Beispiel #1
def handle_args(is_for: bool, *args) -> HandledArgs:
    Handle the *args passed to parallel_* functions

    :param is_for: whether the arguments belong to a parallel_for call
    :param *args: the list of arguments being checked
    :returns: a HandledArgs object containing the passed arguments

    unpacked: Tuple = tuple(*args)

    name: Optional[str] = None
    policy: Union[ExecutionPolicy, int]
    workunit: Callable
    view: Optional[ViewType] = None
    initial_value: Union[int, float] = 0

    if len(unpacked) == 2:
        policy = unpacked[0]
        workunit = unpacked[1]

    elif len(unpacked) == 3:
        if isinstance(unpacked[0], str):
            name = unpacked[0]
            policy = unpacked[1]
            workunit = unpacked[2]
        elif is_for and isinstance(unpacked[2], ViewType):
            policy = unpacked[0]
            workunit = unpacked[1]
            view = unpacked[2]
        elif isinstance(unpacked[2], (int, float)):
            policy = unpacked[0]
            workunit = unpacked[1]
            initial_value = unpacked[2]
            raise TypeError(f"ERROR: wrong arguments {unpacked}")

    elif len(unpacked) == 4:
        if isinstance(unpacked[0], str):
            name = unpacked[0]
            policy = unpacked[1]
            workunit = unpacked[2]

            if is_for and isinstance(unpacked[3], ViewType):
                view = unpacked[3]
            elif isinstance(unpacked[3], (int, float)):
                initial_value = unpacked[3]
                raise TypeError(f"ERROR: wrong arguments {unpacked}")
            raise TypeError(f"ERROR: wrong arguments {unpacked}")

        raise ValueError(f"ERROR: incorrect number of arguments {len(unpacked)}")

    if isinstance(policy, int):
        policy = RangePolicy(km.get_default_space(), 0, policy)

    return HandledArgs(name, policy, workunit, view, initial_value)
Beispiel #2
    def is_debug(self, space: ExecutionSpace) -> bool:
        Check if the execution space is Debug and account for Default space

        :param space: the execution space
        :returns: True or False

        return space is ExecutionSpace.Debug or (
            space is ExecutionSpace.Default
            and km.get_default_space() is ExecutionSpace.Debug)
Beispiel #3
    def get_output_dir(self, main: Path, metadata: EntityMetadata,
                       space: ExecutionSpace) -> Path:
        Get the output directory for an execution space

        :param main: the path to the main file in the current PyKokkos application
        :param metadata: the metadata of the entity being compiled
        :param space: the execution space to compile for
        :returns: the path to the output directory for a specific execution space

        if space is ExecutionSpace.Default:
            space = km.get_default_space()

        return self.get_entity_dir(main, metadata) / space.value
Beispiel #4
    def compile_entity(self, main: Path, metadata: EntityMetadata,
                       entity: PyKokkosEntity,
                       classtypes: List[PyKokkosEntity],
                       spaces: List[ExecutionSpace], force_uvm: bool) -> None:
        Compile the entity

        :param main: the path to the main file in the current PyKokkos application
        :param metadata: the metadata of the entity being compiled
        :param entity: the parsed entity being compiled
        :param classtypes: the list of parsed classtypes being compiled
        :param spaces: the list of execution spaces to compile for
        :param force_uvm: whether CudaUVMSpace is enabled
        :returns: the PyKokkos members obtained during translation

        cpp_setup = CppSetup(self.module_file, self.functor_file,
        translator = StaticTranslator(self.module_name, self.functor_file)

        spaces = [
            km.get_default_space() if s is ExecutionSpace.Default else s
            for s in spaces
        is_compiled: List[bool] = [
            CppSetup.is_compiled(self.get_output_dir(main, metadata, s))
            for s in spaces

        if not all(is_compiled):
            t_start: float = time.perf_counter()
            functor: List[str]
            bindings: List[str]
            functor, bindings = translator.translate(entity, classtypes)
            t_end: float = time.perf_counter() - t_start
  "translation {t_end}")

            for i, s in enumerate(spaces):
                if s is ExecutionSpace.Debug:

                if not is_compiled[i]:
                    output_dir: Path = self.get_output_dir(main, metadata, s)
                    c_start: float = time.perf_counter()
                    cpp_setup.compile(output_dir, functor, bindings, s,
                                      force_uvm, self.get_compiler())
                    c_end: float = time.perf_counter() - c_start
          "compilation {c_end}")
Beispiel #5
    def _init_view(
        shape: List[int],
        dtype: Union[DataTypeClass, type] = real,
        space: MemorySpace = MemorySpace.MemorySpaceDefault,
        layout: Layout = Layout.LayoutDefault,
        trait: Trait = Trait.TraitDefault,
        array: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
    ) -> None:
        Initialize the view

        :param shape: the shape of the view as a list of integers
        :param dtype: the data type of the view, either a pykokkos DataType or "int" or "float".
        :param space: the memory space of the view. Will be set to the execution space of the view by default.
        :param layout: the layout of the view in memory.
        :param trait: the memory trait of the view
        :param array: the numpy array if trait is Unmanaged

        self.shape: List[int] = shape
        self.dtype: Optional[DataType] = self._get_type(dtype)
        if self.dtype is None:
            sys.exit(f"ERROR: Invalid dtype {dtype}")

        if space is MemorySpace.MemorySpaceDefault:
            space = get_default_memory_space(km.get_default_space())

        if layout is Layout.LayoutDefault:
            layout = get_default_layout(space)

        if space is MemorySpace.CudaSpace:
            space = MemorySpace.HostSpace MemorySpace = space
        self.layout: Layout = layout
        self.trait: Trait = trait

        if trait is trait.Unmanaged:
            self.array = kokkos.unmanaged_array(array, self.dtype.value,
            self.array = kokkos.array("", shape, None, None, self.dtype.value, space.value, layout.value, trait.value) = np.array(self.array, copy=False)
Beispiel #6
def run_workunit_debug(policy: ExecutionPolicy,
                       workunit: Callable[..., None],
                       operation: str,
                       **kwargs) -> Optional[Union[float, int]]:
    Run a workunit in Python

    :param operation: the name of the operation "for", "reduce", or "scan"
    :param policy: the execution policy of the operation
    :param workunit: the workunit function object
    :param initial_value: the initial value of the accumulator
    :param kwargs: the keyword arguments passed to the workunit
    :returns: the result of the operation (None for parallel_for)

    acc = Acc(initial_value)
    if is ExecutionSpace.Default: = km.get_default_space()

    if isinstance(policy, TeamPolicy):
        for i in range(policy.league_size):
            call_workunit(operation, workunit, TeamMember(i, 0), acc, **kwargs)

    elif isinstance(policy, TeamThreadRange) or isinstance(
            policy, ThreadVectorRange):
        for i in range(policy.count):
            call_workunit(operation, workunit, TeamMember(i, 0), acc, **kwargs)

        if isinstance(policy, MDRangePolicy):
            if policy.rank > 1:
                for idx in itertools.product(*[
                        for interval in zip(policy.begin, policy.end)
                    call_workunit(operation, workunit, idx, acc, **kwargs)
            for i in range(policy.begin, policy.end):
                call_workunit(operation, workunit, i, acc, **kwargs)

    return acc.val
Beispiel #7
def execute(space: ExecutionSpace, workload: object) -> None:
    if space is ExecutionSpace.Default:
        runtime_singleton.runtime.run_workload(km.get_default_space(), workload)
        runtime_singleton.runtime.run_workload(space, workload)