Beispiel #1
    def get_files(self, file_def, **subdirs):

        # Some sanity checks:
        subdir_labels = set(subdirs.keys())
        if not self.mandatory_dirs.issubset(subdir_labels):
            #print ssubdirs
            #print self.mandatory_dirs
            diff = self.mandatory_dirs.difference(subdir_labels)
            raise Exception('\n'.join(['Missing mandatory directories:'] + \

        for dir_label in subdirs.iterkeys():
            assert dir_label in self.dir_labels

        #TODO check that input subdirs are all in allowed_subdirectories

        all_dirs = self.dir_values.copy()
        all_dirs = apply_to_dict(all_dirs, self._forge_sub_dir)

        selected_dirs = cartesian(*all_dirs.values())
        dir_ids = dict([(i, l) for l, i in enumerate(all_dirs)])
        pathes = [join(*[d[dir_ids[l]] for l in self.dir_labels]) \
                      for d in selected_dirs]

        if self.root is None:
            raise Exception('Root is not defined!')
        if not exists(self.root):
            raise Exception('Root does not exist: %s' % self.root)

        subdirs_not_found = check_subdirs(self.root, self.dir_labels, all_dirs)
        if len(subdirs_not_found) > 0:
            raise Exception('\n'.join(['Levels not found in subdirs:'] + \

        #f_defs = chain(*self._resolve_file_defs(file_def))
        f_defs = self._resolve_file_defs(file_def)
        #print list(f_defs)
        files = [join(*[self.root] + f) for f in cartesian(pathes, f_defs)]
        print 'files:'
        print files
        files_not_found = [f for f in files if not exists(f)]

        if len(files_not_found) > 0:
            raise Exception('\n'.join(['Files not found:'] + files_not_found))

        return files
Beispiel #2
    def get_files(self, file_def, **subdirs):

        # Some sanity checks:
        subdir_labels = set(subdirs.keys())
        if not self.mandatory_dirs.issubset(subdir_labels):
            #print ssubdirs
            #print self.mandatory_dirs
            diff = self.mandatory_dirs.difference(subdir_labels)
            raise Exception('\n'.join(['Missing mandatory directories:'] + \

        for dir_label in subdirs.iterkeys():
            assert dir_label in self.dir_labels

        #TODO check that input subdirs are all in allowed_subdirectories

        all_dirs = self.dir_values.copy()
        all_dirs = apply_to_dict(all_dirs, self._forge_sub_dir)

        selected_dirs = cartesian(*all_dirs.values())
        dir_ids = dict([(i,l) for l,i in enumerate(all_dirs)])
        pathes = [join(*[d[dir_ids[l]] for l in self.dir_labels]) \
                      for d in selected_dirs]

        if self.root is None:
            raise Exception('Root is not defined!')
        if not exists(self.root):
            raise Exception('Root does not exist: %s' %self.root)

        subdirs_not_found = check_subdirs(self.root, self.dir_labels, all_dirs)
        if len(subdirs_not_found) > 0:
            raise Exception('\n'.join(['Levels not found in subdirs:'] + \

        #f_defs = chain(*self._resolve_file_defs(file_def))
        f_defs = self._resolve_file_defs(file_def)
        #print list(f_defs)
        files = [join(*[self.root]+f) for f in cartesian(pathes,f_defs)]
        print 'files:'
        print files
        files_not_found = [f for f in files if not exists(f)]

        if len(files_not_found) > 0:
            raise Exception('\n'.join(['Files not found:'] + files_not_found))

        return files
Beispiel #3
    def fromLattice(latticeIndexes, kerMask=None, depth=1, torusFlag=False):
        Creates a NeighbourhoodSystem instance from a n-dimensional lattice
        mpos = NP.where(latticeIndexes != -1)
        positions = NP.vstack(mpos).transpose()

        if kerMask == None:
            # Full neighbourhood, ie 8 in 2D, 26 in 3D ...
            ndim = latticeIndexes.ndim
            kerMask = NP.array(list(cartesian(*[[0, -1, 1]] * ndim))[1:],

        mapper = LatticeIndexMapper(latticeIndexes, torusFlag)
        nbPositions = latticeIndexes.size

