve.

    Return curve coordinates for a piecewise linear curve :math:`C(t) = {x_i,y_i,z_i}`
    at positions :math:`t`.
    Curve and :math:`t` values are expected to be sorted along distance from the
    origin of the curve.

    curve : [[x,z]] | [[x,y,z]] | [:gimliapi:`GIMLI::RVector3`] | :gimliapi:`GIMLI::R3Vector`
        Discrete curve for 2D :math:`x,z` curve=[[x,z]], 3D :math:`x,y,z`

    t : 1D iterable
        Query positions along the curve in absolute distance

    kwargs :
        If kwargs are given an additional curve smoothing is applied using
        :py:mod:`pygimli.meshtools.interpolate`. The kwargs will be delegated.


    p : np.array
        Curve positions at query points :math:`t`.
        Dimension of p match the size of curve the coordinates.

    >>> # no need to import matplotlib. pygimli's show does
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import pygimli as pg
    >>> import pygimli.meshtools as mt
    >>> fig, axs = pg.plt.subplots(2,2)
    >>> topo = np.array([[-2., 0.], [-1., 0.], [0.5, 0.], [3., 2.], [4., 2.], [6., 1.], [10., 1.], [12., 1.]])
    >>> t = np.arange(15.0)
    >>> p = mt.interpolateAlongCurve(topo, t)
    >>> _= axs[0,0].plot(topo[:,0], topo[:,1], '-x', mew=2)
    >>> _= axs[0,1].plot(p[:,0], p[:,1], 'o', color='red') #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    >>> p = mt.interpolateAlongCurve(topo, t, method='spline')
    >>> _= axs[1,0].plot(p[:,0], p[:,1], '-o', color='black') #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    >>> p = mt.interpolateAlongCurve(topo, t, method='harmonic', nc=3)
    >>> _= axs[1,1].plot(p[:,0], p[:,1], '-o', color='green') #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    >>> pg.wait()
    xC = np.zeros(len(curve))
    yC = np.zeros(len(curve))
    zC = np.zeros(len(curve))

    tCurve = kwargs.pop('tCurve', None)
    if tCurve is None:
        tCurve = pg.utils.cumDist(curve)
    dim = 3

    ## extrapolate starting overlaps
    if min(t) < min(tCurve):
        d = pg.RVector3(curve[1]) - pg.RVector3(curve[0])
        #d[2] = 0.0
        curve = np.insert(curve, [0], [
            curve[0] - np.array(d * (min(tCurve) - min(t)))[0:curve.shape[1]]
        tCurve = np.insert(tCurve, 0, min(t), axis=0)

    ## extrapolate ending overlaps
    if max(t) > max(tCurve):
        d = pg.RVector3(curve[-2]) - pg.RVector3(curve[-1])
        #d[2] = 0.0
        curve = np.append(curve, [
            curve[-1] - np.array(d * (max(t) - max(tCurve)))[0:curve.shape[1]]
        tCurve = np.append(tCurve, max(t))

    if isinstance(curve, pg.R3Vector) or isinstance(curve,
        xC = pg.x(curve)
        yC = pg.y(curve)
        zC = pg.z(curve)
        if curve.shape[1] == 2:
            xC = curve[:, 0]
            zC = curve[:, 1]
            dim = 2
            xC = curve[:, 0]
            yC = curve[:, 1]
            zC = curve[:, 2]

    if len(kwargs.keys()) > 0:
        #interpolate more curve points to get a smooth line
        dTi = min(pg.utils.dist(pg.utils.diff(curve))) / 10.
        ti = np.arange(min(tCurve), max(tCurve) + dTi, dTi)
        xC = pg.interpolate(ti, tCurve, xC, **kwargs)
        zC = pg.interpolate(ti, tCurve, zC, **kwargs)

        if dim == 3:
            yC = pg.interpolate(ti, tCurve, yC, **kwargs)
        tCurve = ti

    xt = interpolate(t, tCurve, xC)
    zt = interpolate(t, tCurve, zC)

    if dim == 2:
        return np.vstack([xt, zt]).T

    yt = interpolate(t, tCurve, yC)

    return np.vstack([xt, yt, zt]).T
Beispiel #31
def div(mesh, v):
    Return the discrete interpolated divergence field :math:`\mathbf{u}` 
    at each cell for a given vector field :math:`\mathbf{v}`.
    First order integration via boundary center.
    .. math::
        d(cells) & = \nabla\cdot\vec{v} \\
        d(c_i) & = \sum_{j=0}^{N_B}\vec{v}_{B_j} \cdot \vec{n}_{B_j}
    mesh : :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh`
        Discretization base, interpolation will be performed via finite element
        base shape functions.

    V : array(N,3) | R3Vector
        Vector field at cell centers or boundary centers
    d : array(M)
        Array of divergence values for each cell in the given mesh.    
    >>> import pygimli as pg
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> v = lambda p: p
    >>> mesh = pg.createGrid(x=np.linspace(0, 1, 4))
    >>> print(pg.round(pg.solver.div(mesh, v(mesh.boundaryCenters())), 1e-5))
    <class 'pygimli.core._pygimli_.RVector'> 3 [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
    >>> print(pg.round(pg.solver.div(mesh, v(mesh.cellCenters())), 1e-5))
    <class 'pygimli.core._pygimli_.RVector'> 3 [0.5, 1.0, 0.5]
    >>> mesh = pg.createGrid(x=np.linspace(0, 1, 4),
    ...                      y=np.linspace(0, 1, 4))
    >>> print(pg.round(pg.solver.div(mesh, v(mesh.boundaryCenters())), 1e-5))
    <class 'pygimli.core._pygimli_.RVector'> 9 [2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0]
    >>> divCells = pg.solver.div(mesh, v(mesh.cellCenters()))
    >>> #divergence from boundary values are exact where the divergence from 
    >>> #interpolated cell center values are wrong due to boundary interpolation
    >>> print(sum(divCells))
    >>> mesh = pg.createGrid(x=np.linspace(0, 1, 4),
    ...                      y=np.linspace(0, 1, 4),
    ...                      z=np.linspace(0, 1, 4))
    >>> print(sum(pg.solver.div(mesh, v(mesh.boundaryCenters()))))
    >>> divCells = pg.solver.div(mesh, v(mesh.cellCenters()))
    >>> print(sum(divCells))

    d = None
    if hasattr(v, '__len__'):
        if len(v) == mesh.boundaryCount():
            d = mesh.divergence(v)
        elif len(v) == mesh.nodeCount():
            d = mesh.divergence(pointDataToBoundaryData(mesh, v))
        elif len(v) == mesh.cellCount():
            CtB = mesh.cellToBoundaryInterpolation()
            d = mesh.divergence(np.array([CtB*pg.x(v), CtB*pg.y(v), CtB*pg.z(v)]).T)
            raise BaseException("implement me")
    elif callable(v):        
        raise BaseException("implement me")
    return d
Beispiel #32
def main( argv ):
    from optparse import OptionParser

    parser = OptionParser( "usage: %prog [options] data|topo-xyz-list" )
    parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true"
                            , help="be verbose", default=False )
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    print(options, args)

    if len( args ) == 0:
        print("Please add a mesh or model name.")
        sys.exit( 2 )
        datafile = args[ 0 ];

