Beispiel #1
def collect_data(ws: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[float, float]:

    # val1: use all windows; this provides a control/reference from which to measure difference to val2
    # (should be 0.0 when using toy corpus)

    # val1
    x1 = ws[:, -2]  # all words
    y1 = ws[:, -2 + DISTANCE]  # neighbors
    val1i = drv.entropy_conditional(x1, y1).item() / drv.entropy(x1).item()

    # val2: use only target windows
    # in theory, this should be invariant to number of target types,

    # target windows
    row_ids = np.isin(ws[:, -2], target_ids)
    target_windows = ws[row_ids]

    # val2
    x2 = target_windows[:, -2]  # target
    y2 = target_windows[:, -2 + DISTANCE]  # neighbors
    val2i = drv.entropy_conditional(x2, y2).item() / drv.entropy(x2).item()

    print(f'{len(ws):>12,} | val1={val1i:.3f} val2={val2i:.2f}')

    return val1i, val2i
def built_bestSplitPoint(data, attr, Class, gainD=None):
    :param data:sorted data frame by the attr
    :param attr:the data frame column that you need to split
    :param Class:class column
    :return:best split point and the gain
    list1 = data[attr].to_list()
    if len(list1) == 1:
        return (list1[0], 0)
    entropyD = drv.entropy(data[Class].to_list())
    bestS = (list1[0] + list1[1]) / 2
    firstS = data.loc[data[attr] <= bestS]
    lastS = data.loc[data[attr] > bestS]
    if gainD is None:
        infoD = (len(firstS[attr]) / len(list1)) * drv.entropy(
            firstS[Class].to_list()) + (len(lastS[attr]) / len(list1)
                                        ) * drv.entropy(lastS[Class].to_list())
        gainD = entropyD - infoD

    for i in range(1, len(list1) - 1):
        best = (list1[i] + list1[i + 1]) / 2
        firstS = data.loc[data[attr] <= best]
        lastS = data.loc[data[attr] > best]
        infoD = (len(firstS[attr]) / len(list1)) * drv.entropy(
            firstS[Class].to_list()) + (len(lastS[attr]) / len(list1)
                                        ) * drv.entropy(lastS[Class].to_list())
        gain = entropyD - infoD
        if gain >= gainD:
            bestS = best
            gainD = gain

    return (bestS, entropyD)
def built_EntropyBased(data, attr, Class, k):
        :param data: pandas data frame
        :param attr:the attribute to discritize
        :param Class:class attribute in the data frame
        :param k:number of buns
        :return: Entropy tree with 2^([log(k)]+1) leaves
        using built entroby method from pyitlib library
    data = data.sort_values(by=attr)
    EntTree = Tree(data)
    depth = log2(k)

    if (int(depth) - depth) != 0:
        depth = int(depth) + 1

    for i in range(int(depth)):
        bins = EntTree.getLeafs()
        for b in bins:
            data = b.getRoot()
            split = bestSplitPoint(data, attr, Class)
            b.setLeft(Tree(data.loc[data[attr] <= split[0]]))
            b.setRight(Tree(data.loc[data[attr] > split[0]]))
    leafs = EntTree.getLeafs()
    for i in leafs:

    return EntTree
    def compare_with_all_patterns(self, target_histogram):

        if self.does_array_contains_nan(target_histogram):
            return 0

        outcome_max = {}
        outcome_min = {}
        for c in self.__classes_of_obj:
            outcome_max[c] = 0.0
            outcome_min[c] = 8.0

        for p in self.__patterns:

            self.__mean_histogram_from_data = p['histogram']['data']

            if self.does_array_contains_nan(self.__mean_histogram_from_data):

            mutual_inf = self.calculate_mutual_information(
                target_histogram) / drv.entropy(
                    self.__mean_histogram_from_data, 2)

            for c in outcome_max:
                if c == p['object'] and outcome_max[c] < mutual_inf:
                    outcome_max[c] = mutual_inf

                if c == p['object'] and outcome_min[c] > mutual_inf > 0:
                    outcome_min[c] = mutual_inf