        # Build lists of closest neighbours:
        closestNeighbours = NP.empty(nbPositions, dtype=object)
        for idx, pos in enumerate(positions):
            ni = map(mapper.indexFromCoord, kerMask + pos)
            closestNeighbours[idx] = set(filter(lambda x: x is not None, ni))

        if depth == 1:
            return NeighbourhoodSystem(closestNeighbours)

        neighboursSets = copyModule.deepcopy(closestNeighbours)

        for idx in xrange(nbPositions):
            neighboursToTreat = closestNeighbours[idx]
            visited = set([idx])
            for d in xrange(depth - 1):
                newNeighboursToTreat = set()
                # In the worst case, neighbours to treat are on the perimeter
                # of the lattice, say O(sum(lattice shape))
                # OR
                # If the lattice is kind of flat, the worst case is
                # O(size of kerMask)
                # So complexity is :
                # O(max( sum(lattice shape), kerMask size)) * O(kerMask size)
                for n in neighboursToTreat:
                    # O(kerMask size)
                # Remember what we just saw:
                # Update neighbours of current position and remove those
                # already seen:
                # Define new starting positions for next loop:
                neighboursToTreat = newNeighboursToTreat

        return NeighbourhoodSystem(neighboursSets)
Beispiel #4
    def fromLattice(latticeIndexes, kerMask=None, depth=1, torusFlag=False):
        Creates a NeighbourhoodSystem instance from a n-dimensional lattice
        mpos = NP.where(latticeIndexes != -1)
        positions = NP.vstack(mpos).transpose()

        if kerMask == None:
            # Full neighbourhood, ie 8 in 2D, 26 in 3D ...
            ndim = latticeIndexes.ndim
            kerMask = NP.array(
                list(cartesian(*[[0, -1, 1]] * ndim))[1:], dtype=int)

        mapper = LatticeIndexMapper(latticeIndexes, torusFlag)
        nbPositions = latticeIndexes.size

        # Build lists of closest neighbours:
        closestNeighbours = NP.empty(nbPositions, dtype=object)
        for idx, pos in enumerate(positions):
            ni = map(mapper.indexFromCoord, kerMask + pos)
            closestNeighbours[idx] = set(filter(lambda x: x is not None, ni))

        if depth == 1:
            return NeighbourhoodSystem(closestNeighbours)

        neighboursSets = copyModule.deepcopy(closestNeighbours)

        for idx in xrange(nbPositions):
            neighboursToTreat = closestNeighbours[idx]
            visited = set([idx])
            for d in xrange(depth - 1):
                newNeighboursToTreat = set()
                # In the worst case, neighbours to treat are on the perimeter
                # of the lattice, say O(sum(lattice shape))
                # OR
                # If the lattice is kind of flat, the worst case is
                # O(size of kerMask)
                # So complexity is :
                # O(max( sum(lattice shape), kerMask size)) * O(kerMask size)
                for n in neighboursToTreat:
                    # O(kerMask size)
                # Remember what we just saw:
                # Update neighbours of current position and remove those
                # already seen:
                # Define new starting positions for next loop:
                neighboursToTreat = newNeighboursToTreat

