Beispiel #1
    def generate(self,
                 head: Any = None) -> Generator[Tuple[Any, str], None, None]:
        """Return a generator that yields a new message on every next call.

            head: User to start the interaction with. If no user supplied, the sender of the earliest message is used. Note, this user will not send a message but will be the user the first generated message responds to.

            # Generate 2 messages
            >>> gen = cc.generate('Alice')
            >>> for _ in range(2):
                    tpl = next(gen)
                    print(": ".join(tpl))

            Bob: Hey, what's up?
            Charlie: Shuf is fantastic. I tried it on a 78 billion line text file.

            # Generates an infinite amount of messages
            >>> for tpl in cc.generate('Alice')():
                    print(": ".join(tpl))

            Bob: Hey, what's up?
            Charlie: Shuf is fantastic. I tried it on a 78 billion line text file.
        user = pykov.Vector({self.messages[0][0] if head is None else head:
                             1})  # starting point for markov chain
        while True:
            choice = (
                user *
                self.Musers).choose()  # choose next user to write a message
            if choice is None: return
            user = pykov.Vector(
                {choice: 1})  # create pykov vector for future user calculation
            if choice in self.word_matrices:
                Mword = self.word_matrices[choice]
            else:  # create word matrix
                Mword = pykov.Matrix({(1, 1):
                                      1})  # create matrix for word chain
                for mes in [m for m in self.messages
                            if m[0] == choice]:  # add every word to matrix
                    splt = mes[1].split(' ')
                    if (0, splt[0]) not in Mword: Mword[(0, splt[0])] = 0
                    Mword[(0, splt[0])] += 1
                    for word, nxt in zip(splt[:-1], splt[1:]):
                        if (word, nxt) not in Mword: Mword[(word, nxt)] = 0
                        Mword[(word, nxt)] += 1
                    if (splt[-1], 1) not in Mword: Mword[(splt[-1], 1)] = 0
                    Mword[(splt[-1], 1)] += 1
                if not self.enhance_speed: self.word_matrices[choice] = Mword

            C = pykov.Chain(Mword)
            yield (choice, " ".join(C.walk(self.MAX_WALK_LENGTH, 0, 1)[1:-1]))
def get_succesor(user_id, place_id, time):
    temp = pk.Vector()
    day = time.weekday()
    place = get_common_place_from_db(place_id)
    for suc in place["successors"]:
        trip = esdctp.get_common_trip_from_db(user_id, place_id, suc)
        for temp_hour in range(time.hour, esdctp.HOURS_IN_DAY):
            counter_key = ("%s" % suc, temp_hour)
            temp[counter_key] = trip.probabilites[day, temp_hour]
    return boi.ObjectId(temp.choose())
Beispiel #3
def get_normalized_times(lst_of_trips):
    counter = pk.Vector()
    i = 0
    for trip in lst_of_trips:
        counter[i] = get_time_of_trip(trip)
        i += 1
    to_return = []
    for i in range(len(lst_of_trips)):
    return to_return
    def setFirstLocationAndWhen(self, first_location, first_when):
        self.current_cell = first_location
        self.current_when = first_when

        self.counter_vector = pykov.Vector({self.current_cell: 1})
        self.normalized_vector = self.counter_vector.copy()
        self.T = pykov.Chain({(self.current_cell, self.current_cell): 1})
            self.most_probable_transition_matrix, self.t)
Beispiel #5
def get_normalized_beauty(lst_of_trips):
    counter = pk.Vector()
    i = 0
    for trip in lst_of_trips:
        factor = get_beauty_score_of_trip(trip)
        print("beauty_factor : %s" % factor)
        counter[i] = factor
        i += 1
    to_return = []
    for i in range(len(lst_of_trips)):
    return to_return
Beispiel #6
def get_normalized_sweat(lst_of_trips, testing=False):
    counter = pk.Vector()
    i = 0
    for trip in lst_of_trips:
        factor = get_sweat_factor(trip, testing)
        print("sweat_factor : %s" % factor)
        counter[i] = factor
        i += 1
    to_return = []
    for i in range(len(lst_of_trips)):
    return to_return
Beispiel #7
def main():
    # N = 100
    # B = list(range(0, int(N/2), 1))
    # C1 = [int((N - i)/2) for i in B]
    # C2 = [N - B[i] - C1[i] for i in range(len(B))]
    # k = 20
    # alpha = list(range(int(k/2), k+1))
    N = 100
    B = 20
    C1 = 40
    C2 = 40
    k = 20
    alpha = 15
    states = []
    for i in range(int((C1 + C2) / 2), C1 + C2 + 1):
        states.append((i, C1 + C2 - i))
    chain = pykov.Chain()
    for i in range(1, len(states) - 1):
        # print(states[i])
        # Prob of going up is prob choosing red and getting maj blue
        up = (states[i][0] / (C1 + C2)) * hyper(N, states[i][1], k, alpha)
        # Prob of going down is prob of choosing blue
        down = (states[i][1] / (C1 + C2)) * hyper(N, states[i][0], k, alpha)
        # Prob of staying is prob of choosing blue and getting maj blue
        # or choosing red and getting maj red
        # stay = ((states[i][0]/(C1+C2))*hyper(N, states[i][0], k, alpha))+((states[i][1]/(C1+C2))*hyper(N, states[i][1], k, alpha))
        stay = 1 - up - down
        chain[(str(states[i]), str(states[i - 1]))] = up
        chain[(str(states[i]), str(states[i + 1]))] = down
        chain[(str(states[i]), str(states[i]))] = stay
    chain[(str(states[0]), str(
        states[0]))] = 1 - (states[0][1] /
                            (C1 + C2)) * hyper(N, states[0][0], k, alpha)
           str(states[1]))] = (states[0][1] /
                               (C1 + C2)) * hyper(N, states[0][0], k, alpha)
    chain[(str(states[len(states) - 1]), str(
        states[len(states) -
               1]))] = 1 - (states[i][0] /
                            (C1 + C2)) * hyper(N, states[i][1], k, alpha)
    chain[(str(states[len(states) - 1]),
           str(states[len(states) -
                      2]))] = (states[i][0] /
                               (C1 + C2)) * hyper(N, states[i][1], k, alpha)
    # for state_i in states:
    #     for state_j in states:
    for k in chain:
        print(k, chain[k])
    p = pykov.Vector({str((40, 40)): 1})
    print(chain.pow(p, 300000))
Beispiel #8
def markov_update_words(pykov_words, association, reward):
    pykov_words[association] = pykov_words[association] + reward
    summ = sum(pykov_words.values())
    normalized_probabilities = list(
        map(lambda i: float(i) / summ, pykov_words.values()))

