Beispiel #1
def ConjugateGradientSolver(binding, linop, b, eps=1e-6):
    # Conjugate gradient algorithm to solve linear system of the form
    # Ma=b where linop is a linear operation corresponding
    # to a symmetric and positive definite matrix
    tools = get_tools(binding)
    delta = tools.size(b) * eps**2
    a = 0
    r = tools.copy(b)
    nr2 = (r**2).sum()
    if nr2 < delta:
        return 0 * r
    p = tools.copy(r)
    k = 0
    while True:
        Mp = linop(p)
        alp = nr2 / (p * Mp).sum()
        a += alp * p
        r -= alp * Mp
        nr2new = (r**2).sum()
        if nr2new < delta:
        p = r + (nr2new / nr2) * p
        nr2 = nr2new
        k += 1
    return a
Beispiel #2
def postprocess(out, binding, reduction_op, nout, opt_arg, dtype):
    tools = get_tools(binding)
    # Post-processing of the output:
    if "Arg" in reduction_op:
        # when using Arg type reductions,
        # if nout is greater than 16 millions and dtype=float32, the result is not reliable
        # because we encode indices as floats, so we raise an exception
        if nout > 1.6e7 and dtype == "float32":
            raise ValueError(
                'size of input array is too large for Arg type reduction with single precision. Use double precision.'
    if reduction_op == 'SumSoftMaxWeight' or reduction_op == 'SoftMax':
        # we compute sum_j exp(f_ij) g_ij / sum_j exp(f_ij) from sum_j exp(m_i-f_ij) [1,g_ij]
        out = out[..., 2:] / out[..., 1][..., None]
    elif reduction_op == 'ArgMin' or reduction_op == 'ArgMax':
        # outputs are encoded as floats but correspond to indices, so we cast to integers
        out = tools.long(out)
    elif reduction_op == 'Min_ArgMin' or reduction_op == 'MinArgMin' or reduction_op == 'Max_ArgMax' or reduction_op == 'MaxArgMax':
        # output is one array of size N x 2D, giving min and argmin value for each dimension.
        # We convert to one array of floats of size NxD giving mins, and one array of size NxD giving argmins (casted to integers)
        shape_out = out.shape
        tmp = tools.view(out, shape_out[:-1] + (2, -1))
        vals = tmp[..., 0, :]
        indices = tmp[..., 1, :]
        out = (vals, tools.long(indices))
    elif reduction_op == 'KMin':
        # output is of size N x KD giving K minimal values for each dim. We convert to array of size N x K x D
        shape_out = out.shape
        out = tools.view(out, shape_out[:-1] + (opt_arg, -1))
        if out.shape[-1] == 1:
            out = out.squeeze(-1)
    elif reduction_op == 'ArgKMin':
        # output is of size N x KD giving K minimal values for each dim. We convert to array of size N x K x D
        # and cast to integers
        shape_out = out.shape
        out = tools.view(tools.long(out), shape_out[:-1] + (opt_arg, -1))
        if out.shape[-1] == 1:
            out = out.squeeze(-1)
    elif reduction_op == 'KMin_ArgKMin' or reduction_op == 'KMinArgKMin':
        # output is of size N x 2KD giving K min and argmin for each dim. We convert to 2 arrays of size N x K x D
        # and cast to integers the second array
        shape_out = out.shape
        out = tools.view(out, shape_out[:-1] + (opt_arg, 2, -1))
        out = (out[..., 0, :], tools.long(out[..., 1, :]))
        if out[0].shape[-1] == 1:
            out = (out[0].squeeze(-1), out[1].squeeze(-1))
    elif reduction_op == 'LogSumExp':
        # finalize the log-sum-exp computation as m + log(s)
        if out.shape[-1] == 2:  # means (m,s) with m scalar and s scalar
            out = (out[..., 0] + tools.log(out[..., 1]))[..., None]
        else:  # here out.shape[-1]>2, means (m,s) with m scalar and s vectorial
            out = out[..., 0][..., None] + tools.log(out[..., 1:])
    return out
Beispiel #3
def postprocess(out, binding, reduction_op, nout, opt_arg, dtype):
    tools = get_tools(binding)
    # Post-processing of the output:
    if reduction_op == "SumSoftMaxWeight" or reduction_op == "SoftMax":
        # we compute sum_j exp(f_ij) g_ij / sum_j exp(f_ij) from sum_j exp(m_i-f_ij) [1,g_ij]
        out = out[..., 2:] / out[..., 1][..., None]
    elif reduction_op == "ArgMin" or reduction_op == "ArgMax":
        # outputs are encoded as floats but correspond to indices, so we cast to integers
        out = tools.long(out)
    elif (reduction_op == "Min_ArgMin" or reduction_op == "MinArgMin"
          or reduction_op == "Max_ArgMax" or reduction_op == "MaxArgMax"):
        # output is one array of size N x 2D, giving min and argmin value for each dimension.
        # We convert to one array of floats of size NxD giving mins, and one array of size NxD giving argmins (casted to integers)
        shape_out = out.shape
        tmp = tools.view(out, shape_out[:-1] + (2, -1))
        vals = tmp[..., 0, :]
        indices = tmp[..., 1, :]
        out = (vals, tools.long(indices))
    elif reduction_op == "KMin":
        # output is of size N x KD giving K minimal values for each dim. We convert to array of size N x K x D
        shape_out = out.shape
        out = tools.view(out, shape_out[:-1] + (opt_arg, -1))
        if out.shape[-1] == 1:
            out = out.squeeze(-1)
    elif reduction_op == "ArgKMin":
        # output is of size N x KD giving K minimal values for each dim. We convert to array of size N x K x D
        # and cast to integers
        shape_out = out.shape
        out = tools.view(tools.long(out), shape_out[:-1] + (opt_arg, -1))
        if out.shape[-1] == 1:
            out = out.squeeze(-1)
    elif reduction_op == "KMin_ArgKMin" or reduction_op == "KMinArgKMin":
        # output is of size N x 2KD giving K min and argmin for each dim. We convert to 2 arrays of size N x K x D
        # and cast to integers the second array
        shape_out = out.shape
        out = tools.view(out, shape_out[:-1] + (opt_arg, 2, -1))
        out = (out[..., 0, :], tools.long(out[..., 1, :]))
        if out[0].shape[-1] == 1:
            out = (out[0].squeeze(-1), out[1].squeeze(-1))
    elif reduction_op == "LogSumExp":
        # finalize the log-sum-exp computation as m + log(s)
        if out.shape[-1] == 2:  # means (m,s) with m scalar and s scalar
            out = (out[..., 0] + tools.log(out[..., 1]))[..., None]
        else:  # here out.shape[-1]>2, means (m,s) with m scalar and s vectorial
            out = out[..., 0][..., None] + tools.log(out[..., 1:])
    return out
Beispiel #4
def KernelLinearSolver(binding,
    tools = get_tools(binding)
    dtype = tools.dtype(x)

