def pid_control(output, p, i, d, objCoord, centerCoord):
	Returns the PID error based on the current PID values, Object Coords and
	 Center Coords
	Keyword arguments: 
	output -- output variable
	p -- proportional controller variable
	i -- integral controller variable
	d -- differential controller variable
	objCoord - Objects X and Y coordinates
	centerCoord - X and Y coordinate of the center of the frame.

    # signal trap to handle keyboard interrupt
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, interrupt_handler)

    # initialize the PID Controller
    p = PID(p.value, i.value, d.value)

    # loop indefinitely
    while True:
        # find the error function
        error = centerCoord.value - objCoord.value

        # update the output value based on the error
        # DOC: The output.value variable will keep updating with a change
        # in error value as long as the servo is moving, otherwise the
        # error will be zero
        output.value = p.update(error)
Beispiel #2
def pid_process(output, p, i, d, objCoord, centerCoord):
    	# signal trap to handle keyboard interrupt
	signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
	# create a PID and initialize it
	p = PID(p.value, i.value, d.value)
	# loop indefinitely
	while True:
		# calculate the error
		error = centerCoord.value - objCoord.value
		# update the value
		output.value = p.update(error)
def pid_process(output, p, i, d, objCoord, centerCoord):
	# create a PID and initialize it
	p = PID(p.value, i.value, d.value)

	# loop indefinitely
	while True:
		# calculate the error
		error = centerCoord.value - objCoord.value

		# update the value
		output.value = p.update(error)
Beispiel #4

signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)



frame_read = tello.get_frame_read()

face_center = ObjCenter("./haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml")

pan_pid = PID(kP=0.7, kI=0.0001, kD=0.09)
tilt_pid = PID(kP=0.7, kI=0.0001, kD=0.09)


run_pid = True
# loop indefinitely
while True:
    frame = frame_read.frame

    frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=400)
    H, W, _ = frame.shape

    # calculate the center of the frame as this is (ideally) where
    # we will we wish to keep the object
Beispiel #5
def track_face_in_video_feed(exit_event, show_video_conn, video_writer_conn, run_pid, track_face, fly=False,

    :param exit_event: Multiprocessing Event.  When set, this event indicates that the process should stop.
    :type exit_event:
    :param show_video_conn: Pipe to send video frames to the process that will show the video
    :type show_video_conn: multiprocessing Pipe
    :param video_writer_conn: Pipe to send video frames to the process that will save the video frames
    :type video_writer_conn: multiprocessing Pipe
    :param run_pid: Flag to indicate whether the PID controllers should be run.
    :type run_pid: bool
    :param track_face: Flag to indicate whether face tracking should be used to move the drone
    :type track_face: bool
    :param fly: Flag used to indicate whether the drone should fly.  False is useful when you just want see the video stream.
    :type fly: bool
    :param max_speed_limit: Maximum speed that the drone will send as a command.
    :type max_speed_limit: int
    :return: None
    global tello
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler)

    max_speed_threshold = max_speed_limit

    tello = Tello()


    frame_read = tello.get_frame_read()

    if fly:

    face_center = ObjCenter("./haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml")
    pan_pid = PID(kP=0.7, kI=0.0001, kD=0.1)
    tilt_pid = PID(kP=0.7, kI=0.0001, kD=0.1)

    while not exit_event.is_set():
        frame = frame_read.frame

        frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=400)
        H, W, _ = frame.shape

        # calculate the center of the frame as this is (ideally) where
        # we will we wish to keep the object
        centerX = W // 2
        centerY = H // 2

        # draw a circle in the center of the frame, center=(centerX, centerY), radius=5, color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=-1)

        # find the object's location
        frame_center = (centerX, centerY)
        objectLoc = face_center.update(frame, frameCenter=None)
        # print(centerX, centerY, objectLoc)

        ((objX, objY), rect, d) = objectLoc
        if d > 25 or d == -1:
            # then either we got a false face, or we have no faces.
            # the d - distance - value is used to keep the jitter down of false positive faces detected where there
            #                   were none.
            # if it is a false positive, or we cannot determine a distance, just stay put
            # print(int(pan_update), int(tilt_update))
            if track_face and fly:
                tello.send_rc_control(0, 0, 0, 0)
            continue  # ignore the sample as it is too far from the previous sample

        if rect is not None:
            (x, y, w, h) = rect
            cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x + w, y + h),
                          (0, 255, 0), 2)

            # draw a circle in the center of the face
  , center=(objX, objY), radius=5, color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=-1)

            # Draw line from frameCenter to face center
            cv2.arrowedLine(frame, frame_center, (objX, objY), color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=2)

            if run_pid:
                # calculate the pan and tilt errors and run through pid controllers
                pan_error = centerX - objX
                pan_update = pan_pid.update(pan_error, sleep=0)

                tilt_error = centerY - objY
                tilt_update = tilt_pid.update(tilt_error, sleep=0)

                # print(pan_error, int(pan_update), tilt_error, int(tilt_update))
                cv2.putText(frame, f"X Error: {pan_error} PID: {pan_update:.2f}", (20, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1,
                            (0, 255, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)

                cv2.putText(frame, f"Y Error: {tilt_error} PID: {tilt_update:.2f}", (20, 70), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,
                            (0, 0, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)

                if pan_update > max_speed_threshold:
                    pan_update = max_speed_threshold
                elif pan_update < -max_speed_threshold:
                    pan_update = -max_speed_threshold

                # NOTE: if face is to the right of the drone, the distance will be negative, but
                # the drone has to have positive power so I am flipping the sign
                pan_update = pan_update * -1

                if tilt_update > max_speed_threshold:
                    tilt_update = max_speed_threshold
                elif tilt_update < -max_speed_threshold:
                    tilt_update = -max_speed_threshold

                print(int(pan_update), int(tilt_update))
                if track_face and fly:
                    # left/right: -100/100
                    tello.send_rc_control(pan_update // 3, 0, tilt_update // 2, 0)

        # send frame to other processes
    # then we got the exit event so cleanup
    signal_handler(None, None)
Beispiel #6
from import PID
import time
# pan_pid = PID(kP=0.7, kI=0.0001, kD=0.09)
pan_pid = PID(kP=0.7, kI=0.0001, kD=0.09)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    for i in range(-100,100):
        pid_value = pan_pid.update(30)
        print(i, int(pid_value))