def quiver(self, sparsity=None, scale=None): var = self.vars[0] mesh = var.getMesh() if isinstance(var, FaceVariable): N = mesh._getNumberOfFaces() V = mesh._getFaceAreas() X, Y = mesh.getFaceCenters() elif isinstance(var, CellVariable): N = mesh.getNumberOfCells() V = mesh.getCellVolumes() X, Y = mesh.getCellCenters() if sparsity is not None and N > sparsity: self.indices = numerix.random.rand(N) * V self.indices = self.indices.argsort()[-sparsity:] else: self.indices = numerix.arange(N) X = numerix.take(X, self.indices) Y = numerix.take(Y, self.indices) U = V = numerix.ones(X.shape) import pylab pylab.ion() pylab.cla() self._quiver = pylab.quiver(X, Y, U, V, scale=scale) pylab.ioff()
def cmap_plot(cmdLine): pylab.figure(figsize=[5,10]) a=outer(ones(10),arange(0,1,0.01)) subplots_adjust(top=0.99,bottom=0.00,left=0.01,right=0.8) maps=[m for m in cm.datad if not m.endswith("_r")] maps.sort() l=len(maps)+1 for i, m in enumerate(maps): print m subplot(l,1,i+1) pylab.setp(pylab.gca(),xticklabels=[],xticks=[],yticklabels=[],yticks=[]) imshow(a,aspect='auto',cmap=get_cmap(m),origin="lower") pylab.text(100.85,0.5,m,fontsize=10) # render plot if cmdLine: else: pylab.ion() pylab.plot([]) pylab.ioff() status = 1 return status
def plot_spectrum(): #get the data... a_0=struct.unpack('>1024l','even',1024*4,0)) a_1=struct.unpack('>1024l','odd',1024*4,0)) interleave_a=[] for i in range(1024): interleave_a.append(a_0[i]) interleave_a.append(a_1[i]) pylab.figure(num=1,figsize=(10,10)) pylab.ioff() pylab.plot(interleave_a) #pylab.semilogy(interleave_a) pylab.title('Integration number %i.'%prev_integration) pylab.ylabel('Power (arbitrary units)') pylab.grid() pylab.xlabel('Channel') pylab.xlim(0,2048) pylab.ioff() pylab.hold(False) pylab.draw()
def prepare(self): def setField(name): self.xData = data[name].dimensions[0] self.yData = data[name] pylab.xlabel(data[name].dimensions[0].label) pylab.ylabel(data[name].label) pylab.ioff() pylab.figure() data = self.dataContainer if self.dataContainer.numberOfColumns() > 2: if u"Smoothed Absorption" in data.longnames.keys(): setField(u"Smoothed Absorption") elif u"Absorption" in data.longnames.keys(): setField(u"Absorption") else: self.xData = data[u"Wellenlänge[nm]"] self.yData = data[u"ScopRaw[counts]"] pylab.ylabel("Scop Raw / a.u.") else: self.xData = self.dataContainer[0] self.yData = self.dataContainer[1] for i in xrange(len( self.ordinates.append([i]) self.abscissae.append([i]) if u"Minima" in data.longnames.keys(): mins = data[u"Minima"] for i in xrange(len( self.mins.append([i]) pylab.xlabel("Wavelength $\lambda$ / nm") pylab.title(self.dataContainer.longname)
def finalize(self): """ Wraps up plotting by switching off interactive model and showing the plot. """ plt.ioff()
def plotBkMeasure(bk, ek, vk, figurePath): #print bk #print ek #print vk k = list(range(len(bk))) #for i,j in enumerate(bk): pylab.ioff() pylab.figure() pylab.plot(k, bk, '.', label='Bk') pylab.plot(k, ek, label='E(Bk)') #pylab.plot(k, ek+2*np.sqrt(vk), '-.r', label='limit range') #pylab.plot(k, ek-2*np.sqrt(vk), '-.r') #for i in range(len(ek)): pylab.fill_between(k, ek+4*np.sqrt(vk), ek-4*np.sqrt(vk), facecolor='red', interpolate=True ) # figure setting pylab.xlim(2,k[-1]) pylab.ylim(0,1.0) pylab.legend(loc='upper right') pylab.xlabel('Number of Clusters') pylab.ylabel('Bk') # pylab.title('Bk measure between two algorithm') # show result pylab.savefig(figurePath, format='svg')
def hinton(W, maxWeight=None): """ Source: Draws a Hinton diagram for visualizing a weight matrix. Temporarily disables matplotlib interactive mode if it is on, otherwise this takes forever. """ reenable = False if pl.isinteractive(): pl.ioff() pl.clf() height, width = W.shape if not maxWeight: maxWeight = 2**np.ceil(np.log(np.max(np.abs(W)))/np.log(2)) pl.fill(np.array([0,width,width,0]),np.array([0,0,height,height]),'gray') pl.axis('off') pl.axis('equal') for x in xrange(width): for y in xrange(height): _x = x+1 _y = y+1 w = W[y,x] if w > 0: _blob(_x - 0.5, height - _y + 0.5, min(1,w/maxWeight),'white') elif w < 0: _blob(_x - 0.5, height - _y + 0.5, min(1,-w/maxWeight),'black') if reenable: pl.ion()
def plotGeometry(self,SNP,PCAD,title): fig=plt.figure(figsize=self.figsize, dpi=self.dpi);plt.ioff() SNP.loc['Reference0']=np.zeros(SNP.shape[1],dtype=int) plt.subplot(1,2,1) D=pd.DataFrame(None,index=SNP.index,columns=SNP.index) for i in SNP.index: for j in SNP.index: D.loc[i,j]= sum(np.logical_xor(SNP.loc[i],SNP.loc[j])) D=D.astype(float) im=plt.imshow(D,interpolation='nearest',cmap='Reds') plt.gca().xaxis.tick_top() x=np.arange(D.index.shape[0]) plt.yticks(x,map(lambda x: x.replace('mdio','') ,D.index.values)) plt.xticks(x,map(lambda x: x.replace('mdio','') ,D.columns)) plt.colorbar(im) plt.gca().tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=10) plt.title('Pairwise Hamming Distance',y=1.03) plt.subplot(1,2,0) D=PCAD.astype(float) im=plt.imshow(D,interpolation='nearest',cmap='Reds') plt.gca().xaxis.tick_top() x=np.arange(D.index.shape[0]) plt.yticks(x,map(lambda x: x.replace('mdio','') ,D.index.values)) plt.xticks(x,map(lambda x: x.replace('mdio','') ,D.columns)) plt.colorbar(im) plt.gca().tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=10) plt.title('Euclidean Distance in PC3',y=1.03) plt.suptitle('Figure {}. {}'.format(self.fignumber, title),fontsize=self.titleSizeSup); self.pdf.savefig(fig);self.fignumber+=1
def saveHintonDiagram(W, directory): maxWeight = None #print "Weight: ", W """ Draws a Hinton diagram for visualizing a weight matrix. Temporarily disables matplotlib interactive mode if it is on, otherwise this takes forever. """ reenable = False if pylab.isinteractive(): pylab.ioff() pylab.clf() height, width = W.shape if not maxWeight: maxWeight = 2**numpy.ceil(numpy.log(numpy.max(numpy.abs(W)))/numpy.log(2)) pylab.fill(numpy.array([0,width,width,0]),numpy.array([0,0,height,height]),'gray') pylab.axis('off') pylab.axis('equal') for x in xrange(width): for y in xrange(height): _x = x+1 _y = y+1 w = W[y,x] if w > 0: _blob(_x - 0.5, height - _y + 0.5, min(1,w/maxWeight),'white') elif w < 0: _blob(_x - 0.5, height - _y + 0.5, min(1,-w/maxWeight),'black') if reenable: pylab.ion() pylab.savefig(directory)
def init_plots(): try: matplotlib except NameError: import matplotlib ''' Sets plotting defaults to make things pretty ''' pylab.ioff() matplotlib.rcParams['lines.markeredgewidth'] = .001 matplotlib.rcParams['lines.linewidth']=2 matplotlib.rcParams['patch.edgecolor']='grey' matplotlib.rcParams['font.size']=15.0 matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize']=14,12 matplotlib.rcParams['figure.subplot.left']=.1 matplotlib.rcParams['figure.subplot.right']=.9 matplotlib.rcParams['']=.92 matplotlib.rcParams['figure.subplot.bottom']=.1 matplotlib.rcParams['figure.subplot.wspace']=.2 matplotlib.rcParams['figure.subplot.hspace']=.2 matplotlib.rcParams['figure.facecolor']='white' matplotlib.rcParams['axes.facecolor']='white' matplotlib.rcParams['axes.edgecolor']='black' matplotlib.rcParams['axes.linewidth']=1 matplotlib.rcParams['axes.grid']=False matplotlib.rcParams['xtick.major.size']=7 matplotlib.rcParams['ytick.major.size']=7 matplotlib.rcParams['xtick.minor.size']=4 matplotlib.rcParams['ytick.minor.size']=4
def plotSpectrum(self,spectrum,title): fig=plt.figure(figsize=self.figsize, dpi=self.dpi);plt.ioff() index, bar_width = spectrum.index.values,0.2 for i in range(spectrum.shape[1]): + i*bar_width, spectrum.icol(i).values, bar_width,*i/spectrum.shape[1]), label=spectrum.columns[i]) plt.xlabel('Allele') ;plt.xticks(index + 3*bar_width, index) ;plt.legend(); plt.title('Figure {}. {}'.format(self.fignumber, title),fontsize=self.titleSize); self.pdf.savefig(fig);self.fignumber+=1
def chart(idx, a, b, label, FILE): pylab.ioff() fig_width_pt = 350 # Get this from LaTeX using \showthe\columnwidth inches_per_pt = 1.0/72.27 # Convert pt to inch golden_mean = ((5**0.5)-1.0)/2.0 # Aesthetic ratio fig_width = fig_width_pt*inches_per_pt # width in inches fig_height = fig_width*golden_mean # height in inches fig_size = [fig_width*0.42,fig_height] params = { 'backend': 'ps', 'axes.labelsize': 10, 'text.fontsize': 10, 'legend.fontsize': 10, 'xtick.labelsize': 8, 'ytick.labelsize': 8, 'text.usetex': True, 'figure.figsize': fig_size } pylab.rcParams.update(params) home = '/home/nealbob' folder = '/Dropbox/Thesis/IMG/chapter3/' img_ext = '.pdf' pylab.figure() pylab.boxplot(idx, whis=100) pylab.ylim(a, b) #pylab.ylabel(label) pylab.tick_params(axis='x', which = 'both', labelbottom='off') pylab.savefig(home + folder + FILE + img_ext)
def plotOutput(X,Y,spectrumLabel,ydata,PBool=True,ydataBool=False,residuals=False,path=False): """Plots the program outputs for the user""" import matplotlib if PBool == False: matplotlib.use('Agg') #non-interactive backend import pylab as P P.ioff() #Ensure interactivity mode is off so that graph does not dissapear immediately fig = P.figure() maxYval = amax(Y) minYval = amin(Y) DynamicRange = maxYval - minYval if not ydataBool: P.plot(X,Y,'g', linewidth = 2.0) P.xlabel(r'Detuning (GHz)') P.ylabel(spectrumLabel) P.xlim(X[0],X[-1]) P.ylim(minYval-0.02*DynamicRange,maxYval+0.02*DynamicRange) else: ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.15,0.30,0.75,0.65]) ax1.plot(X,ydata,'k') ax1.plot(X,Y,'r--', linewidth=1.8) ax1.set_xlim(X[0],X[-1]) ax1.set_ylim(minYval-0.02*DynamicRange,maxYval+0.02*DynamicRange) ax1.set_xticklabels([]) P.ylabel(spectrumLabel) ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.15,0.10,0.75,0.15]) ax2.plot(X,residuals*100.0,'k') ax2.set_xlim(X[0],X[-1]) ax2.axhline(color='r', linestyle = '--', linewidth=1.8) P.xlabel(r'Detuning (GHz)') P.ylabel(r'Residuals $(\times 100)$') if path: P.savefig(path) if PBool:
def train_kmeans(featurelearndata): Rinit = numpy.random.permutation(numhid) W = featurelearndata[Rinit] for epoch in range(10): W = online_kmeans.kmeans(featurelearndata, numhid, Winit=W, numepochs=10, learningrate=0.1*0.8**epoch) W_ =,W.T).T.reshape(numhid, patchsize, patchsize, numchannels) dispims_color.dispims_color(W_) pylab.ion() pylab.draw() pylab.ioff() print "done" allbigramfeatures = [] print "xxxxx", for i, image in enumerate(allims): print "\b\b\b\b\b\b{0:5d}".format(i), image = image.reshape(numchannels, inputdim, inputdim).transpose(1,2,0) prange = numpy.arange(patchsize/2, inputdim-patchsize/2) meshg = numpy.meshgrid(prange, prange) keypoints = numpy.array([c.flatten() for c in meshg]).T patches = crop_patches_color(image, keypoints, patchsize) patches -= patches.mean(1)[:,None] patches /= patches.std(1)[:,None] + 0.1 * meanstd patches =, pca_backward.T).astype("float32") if pooling==1: allbigramfeatures.append(online_kmeans.assign_triangle(patches, W).mean(0).astype("float32")) elif pooling==2: quadrants = numpy.array([int(str(int(a[0]>=inputdim/2))+str(int(a[1]>=inputdim/2)), 2) for a in keypoints]) features = online_kmeans.assign_triangle(patches, W).astype("float32") allbigramfeatures.append(numpy.array([(features * (quadrants==i)[:,None]).mean(0) for i in range(4)]).reshape(4*numhid)) return allbigramfeatures
