Beispiel #1
def generic_argkmin(formula, output, *aliases, **kwargs):
    r"""Alias for :class:`numpy.Genred <pykeops.numpy.Genred>` with an "ArgKMin" reduction.

        formula (string): Scalar-valued symbolic KeOps expression, as in :class:`numpy.Genred <pykeops.numpy.Genred>`.
        output (string): An identifier of the form ``"AL = TYPE(K)"`` 
            that specifies the category and dimension of the output variable. Here:

              - ``AL`` is a dummy alphanumerical name.
              - ``TYPE`` is a *category*. One of:

                - ``Vi``: indexation by :math:`i` along axis 0; reduction is performed along axis 1.
                - ``Vj``: indexation by :math:`j` along axis 1; reduction is performed along axis 0.

              - ``K`` is an integer, the number of values to extract.

        *aliases (strings): List of identifiers, as in :class:`numpy.Genred <pykeops.numpy.Genred>`.

    Keyword Args:
        dtype (string, default = ``"float64"``): Specifies the numerical **dtype** of the input and output arrays. 
            The supported values are:

              - **dtype** = ``"float32"``,
              - **dtype** = ``"float64"``.

        A generic reduction that can be called on arbitrary
        NumPy arrays, as documented in :class:`numpy.Genred <pykeops.numpy.Genred>`.

        Bruteforce K-nearest neighbors search in dimension 100:

        >>> knn = generic_argkmin(
        ...     'SqDist(x, y)',   # Formula
        ...     'a = Vi(3)',      # Output: 3 scalars per line
        ...     'x = Vi(100)',    # 1st input: dim-100 vector per line
        ...     'y = Vj(100)')    # 2nd input: dim-100 vector per line
        >>> x = np.random.randn(5,     100)
        >>> y = np.random.randn(20000, 100)
        >>> a = knn(x, y)
        >>> print(a)
        [[ 9054., 11653., 11614.],
         [13466., 11903., 14180.],
         [14164.,  8809.,  3799.],
         [ 2092.,  3323., 18479.],
         [14433., 11315., 11841.]]
        >>> print( np.linalg.norm(x - y[ a[:,0].astype(int) ], axis=1) )  # Distance to the nearest neighbor
        [10.7933, 10.3235, 10.1218, 11.4919, 10.5100]
        >>> print( np.linalg.norm(x - y[ a[:,1].astype(int) ], axis=1) )  # Distance to the second neighbor
        [11.3702, 10.6550, 10.7646, 11.5676, 11.1356]
        >>> print( np.linalg.norm(x - y[ a[:,2].astype(int) ], axis=1) )  # Distance to the third neighbor
        [11.3820, 10.6725, 10.8510, 11.6071, 11.1968]
    _, cat, k, _ = get_type(output)
    return Genred(formula,
Beispiel #2
def preprocess_half2(args, aliases, axis, ranges, nx, ny):
    N = ny if axis == 1 else nx
    if ranges is not None:
        if axis == 1:
            ranges = ranges2half2(ranges[0:3], ny) + ranges[3:6]
            ranges = ranges[0:3] + ranges2half2(ranges[3:6], nx)
    newargs = len(aliases) * [None]
    for (var_ind, sig) in enumerate(aliases):
        _, cat, dim, pos = get_type(sig, position_in_list=var_ind)
        arg = args[
            pos].data  # we don't want to record our cuisine in the Autograd mechanism !
        if cat == 2:
            arg = arg[..., None, :]  # (...,D)   -> (...,1,D)
            arg, _ = make_even_size(arg)  # (...,1,D) -> (...,2,D)
        elif cat == axis:
            arg, Narg = make_odd_cat(arg)
            N = max(N, Narg)
            arg, tag_dummy = make_even_size(arg)
        arg = half2half2(arg)
        if cat == 2:
            arg = arg.view(
                tuple(arg.shape[:-2]) + (2 * dim, )
            )  # (...,2,D) -> (...,2*D) (we "hide" the factor 2 in the dimension...)
        newargs[pos] = arg
    return newargs, ranges, tag_dummy, N
Beispiel #3
def generic_logsumexp(formula, output, *aliases, **kwargs):
    r"""Alias for :class:`torch.Genred <pykeops.torch.Genred>` with a "LogSumExp" reduction.

