def __init__(self, text, color, x, y, width): win_width, win_height = get_size() self.batch = Batch() self._doc = pyglet.text.document.UnformattedDocument(text) self._doc.set_style( 0, len(self._doc.text), dict(color=(255, 255, 255, 255), font_name='minecraftia')) font = self._doc.get_font() height = font.ascent - font.descent pad = 2 self._outline = Rectangle(x - pad, y - pad, width + pad, height + pad, color=color[:3]) self._outline.opacity = color[-1] self._layout = IncrementalTextLayout(self._doc, width, height, multiline=False, batch=self.batch) self._caret = Caret(self._layout, color=(255, 255, 255)) self._caret.visible = False self._layout.x = x self._layout.y = y self._focus = False self._press = False super().__init__(x, y, width, height) self.last_char = ''
def __init__(self, text, color, x, y, width, pad=3): win_width, win_height = get_size() self.batch = Batch() self._doc = pyglet.text.document.UnformattedDocument(text) self._doc.set_style(0, len(self._doc.text), dict(color=(255, 255, 255, 255))) font = self._doc.get_font() self.text_height = font.ascent - font.descent self.pad = pad self._outline = BorderedRectangle(x - self.pad, win_height - y - self.pad, width + self.pad, self.text_height + self.pad, color=color[:3], border_color=(100, 100, 100)) self._outline.opacity = color[-1] self._layout = IncrementalTextLayout(width, self.text_height, multiline=False, batch=self.batch) self._caret = Caret(self._layout, color=(255, 255, 255)) self._caret.visible = False self._layout.x = x self._layout.y = win_height - y self._focus = False self._press = False super().__init__(x, win_height - y, width, height)
def __init__(self): win_width, win_height = get_size() self.batch = Batch() self._doc = pyglet.text.document.UnformattedDocument('') self._doc.set_style(0, len(self._doc.text), dict(color=(255, 255, 255, 255))) font = self._doc.get_font() self.text_height = font.ascent - font.descent self.pad = 2 self._outline = Rectangle(5, 5 + self.pad, get_size()[0] - self.pad - 10, self.text_height + self.pad, color=(0, 0, 0)) self._outline.opacity = 150 self._layout = IncrementalTextLayout(self._doc, get_size()[0] - 14, self.text_height, multiline=False, batch=self.batch) self._caret = Caret(self._layout, color=(255, 255, 255)) self._caret.visible = False self._layout.x = 5 self._layout.y = 5 + self.pad self._focus = False self._press = False self.last_press = [0, 0] super().__init__(5, 5 + self.pad, get_size()[0] - self.pad - 10, self.text_height + self.pad)
def __init__(self): super(Editor, self).__init__() self.doc = FormattedDocument('<b>testing</b> testing testing') self.doc.set_style(0, 1000, {'font_name': 'ProggySquareTT'}) self.itlo = IncrementalTextLayout(self.doc, 1024, 750, multiline=True, batch=self.batch) self.itlo.x = 0 self.itlo.y = 750 caret = Caret(self.itlo) caret.visible = True caret.color = (100, 255, 0) director.window.push_handlers(caret)
def __init__(self, value="", x=0, y=0, width=125, height=30, padding=(0,0), wrap=True, id=None, **kwargs): """ An editable text box. When clicked, it has the focus and can receive keyboard events. With wrap=True, several lines of text will wrap around the width. Optional parameters can include fill, font, fontsize, fontweight. """ txt = Text(value or " ", **{ "fill" : _popdefault(kwargs, "fill", Color(0,0.9)), "font" : _popdefault(kwargs, "font", theme["fontname"]), "fontsize" : _popdefault(kwargs, "fontsize", theme["fontsize"]), "fontweight" : _popdefault(kwargs, "fontweight", theme["fontweight"]), "lineheight" : _popdefault(kwargs, "lineheight", 1), "align" : LEFT }) kwargs["width"] = width kwargs["height"] = height Control.__init__(self, x=x, y=y, id=id, **kwargs) self.reserved = kwargs.get("reserved", [ENTER, TAB]) self._padding = padding self._i = 0 # Index of character on which the mouse is pressed. self._empty = value == "" and True or False self._editor = IncrementalTextLayout(txt._label.document, width, height, multiline=wrap) self._editor.content_valign = wrap and "top" or "center" self._editor.selection_background_color = (170, 200, 230, 255) self._editor.selection_color = txt._label.color self._editor.caret = Caret(self._editor) self._editor.caret.visible = False self._editing = False # When True, cursor is blinking and text can be edited. Editable._pack(self) # On init, call Editable._pack(), not the derived Field._pack().