    for i in range(len(normalized_probabilities)):
        if normalized_probabilities[i] < 4.768371584931426e-04:
            normalized_probabilities[i] = 0.001

    normalized_probabilities = OrderedDict(
        zip(pykov_words.keys(), normalized_probabilities))

    return pykov.Vector(normalized_probabilities)
def mobility_prediction(pykov_chain, current_cell_id, current_date,
                        current_time, predicted_date, predicted_time):
    initial_minute_of_day = support.calc_minute_of_day(current_time)
    initial_day = support.calc_day(current_date)

    initial_key = UserEntry(initial_day, initial_minute_of_day,
    initial_pykov_vector = pykov.Vector({initial_key: 1})

    difference_in_seconds = (
        datetime.datetime.combine(predicted_date, predicted_time) -
        datetime.datetime.combine(current_date, current_time)).total_seconds()
    difference_in_minutes = int(difference_in_seconds / 60)

    distribution_dict = pykov_chain.pow(initial_pykov_vector,
    print 'eeeeeee', distribution_dict

    return distribution_dict
Beispiel #10
def markov_chain(states, transitions, policy):
    import pykov
    T = pykov.Chain()
    q = Queue.Queue()
    visited = [False] * len(states)
    visited[0] = True
    start = pykov.Vector({states[0]: 1})
    while not q.empty():
        state_idx = q.get()
        pol = policy[state_idx]
        for i, p in enumerate(transitions[pol][state_idx]):
            if p > 0:
                if i == len(states):
                    T[(states[state_idx], "exit")] = p
                    T[("exit", "exit")] = 1
                    T[(states[state_idx], states[i])] = p
                    if not visited[i]:
                        visited[i] = True
    return T, start
Beispiel #11
def mp():
    transiant_num = 10
    thr_user_number = 5
    #get transiant_num and thr_user_number from input
    ## set time and data using system time
    Day ="%A")
    Time = time.strftime("%H:%M")
    current_time = Time

    # start a while loop to calculate and save the results in 'ICNoutput' folder till time 24:00-transiant_num
    current_time_in_min = sum(
        int(x) * 60**i
        for i, x in enumerate(reversed(current_time.split(':'))))
    ##$print  current_time_in_min
    #while (sum(int(x) * 60 ** i for i,x in enumerate(reversed(current_time.split(':'))))<(1440-transiant_num)):
    ##$print '	'
    ##$print '**********Group Mobility Prediction is runing *****************'
    ##$print 'transiant time is : ', transiant_num
    ##$print 'thresh old for user number is :', thr_user_number
    ##$print 'Current date is: ', Day ,  '  &   Currer time is : ', Time
    #print 'Currer day is : ', +Day ' & Current time is: ', +Time
    ##$print '****************************************************************'
    ##$print "------The Calculation of the Group Mobility Prediction based on the Trajectory Trace Files------"
    #print 'Current time :' +Time
    #print 'Current date :'	+Day

    if Day == 'Saturday':
        current_day = 'sat'
    elif Day == 'Sunday':
        current_day = 'sun'
    elif Day == 'Monday':
        current_day = 'mon'
    elif Day == 'Tuesday':
        current_day = 'tue'
    elif Day == 'Wednesday':
        current_day = 'wed'
    elif Day == 'Thursday':
        current_day = 'thu'
    elif Day == 'Friday':
        current_day = 'fri'

    if not os.path.exists('/home/ubuntu/mobaas/Groupeoutput'):
        print "Create the folder Groupeoutput"
        return 0

    folder = '/home/ubuntu/mobaas/Groupeoutput'

    for the_file in os.listdir(folder):
        file_path = os.path.join(folder, the_file)
        if os.path.isfile(file_path):
            if "threshold_cell_users.txt" not in file_path:
        #elif os.path.isdir(file_path): shutil.rmtree(file_path)

    all_users_start_move_cell_prob = [
    ]  # a matrix to save all_users_start_move_cell_prob
    f8 = open(
    for file in dirs:
        user_id = int(file)
        #print '...................'
        ##$print 'User ID :' , user_id
        ##$print '...................'

        #transiant_num =20  # after how many minutes!
        path = '/home/ubuntu/mobaas/test_data/Trace_Files/' '%d%s' % (
            user_id, '/Step_1')
        number_of_files_all_day = len([
            item for item in os.listdir(path)
            if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, item))
        ])  #total number of files
        #print number_of_files_all_day
        total_input_file = number_of_files_all_day / 7  #total input trace file for each day
        #print total_input_file
        file_num = int(
            total_input_file * 0.8
        )  # 80% number of the input traced files for each week day for estimation
        #print file_num
        total_file_num = 1 * file_num  # number of total input traced files
        array_of_traces = [
        ]  # an empty array to input traced files as matrix for all dayes
        #print " "
        #print " "
        #print "------The Calculation of the Probabilities based on the Trajectory Trace Files -------"