    topoList = None
        data = g.DataContainer( datafile )
        topoList = data.electrodePositions()
        topoList = g.loadRVector3( datafile )
    #topoList[ 0 ]
    localiseOffset = g.RVector3( 308354.26737118,  6008130.1579486,  91.23 )
    for i, p in enumerate( topoList ):
        topoList[ i ] = p - localiseOffset
    coarsePoly = createCoarsePoly( topoList );
    coarseTopoZ = g.z( coarsePoly.positions() )

    tri = g.TriangleWrapper( coarsePoly );
    tri.setSwitches( "-pzeAfaq0" );
    coarseMesh = g.Mesh()
    tri.generate( coarseMesh );

    if coarseMesh.nodeCount() == len( coarseTopoZ ):
        for n in coarseMesh.nodes():
            n.pos().setZ( coarseTopoZ[ ] );
        print(" this should not happen. " + str( coarseMesh.nodeCount() )  + "/=" + str( len( coarseTopoZ ) ))


    finePoly = createFinePoly( coarseMesh, topoList)
    tri = g.TriangleWrapper( finePoly );
    tri.setSwitches( "-pzeAfaq34" );
    fineMesh = g.Mesh()
    tri.generate( fineMesh );

    g.interpolateSurface( coarseMesh, fineMesh )

    fineMesh.exportAsTetgenPolyFile( "meshFine.poly" );
    system('closeSurface -v -z 40.0 -a 1000 -o mesh meshFine.poly')

   # system( 'polyAddVIP -f ../../para/ mesh.poly')
    translate = 'polyTranslate -x ' + str( localiseOffset[0] ) \
                + ' -y ' + str( localiseOffset[1] ) \
                + ' -z ' + str( localiseOffset[2] ) + ' mesh.poly' 
    system( translate)
Beispiel #33
def appendBoundaryGrid(grid,
    """ Return a copy of grid surrounded by boundary grid.

    Note that the input grid needs to be a 2d or 3d grid with quad/hex cells.

        * preserve inner boundaries
        * add subsurface setting

    grid: :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh`
        2D or 3D Mesh that must contain structured quads or hex cells
    xbound: iterable of type float [None]
        Needed for 2D or 3D grid prolongation and will be added on the left side in opposit order and on the right side in normal order.
    ybound: iterable of type float [None]
        Needed for 2D or 3D grid prolongation and will be added (2D bottom, 3D fron) in opposit order and (2D top, 3D back) in normal order.
    zbound: iterable of type float [None]
        Needed for 3D grid prolongation and will be added the bottom side in opposit order on the top side in normal order.
    marker: int [1]
        Cellmarker for the cells in the boundary region
    isSubSurface : boolean, optional
        Apply boundary conditions suitable for geo-simulaion and prolongate
        mesh to the surface if necessary, e.i., no boundary on top of the grid.
    >>> import pygimli as pg
    >>> import pygimli.meshtools as mt
    >>> grid = mt.createGrid(5,5)
    >>> g1 = mt.appendBoundaryGrid(grid,
    ...                            xbound=[1, 3, 6],
    ...                            ybound=[1, 3, 6],
    ...                            marker=2,
    ...                            isSubSurface=False)
    >>> ax,_ =, markers=True, showMesh=True)
    >>> grid = mt.createGrid(5,5,5)
    >>> g2 = mt.appendBoundaryGrid(grid,
    ...                            xbound=[1, 3, 6],
    ...                            ybound=[1, 3, 6],
    ...                            zbound=[1, 3, 6],
    ...                            marker=2,
    ...                            isSubSurface=False)
    >>> ax, _ =, g2.cellMarkers(), hold=True, opacity=0.5);
    if isSubSurface:
        pg.critical('Implement me')

    def _concat(v, vBound):
        if (not pg.isArray(vBound)):
            pg.critical("please give bound array")

        v = np.append(-np.array(vBound)[::-1] + v[0], v)
        v = np.append(v, v[-1] + np.array(vBound))
        return v

    x = None
    y = None
    z = None

    if grid.dim() > 1:
        if grid.dim() == 2:
            if any([c.nodeCount() != 4 for c in grid.cells()]):
                pg.critical("Grid have other cells than quads. "
                            "Can't refine it with a grid")

        x = pg.utils.unique(pg.x(grid))
        y = pg.utils.unique(pg.y(grid))
        x = _concat(x, xbound)
        y = _concat(y, ybound)

        if grid.dim() == 3:
            if any([c.nodeCount() != 8 for c in grid.cells()]):
                pg.critical("Grid have other cells than hex's. "
                            "Can't refine it with a grid")

            z = pg.utils.unique(pg.z(grid))
            z = _concat(z, zbound)

    mesh = pg.meshtools.createGrid(x=x, y=y, z=z, marker=marker)

    return mesh
Beispiel #34
def loadProjectFile( projectfile, ContainerTyp, verbose = False ):
A project file defines how multiple data files are imported and merged.
        The currently supported formats are:\n\n
        A list of multiple row entries with the following formats:

        fileName interpolationfile
        fileName startx starty endx endy

        You can comment out a row by adding '#'.
        interpolationfile is a 3-column-ascii-file (dx x y)
    dataList = []

    fi = open( projectfile, "r" )
    content = fi.readlines( )

    for c in content:
        row = c.split( '\n' )[0].split()
        d = None

        if len( row ) > 0 and row[ 0 ] != '#' :
            if len( row ) == 1:
                ### filename only
                d = ContainerTyp( row[0] )
            elif len( row ) == 2:
                ### Thomas?? ist das von dir?? was macht das
                d = ContainerTyp( row[0] )

                xn = g.x( d.sensorPositions() )
                zn = g.z( d.sensorPositions() )

                A = np.loadtxt( row[1] ).T

                x3n = np.interp( xn, A[0], A[1] )
                y3n = np.interp( xn, A[0], A[2] )

                for i in range( d.sensorCount() ):
                    d.setSensorPosition( i, g.RVector3( x3n[i], y3n[i], zn[i] ) )
            elif len( row ) == 3:
                ### filename xstart xend
                d = ContainerTyp( row[0] )

                start = g.RVector3( float( row[1] ), 0.0 )
                end   = g.RVector3( float( row[2] ), 0.0 )

                for i in range( d.sensorCount() ):
                    d.setSensorPosition( i, start + float(i)*(end-start)/(d.sensorCount() - 1.) )

            elif len( row ) == 5:
                ### filename xstart ystart xend yend
                d = ContainerTyp( row[0] )

                start = g.RVector3( float( row[1] ), float( row[2] ) )
                end   = g.RVector3( float( row[3] ), float( row[4] ) )

                for i in range( d.sensorCount() ):
                    d.setSensorPosition( i, start + float(i)*(end-start)/(d.sensorCount() - 1.) )
            elif len( row ) == 7:
                ### filename xstart ystart zstart xend yend zend
                d = ContainerTyp( row[0] )

                start = g.RVector3( float( row[1] ), float( row[2] ), float( row[3] ) )
                end   = g.RVector3( float( row[4] ), float( row[5] ), float( row[6] ) )

                for i in range( d.sensorCount() ):
                    d.setSensorPosition( i, start + float(i)*(end-start)/(d.sensorCount() - 1.) )
                print(("cannot interprete project format: len(row) = ", len( row )))
                return dataList

            dataList.append( d )

            if verbose:
                print(("append: ", d))
                print(("from:" , d.sensorPositions()[ 0 ], "to:", d.sensorPositions()[ -1 ]))

    return dataList
Beispiel #35
def covarianceMatrixPos(pos, **kwargs):
    """Position (R3Vector) based covariance matrix"""
    return covarianceMatrixVec(np.array(pg.x(pos)), np.array(pg.y(pos)),
                               np.array(pg.z(pos)), **kwargs)
Beispiel #36
def interpolateAlongCurve(curve, t, **kwargs):
    """Interpolate along curve.