        return outcome_max, outcome_min
Beispiel #5
def calc_nmi_score(labels_true, labels_pred):
    """calculate normalized mutual information score
    labels_true: labels from ground truth
    labels_pred: labels from clustering

    nmi: normalized mutual information score
    H_true = drv.entropy(labels_true, base=2)
    H_pred = drv.entropy(labels_pred, base=2)
    H_joint = drv.entropy_joint([labels_true, labels_pred], base=2)
    mi = H_true + H_pred - H_joint
    nmi = mi / max(H_true, H_pred)
    return nmi
Beispiel #6
def SU(numero, feature, solution):

    #print numero
    #Hfr = drv.entropy(feature, fill_value=None)
    #print "Entropy  FR:{0:.3f}".format(Hfr)
    #Hfr_sol = drv.entropy_conditional(feature, solution, fill_value=None)
    #print "Entropy  FR|I:{0:.3f}".format(Hfr_sol)
    #HI = drv.entropy(solution, fill_value=None)
    #print "Entropy I:{0:.3f}".format(HI)
    featureDisc = pd.cut(feature, 30, labels=False)
    IG = drv.information_mutual(featureDisc, solution)
    #print "IG:{0:.3f}".format(IG)
    #IG = Hfr-Hfr_sol
    #print IG
    den = drv.entropy(featureDisc) + drv.entropy(solution)
    #print "Den:{0:.3f}".format(den)
    result = 2 * (IG / den)
    #print "Result:{0:.3f}".format(result)
    return result
Beispiel #7
    def compute_discrete_Lmeasure(self):
        """Function to compute the un-normalized L-measure between the all the 
        discrete feature pairs. The value for all the possible pairs is stored
        in the L_measures dict. Auxiliary values like the mutual information
        (I_mutinfo) are also in their respective dicts for all the possible pairs.        
        This method sets the `feats_pairs_dict` class attribute.

        # TAKE note: the function expects the array to be in a transpose form
        indi_entropies = drv.entropy(self.data_arr.T,
        # indi_entropies = drv.entropy(self.data_arr.T)
        num_rand = self.data_arr.shape[
            1]  # Number of random variables (feature columns)
        assert num_rand == len(indi_entropies)

        L_measures = {}  # Dictionary storing the pairwise L-measures
        I_mutinfo = {}  # Dictionary storing the pairwise mutual information
        # mu_vals = {}        # Dictionary storing the pairwise MU values

        for i in range(num_rand):
            for j in range(i + 1, num_rand):
                key = (i, j)  # since 0-indexed
                h_i = indi_entropies[i]
                h_j = indi_entropies[j]

                # mu_ij = self.get_discrete_mu(i, j)

                # Potential error: I_ij may come out negative depending on the estiamtor
                I_ij = drv.information_mutual(self.data_arr.T[i],
                W_ij = min(h_i, h_j)

                num = (-2.0 * I_ij * W_ij)
                den = (W_ij - I_ij)
                eps = 1e-9  # epsilon value for denominator
                inner_exp_term = num / (den + eps)
                # removing numerical errors by upper bounding exponent by 0
                inner_exp_term = min(0, inner_exp_term)

                L_measures[key] = np.sqrt(1 - np.exp(inner_exp_term))
                I_mutinfo[key] = I_ij

                # print(I_ij, W_ij, num, den)
                # print(key, L_measures[key], inner_exp_term)
                # print('\n')

        self.L_measure_dict = L_measures
    def calculate_weights(self, discretized_data: pd.DataFrame):
        Provide calculation of link strength according mutual information between node and its parent(-s) values.
        import bamt.utils.GraphUtils as gru
        if not all([
                i in ['disc', 'disc_num']
                for i in gru.nodes_types(discretized_data).values()
                f"calculate_weghts() method deals only with discrete data. Continuous data: "
                f"{[col for col, type in gru.nodes_types(discretized_data).items() if type not in ['disc', 'disc_num']]}"
        if not self.edges:
                "Bayesian Network hasn't fitted yet. Please add edges with add_edges() method"
        if not self.nodes:
                "Bayesian Network hasn't fitted yet. Please add nodes with add_nodes() method"
        weights = dict()