        ## bades on the date read the trace files for specifie day
        if current_day == 'sat':
            sat_array_of_traces = [
            ] * file_num  # an empty array to input traced files as matrix for all Saturday
            for i in range(0, file_num):
                sat_trace_file = numpy.loadtxt(
                    '%s/Sat_%d.dat' %
                    (path, i))  #read the traced files(Saturday)
                size = len(sat_trace_file)  # size of trace files step
                    i] = sat_trace_file  # input each traces fiel in the array
            array_of_traces = sat_array_of_traces
            #print 'Current day is :' , current_day
        elif current_day == 'sun':
            sun_array_of_traces = [
            ] * file_num  # an empty array to input traced files as matrix for all Sundays
            for i in range(0, file_num):
                sun_trace_file = numpy.loadtxt(
                    '%s/Sun_%d.dat' %
                    (path, i))  #read the traced files(Sundays)
                size = len(sun_trace_file)  # size of trace files step
                    i] = sun_trace_file  # input each traces fiel in the array
            array_of_traces = sun_array_of_traces
            #print 'Current day =' , current_day
        elif current_day == 'mon':
            mon_array_of_traces = [
            ] * file_num  # an empty array to input traced files as matrix for all Monday
            for i in range(0, file_num):
                mon_trace_file = numpy.loadtxt(
                    '%s/Mon_%d.dat' %
                    (path, i))  #read the traced files(Monday)
                size = len(mon_trace_file)  # size of trace files step
                    i] = mon_trace_file  # input each traces fiel in the array
            array_of_traces = mon_array_of_traces
            #print 'Current day =' , current_day
        elif current_day == 'tue':
            tue_array_of_traces = [
            ] * file_num  # an empty array to input traced files as matrix for all Tuseday
            for i in range(0, file_num):
                tue_trace_file = numpy.loadtxt(
                    '%s/Tue_%d.dat' %
                    (path, i))  #read the traced files(Tuseday)
                size = len(tue_trace_file)  # size of trace files step
                    i] = tue_trace_file  # input each traces fiel in the array
            array_of_traces = tue_array_of_traces
            #print 'Current day =', current_day
        elif current_day == 'wed':
            wed_array_of_traces = [
            ] * file_num  # an empty array to input traced files as matrix for all Wednesday
            for i in range(0, file_num):
                wed_trace_file = numpy.loadtxt(
                    '%s/Wed_%d.dat' %
                    (path, i))  #read the traced files(Wednesday)
                size = len(wed_trace_file)  # size of trace files step
                    i] = wed_trace_file  # input each traces fiel in the array
            array_of_traces = wed_array_of_traces
            #print 'Current day =' , current_day
        elif current_day == 'thu':
            thu_array_of_traces = [
            ] * file_num  # an empty array to input traced files as matrix for all Thursday
            for i in range(0, file_num):
                thu_trace_file = numpy.loadtxt(
                    '%s/Thu_%d.dat' %
                    (path, i))  #read the traced files(Thursday)
                size = len(thu_trace_file)  # size of trace files step
                    i] = thu_trace_file  # input each traces fiel in the array
            array_of_traces = thu_array_of_traces
            #print 'Current day =' , current_day
        elif current_day == 'fri':
            fri_array_of_traces = [
            ] * file_num  # an empty array to input traced files as for all Friday
            for i in range(0, file_num):
                fri_trace_file = numpy.loadtxt(
                    '%s/Fri_%d.dat' %
                    (path, i))  #read the traced files(Friday)
                size = len(fri_trace_file)  # size of trace files step
                    i] = fri_trace_file  # input each traces fiel in the array
            array_of_traces = fri_array_of_traces
            #print 'Current day =' , current_day

        ##count number of visited cell
        arry_of_temp_cell = [
        ] * total_file_num  #an array to put the cell ID in each step
        arry_of_number_cell = [
        ] * size  #an array to count the number of visited cell ID
        arry_of_number_cell_copy = [
        ] * size  #an array to count the number of visited cell ID
        for j in range(0, size):
            for i in range(0, total_file_num):
                arry_of_temp_cell[i] = array_of_traces[i][j][1]
                arry_of_number_cell[j] = [[x, arry_of_temp_cell.count(x)]
                                          for x in set(arry_of_temp_cell)]
                arry_of_temp_cell[i] = array_of_traces[i][j][1]
                arry_of_number_cell_copy[j] = [[x,
                                               for x in set(arry_of_temp_cell)]

        ##count percentage of visited cell
        arry_of_percentage_cell = arry_of_number_cell_copy  #an array to calculate the percentage for each visited cell
        for j in range(0, size):
            sum_cell = 0.
            for n in range(0, len(arry_of_percentage_cell[j])):
                sum_cell += arry_of_percentage_cell[j][n][
                    1]  #calculate all visited cell
            for n in range(0, len(arry_of_percentage_cell[j])):
                arry_of_percentage_cell[j][n][1] = arry_of_percentage_cell[j][
                    n][1] / sum_cell  #calculate the percentage for each visited cell

        ##make an array to save time,percentage and cell ID
        arry_of_time_percentage_cell = arry_of_percentage_cell  #an array to save [time_cellID, percentage]
        for j in range(0, ):
            for n in range(0, len(arry_of_percentage_cell[j])):
                arry_of_time_percentage_cell[j][n][0] = [
                    '%d%s%d' % (array_of_traces[0][j][0], '-',

        #open file to save the state file (state file is calculated from this file that has non zero transient probability)
        f1 = open('/home/ubuntu/mobaas/Groupeoutput/statefile.txt', 'w')
        f1 = open('/home/ubuntu/mobaas/Groupeoutput/statefile.txt', 'a')
        ##calculate the percentage of going from once cell to other cell in each step
        for j in range(0, size - 2):
            for n in range(
                    0, len(arry_of_number_cell[j])
            ):  #an array which has the number of visited cell in each step
                #print (n)
                arry_of_temp_next_cell = []
                arry_of_number_next_cell = []
                arry_of_number_next_cell_copy = []
                temp = arry_of_number_cell[j][n][
                    0]  # temp get each of the visited cell

                for i in range(0, total_file_num):
                    if array_of_traces[i][j][1] == temp:
                        #an array to save visited cell in the next step
                        arry_of_temp_next_cell.append(array_of_traces[i][j +
                        #an array which has the number of visited cell in the next step
                        arry_of_number_next_cell = [[
                            x, arry_of_temp_next_cell.count(x)
                        ] for x in set(arry_of_temp_next_cell)]
                        #make a copy
                        arry_of_number_next_cell_copy = [[
                            x, arry_of_temp_next_cell.count(x)
                        ] for x in set(arry_of_temp_next_cell)]
                        arry_of_number_next_cell_percentage = arry_of_number_next_cell_copy
                        #calculate the percentage of going to the next cell
                        sum_next_cell = 0.
                        for n in range(
                                0, len(arry_of_number_next_cell_percentage)):
                            sum_next_cell += arry_of_number_next_cell_percentage[
                        for n in range(
                                0, len(arry_of_number_next_cell_percentage)):
                                1] = arry_of_number_next_cell_percentage[n][
                                    1] / sum_next_cell
                #save the the transient probability in state file
                for m in range(0, len(arry_of_number_next_cell_percentage)):
                    f1.write('%s%d' % ('c', array_of_traces[0][j][0]))
                    f1.write('%s%d   ' % ('_', temp))
                    f1.write('%s%d' % ('c', array_of_traces[0][j + 1][0]))
                    f1.write('%s%d   %.3f \n' %
                             ('_', arry_of_number_next_cell_percentage[m][0],