    Return curve coordinates for a piecewise linear curve :math:`C(t) = {x_i,y_i,z_i}`
    at positions :math:`t`.
    Curve and :math:`t` values are expected to be sorted along distance from the
    origin of the curve.

    curve : [[x,z]] | [[x,y,z]] | [:gimliapi:`GIMLI::RVector3`] | :gimliapi:`GIMLI::R3Vector`
        Discrete curve for 2D :math:`x,z` curve=[[x,z]], 3D :math:`x,y,z`

    t : 1D iterable
        Query positions along the curve in absolute distance

    kwargs :
        If kwargs are given an additional curve smoothing is applied using
        :py:mod:`pygimli.meshtools.interpolate`. The kwargs will be delegated.


    p : np.array
        Curve positions at query points :math:`t`.
        Dimension of p match the size of curve the coordinates.

    >>> # no need to import matplotlib. pygimli's show does
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import pygimli as pg
    >>> import pygimli.meshtools as mt
    >>> fig, axs = pg.plt.subplots(2,2)
    >>> topo = np.array([[-2., 0.], [-1., 0.], [0.5, 0.], [3., 2.], [4., 2.], [6., 1.], [10., 1.], [12., 1.]])
    >>> t = np.arange(15.0)
    >>> p = mt.interpolateAlongCurve(topo, t)
    >>> _= axs[0,0].plot(topo[:,0], topo[:,1], '-x', mew=2)
    >>> _= axs[0,1].plot(p[:,0], p[:,1], 'o', color='red') #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    >>> p = mt.interpolateAlongCurve(topo, t, method='spline')
    >>> _= axs[1,0].plot(p[:,0], p[:,1], '-o', color='black') #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    >>> p = mt.interpolateAlongCurve(topo, t, method='harmonic', nc=3)
    >>> _= axs[1,1].plot(p[:,0], p[:,1], '-o', color='green') #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    >>> pg.wait()
    xC = np.zeros(len(curve))
    yC = np.zeros(len(curve))
    zC = np.zeros(len(curve))

    tCurve = kwargs.pop('tCurve', None)
    if tCurve is None:
        tCurve = pg.utils.cumDist(curve)
    dim = 3

    ## extrapolate starting overlaps
    if min(t) < min(tCurve):
        d = pg.RVector3(curve[1]) - pg.RVector3(curve[0])
        #d[2] = 0.0
        curve = np.insert(curve, [0],
                          [curve[0] - np.array(d*(min(tCurve)-min(t)))[0:curve.shape[1]]],
        tCurve = np.insert(tCurve, 0, min(t), axis=0)

    ## extrapolate ending overlaps
    if max(t) > max(tCurve):
        d = pg.RVector3(curve[-2]) - pg.RVector3(curve[-1])
        #d[2] = 0.0
        curve = np.append(curve,
                          [curve[-1] - np.array(d*(max(t)-max(tCurve)))[0:curve.shape[1]]],
        tCurve = np.append(tCurve, max(t))

    if isinstance(curve, pg.R3Vector) or isinstance(curve, pg.stdVectorRVector3):
        xC = pg.x(curve)
        yC = pg.y(curve)
        zC = pg.z(curve)
        if curve.shape[1] == 2:
            xC = curve[:, 0]
            zC = curve[:, 1]
            dim = 2
            xC = curve[:, 0]
            yC = curve[:, 1]
            zC = curve[:, 2]

    if len(kwargs.keys()) > 0:
        #interpolate more curve points to get a smooth line
        dTi = min(pg.utils.dist(pg.utils.diff(curve))) / 10.
        ti = np.arange(min(tCurve), max(tCurve)+dTi, dTi)
        xC = pg.interpolate(ti, tCurve, xC, **kwargs)
        zC = pg.interpolate(ti, tCurve, zC, **kwargs)

        if dim == 3:
            yC = pg.interpolate(ti, tCurve, yC, **kwargs)
        tCurve = ti

    xt = interpolate(t, tCurve, xC)
    zt = interpolate(t, tCurve, zC)

    if dim == 2:
        return np.vstack([xt, zt]).T

    yt = interpolate(t, tCurve, yC)

    return np.vstack([xt, yt, zt]).T
Beispiel #37
def midconfERT(data, ind=None, rnum=1, circular=False):
    """Return the midpoint and configuration key for ERT data.

    Return the midpoint and configuration key for ERT data.

    data : DataContainerERT
        data container with sensorPositions and a/b/m/n fields

    ind : []

    rnum : []

    circular : bool
        Return midpoint in degree (rad) instead if meter.

    mid : np.array of float
        representative midpoint (middle of MN, AM depending on array)
    conf : np.array of float
        configuration/array key consisting of
        1) array type (Wenner-alpha/beta, Schlumberger, PP, PD, DD, MG)
            00000: pole-pole
            10000: pole-dipole or dipole-pole
            30000: Wenner-alpha
            40000: Schlumberger or Gradient
            50000: dipole-dipole or Wenner-beta
        2) potential dipole length (in electrode spacings)
            .XX..: dipole length
        3) separation factor (current dipole length or (di)pole separation)
            ...XX: pole/dipole separation (PP,PD,DD,GR) or separation
    #    xe = np.hstack((pg.x(data.sensorPositions()), np.nan))  # not used anymore
    x0 = data.sensorPosition(0).x()
    xe = pg.x(data.sensorPositions()) - x0
    ux = pg.unique(xe)

    if len(ux) * 2 > data.sensorCount():  # 2D with topography case
        dx = np.array(pg.utils.diff(pg.utils.cumDist(data.sensorPositions())))
        dxM = pg.mean(dx)
        if min(pg.y(data)) != max(pg.y(data)) or \
           min(pg.z(data)) != max(pg.z(data)):
            # Topography case
            if (max(abs(dx - dxM)) < dxM * 0.9):
                # if the maximum spacing < meanSpacing/2 we assume equidistant
                # spacing and no missing electrodes
                dx = np.ones(len(dx)) * dxM
                # topography with probably missing electrodes
                dx = np.floor(dx / np.round(dxM)) * dxM
        if max(dx) < 0.5:
            print("Detecting small distances, using mm accuracy")
            rnum = 3
        xe = np.hstack((0., np.cumsum(np.round(dx, rnum)), np.nan))

        de = np.median(np.diff(xe[:-1])).round(rnum)
        ne = np.round(xe / de)
    else:  # 3D (without topo) case => take positions directly
        de = np.median(np.diff(ux)).round(1)
        ne = np.array(xe / de, dtype=int)

