def logconv(self, C, dtype):
        if len(C) == 2:
            D = C[0].shape[1]
            log_conv = generic_logsumexp("( B - (P * " + self.cost.formula +
                                         " ) )",
                                         "A = Vi(1)",
                                         "X = Vi({})".format(D),
                                         "Y = Vj({})".format(D),
                                         "B = Vj(1)",
                                         "P = Pm(1)",

            D = C[0].shape[1]
            C = C[2].shape[1]

            log_conv = generic_logsumexp(
                "( B - (P * " +
                f"Sqrt(Pow({self.cost.formula},2) + Pow(Z|L, 2))" + " ) )",
                "A = Vi(1)",
                "X = Vi({})".format(D),
                "Y = Vj({})".format(D),
                "Z = Vi({})".format(C),
                "L = Vj({})".format(C),
                "B = Vj(1)",
                "P = Pm(1)",

        return log_conv
Beispiel #2
def keops_lse(cost, D, dtype="float32"):
    log_conv = generic_logsumexp("( B - (P * " + cost + " ) )",
                                 "A = Vi(1)",
                                 "X = Vi({})".format(D),
                                 "Y = Vj({})".format(D),
                                 "B = Vj(1)",
                                 "P = Pm(1)",
    return log_conv
Beispiel #3
def Sinkhorn_ops(p, ε, x_i, y_j):
    - an exponent p = 1 or 2
    - a regularization strength ε > 0
    - point clouds x_i and y_j, encoded as N-by-D and M-by-D torch arrays,

    Returns a pair of routines S_x, S_y such that
      [S_x(f_i)]_j = -log sum_i exp( f_i - |x_i-y_j|^p / ε )
      [S_y(f_j)]_i = -log sum_j exp( f_j - |x_i-y_j|^p / ε )

    This may look like a strange level of abstraction, but it is the most convenient way of
    working with KeOps and Vanilla pytorch (with a pre-computed cost matrix) at the same time.
    if backend == "keops":  # Memory-efficient GPU implementation : ONline logsumexp
        # We create a KeOps GPU routine...
        if p == 1: formula = "Fj - (Sqrt(SqDist(Xi,Yj))  / E)"
        elif p == 2: formula = "Fj -      (SqDist(Xi,Yj)   / E)"
            formula = "Fj - (Powf(SqDist(Xi,Yj),R)/ E)"
            raise (NotImplementedError(
                "I should fix the derivative at 0 of Powf, in KeOps's core."))
        D = x_i.shape[1]  # Dimension of the ambient space (typically 2 or 3)
        routine = generic_logsumexp(
            "outi = Vx(1)",  # Formula, output...
            # and input variables : ε, x_i, y_j, f_j, p/2 given with their respective dimensions
            "E = Pm(1)",
            "Xi = Vx({})".format(D),
            "Yj = Vy({})".format(D),
            "Fj = Vy(1)",

        # Before wrapping it up in a simple pair of operators - don't forget the minus!
        ε, r = torch.Tensor([ε]).type_as(x_i), torch.Tensor([p / 2
        S_x = lambda f_i: -routine(ε, y_j, x_i, f_i, r)
        S_y = lambda f_j: -routine(ε, x_i, y_j, f_j, r)
        return S_x, S_y

    elif backend == "pytorch":  # Naive matrix-vector implementation : OFFline logsumexp
        # We precompute the |x_i-y_j|^p matrix once and for all...
        x_y = x_i.unsqueeze(1) - y_j.unsqueeze(0)
        if p == 1: C_e = x_y.norm(dim=2) / ε
        elif p == 2: C_e = (x_y**2).sum(2) / ε
        else: C_e = x_y.norm(dim=2)**(p / 2) / ε
        CT_e = C_e.t()

        # Before wrapping it up in a simple pair of operators - don't forget the minus!
        S_x = lambda f_i: -lse(f_i.view(1, -1) - CT_e)
        S_y = lambda f_j: -lse(f_j.view(1, -1) - C_e)
        return S_x, S_y
Beispiel #4
def lse_genred(cost, D, dtype="float32"):
    """Legacy "Genred" implementation, with low-level KeOps formulas."""

    log_conv = generic_logsumexp(
        "( B - (P * " + cost + " ) )",
        "A = Vi(1)",
        "X = Vi({})".format(D),
        "Y = Vj({})".format(D),
        "B = Vj(1)",
        "P = Pm(1)",
    return log_conv
def benchmark(bench_name,


    device = torch.device(dev)
    x_i = torch.randn(N,
    y_j = torch.randn(N, D, dtype=torch.float32, device=device)
    α_i = torch.randn(N, 1, dtype=torch.float32, device=device)
    β_j = torch.randn(N, 1, dtype=torch.float32, device=device)