        ##calculate the transient probability
        state_mat = pykov.readmat(
        #print len(state_mat)
        #print state_mat.keys()

        ## change hh:mm to time step (e.g, 06:21-->381 )
        current_time_setp = sum(
            int(x) * 60**i
            for i, x in enumerate(reversed(current_time.split(':'))))
        #current_time_setp = current_time_setp - transiant_num  # set the start time "transiant_num" ago to from current time to start M.C
        current_time_setp = current_time_setp  # set the start time "transiant_num" ago to from current time to start M.C
        #print current_time_setp
        #print len(state_mat)

        #Clear the cellprobabilityfile.txt for new calculation
        f4 = open('/home/ubuntu/mobaas/Groupeoutput/cellprobabilityfile.txt',

        #check the "current_time_setp - transiant_num" in state_mat to find the valid cell on that time
        for i in range(0, len(state_mat)):
            if int(state_mat.keys()[i][0]
                   [1:state_mat.keys()[i][0].index('_')]) == current_time_setp:
                if int(state_mat.keys()[i][0]
                       [state_mat.keys()[i][0].index('_') + 1:]) != 0:
                    ##$print '**************************************************************************************'
                    #print state_mat.keys()[i][0]
                    current_time_cell = state_mat.keys()[i][0]
                    #verey important point here is that now "current_cell" is not the cell at current time,
                    #here it shows the cell that user was ther at "current_time_setp -transiant_num "
                    current_cell = int(state_mat.keys()[i][0]
                                       [state_mat.keys()[i][0].index('_') +
                    #print  current_time_cell
                    #print  current_cell
                    ## make time step and cell as 'c381_5384 '
                    initial_state = pykov.Vector([(current_time_cell, 1)])
                    #print initial_state
                    next_cell_probability = state_mat.pow(
                        initial_state, transiant_num)

                    f3 = open('/home/ubuntu/mobaas/Groupeoutput/state_mat.txt',
                    for i in range(0, len(state_mat.values())):
                        f3.write('%s      %f \n' %
                                 (state_mat.keys()[i], state_mat.values()[i]))


                    #the result file
                    x = []
                    cell_name = []
                    y = []

                    #return next_cell_probability
                    ## print the caclulation of probability in the screen and save it in the "cellprobabilityfile.txt" file, this file only show the probability of moving fron start cell to current cell
                    ##$print "Starting time for estimation = "'{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(*divmod(current_time_setp, 60)), "  ,   User is in cell = ", (current_cell)
                    ##$print "......................................................................................"
                    #f4 = open('/home/ubuntu/mypath/groupprediction/cellprobabilityfile.txt', 'w')
                    f4 = open(
                    for i in range(0, len(next_cell_probability.values())):
                        x.append(i + 1)
                        #	f4.write('%s      %f \n' % (next_cell_probability.keys()[i],next_cell_probability.values()[i]))
                        temp_next_cell = next_cell_probability.keys()[i]
                        #f4.write('%s  %s  %s  %f \n' % (current_cell, '{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(*divmod(int(temp_next_cell[1:temp_next_cell.index('_')]), 60)), temp_next_cell[temp_next_cell.index('_') + 1:], next_cell_probability.values()[i]) )
                        #f4.write('%s  %s  %f \n' % (current_cell, temp_next_cell[temp_next_cell.index('_') + 1:], next_cell_probability.values()[i]) )
                        if temp_next_cell[temp_next_cell.index('_') +
                                          1:] != '0':
                                '%s  %s  %f \n' %
                                 temp_next_cell[temp_next_cell.index('_') +
                            ##$print 'Next Time = ' '{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(*divmod(int(temp_next_cell[1:temp_next_cell.index('_')]), 60)),'  ,  Current Cell = ', temp_next_cell[temp_next_cell.index('_') + 1:],'  ,  The Probability = ', next_cell_probability.values()[i]
                        ##$elif  temp_next_cell[temp_next_cell.index('_') + 1:] == '0':
                        ##$print 'Next Time  = ' '{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(*divmod(int(temp_next_cell[1:temp_next_cell.index('_')]), 60)),'  ,  Current Cell = ', temp_next_cell[temp_next_cell.index('_') + 1:],'(Not trace data)','  ,  The Probability = ', next_cell_probability.values()[i]


        # load cellprobabilityfile in a matrix
        prob_mat = numpy.loadtxt(
        #print 'original prob_mat : ',prob_mat

        number_of_element_prob_mat = numpy.count_nonzero(prob_mat)

        #print 'number of element in original prob_mat', number_of_element_prob_mat
        #find unique row in  prob_mat
        def unique_rows(a):
            a = numpy.ascontiguousarray(a)
            unique_a = numpy.unique(a.view([('', a.dtype)] * a.shape[1]))
            return unique_a.view(a.dtype).reshape(
                (unique_a.shape[0], a.shape[1]))

        if number_of_element_prob_mat > 3:
            prob_mat = unique_rows(prob_mat)
            #print 'unic prob_mat',prob_mat

        number_of_element_prob_mat = numpy.count_nonzero(prob_mat)
        #print 'number of element in unic prob_mat', number_of_element_prob_mat
        # check if prob_mat dose not have only one raw(it has three elements), inorder to find unic raw in it
        if number_of_element_prob_mat == 3:
            #print 'number of raw in prob_mat', raw_of_prob_mat
            new_prob_mat_1 = numpy.append(prob_mat, 0)
            new_prob_mat_2 = numpy.append(new_prob_mat_1, 0)
            #print 'now prob_mat', new_prob_mat_2
            prob_mat_extend = new_prob_mat_2
            #new = numpy.append(prob_mat, 0)
            #new1 = numpy.append(new, 0)
            #raw_of_punique_rows_prob_mat = len(unique_rows_prob_mat)
            #print 'number of raw in raw_of_punique', raw_of_punique_rows_prob_mat
            #prob_mat_extend= np.c_[ unique_rows_prob_mat, 0, 0 ]
            #unique_rows_prob_mat.extend([0, 0])
            #C =[0]*2
            #prob_mat_extend= np.c_[ unique_rows_prob_mat, np.zeros(1), np.zeros(1) ]
            #print prob_mat_extend
            #print len(prob_mat_extend)
            size_of_prob_mat_extend = 1
            #print  size_of_prob_mat_extend