    # a, b, m, n = data('a'), data('b'), data('m'), data('n')
    # check if xe[a]/a is better suited (has similar size)
    if circular:
        # for circle geometry
        center = np.mean(data.sensorPositions(), axis=0)
        r = data.sensors()[0].distance(center)
        s0 = data.sensors()[0] - center
        s1 = data.sensors()[1] - center
        p0 = np.arctan2(s0[1], s0[0])
        p1 = np.arctan2(s1[1], s1[0])
        if p1 > p0:
            # rotate left
            x = np.cos(np.linspace(0, 2 * pi,
                                   data.sensorCount() + 1) + p0)[:-1] * r
            y = np.sin(np.linspace(0, 2 * pi,
                                   data.sensorCount() + 1) + p0)[:-1] * r
            x = np.cos(np.linspace(2 * pi, 0,
                                   data.sensorCount() + 1) + p0)[:-1] * r
            y = np.sin(np.linspace(2 * pi, 0,
                                   data.sensorCount() + 1) + p0)[:-1] * r

        a = np.array([np.arctan2(y[i], x[i]) for i in data['a']])
        b = np.array([np.arctan2(y[i], x[i]) for i in data['b']])
        m = np.array([np.arctan2(y[i], x[i]) for i in data['m']])
        n = np.array([np.arctan2(y[i], x[i]) for i in data['n']])

        a = np.unwrap(a) % (np.pi * 2)
        b = np.unwrap(b) % (np.pi * 2)
        m = np.unwrap(m) % (np.pi * 2)
        n = np.unwrap(n) % (np.pi * 2)

        a = np.array([ne[int(i)] for i in data('a')])
        b = np.array([ne[int(i)] for i in data('b')])
        m = np.array([ne[int(i)] for i in data('m')])
        n = np.array([ne[int(i)] for i in data('n')])

    if ind is not None:
        a = a[ind]
        b = b[ind]
        m = m[ind]
        n = n[ind]

    anan = np.isnan(a)
    a[anan] = b[anan]
    b[anan] = np.nan
    ab, am, an = np.abs(a - b), np.abs(a - m), np.abs(a - n)
    bm, bn, mn = np.abs(b - m), np.abs(b - n), np.abs(m - n)

    if circular:
        for v in [ab, mn, bm, an]:
            v[v > pi] = 2 * pi - v[v > pi]

    # 2-point (default) 00000
    sep = np.abs(a - m)
    mid = (a + m) / 2

    # 3-point (PD, DP) (now only b==-1 or n==-<1, check also for a and m)
    imn = np.isfinite(n) * np.isnan(b)
    mid[imn] = (m[imn] + n[imn]) / 2
    sep[imn] = np.minimum(am[imn], an[imn]) + 10000 + 100 * (mn[imn]-1) + \
        (np.sign(a[imn]-m[imn])/2+0.5) * 10000
    iab = np.isfinite(b) * np.isnan(n)
    mid[iab] = (a[iab] + b[iab]) / 2  # better 20000 or -10000?
    sep[iab] = np.minimum(am[iab], bm[iab]) + 10000 + 100 * (ab[iab]-1) + \
        (np.sign(a[iab]-n[iab])/2+0.5) * 10000
    #  + 10000*(a-m)

    # 4-point alpha: 30000 (WE) or 4000 (SL)
    iabmn = np.isfinite(a) & np.isfinite(b) & np.isfinite(m) & np.isfinite(n)
    ialfa = np.copy(iabmn)
    ialfa[iabmn] = (ab[iabmn] >= mn[iabmn] + 2)  # old
    mnmid = (m[iabmn] + n[iabmn]) / 2
    ialfa[iabmn] = np.sign((a[iabmn] - mnmid) * (b[iabmn] - mnmid)) < 0

    mid[ialfa] = (m[ialfa] + n[ialfa]) / 2
    spac = np.minimum(bn[ialfa], bm[ialfa])
    abmn3 = np.round((3 * mn[ialfa] - ab[ialfa]) * 10000) / 10000
    sep[ialfa] = spac + (mn[ialfa]-1)*100*(abmn3 != 0) + \
        30000 + (abmn3 < 0)*10000
    # gradient

    # %% 4-point beta
    ibeta = np.copy(iabmn)
    ibeta[iabmn] = (bm[iabmn] >= mn[iabmn]) & (~ialfa[iabmn])

    if circular:
        # print(ab[ibeta])
        ibeta = np.copy(iabmn)

        def _averageAngle(vs):
            sumsin = 0
            sumcos = 0

            for v in vs:
                sumsin += np.sin(v)
                sumcos += np.cos(v)

            return np.arctan2(sumsin, sumcos)

        abC = _averageAngle([a[ibeta], b[ibeta]])
        mnC = _averageAngle([m[ibeta], n[ibeta]])

        mid[ibeta] = _averageAngle([abC, mnC])

        # special case when dipoles are completely opposite
        iOpp = abs(abs((mnC - abC)) - np.pi) < 1e-3
        mid[iOpp] = _averageAngle([b[iOpp], m[iOpp]])

        minAb = min(ab[ibeta])
        sep[ibeta] = 50000 + (np.round(ab[ibeta]/minAb)) * 100 + \
            np.round(np.minimum(np.minimum(am[ibeta], an[ibeta]),
                                np.minimum(bm[ibeta], bn[ibeta])) / minAb)
        mid[ibeta] = (a[ibeta] + b[ibeta] + m[ibeta] + n[ibeta]) / 4

        sep[ibeta] = 50000 + (ab[ibeta] - 1) * 100 + np.minimum(
            np.minimum(am[ibeta], an[ibeta]), np.minimum(bm[ibeta], bn[ibeta]))

    # %% 4-point gamma
    # multiply with electrode distance and add first position
    if not circular:
        mid *= de
        mid += x0
    return mid, sep
Beispiel #38
def interpolate(*args, **kwargs):
    r"""Interpolation convinience function.

    Convenience function to interpolate different kind of data.
    Currently supported interpolation schemes are:

    * Interpolate mesh based data from one mesh to another
     (syntactic sugar for the core based interpolate (see below))

        args: :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh`, :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh`, iterable
            `outData = interpolate(outMesh, inMesh, vals)`
            Interpolate values based on inMesh to outMesh.
            Values can be of length inMesh.cellCount() interpolated to
            outMesh.cellCenters() or inMesh.nodeCount() which are interpolated tp

        Interpolated values.

    * Mesh based values to arbitrary points, based on finite element
      interpolation (from gimli core).

        args: :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh`, ...
            Arguments forwarded to :gimliapi:`GIMLI::interpolate`
            Arguments forwarded to :gimliapi:`GIMLI::interpolate`

        `interpolate(srcMesh, destMesh)`
            All data from inMesh are interpolated to outMesh

        Interpolated values

    * Interpolate along curve.
      Forwarded to :py:mod:`pygimli.meshtools.interpolateAlongCurve`

        args: curve, t

            Arguments forwarded to

    * 1D point set :math:`u(x)` for ascending :math:`x`.
      Find interpolation function :math:`I = u(x)` and
      returns :math:`u_{\text{i}} = I(x_{\text{i}})`
      (interpolation methods are [**linear** via matplotlib,
      cubic **spline** via scipy, fit with **harmonic** functions' via pygimli])
      Note, for 'linear' and 'spline' the interpolate contains all original
      coordinates while 'harmonic' returns an approximate best fit.
      The amount of harmonic coefficients can be specfied with the 'nc' keyword.

        args: xi, x, u
            * :math:`x_{\text{i}}` - target sample points
            * :math:`x` - function sample points
            * :math:`u` - function values
            * method : string
                Specify interpolation method 'linear, 'spline', 'harmonic'
            * nc : int
                Number of harmonic coefficients for the 'harmonic' method.

        ui: array of length xi
            :math:`u_{\text{i}} = I(x_{\text{i}})`, with :math:`I = u(x)`

    To use the core functions :gimliapi:`GIMLI::interpolate` start with a
    mesh instance as first argument or use the appropriate keyword arguments.


