Beispiel #1
def print_type(gtype, nonnull=True, except_types=()):
    if isinstance(gtype, except_types):
        raise ValidationError(f'{gtype} is not a valid type')
    literal = None
    if is_union(gtype):
        if is_optional(gtype):
            return f'{print_type(gtype.__args__[0], nonnull=False, except_types=except_types)}'  # noqa
            raise ValidationError(
                f'Native Union type is not supported except Optional')
    elif is_list(gtype):
        literal = f'[{print_type(gtype.__args__[0], except_types=except_types)}]'  # noqa
    elif isinstance(gtype, types.ObjectType):
        literal = f'{gtype.__name__}'
    elif gtype in VALID_BASIC_TYPES:
        literal = VALID_BASIC_TYPES[gtype]
    elif gtype is None or gtype == type(None):  # noqa
        return 'null'
    elif isinstance(gtype, types.UnionType):
        literal = f'{gtype.__name__}'
    elif isinstance(gtype, types.EnumType):
        literal = f'{gtype.__name__}'
    elif isinstance(gtype, types.InputType):
        literal = f'{gtype.__name__}'
    elif isinstance(gtype, types.InterfaceType):
        literal = f'{gtype.__name__}'
        raise ValidationError(f'Can not convert type {gtype} to GraphQL type')

    if nonnull:
        literal += '!'
    return literal
Beispiel #2
 def validate(cls):
     for name, field in cls.__fields__.items():
         if name not in cls.VALID_ROOT_TYPES:
             raise ValidationError(
                 f'The valid root type must be {cls.VALID_ROOT_TYPES},'
                 f' rather than {name}')
         if not isinstance(field, Field):
             raise ValidationError(f'{field} is an invalid field type')
         if not is_optional(field.ftype):
             raise ValidationError(
                 f'The return type of root object should be Optional')
         if not isinstance(field.ftype.__args__[0], ObjectType):
             raise ValidationError(
                 f'The typt of root object must be an Object, rather than {field.ftype}'
Beispiel #3
def load_variable(variable, ptype):
    if isinstance(ptype, types.InputType):
        data = {}
        keys = ptype.__dataclass_fields__.keys()
        for key, value in variable.items():
            snake_cases = to_snake_case(key)
            data[snake_cases if key not in keys else key] = load_variable(
                value, ptype.__fields__[snake_cases].ftype)
        return ptype(**data)
    elif is_list(ptype):
        return [load_variable(i, ptype.__args__[0]) for i in variable]
    elif is_optional(ptype):
        if variable is None:
            return None
        return load_variable(variable, ptype.__args__[0])
    elif isinstance(ptype, types.EnumType):
        return getattr(ptype, variable)
        return variable
Beispiel #4
    def __check_return_type__(cls, return_type, result):
        if is_optional(return_type):
            if result is None:
                return True
            return cls.__check_return_type__(return_type.__args__[0], result)
        elif is_list(return_type):
            if len(result) == 0:
                return True
            for item in result:
                if not cls.__check_return_type__(return_type.__args__[0],
                    return False
                return True
        elif isinstance(return_type, types.UnionType):
            for member in return_type.members:
                if cls.__check_return_type__(member, result):
                    return True
        elif isinstance(result, return_type):
            return True

        return False
Beispiel #5
def test_is_optional():
    assert is_optional(typing.Optional[str]) is True
    assert is_optional(typing.Union[str, None]) is True
    assert is_optional(typing.Union[str, int, None]) is False