def hinton(W, maxWeight=None): """ Draws a Hinton diagram for visualizing a weight matrix. Temporarily disables matplotlib interactive mode if it is on, otherwise this takes forever. """ reenable = False if P.isinteractive(): P.ioff() P.clf() height, width = W.shape if not maxWeight: maxWeight = 2**N.ceil(N.log(N.max(N.abs(W)))/N.log(2)) P.fill(N.array([0,width,width,0]),N.array([0,0,height,height]),'gray') P.axis('off') P.axis('equal') for x in xrange(width): for y in xrange(height): _x = x+1 _y = y+1 w = W[y,x] if w > 0: _blob(_x - 0.5, height - _y + 0.5, min(1,w/maxWeight),'white') elif w < 0: _blob(_x - 0.5, height - _y + 0.5, min(1,-w/maxWeight),'black') if reenable: P.ion()
def drawDef(dfeat,dy,dx,mindef=0.001,distr="father"): """ auxiliary funtion to draw recursive levels of deformation """ from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse pylab.ioff() if distr=="father": py=[0,0,2,2];px=[0,2,0,2] if distr=="child": py=[0,1,1,2];px=[1,2,0,1] ordy=[0,0,1,1];ordx=[0,1,0,1] x1=-0.5+dx;x2=2.5+dx y1=-0.5+dy;y2=2.5+dy if distr=="father": pylab.fill([x1,x1,x2,x2,x1],[y1,y2,y2,y1,y1],"r", alpha=0.15, edgecolor="b",lw=1) for l in range(len(py)): aux=dfeat[ordy[l],ordx[l],:].clip(-1,-mindef) wh=numpy.exp(-mindef/aux[0])/numpy.exp(1);hh=numpy.exp(-mindef/aux[1])/numpy.exp(1) e=Ellipse(xy=[(px[l]+dx),(py[l]+dy)], width=wh, height=hh, alpha=0.35) x1=-0.75+dx+px[l];x2=0.75+dx+px[l] y1=-0.76+dy+py[l];y2=0.75+dy+py[l] col=numpy.array([wh*hh]*3).clip(0,1) if distr=="father": col[0]=0 e.set_facecolor(col) pylab.gca().add_artist(e) if distr=="father": pylab.fill([x1,x1,x2,x2,x1],[y1,y2,y2,y1,y1],"b", alpha=0.15, edgecolor="b",lw=1)
def profile(): pylab.figure() pylab.ion() for i, ccol in enumerate(chart): R, G, B, tX, tY, tZ = ccol tx, ty = toxyY(tX, tY, tZ) setAndroidColor(R, G, B) X, Y, Z, x, y = getXYZxy() print i, len(chart) print R, G, B, tX, tY, tZ, X, Y, Z pylab.plot(tx, ty, "go") pylab.plot(x, y, "rx") pylab.xlim([0, 0.8]) pylab.ylim([0, 0.9]) pylab.axis("scaled") pylab.draw() pylab.ioff()
def update(self): if callable(self.pre): self.pre() _p.ioff() self.lines=[] self.legends=[] # self.figure.lines=[] # self.figure.patches=[] # self.figure.texts=[] # self.figure.images = [] self.figure.legends = [] if self.lattice: self.lattice.patches=[] self._lattice(['k0l','kn0l','angle'],"#a0ffa0",'Bend h') self._lattice(['ks0l'],"#ffa0a0",'Bend v') self._lattice(['kn1l','k1l'],"#a0a0ff",'Quad') self._lattice(['hkick'],"#e0a0e0",'Kick h') self._lattice(['vkick'],"#a0e0e0",'Kick v') if self.left: self.left.lines=[] for i in self.yl: self._column(i,self.left,self.color[i]) if self.right: self.right.lines=[] for i in self.yr: self._column(i,self.right,self.color[i]) _p.xlabel(_mylbl(axlabel,self.x)) self.figure.gca().set_xlim(min(self.xaxis[self.idx]),max(self.xaxis[self.idx])) _p.figlegend(self.lines,self.legends,'upper right') _p.grid(True) # self.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event',self.button_press) # self.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event',self.pick) _p.ion() _p.draw()
def create_report_var(name, mean, cov, inf, minimum=None, maximum=None): report = Node(id=name)"covariance", cov)"information", inf) node_mean ="mean", mean) with node_mean.data_file("bounds", "image/png") as filename: e = 3 * sqrt(cov.diagonal()) pylab.ioff() f = pylab.figure() x = range(len(mean)) pylab.errorbar(x, mean, yerr=e) if minimum is not None: pylab.plot(x, minimum, "b-") if maximum is not None: pylab.plot(x, maximum, "b-") pylab.savefig(filename) pylab.close(f) f = report.figure(name) f.sub("mean/bounds", caption="Mean") f.sub("covariance", caption="Covariance", display="posneg") f.sub("information", caption="Information", display="posneg") return report
def scan(): pylab.ion() pylab.figure(1) with Communicate('', None, debug=True) as serial: serial.timeout = 0.0001 camera = Camera() camera.setupmeasure() controller = Controller(serial) controller.setupscan() out = [] for x,y in controller.scan(): camera.update() camera.interact() z = camera.measure() out.append([x,y,z]) if camera.status == 'quit': break if len(out) > 0: pylab.cla() tmp = zip(*out) sc = pylab.scatter(tmp[0],tmp[1],s=tmp[2], c=tmp[2], vmin=0, vmax=400) print '{: 8.3f} {: 8.3f} {: 8.3f}'.format(x,y,z) pylab.ioff()
def hinton(W, max_weight=None, names=(names, worst_names)): """ Draws a Hinton diagram for visualizing a weight matrix. Temporarily disables matplotlib interactive mode if it is on, otherwise this takes forever. """ reenable = False if P.isinteractive(): P.ioff() P.clf() height, width = W.shape if not max_weight: max_weight = 2**np.ceil(np.log(np.max(np.abs(W)))/np.log(2)) P.fill(np.array([0, width, width, 0]), np.array([0, 0, height, height]), 'gray') P.axis('off') P.axis('equal') cmap = plt.get_cmap('RdYlGn') for x in range(width): if names: plt.text(-0.5, x, names[0][x], fontsize=7, ha='right', va='bottom') plt.text(x, height+0.5, names[1][height-x-1], fontsize=7, va='bottom', rotation='vertical', ha='left') for y in range(height): _x = x+1 _y = y+1 w = W[y, x] if w > 0: _blob(_x - 0.5, height - _y + 0.5, min(1, w/max_weight), color=cmap(w/max_weight)) elif w < 0: _blob(_x - 0.5, height - _y + 0.5, min(1, -w/max_weight), 'black') if reenable: P.ion()
def promt(self, x, y): p = Plot() p.error(x, y, ecolor='0.3') p.make() pylab.ion() pylab.ioff() print(' *** RANGE PICKER for "{}":'.format( if is not None and in r =[] print(' previously from {:.5g} to {:.5g}'.format(r[0], r[1])) xunit = p._xaxis.sprefunit() lower = input(' lower limit ({}) = '.format(xunit)) upper = input(' upper limit ({}) = '.format(xunit)) print('') lower = float(lower) upper = float(upper) f = Quantity(xunit) / Quantity(unit=x.uvec) f = float(f) lower *= f upper *= f if is not None:[] = (lower, upper) print(' stored...') return lower, upper
def __call__(self,output_fn,init_time=0,final_time=None,**params): p=ParamOverrides(self,params) if final_time is None: final_time=topo.sim.time() attrs = p.attrib_names if len(p.attrib_names)>0 else output_fn.attrib_names for a in attrs: pylab.figure(figsize=(6,4)) isint=pylab.isinteractive() pylab.ioff() pylab.grid(True) ylabel=p.ylabel pylab.ylabel(a+" "+ylabel) pylab.xlabel('Iteration Number') coords = p.units if len(p.units)>0 else output_fn.units for coord in coords: y_data=[y for (x,y) in output_fn.values[a][coord]] x_data=[x for (x,y) in output_fn.values[a][coord]] if p.raw==True: plot_data=zip(x_data,y_data)'(%.2f, %.2f)' %(coord[0], coord[1])),plot_data,fmt='%.6f', delimiter=',') pylab.plot(x_data,y_data, label='Unit (%.2f, %.2f)' %(coord[0], coord[1])) (ymin,ymax)=p.ybounds pylab.axis(xmin=init_time,xmax=final_time,ymin=ymin,ymax=ymax) if isint: pylab.ion() pylab.legend(loc=0)': '+a p.filename_suffix=a self._generate_figure(p)
def plotChromosome(DF, fname=None, colors=['black', 'gray'], markerSize=20, ylim=None, show=True, scale=3): if not show: plt.ioff() if 'POS' not in DF.columns: df=DF.reset_index() else: df=DF def plotOne(b, d, name): a = b.dropna() c = d.loc[a.index] plt.scatter(a.index, a, s=markerSize, c=c, alpha=0.8, edgecolors='none') th = a.mean() + scale * a.std() outliers = a[a > th] # outliers=findOutliers(a) if len(outliers): plt.scatter(outliers.index, outliers, s=markerSize, c='r', alpha=0.8, edgecolors='none') plt.axhline(th, color='blue') plt.axis('tight'); # plt.xlim(0, a.index[-1]); plt.ylabel(name) # plt.setp(plt.gca().get_xticklabels(), visible=False) if ylim is not None: plt.ylim(ymin=ylim) df['gpos'] = df.POS df['color'] = 'gray' df.set_index('gpos', inplace=True); df.sort_index(inplace=True) plt.figure(figsize=(24, 16), dpi=60); # plt.subplot(3,1,1) df.color='g' plotOne(df.icol(1), df.color, 'COMALE') df.color='b' plotOne(df.icol(2), df.color, 'COMALE')
def __call__(self,**params): p=ParamOverrides(self,params) sheet = p.sheet for coordinate in p.coords: i_value,j_value=sheet.sheet2matrixidx(coordinate[0],coordinate[1]) pylab.figure(figsize=(7,7)) isint=pylab.isinteractive() pylab.ioff() pylab.ylabel('Response',fontsize='large') pylab.xlabel('%s (%s)' % (p.x_axis.capitalize(),p.unit),fontsize='large') pylab.title('Sheet %s, coordinate(x,y)=(%0.3f,%0.3f) at time %s' % (,coordinate[0],coordinate[1],topo.sim.timestr())) p.title='%s: %s Tuning Curve' % (,p.x_axis.capitalize()) self.first_curve=True for curve_label in sorted(sheet.curve_dict[p.x_axis].keys()): x_values,y_values,ticks=self._curve_values(i_value,j_value,sheet.curve_dict[p.x_axis][curve_label]) x_tick_values,ticks = self._reduce_ticks(ticks) labels = [self._format_x_tick_label(x) for x in ticks] pylab.xticks(x_tick_values, labels,fontsize='large') pylab.yticks(fontsize='large') p.plot_type(x_values, y_values, label=curve_label,lw=3.0) self.first_curve=False if isint: pylab.ion() if p.legend: pylab.legend(loc=2) self._generate_figure(p)
def main(argv): [ data_file ] = argv pylab.ioff() led_readings = {} with open(data_file) as f: for line in f: record = json.loads(line) leds = record['leds'] if (len(leds) == 1): led = leds[0]; ts = record['timestamp'] / 1000.0 ts = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S') if led not in led_readings: led_readings[led] = {} led_readings[led][ts] = record['light'] for led, readings in sorted(led_readings.items()): ts = readings.keys() photo_res_1 = [int(photo_res['0']) for photo_res in readings.values()] x = range(len(ts)) pyplot.plot(x, photo_res_1) pylab.xticks(x, ts, rotation=45) pylab.savefig('/tmp/plots/' + str(led) + '_1.png')
def arrange_figures(layout=None, screen=2, xgap=10, ygap=30, offset=0, figlist=None): """Automatiskt arrangera alla figurer i ett icke overlappande monster *layout* Anvands inte just nu *screen* [=2] anger vilken skarm man i forsta hand vill ha fonstren pa. *xgap* Gap i x-led mellan fonster *ygap* Gap i y-led mellan fonster *offset* Nar skarmen ar fylld borjar man om fran ovre hogra hornet men med en offset i x och y led. *figlist* Lista med figurnummer som skall arrangeras """ #Hamta information om total skarmbredd over alla anslutna skarmar if not is_in_ipython(): return # pylab.ioff() x0 = 0 + offset y0 = 0 + offset if screen == 2: x0 = (pylab.get_current_fig_manager().window.winfo_screenwidth() + offset) if figlist is None: figlist = sorted([x for x in Gcf.figs.items()]) x = x0 y = y0 maxheight = 0 while figlist: fig = _, f = figlist[0] figlist = figlist[1:] if fig_fits_w(f, x): move_fig(f, x, y) x = x + f.window.winfo_width() + xgap maxheight = max(maxheight, f.window.winfo_height()) else: x = x0 y = y + maxheight + ygap maxheight = 0 if fig_fits_h(f, y): move_fig(f, x, y) x = x + f.window.winfo_width() + xgap else: arrange_figures(offset=DELTAOFFSET, xgap=xgap, ygap=ygap, screen=screen, figlist=[fig] + figlist) break pylab.ion()
def plot_transform(X): pylab.ion() pylab.figure() pylab.imshow(scipy.log(X.T), origin='lower', aspect='auto', interpolation='nearest', norm=matplotlib.colors.Normalize()) pylab.xlabel('Window index') pylab.ylabel('Transform coefficient') pylab.ioff()
def plot(self,pstyle="-"): import pylab; pfig=XpyFigure(pylab.gcf().number); if isstring(pstyle): pstyle=XyPlotStyle(pstyle); i=0; pylab.ioff(); #print "ioff" for k in self.keys(): p=self[k]; if self.get('_datobj_title') is not None: p['title']=self.get('_datobj_title'); #print "p type",type(p) pstyle['linename']=k; if i==0: pstyle['showlabels']=True; else: pstyle['showlabels']=False; p.plot(pstyle); if i==0: pylab.hold(True); pstyle.nextplotstyle(); i=i+1; pylab.ion(); pylab.grid(True); stdout( "plotabledataobjtable:plot, done.")