def __init__(self, text, x, y, width, color=(255, 255, 255, 255), batch=None, group=None): self._doc = pyglet.text.document.UnformattedDocument(text) self._doc.set_style(0, len(self._doc.text), dict(color=(0, 0, 0, 255))) font = self._doc.get_font() height = font.ascent - font.descent self._user_group = group bg_group = OrderedGroup(0, parent=group) fg_group = OrderedGroup(1, parent=group) # Rectangular outline: pad = 2 x1 = x - pad y1 = y - pad x2 = x + width + pad y2 = y + height + pad self._outline = batch.add(4,, bg_group, ('v2i', [x1, y1, x2, y1, x2, y2, x1, y2]), ('c4B', color * 4)) # Text and Caret: self._layout = IncrementalTextLayout(self._doc, width, height, multiline=False, batch=batch, group=fg_group) self._caret = Caret(self._layout) self._caret.visible = False self._layout.x = x self._layout.y = y self._focus = False super().__init__(x, y, width, height)
def __init__(self, text, x, y, width, color=(255, 255, 255, 255), batch=None, group=None): self._doc = pyglet.text.document.UnformattedDocument(text) self._doc.set_style(0, len(self._doc.text), dict(color=(0, 0, 0, 255))) font = self._doc.get_font() height = font.ascent - font.descent self._user_group = group bg_group = Group(order=0, parent=group) fg_group = Group(order=1, parent=group) # Rectangular outline with 2-pixel pad: p = 2 self._outline = pyglet.shapes.Rectangle(x - p, y - p, width + p + p, height + p + p, color[:3], batch, bg_group) self._outline.opacity = color[3] # Text and Caret: self._layout = IncrementalTextLayout(self._doc, width, height, multiline=False, batch=batch, group=fg_group) self._layout.x = x self._layout.y = y self._caret = Caret(self._layout) self._caret.visible = False self._focus = False super().__init__(x, y, width, height)
class TextEntry(WidgetBase): def __init__(self, text, x, y, width, color=(255, 255, 255, 255), batch=None, group=None): self._doc = pyglet.text.document.UnformattedDocument(text) self._doc.set_style(0, len(self._doc.text), dict(color=(0, 0, 0, 255))) font = self._doc.get_font() height = font.ascent - font.descent self._user_group = group bg_group = Group(order=0, parent=group) fg_group = Group(order=1, parent=group) # Rectangular outline with 2-pixel pad: p = 2 self._outline = pyglet.shapes.Rectangle(x - p, y - p, width + p + p, height + p + p, color[:3], batch, bg_group) self._outline.opacity = color[3] # Text and Caret: self._layout = IncrementalTextLayout(self._doc, width, height, multiline=False, batch=batch, group=fg_group) self._layout.x = x self._layout.y = y self._caret = Caret(self._layout) self._caret.visible = False self._focus = False super().__init__(x, y, width, height) def _check_hit(self, x, y): return self._x < x < self._x + self._width and self._y < y < self._y + self._height def _set_focus(self, value): self._focus = value self._caret.visible = value def update_groups(self, order): = Group(order=order + 1, parent=self._user_group) = Group(order=order + 2, parent=self._user_group) def on_mouse_motion(self, x, y, dx, dy): if not self._check_hit(x, y): self._set_focus(False) def on_mouse_drag(self, x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers): if self._focus: self._caret.on_mouse_drag(x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers) def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, buttons, modifiers): if self._check_hit(x, y): self._set_focus(True) self._caret.on_mouse_press(x, y, buttons, modifiers) def on_text(self, text): if self._focus: if text in ('\r', '\n'): self.dispatch_event('on_commit', self._layout.document.text) self._set_focus(False) return self._caret.on_text(text) def on_text_motion(self, motion): if self._focus: self._caret.on_text_motion(motion) def on_text_motion_select(self, motion): if self._focus: self._caret.on_text_motion_select(motion) def on_commit(self, text): """Text has been commited via Enter/Return key."""
