Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, circuits, model, dataset=None,
                 num_sub_tables=None, num_table_processors=1,
                 num_param_dimension_processors=(), param_dimensions=(), param_dimension_blk_sizes=(),
                 resource_alloc=None, verbosity=0):

        unique_circuits, to_unique = self._compute_unique_circuits(circuits)
        aliases = circuits.op_label_aliases if isinstance(circuits, _CircuitList) else None
        ds_circuits = _lt.apply_aliases_to_circuits(unique_circuits, aliases)
        unique_complete_circuits = [model.complete_circuit(c) for c in unique_circuits]

        #Create evenly divided groups of indices of unique_complete_circuits
        max_sub_table_size = None  # was an argument but never used; remove in future
        assert(max_sub_table_size is None), "No support for size-limited subtables yet!"
        ngroups = num_sub_tables
        groups = [set(sub_array) for sub_array in _np.array_split(range(len(unique_complete_circuits)), ngroups)]

        #atoms = []
        #elindex_outcome_tuples = {unique_i: list() for unique_i in range(len(unique_circuits))}
        #offset = 0
        #for group in groups:
        #    atoms.append(_TermCOPALayoutAtom(unique_complete_circuits, ds_circuits, group, model,
        #                                     dataset, offset, elindex_outcome_tuples))
        #    offset += atoms[-1].num_elements

        def _create_atom(group):
            return _TermCOPALayoutAtom(unique_complete_circuits, ds_circuits, group, model, dataset)

        super().__init__(circuits, unique_circuits, to_unique, unique_complete_circuits,
                         _create_atom, groups, num_table_processors,
                         num_param_dimension_processors, param_dimensions,
                         param_dimension_blk_sizes, resource_alloc, verbosity)
Beispiel #2
    def apply_aliases(self):
        Applies any operation-label aliases to this circuit list.

            A list of :class:`Circuit`s.
        return _lt.apply_aliases_to_circuits(self._circuits,
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, circuits, model, dataset=None, num_sub_trees=None, num_tree_processors=1,
                 num_param_dimension_processors=(), param_dimensions=(),
                 param_dimension_blk_sizes=(), resource_alloc=None, verbosity=0):

        #OUTDATED: TODO - revise this:
        # 1. pre-process => get complete circuits => spam-tuples list for each no-spam circuit (no expanding yet)
        # 2. decide how to divide no-spam circuits into groups corresponding to sub-strategies
        #    - create tree of no-spam circuits (may contain instruments, etc, just not SPAM)
        #    - heuristically find groups of circuits that meet criteria
        # 3. separately create a tree of no-spam expanded circuits originating from each group => self.atoms
        # 4. assign "cache" and element indices so that a) all elements of a tree are contiguous
        #    and b) elements with the same spam-tuple are continguous.
        # 5. initialize base class with given per-original-circuit element indices.

        unique_circuits, to_unique = self._compute_unique_circuits(circuits)
        aliases = circuits.op_label_aliases if isinstance(circuits, _CircuitList) else None
        ds_circuits = _lt.apply_aliases_to_circuits(unique_circuits, aliases)
        unique_complete_circuits = [model.complete_circuit(c) for c in unique_circuits]
        #Note: "unique" means a unique circuit *before* circuit-completion, so there could be duplicate
        # "unique circuits" after completion, e.g. "rho0Gx" and "Gx" could both complete to "rho0GxMdefault_0".

        circuits_by_unique_nospam_circuits = _collections.OrderedDict()
        for i, c in enumerate(unique_complete_circuits):
            _, nospam_c, _ = model.split_circuit(c)
            if nospam_c in circuits_by_unique_nospam_circuits:
                circuits_by_unique_nospam_circuits[nospam_c] = [i]
        unique_nospam_circuits = list(circuits_by_unique_nospam_circuits.keys())

        # Split circuits into groups that will make good subtrees (all procs do this)
        max_sub_tree_size = None  # removed from being an argument (unused)
        if (num_sub_trees is not None and num_sub_trees > 1) or max_sub_tree_size is not None:
            circuit_tree = _EvalTree.create(unique_nospam_circuits)
            groups, helpful_scratch = circuit_tree.find_splitting(len(unique_nospam_circuits),
                                                                  max_sub_tree_size, num_sub_trees, verbosity - 1)
            #print("%d circuits => tree of size %d" % (len(unique_nospam_circuits), len(circuit_tree)))
            groups = [set(range(len(unique_nospam_circuits)))]
            helpful_scratch = [set()]
        # (elements of `groups` contain indices into `unique_nospam_circuits`)