        elif number_of_element_prob_mat != 3:
            #print 'number of raw in prob_mat', raw_of_prob_mat
            unique_rows_prob_mat = unique_rows(prob_mat)
            raw_of_punique_rows_prob_mat = len(unique_rows_prob_mat)
            #print 'number of raw in raw_of_punique', raw_of_punique_rows_prob_mat
            prob_mat_extend = np.c_[unique_rows_prob_mat,
            #print prob_mat_extend
            size_of_prob_mat_extend = len(prob_mat_extend)
            #print  size_of_prob_mat_extend

        # calculate the probability of starting from one specific cell
        count_start_cell_numb = Counter(unique_rows_prob_mat[:, 0])
        #print 'count_start_cell_numb',  count_start_cell_numb
        uniq_start_cell_numb = 1. * len(unique_rows_prob_mat[:, 0])
        #print 'uniq_start_cell_numb', uniq_start_cell_numb
        count_start_cell_perc = numpy.zeros(shape=(len(count_start_cell_numb),
        for i in range(0, len(count_start_cell_numb)):
            count_start_cell_perc[i, 0] = count_start_cell_numb.keys()[i]
                1] = count_start_cell_numb.values()[i] / uniq_start_cell_numb
            #print count_start_cell_perc[i,0]
            #print count_start_cell_perc[i,1]

        #print count_start_cell_perc

        for i in range(0, len(count_start_cell_perc)):
            temp_cell = count_start_cell_perc[i, 0]
            temp_prob = count_start_cell_perc[
                i, 1]  #probability that user was in the start cell
            #for j in range(0,len(prob_mat_extend[:,0])):
            if size_of_prob_mat_extend == 1:
                #print  'in size 1 :', size_of_prob_mat_extend
                #print 'prob_mat_extend =', prob_mat_extend
                #print 'prob_mat_extend[0]=', prob_mat_extend[2]
                #for j in range(0,size_of_prob_mat_extend):
                if prob_mat_extend[0] == temp_cell:
                        3] = temp_prob  #probability that user was in the start cell
                    prob_mat_extend[4] = prob_mat_extend[3] * prob_mat_extend[
                        2]  #probability that user was in the start cell and move to the current cell
                #print  'in size more than 1:', size_of_prob_mat_extend
                for j in range(0, size_of_prob_mat_extend):
                    if prob_mat_extend[j, 0] == temp_cell:
                            3] = temp_prob  #probability that user was in the start cell
                            j, 4] = prob_mat_extend[j, 3] * prob_mat_extend[
                                2]  #probability that user was in the start cell and move to the current cell

        #find unique row in  prob_mat_extend
        def unique_rows(a):
            a = numpy.ascontiguousarray(a)
            unique_a = numpy.unique(a.view([('', a.dtype)] * a.shape[1]))
            return unique_a.view(a.dtype).reshape(
                (unique_a.shape[0], a.shape[1]))

        if size_of_prob_mat_extend != 1:
            unique_rows_prob_mat_extend = unique_rows(prob_mat_extend)
            #useID_add_prob_mat_extend = prob_mat_extend
            useID_add_prob_mat_extend = unique_rows_prob_mat_extend
            useID_add_prob_mat_extend = np.insert(useID_add_prob_mat_extend,
            ##numpy.savetxt('/home/ubuntu/mobaas/Groupeoutput/users_startcells_movecell_probability_%d.txt' % (user_id), useID_add_prob_mat_extend ,fmt='%.4f')
            numpy.savetxt(f8, useID_add_prob_mat_extend, fmt='%.4f')

        if size_of_prob_mat_extend == 1:
            unique_rows_prob_mat_extend = prob_mat_extend
            useID_add_prob_mat_extend = unique_rows_prob_mat_extend
            useID_add_prob_mat_extend = np.insert(useID_add_prob_mat_extend, 0,
            #useID_add_prob_mat_extend = useID_add_prob_mat_extend.T
            ##numpy.savetxt('/home/ubuntu/mobaas/Groupeoutput/users_startcells_movecell_probability_%d.txt' % (user_id), useID_add_prob_mat_extend[None] ,fmt='%.4f')
            numpy.savetxt(f8, useID_add_prob_mat_extend[None], fmt='%.4f')
    ## in this matrix: the rows are : userID-start cell-visited cell-pobability to move to visited cell(P1)-pobalility that user was in start cell(P2)-P1*P2
    #numpy.savetxt('/home/ubuntu/mypath/groupprediction/Groupeoutput/users_startcells_movecell_probability_%d.txt' % (user_id), useID_add_prob_mat_extend ,fmt='%.4f')


    all_users_start_move_cell_prob = numpy.loadtxt(
    #all_users_start_move_cell_prob is sorted based on row 2 (move cell) to find all users that move to 'move cell'
    sorted_all_users_start_move_cell_prob = all_users_start_move_cell_prob[
        all_users_start_move_cell_prob[:, 2].argsort()]


    # count how many number of users(with unic ID) are moved to 'move cell'
    count_user_in_move_cell = Counter(sorted_all_users_start_move_cell_prob[:,
    for i in range(0, len(count_user_in_move_cell)):
        temp_mat = sorted_all_users_start_move_cell_prob[numpy.where(
            sorted_all_users_start_move_cell_prob[:, 2] ==
        #print 'temp_mat',temp_mat[0,2]
        unic_user = Counter(temp_mat[:, 0])
        unic_user_number = len(unic_user)
        #print 'unic_user', unic_user_number
        count_user_in_move_cell[temp_mat[0, 2]] = unic_user_number
        #print 'count_user_in_move_cell.values()[i]', count_user_in_move_cell.values()[i]