class Menu(GameObject): """Provides menus for the game. Both main menu with highscores and a menu to input name for highscore. Which menu is shown depends on add_score. If it's None then main menu is shown.""" def __init__(self, *, highscores, ui_batch, cb_start_game=None, cb_add_highscore=None, add_score=None): super().__init__() # Make sure we can handle events self.event_handlers = [self] # Store callbacks, the ui batch and our optional score3 self.cb_start_game = cb_start_game self.cb_add_highscore = cb_add_highscore self.ui_batch = ui_batch self.add_score = add_score # We need to keep track of our children so we can remove them in self.delete() self.children = [] # Show title self.children.append( Label('WELCOME TO', font_name='m5x7', font_size=128, x=WIDTH / 2, y=HEIGHT - 16, anchor_x='center', anchor_y='top', batch=self.ui_batch)) self.children.append( Label('HELL', font_name='m5x7', font_size=512, x=WIDTH / 2 + 50, y=HEIGHT, anchor_x='center', anchor_y='top', batch=self.ui_batch)) # If we need to add a score if add_score is not None: # Make sure that self.continue_label exists so we don't crash in self.tick() self.continue_label = None # Show some text self.children.append( Label('Your score was:', font_name='m5x7', font_size=48, x=WIDTH / 2, y=400, align='center', anchor_x='center', anchor_y='bottom', batch=self.ui_batch)) self.children.append( Label(f'{add_score}', font_name='m5x7', font_size=128, x=WIDTH / 2, y=280, align='center', anchor_x='center', anchor_y='bottom', batch=self.ui_batch)) self.children.append( Label('Enter name for highscore:', font_name='m5x7', font_size=32, x=WIDTH / 2, y=200, align='center', anchor_x='center', anchor_y='bottom', batch=self.ui_batch)) # Prepare a document with styling self.document = UnformattedDocument() self.document.set_style( 0, 1, { 'font_name': 'm5x7', 'font_size': 64, 'color': (255, 255, 255, 255), 'align': 'center' }) # Find the height of the font font = self.document.get_font() height = font.ascent - font.descent # Make a TextLayout that handles dynamically adding text # Make it multiline even though we don't want multiple lines because otherwise align=center doesn't work self.layout = IncrementalTextLayout(self.document, WIDTH / 3, height, multiline=True, batch=self.ui_batch) self.layout.anchor_y = 'top' self.layout.anchor_x = 'center' self.layout.x = WIDTH / 2 self.layout.y = 200 # Add a carat (cursor) self.caret = Caret(self.layout, batch=self.ui_batch, color=(255, 255, 255)) # Type q and then backspace # This ensures that the carat is visible as it only shows up after something has been typed self.caret.on_text('q') self.caret.on_text_motion(key.MOTION_BACKSPACE) # Make sure we can delete layout and carat in self.delete() self.children.append(self.layout) self.children.append(self.caret) else: # If we have some highscores to show if highscores: # Show a title self.children.append( Label('Highscores:', font_name='m5x7', font_size=48, x=WIDTH / 2, y=420, align='center', anchor_x='center', anchor_y='bottom', batch=self.ui_batch)) # ... followed by each highscore for i, highscore in enumerate(highscores): self.children.append( Label(f'{} - {highscore.score}', font_name='m5x7', font_size=32, x=WIDTH / 2, y=380 - i * 32, align='center', anchor_x='center', anchor_y='bottom', batch=self.ui_batch)) # Show continue label, and make sure to have it below highscores if any self.continue_label = Label('Press SPACE to start game...', font_name='m5x7', font_size=48, x=WIDTH / 2, y=32 if highscores else HEIGHT / 4, align='center', anchor_x='center', anchor_y='bottom', batch=self.ui_batch) # Timer