        # Divide `groups` into num_tree_processors roughly equal sets (each containing
        # potentially multiple groups)
        #my_group_indices, group_owners, grp_subcomm = self._distribute(num_tree_processors, len(groups),
        #                                                                resource_alloc, verbosity)
        #my_group_indices = set(my_group_indices)

        #my_atoms = []
        #elindex_outcome_tuples = _collections.OrderedDict([
        #    (orig_i, list()) for orig_i in range(len(unique_circuits))])
        #offset = 0
        #for i, (group, helpful_scratch_group) in enumerate(zip(groups, helpful_scratch)):
        #    if i not in my_group_indices: continue
        #    my_atoms.append(_MatrixCOPALayoutAtom(unique_complete_circuits, unique_nospam_circuits,
        #                                       circuits_by_unique_nospam_circuits, ds_circuits,
        #                                       group, helpful_scratch_group, model, dataset, offset,
        #                                       elindex_outcome_tuples))
        #    offset += my_atoms[-1].num_elements

        def _create_atom(args):
            group, helpful_scratch_group = args
            return _MatrixCOPALayoutAtom(unique_complete_circuits, unique_nospam_circuits,
                                         circuits_by_unique_nospam_circuits, ds_circuits,
                                         group, helpful_scratch_group, model, dataset)

        super().__init__(circuits, unique_circuits, to_unique, unique_complete_circuits,
                         _create_atom, list(zip(groups, helpful_scratch)), num_tree_processors,
                         num_param_dimension_processors, param_dimensions,
                         param_dimension_blk_sizes, resource_alloc, verbosity)
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self,

        unique_circuits, to_unique = self._compute_unique_circuits(circuits)
        aliases = circuits.op_label_aliases if isinstance(
            circuits, _CircuitList) else None
        ds_circuits = _lt.apply_aliases_to_circuits(unique_circuits, aliases)
        unique_complete_circuits = [
            model.complete_circuit(c) for c in unique_circuits
        unique_povmless_circuits = [
            model.split_circuit(c, split_prep=False)[1]
            for c in unique_complete_circuits

        max_sub_table_size = None  # was an argument but never used; remove in future
        if (num_sub_tables is not None
                and num_sub_tables > 1) or max_sub_table_size is not None:
            circuit_table = _PrefixTable(unique_povmless_circuits,
            groups = circuit_table.find_splitting(max_sub_table_size,
            groups = [set(range(len(unique_complete_circuits)))]

        #atoms = []
        #elindex_outcome_tuples = _collections.OrderedDict(
        #    [(unique_i, list()) for unique_i in range(len(unique_circuits))])

        #offset = 0
        #for group in groups:
        #    atoms.append(_MapCOPALayoutAtom(unique_complete_circuits, ds_circuits, to_orig, group,
        #                                    model, dataset, offset, elindex_outcome_tuples, max_cache_size))
        #    offset += atoms[-1].num_elements

        def _create_atom(group):
            return _MapCOPALayoutAtom(unique_complete_circuits, ds_circuits,
                                      group, model, dataset, max_cache_size)

        super().__init__(circuits, unique_circuits, to_unique,
                         unique_complete_circuits, _create_atom, groups,
                         num_table_processors, num_param_dimension_processors,
                         param_dimensions, param_dimension_blk_sizes,
                         resource_alloc, verbosity)

        # For time dependent calcs:
        # connect unique -> orig indices of final layout now that base class has created it
        # (don't do this before because the .circuits of this local layout may not be *all* the circuits,
        # or in the same order - this is only true in the *global* layout.
        unique_to_orig = {
            unique_i: orig_i
            for orig_i, unique_i in self._to_unique.items()
        }  # unique => orig. indices
        for atom in self.atoms:
            for expanded_circuit_i, unique_i in atom.unique_indices_by_expcircuit.items(
                    expanded_circuit_i] = unique_to_orig[unique_i]
Beispiel #5
    def create_from(cls,
        Creates a simple layout from a list of circuits.