        for node in self.nodes:
            parents = node.cont_parents + node.disc_parents
            if parents is None:
            y = discretized_data[].values
            if len(parents) == 1:
                x = discretized_data[parents[0]].values
                LS_true = drv.information_mutual(X=y, Y=x)
                entropy = drv.entropy(X=y)
                weight = LS_true / entropy
                weights[(parents[0],] = weight
                for parent_node in parents:
                    x = discretized_data[parent_node].values
                    other_parents = [
                        tmp for tmp in parents if tmp != parent_node
                    z = list()
                    for other_parent in other_parents:
                    LS_true = np.average(
                            X=y, Y=x, Z=z, cartesian_product=True))
                    entropy = np.average(
                            X=y, Y=z, cartesian_product=True)) + 1e-8
                    weight = LS_true / entropy
                    weights[(parent_node,] = weight
        self.weights = weights
    def theils_u(self, x, y):
        s_xy = drv.entropy_conditional(x, y)
        x_counter = Counter(x)
        total_occurrences = sum(x_counter.values())
        p_x = list(map(lambda n: n / total_occurrences, x_counter.values()))
        s_x = drv.entropy(p_x)

        if s_x == 0:
            return 1

            return (s_x - s_xy) / s_x
Beispiel #10
    def H(self):
        """The entropies of all variables. a pandas Series if df was a pandas dataframe, else a 1D numpy array"""
        if self._H is None:
            # Using pyitlib to compute H (hopefully efficiently)
            # Unfortunately this does not work with numpy arrays, convert to pandas TODO report
            # note: we convert to string type to avoid a bug with ints. TODO...
            self._H = drv.entropy(self.dataset_df.T.astype(str))
            if not self.is_nparray:
                self._H = pd.Series(self._H, index=self.varnames)

            # basic sanity check: should all be positive
            assert np.all(self._H >= 0)
        return self._H
Beispiel #11
def bestIGattr(data, attributes, toSplit=False):

    :param data:
    :param attributes:
    :param toSplit:
    :return: best choice by gain

    classEntropy = drv.entropy(data['class']).item(0)
    attrsIG = {}
    for attr in attributes:
        attrsIG[attr] = find_entropy(data) - find_entropy_attribute(data, attr)
    maxGain = max(attrsIG.values())
    for attr in attrsIG:
        if attrsIG[attr] == maxGain:
            return attr
Beispiel #12
def get_entropy_d(x):
    Returns the get_entropy of the X.

    X : array-like, shape (n_samples)
        The data the get_entropy of which is computed
    k : int, optional
        number of nearest neighbors for density estimation

    Kozachenko, L. F. & Leonenko, N. N. 1987 Sample estimate of get_entropy
    of a random vector. Probl. Inf. Transm. 23, 95-101.
    See also: Evans, D. 2008 A computationally efficient estimator for
    mutual information, Proc. R. Soc. A 464 (2093), 1203-1215.
    Kraskov A, Stogbauer H, Grassberger P. (2004). Estimating mutual
    information. Phys Rev E 69(6 Pt 2):066138.
    return drv.entropy(x)
Beispiel #13
def compute_gains():
    with open('train.json', 'rb') as f:
        data = f.readlines()
        data = [json.loads(line)
                for line in data]  #convert string to dict format
        df = pd.DataFrame(data)  #load into dataframe

        services_df =
        flattened_services = services_df.merge(
            df, left_index=True, right_index=True).drop(
                axis=1).melt(id_vars=['device_class', 'device_id'],
        flattened_services['services'] = flattened_services.apply(
            lambda x: extract_port(x['services']), axis=1)
        flattened_services = flattened_services.dropna()

        h_x = drv.entropy(df['device_class'])

        information_gain = []
        services_top_freq = flattened_services.groupby(
                "service_count": len
        #services = flattened_services.groupby('services').agg('count').nlargest(500, columns=['device_id'])

