Beispiel #1
def matrix_powers(m):
    """Generates infinite sequence of matrix powers, starting from m^0"""
    yield eye(len(m))  # m^0
    yield m  # m^1
    m_i = mmul(m, m)
    while True:
        yield m_i
        m_i = mmul(m_i, m)
Beispiel #2
def matrix_powers(m):
    """Generates infinite sequence of matrix powers, starting from m^0"""
    yield eye(len(m)) # m^0
    yield m           # m^1 
    m_i = mmul( m, m )
    while True:
        yield m_i
        m_i = mmul( m_i, m )
Beispiel #3
def ltri_inverse(M, context=FloatContext):
    """Inverse of the left-triangular matrix"""
    R = eye(len(M), context=context)
    for i in xrange(len(M)):
        m_ii = M[i][i]  #diagonal element
        r_i = R[i]

        r_i[:i + 1] = (x / m_ii for x in r_i[:i + 1])

        #now subtract it from other rows
        for j in xrange(i + 1, len(M)):
            r_j = R[j]
            m_ji = M[j][i]

            r_j[:i + 1] = (x - m_ji * y
                           for x, y in izip(r_j[:i + 1], r_i[:i + 1]))
    return R
Beispiel #4
def ltri_inverse( M, context=FloatContext):
    """Inverse of the left-triangular matrix"""
    R = eye(len(M),context=context)
    for i in xrange(len(M)):
        m_ii = M[i][i] #diagonal element
        r_i = R[i]

        r_i[:i+1] = ( x / m_ii for x in r_i[:i+1])

        #now subtract it from other rows
        for j in xrange(i+1,len(M)):
            r_j = R[j]
            m_ji = M[j][i]

            r_j[:i+1] = ( x - m_ji * y 
                          for x,y in izip( r_j[:i+1], r_i[:i+1] ) )
    return R
Beispiel #5
def qrl_givens(M, eps=1e-14, context=FloatContext, inverse_q=False):
    """QR decomposition of a rectangular matrix. R is right-triangular"""
    n, m = shape_mat(M)
    R = copy_mat(M)  #will be used for inplace computations
    Q = eye(n, context=context)
    for j in xrange(min(n, m) - 1, 0, -1):  #from last column to the first
        for i in xrange(j):
            k_sin = R[i][j]
            k_cos = R[i + 1][j]

            k2 = k_sin**2 + k_cos**2
            if k2 < eps: continue
            k = context.sqrt(k2)
            s = k_sin / k
            c = k_cos / k

            givens_inplace(Q, i, i + 1, -s, c)
            givens_inplace(R, i, i + 1, -s, c)
    if inverse_q: return Q, R
    else: return transpose(Q), R
Beispiel #6
def qrl_givens(M, eps=1e-14, context=FloatContext, inverse_q=False ):
    """QR decomposition of a rectangular matrix. R is right-triangular"""
    n,m = shape_mat(M)
    R = copy_mat(M) #will be used for inplace computations
    Q = eye( n, context=context )
    for j in xrange(min(n,m)-1,0,-1): #from last column to the first
        for i in xrange(j):
            k_sin = R[i  ][j]
            k_cos = R[i+1][j]
            k2 = k_sin**2 + k_cos**2
            if k2 < eps: continue
            k = context.sqrt(k2)
            s = k_sin / k
            c = k_cos / k
            givens_inplace( Q, i, i+1, -s, c )
            givens_inplace( R, i, i+1, -s, c )
    if inverse_q: return Q,R
    else: return transpose(Q), R