        Optionally, a model can be used to "complete" (add implied prep or POVM layers)
        circuits, and a dataset to restrict the layout's elements to the observed outcomes.

        circuits : list of Circuits
            The circuits to include in the layout.  Note that the produced layout may not
            retain the ordering of these circuits internally, but that it's `.global_layout`

        model : Model, optional
            A model used to "complete" the circuits (add implied prep and/or POVM layers).
            Usually this is a/the model that will be used to compute outcomes probabilities
            using this layout.  If `None`, then each element of `circuits` is assumed to
            be a complete circuit, i.e., to begin with a state preparation layer and end
            with a POVM layer.

        dataset : DataSet, optional
            If not None, restrict what is simplified to only those
            probabilities corresponding to non-zero counts (observed
            outcomes) in this data set.

        param_dimensions : tuple, optional
            A tuple containing, optionally, the parameter-space dimension used when taking first
            and second derivatives with respect to the circuit outcome probabilities.

        resource_alloc : ResourceAllocation, optional
            The resources available for computing circuit outcome probabilities.

        circuits = circuits if isinstance(
            circuits, _CircuitList) else _CircuitList(circuits)
        unique_circuits, to_unique = cls._compute_unique_circuits(circuits)
        unique_complete_circuits = [model.complete_circuit(c) for c in unique_circuits] \
            if (model is not None) else unique_circuits[:]
        ds_circuits = _lt.apply_aliases_to_circuits(unique_circuits,

        # Create a dict of the "present outcomes" of each circuit, defined as those outcomes
        #  for which `dataset` contains data (if `dataset is None` treat *all* outcomes as present).
        #  Note: `circuits` may have duplicates; this is ok: `dataset` doesn't have duplicates so outcomes are the same.
        #  Note2: dict keys are integer unique-circuit indices rather than complete circuits for hashing speed.

        # If we don't need to expand the instruments and POVMs, then just use the outcomes
        # given in the dataset or by the op container.
        if dataset is not None:
            present_outcomes = {
                i: dataset[ds_c].outcomes
                for i, ds_c in enumerate(ds_circuits)
            present_outcomes = {
                i: model.circuit_outcomes(c)
                for i, c in enumerate(unique_circuits)

        # Step3: create a dictionary of element indices by concatenating the present outcomes of all
        #  the circuits in order.
        elindex_outcome_tuples = _collections.OrderedDict()
        k = 0
        for i, c in enumerate(circuits):
            num_outcomes = len(present_outcomes[i])
            elindex_outcome_tuples[i] = tuple([
                (k + j, outcome)
                for j, outcome in enumerate(present_outcomes[i])
            k += num_outcomes

        return cls(circuits, unique_circuits, to_unique,
                   elindex_outcome_tuples, unique_complete_circuits,
                   param_dimensions, resource_alloc)
Beispiel #6
def two_delta_logl_per_circuit(model, dataset, circuits=None,
                               min_prob_clip=1e-6, prob_clip_interval=(-1e6, 1e6), radius=1e-4,
                               poisson_picture=True, op_label_aliases=None,
                               dof_calc_method=None, wildcard=None,
                               mdc_store=None, comm=None):
    Twice the per-circuit difference between the maximum and actual log-likelihood.

    Contributions are aggregated over each circuit's outcomes, but no further.

    Optionally (when `dof_calc_method` is not None) returns parallel vectors
    containing the Nsigma (# std deviations from mean) and the p-value relative
    to expected chi^2 distribution for each sequence.

    model : Model
        Model of parameterized gates

    dataset : DataSet
        Probability data

    circuits : list of (tuples or Circuits), optional
        Each element specifies a circuit to include in the log-likelihood
        sum.  Default value of None implies all the circuits in dataset
        should be used.

    min_prob_clip : float, optional
        The minimum probability treated normally in the evaluation of the log-likelihood.
        A penalty function replaces the true log-likelihood for probabilities that lie
        below this threshold so that the log-likelihood never becomes undefined (which improves
        optimizer performance).

    prob_clip_interval : 2-tuple or None, optional
        (min,max) values used to clip the probabilities predicted by models during MLEGST's
        search for an optimal model (if not None).  if None, no clipping is performed.

    radius : float, optional
        Specifies the severity of rounding used to "patch" the zero-frequency
        terms of the log-likelihood.