        formula (string): Scalar-valued symbolic KeOps expression, as in :class:`torch.Genred <pykeops.torch.Genred>`.
        output (string): An identifier of the form ``"AL = TYPE(1)"`` 
            that specifies the category and dimension of the output variable. Here:

              - ``AL`` is a dummy alphanumerical name.
              - ``TYPE`` is a *category*. One of:

                - ``Vi``: indexation by :math:`i` along axis 0; reduction is performed along axis 1.
                - ``Vj``: indexation by :math:`j` along axis 1; reduction is performed along axis 0.

        *aliases (strings): List of identifiers, as in :class:`torch.Genred <pykeops.torch.Genred>`.

    Keyword Args:
        dtype (string, default = ``"float32"``): Specifies the numerical **dtype** of the input and output arrays. 
            The supported values are:

              - **dtype** = ``"float16"`` or ``"half"``.
              - **dtype** = ``"float32"`` or ``"float"``.
              - **dtype** = ``"float64"`` or ``"double"``.

        A generic reduction that can be called on arbitrary
        Torch tensors, as documented in :class:`torch.Genred <pykeops.torch.Genred>`.

        Log-likelihood of a Gaussian Mixture Model,

        .. math::
            a_i~=~f(x_i)~&=~ \log \sum_{j=1}^{N} \exp(-\gamma\cdot\|x_i-y_j\|^2)\cdot b_j \\\\
               ~&=~ \log \sum_{j=1}^{N} \exp\big(-\gamma\cdot\|x_i-y_j\|^2 \,+\, \log(b_j) \big).

        >>> log_likelihood = generic_logsumexp(
        ...     '(-(g * SqNorm2(x - y))) + b', # Formula
        ...     'a = Vi(1)',              # Output: 1 scalar per line
        ...     'x = Vi(3)',              # 1st input: dim-3 vector per line
        ...     'y = Vj(3)',              # 2nd input: dim-3 vector per line
        ...     'g = Pm(1)',              # 3rd input: vector of size 1
        ...     'b = Vj(1)')              # 4th input: 1 scalar per line
        >>> x = torch.randn(1000000, 3, requires_grad=True).cuda()
        >>> y = torch.randn(2000000, 3).cuda()
        >>> g = torch.Tensor([.5]).cuda()      # Parameter of our GMM
        >>> b = torch.rand(2000000, 1).cuda()  # Positive weights...
        >>> b = b / b.sum()                    # Normalized to get a probability measure
        >>> a = log_likelihood(x, y, g, b.log())  # a_i = log sum_j exp(-g*|x_i-y_j|^2) * b_j
        >>> print(a.shape)
        torch.Size([1000000, 1])
    _, cat, _, _ = get_type(output)
    axis = cat2axis(cat)
    return Genred(formula,
Beispiel #4
def generic_argmin(formula, output, *aliases, **kwargs):
    r"""Alias for :class:`numpy.Genred <pykeops.numpy.Genred>` with an "ArgMin" reduction.

        formula (string): Scalar-valued symbolic KeOps expression, as in :class:`numpy.Genred <pykeops.numpy.Genred>`.
        output (string): An identifier of the form ``"AL = TYPE(1)"`` 
            that specifies the category and dimension of the output variable. Here:

              - ``AL`` is a dummy alphanumerical name.
              - ``TYPE`` is a *category*. One of:

                - ``Vi``: indexation by :math:`i` along axis 0; reduction is performed along axis 1.
                - ``Vj``: indexation by :math:`j` along axis 1; reduction is performed along axis 0.

        *aliases (strings): List of identifiers, as in :class:`numpy.Genred <pykeops.numpy.Genred>`.