        return NeighbourhoodSystem(neighboursSets)
Beispiel #5
 def mapData(self, data, mappedAxis=0, fillValue=0):
     ia = mappedAxis
     nd = self.nbDims
     ranges = [range(d) for d in data.shape]
     ranges = ranges[:ia] + [self.positions] + ranges[ia + 1:]
     coords = cartesian(*ranges)
     coords = flattenElements(coords)
     # TODO: remove explicit loop!
     mask = [NP.array(a) for a in NP.array(coords).transpose()]
     destshape = data.shape[:ia] + self.targetShape + data.shape[ia + 1:]
     destData = NP.zeros(destshape, dtype=data.dtype) + fillValue
     destData[mask] = data.flat
     return destData
Beispiel #6
 def mapData(self, data, mappedAxis=0, fillValue=0):
     ia = mappedAxis
     nd = self.nbDims
     ranges = [range(d) for d in data.shape]
     ranges = ranges[:ia] + [self.positions] + ranges[ia+1:]
     coords = cartesian(*ranges)
     coords = flattenElements(coords)
     #TODO: remove explicit loop!
     mask = [NP.array(a) for a in NP.array(coords).transpose()]        
     destshape = data.shape[:ia] + self.targetShape + data.shape[ia+1:]
     destData = NP.zeros(destshape, dtype=data.dtype) + fillValue
     destData[mask] = data.flat
     return destData
Beispiel #7
 def flattenData(self, data, firstMappedAxis=0):
     #Note: very similar to pyhrf.ndarray.buildMappingMask ...
     #TODO: factorize axis expansion stuffs !!!
     ranges = [range(d) for d in data.shape]
     ia = firstMappedAxis
     nd = self.nbDims
     ranges = ranges[:ia] + [self.positions] + ranges[ia+nd:]
     coords = cartesian(*ranges)
     coords = flattenElements(coords)
     #TODO: remove explicit loop!
     mask = [NP.array(a) for a in NP.array(coords).transpose()]
     destshape = data.shape[:ia]+(len(self.positions),)+data.shape[ia+nd:]
     destData = NP.empty(destshape, dtype=data.dtype)
     destData.flat = data[mask]
     return destData
Beispiel #8
 def flattenData(self, data, firstMappedAxis=0):
     # Note: very similar to pyhrf.ndarray.buildMappingMask ...
     # TODO: factorize axis expansion stuffs !!!
     ranges = [range(d) for d in data.shape]
     ia = firstMappedAxis
     nd = self.nbDims
     ranges = ranges[:ia] + [self.positions] + ranges[ia + nd:]
     coords = cartesian(*ranges)
     coords = flattenElements(coords)
     # TODO: remove explicit loop!
     mask = [NP.array(a) for a in NP.array(coords).transpose()]
     destshape = data.shape[:ia] + \
         (len(self.positions),) + data.shape[ia + nd:]
     destData = NP.empty(destshape, dtype=data.dtype)
     destData.flat = data[mask]
     return destData
Beispiel #9
    def flattenArray(self, array, firstMappedAxis=0):
        Reduce dimensions of 'array'. 'firstMappedAxis' is index of the axis to
        be reduced (other mapped axes are assumed to follow this one).
        nd = len(self.expandedShape)
        ia = firstMappedAxis
        assert len(self.expandedShape) <= array.ndim
        assert self.expandedShape == array.shape[ia:ia + nd]
        ranges = [range(d) for d in array.shape]

        ranges = ranges[:ia] + [self.mapping] + ranges[ia + nd:]
        coords = cartesian(*ranges)
        coords = flattenElements(coords)
        # TODO: remove explicit loop!
        mask = [NP.array(a) for a in NP.array(coords).transpose()]
        destshape = array.shape[:ia] + \
            (len(self.mapping),) + array.shape[ia + nd:]
        destData = NP.empty(destshape, dtype=array.dtype)
        destData.flat = array[mask]
        return destData
Beispiel #10
    def flattenArray(self, array, firstMappedAxis=0):
        Reduce dimensions of 'array'. 'firstMappedAxis' is index of the axis to
        be reduced (other mapped axes are assumed to follow this one).
        nd = len(self.expandedShape)
        ia = firstMappedAxis
        assert len(self.expandedShape) <= array.ndim
        assert self.expandedShape == array.shape[ia:ia + nd]
        ranges = [range(d) for d in array.shape]