    #print 'count_user_in_move_cell second', count_user_in_move_cell

# make another matrix to save the probabilites of users(for all users P1*P2)
    count_user_in_move_cell_extend = numpy.zeros(
        shape=(len(count_user_in_move_cell), 4))
    for i in range(0, len(count_user_in_move_cell)):
                                       0] = count_user_in_move_cell.keys()[i]
                                       1] = count_user_in_move_cell.values()[i]
        #print 'number is user is : ' count_user_in_move_cell.values()[i]

    # sort the 'count_user_in_move_cell_extend' based on number of users
    sorted_count_user_in_move_cell_extend = count_user_in_move_cell_extend[
        count_user_in_move_cell_extend[:, 1].argsort()]
    #print 'sorted_count_user_in_move_cell_extend :' , sorted_count_user_in_move_cell_extend
    Temp_time = '{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(
        *divmod(int(temp_next_cell[1:temp_next_cell.index('_')]), 60))
    ##$print ' '
    ##$print '******** Notification******'
    ##$print 'It is estimated at time (',Temp_time,') number of users in following cell will be more than defined threshold!'


    f9 = open('/home/ubuntu/mobaas/Groupeoutput/threshold_cell_users.txt', 'w')
    #f9 = open('/home/ubuntu/mobaas/Groupeoutput/threshold_cell_users.txt', 'a')
    for i in range(0, len(sorted_count_user_in_move_cell_extend)):
        if sorted_count_user_in_move_cell_extend[i, 1] > thr_user_number:
            ##$print 'In cell (', sorted_count_user_in_move_cell_extend[i,0], ') --> ', sorted_count_user_in_move_cell_extend[i,1] , 'users'
            f9.write('%s %s %s \n' %
                     (Temp_time, sorted_count_user_in_move_cell_extend[i, 0],
                      sorted_count_user_in_move_cell_extend[i, 1]))


    # list for time, cell, number of users
    threshold_cell_users = [
        line.strip() for line in open(
    print threshold_cell_users


    for i in range(0, len(sorted_count_user_in_move_cell_extend)):
        temp_cell = sorted_count_user_in_move_cell_extend[i, 0]
        #print temp_cell
        temp_prob_1 = 1.
        temp_prob_2 = 1.
        n = 0.
        for j in range(0, len(sorted_all_users_start_move_cell_prob)):
            if temp_cell == sorted_all_users_start_move_cell_prob[j, 2]:
                n = n + 1
                temp_prob_1 = temp_prob_1 * sorted_all_users_start_move_cell_prob[
                    j, 5] + 0.0000001

            #if temp_cell != sorted_all_users_start_move_cell_prob[j,2]:
            #	n=n+1
            #	temp_prob_2=temp_prob_2*(1-sorted_all_users_start_move_cell_prob[j,5])
        #print n
        #print 'temp_prob_1 =' , temp_prob_1
        #print 'temp_prob_2 =' , temp_prob_2
        sorted_count_user_in_move_cell_extend[i, 2] = (temp_prob_1 *
                                                       temp_prob_2) * 100
        #print '(temp_prob_1*temp_prob_2)*100 = x=', (temp_prob_1*temp_prob_2)*100
        sorted_count_user_in_move_cell_extend[i, 3] = log10(temp_prob_1 *

str_states = ['S', 'I', 'H', 'U', 'O', 'R']
states = dict(zip(list(range(1, len(a) + 1)), str_states))
dic = {(states[i + 1], states[j + 1]): a[i][j]
       for i in range(len(a)) for j in range(len(a[i]))}
M = pykov.Matrix(dic)
print(M, end='\n\n')

# Todos os estados
print(M.states(), end='\n\n')
# Antecessores de cada estado
print(M.pred(), end='\n\n')
# Sucessores de cada estado
print(M.succ(), end='\n\n')

C = pykov.Chain(dic)
state = pykov.Vector(S=1)
# Distribuição de prob após N dias, começando no estado state
n_inicio = 282  # dias, entre o dia do primeiro infetado em Portugal e o dia da submissão do projeto
dia274 = C.pow(state, n_inicio)
n_fim = 365 - (31 + 28 + 1)
fim2020 = C.pow(state, n_fim)

# % aumento de recuperados esperado entre 09/12/2020 e 01/01/2021
rate_r = (fim2020 - dia274)['R'] * 100
# média de recuperados diários esperada entre 09/12/2020 e 01/01/2021
pop = 10.28 * 10**6
dias = n_fim - n_inicio
avg_r_daily = (rate_r / 100 * pop / dias)
print('rate_r {}\navg_r_daily {}\n'.format(round(rate_r, 2),
Beispiel #13
# Instantiate a MIDI Track (contains a list of MIDI events)
track = midi.Track()
# Append the track to the pattern
# Instantiate a MIDI note on event, append it to the track

notes = {'A_3' : midi.A_3,
         'B_3' : midi.B_3,
         'C_3' : midi.C_3,
         'D_3' : midi.D_3,
         'E_3' : midi.E_3,
         'F_3' : midi.F_3,
         'G_3' : midi.G_3

p = pykov.Vector({'G_3':.3, 'B_3':.5, 'A_3':.2})
for i in range(0,10):

print 'seq',seq

ticks = [0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90]
print len(seq)
print len(ticks)
for note, t in zip(seq, ticks):
    on = midi.NoteOnEvent(tick=t, velocity=20, pitch=notes[note])
# Instantiate a MIDI note off event, append it to the track
    off = midi.NoteOffEvent(tick=t+10, pitch=notes[note])
Beispiel #14
 def normalize_sounds(self):
     counter = pk.Vector()
     for k,v in self.time_to_noise.items():
         counter[k] = v
     self.time_to_noise = counter
Beispiel #15
 def get_pykov_vector(self):
     factor = 1.0 / sum(self.states.values())
     for k in self.states:
         self.states[k] = self.states[k] * factor
     p = pykov.Vector(self.states)
     return p
Beispiel #16
def mp(user_id, current_time, current_day, transiant_num):

    # Dict to store all the individual results, to be returned at the end of the code
    result = {}

    ## print current input time and dat
    print '********************************************************************************'
    print 'Current time is: ', current_time, '  &   Currer day is : ', current_day
    print '********************************************************************************'

