def loadSPK_waveclus(filename,time_edge=(0,60)):
    load Spikes sorted by wave_clus.
    filename: str
        Name of the spike (.mat) file 
    time_edge: tupple
        (0,60) (default) - Determine the x-axis limits in seconds. 
    mat = sio.loadmat(filename, struct_as_record=False, squeeze_me=True)
    clusters = mat['cluster_class'][:,0]
    times = mat['cluster_class'][:,1]/1000
    spikes = mat['spikes']
    features = mat['inspk']
    labels = []
    for cl in range(int(max(clusters))+1):
        labels.append('Cluster '+str(cl))
    Spikes = EventList(labels,time_edge)
    for idx,waveform in enumerate(spikes):
        tstamp = times[idx]
        clus = clusters[idx]
        feat= features[idx]
        spk = SpikeObj(waveform,tstamp,clus,feat)
    return Spikes
Beispiel #2
def findHFO_filtHilbert(Data,
                        window=('kaiser', 0.5),
    Find HFO by Filter-Hilbert method.
    Data: DataObj
        Data object to filt/find HFO
    low_cut: int
        Low cut frequency. 
    high_cut: int
        High cut frequency. If None, high_cut = nyrqst
    order: int, optional
        None (default) - Order of the filter calculated as 1/10 of sample rate
    window : string or tuple of string and parameter values
        Desired window to use. See `scipy.signal.get_window` for a list
        of windows and required parameters.
    ths : int, optional
        5 (default) - times value of threshold (5*STD for example) 
    ths_method: str, optional
        'STD' - Standard desviation above the mean
        'Tukey' - Interquartil interval above percentile 75
    min_dur: int, optional
        3 (default) - minimal number of cicle that event should last. Calculeted 
        the number of points that event should last by formula ceil(min_dur*sample_rate/high_cut)
    min_separation: int, optional
        2 (defalt) - minimal number of cicle that separete events. Calculetad 
        the number of points that separete events by formula ceil(min_separation*sample_rate/low_cut)
    if low_cut == None and high_cut == None:
        raise Exception('You should determine the cutting frequencies')
    sample_rate = Data.sample_rate
    # if no high cut, =nyrqst
    if high_cut == None:
        high_cut = sample_rate / 2

    cutoff = [low_cut, high_cut]
    # Transform min_dur from cicles to poinst - minimal duration of HFO (Default is 3 cicles)
    min_dur = math.ceil(min_dur * sample_rate / high_cut)
    # Transform min_separation from cicles to points - minimal separation between events
    min_separation = math.ceil(min_separation * sample_rate / low_cut)
    # filtering
    filtOBj = eegfilt(Data, low_cut, high_cut, order, window)
    nch = filtOBj.n_channels
    if order == None:
        order = int(sample_rate / 10)
    info = str(low_cut) + '-' + str(high_cut) + ' Hz filtering; order: ' + str(
        order) + ', window: ' + str(window) + ' ; ' + str(
            ths) + '*' + ths_method + '; min_dur = ' + str(
                min_dur) + '; min_separation = ' + str(min_separation)
    HFOs = EventList(Data.ch_labels, (Data.time_vec[0], Data.time_vec[-1]))
    if nch == 1:
        print 'Finding in channel'
        filt =
        env = np.abs(sig.hilbert(filt))
        if ths_method == 'STD':
            ths_value = np.mean(env) + ths * np.std(env)
        elif ths_method == 'Tukey':
            ths_value = np.percentile(
                75) + ths * (np.percentile(env, 75) - np.percentile(env, 25))
        start, end = findStartEnd(filt, env, ths_value, min_dur,
        for s, e in zip(start, end):
            index = np.arange(s, e)
            HFOwaveform = env[index]
            tstamp_points = s + np.argmax(HFOwaveform)
            tstamp = Data.time_vec[tstamp_points]
            Lindex = np.arange(tstamp_points - int(sample_rate / 2),
                               tstamp_points + int(sample_rate / 2) + 1)