    Keyword Args:
        dtype (string, default = ``"float64"``): Specifies the numerical **dtype** of the input and output arrays. 
            The supported values are:

              - **dtype** = ``"float16"``,
              - **dtype** = ``"float32"``,
              - **dtype** = ``"float64"``.

        A generic reduction that can be called on arbitrary
        NumPy arrays, as documented in :class:`numpy.Genred <pykeops.numpy.Genred>`.

        Bruteforce nearest neighbor search in dimension 100:

        >>> nearest_neighbor = generic_argmin(
        ...     'SqDist(x, y)',   # Formula
        ...     'a = Vi(1)',      # Output: 1 scalar per line
        ...     'x = Vi(100)',    # 1st input: dim-100 vector per line
        ...     'y = Vj(100)')    # 2nd input: dim-100 vector per line
        >>> x = np.random.randn(5,     100)
        >>> y = np.random.randn(20000, 100)
        >>> a = nearest_neighbor(x, y)
        >>> print(a)
        [[ 8761.],
         [ 2836.],
         [  906.],
         [ 3158.]]
        >>> dists = np.linalg.norm(x - y[ a.view(-1).long() ], axis=1)  # Distance to the nearest neighbor
        >>> print(dists)
        [10.5926, 10.9132,  9.9694, 10.1396, 10.1955]
    _, cat, _, _ = get_type(output)
    return Genred(formula,
Beispiel #5
def preprocess_half2(args, aliases, axis, ranges, nx, ny):
    # When the dtype is "half", i.e. float16, we need to use special tricks
    # because internally the Cuda code will use half2 data type, i.e.
    # vectors of two float16 scalars. So we need to :
    # - make a distinction between the actual nx and ny sizes of the reduction
    # on the Python side, i.e. for the user, and the sizes in the c++ code
    # which need to be divided by two (modulo the next point...)
    # - make a copy of data for variables corresponding to the axis of reduction,
    # switching the order of the pairs. To understand this, let's consider
    # that we have two variables x_i and y_j, with nx = ny = 2,
    # and we need to sum over the j axis some kernel,
    # i.e. compute out_i = sum_j k(x_i, y_j) for i,j ranging from 1 to 2.
    # After conversion to half2 data type, without any copy, we would get
    # only one half2 for the x_i : X=(x_0,x_1) and one half2
    # for the y_j : Y=(y_0,y_1). The computation of k(X,Y), with
    # the rules of vectorization of Cuda, would compute only the two scalars
    # k(x_0,y_0) and k(x_1,y_1) and store the result as a half2.
    # To get the two other required kernel evaluations k(x_0,y_1) and k(x_1,y_0),
    # we need to create a second half2 Ytilde=(y_1,y_0). The correct
    # computation will then be acheived by computing k(X,Y) + k(X,Ytilde).

    # N is the actual size of reduction, we record it for not mixing up things
    # when we will do the post-process back conversion after reduction
    N = ny if axis == 1 else nx

    if ranges is not None:
        # When using ranges, we need to adapt the ranges to the special copy trick
        if axis == 1:
            ranges = ranges2half2(ranges[0:3], ny) + ranges[3:6]
            ranges = ranges[0:3] + ranges2half2(ranges[3:6], nx)
    newargs = len(aliases) * [None]
    for (var_ind, sig) in enumerate(aliases):
        _, cat, dim, pos = get_type(sig, position_in_list=var_ind)
        arg = args[
        ].data  # we don't want to record our cuisine in the Autograd mechanism !
        if cat == 2:
            arg = arg[..., None, :]  # (...,D)   -> (...,1,D)
            arg, _ = make_even_size(arg)  # (...,1,D) -> (...,2,D)
        elif cat == axis:
            arg, Narg = make_odd_cat(arg)
            N = max(N, Narg)
            arg, tag_dummy = make_even_size(arg)
        arg = half2half2(arg)
        if cat == 2:
            arg = arg.view(
                tuple(arg.shape[:-2]) + (2 * dim,)
            )  # (...,2,D) -> (...,2*D) (we "hide" the factor 2 in the dimension...)
        newargs[pos] = arg
    return newargs, ranges, tag_dummy, N
Beispiel #6
def generic_sum(formula, output, *aliases, **kwargs):
    r"""Alias for :class:`numpy.Genred <pykeops.numpy.Genred>` with a "Sum" reduction.