    ## set time and data using system time
    Day = current_day

    if Day == 'Saturday':
        current_day = 'sat'
    elif Day == 'Sunday':
        current_day = 'sun'
    elif Day == 'Monday':
        current_day = 'mon'
    elif Day == 'Tuesday':
        current_day = 'tue'
    elif Day == 'Wednesday':
        current_day = 'wed'
    elif Day == 'Thursday':
        current_day = 'thu'
    elif Day == 'Friday':
        current_day = 'fri'

    path_user = '******'
    dirs = os.listdir(path_user)

    # remove the 'ICNoutput' and create a new one to save results
    if not os.path.exists('./mobaas/ICNoutput'):

    # start a while loop to calculate and save the results in 'ICNoutput' folder till time 24:00-transiant_num
    current_time_in_min = sum(
        int(x) * 60**i
        for i, x in enumerate(reversed(current_time.split(':'))))
    #while (sum(int(x) * 60 ** i for i,x in enumerate(reversed(current_time.split(':'))))<(1440-transiant_num)):
    #stop prediction at 18:40, for the purpose of demo to limit the period of prediction
    while (sum(
            int(x) * 60**i
            for i, x in enumerate(reversed(current_time.split(':')))) <
           (1130 - transiant_num)):

        #change current time to min, add ransiant_num to it, change to xx:yy format, put in Temp_time
        current_time_in_min = sum(
            int(x) * 60**i
            for i, x in enumerate(reversed(current_time.split(':'))))
        next_time_in_min = current_time_in_min + transiant_num
        Temp_time = '{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(*divmod(next_time_in_min, 60))

        #open and save the result in an new file
        f4 = open(
            './mobaas/ICNoutput/cellprobability_file_ICN_%s.txt' % Temp_time,
        f4 = open(
            './mobaas/ICNoutput/cellprobability_file_ICN_%s.txt' % Temp_time,
        f4.write('%s    %s  \n' % (Day, current_time))
        f4.write('%s  \n' %
        f4.write('%s  \n' %
                 ('user--current cell--next time--next cell--probability'))
        f4.write('%s  \n' %
        for i in range(0, len(dirs)):
            user_id = int(dirs[i])
            ##print 'Current user : '******'./mobaas/test_data/Trace_Files/' '%d%s' % (user_id,
            number_of_files_all_day = len([
                item for item in os.listdir(path)
                if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, item))
            ])  #total number of files
            #print number_of_files_all_day
            total_input_file = number_of_files_all_day / 7  #total input trace file for each day
            #print total_input_file
            file_num = int(
                total_input_file * 0.7
            )  # 70% number of the input traced files for each week day for estimation
            #print file_num
            total_file_num = 1 * file_num  # number of total input traced files
            array_of_traces = [
            ]  # an empty array to input traced files as matrix for all dayes

            ## bades on the date read the trace files for specifie day
            if current_day == 'sat':
                sat_array_of_traces = [
                ] * file_num  # an empty array to input traced files as matrix for all Saturday
                for i in range(0, file_num):
                    sat_trace_file = numpy.loadtxt(
                        '%s/Sat_%d.dat' %
                        (path, i))  #read the traced files(Saturday)
                    size = len(sat_trace_file)  # size of trace files step
                        i] = sat_trace_file  # input each traces fiel in the array
                array_of_traces = sat_array_of_traces
            #print 'Current day is :' , current_day
            elif current_day == 'sun':
                sun_array_of_traces = [
                ] * file_num  # an empty array to input traced files as matrix for all Sundays
                for i in range(0, file_num):
                    sun_trace_file = numpy.loadtxt(
                        '%s/Sun_%d.dat' %
                        (path, i))  #read the traced files(Sundays)
                    size = len(sun_trace_file)  # size of trace files step
                        i] = sun_trace_file  # input each traces fiel in the array
                array_of_traces = sun_array_of_traces
                #print 'Current day =' , current_day
            elif current_day == 'mon':
                mon_array_of_traces = [
                ] * file_num  # an empty array to input traced files as matrix for all Monday
                for i in range(0, file_num):
                    mon_trace_file = numpy.loadtxt(
                        '%s/Mon_%d.dat' %
                        (path, i))  #read the traced files(Monday)
                    size = len(mon_trace_file)  # size of trace files step
                        i] = mon_trace_file  # input each traces fiel in the array
                array_of_traces = mon_array_of_traces
            #print 'Current day =' , current_day
            elif current_day == 'tue':
                tue_array_of_traces = [
                ] * file_num  # an empty array to input traced files as matrix for all Tuseday
                for i in range(0, file_num):
                    tue_trace_file = numpy.loadtxt(
                        '%s/Tue_%d.dat' %
                        (path, i))  #read the traced files(Tuseday)
                    size = len(tue_trace_file)  # size of trace files step
                        i] = tue_trace_file  # input each traces fiel in the array
                array_of_traces = tue_array_of_traces
            #print 'Current day =', current_day
            elif current_day == 'wed':
                wed_array_of_traces = [
                ] * file_num  # an empty array to input traced files as matrix for all Wednesday
                for i in range(0, file_num):
                    wed_trace_file = numpy.loadtxt(
                        '%s/Wed_%d.dat' %
                        (path, i))  #read the traced files(Wednesday)
                    size = len(wed_trace_file)  # size of trace files step
                        i] = wed_trace_file  # input each traces fiel in the array
                array_of_traces = wed_array_of_traces
            #print 'Current day =' , current_day
            elif current_day == 'thu':
                thu_array_of_traces = [
                ] * file_num  # an empty array to input traced files as matrix for all Thursday
                for i in range(0, file_num):
                    thu_trace_file = numpy.loadtxt(
                        '%s/Thu_%d.dat' %
                        (path, i))  #read the traced files(Thursday)
                    size = len(thu_trace_file)  # size of trace files step
                        i] = thu_trace_file  # input each traces fiel in the array
                array_of_traces = thu_array_of_traces
            #print 'Current day =' , current_day
            elif current_day == 'fri':
                fri_array_of_traces = [
                ] * file_num  # an empty array to input traced files as for all Friday
                for i in range(0, file_num):
                    fri_trace_file = numpy.loadtxt(
                        '%s/Fri_%d.dat' %
                        (path, i))  #read the traced files(Friday)
                    size = len(fri_trace_file)  # size of trace files step
                        i] = fri_trace_file  # input each traces fiel in the array
                array_of_traces = fri_array_of_traces
            #print 'Current day =' , current_day

