Beispiel #1
def test_viterbi(T=1000, K=20, D=2):
    # Create a true HMM
    A = npr.rand(K, K)
    A /= A.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
    A = 0.75 * np.eye(K) + 0.25 * A
    C = npr.randn(K, D)
    sigma = 0.01

    # Sample from the true HMM
    z = np.zeros(T, dtype=int)
    y = np.zeros((T, D))
    for t in range(T):
        if t > 0:
            z[t] = np.random.choice(K, p=A[z[t-1]])
        y[t] = C[z[t]] + np.sqrt(sigma) * npr.randn(D)

    # Compare to pyhsmm answer
    from pyhsmm.models import HMM as OldHMM
    from pyhsmm.basic.distributions import Gaussian
    oldhmm = OldHMM([Gaussian(mu=C[k], sigma=sigma * np.eye(D)) for k in range(K)],
    states = oldhmm.states_list.pop()
    z_star = states.stateseq

    # Make an HMM with these parameters
    hmm = ssm.HMM(K, D, observations="diagonal_gaussian")
    hmm.transitions.log_Ps = np.log(A)
    hmm.observations.mus = C
    hmm.observations.sigmasq = sigma * np.ones((K, D))
    z_star2 = hmm.most_likely_states(y)

    assert np.allclose(z_star, z_star2)
Beispiel #2
def test_hmm_likelihood_perf(T=10000, K=50, D=20):
    # Create a true HMM
    A = npr.rand(K, K)
    A /= A.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
    A = 0.75 * np.eye(K) + 0.25 * A
    C = npr.randn(K, D)
    sigma = 0.01

    # Sample from the true HMM
    z = np.zeros(T, dtype=int)
    y = np.zeros((T, D))
    for t in range(T):
        if t > 0:
            z[t] = np.random.choice(K, p=A[z[t - 1]])
        y[t] = C[z[t]] + np.sqrt(sigma) * npr.randn(D)

    # Compare to pyhsmm answer
    from pyhsmm.models import HMM as OldHMM
    from pybasicbayes.distributions import Gaussian
    oldhmm = OldHMM(
        [Gaussian(mu=C[k], sigma=sigma * np.eye(D)) for k in range(K)],

    states = oldhmm.add_data(y)
    tic = time()
    true_lkhd = states.log_likelihood()
    pyhsmm_dt = time() - tic
    print("PyHSMM: ", pyhsmm_dt, "sec. Val: ", true_lkhd)

    # Make an HMM with these parameters
    hmm = ssm.HMM(K, D, observations="gaussian")
    hmm.transitions.log_Ps = np.log(A)
    hmm.observations.mus = C
    hmm.observations._sqrt_Sigmas = np.sqrt(sigma) * np.array(
        [np.eye(D) for k in range(K)])

    tic = time()
    test_lkhd = hmm.log_probability(y)
    smm_dt = time() - tic
    print("SMM HMM: ", smm_dt, "sec. Val: ", test_lkhd)

    # Make an ARHMM with these parameters
    arhmm = ssm.HMM(K, D, observations="ar")
    tic = time()
    arhmm_dt = time() - tic
    print("SSM ARHMM: ", arhmm_dt, "sec.")

    # Make an ARHMM with these parameters
    arhmm = ssm.HMM(K, D, observations="ar")
    tic = time()
    arhmm_dt = time() - tic
    print("SSM ARHMM Expectations: ", arhmm_dt, "sec.")
Beispiel #3
def test_expectations(T=1000, K=20, D=2):
    # Create a true HMM
    A = npr.rand(K, K)
    A /= A.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
    A = 0.75 * np.eye(K) + 0.25 * A
    C = npr.randn(K, D)
    sigma = 0.01

    # Sample from the true HMM
    z = np.zeros(T, dtype=int)
    y = np.zeros((T, D))
    for t in range(T):
        if t > 0:
            z[t] = np.random.choice(K, p=A[z[t - 1]])
        y[t] = C[z[t]] + np.sqrt(sigma) * npr.randn(D)

    # Compare to pyhsmm answer
    from pyhsmm.models import HMM as OldHMM
    from pyhsmm.basic.distributions import Gaussian
    hmm = OldHMM(
        [Gaussian(mu=C[k], sigma=sigma * np.eye(D)) for k in range(K)],
    states = hmm.states_list.pop()
    true_Ez = states.expected_states
    true_E_trans = states.expected_transcounts

    # Make an HMM with these parameters
    hmm = HMM(K, D, observations="gaussian")
    hmm.transitions.log_Ps = np.log(A)
    hmm.observations.mus = C
    hmm.observations.inv_sigmas = np.log(sigma) * np.ones((K, D))
    test_Ez, test_Ezzp1, _ = hmm.expected_states(y)
    test_E_trans = test_Ezzp1.sum(0)


    assert np.allclose(true_Ez, test_Ez)
    assert np.allclose(true_E_trans, test_E_trans)