    * 2D parametric to points (method=['linear, 'spline', 'harmonic'])
    * 2D/3D point cloud to points/grids ('Delauney', 'linear, 'spline', 'harmonic')
    * Mesh to points based on nearest neighbour values (pg.core)

    >>> # no need to import matplotlib. pygimli's show does
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import pygimli as pg
    >>> fig, ax = pg.plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 5))
    >>> u = np.array([1.0, 12.0, 3.0, -4.0, 5.0, 6.0, -1.0])
    >>> xu = np.array(range(len(u)))
    >>> xi = np.linspace(xu[0], xu[-1], 1000)
    >>> _= ax.plot(xu, u, 'o')
    >>> _= ax.plot(xi, pg.interpolate(xi, xu, u, method='linear'),
    ...         color='blue', label='linear')
    >>> _= ax.plot(xi, pg.interpolate(xi, xu, u, method='spline'),
    ...            color='red', label='spline')
    >>> _= ax.plot(xi, pg.interpolate(xi, xu, u, method='harmonic'),
    ...         color='green', label='harmonic')
    >>> _= ax.legend()
    pgcore = False
    if 'srcMesh' in kwargs:
        pgcore = True

    elif len(args) > 0:
        if isinstance(args[0], pg.Mesh):
            if len(args) == 2 and isinstance(args[1], pg.Mesh):
                return pg.core._pygimli_.interpolate(args[0], args[1],

            if len(args) == 3 and isinstance(args[1], pg.Mesh):
                pgcore = False # (outMesh, inMesh, vals)
                pgcore = True

    if pgcore:
        if len(args) == 3: # args: outData = (inMesh, inData, outPos)

            if args[1].ndim == 2: # outData = (inMesh, mat, vR3)

                outMat = pg.Matrix()
                return np.array(outMat)

        if len(args) == 4: # args: (inMesh, inData, outPos, outData)

            if args[1].ndim == 1 and args[2].ndim == 1 and args[3].ndim == 1:
                return pg.core._pygimli_.interpolate(args[0],

            if isinstance(args[1], pg.RMatrix) and \
               isinstance(args[3], pg.RMatrix):
                return pg.core._pygimli_.interpolate(args[0],
            if isinstance(args[1], pg.RVector) and \
               isinstance(args[3], pg.RVector):
                return pg.core._pygimli_.interpolate(args[0],

        if len(args) == 5:
            if args[1].ndim == 1 and args[2].ndim == 1 and \
               args[3].ndim == 1 and args[4].ndim == 1:
                return pg.core._pygimli_.interpolate(args[0],

        return pg.core._pygimli_.interpolate(*args, **kwargs)
        # end if pg.core:

    if len(args) == 3:

        if isinstance(args[0], pg.Mesh): # args: (outMesh, inMesh, data)
            outMesh = args[0]
            inMesh = args[1]
            data = args[2]

            if isinstance(data, pg.R3Vector) or isinstance(data, pg.stdVectorRVector3):
                x = pg.interpolate(outMesh, inMesh, pg.x(data))
                y = pg.interpolate(outMesh, inMesh, pg.y(data))
                z = pg.interpolate(outMesh, inMesh, pg.z(data))
                return np.vstack([x, y, z]).T

            if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
                if data.ndim == 2 and data.shape[1] == 3:
                    x = pg.interpolate(outMesh, inMesh, data[:,0])
                    y = pg.interpolate(outMesh, inMesh, data[:,1])
                    z = pg.interpolate(outMesh, inMesh, data[:,2])
                    return np.vstack([x, y, z]).T

            if len(data) == inMesh.cellCount():
                return pg.interpolate(srcMesh=inMesh, inVec=data,
            elif len(data) == inMesh.nodeCount():
                return pg.interpolate(srcMesh=inMesh, inVec=data,
                raise Exception("Don't know how to interpolate data of size",

            print("data: ", data)
            raise Exception("Cannot interpret data: ", str(len(data)))

        else: #args: xi, x, u

            xi = args[0]
            x = args[1]
            u = args[2]

            method = kwargs.pop('method', 'linear')

            if 'linear' in method:
                return np.interp(xi, x, u)

            if 'harmonic' in method:
                coeff = kwargs.pop('nc', int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(len(x)))))
                from pygimli.frameworks import harmfitNative
                return harmfitNative(u, x=x, nc=coeff, xc=xi, err=None)[0]

            if 'spline' in method:
                if pg.optImport("scipy", requiredFor="use interpolate splines."):
                    from scipy import interpolate
                    tck = interpolate.splrep(x, u, s=0)
                    return interpolate.splev(xi, tck, der=0)
                    return xi*0.

    if len(args) == 2: # args curve, t
        curve = args[0]
        t = args[1]
        return interpolateAlongCurve(curve, t, **kwargs)
    return False

combinedSensors = pg.DataContainer()
for pos in ertData.sensorPositions():

for pos in rstData.sensorPositions():
    if is_close(pos, ertData):
        print("Not adding", pos)

x = pg.x(combinedSensors.sensorPositions()).array()
z = pg.z(combinedSensors.sensorPositions()).array()

np.savetxt("sensors.npy", np.column_stack((x, z)))

print("Number of combined positions:", combinedSensors.sensorCount())
# %%

for case in 1, 2:
    if case == 2:
        p1 = [8., 0, -0.03]
        p2 = [12., 0, -0.23]
        p3 = [24., 0, -0.37]
        p4 = [28., 0, -0.69]
        for p in p1, p2, p3, p4:
Beispiel #40
def showERTData(data, vals=None, **kwargs):
    """Plot ERT data as pseudosection matrix (position over separation).

    Creates figure, axis and draw a pseudosection.


    data : :gimliapi:`BERT::DataContainerERT`

    **kwargs :

        * axes : matplotlib.axes
            Axes to plot into. Default is None and a new figure and
            axes are created.
        * vals : Array[nData]
            Values to be plotted. Default is data('rhoa').
    var = kwargs.pop('var', 0)
    if var > 0:
        import pybert as pb
        return pb.showData(data, vals, var=var, **kwargs)

    # remove ax keyword global
    ax = kwargs.pop('ax', None)

    if ax is None:
        fig = pg.plt.figure()
        ax = None
        axTopo = None
        if 'showTopo' in kwargs:
            ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)

#            axs = fig.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True)
#            # Remove horizontal space between axes
#            fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0)
#            ax = axs[1]
#            axTopo = axs[0]
            ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)


    if vals is None:
        vals = 'rhoa'

    if isinstance(vals, str):
        if data.haveData(vals):
            vals = data(vals)
            pg.critical('field not in data container: ', vals)

    kwargs['cMap'] = kwargs.pop('cMap', pg.utils.cMap('rhoa'))
    kwargs['label'] = kwargs.pop('label', pg.utils.unit('rhoa'))
    kwargs['logScale'] = kwargs.pop('logScale', min(vals) > 0.0)

    ax, cbar = drawERTData(ax, data, vals=vals, **kwargs)