def plot_graph(gng, iter, fig): lines = [] for e in gng.graph.edges: x0, y0 = c0 = x[int(y0), int(x0)]<0.5 and bg_color or fg_color x1, y1 = c1 = x[int(y1), int(x1)]<0.5 and bg_color or fg_color # determine edge color cline = c0==c1 and c0 or bg_color lines.extend(([x0,x1], [y0,y1], cline+'-', [x0,x0], [y0,y0], c0+'.', [x1,x1], [y1,y1], c1+'.')) fig.clf() pylab.ioff() # the order of the axis command is important! fig.add_axes([0.01,0.01,0.98,0.98]) pylab.axis('scaled') #pylab.plot(data[:,0], data[:,1], "k.") pylab.plot(linewidth=2, ms=14, *lines) pylab.axis([0,x.shape[1],0,x.shape[0]]) pylab.axis('off') pylab.draw() if save: #fig = pylab.gcf() fig.frameon = not transparent pylab.savefig('animation/img'+('%d'%iter).zfill(4)+'.png',dpi=dpi) fig.frameon = True pylab.ion()
def kepsmooth(infile, outfile, datacol, function, fscale, plot, plotlab, clobber, verbose, logfile, status, cmdLine=False): ## startup parameters status = 0 labelsize = 24 ticksize = 16 xsize = 18 ysize = 6 lcolor = '#0000ff' lwidth = 1.0 fcolor = '#ffff00' falpha = 0.2 ## log the call hashline = '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' kepmsg.log(logfile, hashline, verbose) call = 'KEPSMOOTH -- ' call += 'infile=' + infile + ' ' call += 'outfile=' + outfile + ' ' call += 'datacol=' + str(datacol) + ' ' call += 'function=' + str(function) + ' ' call += 'fscale=' + str(fscale) + ' ' plotit = 'n' if (plot): plotit = 'y' call += 'plot=' + plotit + ' ' call += 'plotlab=' + str(plotlab) + ' ' overwrite = 'n' if (clobber): overwrite = 'y' call += 'clobber=' + overwrite + ' ' chatter = 'n' if (verbose): chatter = 'y' call += 'verbose=' + chatter + ' ' call += 'logfile=' + logfile kepmsg.log(logfile, call + '\n', verbose) ## start time kepmsg.clock('KEPSMOOTH started at', logfile, verbose) ## test log file logfile = kepmsg.test(logfile) ## clobber output file if clobber: status = kepio.clobber(outfile, logfile, verbose) if kepio.fileexists(outfile): message = 'ERROR -- KEPSMOOTH: ' + outfile + ' exists. Use clobber=yes' status = kepmsg.err(logfile, message, verbose) ## open input file if status == 0: instr, status = kepio.openfits(infile, 'readonly', logfile, verbose) tstart, tstop, bjdref, cadence, status = kepio.timekeys( instr, infile, logfile, verbose, status) if cadence == 0.0: tstart, tstop, ncad, cadence, status = kepio.cadence( instr, infile, logfile, verbose, status) if status == 0: try: work = instr[0].header['FILEVER'] cadenom = 1.0 except: cadenom = cadence ## fudge non-compliant FITS keywords with no values if status == 0: instr = kepkey.emptykeys(instr, file, logfile, verbose) ## read table structure if status == 0: table, status = kepio.readfitstab(infile, instr[1], logfile, verbose) # read time and flux columns if status == 0: barytime, status = kepio.readtimecol(infile, table, logfile, verbose) if status == 0: flux, status = kepio.readfitscol(infile, instr[1].data, datacol, logfile, verbose) # filter input data table if status == 0: try: nanclean = instr[1].header['NANCLEAN'] except: naxis2 = 0 for i in range(len(table.field(0))): if (numpy.isfinite(barytime[i]) and numpy.isfinite(flux[i]) and flux[i] != 0.0): table[naxis2] = table[i] naxis2 += 1 instr[1].data = table[:naxis2] comment = 'NaN cadences removed from data' status ='NANCLEAN', True, comment, instr[1], outfile, logfile, verbose) ## read table columns if status == 0: try: intime = instr[1].data.field('barytime') except: intime, status = kepio.readfitscol(infile, instr[1].data, 'time', logfile, verbose) indata, status = kepio.readfitscol(infile, instr[1].data, datacol, logfile, verbose) if status == 0: intime = intime + bjdref indata = indata / cadenom ## smooth data if status == 0: outdata = kepfunc.smooth(indata, fscale / (cadence / 86400), function) ## comment keyword in output file if status == 0: status = kepkey.history(call, instr[0], outfile, logfile, verbose) ## clean up x-axis unit if status == 0: intime0 = float(int(tstart / 100) * 100.0) if intime0 < 2.4e6: intime0 += 2.4e6 ptime = intime - intime0 xlab = 'BJD $-$ %d' % intime0 ## clean up y-axis units if status == 0: pout = indata * 1.0 pout2 = outdata * 1.0 nrm = len(str(int(numpy.nanmax(pout)))) - 1 pout = pout / 10**nrm pout2 = pout2 / 10**nrm ylab = '10$^%d$ %s' % (nrm, re.sub('_', '-', plotlab)) ## data limits xmin = numpy.nanmin(ptime) xmax = numpy.nanmax(ptime) ymin = numpy.min(pout) ymax = numpy.nanmax(pout) xr = xmax - xmin yr = ymax - ymin ptime = insert(ptime, [0], [ptime[0]]) ptime = append(ptime, [ptime[-1]]) pout = insert(pout, [0], [0.0]) pout = append(pout, 0.0) pout2 = insert(pout2, [0], [0.0]) pout2 = append(pout2, 0.0) ## plot light curve if status == 0 and plot: try: params = { 'backend': 'png', 'axes.linewidth': 2.5, 'axes.labelsize': labelsize, 'axes.font': 'sans-serif', 'axes.fontweight': 'bold', 'text.fontsize': 12, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': ticksize, 'ytick.labelsize': ticksize } rcParams.update(params) except: print('ERROR -- KEPSMOOTH: install latex for scientific plotting') status = 1 if status == 0 and plot: pylab.figure(1, figsize=[xsize, ysize]) # delete any fossil plots in the matplotlib window pylab.clf() # position axes inside the plotting window ax = pylab.subplot(111) pylab.subplots_adjust(0.06, 0.1, 0.93, 0.88) # force tick labels to be absolute rather than relative pylab.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter( pylab.ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False)) pylab.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter( pylab.ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False)) # rotate y labels by 90 deg labels = ax.get_yticklabels() setp(labels, 'rotation', 90) pylab.plot(ptime[1:-1], pout[1:-1], color='#ff9900', linestyle='-', linewidth=lwidth) fill(ptime, pout, color=fcolor, linewidth=0.0, alpha=falpha) pylab.plot(ptime, pout2, color=lcolor, linestyle='-', linewidth=lwidth * 4.0) pylab.xlabel(xlab, {'color': 'k'}) pylab.ylabel(ylab, {'color': 'k'}) xlim(xmin - xr * 0.01, xmax + xr * 0.01) if ymin >= 0.0: ylim(ymin - yr * 0.01, ymax + yr * 0.01) else: ylim(1.0e-10, ymax + yr * 0.01) pylab.grid() # render plot if cmdLine: else: pylab.ion() pylab.plot([]) pylab.ioff() ## write output file if status == 0: for i in range(len(outdata)): instr[1].data.field(datacol)[i] = outdata[i] instr.writeto(outfile) ## close input file if status == 0: status = kepio.closefits(instr, logfile, verbose) ## end time if (status == 0): message = 'KEPSMOOTH completed at' else: message = '\nKEPSMOOTH aborted at' kepmsg.clock(message, logfile, verbose)
"NP2003": (0.693, 0.703), "NP2004": (0.599, 0.591), "TD2003": (0.404, 0.398), "TD2004": (0.469, 0.461), } #defaults = { # "HP2003":[0.674], # "HP2004":[0.629], # "NP2003":[0.693], # "NP2004":[0.599], # "TD2003":[0.404], # "TD2004":[0.469], #} fig = P.figure(figsize=(5.0, 4.0)) P.clf() P.ioff() cindex = 0 lindex = 0 legenddone = False datas = datas[:-1] for data in datas: if args.plotallusers: cindex = 0 lindex = 0 P.title(data) defaultindex = 0 for default in defaults[data]: seq = defaultlines[defaultindex] l = P.axhline(y=default, color="gray", label=defaultlabels[defaultindex])
if interactivePlot: pylab.subplot(211) pylab.hold(False) pylab.plot(spec[0, :plotSize]) pylab.subplot(212) pylab.hold(False) pylab.plot(result[0, :], label='Noise Suppressed Spectrum') specs.append(spec[0, :plotSize]) wspecs.append(wspec[0, :plotSize]) pitches.append(pitch) saliencies.append(saliency) if interactivePlot: pylab.ioff() specs = scipy.array(specs) wspecs = scipy.array(wspecs) pitches = scipy.array(pitches)[:, 0] saliencies = scipy.array(saliencies)[:, 0] frameCount = specs.shape[0] - 1 if plot: pylab.figure() pylab.subplot(211) pylab.plot(pitches[:, 0]) pylab.subplot(212) pylab.plot(saliencies[:, 0])
def orthview( map=None, fig=None, rot=None, coord=None, unit="", xsize=800, half_sky=False, title="Orthographic view", nest=False, min=None, max=None, flip="astro", remove_dip=False, remove_mono=False, gal_cut=0, format="%g", format2="%g", cbar=True, cmap=None, badcolor="gray", bgcolor="white", notext=False, norm=None, hold=False, margins=None, sub=None, return_projected_map=False, ): """Plot a healpix map (given as an array) in Orthographic projection. Parameters ---------- map : float, array-like or None An array containing the map. If None, will display a blank map, useful for overplotting. fig : int or None, optional The figure number to use. Default: create a new figure rot : scalar or sequence, optional Describe the rotation to apply. In the form (lon, lat, psi) (unit: degrees) : the point at longitude *lon* and latitude *lat* will be at the center. An additional rotation of angle *psi* around this direction is applied. coord : sequence of character, optional Either one of 'G', 'E' or 'C' to describe the coordinate system of the map, or a sequence of 2 of these to rotate the map from the first to the second coordinate system. half_sky : bool, optional Plot only one side of the sphere. Default: False unit : str, optional A text describing the unit of the data. Default: '' xsize : int, optional The size of the image. Default: 800 title : str, optional The title of the plot. Default: 'Orthographic view' nest : bool, optional If True, ordering scheme is NESTED. Default: False (RING) min : float, optional The minimum range value max : float, optional The maximum range value flip : {'astro', 'geo'}, optional Defines the convention of projection : 'astro' (default, east towards left, west towards right) or 'geo' (east towards roght, west towards left) remove_dip : bool, optional If :const:`True`, remove the dipole+monopole remove_mono : bool, optional If :const:`True`, remove the monopole gal_cut : float, scalar, optional Symmetric galactic cut for the dipole/monopole fit. Removes points in latitude range [-gal_cut, +gal_cut] format : str, optional The format of the scale label. Default: '%g' format2 : str, optional Format of the pixel value under mouse. Default: '%g' cbar : bool, optional Display the colorbar. Default: True notext : bool, optional If True, no text is printed around the map norm : {'hist', 'log', None} Color normalization, hist= histogram equalized color mapping, log= logarithmic color mapping, default: None (linear color mapping) cmap : a color map The colormap to use (see badcolor : str Color to use to plot bad values bgcolor : str Color to use for background hold : bool, optional If True, replace the current Axes by an OrthographicAxes. use this if