for blinking self.continue_timer = 0 self.children.append(self.continue_label) def tick(self, dt: float): # If we have a continue label then blink it if self.continue_label: self.continue_timer += dt if self.continue_timer > 2: self.continue_timer = 0 self.continue_label.color = blink(self.continue_timer, pytweening.easeInCubic, pytweening.easeOutCubic, 2, (255, 255, 255)) def delete(self): # Make sure to also delete our children for child in self.children: child.delete() super().delete() def on_key_release(self, symbol, modifier): if self.add_score is None: # If we are not adding a score then if space was pressed, start the game if symbol == key.SPACE: self.cb_start_game() else: # If we are adding a score then when enter is pressed, submit # that highscore (which will then also go to next menu screen) if symbol == key.ENTER: self.cb_add_highscore(self.document.text, self.add_score) def on_text(self, text): if self.add_score is not None: # Make sure we don't add any newlines (layout is multiline but we never want more than 1 line) text = text.replace('\r', '\n') if text != '\n': # Add the text to the caret self.caret.on_text(text) # If the text is too long then send a backspace to delete last char if self.layout.lines[0].width + 20 > self.layout.width: self.caret.on_text_motion(key.MOTION_BACKSPACE) def on_text_motion(self, motion, select=False): if self.add_score is not None: # Forward text motions to the caret self.caret.on_text_motion(motion, select)
class TextEntry(WidgetBase): def __init__(self, text, x, y, width, color=(255, 255, 255, 255), batch=None, group=None): self._doc = pyglet.text.document.UnformattedDocument(text) self._doc.set_style(0, len(self._doc.text), dict(color=(0, 0, 0, 255))) font = self._doc.get_font() height = font.ascent - font.descent self._user_group = group bg_group = OrderedGroup(0, parent=group) fg_group = OrderedGroup(1, parent=group) # Rectangular outline: pad = 2 x1 = x - pad y1 = y - pad x2 = x + width + pad y2 = y + height + pad self._outline = batch.add(4,, bg_group, ('v2i', [x1, y1, x2, y1, x2, y2, x1, y2]), ('c4B', color * 4)) # Text and Caret: self._layout = IncrementalTextLayout(self._doc, width, height, multiline=False, batch=batch, group=fg_group) self._caret = Caret(self._layout) self._caret.visible = False self._layout.x = x self._layout.y = y self._focus = False super().__init__(x, y, width, height) def _check_hit(self, x, y): return self._x < x < self._x + self._width and self._y < y < self._y + self._height def _set_focus(self, value): self._focus = value self._caret.visible = value def update_groups(self, order): = OrderedGroup(order + 1, self._user_group) = OrderedGroup(order + 2, self._user_group) def on_mouse_motion(self, x, y, dx, dy): if not self._check_hit(x, y): self._set_focus(False) def on_mouse_drag(self, x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers): if self._focus: self._caret.on_mouse_drag(x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers) def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, buttons, modifiers): if self._check_hit(x, y): self._set_focus(True) self._caret.on_mouse_press(x, y, buttons, modifiers) def on_text(self, text): if self._focus: if text in ('\r', '\n'): self.dispatch_event('on_commit', self._layout.document.text) self._set_focus(False) return self._caret.on_text(text) def on_text_motion(self, motion): if self._focus: self._caret.on_text_motion(motion) def on_text_motion_select(self, motion): if self._focus: self._caret.on_text_motion_select(motion) def on_commit(self, text): """Text has been commited via Enter/Return key."""