        formula (string): Symbolic KeOps expression, as in :class:`numpy.Genred <pykeops.numpy.Genred>`.
        output (string): An identifier of the form ``"AL = TYPE(DIM)"`` 
            that specifies the category and dimension of the output variable. Here:

              - ``AL`` is a dummy alphanumerical name.
              - ``TYPE`` is a *category*. One of:

                - ``Vi``: indexation by :math:`i` along axis 0; reduction is performed along axis 1.
                - ``Vj``: indexation by :math:`j` along axis 1; reduction is performed along axis 0.

              - ``DIM`` is an integer, the dimension of the output variable; it should be compatible with **formula**.
        *aliases (strings): List of identifiers, as in :class:`numpy.Genred <pykeops.numpy.Genred>`.

    Keyword Args:
        dtype (string, default = ``"float64"``): Specifies the numerical **dtype** of the input and output arrays. 
            The supported values are:

              - **dtype** = ``"float16"``,
              - **dtype** = ``"float32"``,
              - **dtype** = ``"float64"``.

        A generic reduction that can be called on arbitrary
        NumPy arrays, as documented in :class:`numpy.Genred <pykeops.numpy.Genred>`.

        >>> my_conv = generic_sum(       # Custom Kernel Density Estimator
        ...     'Exp(-SqNorm2(x - y))',  # Formula
        ...     'a = Vi(1)',             # Output: 1 scalar per line
        ...     'x = Vi(3)',             # 1st input: dim-3 vector per line
        ...     'y = Vj(3)')             # 2nd input: dim-3 vector per line
        >>> # Apply it to 2d arrays x and y with 3 columns and a (huge) number of lines
        >>> x = np.random.randn(1000000, 3)
        >>> y = np.random.randn(2000000, 3)
        >>> a = my_conv(x, y)  # a_i = sum_j exp(-|x_i-y_j|^2)
        >>> print(a.shape)
        (1000000, 1)
    _, cat, _, _ = get_type(output)
    return Genred(formula,
Beispiel #7
    def backward(ctx, G):
        formula = ctx.formula
        aliases = ctx.aliases
        varinvpos = ctx.varinvpos
        backend = ctx.backend
        alpha = ctx.alpha
        dtype = ctx.dtype
        device_id = ctx.device_id
        eps = ctx.eps
        myconv = ctx.myconv
        ranges = ctx.ranges
        optional_flags = ctx.optional_flags
        rec_multVar_highdim = ctx.rec_multVar_highdim

        args = ctx.saved_tensors[:-1]  # Unwrap the saved variables
        nargs = len(args)
        result = ctx.saved_tensors[-1]

        # If formula takes 5 variables (numbered from 0 to 4), then the gradient
        # wrt. the output, G, should be given as a 6-th variable (numbered 5),
        # with the same dim-cat as the formula's output.
        eta = ("Var(" + str(nargs) + "," + str(myconv.dimout) + "," +
               str(myconv.tagIJ) + ")")

        # there is also a new variable for the formula's output
        resvar = ("Var(" + str(nargs + 1) + "," + str(myconv.dimout) + "," +
                  str(myconv.tagIJ) + ")")

        newargs = args[:varinvpos] + (G, ) + args[varinvpos + 1:]
        KinvG = KernelSolveAutograd.apply(formula, aliases, varinvpos, alpha,
                                          backend, dtype, device_id, eps,
                                          ranges, optional_flags,
                                          rec_multVar_highdim, *newargs)

        grads = []  # list of gradients wrt. args;

        for (var_ind, sig) in enumerate(aliases):  # Run through the arguments
            # If the current gradient is to be discarded immediatly...
            if not ctx.needs_input_grad[
                    var_ind +
                    11]:  # because of (formula, aliases, varinvpos, alpha, backend, dtype, device_id, eps, ranges, optional_flags, rec_multVar_highdim)
                grads.append(None)  # Don't waste time computing it.