        ranges = ranges[:ia] + [self.mapping] + ranges[ia + nd:]
        coords = cartesian(*ranges)
        coords = flattenElements(coords)
        # TODO: remove explicit loop!
        mask = [NP.array(a) for a in NP.array(coords).transpose()]
        destshape = array.shape[:ia] + \
            (len(self.mapping),) + array.shape[ia + nd:]
        destData = NP.empty(destshape, dtype=array.dtype)
        destData.flat = array[mask]
        return destData
Beispiel #11
def graph_from_lattice(mask, kerMask=None, depth=1, toroidal=False):
    Creates a graph from a n-dimensional lattice
    'mask' define valid positions to build the graph over.
    'kerMask' is numpy array mask (tuple of arrays) which defines the
    neighbourhood system, ie the relative positions of neighbours for a given
    position in the lattice.
    # print 'size:', latticeIndexes.size
    if kerMask is not None:
        assert mask.ndim == len(kerMask)
        # Full neighbourhood, ie 8 in 2D, 26 in 3D ...
        ndim = mask.ndim
        neighbourCoords = list(cartesian(*[[0, -1, 1]] * ndim))[1:]
        kerMask = tuple(np.array(neighbourCoords, dtype=int).transpose())

    # loop over valid positions:
    # print mask.shape
    positions = mask_to_coords(mask)
    latticeIndexes = lattice_indexes(mask)
    # print positions
    # print positions.shape
    # Build lists of closest neighbours:
    closestNeighbours = np.empty(len(positions), dtype=object)
    for idx, pos in enumerate(positions):
        # print 'idx :', idx, '- pos:', pos
        # O(n) :
        m = center_mask_at(kerMask, pos, latticeIndexes, toroidal)
        # print 'm:', m
        closestNeighbours[idx] = latticeIndexes[m][latticeIndexes[m] >= 0]

    if depth == 1:
        return closestNeighbours

    neighboursSets = copyModule.deepcopy(closestNeighbours)

    for idx in xrange(nbPositions):
        # Starting positions = closest neighbours of current position
        neighboursToTreat = closestNeighbours[idx]
        visited = set([idx])
        # O(max( sum(lattice shape), kerMask size))*O(kerMask size)*O(d)
        for d in xrange(depth - 1):
            newNeighboursToTreat = set()
            # In the worst case, neighbours to treat are on the perimeter
            # of the lattice, say O(sum(lattice shape))
            # OR
            # If the lattice is kind of flat, the worst case is
            # O(size of kerMask)
            # So complexity is :
            # O(max( sum(lattice shape), kerMask size)) * O(kerMask size)
            for n in neighboursToTreat:
                # O(kerMask size)
            # Remember what we just saw:
            # Update neighbours of current position and remove those
            # already seen:
            # Define new starting positions for next loop:
            neighboursToTreat = newNeighboursToTreat

    return neighboursSets
Beispiel #12
    def testCartesianBasic(self):

        domains = [(0, 1, 2), ('a', 'b')]
        cartProd = list(cartesian(*domains))
        assert cartProd == [[0, 'a'], [0, 'b'], [1, 'a'], [1, 'b'], [2, 'a'],
                            [2, 'b']]
Beispiel #13
    def testCartesianBasic(self):

        domains = [(0, 1, 2), ('a', 'b')]
        cartProd = list(cartesian(*domains))
        assert cartProd == [[0, 'a'], [0, 'b'], [1, 'a'], [1, 'b'], [2, 'a'],
                            [2, 'b']]
Beispiel #14
def graph_from_lattice(mask, kerMask=None, depth=1, toroidal=False):
    Creates a graph from a n-dimensional lattice
    'mask' define valid positions to build the graph over.
    'kerMask' is numpy array mask (tuple of arrays) which defines the
    neighbourhood system, ie the relative positions of neighbours for a given
    position in the lattice.
    #print 'size:', latticeIndexes.size
    if kerMask is not None:
        assert  mask.ndim == len(kerMask)
        # Full neighbourhood, ie 8 in 2D, 26 in 3D ...
        ndim = mask.ndim
        neighbourCoords = list(cartesian(*[[0,-1,1]]*ndim))[1:]
        kerMask = tuple(np.array(neighbourCoords, dtype=int).transpose())