        services_top_freq.apply(lambda x: information_gain.append(
                   calculate_gain(x['services'], flattened_services, h_x)))),

        information_gain.sort(key=lambda p: p[1], reverse=True)
        with open('port_gains.json', 'w') as f:
            json.dump(information_gain, f)  # '[1, 2, [3, 4]]'
Beispiel #14
    def run(traces: np.ndarray,
            plains: np.ndarray,
            keys: np.ndarray,
            attack_traces: np.ndarray,
            subkey: int,
            debug_mode_enabled: bool = False) -> List[int]:
        """ The run method of pia

        :param traces: the traces to use
        :param plains: the plaintexts to use
        :param keys: the keys to use
        :param attack_traces: the traces to use for attacking
        :param subkey: the subkey index to analyze. Must be in the range [0-15].
        :param debug_mode_enabled: whether to enable debug mode
        :return: the calculated subkey corresponding to the subkey index specified

        print("Executing Perceived Information Analysis")

        bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(
            max_value=len(attack_traces[0]) * (16 if subkey == 16 else 1),
        warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)

        perceived_information = [0] * len(attack_traces[0])
        max_pia = -float("inf")


        indices = [subkey]
        if subkey == 16:
            indices = range(subkey)

        for i in indices:

            subkeys = [0] * len(keys)

            for j in range(len(keys)):
                subkeys[j] = int(keys[j][i])

            dummy_interp1d = interp1d(range(2), range(2))

            leakage_per_byte_value_matrix = [
                list() for _ in range(Pia.KEY_SIZE)
            model_sampled_pdf_per_byte_value_array = np.array(
                [dummy_interp1d for _ in range(Pia.KEY_SIZE)])

            for j in range(len(traces[0])):
                for k in range(len(traces)):
                    key = subkeys[k]
                    plain = plains[k][i]
                    byte = key ^ plain

            for j in range(len(leakage_per_byte_value_matrix)):
                model_mu, model_std =
                model_sampled_pdf_per_byte_value_array[j] = Pia.sample_pdf(
                    model_mu, model_std, 10)

            scaling_factor = 1.0 / (len(traces) * len(attack_traces))

            for j in range(len(attack_traces[0])):
                column = attack_traces[:, j]

                chip_mu, chip_std =
                chip_sampled_pdf = Pia.sample_pdf(chip_mu, chip_std, 10)

                pia = 0
                for cell in column:
                    for k in range(Pia.KEY_SIZE):
                        model_sampled_pdf = model_sampled_pdf_per_byte_value_array[

                        if not np.isclose(chip_std, 0.0):

                            model_probability = model_sampled_pdf(cell)
                            chip_probability = chip_sampled_pdf(cell)

                            # The sampling sometimes returns a negative probability. Correct this.
                            if model_probability <= 0.0:
                                model_probability = 0.000001

                            if chip_probability <= 0.0:
                                chip_probability = 0.0

                            pia += chip_probability * math.log2(

                pia *= scaling_factor

                _, bin_edges = np.histogram(column, bins='auto')
                bin_values = np.digitize(column, bin_edges)

                o = np.array(bin_values, dtype=int)
                shannon_entropy = drv.entropy(o)

                pia = shannon_entropy - pia

                perceived_information[j] += pia

                if bar.value < bar.max_value:
                    bar.update(bar.value + 1)

                if pia > max_pia:
                    max_pia = pia

        for i in range(len(perceived_information)):
            perceived_information[i] /= max_pia * (16 if subkey == 16 else 1)




        return perceived_information
def dcimig(factors, codes, continuous_factors=True, nb_bins=10):
    ''' DCIMIG metric from A. Sepliarskaia, J. Kiseleva, and M. de Rijke,
        “Evaluating disentangled representations,”
        arXiv:1910.05587, 2020.
    :param factors:                         dataset of factors
                                            each column is a factor and each line is a data point
    :param codes:                           latent codes associated to the dataset of factors
                                            each column is a latent code and each line is a data point
    :param continuous_factors:              True:   factors are described as continuous variables
                                            False:  factors are described as discrete variables
    :param nb_bins:                         number of bins to use for discretization
    # count the number of factors and latent codes
    nb_factors = factors.shape[1]
    nb_codes = codes.shape[1]

