Beispiel #1
def plot_each_route_cluster_for_user(user_id, method='lcs'):
    i = 0
    Sections = get_section_db()
    user_route_clusters = get_routeCluster_db().find_one(
        {'$and': [{
            'user': user_id
        }, {
            'method': method
    # plot each cluster as a file.
    for idx in user_route_clusters['clusters'].keys():
        print idx
        gmap = pygmaps.maps(37.8717, -122.2728, 14)
        # gmap = pygmaps.maps(getRoute(idx)[0][0], getRoute(idx)[0][1], 14)
        section = Sections.find_one({'_id': idx})
        r = lambda: random.randint(0, 255)
        color = '#%02X%02X%02X' % (r(), r(), r())
        drawSection(section, 'path', gmap, color)
        print len(user_route_clusters['clusters'][idx])
        first = True
        for idi in user_route_clusters['clusters'][idx]:
            # print(Sections.find({'_id': idi}).count())
            section = Sections.find_one({'_id': idi})
            if first:
                print section
                first = False
            color = '#%02X%02X%02X' % (r(), r(), r())
            drawSection(section, 'path', gmap, color)
        gmap.draw(str(user_id) + '_' + method + '_' + str(i) + '.html')
        i += 1
def compareTrips(section1, section2):
    startPoint = section1['section_start_point']['coordinates']
    # coordinates are in GeoJSON format, ie lng, lat
    gmap = pygmaps.maps(startPoint[1], startPoint[0], 14)
    drawSection(section1, PATH,gmap,COLOR[1])
    drawSection(section2, PATH,gmap,COLOR[4])
def plot_each_route_cluster_for_user(user_id,method='lcs'):
    Sections = get_section_db()
    user_route_clusters = get_routeCluster_db().find_one({'$and':[{'user':user_id},{'method':method}]})
    # plot each cluster as a file.
    for idx in user_route_clusters['clusters'].keys():
        print idx
        gmap = pygmaps.maps(37.8717, -122.2728, 14)
        # gmap = pygmaps.maps(getRoute(idx)[0][0], getRoute(idx)[0][1], 14)
        section=Sections.find_one({'_id': idx})
        r = lambda: random.randint(0,255)
        color = '#%02X%02X%02X' % (r(),r(),r())
        drawSection(section, 'path', gmap,color)
        print len(user_route_clusters['clusters'][idx])
        first = True
        for idi in user_route_clusters['clusters'][idx]:
            # print(Sections.find({'_id': idi}).count())
            section=Sections.find_one({'_id': idi})
            if first:
                print section
                first = False
            color = '#%02X%02X%02X' % (r(),r(),r())
            drawSection(section, 'path', gmap,color)
        gmap.draw(str(user_id) + '_'+ method+ '_'+str(i) + '.html')
def display_trip(user, date, option):
    user_id = UUID(user)
    user_home = detect_home(user_id)
    gmap = pygmaps.maps(user_home[1], user_home[0], 14)
    start, end = Date(date)
    for section in get_section_db().find({"$and":[{'user_id':user_id},{"section_start_datetime": {"$gte": start, "$lt": end}}]}):
        drawSection(section, option, gmap)
    gmap.draw('gmap_display/' + str(start)[:10] + '_' + user + '.html')
def drawSectionsFromList(sectionIdList, outPath):
    sectionJsonList = [get_section_db().find_one({"_id": sid}) for sid in sectionIdList]

    bounds = tauq.get_bounds(sectionJsonList)
    gmap = pygmaps.maps((bounds[0].lat + bounds[1].lat)/2, (bounds[0].lon + bounds[1].lon)/2, 10)

    drawSections(sectionJsonList, ALL, gmap, "random")
def display_home(): 
        mymap_home = pygmaps.maps(37.8556475757, -122.248774009,14)
        for user in get_section_db().distinct('user_id'):
            if user_home!='N/A':
                mymap_home.addpoint(user_home[1], user_home[0], "#FF0000")
Beispiel #7
def plot_common_routes_for_user(user_id, method='lcs'):
    Sections = get_section_db()
    idxs = get_common_routes_for_user(user_id, method)
    gmap = pygmaps.maps(37.8717, -122.2728, 14)
    for idx in idxs:
        r = lambda: random.randint(0, 255)
        color = '#%02X%02X%02X' % (r(), r(), r())
        section = Sections.find_one({'_id': idx})
        print section
        drawSection(section, 'path', gmap, color)
    gmap.draw(str(user_id) + '_' + method + '.html')
def plot_common_routes_for_user(user_id,method='lcs'):
    Sections = get_section_db()
    idxs = get_common_routes_for_user(user_id,method)
    gmap = pygmaps.maps(37.8717, -122.2728, 14)
    for idx in idxs:
        r = lambda: random.randint(0,255)
        color = '#%02X%02X%02X' % (r(),r(),r())
        section = Sections.find_one({'_id': idx})
        print section
    gmap.draw(str(user_id) + '_'+ method + '.html')
def drawSectionsFromList(sectionIdList, outPath):
    sectionJsonList = [
        get_section_db().find_one({"_id": sid}) for sid in sectionIdList