    # loop over valid positions:
    #print mask.shape
    positions = mask_to_coords(mask)
    latticeIndexes = lattice_indexes(mask)
    #print positions
    #print positions.shape
    # Build lists of closest neighbours:
    closestNeighbours = np.empty(len(positions), dtype=object)
    for idx, pos in enumerate(positions):
        #print 'idx :', idx, '- pos:', pos
        # O(n) :
        m = center_mask_at(kerMask, pos, latticeIndexes, toroidal)
        #print 'm:', m
        closestNeighbours[idx] = latticeIndexes[m][latticeIndexes[m]>=0]

    if depth == 1:
        return closestNeighbours

    neighboursSets = copyModule.deepcopy(closestNeighbours)

    for idx in xrange(nbPositions):
        # Starting positions = closest neighbours of current position
        neighboursToTreat = closestNeighbours[idx]
        visited = set([idx])
        # O(max( sum(lattice shape), kerMask size))*O(kerMask size)*O(d)
        for d in xrange(depth-1):
            newNeighboursToTreat = set()
            # In the worst case, neighbours to treat are on the perimeter
            # of the lattice, say O(sum(lattice shape))
            # OR
            # If the lattice is kind of flat, the worst case is
            # O(size of kerMask)
            # So complexity is :
            # O(max( sum(lattice shape), kerMask size)) * O(kerMask size)
            for n in neighboursToTreat:
                # O(kerMask size)
            # Remember what we just saw:
            # Update neighbours of current position and remove those
            # already seen:
            # Define new starting positions for next loop:
            neighboursToTreat = newNeighboursToTreat

    return neighboursSets
Beispiel #15
class RegularLatticeMapping(SpatialMapping):
    Define a SpatialMapping on a 3D regular lattice.

    order1Mask = NP.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 0],
                           [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, -1]])
    nbNeighboursOrder1 = 6

    order2Mask = NP.array(
        [c for c in cartesian([0, -1, 1], [0, -1, 1], [0, -1, 1])][1:])
    nbNeighboursOrder2 = 26

    # TODO AL: handle mapping better
    # TODO AL: hide advanced options
    # )

    # TODO : add handling of periodic coordinate systems like a torus ...
    # TODO : check diff between order and depth ...
    # , **kwargs):
    def __init__(self, shape=None, mapping=None, order=1, depth=1):
        Construct a spatial configuration corresponding to a regular 3D lattice.
        'shape' is a 3-item sequence defining the X, Y and Z sizes.
        Note on aims dimension conventions :
        (axial, coronal, sagittal)
        'mapping' is a list of integer coordinates defining which positions
                are valid in the regular lattice.
        'order' is the order of the neighbour system in 3D. Examples :
                - if order=1 => 6 neighbour system (with depth=1)
                - if order=2 => 26 neighbour system (with depth=1)
        'depth' is the depth of the neighbour system.

        If 'mapping'=None, the default lattice is full and fill order is X->Y->Z.

        if shape != None:
            assert len(shape) == 3
            shape = (1, 10, 10)

        assert len(shape) == 3
        assert (order == 1 or order == 2)

        self.shape = tuple(shape)
        self.depth = depth

        if order == 1:
            self.neighbourMask = self.order1Mask
            self.nbNeighboursMax = self.nbNeighboursOrder1
            self.neighbourMask = self.order2Mask
            self.nbNeighboursMax = self.nbNeighboursOrder2

        if mapping == None:
            # If no mapping is defined then the lattice is "full" :
            self.nbVoxels = shape[0] * shape[1] * shape[2]
            # Default fill order of the lattice is : X->Y->Z :
            lxly = shape[0] * shape[1]
            lx = shape[0]
            ly = shape[1]
            self.mapping = NP.array([
                    (i % (lxly)) / ly, (i % (lxly)) % ly, i / (lxly)
                ]  # creates a mapping by affecting a voxel position to each number corresponding to a voxel
                for i in xrange(self.nbVoxels)
            # Else valid positions are defined with 'mask' :
            self.mapping = mapping
            self.nbVoxels = len(mapping)

        mask = NP.array(self.mapping)
        # Center working origin on the "upper left corner" :
        self.correctedMask = mask - mask.min(0)
        # TODO : assert that corrected mask fits in volume with given shape

        self.ndarrayMask = (NP.array([c[0] for c in self.mapping]),
                            NP.array([c[1] for c in self.mapping]),
                            NP.array([c[2] for c in self.mapping]))
        self.ndarrayCorMask = (NP.array([c[0] for c in self.correctedMask]),
                               NP.array([c[1] for c in self.correctedMask]),
                               NP.array([c[2] for c in self.correctedMask]))