you want to have multiple maps on the same figure. Default: False sub : int, scalar or sequence, optional Use only a zone of the current figure (same syntax as subplot). Default: None margins : None or sequence, optional Either None, or a sequence (left,bottom,right,top) giving the margins on left,bottom,right and top of the axes. Values are relative to figure (0-1). Default: None return_projected_map : bool if True returns the projected map in a 2d numpy array See Also -------- mollview, gnomview, cartview, azeqview """ # Create the figure import pylab # Ensure that the nside is valid nside = pixelfunc.get_nside(map) pixelfunc.check_nside(nside, nest=nest) if not (hold or sub): f = pylab.figure(fig, figsize=(8.5, 5.4)) extent = (0.02, 0.05, 0.96, 0.9) elif hold: f = pylab.gcf() left, bottom, right, top = np.array(f.gca().get_position()).ravel() extent = (left, bottom, right - left, top - bottom) f.delaxes(f.gca()) else: # using subplot syntax f = pylab.gcf() if hasattr(sub, "__len__"): nrows, ncols, idx = sub else: nrows, ncols, idx = sub // 100, (sub % 100) // 10, (sub % 10) if idx < 1 or idx > ncols * nrows: raise ValueError("Wrong values for sub: %d, %d, %d" % (nrows, ncols, idx)) c, r = (idx - 1) % ncols, (idx - 1) // ncols if not margins: margins = (0.01, 0.0, 0.0, 0.02) extent = ( c * 1.0 / ncols + margins[0], 1.0 - (r + 1) * 1.0 / nrows + margins[1], 1.0 / ncols - margins[2] - margins[0], 1.0 / nrows - margins[3] - margins[1], ) extent = ( extent[0] + margins[0], extent[1] + margins[1], extent[2] - margins[2] - margins[0], extent[3] - margins[3] - margins[1], ) # extent = (c*1./ncols, 1.-(r+1)*1./nrows,1./ncols,1./nrows) # f=pylab.figure(fig,figsize=(8.5,5.4)) # Starting to draw : turn interactive off wasinteractive = pylab.isinteractive() pylab.ioff() try: if map is None: map = np.zeros(12) + np.inf cbar = False ax = PA.HpxOrthographicAxes(f, extent, coord=coord, rot=rot, format=format2, flipconv=flip) f.add_axes(ax) if remove_dip: map = pixelfunc.remove_dipole(map, gal_cut=gal_cut, nest=nest, copy=True, verbose=True) elif remove_mono: map = pixelfunc.remove_monopole(map, gal_cut=gal_cut, nest=nest, copy=True, verbose=True) img = ax.projmap( map, nest=nest, xsize=xsize, half_sky=half_sky, coord=coord, vmin=min, vmax=max, cmap=cmap, badcolor=badcolor, bgcolor=bgcolor, norm=norm, ) if cbar: im = ax.get_images()[0] b = im.norm.inverse(np.linspace(0, 1, im.cmap.N + 1)) v = np.linspace(im.norm.vmin, im.norm.vmax, im.cmap.N) if matplotlib.__version__ >= "0.91.0": cb = f.colorbar( im, ax=ax, orientation="horizontal", shrink=0.5, aspect=25, ticks=PA.BoundaryLocator(), pad=0.05, fraction=0.1, boundaries=b, values=v, format=format, ) else: # for older matplotlib versions, no ax kwarg cb = f.colorbar( im, orientation="horizontal", shrink=0.5, aspect=25, ticks=PA.BoundaryLocator(), pad=0.05, fraction=0.1, boundaries=b, values=v, format=format, ) cb.solids.set_rasterized(True) ax.set_title(title) if not notext: ax.text( 0.86, 0.05, ax.proj.coordsysstr, fontsize=14, fontweight="bold", transform=ax.transAxes, ) if cbar: 0.5, -1.0, unit, fontsize=14,, ha="center", va="center", ) finally: pylab.draw() if wasinteractive: pylab.ion() # if return_projected_map: return img
def gnomview( map=None, fig=None, rot=None, coord=None, unit="", xsize=200, ysize=None, reso=1.5, title="Gnomonic view", nest=False, remove_dip=False, remove_mono=False, gal_cut=0, min=None, max=None, flip="astro", format="%.3g", cbar=True, cmap=None, badcolor="gray", bgcolor="white", norm=None, hold=False, sub=None, margins=None, notext=False, return_projected_map=False, no_plot=False, ): """Plot a healpix map (given as an array) in Gnomonic projection. Parameters ---------- map : array-like The map to project, supports masked maps, see the `ma` function. If None, use a blank map, useful for overplotting. fig : None or int, optional A figure number. Default: None= create a new figure rot : scalar or sequence, optional Describe the rotation to apply. In the form (lon, lat, psi) (unit: degrees) : the point at longitude *lon* and latitude *lat* will be at the center. An additional rotation of angle *psi* around this direction is applied. coord : sequence of character, optional Either one of 'G', 'E' or 'C' to describe the coordinate system of the map, or a sequence of 2 of these to rotate the map from the first to the second coordinate system. unit : str, optional A text describing the unit of the data. Default: '' xsize : int, optional The size of the image. Default: 200 ysize : None or int, optional The size of the image. Default: None= xsize reso : float, optional Resolution (in arcmin). Default: 1.5 arcmin title : str, optional The title of the plot. Default: 'Gnomonic view' nest : bool, optional If True, ordering scheme is NESTED. Default: False (RING) min : float, scalar, optional The minimum range value max : float, scalar, optional The maximum range value flip : {'astro', 'geo'}, optional Defines the convention of projection : 'astro' (default, east towards left, west towards right) or 'geo' (east towards roght, west towards left) remove_dip : bool, optional If :const:`True`, remove the dipole+monopole remove_mono : bool, optional If :const:`True`, remove the monopole gal_cut : float, scalar, optional Symmetric galactic cut for the dipole/monopole fit. Removes points in latitude range [-gal_cut, +gal_cut] format : str, optional The format of the scale label. Default: '%g' cmap : a color map The colormap to use (see badcolor : str Color to use to plot bad values bgcolor : str Color to use for background hold : bool, optional If True, replace the current Axes by a MollweideAxes. use this if you want to have multiple maps on the same figure. Default: False sub : int or sequence, optional Use only a zone of the current figure (same syntax as subplot). Default: None margins : None or sequence, optional Either None, or a sequence (left,bottom,right,top) giving the margins on left,bottom,right and top of the axes. Values are relative to figure (0-1). Default: None notext: bool, optional If True: do not add resolution info text. Default=False return_projected_map : bool, optional if True returns the projected map in a 2d numpy array no_plot : bool, optional if True no figure will be created See Also -------- mollview, cartview, orthview, azeqview """ import pylab # Ensure that the nside is valid nside = pixelfunc.get_nside(map) pixelfunc.check_nside(nside, nest=nest) if not (hold or sub): f = pylab.figure(fig, figsize=(5.8, 6.4)) if not margins: margins = (0.075, 0.05, 0.075, 0.05) extent = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) elif hold: f = pylab.gcf() left, bottom, right, top = np.array(pylab.gca().get_position()).ravel() if not margins: margins = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) extent = (left, bottom, right - left, top - bottom) f.delaxes(pylab.gca()) else: # using subplot syntax f = pylab.gcf() if hasattr(sub, "__len__"): nrows, ncols, idx = sub else: nrows, ncols, idx = sub // 100, (sub % 100) // 10, (sub % 10) if idx < 1 or idx > ncols * nrows: raise ValueError("Wrong values for sub: %d, %d, %d" % (nrows, ncols, idx)) c, r = (idx - 1) % ncols, (idx - 1) // ncols if not margins: margins = (0.01, 0.0, 0.0, 0.02) extent = ( c * 1.0 / ncols + margins[0], 1.0 - (r + 1) * 1.0 / nrows + margins[1], 1.0 / ncols - margins[2] - margins[0], 1.0 / nrows - margins[3] - margins[1], ) extent = ( extent[0] + margins[0], extent[1] + margins[1], extent[2] - margins[2] - margins[0], extent[3] - margins[3] - margins[1], ) # f=pylab.figure(fig,figsize=(5.5,6)) # Starting to draw : turn interactive off wasinteractive = pylab.isinteractive() pylab.ioff() try: if map is None: map = np.zeros(12) + np.inf cbar = False map = pixelfunc.ma_to_array(map) ax = PA.HpxGnomonicAxes(f, extent, coord=coord, rot=rot, format=format, flipconv=flip) f.add_axes(ax) if remove_dip: map = pixelfunc.remove_dipole(map, gal_cut=gal_cut, nest=nest, copy=True) elif remove_mono: map = pixelfunc.remove_monopole(map, gal_cut=gal_cut, nest=nest, copy=True) img = ax.projmap( map, nest=nest, coord=coord, vmin=min, vmax=max, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize, reso=reso, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, badcolor=badcolor, bgcolor=bgcolor, ) if cbar: im = ax.get_images()[0] b = im.norm.inverse(np.linspace(0, 1, im.cmap.N + 1)) v = np.linspace(im.norm.vmin, im.norm.vmax, im.cmap.N) if matplotlib.__version__ >= "0.91.0": cb = f.colorbar( im, ax=ax, orientation="horizontal", shrink=0.5, aspect=25, ticks=PA.BoundaryLocator(), pad=0.08, fraction=0.1, boundaries=b, values=v, format=format, ) else: cb = f.colorbar( im, orientation="horizontal", shrink=0.5, aspect=25, ticks=PA.BoundaryLocator(), pad=0.08, fraction=0.1, boundaries=b, values=v, format=format, ) cb.solids.set_rasterized(True) ax.set_title(title) if not notext: ax.text( -0.07, 0.02, "%g '/pix, %dx%d pix" % ( ax.proj.arrayinfo["reso"], ax.proj.arrayinfo["xsize"], ax.proj.arrayinfo["ysize"], ), fontsize=12, verticalalignment="bottom", transform=ax.transAxes, rotation=90, ) ax.text( -0.07, 0.6, ax.proj.coordsysstr, fontsize=14, fontweight="bold", rotation=90, transform=ax.transAxes, ) lon, lat = np.around(ax.proj.get_center(lonlat=True), ax._coordprec) ax.text( 0.5, -0.03, "(%g,%g)" % (lon, lat), verticalalignment="center", horizontalalignment="center", transform=ax.transAxes, ) if cbar: 1.05, 0.30, unit, fontsize=14, fontweight="bold",, ha="left", va="center", ) finally: pylab.draw() if wasinteractive: pylab.ion() # if no_plot: pylab.close(f) f.clf() ax.cla() if return_projected_map: return img
Tanto `pdf` quanto `eps` são formatos vetoriais de arquivo, o que significa que podemos ampliar a imagem sem que ela perca a qualidade (as linhas ainda serão nítidas). Formatos de arquivos como `png`, `jpg`, `gif`, `tif` e `bmp` salvam a imagem em formato de mapa de bits (*bitmap*), ou seja, uma matriz de valores de cor, que aparecerá desfocada ou pixelizada ao ser ampliada ou impressa em alta resolução. ### Modo interativo O Matplotlib pode ser executado de dois modos: - não interativo (padrão) - interativo. No modo não interativo, nenhum plot será exibido até que o comando `show()` tenha sido chamado. Neste modo, o comando `show()` deve ser a última declaração do seu programa. No modo interativo, os plots serão imediatamente mostrados depois que o comando de plotagem tiver sido chamado. Pode-se ativar o modo interativo com o comando `pylab.ion()` e desativá-lo com o comando `pylab.ioff()`. O comando mágico `%matplotlib` do IPython também habilita o modo interativo. ### Lidando com os detalhes de sua plotagem O Matplotlib permite-lhe fazer o "ajuste fino" de suas plotagens nos mínimos detalhes. Aqui está um exemplo: import pylab import numpy as N x = N.arange(-3.14, 3.14, 0.01) y1 = N.sin(x) y2 = N.cos(x) pylab.figure(figsize =(5 , 5)) pylab.plot(x, y1, label='sin(x)') pylab.plot(x, y2, label='cos(x)') pylab.legend()