    # quantize factors if they are continuous
    if continuous_factors:
        factors = minmax_scale(factors)  # normalize in [0, 1] all columns
        factors = get_bin_index(factors,
                                nb_bins)  # quantize values and get indexes

    # quantize latent codes
    codes = minmax_scale(codes)  # normalize in [0, 1] all columns
    codes = get_bin_index(codes, nb_bins)  # quantize values and get indexes

    # compute mutual information matrix
    mi_matrix = np.zeros((nb_factors, nb_codes))
    for f in range(nb_factors):
        for c in range(nb_codes):
            mi_matrix[f, c] = get_mutual_information(factors[:, f],
                                                     codes[:, c],

    # compute the gap for all codes
    for c in range(nb_codes):
        mi_c = np.sort(mi_matrix[:, c])
        max_idx = np.argmax(mi_matrix[:, c])

        # get diff between highest and second highest term gap
        gap = mi_c[-1] - mi_c[-2]

        # replace the best by the gap and the rest by 0
        mi_matrix[:, c] = mi_matrix[:, c] * 0
        mi_matrix[max_idx, c] = gap

    # find the best gap for each factor
    gap_sum = 0
    for f in range(nb_factors):
        gap_sum += np.max(mi_matrix[f, :])

    # sum the entropy for each factors
    factor_entropy = 0
    for f in range(nb_factors):
        factor_entropy += drv.entropy(factors[:, f])

    # compute the mean gap
    dcimig_score = gap_sum / factor_entropy

    return dcimig_score
#pos = nx.spring_layout(G)

partition = community.best_partition(G)
#print partition

part = collections.OrderedDict(
    sorted(partition.items(), key=lambda x: int(x[0])))

rever = part
#print rever

lista = [v for v in rever.values()]
#print lista

communes = []

for i in range(16):
    for j in range(40):

#print communes
c = drv.entropy(lista)
eta = drv.information_mutual(lista, communes)
eta = eta / c
print p, eta

#nmi = normalized_mutual_info_score(lista,communes,average_method='arithmetic')
#print p,nmi
def info_gain(feature_vals: np.ndarray, y_vals: np.ndarray) -> float:
    h_y = drv.entropy(y_vals)
    h_y_given_x = drv.entropy_conditional(y_vals, feature_vals)
    return h_y - h_y_given_x
def get_entropy(dataset, sensitive_attr, top_n=5):

    sensitive_index = dataset.feature_names.index(sensitive_attr)

    res = []

    #Independent entropy
    res.append(drv.entropy(dataset.features[:, sensitive_index]))
    res.append(drv.entropy(dataset.labels[:, 0]))
    entropy_feats = []
    for i in range(0, dataset.features.shape[1]):
        if i == sensitive_index:
        entropy_feats.append(drv.entropy(dataset.features[:, i]))
    res += entropy_feats[:5]
    res += entropy_feats[-5:]
    #Independent entropy

    #Cross entropy
        drv.entropy_conditional(dataset.features[:, sensitive_index],
                                dataset.labels[:, 0]))
        drv.entropy_conditional(dataset.labels[:, 0],
                                dataset.features[:, sensitive_index]))

    cross_entropy_A = []
    cross_entropy_B = []
    for i in range(0, dataset.features.shape[1]):
        if i == sensitive_index:
            drv.entropy_conditional(dataset.features[:, sensitive_index],
                                    dataset.features[:, i]))
            drv.entropy_conditional(dataset.features[:, i],
                                    dataset.features[:, sensitive_index]))
    res += cross_entropy_A[:5]
    res += cross_entropy_A[-5:]
    res += cross_entropy_B[:5]
    res += cross_entropy_B[-5:]