    # TODO here cbar handling like

    if 'xlabel' in kwargs:
    if 'ylabel' in kwargs:

    if 'showTopo' in kwargs:
        # if axTopo is not None:
        axTopo = pg.plt.axes([
            ax.get_position().x0 + 0.2,
            ax.get_position().y0 + 0.2

        x = pg.x(data)
        x *= (ax.get_xlim()[1] - ax.get_xlim()[0]) / (max(x) - min(x))
        x += ax.get_xlim()[0]
        axTopo.plot(x, pg.z(data), '-o', markersize=4)
        axTopo.set_ylim(min(pg.z(data)), max(pg.z(data)))

    # ax.set_aspect('equal')
    # plt.pause(0.1)
    return ax, cbar
Beispiel #41
def maillage_GPRMAX(paramGPRMAX, paramMVG, mesh, mesh_pos, f_thetas, nT):

    xmin = paramGPRMAX.xmin
    xmax = paramGPRMAX.xmax
    zmin = paramGPRMAX.zmin
    zmax = paramGPRMAX.zmax
    dx = paramGPRMAX.dx

    xreg = np.arange(xmin, xmax + dx, dx, 'float')
    zreg = np.arange(zmin, zmax + dx, dx, 'float')

    mesh2 = pg.Mesh(3)
    mesh2.createGrid(xreg, zreg)
    #fig, axe = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(20, 100)),ax=axe)
    for c in mesh2.cells():

    pg_pos2 = mesh2.positions()
    #On crée une matrice contenant la position des noeuds
    mesh2_pos2 = np.array((np.array(pg.x(pg_pos2)), np.array(pg.y(pg_pos2)),
    #Matrice vide de la taille du nombre de cellules
    mesh2_cells2 = np.zeros((mesh2.cellCount(), 4))

    #On rentre les cellules dans une matrice
    for i, cell in enumerate(mesh2.cells()):
        mesh2_cells2[i] = cell.ids()

    mx = pg.x(mesh2.cellCenter())
    my = pg.y(mesh2.cellCenter())
    mesh_pos2 = mesh2_pos2[:, 0:2]

    xv, yv = np.meshgrid(xreg, zreg, sparse=False, indexing='ij')

    #maillage triangulaire que l'on a défini pour SWMS_2D
    maillage = mesh_pos

    (x, z) = np.shape(maillage)

    theta = np.loadtxt(f_thetas)  #Ouvrir le fichier
    min_theta = min(theta)

    eps = np.zeros(len(theta))

    for i in range(0, len(theta)):
        eps[i] = CRIM(theta[i], paramMVG, paramGPRMAX)

    eps_mat = np.zeros([x, int((len(eps) / x))])
    for i in range(0, nT + 1):  #
        xi = i * x
        eps_mat[:, i] = eps[xi:(xi + x)]

    grid_mat = {}
    #fig, axe = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(20, 100)),ax=axe)
    #fig, ax = plt.subplots(nT+1, figsize=(20, 100))
    for i in range(0, nT + 1):  #
        grid = np.zeros([len(xv[:, 0]), len(xv[0, :])])
        outdata = interpolate(mesh2, mesh, eps_mat[:, i], fill_value=eps[0])
        outdata2 = nodeDataToCellData(mesh2, outdata)
        for j in range(0, len(xv[0, :])):
            k = j * len(xv[:, 0])
            kk = len(xv[:, 0])
            grid[:, j] = np.around(outdata[k:(k + kk)], decimals=2)
        grid_mat[i] = grid.T
        a = np.where(grid_mat[i] == 0.0)
        grid_mat[i][a] = min(eps)
        b = np.where(grid_mat[i] <= eps[0])
        grid_mat[i][b] = eps[0]
        #drawModel(ax[i], mesh2 , outdata2)

    #Même interpolation pour les sigma si nécessaire
    sigma = np.zeros(len(theta))

    for i in range(0, len(theta)):
        #if theta[i]==min_theta:
        #    sigma[i]=0.0
        sigma[i] = Rhoades(theta[i])

    sigma_mat = np.zeros([x, int((len(eps) / x))])
    for i in range(0, nT + 1):
        xi = i * x
        sigma_mat[:, i] = sigma[xi:(xi + x)]

    sigma_grid_mat = {}
    for i in range(0, nT + 1):  #
        grid = np.zeros([len(xv[:, 0]), len(xv[0, :])])
        outdata = interpolate(mesh2,
                              sigma_mat[:, i],
        outdata2 = nodeDataToCellData(mesh2, outdata)
        for j in range(0, len(xv[0, :])):
            k = j * len(xv[:, 0])
            kk = len(xv[:, 0])
            grid[:, j] = np.around(outdata[k:(k + kk)], decimals=1)
        sigma_grid_mat[i] = grid.T
        a = np.where(sigma_grid_mat[i] == sigma[0])
        sigma_grid_mat[i][a] = 0.0

    return xv, yv, mx, my, mesh2, grid, grid_mat, eps_mat, sigma_grid_mat
Beispiel #42
def div(mesh, v):
    r"""Return the discrete interpolated divergence field.

        Return the discrete interpolated divergence field. :math:`\mathbf{u}`
        for each cell for a given vector field :math:`\mathbf{v}`.
        First order integration via boundary center.

    .. math::
        d(cells) & = \nabla\cdot\vec{v} \\
        d(c_i) & = \sum_{j=0}^{N_B}\vec{v}_{B_j} \cdot \vec{n}_{B_j}

    mesh : :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh`
        Discretization base, interpolation will be performed via finite element
        base shape functions.

    V : array(N,3) | R3Vector
        Vector field at cell centers or boundary centers

    d : array(M)
        Array of divergence values for each cell in the given mesh.

    >>> import pygimli as pg
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> v = lambda p: p
    >>> mesh = pg.createGrid(x=np.linspace(0, 1, 4))
    >>> print(pg.round(pg.solver.div(mesh, v(mesh.boundaryCenters())), 1e-5))
    <class 'pygimli.core._pygimli_.RVector'> 3 [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
    >>> print(pg.round(pg.solver.div(mesh, v(mesh.cellCenters())), 1e-5))
    <class 'pygimli.core._pygimli_.RVector'> 3 [0.5, 1.0, 0.5]
    >>> mesh = pg.createGrid(x=np.linspace(0, 1, 4),
    ...                      y=np.linspace(0, 1, 4))
    >>> print(pg.round(pg.solver.div(mesh, v(mesh.boundaryCenters())), 1e-5))
    <class 'pygimli.core._pygimli_.RVector'> 9 [2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0]
    >>> divCells = pg.solver.div(mesh, v(mesh.cellCenters()))
    >>> # divergence from boundary values are exact where the divergence from
    >>> # interpolated cell center values are wrong due to boundary interp
    >>> print(sum(divCells))
    >>> mesh = pg.createGrid(x=np.linspace(0, 1, 4),
    ...                      y=np.linspace(0, 1, 4),
    ...                      z=np.linspace(0, 1, 4))
    >>> print(sum(pg.solver.div(mesh, v(mesh.boundaryCenters()))))
    >>> divCells = pg.solver.div(mesh, v(mesh.cellCenters()))
    >>> print(sum(divCells))
    d = None
    if hasattr(v, '__len__'):
        if len(v) == mesh.boundaryCount():
            d = mesh.divergence(v)
        elif len(v) == mesh.nodeCount():
            d = mesh.divergence(pg.meshtools.nodeDataToBoundaryData(mesh, v))
        elif len(v) == mesh.cellCount():
            CtB = mesh.cellToBoundaryInterpolation()
            d = mesh.divergence(
                np.array([CtB * pg.x(v), CtB * pg.y(v), CtB * pg.z(v)]).T)
            print(len(v), mesh)
            raise BaseException("implement me")
    elif callable(v):
        raise BaseException("implement me")

    return d
n_sensors = 8
sensors = np.zeros((n_sensors, 3))
sensors[0, 0] = 15
sensors[0, 1] = -10
sensors[1:, 0] = -15
sensors[1:, 1] = np.linspace(-15, 15, n_sensors - 1)

for pos in sensors:
mesh = mt.createMesh(plc)