    poisson_picture : boolean, optional
        Whether the log-likelihood-in-the-Poisson-picture terms should be included
        in the returned logl value.

    op_label_aliases : dictionary, optional
        Dictionary whose keys are operation label "aliases" and whose values are tuples
        corresponding to what that operation label should be expanded into before querying
        the dataset. Defaults to the empty dictionary (no aliases defined)
        e.g. op_label_aliases['Gx^3'] = ('Gx','Gx','Gx')

    dof_calc_method : {"all", "modeltest"}
        How `model`'s number of degrees of freedom (parameters) are obtained
        when computing the number of standard deviations and p-value relative to
        a chi2_k distribution, where `k` is additional degrees of freedom
        possessed by the maximal model.

    wildcard : WildcardBudget
        A wildcard budget to apply to this log-likelihood computation.
        This increases the returned log-likelihood value by adjusting
        (by a maximal amount measured in TVD, given by the budget) the
        probabilities produced by `model` to optimially match the data
        (within the bugetary constraints) evaluating the log-likelihood.

    mdc_store : ModelDatasetCircuitsStore, optional
        An object that bundles cached quantities along with a given model, dataset, and circuit
        list.  If given, `model` and `dataset` and `circuits` should be set to None.

    comm : mpi4py.MPI.Comm, optional
        When not None, an MPI communicator for distributing the computation
        across multiple processors.

    twoDeltaLogL_terms : numpy.ndarray
    Nsigma, pvalue : numpy.ndarray
        Only returned when `dof_calc_method` is not None.
    from ..objectivefns import objectivefns as _objfns
    obj_cls = _objfns.PoissonPicDeltaLogLFunction if poisson_picture else _objfns.DeltaLogLFunction
    obj = _objfns._objfn(obj_cls, model, dataset, circuits,
                         {'min_prob_clip': min_prob_clip,
                          'radius': radius}, {'prob_clip_interval': prob_clip_interval},
                         op_label_aliases, comm, None, ('percircuit',), (), mdc_store)

    if wildcard:
        assert(poisson_picture), "Wildcard budgets can only be used with `poisson_picture=True`"
        obj.percircuit()  # objfn used within wildcard objective fn must be pre-evaluated
        obj = _objfns.LogLWildcardFunction(obj, model.to_vector(), wildcard)

    two_dlogl_percircuit = 2 * obj.layout.allgather_local_array('c', obj.percircuit())

    if dof_calc_method is None: return two_dlogl_percircuit
    elif dof_calc_method == "all": mdl_dof = model.num_params
    elif dof_calc_method == "modeltest": mdl_dof = model.num_modeltest_params
    else: raise ValueError("Invalid `dof_calc_method` arg: %s" % dof_calc_method)

    if circuits is not None:
        ds_strs = _lt.apply_aliases_to_circuits(circuits, op_label_aliases)
    else: ds_strs = None

    ds_dof = dataset.degrees_of_freedom(ds_strs)
    k = max(ds_dof - mdl_dof, 1)
    # HACK - just take a single average #dof per circuit to use as chi_k distribution!
    k = int(_np.ceil(k / (1.0 * len(circuits))))

    nsigma = (two_dlogl_percircuit - k) / _np.sqrt(2 * k)
    pvalue = _np.array([1.0 - _stats.chi2.cdf(x, k) for x in two_dlogl_percircuit], 'd')
    return two_dlogl_percircuit, nsigma, pvalue
Beispiel #7
def two_delta_logl(model, dataset, circuits=None,
                   min_prob_clip=1e-6, prob_clip_interval=(-1e6, 1e6), radius=1e-4,
                   poisson_picture=True, op_label_aliases=None,
                   dof_calc_method=None, wildcard=None,
                   mdc_store=None, comm=None):
    Twice the difference between the maximum and actual log-likelihood.

    Optionally also can return the Nsigma (# std deviations from mean) and
    p-value relative to expected chi^2 distribution (when `dof_calc_method`
    is not None).

