Beispiel #1
def main():
    num_blocks = 7
    s0 = gen_blocks_state(num_blocks, .8, start_state=True) 

    g = gen_blocks_state(num_blocks, .8)

    goal = pyhop2.Multigoal('random goal')
    goal.pos = g.pos

    import sys
    print(pyhop2.find_plan(s0, [goal]))
Beispiel #2
    ('station', 'downtown'): 2

# prototypical initial state
state0 = pyhop2.State()
state0.loc = {
    'alice': 'home_a',
    'bob': 'home_b',
    'taxi1': 'downtown',
    'taxi2': 'station'
} = {'alice': 20, 'bob': 15}
state0.owe = {'alice': 0}

# initial goal
goal1 = pyhop2.Multigoal('goal1')
goal1.loc = {'alice': 'park'}

# another initial goal
goal2 = pyhop2.Multigoal('goal2')
goal2.loc = {'bob': 'park'}

# bigger initial goal
goal3 = pyhop2.Multigoal('goal3')
goal3.loc = {'alice': 'park', 'bob': 'park'}

# Helper functions:

def taxi_rate(dist):
Beispiel #3
def main():
    # If we've changed to some other domain, this will change us back.
    print(f"Changing current domain to {__name__}, if it isn't that already.")


    print("\nLet's call find_plan on some simple things that should fail.\n")

    state1 = pyhop2.State('state1')
    state1.pos = {'a': 'b', 'b': 'table', 'c': 'table'}
    state1.clear = {'c': True, 'b': False, 'a': True}
    state1.holding = {'hand': False}

    state1.display('Initial state is')

    plan = pyhop2.find_plan(state1, [('pickup', 'a')], verbose=1)
    check_result(plan, False)

    plan = pyhop2.find_plan(state1, [('pickup', 'b')], verbose=1)
    check_result(plan, False)

    plan = pyhop2.find_plan(state1, [('pos', 'b', 'hand')], verbose=1)
    check_result(plan, False)

Next, some simple things that should succeed. As a reminder, in state1,
block a is on block b, block b is on the table, and block c is on the table.

    plan = pyhop2.find_plan(state1, [('pickup', 'c')], verbose=1)
    check_result(plan, [('pickup', 'c')])

    plan = pyhop2.find_plan(state1, [('unstack', 'a', 'b')], verbose=1)
    check_result(plan, [('unstack', 'a', 'b')])

    plan = pyhop2.find_plan(state1, [('pos', 'a', 'hand')], verbose=1)
    check_result(plan, [('unstack', 'a', 'b')])

    plan = pyhop2.find_plan(state1, [('pos', 'c', 'hand')], verbose=1)
    check_result(plan, [('pickup', 'c')])

    plan = pyhop2.find_plan(state1, [('pos', 'a', 'table')], verbose=1)
    check_result(plan, [('unstack', 'a', 'b'), ('putdown', 'a')])

A Multigoal is a data structure that specifies desired values for some of the
state variables. In there are examples of tasks whose arguments
are multigoals, but here we give the multigoals directly to find_plan.

Below, goal1a says we want the blocks in the configuration "c on b on a", and
goal1a says we want "c on b on a on the table". goal1a and goal1b have the same
set of solutions, because the "a on the table" will be achieved anyway.

    state1.display("Initial state is")

    goal1a = pyhop2.Multigoal('goal1a')
    goal1a.pos = {'c': 'b', 'b': 'a', 'a': 'table'}


    goal1b = pyhop2.Multigoal('goal1b')
    goal1b.pos = {'c': 'b', 'b': 'a'}


    expected = [('unstack', 'a', 'b'), ('putdown', 'a'), ('pickup', 'b'),
                ('stack', 'b', 'a'), ('pickup', 'c'), ('stack', 'c', 'b')]

    plan1 = pyhop2.find_plan(state1, [goal1a], verbose=1)
    check_result(plan1, expected)

    plan2 = pyhop2.find_plan(state1, [goal1b], verbose=1)
    check_result(plan2, expected)

Run find_plan on two more planning problems. Like before, goal2a omits some
of the conditions in goal2a, but both goals should produce the same plan.