verbose=True, weightdecay=0.01) ticks = arange(-3., 6., 0.2) X, Y = meshgrid(ticks, ticks) # need column vectors in dataset, not arrays griddata = ClassificationDataSet(2, 1, nb_classes=3) for i in xrange(X.size): griddata.addSample([X.ravel()[i], Y.ravel()[i]], [0]) griddata._convertToOneOfMany( ) # this is still needed to make the fnn feel comfy for i in range(20): trnresult = percentError(trainer.testOnClassData(), trndata['class']) tstresult = percentError(trainer.testOnClassData(dataset=tstdata), tstdata['class']) out = fnn.activateOnDataset(griddata) out = out.argmax(axis=1) # the highest output activation gives the class out = out.reshape(X.shape) figure(1) ioff() # interactive graphics off clf() # clear the plot hold(True) # overplot on for c in [0, 1, 2]: here, _ = where(tstdata['class'] == c) plot(tstdata['input'][here, 0], tstdata['input'][here, 1], 'o') if out.max() != out.min(): # safety check against flat field contourf(X, Y, out) # plot the contour ion() # interactive graphics on draw() # update the plot ioff() show()
name = target['name'] if is not None and != name: continue try: title = TITLES[name] except KeyError: title = name distance_modulus = ugali.utils.projector.distanceToDistanceModulus(target['distance']) idx = numpy.abs(distance_modulus_array - distance_modulus).argmin() print(title, distance_modulus, distance_modulus_array[idx]) if target['coord'] == 'CEL': glon, glat = ugali.utils.projector.celToGal(target['lon'],target['lat']) elif target['coord'] == 'GAL': glon, glat = target['lon'],target['lat'] else: raise Exception('...') plt.ioff() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6)) xsize = 1000 reso = 60. * 2. * target['radius'] / xsize # Deg to arcmin label_kwargs = dict(xy=(0.05,0.05),xycoords='axes fraction', xytext=(0, 0), textcoords='offset points',ha='left', va='bottom',size=10, bbox={'boxstyle':"round",'fc':'1'}, zorder=10) ts_map = copy.copy(blank); ts_map[pix] = ts[idx] if ts.ndim > 1 else ts stellar_map = copy.copy(blank); stellar_map[pix] = stellar[idx] if stellar.ndim > 1 else stellar ##frac_map = copy.copy(blank); frac_map[pix] = frac[idx] slices = [(ts_map,'TS'),(stellar_map,'Stellar'),(maglim_map,'Maglim (g)'),(density_map,'Density')]
def MultiBuildBatteryBarChart(report_list, interactive=False, autoscale=False, legenddata=()): """Create a bar chart given a list of battery life reports.""" # same as above. import pylab from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties from matplotlib import colors if not interactive: pylab.ioff() N = len(report_list) barwidth = 1.0 / N + 0.1 thefig = pylab.gcf() thefig.set_size_inches((11, 6)) thefig.set_dpi(80.0) pylab.subplots_adjust(left=0.07, bottom=0.05, right=0.75, top=0.95) max_lifetime = 0.0 patches = [] labels = [] pylab.title("Battery comparison: %s" % (report_list[0].metadata.GetStateString(*legenddata)), fontsize="small") for index, battery_report in enumerate(report_list): lifetime = float(battery_report.lifetime.hours) max_lifetime = max(lifetime, max_lifetime) blue = aid.IF(battery_report.byvoltage, 0.0, 0.5) color = colors.rgb2hex( aid.IF(battery_report.estimated, ((index * 0.1) % 1.0, 0.5, blue), ((index * 0.1) % 1.0, 1.0, blue))) label = "(%s) %s (%.2f h)" % (index + 1,, battery_report.lifetime.hours) patchlist =, lifetime, width=barwidth, color=color, label=label) labels.append(label) patches.extend(patchlist) if autoscale: pylab.ylim(0.0, max_lifetime + 20.0) else: pylab.ylim(0.0, 200.0) pylab.xlim(-barwidth, N) # labels are position offset by +1. pylab.xticks(pylab.arange(N) + (barwidth / 2.0), map(str, pylab.arange(N) + 1), fontsize=10) pylab.ylabel('Time (h)') if legenddata: font = FontProperties(size=9) pylab.figlegend(patches, labels, "upper right", prop=font) if interactive: else: fname = "batterylife_builds-%s.png" % ( report_list[0].metadata.timestamp.strftime("%m%d%H%M%S")) pylab.savefig(fname, format="png") return fname
def plotgauge(gaugeno, plotdata, verbose=False): #========================================== """ Plot all requested plots for a single gauge from the computation. The plots are requested by setting attributes of plotdata to ClawPlotFigure objects with plot_type="each_gauge". """ if verbose: gaugesoln = plotdata.getgauge(gaugeno) print ' Plotting gauge %s at x = %s, y = %s ... ' \ % (gaugeno, gaugesoln.location[0], gaugesoln.location[1]) if plotdata.mode() == 'iplotclaw': pylab.ion() try: plotfigure_dict = plotdata.plotfigure_dict except: print '*** Error in plotgauge: plotdata missing plotfigure_dict' print '*** This should not happen' return None if len(plotfigure_dict) == 0: print '*** Warning in plotgauge: plotdata has empty plotfigure_dict' print '*** Apparently no figures to plot' # initialize current_data containing data that will be passed # to beforegauge, aftergauge, afteraxes commands current_data = clawdata.ClawData() current_data.add_attribute("user", {}) # for user specified attributes # to avoid potential conflicts current_data.add_attribute('plotdata', plotdata) current_data.add_attribute('gaugeno', gaugeno) # call beforegauge if present, which might define additional # attributes in current_data or otherwise set up plotting for this # gauge. beforegauge = getattr(plotdata, 'beforegauge', None) if beforegauge: if isinstance(beforegauge, str): # a string to be executed exec(beforegauge) else: # assume it's a function try: output = beforegauge(current_data) if output: current_data = output except: print '*** Error in beforegauge ***' raise # iterate over each single plot that makes up this gauge: # ------------------------------------------------------- if plotdata._mode == 'iplotclaw': gaugesoln = plotdata.getgauge(gaugeno) print ' Plotting Gauge %s at x = %s, y = %s ... ' \ % (gaugeno, gaugesoln.location[0], gaugesoln.location[1]) requested_fignos = plotdata.iplotclaw_fignos else: requested_fignos = plotdata.print_fignos plotted_fignos = [] plotdata = set_show(plotdata) # set _show attributes for which figures # and axes should be shown. # loop over figures to appear for this gauge: # ------------------------------------------- for figname in plotdata._fignames: plotfigure = plotdata.plotfigure_dict[figname] if (not plotfigure._show) or (plotfigure.type != 'each_gauge'): continue # skip to next figure figno = plotfigure.figno if requested_fignos != 'all': if figno not in requested_fignos: continue # skip to next figure plotted_fignos.append(figno) if not plotfigure.kwargs.has_key('facecolor'): # use Clawpack's default bg color (tan) plotfigure.kwargs['facecolor'] = '#ffeebb' # create figure and set handle: plotfigure._handle = pylab.figure(num=figno, **plotfigure.kwargs) pylab.ioff() if plotfigure.clf_each_gauge: pylab.clf() try: plotaxes_dict = plotfigure.plotaxes_dict except: print '*** Error in plotgauge: plotdata missing plotaxes_dict' print '*** This should not happen' return None if (len(plotaxes_dict) == 0) or (len(plotfigure._axesnames) == 0): print '*** Warning in plotgauge: plotdata has empty plotaxes_dict' print '*** Apparently no axes to plot in figno ', figno # loop over axes to appear on this figure: # ---------------------------------------- for axesname in plotfigure._axesnames: plotaxes = plotaxes_dict[axesname] if not plotaxes._show: continue # skip this axes if no items show # create the axes: axescmd = getattr(plotaxes, 'axescmd', 'subplot(1,1,1)') axescmd = 'plotaxes._handle = pylab.%s' % axescmd exec(axescmd) pylab.hold(True) # loop over items: # ---------------- for itemname in plotaxes._itemnames: plotitem = plotaxes.plotitem_dict[itemname] outdir = plotitem.outdir if outdir is None: outdir = plotdata.outdir gaugesoln = plotdata.getgauge(gaugeno, outdir) current_data.add_attribute('gaugesoln', gaugesoln) current_data.add_attribute('q', gaugesoln.q) current_data.add_attribute('t', gaugesoln.t) if plotitem._show: try: output = plotgauge1(gaugesoln, plotitem, current_data) if output: current_data = output if verbose: print ' Plotted plotitem ', itemname except: print '*** Error in plotgauge: problem calling plotgauge1' traceback.print_exc() return None # end of loop over plotitems for itemname in plotaxes._itemnames: plotitem = plotaxes.plotitem_dict[itemname] pylab.title("%s at gauge %s" % (plotaxes.title, gaugeno)) # call an afteraxes function if present: afteraxes = getattr(plotaxes, 'afteraxes', None) if afteraxes: if isinstance(afteraxes, str): # a string to be executed exec(afteraxes) else: # assume it's a function try: current_data.add_attribute("plotaxes", plotaxes) current_data.add_attribute("plotfigure", plotaxes._plotfigure) output = afteraxes(current_data) if output: current_data = output except: print '*** Error in afteraxes ***' raise if plotaxes.scaled: pylab.axis('scaled') # set axes limits: if (plotaxes.xlimits is not None) & (type(plotaxes.xlimits) is not str): try: pylab.xlim(plotaxes.xlimits[0], plotaxes.xlimits[1]) except: pass # let axis be set automatically if (plotaxes.ylimits is not None) & (type(plotaxes.ylimits) is not str): try: pylab.ylim(plotaxes.ylimits[0], plotaxes.ylimits[1]) except: pass # let axis be set automatically # end of loop over plotaxes # end of loop over plotfigures # call an aftergauge function if present: aftergauge = getattr(plotdata, 'aftergauge', None) if aftergauge: if isinstance(aftergauge, str): # a string to be executed exec(aftergauge) else: # assume it's a function try: output = aftergauge(current_data) if output: current_data = output except: print '*** Error in aftergauge ***' raise if plotdata.mode() == 'iplotclaw': pylab.ion() for figno in plotted_fignos: pylab.figure(figno) pylab.draw() if verbose: print ' Done with plotgauge for gauge %i' % (gaugeno) # print the figure(s) to file(s) if requested: if (plotdata.mode() != 'iplotclaw') & plotdata.printfigs: # iterate over all figures that are to be printed: for figno in plotted_fignos: printfig(gaugeno=gaugeno, figno=figno, \ format=plotdata.print_format, plotdir=plotdata.plotdir,\ verbose=verbose) return current_data