class DialogueEntry(Widget): def __init__(self): win_width, win_height = get_size() self.batch = Batch() self._doc = pyglet.text.document.UnformattedDocument('') self._doc.set_style(0, len(self._doc.text), dict(color=(255, 255, 255, 255))) font = self._doc.get_font() self.text_height = font.ascent - font.descent self.pad = 2 self._outline = Rectangle(5 - self.pad, 20 - self.pad, get_size()[0] + self.pad - 5, self.text_height + self.pad, color=(0, 0, 0)) self._outline.opacity = 150 self._layout = IncrementalTextLayout(self._doc, get_size()[0] + self.pad - 5, self.text_height, multiline=False, batch=self.batch) self._caret = Caret(self._layout, color=(255, 255, 255)) self._caret.visible = False self._layout.x = 5 self._layout.y = 20 self._focus = False self._press = False self.last_char = '' super().__init__(5, 20, get_size()[0] + self.pad - 5, self.text_height) def draw(self): self._outline.draw() self.batch.draw() def text(self, text): self._doc.text = text def _set_focus(self, value): self._focus = value self._caret.visible = value def on_mouse_drag(self, x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers): if self._focus: self._caret.on_mouse_drag(x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers) def on_mouse_motion(self, x, y, dx, dy): if self.check_hit(x, y): get_game().set_cursor('text') else: get_game().set_cursor() def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, buttons, modifiers): if self.check_hit(x, y): self._press = True self._set_focus(True) self._caret.on_mouse_press(x, y, buttons, modifiers) else: self._set_focus(False) def on_mouse_release(self, x, y, buttons, modifiers): if self._press: self._press = False def on_resize(self, width, height): self.width = width - self.pad - 5 self._outline.width = width - self.pad - 5 self._layout.width = width - self.pad - 5 def on_text(self, text): if text == self.last_char: self.last_char = '' return else: self.last_char = text if self._focus: if text in ('\r', '\n'): self.dispatch_event('on_commit', self._layout.document.text) self._set_focus(False) return self._caret.on_text(text) def on_text_motion(self, motion): if self._focus: self._caret.on_text_motion(motion) def on_text_motion_select(self, motion): if self._focus: self._caret.on_text_motion_select(motion) def on_commit(self, text): pass
def __init__(self, window, x=0, y=0, width=100, height=100, anchor_x='left', anchor_y='bottom', style = Default['terminal'], prompt = '> ', banner = ''): '''Create a new console. :Parameters: `window` : pyglet.window.Window Window this console will be embedded in. `x` : int X coordinate of the console. `y` : int Y coordinate of the console. `width` : int Width of the console in pixels, or None `height` : int Height of the console in pixels, or None `anchor_x` : str Anchor point of the X coordinate: one of ``"left"``, ``"center"`` or ``"right"``. `anchor_y` : str Anchor point of the Y coordinate: one of ``"bottom"``, ``"center"`` or ``"top"``. `style` : dict Style dictionnary describing element styles `prompt` : str Console prompt `banner` : str Text to be displayed prior to any input. ''' super(Console, self).__init__() self._window = window self._style = style self._prompt = prompt self._prompt_start, self._prompt_end = 0, 0 batch = document = Document() margin = self._style['margin'] layout = Layout(document, width=width-2*margin, height=height-2*margin, multiline=True, batch=batch) layout.anchor_x = anchor_x layout.anchor_y = anchor_y layout.x = int(margin) layout.y = int(margin) layout.view_y = 0 layout.selection_color = self._style['selection_fg'] layout.selection_background_color = self._style['selection_bg'] caret = Caret(layout) caret.position = 0 caret.visible = True r,g,b,a = self._style['text_fg'] caret.color = (r,g,b) self._batch = batch self._document = document self._layout = layout self._caret = caret x,y,z = int(layout.x-margin), int(layout.y-margin), -.5 w,h = layout.width+2*margin, layout.height+2*margin self._background = batch.add( 4,, None, ('v3f', (x,y,z, x+w,y,z, x+w,y+h,z, x,y+h,z)), ('c4B', self._style['text_bg']*4)) z += .1 self._border = batch.add( 4,, None, ('v3f', (x,y,z, x+w,y,z, x+w,y+h,z, x,y+h,z)), ('c4B', self._style['border_fg']*4)) if banner: self.write(banner) if window: self._cursor = window.get_system_mouse_cursor('text') else: self._cursor = None self.resize(width,height)