    state2 = pyhop2.State('state2')
    state2.pos = {'a': 'c', 'b': 'd', 'c': 'table', 'd': 'table'}
    state2.clear = {'a': True, 'c': False, 'b': True, 'd': False}
    state2.holding = {'hand': False}

    state2.display('Initial state is')

    goal2a = pyhop2.Multigoal('goal2a')
    goal2a.pos = {'b': 'c', 'a': 'd', 'c': 'table', 'd': 'table'}
    goal2a.clear = {'a': True, 'c': False, 'b': True, 'd': False}
    goal2a.holding = {'hand': False}


    goal2b = pyhop2.Multigoal('goal2b')
    goal2b.pos = {'b': 'c', 'a': 'd'}


    ### goal2b omits some of the conditions of goal2a,
    ### but those conditions will need to be achieved anyway.

    expected = [('unstack', 'a', 'c'), ('putdown', 'a'), ('unstack', 'b', 'd'),
                ('stack', 'b', 'c'), ('pickup', 'a'), ('stack', 'a', 'd')]

    plan1 = pyhop2.find_plan(state2, [goal2a], verbose=1)
    check_result(plan1, expected)

    plan2 = pyhop2.find_plan(state2, [goal2b], verbose=1)
    check_result(plan2, expected)

        "\nRun find_plan on problem bw_large_d from the SHOP distribution:\n")

    state3 = pyhop2.State('state3')
    state3.pos = {
        1: 12,
        12: 13,
        13: 'table',
        11: 10,
        10: 5,
        5: 4,
        4: 14,
        14: 15,
        15: 'table',
        9: 8,
        8: 7,
        7: 6,
        6: 'table',
        19: 18,
        18: 17,
        17: 16,
        16: 3,
        3: 2,
        2: 'table'
    state3.clear = {x: False for x in range(1, 20)}
    state3.clear.update({1: True, 11: True, 9: True, 19: True})
    state3.holding = {'hand': False}

    state3.display('Initial state is')

    goal3 = pyhop2.Multigoal('goal3')
    goal3.pos = {
        15: 13,
        13: 8,
        8: 9,
        9: 4,
        4: 'table',
        12: 2,
        2: 3,
        3: 16,
        16: 11,
        11: 7,
        7: 6,
        6: 'table'
    goal3.clear = {17: True, 15: True, 12: True}


    expected = [('unstack', 1, 12), ('putdown', 1), ('unstack', 19, 18),
                ('putdown', 19), ('unstack', 18, 17), ('putdown', 18),
                ('unstack', 17, 16), ('putdown', 17), ('unstack', 9, 8),
                ('putdown', 9), ('unstack', 8, 7), ('putdown', 8),
                ('unstack', 11, 10), ('stack', 11, 7), ('unstack', 10, 5),
                ('putdown', 10), ('unstack', 5, 4), ('putdown', 5),
                ('unstack', 4, 14), ('putdown', 4), ('pickup', 9),
                ('stack', 9, 4), ('pickup', 8), ('stack', 8, 9),
                ('unstack', 14, 15), ('putdown', 14), ('unstack', 16, 3),
                ('stack', 16, 11), ('unstack', 3, 2), ('stack', 3, 16),
                ('pickup', 2), ('stack', 2, 3), ('unstack', 12, 13),
                ('stack', 12, 2), ('pickup', 13), ('stack', 13, 8),
                ('pickup', 15), ('stack', 15, 13)]

    plan = pyhop2.find_plan(state3, [goal3], verbose=1)
    check_result(plan, expected)

Call run_lazy_lookahead on the following problem, with verbose=1:

    state2.display(heading='Initial state is')
    goal2b.display(heading='Goal is')

    new_state = pyhop2.run_lazy_lookahead(state2, [goal2b], verbose=1)


        "The goal should now be satisfied, so the planner should return an empty plan:\n"

    plan = pyhop2.find_plan(new_state, [goal2b], verbose=1)
    check_result(plan, [])

    print("No more examples")
Beispiel #4
    s.stacks = [['0', '1', '2'], [], [], [], [], []]
    return s

"""state/goal generation parameters"""
num_blocks = 7
stack_prob = .5
max_stacks = 6
"""random initial state and goal"""
s_rand = gen.gen_blocks_state(num_blocks,
g_rand = gen.gen_blocks_state(num_blocks, stack_prob, max_stacks)
"""creating multigoal from random goal state"""
g = pyhop2.Multigoal()
g.pos = g_rand.pos
NOTE 1: Do no add the 'clear' dict to the goal;
The methods are not set up to solve state.clear[b1] == False
the 'clear' dict can be inferred from the 'pos' dict.
# g.clear = g_rand.clear
NOTE 2: The methods are only intended to solve complete plans,
so I'm not sure if trying to plan for a goal in which not all 
blocks from the initial state have a declared position will work.
"""Finding a solution, the displaying the initial state and goal"""
You can either pass a [multigoal] as the todo