    def PreconditionedConjugateGradientSolver(linop,
        # Preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm to solve linear system of the form
        # Ma=b where linop is a linear operation corresponding
        # to a symmetric and positive definite matrix
        # invprecondop is linear operation corresponding to the inverse of the preconditioner matrix
        a = 0
        r = tools.copy(b)
        z = invprecondop(r)
        p = tools.copy(z)
        rz = (r * z).sum()
        k = 0
        while True:
            alp = rz / (p * linop(p)).sum()
            a += alp * p
            r -= alp * linop(p)
            if (r**2).sum() < eps**2:
            z = invprecondop(r)
            rznew = (r * z).sum()
            p = z + (rznew / rz) * p
            rz = rznew
            k += 1
        return a

    def NystromInversePreconditioner(K, Kspec, x, alpha):
        N, D = x.shape
        m = int(np.sqrt(N))
        ind = np.random.choice(range(N), m, replace=False)
        u = x[ind, :]
        M = K(u, u) + Kspec(tools.tile(u, (m, 1)),
                            tools.tile(u, (1, m)).reshape(-1, D), x).reshape(
                                m, m)

        def invprecondop(r):
            a = tools.solve(M, K(u, x, r))
            return (r - K(x, u, a)) / alpha

        return invprecondop

    def KernelLinOp(a):
        return K(x, x, a) + alpha * a

    def GaussKernel(D, Dv, sigma):
        formula = "Exp(-oos2*SqDist(x,y))*b"
        variables = [
            "x = Vi(" + str(D) + ")",  # First arg   : i-variable, of size D
            "y = Vj(" + str(D) + ")",  # Second arg  : j-variable, of size D
            "b = Vj(" + str(Dv) + ")",  # Third arg  : j-variable, of size Dv
            "oos2 = Pm(1)",
        ]  # Fourth arg  : scalar parameter
        my_routine = tools.Genred(formula,
        oos2 = tools.array([1.0 / sigma**2], dtype=dtype)
        KernelMatrix = GaussKernelMatrix(sigma)

        def K(x, y, b=None):
            if b is None:
                return KernelMatrix(x, y)
                return my_routine(x, y, b, oos2)

        return K

    def GaussKernelNystromPrecond(D, sigma):
        formula = "Exp(-oos2*(SqDist(u,x)+SqDist(v,x)))"
        variables = [
            "u = Vi(" + str(D) + ")",  # First arg   : i-variable, of size D
            "v = Vi(" + str(D) + ")",  # Second arg  : i-variable, of size D
            "x = Vj(" + str(D) + ")",  # Third arg  : j-variable, of size D
            "oos2 = Pm(1)",
        ]  # Fourth arg  : scalar parameter
        my_routine = tools.Genred(formula,
        oos2 = tools.array([1.0 / sigma**2], dtype=dtype)
        KernelMatrix = GaussKernelMatrix(sigma)

        def K(u, v, x):
            return my_routine(u, v, x, oos2)

        return K

    def GaussKernelMatrix(sigma):
        oos2 = 1.0 / sigma**2

        def f(x, y):
            D = x.shape[1]
            sqdist = 0
            for k in range(D):
                sqdist += (x[:, k][:, None] -
                           tools.transpose(y[:, k][:, None]))**2
            return tools.exp(-oos2 * sqdist)

        return f

    if type(K) == tuple:
        if K[0] == "gaussian":
            D = K[1]
            Dv = K[2]
            sigma = K[3]
            K = GaussKernel(D, Dv, sigma)
            if precond:
                precondKernel = GaussKernelNystromPrecond(D, sigma)

    if precond:
        invprecondop = NystromInversePreconditioner(K, precondKernel, x, alpha)
        a = PreconditionedConjugateGradientSolver(KernelLinOp, b, invprecondop,
        a = ConjugateGradientSolver(binding, KernelLinOp, b, eps=eps)

    return a