# Create vertical gradient model.

vel = 300 + -pg.z(mesh.cellCenters()) * 100

if pyvista:
    label = pg.utils.unit("vel"), vel, label=label)

# Set-up data container.

data = traveltime.createRAData(sensors)
data.markInvalid(data("s") > 1)
data.set("t", np.zeros(data.size()))

# Do raytracing.
Beispiel #44
def interpolate(*args, **kwargs):
    r"""Interpolation convinience function.

    Convenience function to interpolate different kind of data.
    Currently supported interpolation schemes are:

    * Interpolate mesh based data from one mesh to another
     (syntactic sugar for the core based interpolate (see below))

        args: :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh`, :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh`, iterable
            `outData = interpolate(outMesh, inMesh, vals)`
            Interpolate values based on inMesh to outMesh.
            Values can be of length inMesh.cellCount() interpolated to
            outMesh.cellCenters() or inMesh.nodeCount() which are interpolated tp

        Interpolated values.

    * Mesh based values to arbitrary points, based on finite element
      interpolation (from gimli core).

        args: :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh`, ...
            Arguments forwarded to :gimliapi:`GIMLI::interpolate`
            Arguments forwarded to :gimliapi:`GIMLI::interpolate`

        `interpolate(srcMesh, destMesh)`
            All data from inMesh are interpolated to outMesh

        Interpolated values

    * Interpolate along curve.
      Forwarded to :py:mod:`pygimli.meshtools.interpolateAlongCurve`

        args: curve, t

            Arguments forwarded to

    * 1D point set :math:`u(x)` for ascending :math:`x`.
      Find interpolation function :math:`I = u(x)` and
      returns :math:`u_{\text{i}} = I(x_{\text{i}})`
      (interpolation methods are [**linear** via matplotlib,
      cubic **spline** via scipy, fit with **harmonic** functions' via pygimli])
      Note, for 'linear' and 'spline' the interpolate contains all original
      coordinates while 'harmonic' returns an approximate best fit.
      The amount of harmonic coefficients can be specfied with the 'nc' keyword.

        args: xi, x, u
            * :math:`x_{\text{i}}` - target sample points
            * :math:`x` - function sample points
            * :math:`u` - function values
            * method : string
                Specify interpolation method 'linear, 'spline', 'harmonic'
            * nc : int
                Number of harmonic coefficients for the 'harmonic' method.

        ui: array of length xi
            :math:`u_{\text{i}} = I(x_{\text{i}})`, with :math:`I = u(x)`

    To use the core functions :gimliapi:`GIMLI::interpolate` start with a
    mesh instance as first argument or use the appropriate keyword arguments.


    * 2D parametric to points (method=['linear, 'spline', 'harmonic'])
    * 2D/3D point cloud to points/grids ('Delauney', 'linear, 'spline', 'harmonic')
    * Mesh to points based on nearest neighbour values (pg.core)

    >>> # no need to import matplotlib. pygimli's show does
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import pygimli as pg
    >>> fig, ax = pg.plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 5))
    >>> u = np.array([1.0, 12.0, 3.0, -4.0, 5.0, 6.0, -1.0])
    >>> xu = np.array(range(len(u)))
    >>> xi = np.linspace(xu[0], xu[-1], 1000)
    >>> _= ax.plot(xu, u, 'o')
    >>> _= ax.plot(xi, pg.interpolate(xi, xu, u, method='linear'),
    ...         color='blue', label='linear')
    >>> _= ax.plot(xi, pg.interpolate(xi, xu, u, method='spline'),
    ...            color='red', label='spline')
    >>> _= ax.plot(xi, pg.interpolate(xi, xu, u, method='harmonic'),
    ...         color='green', label='harmonic')
    >>> _= ax.legend()
    pgcore = False
    if 'srcMesh' in kwargs:
        pgcore = True

    elif len(args) > 0:
        if isinstance(args[0], pg.Mesh):
            if len(args) == 2 and isinstance(args[1], pg.Mesh):
                return pg.core._pygimli_.interpolate(args[0], args[1],

            if len(args) == 3 and isinstance(args[1], pg.Mesh):
                pgcore = False  # (outMesh, inMesh, vals)
                pgcore = True

    if pgcore:
        if len(args) == 3:  # args: outData = (inMesh, inData, outPos)

            if args[1].ndim == 2:  # outData = (inMesh, mat, vR3)

                outMat = pg.Matrix()
                return np.array(outMat)

        if len(args) == 4:  # args: (inMesh, inData, outPos, outData)

            if args[1].ndim == 1 and args[2].ndim == 1 and args[3].ndim == 1:
                return pg.core._pygimli_.interpolate(args[0],

            if isinstance(args[1], pg.RMatrix) and \
               isinstance(args[3], pg.RMatrix):
                return pg.core._pygimli_.interpolate(args[0],
            if isinstance(args[1], pg.RVector) and \
               isinstance(args[3], pg.RVector):
                return pg.core._pygimli_.interpolate(args[0],

        if len(args) == 5:
            if args[1].ndim == 1 and args[2].ndim == 1 and \
               args[3].ndim == 1 and args[4].ndim == 1:
                return pg.core._pygimli_.interpolate(args[0],

        return pg.core._pygimli_.interpolate(*args, **kwargs)
        # end if pg.core:

    if len(args) == 3:

        if isinstance(args[0], pg.Mesh):  # args: (outMesh, inMesh, data)
            outMesh = args[0]
            inMesh = args[1]
            data = args[2]

            if isinstance(data, pg.R3Vector) or isinstance(
                    data, pg.stdVectorRVector3):
                x = pg.interpolate(outMesh, inMesh, pg.x(data))
                y = pg.interpolate(outMesh, inMesh, pg.y(data))
                z = pg.interpolate(outMesh, inMesh, pg.z(data))
                return np.vstack([x, y, z]).T

            if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
                if data.ndim == 2 and data.shape[1] == 3:
                    x = pg.interpolate(outMesh, inMesh, data[:, 0])
                    y = pg.interpolate(outMesh, inMesh, data[:, 1])
                    z = pg.interpolate(outMesh, inMesh, data[:, 2])
                    return np.vstack([x, y, z]).T

            if len(data) == inMesh.cellCount():
                return pg.interpolate(srcMesh=inMesh,
            elif len(data) == inMesh.nodeCount():
                return pg.interpolate(srcMesh=inMesh,
                raise Exception("Don't know how to interpolate data of size",

            print("data: ", data)
            raise Exception("Cannot interpret data: ", str(len(data)))

        else:  #args: xi, x, u

            xi = args[0]
            x = args[1]
            u = args[2]

            method = kwargs.pop('method', 'linear')

            if 'linear' in method:
                return np.interp(xi, x, u)

            if 'harmonic' in method:
                coeff = kwargs.pop('nc', int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(len(x)))))
                from pygimli.frameworks import harmfitNative
                return harmfitNative(u, x=x, nc=coeff, xc=xi, err=None)[0]

            if 'spline' in method:
                if pg.optImport("scipy",
                                requiredFor="use interpolate splines."):
                    from scipy import interpolate
                    tck = interpolate.splrep(x, u, s=0)
                    return interpolate.splev(xi, tck, der=0)
                    return xi * 0.