class TextEntry(Widget): def __init__(self, text, color, x, y, width, pad=3): win_width, win_height = get_size() self.batch = Batch() self._doc = pyglet.text.document.UnformattedDocument(text) self._doc.set_style(0, len(self._doc.text), dict(color=(255, 255, 255, 255))) font = self._doc.get_font() self.text_height = font.ascent - font.descent self.pad = pad self._outline = BorderedRectangle(x - self.pad, win_height - y - self.pad, width + self.pad, self.text_height + self.pad, color=color[:3], border_color=(100, 100, 100)) self._outline.opacity = color[-1] self._layout = IncrementalTextLayout(width, self.text_height, multiline=False, batch=self.batch) self._caret = Caret(self._layout, color=(255, 255, 255)) self._caret.visible = False self._layout.x = x self._layout.y = win_height - y self._focus = False self._press = False self.last_char = '' super().__init__(x, win_height - y, width, height) def draw(self): self._outline.draw() self.batch.draw() def text(self, text): self._doc.text = text def _set_focus(self, value): self._focus = value self._caret.visible = value def on_mouse_drag(self, x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers): if self._focus: self._caret.on_mouse_drag(x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers) def on_mouse_motion(self, x, y, dx, dy): if self.check_hit(x, y): get_game().set_cursor('text') else: get_game().set_cursor() def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, buttons, modifiers): if self.check_hit(x, y): self._press = True self._set_focus(True) self._caret.on_mouse_press(x, y, buttons, modifiers) else: self._set_focus(False) def on_mouse_release(self, x, y, buttons, modifiers): if self._press: self._press = False def on_text(self, text): if text == self.last_char: self.last_char = '' return else: self.last_char = text if self._focus: if text in ('\r', '\n'): self.dispatch_event('on_commit', self._layout.document.text) self._set_focus(False) return self._caret.on_text(text) def on_text_motion(self, motion): if self._focus: self._caret.on_text_motion(motion) def on_text_motion_select(self, motion): if self._focus: self._caret.on_text_motion_select(motion) def on_commit(self, text): pass
def __init__(self, *, highscores, ui_batch, cb_start_game=None, cb_add_highscore=None, add_score=None): super().__init__() # Make sure we can handle events self.event_handlers = [self] # Store callbacks, the ui batch and our optional score3 self.cb_start_game = cb_start_game self.cb_add_highscore = cb_add_highscore self.ui_batch = ui_batch self.add_score = add_score # We need to keep track of our children so we can remove them in self.delete() self.children = [] # Show title self.children.append( Label('WELCOME TO', font_name='m5x7', font_size=128, x=WIDTH / 2, y=HEIGHT - 16, anchor_x='center', anchor_y='top', batch=self.ui_batch)) self.children.append( Label('HELL', font_name='m5x7', font_size=512, x=WIDTH / 2 + 50, y=HEIGHT, anchor_x='center', anchor_y='top', batch=self.ui_batch)) # If we need to add a score if add_score is not None: # Make sure that self.continue_label exists so we don't crash in self.tick() self.continue_label = None # Show some text self.children.append( Label('Your score was:', font_name='m5x7', font_size=48, x=WIDTH / 2, y=400, align='center', anchor_x='center', anchor_y='bottom', batch=self.ui_batch)) self.children.append( Label(f'{add_score}', font_name='m5x7', font_size=128, x=WIDTH / 2, y=280, align='center', anchor_x='center', anchor_y='bottom', batch=self.ui_batch)) self.children.append( Label('Enter name for highscore:', font_name='m5x7', font_size=32, x=WIDTH / 2, y=200, align='center', anchor_x='center', anchor_y='bottom', batch=self.ui_batch)) # Prepare a document with styling self.document = UnformattedDocument() self.document.set_style( 0, 1, { 'font_name': 'm5x7', 'font_size': 64, 'color': (255, 255, 255, 255), 'align': 'center' }) # Find the height of the font font = self.document.get_font() height = font.ascent - font.descent # Make a TextLayout that handles dynamically adding text # Make it multiline even though we don't want multiple lines because otherwise align=center doesn't work self.layout = IncrementalTextLayout(self.document, WIDTH / 3, height, multiline=True, batch=self.ui_batch) self.layout.anchor_y = 'top' self.layout.anchor_x = 'center' self.layout.x = WIDTH / 2 self.layout.y = 200 # Add a carat (cursor) self.caret = Caret(self.layout, batch=self.ui_batch, color=(255, 255, 255)) # Type q and then backspace # This ensures that the carat is visible as it only shows up after something