            else:  # Otherwise, the current gradient is really needed by the user:

                if var_ind == varinvpos:
                    # adding new aliases is way too dangerous if we want to compute
                    # second derivatives, etc. So we make explicit references to Var<ind,dim,cat> instead.
                    # New here (Joan) : we still add the new variables to the list of "aliases" (without giving new aliases for them)
                    # these will not be used in the C++ code,
                    # but are useful to keep track of the actual variables used in the formula
                    _, cat, dim, pos = get_type(sig, position_in_list=var_ind)
                    var = "Var(" + str(pos) + "," + str(dim) + "," + str(
                        cat) + ")"  # V
                    formula_g = ("Grad_WithSavedForward(" + formula + ", " +
                                 var + ", " + eta + ", " + resvar + ")"
                                 )  # Grad<F,V,G,R>
                    aliases_g = aliases + [eta, resvar]
                    args_g = (args[:varinvpos] + (result, ) +
                              args[varinvpos + 1:] + (-KinvG, ) + (result, )
                              )  # Don't forget the gradient to backprop !

                    # N.B.: if I understand PyTorch's doc, we should redefine this function every time we use it?
                    genconv = GenredAutograd().apply

                    if (
                            cat == 2
                    ):  # we're referring to a parameter, so we'll have to sum both wrt 'i' and 'j'
                        # WARNING !! : here we rely on the implementation of DiffT in files in folder keops/core/formulas/reductions
                        # if tagI==cat of V is 2, then reduction is done wrt j, so we need to further sum output wrt i
                        grad = genconv(formula_g, aliases_g, backend, dtype,
                                       device_id, ranges, optional_flags, None,
                        # Then, sum 'grad' wrt 'i' :
                        # I think that '.sum''s backward introduces non-contiguous arrays,
                        # and is thus non-compatible with GenredAutograd: grad = grad.sum(0)
                        # We replace it with a 'handmade hack' :
                        grad = torch.ones(1, grad.shape[0]).type_as(
                   @ grad
                        grad = grad.view(-1)
                        grad = genconv(formula_g, aliases_g, backend, dtype,
                                       device_id, ranges, optional_flags, None,

        # Grads wrt. formula, aliases, varinvpos, alpha, backend, dtype, device_id, eps, ranges, optional_flags, rec_multVar_highdim, *args
        return (
Beispiel #8
    def backward(ctx, G):
        formula = ctx.formula
        aliases = ctx.aliases
        backend = ctx.backend
        dtype = ctx.dtype
        ranges = ctx.ranges
        accuracy_flags = ctx.accuracy_flags
        device_id = ctx.device_id
        myconv = ctx.myconv
        args = ctx.saved_tensors[:-1]  # Unwrap the saved variables
        nargs = len(args)
        result = ctx.saved_tensors[-1].detach()

        not_supported = [
            "Min_ArgMin_Reduction", "Min_Reduction", "Max_ArgMax_Reduction",
            "Max_Reduction", "KMin_ArgKMin_Reduction", "KMin_Reduction"
        for red in not_supported:
            if formula.startswith(red):
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "As of today, KeOps does not support " +
                    "backpropagation through the " + red + " reduction. " +
                    "Adding this feature to LazyTensors is on the cards " +
                    "for future releases... But until then, you may want " +
                    "to consider extracting the relevant integer indices " +
                    "with a '.argmin()', '.argmax()' or '.argKmin()' reduction "
                    "before using PyTorch advanced indexing to create a fully-differentiable "
                    + "tensor containing the relevant 'minimal' values.")