        # Build the lattice, positions with '-1' are not valid :
        self.lattice = NP.zeros((self.shape), dtype=int) - 1

        # Fill lattice with integer indexes corresponding to valid positions :
        for iv in xrange(self.nbVoxels):
            x = self.correctedMask[iv, 0]
            y = self.correctedMask[iv, 1]
            z = self.correctedMask[iv, 2]
            # Fill lattice with index corresponding to a valid position :
            self.lattice[x, y, z] = iv

        self.neighboursCoordLists = None
        self.neighboursIndexLists = None

    def getNbVoxels(self):
        return self.nbVoxels

    def getTargetAxesNames(self):
        return ['axial', 'coronal', 'sagittal']  # TODO make less static

    def getMapping(self):
        return self.mapping

    def getRoiMask(self):
        Return a binary or n-ary 3D mask which has the shape of the target data
        return NP.ones(self.shape, dtype=int)  # every position marked as 1

    def getNdArrayMask(self):
        return self.ndarrayMask

    def getCoord(self, index):
        return self.mapping[index]

    def getIndex(self, coord):
        return self.lattice[coord]

    def getNeighboursCoords(self, idvoxel):
        if self.neighboursCoordLists != None:
            return self.neighboursCoordLists[idvoxel]
            return [
                self.mapping[i] for i in self.getNeighboursIndexes(idvoxel)

    def getClosestNeighboursIndexes(self, idVoxel):
        cv = self.correctedMask[idVoxel]
        neighbours = []
        # translate center of neighbours mask to voxel position :
        neighboursTmp = self.neighbourMask + cv
        for cn in neighboursTmp:
            if NP.bitwise_and(cn >= 0, cn < self.shape).all():

        return [
            self.lattice[n[0], n[1], n[2]] for n in neighbours
            if self.lattice[n[0], n[1], n[2]] != -1

    def getNeighboursIndexes(self, idVoxel):
        if self.neighboursIndexLists != None:
            return self.neighboursIndexLists[idVoxel]
            neighbours = set([idVoxel])
            for d in xrange(self.depth):
                newNeighbours = []
                for i in neighbours:
            return list(neighbours)

    def buildNeighboursIndexLists(self):
        neighboursListsTmp = range(self.nbVoxels)
        for i in xrange(self.nbVoxels):
            neighboursListsTmp[i] = self.getNeighboursIndexes(i)

        self.neighboursIndexLists = neighboursListsTmp

    def buildNeighboursCoordLists(self):
        neighboursListsTmp = range(self.nbVoxels)
        for i in xrange(self.nbVoxels):
            neighboursListsTmp[i] = self.getNeighboursCoords(i)
        self.neighboursCoordLists = neighboursListsTmp

    def getNeighboursIndexLists(self):
        return self.neighboursIndexLists

    def getNeighboursCoordLists(self):
        return self.neighboursCoordLists

    def getNbCliques(self):
        if not hasattr(self, 'nbCliques') or self.nbCliques is None:
            self.nbCliques = sum([len(x)
                                  for x in self.neighboursIndexLists]) / 2.
        return self.nbCliques

    def mapVoxData(self, data, fillValue=0):
        if len(data.shape) == 1:
            mappedData = NP.zeros(self.shape, dtype=data.dtype) + fillValue
            mappedData[self.ndarrayMask] = data
        elif len(data.shape) == 2:  # assume (time, nbVox)
            sh = tuple([data.shape[0]]) + self.shape
            mappedData = NP.zeros(sh, dtype=data.dtype) + fillValue
            m = self.ndarrayCorMask
            mappedData[:, m[0], m[1], m[2]] = data