    This function's arguments are supersets of :function:`logl`, and
    :function:`logl_max`. This is a convenience function, equivalent to
    `2*(logl_max(...) - logl(...))`, whose value is what is often called
    the *log-likelihood-ratio* between the "maximal model" (that which trivially
    fits the data exactly) and the model given by `model`.

    model : Model
        Model of parameterized gates

    dataset : DataSet
        Probability data

    circuits : list of (tuples or Circuits), optional
        Each element specifies a circuit to include in the log-likelihood
        sum.  Default value of None implies all the circuits in dataset
        should be used.

    min_prob_clip : float, optional
        The minimum probability treated normally in the evaluation of the log-likelihood.
        A penalty function replaces the true log-likelihood for probabilities that lie
        below this threshold so that the log-likelihood never becomes undefined (which improves
        optimizer performance).

    prob_clip_interval : 2-tuple or None, optional
        (min,max) values used to clip the probabilities predicted by models during MLEGST's
        search for an optimal model (if not None).  if None, no clipping is performed.

    radius : float, optional
        Specifies the severity of rounding used to "patch" the zero-frequency
        terms of the log-likelihood.

    poisson_picture : boolean, optional
        Whether the log-likelihood-in-the-Poisson-picture terms should be included
        in the computed log-likelihood values.

    op_label_aliases : dictionary, optional
        Dictionary whose keys are operation label "aliases" and whose values are tuples
        corresponding to what that operation label should be expanded into before querying
        the dataset. Defaults to the empty dictionary (no aliases defined)
        e.g. op_label_aliases['Gx^3'] = ('Gx','Gx','Gx')

    dof_calc_method : {None, "all", "modeltest"}
        How `model`'s number of degrees of freedom (parameters) are obtained
        when computing the number of standard deviations and p-value relative to
        a chi2_k distribution, where `k` is additional degrees of freedom
        possessed by the maximal model. If None, then `Nsigma` and `pvalue` are
        not returned (see below).

    wildcard : WildcardBudget
        A wildcard budget to apply to this log-likelihood computation.
        This increases the returned log-likelihood value by adjusting
        (by a maximal amount measured in TVD, given by the budget) the
        probabilities produced by `model` to optimially match the data
        (within the bugetary constraints) evaluating the log-likelihood.

    mdc_store : ModelDatasetCircuitsStore, optional
        An object that bundles cached quantities along with a given model, dataset, and circuit
        list.  If given, `model` and `dataset` and `circuits` should be set to None.

    comm : mpi4py.MPI.Comm, optional
        When not None, an MPI communicator for distributing the computation
        across multiple processors.

    twoDeltaLogL : float
        2*(loglikelihood(maximal_model,data) - loglikelihood(model,data))
    Nsigma, pvalue : float
        Only returned when `dof_calc_method` is not None.
    from ..objectivefns import objectivefns as _objfns
    obj_cls = _objfns.PoissonPicDeltaLogLFunction if poisson_picture else _objfns.DeltaLogLFunction
    obj = _objfns._objfn(obj_cls, model, dataset, circuits,
                         {'min_prob_clip': min_prob_clip,
                          'radius': radius},
                         {'prob_clip_interval': prob_clip_interval},
                         op_label_aliases, comm, None, ('terms',), (), mdc_store)

    if wildcard:
        assert(poisson_picture), "Wildcard budgets can only be used with `poisson_picture=True`"
        obj.terms()  # objfn used within wildcard objective fn must be pre-evaluated
        obj = _objfns.LogLWildcardFunction(obj, model.to_vector(), wildcard)

    two_delta_logl = 2 * obj.fn()  # gathers internally

    if dof_calc_method is None:
        return two_delta_logl
    elif dof_calc_method == "modeltest":
        mdl_dof = model.num_modeltest_params
    elif dof_calc_method == "all":
        mdl_dof = model.num_params
    else: raise ValueError("Invalid `dof_calc_method` arg: %s" % dof_calc_method)

    if circuits is not None:
        ds_strs = _lt.apply_aliases_to_circuits(circuits, op_label_aliases)
    else: ds_strs = None

    ds_dof = dataset.degrees_of_freedom(ds_strs)
    k = max(ds_dof - mdl_dof, 1)
    if ds_dof <= mdl_dof:
        _warnings.warn("Max-model params (%d) <= model params (%d)!  Using k == 1." % (ds_dof, mdl_dof))

    nsigma = (two_delta_logl - k) / _np.sqrt(2 * k)
    pvalue = 1.0 - _stats.chi2.cdf(two_delta_logl, k)
    return two_delta_logl, nsigma, pvalue