def PlotHistogram(filenames, timemarks=None, columns=None, bins=2000, interactive=False, legenddata=(), autoscale=False): import pylab from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties if not interactive: pylab.ioff() try: bins = int(bins) brange = (-0.05, 2.5) binname = str(bins) except ValueError: binname = bins.upper() if binname.startswith("D"): # detailed bins = (list(aid.frange(0.0, 0.05, 0.0005)) + list(aid.frange(0.05, 1.0, 0.001)) + list(aid.frange(1.0, 2.6, 0.002))) brange = (-0.05, 2.5) elif binname.startswith("M"): # medium detail bins = (list(aid.frange(0.0, 0.05, 0.0005)) + list(aid.frange(0.05, 1.1, 0.001))) brange = (-0.05, 1.0) elif binname.startswith("Z"): # zoom at lower end bins = (list(aid.frange(0.0, 0.05, 0.0005)) + list(aid.frange(0.05, 0.51, 0.001))) brange = (-0.05, 0.5) elif binname.startswith("S"): # super zoom at lower end bins = (list(aid.frange(0.0, 0.05, 0.0005)) + list(aid.frange(0.05, 0.16, 0.001))) brange = (-0.05, 0.15) ts = None unit = None for filename in filenames: metadata = datafile.DecodeFullPathName(filename) if ts is None: ts = metadata.timestamp.strftime("%m%d%H%M%S") header, measurements = ReadArray(filename) if unit is None: unit =[1]).group(2) measurements = NormalizeTime(measurements) if timemarks: timemarks = TimeMarksGenerator(timemarks) measurements = TimeSlice(measurements,, datacolumns = measurements.transpose() datacols, headers = _GetColumns(datacolumns, header, columns) for col, colname, color in itertools.izip(datacols, headers, color_cycler): label = "%s-%s" % (colname, metadata.GetStateString(*legenddata)) hist, edges = numpy.histogram(col, bins, brange, False) pylab.plot(edges, hist, color=color, label=label) # plot it pylab.axis(xmin=-0.005, ymin=-100) pylab.setp(pylab.gcf(), dpi=100, size_inches=(9, 6)) title = "histogram-%s-%s" % (ts, "bins%s" % binname) pylab.title(title, fontsize="x-small") if unit is not None: pylab.xlabel(unit) if legenddata: font = FontProperties(size="x-small") pylab.legend(prop=font) if interactive: fname = None else: fname = "%s.%s" % (title, "png") pylab.savefig(fname, format="png") pylab.cla() return fname
def mlda(data, K, num_itr=epoch_num, save_dir="model", load_dir=None): pylab.ion() # 尤度のリスト liks = [] M = len(data) # モダリティの数 dims = [] for m in range(M): if data[m] is not None: dims.append(len(data[m][0])) D = len(data[m]) # 物体の数 else: dims.append(0) # data内の単語を一列に並べる(計算しやすくするため) docs_mdn = [[None for i in range(D)] for m in range(M)] topics_mdn = [[None for i in range(D)] for m in range(M)] for d in range(D): for m in range(M): if data[m] is not None: docs_mdn[m][d] = conv_to_word_list(data[m][d]) topics_mdn[m][d] = np.random.randint(0, K, len( docs_mdn[m][d])) # 各単語にランダムでトピックを割り当てる # LDAのパラメータを計算 n_dz, n_mzw, n_mz = calc_lda_param(docs_mdn, topics_mdn, K, dims) # 認識モードでは学習したパラメータを読み込む if load_dir: n_mzw, n_mz = load_model(load_dir) for it in range(num_itr): # メイン処理 for d in range(D): for m in range(M): if data[m] is None: continue N = len(docs_mdn[m][d]) # 物体dのモダリティmに含まれる特徴数 for n in range(N): w = docs_mdn[m][d][n] # 特徴のインデックス z = topics_mdn[m][d][n] # 特徴に割り当てられているカテゴリ # データを取り除きパラメータの更新 n_dz[d][z] -= 1 if not load_dir: n_mzw[m][z][w] -= 1 n_mz[m][z] -= 1 # サンプリング z = sample_topic(d, w, n_dz, n_mzw[m], n_mz[m], K, dims[m]) # データをサンプリングされたクラスに追加してパラメータを更新 topics_mdn[m][d][n] = z n_dz[d][z] += 1 if not load_dir: n_mzw[m][z][w] += 1 n_mz[m][z] += 1 lik = 0 for m in range(M): if data[m] is not None: lik += calc_liklihood(data[m], n_dz, n_mzw[m], n_mz[m], K, dims[m]) liks.append(lik) plot(n_dz, liks, D, K) save_model(save_dir, n_dz, n_mzw, n_mz, M, dims) pylab.ioff()
def extract_plr(t, dr, flash_time, scan_id='1234', which_eye='LEFT'): # Extract PLR parameters from provided time series. flash_time = flash_time[1] t = t - (flash_time - 1) flash_time = 1.0 # Find valid points idx = q(t > 0) t = t[idx] dr = dr[idx] * 1000 t_start = t.min() t -= t_start dr = taut_string(dr, 0.01) # Fit with cubic splines t_mn = 0 t_mx = 5 idx = q((t > t_mn) * (t < t_mx)) t_ = t[idx] dr_ = dr[idx] f = Fit(t_, 100, basis_type='cubic-spline', reg_coefs=[0, 1e-2, 9e-3]) r = # Grab the latency time. try: roc = 1 / ((2 + 1 + (r.dy)**2)**(3 / 2) / np.abs(r.d2y)) except: roc = inf roc = taut_string(roc, 0.10) g = Fit(t_, 100, basis_type='cubic-spline', reg_coefs=[0, 1e-2, 1e-3]) rc = roc = rc.y peaks = [] for itr, val in enumerate(roc): if (itr < 1) or (itr == len(roc) - 1): continue if val > roc[itr - 1] and (val > roc[itr + 1]): peaks.append(t_[itr]) # Light flash time. closest_index = np.abs(r.x - flash_time) flash_idx = np.argmin(closest_index) # Starting amplitude. starting_amplitude = r.y[flash_idx] # Find the peak in the curvature. peaks = np.array(peaks) peaks -= flash_time peaks = peaks[peaks > 0.150] peak_time = peaks[0] + flash_time med_amplitude = np.median(dr_) std_amplitude = dr_.std() roc -= mean(roc) roc = roc * roc.std() * std_amplitude / 2 roc += med_amplitude latency = peak_time - flash_time print('Latency is {:0.3f}'.format(latency)) # Minimum amplitude. idx_min, idx_max, t_min, t_max, v_min, v_max =\ extrema_in_range(r.x, r.y, t_mn, t_mx-2) minimum_amplitude = v_min minimum_time = t_min delta_amplitude = starting_amplitude - minimum_amplitude average_speed = (delta_amplitude) / (minimum_time - flash_time) # Find the recovery time. recovery_amplitude = 0.75 * delta_amplitude + minimum_amplitude idx_after_min = q(t > minimum_time) t_after_min = t[idx_after_min] amp_after_min = dr[idx_after_min] recovery_idx = q(amp_after_min >= recovery_amplitude)[0] if recovery_idx: recovery_time = t_after_min[recovery_idx] - flash_time time_of_recovery = t_after_min[recovery_idx] else: recovery_time = -1 time_of_recovery = 5 package = {} package['latency'] = latency package['starting_diameter'] = starting_amplitude package['minimum_diameter'] = minimum_amplitude package['absolute_diameter_change'] = delta_amplitude package['relative_diameter_change'] = delta_amplitude / starting_amplitude package['average_speed'] = average_speed package['recovery_time'] = recovery_time plt.ioff() plt.close('all') plt.plot(r.x, r.y, color='#c62828', linewidth=3) plt.plot(t_, roc, color='#305580', linewidth=3, alpha=0.5) y_lim = plt.ylim( [med_amplitude - 3 * std_amplitude, med_amplitude + 2 * std_amplitude]) plt.plot([0, 5], [starting_amplitude, starting_amplitude], ':', color='#2f2f2f') plt.plot([0, 5], [minimum_amplitude, minimum_amplitude], ':', color='#2f2f2f') plt.plot([time_of_recovery, time_of_recovery], [0, 20], '--', color='#c62828') plt.plot([flash_time, flash_time], [0, 20], '--', color='#000000') plt.plot([peak_time, peak_time], [0, 20], '--', color='#4caf50') plt.xlim([t_mn, t_mx]) plt.xlabel('Time (Seconds)') plt.ylabel('Pupil Diameter (mm)') location = './plots' plt.savefig('{}/{}_{}.png'.format(location, scan_id, which_eye)) return package
def MultiBatteryBarChart(report_list, interactive=False, legenddata=(), title=""): """Create a bar chart with that places similar conditions together for comparison. Reports with matching metadata should be grouped together in the list. """ import pylab from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties from matplotlib import colors if not interactive: pylab.ioff() build = report_list[0] N = len(report_list) barwidth = 1.0 / 8.0 patches = [] labels = [] thefig = pylab.gcf() thefig.set_size_inches((11, 7)) thefig.set_dpi(80.0) pylab.title("Battery Life (%s) %s" % (, title)) pylab.subplots_adjust(left=0.07, bottom=0.05, right=0.55, top=0.95) group = 0 last_report = None for index, battery_report in enumerate(report_list): lifetime = float(battery_report.lifetime.hours) blue = aid.IF(battery_report.byvoltage, 0.0, 0.5) color = colors.rgb2hex( (aid.IF(battery_report.estimated, 1.0, 0.0), (index * 0.05) % 1.0, (group * 0.1) % 1.0)) if last_report and \ last_report.metadata.CompareData(battery_report.metadata, legenddata, missingok=True): label = "(%s) - (%.2f h)" % (index + 1, lifetime) else: label = "(%s) %s (%.2f h)" % ( index + 1, battery_report.metadata.GetStateString(*legenddata), lifetime) group += 1 + group, 0, width=barwidth) # spacer patchlist = + group, lifetime, width=barwidth, color=color, label=label) labels.append(label) patches.extend(patchlist) last_report = battery_report pylab.ylim(0.0, 200.0) pylab.xlim(-barwidth, N) # label index is origin 1. x_range = pylab.arange(N) pylab.xticks(x_range + (barwidth / 2.0), map(str, x_range + 1), fontsize=10) pylab.ylabel('Time (h)') if legenddata: font = FontProperties(size=9) pylab.figlegend(patches, labels, "upper right", prop=font) if interactive: else: fname = "batterylife_group-%s.png" % ( report_list[0].metadata.timestamp.strftime("%m%d%H%M%S")) pylab.savefig(fname, format="png") return fname
def plot_task_hierarchy_a_b(data_HP, data_PFC,experiment_aligned_HP, experiment_aligned_PFC,\ beh = True, block = False, raw_data = False, HP = True,start = 0, end = 25,\ region = 'HP', plot = True,\ a_b_in_task = False, plot_block_in_task = True, a_b_all_tasks = False, plot_block_all_tasks = False, perm = True,\ plot_all = False): a_a_matrix_t_1_list, b_b_matrix_t_1_list,\ a_a_matrix_t_2_list, b_b_matrix_t_2_list,\ a_a_matrix_t_3_list, b_b_matrix_t_3_list,\ block_1_t1, block_2_t1, block_3_t1,block_4_t1,\ block_1_t2, block_2_t2, block_3_t2, block_4_t2,\ block_1_t3, block_2_t3, block_3_t3, block_4_t3 = hieararchies_extract(data_HP, data_PFC,experiment_aligned_HP, \ experiment_aligned_PFC, beh = beh, block = block, raw_data = raw_data, HP = HP, start = start, end = end) if HP == True: a_list, b_list, rew_list, no_rew_list = find_rewards_choices(data_HP, experiment_aligned_HP) if plot_block_all_tasks == False: ind_above_chance = perm_time_in_block(data_HP, data_PFC,experiment_aligned_HP, \ experiment_aligned_PFC, beh = beh, block = block, raw_data = raw_data, HP = HP, start = start, end = end, perm = perm) elif plot_block_all_tasks == True: ind_above_chance,per = perm_test_time(data_HP, data_PFC,experiment_aligned_HP, \ experiment_aligned_PFC, beh = beh, block = block, raw_data = raw_data, HP = HP, start = start, end = end, perm = perm) elif HP == False: a_list, b_list, rew_list, no_rew_list = find_rewards_choices(data_PFC, experiment_aligned_PFC) if plot_block_all_tasks == False: ind_above_chance = perm_time_in_block(data_HP, data_PFC,experiment_aligned_HP, \ experiment_aligned_PFC, beh = beh, block = block, raw_data = raw_data, HP = HP, start = start, end = end, perm = perm) elif plot_block_all_tasks == True: ind_above_chance, per = perm_test_time(data_HP, data_PFC,experiment_aligned_HP, \ experiment_aligned_PFC, beh = beh, block = block, raw_data = raw_data, HP = HP, start = start, end = end, perm = perm) # a_blocks_1_2 = np.hstack((a_a_matrix_t_1_list,a_a_matrix_t_2_list, a_a_matrix_t_3_list)) # b_blocks_1_2 = np.hstack((b_b_matrix_t_1_list,b_b_matrix_t_2_list, b_b_matrix_t_3_list)) # stack_all_blocks = np.concatenate((a_blocks_1_2,b_blocks_1_2),1) # c = palettable.scientific.sequential.LaPaz_5.mpl_colormap # np.arange(a_a_matrix_t_1_list.shape[1]) # corr = np.corrcoef(stack_all_blocks.T) # plt.ion() # plt.figure() # swtich = a_a_matrix_t_1_list.shape[1]/2 # ticks = [0,swtich,swtich*2,swtich*3,swtich*4,swtich*5,swtich*6,swtich*7,swtich*8,swtich*9,swtich*10,swtich*11] # tick_n = [' A 1 T1 ', ' A 2 T1 ', 'B 1 T1', 'B 2 T1', ' A 1 T2 ', ' A 2 T2 ', 'B 1 T2', 'B 2 T2',\ # ' A 1 T3 ', ' A 2 T3 ', 'B 1 T3', 'B 2 T3'] # # plt.ioff() # plt.imshow(corr, cmap = c) # plt.xticks(ticks, tick_n, rotation = 90) # plt.yticks(ticks, tick_n) # plt.colorbar() switch = int(a_a_matrix_t_1_list.shape[1]/2) a_s_1 = np.mean([a_a_matrix_t_1_list[:,:switch],a_a_matrix_t_1_list[:,switch:]],0) b_s_1 = np.mean([b_b_matrix_t_1_list[:,:switch],b_b_matrix_t_1_list[:,switch:]],0) a_s_1_1 = a_a_matrix_t_1_list[:,:switch] a_s_1_2 = a_a_matrix_t_1_list[:,switch:] b_s_1_1 = b_b_matrix_t_1_list[:,:switch] b_s_1_2 = b_b_matrix_t_1_list[:,switch:] a_s_2 = np.mean([a_a_matrix_t_2_list[:,:switch],a_a_matrix_t_2_list[:,switch:]],0) b_s_2 = np.mean([b_b_matrix_t_2_list[:,:switch],b_b_matrix_t_2_list[:,switch:]],0) a_s_2_1 = a_a_matrix_t_2_list[:,:switch] a_s_2_2 = a_a_matrix_t_2_list[:,switch:] b_s_2_1 = b_b_matrix_t_2_list[:,:switch] b_s_2_2 = b_b_matrix_t_2_list[:,switch:] a_s_3 = np.mean([a_a_matrix_t_3_list[:,:switch],a_a_matrix_t_3_list[:,switch:]],0) b_s_3 = np.mean([b_b_matrix_t_3_list[:,:switch],b_b_matrix_t_3_list[:,switch:]],0) a_s_3_1 = a_a_matrix_t_3_list[:,:switch] a_s_3_2 = a_a_matrix_t_3_list[:,switch:] b_s_3_1 = b_b_matrix_t_3_list[:,:switch] b_s_3_2 = b_b_matrix_t_3_list[:,switch:] # if raw_data == True: # a_s_1_1 = a_s_1_1 - np.mean(a_s_1_1,1) # a_s_1_2 = a_s_1_2 - np.mean(a_s_1_2,1) # a_s_1 = np.mean([a_s_1_1,a_s_1_2],0) # b_s_1_1 = b_s_1_1 - np.mean(b_s_1_1,1) # b_s_1_2 = b_s_1_2 - np.mean(b_s_1_2,1) # b_s_1 = np.mean([b_s_1_1,b_s_1_2],0) # a_s_2_1 = a_s_2_1 - np.mean(a_s_2_1,1) # a_s_2_2 = a_s_2_2 - np.mean(a_s_2_2,1) # a_s_2 = np.mean([a_s_2_1,a_s_2_2],0) # b_s_2_1 = b_s_2_1 - np.mean(b_s_2_1,1) # b_s_2_2 = b_s_2_2 - np.mean(b_s_2_2,1) # b_s_2 = np.mean([b_s_2_1,b_s_2_2],0) # a_s_3_1 = a_s_3_1 - np.mean(a_s_3_1,1) # a_s_3_2 = a_s_3_2 - np.mean(a_s_3_2,1) # a_s_3 = np.mean([a_s_3_1,a_s_3_2],0) # b_s_3_1 = b_s_3_1 - np.mean(b_s_3_1,1) # b_s_3_2 = b_s_3_2 - np.mean(b_s_3_2,1) # b_s_3 = np.mean([b_s_3_1,b_s_3_2],0) # stack_all_blocks = np.concatenate((a_s_1,a_s_2, a_s_3, b_s_1, b_s_2,b_s_3),1) stack_all_blocks = np.concatenate((a_s_1,a_s_2, a_s_3, b_s_1, b_s_2,b_s_3),1) c = palettable.scientific.sequential.LaPaz_5.mpl_colormap corr = np.corrcoef(stack_all_blocks.T) plt.figure() swtich = a_s_1.shape[1] ticks = [0,swtich,swtich*2,swtich*3,swtich*4, swtich*5] tick_n = [' A 1 ', ' A 2 ', 'A 3', 'B 1 ', ' B 2 ', ' B 3'] plt.ion() plt.figure() plt.imshow(corr, cmap = c) plt.xticks(ticks, tick_n, rotation = 90) plt.yticks(ticks, tick_n) isl_1 = wes.Moonrise1_5.mpl_colors isl = wes.Royal3_5.mpl_colors if plot == True: pdf = PdfPages('/Users/veronikasamborska/Desktop/time/'+ region +'A vs B block 1 vs 2.pdf') plt.ioff() count = 0 plot_new = True #plt.savefig('/Users/veronikasamborska/Desktop/time/'+ region +'corr_time_in_block.pdf') switch = int(a_a_matrix_t_1_list.shape[1]/2) neuron_count = 0 for i,m in enumerate(a_a_matrix_t_1_list): count +=1 neuron_count += 1 if count == 7: plot_new = True count = 1 if plot_new == True: pdf.savefig() plt.clf() plt.figure() plot_new = False plt.subplot(3,4, count) #blocks_mean_b = np.mean([b_b_matrix_t_1_list[i],b_b_matrix_t_2_list[i], b_b_matrix_t_3_list[i]],0) #blocks_std_b = np.std([b_b_matrix_t_1_list[i],b_b_matrix_t_2_list[i], b_b_matrix_t_3_list[i]],0)/(np.sqrt(3)) #blocks_mean_a = np.mean([a_a_matrix_t_1_list[i],a_a_matrix_t_2_list[i], a_a_matrix_t_3_list[i]],0) # blocks_std_a = np.std([a_a_matrix_t_1_list[i],a_a_matrix_t_2_list[i], a_a_matrix_t_3_list[i]],0)/(np.sqrt(3)) grand_bud = wes.GrandBudapest1_4.mpl_colors grand_bud_1 = wes.GrandBudapest2_4.mpl_colors mend = wes.Mendl_4.mpl_colors if raw_data == True: a_1 = (a_s_1_1[i]- np.mean(a_s_1_1[i])) a_2 = (a_s_1_2[i]- np.mean(a_s_1_2[i])) a_3 = (a_s_2_1[i]- np.mean(a_s_2_1[i])) a_4 = (a_s_2_2[i]- np.mean(a_s_2_2[i])) a_5 = (a_s_3_1[i]- np.mean(a_s_3_1[i])) a_6 = (a_s_3_2[i]- np.mean(a_s_3_2[i])) b_1 = (b_s_1_1[i]- np.mean(b_s_1_1[i])) b_2 = (b_s_1_2[i]- np.mean(b_s_1_2[i])) b_3 = (b_s_2_1[i]- np.mean(b_s_2_1[i])) b_4 = (b_s_2_2[i]- np.mean(b_s_2_2[i])) b_5 = (b_s_3_1[i]- np.mean(b_s_3_1[i])) b_6 = (b_s_3_2[i]- np.mean(b_s_3_2[i])) else: a_1 = a_s_1_1[i]#- np.mean(a_s_1_1[i]) a_2 = a_s_1_2[i]#- np.mean(a_s_1_2[i]) a_3 = a_s_2_1[i]#- np.mean(a_s_2_1[i]) a_4 = a_s_2_2[i]#- np.mean(a_s_2_2[i]) a_5 = a_s_3_1[i]#- np.mean(a_s_3_1[i]) a_6 = a_s_3_2[i]#- np.mean(a_s_3_2[i]) b_1 = b_s_1_1[i]#- np.mean(b_s_1_1[i]) b_2 = b_s_1_2[i]#- np.mean(b_s_1_2[i]) b_3 = b_s_2_1[i]#- np.mean(b_s_2_1[i]) b_4 = b_s_2_2[i]#- np.mean(b_s_2_2[i]) b_5 = b_s_3_1[i]#- np.mean(b_s_3_1[i]) b_6 = b_s_3_2[i]#- np.mean(b_s_3_2[i]) if a_b_in_task == True: plt.plot(a_1, color = grand_bud[1], label = 'A 1') plt.plot(a_2, color = grand_bud_1[0], label = 'A 2') plt.plot(a_3, color = isl[1], label = 'A 3') plt.plot(a_4, color = isl_1[0], label = 'B 1') plt.plot(a_5, color = mend[1], label = 'B 2') plt.plot(a_6, color = mend[3], label = 'B 3') if plot_block_in_task == True: blocks_mean_task_1 = np.mean([a_1,a_2, b_1,b_2],0) blocks_std_task_1 = np.std([a_1,a_2, b_1,b_2],0)/(np.sqrt(4)) blocks_mean_task_2 = np.mean([a_3,a_4, b_3,b_4],0) blocks_std_task_2 = np.std([a_3,a_4, b_3,b_4],0)/(np.sqrt(4)) blocks_mean_task_3 = np.mean([a_5,a_6, b_5,b_6],0) blocks_std_task_3 = np.std([a_5,a_6, b_5,b_6],0)/(np.sqrt(4)) plt.plot(blocks_mean_task_1, color = isl_1[0], label = 'Task 1') plt.fill_between(np.arange(len(blocks_mean_task_1)), blocks_mean_task_1-blocks_std_task_1, blocks_mean_task_1+blocks_std_task_1, alpha=0.2, color = isl_1[0]) plt.plot(blocks_mean_task_2, color = mend[1], label = 'Task 2') plt.fill_between(np.arange(len(blocks_mean_task_2)), blocks_mean_task_2 - blocks_std_task_2, blocks_mean_task_2 + blocks_std_task_2, alpha=0.2, color = mend[1]) plt.plot(blocks_mean_task_3, color = mend[2], label = 'Task 3') plt.fill_between(np.arange(len(blocks_mean_task_3)), blocks_mean_task_3 - blocks_std_task_3, blocks_mean_task_3 + blocks_std_task_3, alpha=0.2, color = mend[2]) elif plot_block_all_tasks: blocks_all_tasls = np.mean([a_1,a_2,a_3,a_4,a_5,a_6,b_1,b_2,b_3,b_4,b_5,b_6],0) std_blocks_all_tasls = np.std([a_1,a_2,a_3,a_4,a_5,a_6,b_1,b_2,b_3,b_4,b_5,b_6],0)/(np.sqrt(12)) plt.plot(blocks_all_tasls, color = isl_1[0], label = 'All Tasks Block Time') plt.fill_between(np.arange(len(blocks_all_tasls)), blocks_all_tasls-std_blocks_all_tasls, blocks_all_tasls+std_blocks_all_tasls, alpha=0.2, color = isl_1[0]) elif a_b_all_tasks == True: blocks_mean_a = np.mean([a_1,a_2,a_3,a_4,a_5,a_6],0) blocks_std_a = np.std([a_1,a_2,a_3,a_4,a_5,a_6],0)/(np.sqrt(6)) blocks_mean_b = np.mean([b_1,b_2,b_3,b_4,b_5,b_6],0) blocks_std_b = np.std([b_1,b_2,b_3,b_4,b_5,b_6],0)/(np.sqrt(6)) # blocks_mean_a = np.mean([a_s_1[i], a_s_2[i],a_s_3[i]],0) # blocks_std_a = np.std([a_s_1[i], a_s_2[i],a_s_3[i]],0)/(np.sqrt(3)) # blocks_mean_b = np.mean([b_s_1[i], b_s_2[i], b_s_3[i]],0) # blocks_std_b = np.std([b_s_1[i], b_s_2[i], b_s_3[i]],0)/(np.sqrt(3)) plt.plot(blocks_mean_b, color = isl_1[0], label = 'B') plt.fill_between(np.arange(len(blocks_mean_b)), blocks_mean_b-blocks_std_b, blocks_mean_b+blocks_std_b, alpha=0.2, color = isl_1[0]) plt.plot(blocks_mean_a, color = isl_1[1], label = 'A') plt.fill_between(np.arange(len(blocks_mean_a)), blocks_mean_a-blocks_std_a, blocks_mean_a+blocks_std_a, alpha=0.2, color = isl_1[1]) #plt.vlines(switch, np.min([np.min(blocks_mean_a),np.min(blocks_mean_b)]), np.max([np.max(blocks_mean_a),np.max(blocks_mean_b)]), linestyle = ':', color = 'grey', label = 'Switch') if plot_all == True: stack = np.vstack((a_1,a_2,a_3,a_4,a_5,a_6,b_1, b_2,b_3,b_4,b_5,b_6)) labels = ['A 1 ', ' A 2 ', 'A 3', 'A 4', ' A 5 ', 'A 6', 'B 1 ', ' B 2 ', ' B 3', 'B 4 ', ' B 5 ', ' B 6'] for s,ss in enumerate(stack): plt.plot(ss) plt.tight_layout() if count == 1: plt.legend() if (neuron_count-1) in ind_above_chance: plt.title('Significant') else: plt.title(str(count)) plt.subplot(3,4, count+6) plt.plot(a_list[i], color = isl[1], label = 'A') plt.plot(b_list[i], color = isl[2], label = 'B') plt.plot(rew_list[i], color = isl[3], label = 'Reward') plt.plot(no_rew_list[i], color = isl[4], label = 'No Rew') if (neuron_count-1) in ind_above_chance: plt.title('Significant') else: plt.title(str(count)) plt.vlines([25,36,43], np.min([np.min(a_list[i]),np.min(b_list[i]),np.min(rew_list[i]),np.min(no_rew_list[i])]),\ np.max([np.max(a_list[i]),np.max(b_list[i]),np.max(rew_list[i]),np.max(no_rew_list[i])]),linestyle= '--', color = 'pink') if count == 1: plt.legend() pdf.savefig() pdf.close() return ind_above_chance,neuron_count
def MakeCharts(dataset, timemarks="0s,9d", ylim=None, columns=None, autoscale=False, events=None, interactive=False): # import pylab here since this is a very large library that you might # not want loaded and initialized everytime you use this module. Also, # if you are using one of the GTK based backends for matplotlib, and you # do not have DISPLAY set (e.g. running from a remote shell), then you # will see this exception raised when you import this module: # RuntimeError: could not open display # This is not in my, or matplotlib's, control. import pylab from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties pylab.ioff() names = [] if type(events) is DataSet: events.NormalizeTime(dataset.measurements[0][0]) dataset.NormalizeTime() unit = dataset.unit for subset, start, end in dataset.GetTimeSlices(timemarks): if len(subset) > 0: x_time, datacols, labels = subset.GetColumns(columns) if len(x_time) < 100: mrk = "." ls = "-" else: mrk = "," ls = "None" for col, label, color in itertools.izip(datacols, labels, color_cycler): pylab.plot(x_time, col, color=color, label=label, ls=ls, marker=mrk) pylab.setp(pylab.gcf(), dpi=100, size_inches=(9, 6)) pylab.xlabel("Time (s)") if not autoscale: _SetYLimit(pylab.gca(), ylim, unit) pylab.ylabel(unit) if events is not None: ax = pylab.gca() for row in events: ax.axvline(row[0], color="rgbymc"[int(row[1]) % 6]) metadata = subset.metadata title = "%s-%s-%s-%ss-%ss" % ( metadata.testcase, metadata.timestamp.strftime("%m%d%H%M%S"), "-".join(labels), int(start), int(end)) pylab.title(title, fontsize="x-small") font = FontProperties(size="x-small") pylab.legend(prop=font) if not interactive: fname = "%s.%s" % (title, "png") pylab.savefig(fname, format="png") names.append(fname) pylab.cla() else: break return names
