Beispiel #1
class DotGraphSearchProblem(Problem):
    def __init__(self, filename):
        self.G = AGraph(filename)
        xs = [(nodo, nodo.attr.get("initial", None))
              for nodo in self.G.iternodes()]
        xs = [x for x in xs if x[1]]
        if len(xs) == 0:
            raise BadInputGraph("Missing 'initial' node")
        elif len(xs) > 1:
            raise BadInputGraph("Cannot have two initial nodes")
        if not any(nodo.attr.get("goal", None) for nodo in self.G.iternodes()):
            raise BadInputGraph("Missing a goal state '[goal=\"1\"]'")
        super(DotGraphSearchProblem, self).__init__(xs[0][0])
        self.initial_state.attr["shape"] = "doublecircle"
        for node in self.G.iternodes():
            if self.is_goal(node):
                node.attr["shape"] = "hexagon"
                node.attr["color"] = "blue"
        self.seen = set()
        for edge in self.G.iteredges():
            edge.attr["style"] = "dotted"
            x = edge.attr.get("weight", None)
            if x:
                x = int(x)
                x = 1
            edge.attr["weight"] = x
            edge.attr["label"] = x

    def actions(self, state):
        assert state in self.G
        if self.G.is_directed():
            return self.G.itersucc(state)
            assert self.G.is_undirected()
            return self.G.iterneighbors(state)

    def result(self, state, action):
        assert state in self.G and action in self.G
        return action

    def cost(self, state1, action, state2):
        assert state1 in self.G and action in self.G and action == state2
        x = self.G.get_edge(state1, state2).attr["weight"]
        if float(x) == int(x):
            return int(x)
            return float(x)

    def visit(self, state):
        if state in self.seen:
        attr = self.G.get_node(state).attr
        attr["color"] = "firebrick"

    def is_goal(self, state):
        return bool(state.attr.get("goal", False))

    def value(self, state):
        assert state in self.G
        value = self.G.get_node(state).attr.get("value", None)
        if not value:
            return 0
        return float(value)
Beispiel #2
class DotGraphSearchProblem(Problem):
    Playground for stuff in the library... eats a .dot graph and allows you
    to try it with the search methods.
    def __init__(self, filename):
        self.G = AGraph(filename)
        xs = [(nodo, nodo.attr.get("initial", None))
              for nodo in self.G.iternodes()]
        xs = [x for x in xs if x[1]]
        if len(xs) == 0:
            raise BadInputGraph("Missing 'initial' node")
        elif len(xs) > 1:
            raise BadInputGraph("Cannot have two initial nodes")
        if not any(nodo.attr.get("goal", None) for nodo in self.G.iternodes()):
            raise BadInputGraph("Missing a goal state '[goal=\"1\"]'")
        super(DotGraphSearchProblem, self).__init__(xs[0][0])
        self.initial_state.attr["shape"] = "doublecircle"
        for node in self.G.iternodes():
            if self.is_goal(node):
                node.attr["shape"] = "hexagon"
                node.attr["color"] = "blue"
        self.seen = set()
        for edge in self.G.iteredges():
            edge.attr["style"] = "dotted"
            x = edge.attr.get("weight", None)
            if x:
                x = int(x)
                x = 1
            edge.attr["weight"] = x
            edge.attr["label"] = x

    def actions(self, state):
        assert state in self.G
        if self.G.is_directed():
            return self.G.itersucc(state)
            assert self.G.is_undirected()
            return self.G.iterneighbors(state)

    def result(self, state, action):
        assert state in self.G and action in self.G
        return action

    def cost(self, state1, action, state2):
        assert state1 in self.G and action in self.G and action == state2
        x = self.G.get_edge(state1, state2).attr["weight"]
        if float(x) == int(x):
            return int(x)
            return float(x)

    def visit(self, state):
        if state in self.seen:
        attr = self.G.get_node(state).attr
        attr["color"] = "firebrick"

    def is_goal(self, state):
        return bool(state.attr.get("goal", False))

    def value(self, state):
        assert state in self.G
        value = self.G.get_node(state).attr.get("value", None)
        if not value:
            return 0
        return float(value)