            tstamp_idx = np.nonzero(Lindex == tstamp_points)[0][0]
            waveform = np.empty((Lindex.shape[0], 2))
            waveform[:] = np.NAN
            waveform[:, 0] =[Lindex]
            waveform[:, 1] =[Lindex]
            start_idx = np.nonzero(Lindex == s)[0][0]
            end_idx = np.nonzero(Lindex == e)[0][0]
            hfo = hfoObj(0, tstamp, tstamp_idx, waveform, start_idx, end_idx,
                         ths_value, sample_rate, cutoff, info)
        for ch in range(nch):
            if ch not in filtOBj.bad_channels:
                print 'Finding in channel ' + filtOBj.ch_labels[ch]
                filt =[:, ch]
                if energy:
                    env = np.abs(sig.hilbert(filt))**2
                    env = np.abs(sig.hilbert(filt))
                if ths_method == 'STD':
                    ths_value = np.mean(env) + ths * np.std(env)
                elif ths_method == 'Tukey':
                    ths_value = np.percentile(env, 75) + ths * (
                        np.percentile(env, 75) - np.percentile(env, 25))
                start, end = findStartEnd(filt, env, ths_value, min_dur,
                for s, e in zip(start, end):
                    index = np.arange(s, e)
                    HFOwaveform = env[index]
                    tstamp_points = s + np.argmax(HFOwaveform)
                    tstamp = Data.time_vec[tstamp_points]
                    Lindex = np.arange(
                        tstamp_points - int(sample_rate / 2),
                        tstamp_points + int(sample_rate / 2) + 1)

                    tstamp_idx = np.nonzero(Lindex == tstamp_points)[0][0]
                    waveform = np.empty((Lindex.shape[0], 2))
                    waveform[:] = np.NAN
                    waveform[:, 0] =[Lindex, ch]
                    waveform[:, 1] =[Lindex, ch]
                    start_idx = np.nonzero(Lindex == s)[0][0]
                    end_idx = np.nonzero(Lindex == e)[0][0]
                    hfo = hfoObj(ch, tstamp, tstamp_idx, waveform, start_idx,
                                 end_idx, ths_value, sample_rate, cutoff, info)
    return HFOs
def open_dataset(file_name,dataset_name,htype = 'auto'):
    open a dataset in a specific file_name
    file_name: str 
        Name of the HDF5 (.h5) file 
    dataset_name: str
        Name of dataset to open
    htype: str, optional
        auto (the default) - read htype from HDF file 
        Data - DataObj type
        Spike - SpikeObj type
        hfo - hfoObj type
    # reading h5 file
    h5 = h5py.File(file_name,'r+')
    # loading dataset
    dataset = h5[dataset_name]
    # getting htype
    if htype == 'auto':
        htype = dataset.attrs['htype']      
    if htype == 'Data':
        # Sample Rate attribute
        sample_rate = dataset.attrs['SampleRate[Hz]']
        n_points         = dataset.shape[0]
        end_time         = n_points/sample_rate
        # Amplitude Unit
        if 'amp_unit' in dataset.attrs:
            amp_unit = dataset.attrs['amp_unit']
            amp_unit = 'AU'
        # Time vector
        if 'Time_vec_edge' in dataset.attrs:
            edge = dataset.attrs['Time_vec_edge']
            time_vec = np.linspace(edge[0],edge[1],n_points,endpoint=False)
            time_vec = np.linspace(0,end_time,n_points,endpoint=False)
        # Check if has 'Bad_channels' attribute, if not, create one empty
        if len([x for x in dataset.attrs.keys() if x == 'Bad_channels']) == 0:
        # Load bad channels
        bad_channels = dataset.attrs["Bad_channels"]    
        # Creating dictionary
        Data = DataObj(dataset[:],sample_rate,amp_unit,dataset.attrs['Channel_Labels'],time_vec,bad_channels,file_name,dataset_name)
    elif htype == 'list':
        # Time vector
        keys  = dataset.keys()
        ch_labels = dataset.attrs['ch_labels']
        time_edge = dataset.attrs['time_edge']
        Data = EventList(ch_labels,time_edge,file_name,dataset_name)
        for k in keys:
            waveform =  dataset[k][:]
            tstamp = dataset[k].attrs['tstamp']
            evhtype = dataset[k].attrs['htype']
            if evhtype == 'Spike':
                clus = dataset[k].attrs['cluster']
                feat = dataset[k].attrs['features'] 
                spk = SpikeObj(waveform,tstamp,clus,feat)
            elif evhtype == 'HFO':
                channel = dataset[k].attrs['channel']
                tstamp_idx = dataset[k].attrs['tstamp_idx'] 
                start_idx  = dataset[k].attrs['start_idx']
                end_idx  = dataset[k].attrs['end_idx']
                ths_value  = dataset[k].attrs['ths_value']
                sample_rate = dataset[k].attrs['sample_rate']
                cutoff = dataset[k].attrs['cutoff']
                info = dataset[k].attrs['info']
                hfo = hfoObj(channel,tstamp,tstamp_idx, waveform,start_idx,end_idx,ths_value,sample_rate,cutoff,info)
    return Data