    α_i = α_i.abs()
    β_j = β_j.abs()
    α_i = α_i / α_i.sum()
    β_j = β_j / β_j.sum()

    s2v = lambda x: torch.tensor([x], dtype=torch.float32, device=device)

    def scal(α, f):
        returnα.view(-1), f.view(-1))

    if bench_name == "energy_distance":
        keops_conv = generic_sum(
            "Sqrt(SqDist(Xi,Yj))* Bj",
            "out_i = Vx(1)",  # Formula, output...
            # and input variables : x_i, y_j, β_j, given with their respective dimensions
            "Xi = Vx({})".format(D),
            "Yj = Vy({})".format(D),
            "Bj = Vy(1)")

        def vanilla_conv(x, y, β):
            XmY2 = ((x.unsqueeze(1) - y.unsqueeze(0))**2).sum(2)
            K = XmY2.sqrt()
            return K @ β

        def bench(α, x, β, y):
            if backend == "GPU_1D":
                conv = keops_conv
            elif backend == "pytorch":
                conv = vanilla_conv
            cost = scal(α,
                        conv(x, y, β) -
                        .5 * conv(x, x, α)) - .5 * scal(β, conv(y, y, β))
            return cost

        code = '_ = bench(α_i,x_i,β_j,y_j)'
        task = "Energy Distances"

    if bench_name == "LogSumExp":
        keops_lse = generic_logsumexp(
            "out_i = Vx(1)",  # Formula, output...
            # and input variables : x_i, y_j, β_j, given with their respective dimensions
            "Xi = Vx({})".format(D),
            "Yj = Vy({})".format(D))

        def lse(v_ij):
            """[lse(v_ij)]_i = log sum_j exp(v_ij), with numerical accuracy."""
            V_i = torch.max(v_ij, 1)[0].view(-1, 1)
            return V_i + (v_ij - V_i).exp().sum(1).log().view(-1, 1)

        def vanilla_lse(x, y):
            XmY2 = ((x.unsqueeze(1) - y.unsqueeze(0))**2).sum(2)
            K = XmY2.sqrt()
            return lse(K)

        def bench(x, y):
            if backend == "GPU_1D":
                return keops_lse(x, y)
            elif backend == "pytorch":
                return vanilla_lse(x, y)
                raise NotImplementedError()

        code = '_ = bench(x_i,y_j)'
        task = "LSEs"

    elif bench_name == "fidelities":

        from divergences import kernel_divergence, regularized_ot, hausdorff_divergence, sinkhorn_divergence

        if fidelity == "energy_distance":
            params = ("energy", None)
            code = "c = kernel_divergence(α_i,x_i, β_j,y_j, k=params ) ; c.backward()"

        elif fidelity == "hausdorff":
            params = {
                "p": 1,
                "eps": .1,
                "nits": 3,
                "tol": 0.,
            code = "c = hausdorff_divergence(α_i,x_i, β_j,y_j, **params ) ; c.backward()"

        elif fidelity == "sinkhorn":
            params = {
                "p": 1,
                "eps": .1,
                "nits": (20, 3),
                True,  # This is true in practice, and lets us win a x2 factor
                "tol": 0.,
            code = "c = sinkhorn_divergence(α_i,x_i, β_j,y_j, **params ) ; c.backward()"

        elif fidelity == "sinkhorn_nocv":
            params = {
                "p": 1,
                "eps": .1,
                "nits": (20, 3),
                "assume_convergence": False,
                "tol": 0.,
            code = "c = sinkhorn_divergence(α_i,x_i, β_j,y_j, **params ) ; c.backward()"

        task = "fidelities"

    exec(code, locals())
    import gc
    GC = 'gc.enable();' if enable_GC else 'pass;'
    print("{:3} NxN {}, with N ={:7}: {:3}x".format(loops, task, N, loops),

    exec(code, locals())  # Warmup run

    elapsed = timeit.Timer(code, GC, globals=locals(),

    print("{:3.6f}s".format(elapsed / loops))
    return elapsed / loops
Beispiel #6
def keops_lse(cost, D):
    log_conv = generic_logsumexp("( B - (P * " + cost + " ) )", "A = Vx(1)",
                                 "X = Vx({})".format(D),
                                 "Y = Vy({})".format(D), "B = Vy(1)",
                                 "P = Pm(1)")
    return log_conv