def nextReaction(x, t, stateChangeMat, dependencyGraph, oldRates, jumpTimes, transitionFunc):
    The next reaction method

    # smallest time :)
    index = numpy.argmin(jumpTimes)
    # moving state and time
    newX = _updateStateWithJump(x, index, stateChangeMat)
    t = jumpTimes[index]
    # recalculate the new transition matrix
    if hasattr(transitionFunc, '__call__'):
        rates = transitionFunc(x,t)
        # update the jump time
        jumpTimes[index] = t + rexp(1, rates[index])
    elif hasattr(transitionFunc, '__iter__'):
        jumpTimes[index] = t + rexp(1, transitionFunc[index](x, t))
        raise InputError("transitionFunc should be a callable or a list of callable")

    # then go through the remaining transitions
    for i, anew in enumerate(rates):
        # obviously, not the target transition as we have already fixed it
        if i != index:
            # and only if the rate has been affected by the state update
            if dependencyGraph[i,index] != 0:
                aold = oldRates[i]
                if anew > 0:
                    jumpTimes[i] = (aold/anew)*(jumpTimes[i] - t) + t
                    jumpTimes[i] = numpy.Inf
        # done :)
        return newX, t, True, rates, jumpTimes
        raise SimulationError("Cannot perform any more reactions")
def _newJumpTimes(rates):
    Generate the new jump times assuming that the rates follow an exponential
    tau = [rexp(1, r) if r > 0 else numpy.Inf for r in rates]
    return numpy.array(tau)
Beispiel #3
def _newJumpTimes(rates):
    Generate the new jump times assuming that the rates follow an exponential
    tau = [rexp(1, r) if r > 0 else numpy.Inf for r in rates]
    return numpy.array(tau)
Beispiel #4
def directReaction(x, t, stateChangeMat, transitionFunc, seed=None):
    The direct reaction method.  Same as :func:`firstReaction` for both
    input and output, only differ in internal computation

    if seed: seed = np.random.RandomState()

    rates = transitionFunc(x, t)
    totalRate = sum(rates)
    jumpRate = np.cumsum(rates)

    if totalRate > 0:
        jumpTime = rexp(1, totalRate, seed=seed)
        # U \sim \UnifDist[0,1]
        U = runif(1)
        targetRate = totalRate * U
        # find the index that covers the probability of jump using binary search
        transitionIndex = np.searchsorted(jumpRate, targetRate)
        # we can move!! move particles
        newX = _updateStateWithJump(x, transitionIndex, stateChangeMat)
        return _checkJump(x, newX, t, jumpTime)
        # we can't jump
        raise SimulationError("Cannot perform any more reactions")
def _newJumpTimes(rates, seed=None):
    Generate the new jump times assuming that the rates follow an exponential

    tau = [rexp(1, r, seed=seed) if r > 0 else np.Inf for r in rates]
    return np.array(tau)
def nextReaction(x,
    The next reaction method

    # smallest time :)
    index = np.argmin(jump_times)
    # moving state and time
    new_x = _updateStateWithJump(x, index, state_change_mat)
    t = jump_times[index]
    # recalculate the new transition matrix
    if hasattr(transition_func, '__call__'):
        rates = transition_func(x, t)
        # update the jump time
        jump_times[index] = t + rexp(1, rates[index], seed=seed)
    elif hasattr(transition_func, '__iter__'):
        rates = transition_func[index](x, t)
        jump_times[index] = t + rexp(1, rates, seed=seed)
        raise InputError(
            "transition_func should be a single or list of callable")

    # then go through the remaining transitions
    for i, anew in enumerate(rates):
        # obviously, not the target transition as we have already fixed it
        if i != index:
            # and only if the rate has been affected by the state update
            if dependency_graph[i, index] != 0:
                aold = old_rates[i]
                if anew > 0:
                    jump_times[i] = (aold / anew) * (jump_times[i] - t) + t
                    jump_times[i] = np.Inf
        # done :)
        return new_x, t, True, rates, jump_times
        raise SimulationError("Cannot perform any more reactions")
def directReaction(x, t, stateChangeMat, transitionFunc):
    The direct reaction method.  Same as :func:`firstReaction` for both
    input and output, only differ in internal computation
    rates = transitionFunc(x,t)
    totalRate = sum(rates)
    jumpRate = numpy.cumsum(rates)

    if totalRate > 0:
        jumpTime = rexp(1, totalRate)
        # U \sim \UnifDist[0,1]
        U = runif(1)
        targetRate = totalRate * U
        # find the index that covers the probability of jump using binary search
        transitionIndex = numpy.searchsorted(jumpRate, targetRate)
        # we can move!! move particles
        newX = _updateStateWithJump(x, transitionIndex, stateChangeMat)
        return _checkJump(x, newX, t, jumpTime)
        # we can't jump
        raise SimulationError("Cannot perform any more reactions")
def directReaction(x, t, state_change_mat, transition_func, seed=None):
    The direct reaction method.  Same as :func:`firstReaction` for both
    input and output, only differ in internal computation

    rates = transition_func(x, t)
    total_rate = sum(rates)
    jump_rate = np.cumsum(rates)

    if total_rate > 0:
        jump_time = rexp(1, total_rate, seed=seed)
        # U \sim \UnifDist[0,1]
        u = runif(1)
        target_rate = total_rate * u
        # find the index that covers the probability of jump using binary search
        transition_index = np.searchsorted(jump_rate, target_rate)
        # we can move!! move particles
        new_x = _updateStateWithJump(x, transition_index, state_change_mat)
        return _checkJump(x, new_x, t, jump_time)
        # we can't jump
        raise SimulationError("Cannot perform any more reactions")