    bounds = tauq.get_bounds(sectionJsonList)
    gmap = pygmaps.maps((bounds[0].lat + bounds[1].lat) / 2,
                        (bounds[0].lon + bounds[1].lon) / 2, 10)

    drawSections(sectionJsonList, ALL, gmap, "random")
Beispiel #10
def searchTrip(user, period, startpoint, endpoint, mode, option):
    user_id = UUID(user)
    user_home = detect_home(user_id)
    gmap = pygmaps.maps(user_home[1], user_home[0], 14)
    start, end = Date(period)
    sectionList = []
    startpoint = Geocoder.geocode(startpoint)[0].coordinates
    endpoint = Geocoder.geocode(endpoint)[0].coordinates

    for section in get_section_db().find({
            "$and": [{
                "mode": mode
            }, {
                "mode": {
                    "$ne": 'airplane'
            }, {
                "mode": {
                    "$ne": 7
            }, {
                "section_start_point": {
                    "$ne": None
            }, {
                "section_end_point": {
                    "$ne": None
        point_start = section['section_start_point']['coordinates']
        point_end = section['section_end_point']['coordinates']
        if calDistance(startpoint, point_start) < 100 and calDistance(
                endpoint, point_end) < 100:
            gmap.addpoint(point_end[1], point_end[0], COLOR[1])
            gmap.addpoint(point_start[1], point_start[0], COLOR[1])
        drawSection(section, option, gmap)
    gmap.draw('gmap_display/' + 'SearchResult' + str(start)[:10] + '-' +
              str(end)[:10] + '_' + user + '.html')
def searchTrip(user, period, startpoint, endpoint, mode, option):
    user_id = UUID(user)
    user_home = detect_home(user_id)
    gmap = pygmaps.maps(user_home[1], user_home[0], 14)
    start, end = Date(period)
    sectionList = []
    startpoint = Geocoder.geocode(startpoint)[0].coordinates
    endpoint = Geocoder.geocode(endpoint)[0].coordinates

    for section in get_section_db().find({"$and":[
        {"mode": mode},
        {"mode": {"$ne": 'airplane'}},
        {"mode": {"$ne":7}},
        {"section_start_point": {"$ne": None}},
        {"section_end_point": {"$ne": None}}]}):
        point_start = section['section_start_point']['coordinates']
        point_end = section['section_end_point']['coordinates']
        if calDistance(startpoint, point_start) < 100 and calDistance(endpoint, point_end) < 100:
            gmap.addpoint(point_end[1], point_end[0], COLOR[1])
            gmap.addpoint(point_start[1], point_start[0], COLOR[1])
        drawSection(section, option, gmap)
    gmap.draw('gmap_display/' + 'SearchResult' + str(start)[:10] + '-' + str(end)[:10] + '_' + user + '.html')
Beispiel #12
        get_section_db().find_one({"_id": sid}) for sid in sectionIdList

    bounds = tauq.get_bounds(sectionJsonList)
    gmap = pygmaps.maps((bounds[0].lat + bounds[1].lat) / 2,
                        (bounds[0].lon + bounds[1].lon) / 2, 10)

    drawSections(sectionJsonList, ALL, gmap, "random")

def drawSectionsSeparatelyFromId(sectionIdList, outPath):
        [get_section_db().find_one({"_id": sid}) for sid in sectionIdList],

def drawSectionsSeparately(sectionJSONList, outPath):
    except OSError, e:
        logging.warn("Error %s while creating result directory" % e)

    for sectionJSON in sectionJSONList:
        print("Drawing section %s" % sectionJSON)
        sectionCenter = tauq.get_center_for_section(sectionJSON)
        gmap = pygmaps.maps(sectionCenter[0], sectionCenter[1], 10)
        drawSection(sectionJSON, ALL, gmap, "#000000")
        gmap.draw("%s/%s.html" % (outPath, sectionJSON["_id"]))
        Given a user plot all the trips for that user
    sections = db.Stage_Sections.find({'user_id': user_uuid})
    drawSections(sections, ALL, gmap)

def drawSectionsFromList(sectionIdList, outPath):
    sectionJsonList = [get_section_db().find_one({"_id": sid}) for sid in sectionIdList]

    bounds = tauq.get_bounds(sectionJsonList)
    gmap = pygmaps.maps((bounds[0].lat + bounds[1].lat)/2, (bounds[0].lon + bounds[1].lon)/2, 10)

    drawSections(sectionJsonList, ALL, gmap, "random")

def drawSectionsSeparatelyFromId(sectionIdList, outPath):
    drawSectionsSeparately([get_section_db().find_one({"_id": sid}) for sid in sectionIdList], outPath)

def drawSectionsSeparately(sectionJSONList, outPath):
    except OSError, e:
        logging.warn("Error %s while creating result directory" % e)

    for sectionJSON in sectionJSONList:
        print ("Drawing section %s" % sectionJSON)
        sectionCenter = tauq.get_center_for_section(sectionJSON)
        gmap = pygmaps.maps(sectionCenter[0], sectionCenter[1], 10)
        drawSection(sectionJSON, ALL, gmap, "#000000")
        gmap.draw("%s/%s.html" % (outPath, sectionJSON["_id"]))