has been typed self.caret.on_text('q') self.caret.on_text_motion(key.MOTION_BACKSPACE) # Make sure we can delete layout and carat in self.delete() self.children.append(self.layout) self.children.append(self.caret) else: # If we have some highscores to show if highscores: # Show a title self.children.append( Label('Highscores:', font_name='m5x7', font_size=48, x=WIDTH / 2, y=420, align='center', anchor_x='center', anchor_y='bottom', batch=self.ui_batch)) # ... followed by each highscore for i, highscore in enumerate(highscores): self.children.append( Label(f'{} - {highscore.score}', font_name='m5x7', font_size=32, x=WIDTH / 2, y=380 - i * 32, align='center', anchor_x='center', anchor_y='bottom', batch=self.ui_batch)) # Show continue label, and make sure to have it below highscores if any self.continue_label = Label('Press SPACE to start game...', font_name='m5x7', font_size=48, x=WIDTH / 2, y=32 if highscores else HEIGHT / 4, align='center', anchor_x='center', anchor_y='bottom', batch=self.ui_batch) # Timer for blinking self.continue_timer = 0 self.children.append(self.continue_label)
class TextEntry(WidgetBase): """Instance of a text entry widget. Allows the user to enter and submit text. """ def __init__(self, text, x, y, width, color=(255, 255, 255, 255), text_color=(0, 0, 0, 255), caret_color=(0, 0, 0), batch=None, group=None): """Create a text entry widget. :Parameters: `text` : str Initial text to display. `x` : int X coordinate of the text entry widget. `y` : int Y coordinate of the text entry widget. `width` : int The width of the text entry widget. `color` : (int, int, int, int) The color of the outline box in RGBA format. `text_color` : (int, int, int, int) The color of the text in RGBA format. `text_color` : (int, int, int) The color of the caret in RGB format. `batch` : `` Optional batch to add the text entry widget to. `group` : `` Optional parent group of text entry widget. """ self._doc = pyglet.text.document.UnformattedDocument(text) self._doc.set_style(0, len(self._doc.text), dict(color=text_color)) font = self._doc.get_font() height = font.ascent - font.descent self._user_group = group bg_group = Group(order=0, parent=group) fg_group = Group(order=1, parent=group) # Rectangular outline with 2-pixel pad: self._pad = p = 2 self._outline = pyglet.shapes.Rectangle(x - p, y - p, width + p + p, height + p + p, color[:3], batch, bg_group) self._outline.opacity = color[3] # Text and Caret: self._layout = IncrementalTextLayout(self._doc, width, height, multiline=False, batch=batch, group=fg_group) self._layout.x = x self._layout.y = y self._caret = Caret(self._layout, color=caret_color) self._caret.visible = False self._focus = False super().__init__(x, y, width, height) def _update_position(self): self._layout.position = self._x, self._y self._outline.position = self._x - self._pad, self._y - self._pad @property def value(self): return self._doc.text @value.setter def value(self, value): assert type(value) is str, "This Widget's value must be a string." self._doc.text = value def _check_hit(self, x, y): return self._x < x < self._x + self._width and self._y < y < self._y + self._height def _set_focus(self, value): self._focus = value self._caret.visible = value def update_groups(self, order): = Group(order=order + 1, parent=self._user_group) = Group(order=order + 2, parent=self._user_group) def on_mouse_motion(self, x, y, dx, dy): if not self.enabled: return if not self._check_hit(x, y): self._set_focus(False) def on_mouse_drag(self, x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers): if not self.enabled: return if self._focus: self._caret.on_mouse_drag(x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers) def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, buttons, modifiers): if not self.enabled: return if self._check_hit(x, y): self._set_focus(True) self._caret.on_mouse_press(x, y, buttons, modifiers) def on_text(self, text): if not self.enabled: return if self._focus: if text in ('\r', '\n'): self.dispatch_event('on_commit', self._layout.document.text) self._set_focus(False) return self._caret.on_text(text) def on_text_motion(self, motion): if not self.enabled: return if self._focus: self._caret.on_text_motion(motion) def on_text_motion_select(self, motion): if not self.enabled: return if self._focus: self._caret.on_text_motion_select(motion) def on_commit(self, text): if not self.enabled: return """Text has been commited via Enter/Return key."""