        return mappedData

    def createFromGUI(GUIobject):
        Creates the actual object based on the parameters
        params = {}
        params[RegularLatticeMapping.P_XSIZE] = getattr(
            GUIobject, RegularLatticeMapping.P_XSIZE)
        params[RegularLatticeMapping.P_YSIZE] = getattr(
            GUIobject, RegularLatticeMapping.P_YSIZE)
        params[RegularLatticeMapping.P_ZSIZE] = getattr(
            GUIobject, RegularLatticeMapping.P_ZSIZE)
        params[RegularLatticeMapping.P_ORDER] = getattr(
            GUIobject, RegularLatticeMapping.P_ORDER)
        params[RegularLatticeMapping.P_DEPTH] = getattr(
            GUIobject, RegularLatticeMapping.P_DEPTH)
        return RegularLatticeMapping(**params)
Beispiel #16
    def fromLattice(latticeIndexes, kerMask=None, depth=1, torusFlag=False):
        Creates a NeighbourhoodSystem instance from a n-dimensional lattice
        mpos = NP.where(latticeIndexes != -1)
        positions = NP.vstack(mpos).transpose()

        if kerMask == None:
            # Full neighbourhood, ie 8 in 2D, 26 in 3D ...
            ndim = latticeIndexes.ndim
            kerMask = NP.array(list(cartesian(*[[0,-1,1]]*ndim))[1:], dtype=int)

        #indexLattice = NP.zeros_like(maskLattice)
        #indexLattice[mpos] = range(nbPositions)
        mapper = LatticeIndexMapper(latticeIndexes, torusFlag)
        nbPositions = latticeIndexes.size

        # Build lists of closest neighbours:
        closestNeighbours = NP.empty(nbPositions, dtype=object)
        for idx, pos in enumerate(positions):
            #print 'idx :', idx, '- pos:', pos
            # O(n) :
            #print 'kerMask+pos =', kerMask+pos 
            ni = map(mapper.indexFromCoord, kerMask+pos)
            closestNeighbours[idx] = set(filter(lambda x: x is not None, ni))
            #print '->closestNeighbours[%d]=%s'  %(idx,closestNeighbours[idx])

        if depth == 1:
            return NeighbourhoodSystem(closestNeighbours)

        neighboursSets = copyModule.deepcopy(closestNeighbours)
        for idx in xrange(nbPositions):
##            print 'Treating idx :', idx
            # Starting positions = closest neighbours of current position
            neighboursToTreat = closestNeighbours[idx]
##            print ' neighboursToTreat =', neighboursToTreat
            visited = set([idx])
##            print ' already visited =', visited
            # O(max( sum(lattice shape), kerMask size))*O(kerMask size)*O(d)
            for d in xrange(depth-1):
##                print '  d=', d
##                print '  We have to treat:', neighboursToTreat
                newNeighboursToTreat = set()
                # In the worst case, neighbours to treat are on the perimeter
                # of the lattice, say O(sum(lattice shape))
                # OR
                # If the lattice is kind of flat, the worst case is
                # O(size of kerMask)
                # So complexity is :
                # O(max( sum(lattice shape), kerMask size)) * O(kerMask size)
                for n in neighboursToTreat:
##                    print '   processing neighbour:', n
##                    print '   updating to treat with;', closestNeighbours[n]
                    # O(kerMask size)
                # Remember what we just saw:
##                print '  We have just visited:', neighboursToTreat
##                print '  So all visited are;', visited
                # Update neighbours of current position and remove those
                # already seen:
##                print '  neighbours which are left to treat:', \
##                      newNeighboursToTreat
##                print '  list of neighbours for %d is now: %s' \
##                      %(idx, str(neighboursSets[idx]))
                # Define new starting positions for next loop:
                neighboursToTreat = newNeighboursToTreat
        return NeighbourhoodSystem(neighboursSets)