    if len(args) == 2:  # args curve, t
        curve = args[0]
        t = args[1]
        return interpolateAlongCurve(curve, t, **kwargs)
Beispiel #45
def maillage_SWMS2D(geometry):
    """Définition du maillage triangulaire pour SWMS_2D"""

    assert dtrou + zaff < emax

    xtrou_reg = np.arange(xmin, r + dx, dx, 'float')
#    xtrou_reg = np.arange(xmin, r + zaff, dx, 'float')
    etrou_reg = np.arange(etrou, emax +dx, dx, 'float')
    efin_reg = np.arange(eaff, etrou+dx, dx, 'float')
    #A présent on crée une zone grâce à un polygone

    poly = pg.Mesh(2)  # empty 2d mesh
    nStart = poly.createNode(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) # On crée un noeud de départ, on travaille en 2D donc le dernier terme vaut 0.0

    nA = nStart # noeud de départ

    for e in efin_reg[0:len(efin_reg)]: # On démarre de 1 et on se balade sur l'axe des x en créant un noeud à chaque fois
        nB = poly.createNode(0, e, 0.0)
        poly.createEdge(nA, nB) # On définit un côté entre le noeud précédemment créé et le nouveau
        nA = nB # On remplace le noeud de départ par le noeud nouvellement créé
    #Définir les noeuds au fond du trou    
    for x in xtrou_reg[1:len(xtrou_reg)]:
        nB = poly.createNode(x, etrou, 0.0)
        poly.createEdge(nA, nB) #On définit un côté entre le noeud précédemment crée et le nouveau
        nA = nB #On remplace le noeud de départ par le noeud nouvellement crée

    #Définir les noeuds le long du trou
    for f in etrou_reg[1:len(etrou_reg)]: # On démarre du haut et on se balade sur l'axe des z en créant un noeud à chaque fois
        nB = poly.createNode(r, f, 0.0)
        poly.createEdge(nA, nB) # On définit un côté entre le noeud précédemment créé et le nouveau
        nA = nB # On remplace le noeud de départ par le noeud nouvellement crée

    nD = poly.createNode(xmax, emax, 0.0)
    poly.createEdge(nC, nD)
    nE = poly.createNode(xmax, emin, 0.0)
    poly.createEdge(nD, nE)
    poly.createEdge(nE, nStart) #On ferme le polygone!

    mesh=pg.meshtools.createMesh(poly, quality=geometry.quality, area=geometry.area, smooth=geometry.smooth)

    pg_pos = mesh.positions()
    mesh_pos = np.array((np.array(pg.x(pg_pos)), np.array(pg.y(pg_pos)), np.array(pg.z(pg_pos)))).T #On crée une matrice contenant la position des noeuds
    mesh_cells = np.zeros((mesh.cellCount(), 3)) #Matrice vide de la taille du nombre de cellules
    for i, cell in enumerate(mesh.cells()): #On rentre les cellules das une matrice
        mesh_cells[i] = cell.ids()
    return mesh, pg_pos, mesh_pos, mesh_cells
def maillage_SWMS2D_EL(geometry):
    """Définition du maillage triangulaire pour SWMS_2D"""

    xmin = geometry.xmin
    xmax = geometry.xmax
    emin = geometry.emin
    emax = geometry.emax
    dtrou = geometry.dtrou
    etrou = geometry.etrou
    r = geometry.r
    dx = geometry.dx
    zaff = geometry.zaff
    eaff = geometry.eaff

    assert dtrou + zaff < emax

    #xtrou_reg = np.arange(xmin, r + dx, dx, 'float')
    #    xtrou_reg = np.arange(xmin, r + zaff, dx, 'float')
    #etrou_reg = np.arange(etrou, emax +dx, dx, 'float')
    #efin_reg = np.arange(eaff, etrou+dx, dx, 'float')

    #A présent on crée une zone grâce à un polygone

    poly = pg.Mesh(2)  # empty 2d mesh
    #nStart = poly.createNode(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) # On crée un noeud de départ, on travaille en 2D donc le dernier terme vaut 0.0

    #nA = nStart # noeud de départ
    xreg = [xmin, xmin, xmin + r, xmin + r, xmax, xmax, xmin + r]
    zreg = [emin, etrou, etrou, emax, emax, emin, emin]
    nStart = poly.createNode(
        xreg[0], zreg[0], 0.0
    )  # On crée un noeud de départ, on travaille en 2D donc le dernier terme vaut 0.0

    nA = nStart  # noeud de départ
    for xx, zz in zip(
            xreg[1::], zreg[1::]
    ):  # On démarre de 1 et on se balade sur l'axe des x en créant un noeud à chaque fois
        nB = poly.createNode(xx, zz, 0.0)
            nA, nB
        )  # On définit un côté entre le noeud précédemment créé et le nouveau
        nA = nB  # On remplace le noeud de départ par le noeud nouvellement créé
    poly.createEdge(nA, nStart)

    c1 = plc.createCircle(pos=[xmin + r / 2, etrou + 1],
                          area=geometry.area * 0.3)
    mesh1 = pg.meshtools.createMesh(c1,
                                    smooth=geometry.smooth), markers=True, showMesh=True)

    for ii in range(mesh1.nodeCount()):
        if (mesh1.node(ii)[1] > etrou):
            if (mesh1.node(ii)[0] > xmin + r):
                poly.createNode(mesh1.node(ii)[0], mesh1.node(ii)[1], 0)

        elif (mesh1.node(ii)[1] < etrou):
            if (mesh1.node(ii)[0] > xmin):
                poly.createNode(mesh1.node(ii)[0], mesh1.node(ii)[1], 0)


    mesh = pg.meshtools.createMesh(poly,

    pg_pos = mesh.positions()
    mesh_pos = np.array(
        (np.array(pg.x(pg_pos)), np.array(pg.y(pg_pos)), np.array(pg.z(pg_pos))
         )).T  #On crée une matrice contenant la position des noeuds
    mesh_cells = np.zeros(
         3))  #Matrice vide de la taille du nombre de cellules
    for i, cell in enumerate(
            mesh.cells()):  #On rentre les cellules das une matrice
        mesh_cells[i] = cell.ids()

    return mesh, pg_pos, mesh_pos, mesh_cells
Beispiel #47
def covarianceMatrixPos(pos, **kwargs):
    """Position (R3Vector) based covariance matrix"""
    return covarianceMatrixVec(np.array(pg.x(pos)), np.array(pg.y(pos)),
                               np.array(pg.z(pos)), **kwargs)