    cross_entropy_A = []
    cross_entropy_B = []
    for i in range(0, dataset.features.shape[1]):
        if i == sensitive_index:
            drv.entropy_conditional(dataset.labels[:, 0], dataset.features[:,
            drv.entropy_conditional(dataset.features[:, i], dataset.labels[:,
    res += cross_entropy_A[:5]
    res += cross_entropy_A[-5:]
    res += cross_entropy_B[:5]
    res += cross_entropy_B[-5:]
    #Cross entropy

    for i in range(0, len(res)):
        res[i] = float(res[i])

    return res
Beispiel #19
cov_enc_ver = cov_enc_ver / ((rows - 1) * (cols) * 1.0000)

coef_ver = cov_ver / ((math.pow(Dx_ver, 0.5) * math.pow(Dy_ver, 0.5)) * 1.0000)
coef_enc_ver = cov_enc_ver / (
    (math.pow(Dx_enc_ver, 0.5) * math.pow(Dy_enc_ver, 0.5)) * 1.0000)

print "\nii) Vertical"
print "The correlation coefficient of original image is:", coef_ver
print "The correlation coefficient of encrypted image is:", coef_enc_ver

print "ENTROPY"
img_ent = img.flatten()  #convert to 1-D vector
msg_ent = msg.flatten()

from pyitlib import discrete_random_variable as drv
entropy = drv.entropy(img_ent)
entropy_enc = drv.entropy(msg_ent)
print "The entropy value of original image is:", entropy
print "The entropy value of encrypted image is:", entropy_enc


# print "1] Additive noise"
# pad=240
# def to_std_float(img):
# 	img.astype(np.float16, copy = False)
# 	img = np.multiply(img, (1/255))

# 	return img

# def to_std_uint8(img):
Beispiel #20
def _jmim(selected_feature, feature_set, num_to_select, labels, score_list):
    # I(x,y;c) = H(x|c) - [ H(x,c,y) - H(c,y) ] + I(y;c) #
    start =
    col = list(feature_set)
    pool = []
    for i in col:
        candidate_f = feature_set[i]
        candidate_f = np.reshape(candidate_f.values, (1, -1))
        min_jmi = 1000000000
        min_feature = []
        index = 0
        I_xy_c = 0
        for sf_packge in selected_feature:
            # print('round start at ' + str(
            sf = sf_packge[1]
            sf_idx = sf_packge[0]

            I_yc = score_list.iloc[sf_idx, 1]

            sf = np.reshape(sf, (1, -1))
            labels = np.reshape(labels, (1, -1))
            H_c = drv.entropy(labels)
            H_x_c = drv.entropy_conditional(candidate_f, labels)

            xcy = np.append([candidate_f, labels], [sf], axis=0)
            H_xcy = drv.entropy_joint(xcy)

            cy = np.append([labels], [sf], axis=0)
            H_cy = drv.entropy_joint(cy)
            H_y_c = drv.entropy_conditional(sf, labels)

            H_cy2 = H_y_c + H_c

            I_xy_c = H_x_c - (H_xcy - H_cy) + I_yc

            labels = np.reshape(labels, (-1, 1))
            if I_xy_c < min_jmi:
                min_jmi = I_xy_c
                min_feature = candidate_f
                index = int(i)
        # print(I_xy_c)
        if I_xy_c < 0:
        pool.append([index, min_feature, min_jmi])
        # print('round end at ' + str(

    max_candidate_score = 0
    max_candidate_idx = 0
    max_candidate = []
    for candidate in pool:
        if float(candidate[2]) > max_candidate_score:
            max_candidate = candidate[1]
            max_candidate_idx = candidate[0]
            max_candidate_score = float(candidate[2])

        [max_candidate_idx, max_candidate, max_candidate_score])
    feature_set.drop(columns=[str(max_candidate_idx)], inplace=True)

        str(len(selected_feature)) + ' ' + str(max_candidate_idx) + ' ' +
        str(max_candidate_score) + ' at ' +
        str( - start))

    return selected_feature, feature_set