        # If formula takes 5 variables (numbered from 0 to 4), then the gradient
        # wrt. the output, G, should be given as a 6-th variable (numbered 5),
        # with the same dim-cat as the formula's output.
        eta = 'Var(' + str(nargs) + ',' + str(myconv.dimout) + ',' + str(
            myconv.tagIJ) + ')'

        # there is also a new variable for the formula's output
        resvar = 'Var(' + str(nargs + 1) + ',' + str(
            myconv.dimout) + ',' + str(myconv.tagIJ) + ')'

        grads = []  # list of gradients wrt. args;

        for (var_ind,
              arg_ind)) in enumerate(zip(aliases,
                                         args)):  # Run through the arguments
            # If the current gradient is to be discarded immediatly...
            if not ctx.needs_input_grad[
                    var_ind +
                    7]:  # because of (formula, aliases, backend, dtype, device_id, ranges, accuracy_flags)
                grads.append(None)  # Don't waste time computing it.

            else:  # Otherwise, the current gradient is really needed by the user:
                # adding new aliases is way too dangerous if we want to compute
                # second derivatives, etc. So we make explicit references to Var<ind,dim,cat> instead.
                # New here (Joan) : we still add the new variables to the list of "aliases" (without
                # giving new aliases for them) these will not be used in the C++ code,
                # but are useful to keep track of the actual variables used in the formula
                _, cat, dim, pos = get_type(sig, position_in_list=var_ind)
                var = 'Var(' + str(pos) + ',' + str(dim) + ',' + str(
                    cat) + ')'  # V
                formula_g = 'Grad_WithSavedForward(' + formula + ', ' + var + ', ' + eta + ', ' + resvar + ')'  # Grad<F,V,G,R>
                aliases_g = aliases + [eta, resvar]
                args_g = args + (G, ) + (
                    result, )  # Don't forget the gradient to backprop !

                # N.B.: if I understand PyTorch's doc, we should redefine this function every time we use it?
                genconv = GenredAutograd().apply

                if cat == 2:  # we're referring to a parameter, so we'll have to sum both wrt 'i' and 'j'
                    # WARNING !! : here we rely on the implementation of DiffT in files in folder keops/core/formulas/reductions
                    # if tagI==cat of V is 2, then reduction is done wrt j, so we need to further sum output wrt i
                    grad = genconv(formula_g, aliases_g, backend, dtype,
                                   device_id, ranges, accuracy_flags, *args_g)
                    # Then, sum 'grad' wrt 'i' :
                    # I think that '.sum''s backward introduces non-contiguous arrays,
                    # and is thus non-compatible with GenredAutograd: grad = grad.sum(0)
                    # We replace it with a 'handmade hack' :
                    # grad = torch.ones(1, grad.shape[0]).type_as( @ grad
                    # grad = grad.view(-1)
                    grad = (1. * grad).sum(-2)
                    dims_to_collapse = tuple(i for (i, (x, y)) in enumerate(
                        zip(arg_ind.shape[:-1], grad.shape[:-1])) if x < y)

                    grad = genconv(formula_g, aliases_g, backend, dtype,
                                   device_id, ranges, accuracy_flags, *args_g)

                    # N.B.: 'grad' is always a full [A, .., B, M, D] or [A, .., B, N, D] or [A, .., B, D] tensor,
                    #       whereas 'arg_ind' may have some broadcasted batched dimensions.
                    #       Before returning our gradient, we must collapse 'grad' with a .sum() operation,
                    #       which is the adjoint of the good old "repmat" that could have been used
                    #       to emulate the batch broadcasting.
                    dims_to_collapse = tuple(i for (i, (x, y)) in enumerate(
                        zip(arg_ind.shape[:-2], grad.shape[:-2])) if x < y)

                if dims_to_collapse != ():
                    grad = (1. * grad).sum(dims_to_collapse, keepdim=True)
                grad = grad.reshape(
                )  # The gradient should have the same shape as the input!

        # Grads wrt. formula, aliases, backend, dtype, device_id, ranges, *args
        return (None, None, None, None, None, None, None, *grads)