            ##count number of visited cell
            arry_of_temp_cell = [
            ] * total_file_num  #an array to put the cell ID in each step
            arry_of_number_cell = [
            ] * size  #an array to count the number of visited cell ID
            arry_of_number_cell_copy = [
            ] * size  #an array to count the number of visited cell ID
            for j in range(0, size):
                for i in range(0, total_file_num):
                    arry_of_temp_cell[i] = array_of_traces[i][j][1]
                    arry_of_number_cell[j] = [[x,
                                              for x in set(arry_of_temp_cell)]
                    arry_of_temp_cell[i] = array_of_traces[i][j][1]
                    arry_of_number_cell_copy[j] = [[
                        x, arry_of_temp_cell.count(x)
                    ] for x in set(arry_of_temp_cell)]

            ##count percentage of visited cell
            arry_of_percentage_cell = arry_of_number_cell_copy  #an array to calculate the percentage for each visited cell
            for j in range(0, size):
                sum_cell = 0.
                for n in range(0, len(arry_of_percentage_cell[j])):
                    sum_cell += arry_of_percentage_cell[j][n][
                        1]  #calculate all visited cell
                for n in range(0, len(arry_of_percentage_cell[j])):
                        1] = arry_of_percentage_cell[j][n][
                            1] / sum_cell  #calculate the percentage for each visited cell

            ##make an array to save time,percentage and cell ID
            arry_of_time_percentage_cell = arry_of_percentage_cell  #an array to save [time_cellID, percentage]
            for j in range(0, ):
                for n in range(0, len(arry_of_percentage_cell[j])):
                    arry_of_time_percentage_cell[j][n][0] = [
                        '%d%s%d' % (array_of_traces[0][j][0], '-',

            #open file to save the state file (state file is calculated from this file that has non zero transient probability)
            f1 = open('./mobaas/ICNoutput/statefile_ICN.txt', 'w')
            f1 = open('./mobaas/ICNoutput/statefile_ICN.txt', 'a')
            ##calculate the percentage of going from once cell to other cell in each step
            for j in range(0, size - 2):
                for n in range(
                        0, len(arry_of_number_cell[j])
                ):  #an array which has the number of visited cell in each step
                    #print (n)
                    arry_of_temp_next_cell = []
                    arry_of_number_next_cell = []
                    arry_of_number_next_cell_copy = []
                    temp = arry_of_number_cell[j][n][
                        0]  # temp get each of the visited cell

                    for i in range(0, total_file_num):
                        if array_of_traces[i][j][1] == temp:
                            #an array to save visited cell in the next step
                                array_of_traces[i][j + 1][1])
                            #an array which has the number of visited cell in the next step
                            arry_of_number_next_cell = [[
                                x, arry_of_temp_next_cell.count(x)
                            ] for x in set(arry_of_temp_next_cell)]
                            #make a copy
                            arry_of_number_next_cell_copy = [[
                                x, arry_of_temp_next_cell.count(x)
                            ] for x in set(arry_of_temp_next_cell)]
                            arry_of_number_next_cell_percentage = arry_of_number_next_cell_copy
                            #calculate the percentage of going to the next cell
                            sum_next_cell = 0.
                            for n in range(
                                sum_next_cell += arry_of_number_next_cell_percentage[
                            for n in range(
                                    1] = arry_of_number_next_cell_percentage[
                                        n][1] / sum_next_cell
                    #save the the transient probability in state file
                    for m in range(0,
                        f1.write('%s%d' % ('c', array_of_traces[0][j][0]))
                        f1.write('%s%d   ' % ('_', temp))
                        f1.write('%s%d' % ('c', array_of_traces[0][j + 1][0]))
                            '%s%d   %.3f \n' %
                            ('_', arry_of_number_next_cell_percentage[m][0],


            ## change hh:mm to time step (e.g, 06:21-->381 )
            current_time_setp = sum(
                int(x) * 60**i
                for i, x in enumerate(reversed(current_time.split(':'))))

            ##calculate the transient probability
            state_mat = pykov.readmat('./mobaas/ICNoutput/statefile_ICN.txt')

            ## save list of cell in current time
            current_cell_list = []
            for i in range(0, len(state_mat)):
                temp_time = int(state_mat.keys()[i][0]
                if temp_time == current_time_setp:
                    #print '-------------'
                    temp_cell = int(state_mat.keys()[i][0]
                                    [state_mat.keys()[i][0].index('_') + 1:])
                    if temp_cell != 0:

            ## consider only one possibility form all currrent cell
            ## chech if 'current_cell_list' is not empty!
            if current_cell_list:
                current_cell = current_cell_list[0]
                #print 'current cell : ',  current_cell

                ## make time step and cell as 'c381_5384 '
                current_time_cell = (
                    '%s%d%s%d' % ('c', current_time_setp, '_', current_cell))
                #print  current_time_cell

                #initial_state = pykov.Vector(c614_39184   = 1)
                initial_state = pykov.Vector([(current_time_cell, 1)])
                next_cell_probability = state_mat.pow(initial_state,
                result[(user_id, current_cell, Temp_time)] = []
                for prob_key in next_cell_probability.keys():
                    next_cell = prob_key[prob_key.index('_') + 1:]
                    if next_cell != '0':
                        result[(user_id, current_cell, Temp_time)] += [
                             "%.4f" % next_cell_probability[prob_key])

                f3 = open('./mobaas/ICNoutput/state_mat_ICN.txt', 'w')
                for i in range(0, len(state_mat.values())):
                    f3.write('%s      %f \n' %
                             (state_mat.keys()[i], state_mat.values()[i]))


                #the result file
                x = []
                cell_name = []
                y = []

                for i in range(0, len(next_cell_probability.values())):
                    x.append(i + 1)
                    temp_next_cell = next_cell_probability.keys()[i]
                    if temp_next_cell[temp_next_cell.index('_') + 1:] != '0':
                        f4.write('%d     ' % (user_id))
                        f4.write('%d     ' % (current_cell))
                            '%s  %s  %f \n' %
                                    ), 60)),
                             temp_next_cell[temp_next_cell.index('_') + 1:],

                f4.write('%s  \n' % ('   '))


        # put the (current_time)=(current_time+transiant_num)
        current_time = Temp_time
        ###print  current_time
        print "result:"
        return result