class DialogueEntry(Widget): def __init__(self): win_width, win_height = get_size() self.batch = Batch() self._doc = pyglet.text.document.UnformattedDocument('') self._doc.set_style(0, len(self._doc.text), dict(color=(255, 255, 255, 255))) font = self._doc.get_font() self.text_height = font.ascent - font.descent self.pad = 2 self._outline = Rectangle(5, 5 + self.pad, get_size()[0] - self.pad - 10, self.text_height + self.pad, color=(0, 0, 0)) self._outline.opacity = 150 self._layout = IncrementalTextLayout(self._doc, get_size()[0] - 14, self.text_height, multiline=False, batch=self.batch) self._caret = Caret(self._layout, color=(255, 255, 255)) self._caret.visible = False self._layout.x = 5 self._layout.y = 5 + self.pad self._focus = False self._press = False self.last_press = [0, 0] super().__init__(5, 5 + self.pad, get_size()[0] - self.pad - 10, self.text_height + self.pad) def draw(self): self._outline.draw() self.batch.draw() def text(self, text): self._doc.text = text def _set_focus(self, value): self._focus = value self._caret.visible = value def on_key_press(self, symbol, modifiers): if symbol == key.PAGEUP: if self.last_press[0] == 1: self.last_press[0] = 0 return else: self.last_press[0] = 1 self.text('') self.text( get_game().dialogue.history[get_game().dialogue.pointer]) if get_game().dialogue.pointer != 0: get_game().dialogue.pointer -= 1 elif symbol == key.PAGEDOWN: if self.last_press[1] == 1: self.last_press[1] = 0 return else: self.last_press[1] = 1 if get_game().dialogue.pointer != len( get_game().dialogue.history) - 1: get_game().dialogue.pointer += 1 self.text('') self.text(get_game().dialogue.history[ get_game().dialogue.pointer]) else: self.text('') def on_mouse_drag(self, x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers): if self._focus: self._caret.on_mouse_drag(x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers) def on_mouse_motion(self, x, y, dx, dy): if self.check_hit(x, y): get_game().set_cursor('text') else: get_game().set_cursor() def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, buttons, modifiers): if self.check_hit(x, y): self._press = True self._set_focus(True) self._caret.on_mouse_press(x, y, buttons, modifiers) else: self._set_focus(False) def on_mouse_release(self, x, y, buttons, modifiers): if self._press: self._press = False def on_resize(self, width, height): self.width = width - self.pad - 10 self._outline.width = width - self.pad - 10 self._layout.width = width - self.pad - 10 def on_text(self, text): if self._focus: if text in ('\r', '\n'): self.dispatch_event('on_commit', self._layout.document.text) self._set_focus(False) return self._caret.on_text(text) def on_text_motion(self, motion): if self._focus: self._caret.on_text_motion(motion) def on_text_motion_select(self, motion): if self._focus: self._caret.on_text_motion_select(motion) def on_commit(self, text): pass
def __init__(self, text, x, y, width, color=(255, 255, 255, 255), text_color=(0, 0, 0, 255), caret_color=(0, 0, 0), batch=None, group=None): """Create a text entry widget. :Parameters: `text` : str Initial text to display. `x` : int X coordinate of the text entry widget. `y` : int Y coordinate of the text entry widget. `width` : int The width of the text entry widget. `color` : (int, int, int, int) The color of the outline box in RGBA format. `text_color` : (int, int, int, int) The color of the text in RGBA format. `text_color` : (int, int, int) The color of the caret in RGB format. `batch` : `` Optional batch to add the text entry widget to. `group` : `` Optional parent group of text entry widget. """ self._doc = pyglet.text.document.UnformattedDocument(text) self._doc.set_style(0, len(self._doc.text), dict(color=text_color)) font = self._doc.get_font() height = font.ascent - font.descent self._user_group = group bg_group = Group(order=0, parent=group) fg_group = Group(order=1, parent=group) # Rectangular outline with 2-pixel pad: self._pad = p = 2 self._outline = pyglet.shapes.Rectangle(x - p, y - p, width + p + p, height + p + p, color[:3], batch, bg_group) self._outline.opacity = color[3] # Text and Caret: self._layout = IncrementalTextLayout(self._doc, width, height, multiline=False, batch=batch, group=fg_group) self._layout.x = x self._layout.y = y self._caret = Caret(self._layout, color=caret_color) self._caret.visible = False self._focus = False super().__init__(x, y, width, height)