def orig_adv_dist(orig_img=None, target_img=None, plot=False, bestC=None, iteration=1): if orig_img is None: orig_img = np.random.randint(0, len(test_x)) if target_img is None: target_label = test_y[orig_img] while target_label == test_y[orig_img]: target_img = np.random.randint(0, len(test_x)) target_label = test_y[target_img] noise_dist = [] orig_dist = [] adv_dist = [] target_recon_dist = [] recon_dist = [] orig_target_dist = [] orig_target_recon_dist = [] target_orig_recon_dist = [] C = np.logspace(-5, 20, 50, base=2, dtype=np.float32) for c in C: noise, od, ad, ore, tre, recd, otd, otrd, tord = adv_test( orig_img, target_img, C=c, plot=False, iteration=iteration) noise_dist.append(noise) orig_dist.append(od) adv_dist.append(ad) target_recon_dist.append(tre) recon_dist.append(recd) orig_target_dist.append(otd) orig_target_recon_dist.append(otrd) target_orig_recon_dist.append(tord) noise_dist = np.array(noise_dist) orig_dist = np.array(orig_dist) adv_dist = np.array(adv_dist) target_recon_dist = np.array(target_recon_dist) recon_dist = np.array(recon_dist) orig_target_dist = np.array(orig_target_dist) orig_target_recon_dist = np.array(orig_target_recon_dist) target_orig_recon_dist = np.array(target_orig_recon_dist) if bestC is None: bestC = C[np.argmax(adv_dist - orig_dist >= 0) - 1] print(orig_img, target_img, bestC) best_noise, best_orig_dist, best_adv_dist, orig_reconstruction_dist, target_reconstruction_dist, _, _, _, _ = adv_test( orig_img, target_img, C=bestC, plot=plot, iteration=iteration) plt.ioff() if plot: fig = plt.figure() plt.axhline(y=target_reconstruction_dist, linewidth=2, color='cyan', label="Dist(Target reconstruction - Target)") plt.axvline(x=orig_reconstruction_dist, linewidth=2, color='DarkOrange', label="Dist(Original reconstruction - Original)") plt.scatter(orig_dist, adv_dist) plt.scatter([best_orig_dist], [best_adv_dist], color="red") plt.xlabel("Dist(reconstructed Adversarial image - Original image)") plt.ylabel("Dist(reconstructed Adversarial image - Target image)") plt.legend() plt.plot() #output_dir = '/Users/rishikaagarwal/Desktop/cs597/adv_vae-master/results/' + model_filename + '/' output_dir = 'results/compare_attacks/' + model_filename + '/' #os.path.join(output_dir, {}/exp_'+ str(iteration)+ '.png') fig.savefig( os.path.join(output_dir, ('exp_' + str(iteration) + 'graph1.png'))) plt.close(fig) fig = plt.figure() plt.axhline(y=target_reconstruction_dist, linewidth=2, color='cyan', label="Dist(Target reconstruction - Target)") plt.axvline(x=np.linalg.norm(test_x[orig_img] - test_x[target_img]), linewidth=2, color='DarkOrange', label="Dist(Original - Target)") plt.scatter(noise_dist, adv_dist) plt.scatter([best_noise], [best_adv_dist], color="red") plt.ylabel("Dist(reconstructed Adversarial image - Target image)") plt.xlabel("Dist(noise)") plt.legend() fig.savefig( os.path.join(output_dir, ('exp_' + str(iteration) + 'graph2.png'))) plt.plot() plt.close(fig) bestCind = np.where(C == bestC) print('orig_img : ', orig_img) print('target_img : ', target_img) print('orig_reconstruction_dist : ', orig_reconstruction_dist) print('target_reconstruction_dist : ', target_reconstruction_dist) print('original_target_dist : ', orig_target_dist[bestCind]) print('orig_target_recon_dist : ', orig_target_recon_dist[bestCind]) print('target_orig_recon_dist : ', target_orig_recon_dist[bestCind]) print() print('bestC : ', bestC) print('adv_adv_recon_dist : ', recon_dist[bestCind]) print('best noise_dist : ', noise_dist[bestCind]) print('best orig_dist : ', orig_dist[bestCind]) print('best adv_dist : ', adv_dist[bestCind]) print() df = pd.DataFrame({ 'orig_img': orig_img, 'target_img': target_img, 'bestC': bestC, 'orig_reconstruction_dist': orig_reconstruction_dist, 'target_reconstruction_dist': target_reconstruction_dist, 'noise_dist': noise_dist, 'orig_dist': orig_dist, 'adv_dist': adv_dist, 'target_recon_dist': target_recon_dist, 'recon_dist': recon_dist, 'orig_target_dist': orig_target_dist, 'orig_target_recon_dist': orig_target_recon_dist, 'target_orig_recon_dist': target_orig_recon_dist, 'C': C }) return df
def close(self, s): if self.type == 'randomOutput': print('\nClosing random output virtual arm...') if self.type == 'dummyArm': if s.explorMovs == 1: # remove explor movs related noise to cells for imus in range(s.nMuscles): IDSCgids = array(s.motorCmdCellRange[self.randMus]) - int( s.popGidStart[s.EDSC]) + int(s.popGidStart[s.IDSC]) for (i, x) in enumerate(s.backgroundsources): if s.backgroundgid[i] in s.motorCmdCellRange[ imus] + list(IDSCgids): x.interval = 0.0001**-1 * 1e3 x.noise = s.backgroundnoise # Fractional noise in timing elif s.explorMovs == 2: # remove explor movs related noise to cells for (i, x) in enumerate(s.backgroundsources ): # for all input background netstims if s.backgroundgid[ i] in self.targetCells: # for the rest of cells x.interval = s.backgroundrate**-1 * 1e3 # set to normal level if s.trialReset: s.timeoflastreset = 0 self.initArmMovement = int(s.initArmMovement) if s.rank == 0: print('\nClosing dummy virtual arm ...') if self.anim: ioff() # turn interactive mode off close(self.fig) # close arm animation graph if self.graphs: # plot graphs self.plotTraj(s.filename) #self.plotAngs() #self.plotMotorCmds() #self.plotRL() if self.type == 'musculoskeletal': if s.explorMovs == 1: # remove explor movs related noise to cells for imus in range(s.nMuscles): IDSCgids = array(s.motorCmdCellRange[self.randMus]) - int( s.popGidStart[s.EDSC]) + int(s.popGidStart[s.IDSC]) for (i, x) in enumerate(s.backgroundsources): if s.backgroundgid[i] in s.motorCmdCellRange[ imus] + list(IDSCgids): x.interval = 0.0001**-1 * 1e3 x.noise = s.backgroundnoise # Fractional noise in timing elif s.explorMovs == 2: # remove explor movs related noise to cells for (i, x) in enumerate(s.backgroundsources ): # for all input background netstims if s.backgroundgid[ i] in self.targetCells: # for the rest of cells x.interval = s.backgroundrate**-1 * 1e3 # set to normal level if s.trialReset: s.timeoflastreset = 0 self.initArmMovement = int(s.initArmMovement) if s.rank == 0: print('\nClosing dummy virtual arm ...') arminterface.closeSavePlot(self.duration / 1000.0, self.interval) if self.graphs: # plot graphs self.plotTraj(s.filename) #self.plotAngs() self.plotMotorCmds() self.plotRL()
def cartview(map=None, fig=None, rot=None, zat=None, coord=None, unit='', xsize=800, ysize=None, lonra=None, latra=None, title='Cartesian view', nest=False, remove_dip=False, remove_mono=False, gal_cut=0, min=None, max=None, flip='astro', format='%.3g', cbar=True, cmap=None, norm=None, aspect=None, hold=False, sub=None, margins=None, notext=False, return_projected_map=False): """Plot an healpix map (given as an array) in Cartesian projection. Parameters ---------- map : float, array-like or None An array containing the map, supports masked maps, see the `ma` function. If None, will display a blank map, useful for overplotting. fig : int or None, optional The figure number to use. Default: create a new figure rot : scalar or sequence, optional Describe the rotation to apply. In the form (lon, lat, psi) (unit: degrees) : the point at longitude *lon* and latitude *lat* will be at the center. An additional rotation of angle *psi* around this direction is applied. coord : sequence of character, optional Either one of 'G', 'E' or 'C' to describe the coordinate system of the map, or a sequence of 2 of these to rotate the map from the first to the second coordinate system. unit : str, optional A text describing the unit of the data. Default: '' xsize : int, optional The size of the image. Default: 800 lonra : sequence, optional Range in longitude. Default: [-180,180] latra : sequence, optional Range in latitude. Default: [-90,90] title : str, optional The title of the plot. Default: 'Mollweide view' nest : bool, optional If True, ordering scheme is NESTED. Default: False (RING) min : float, optional The minimum range value max : float, optional The maximum range value flip : {'astro', 'geo'}, optional Defines the convention of projection : 'astro' (default, east towards left, west towards right) or 'geo' (east towards roght, west towards left) remove_dip : bool, optional If :const:`True`, remove the dipole+monopole remove_mono : bool, optional If :const:`True`, remove the monopole gal_cut : float, scalar, optional Symmetric galactic cut for the dipole/monopole fit. Removes points in latitude range [-gal_cut, +gal_cut] format : str, optional The format of the scale label. Default: '%g' cbar : bool, optional Display the colorbar. Default: True notext : bool, optional If True, no text is printed around the map norm : {'hist', 'log', None}, optional Color normalization, hist= histogram equalized color mapping, log= logarithmic color mapping, default: None (linear color mapping) hold : bool, optional If True, replace the current Axes by a CartesianAxes. use this if you want to have multiple maps on the same figure. Default: False sub : int, scalar or sequence, optional Use only a zone of the current figure (same syntax as subplot). Default: None margins : None or sequence, optional Either None, or a sequence (left,bottom,right,top) giving the margins on left,bottom,right and top of the axes. Values are relative to figure (0-1). Default: None return_projected_map : bool if True returns the projected map in a 2d numpy array See Also -------- mollview, gnomview, orthview, azeqview """ import pylab if not (hold or sub): f = pylab.figure(fig, figsize=(8.5, 5.4)) if not margins: margins = (0.075, 0.05, 0.075, 0.05) extent = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) elif hold: f = pylab.gcf() left, bottom, right, top = np.array(pylab.gca().get_position()).ravel() if not margins: margins = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) extent = (left, bottom, right - left, top - bottom) f.delaxes(pylab.gca()) else: # using subplot syntax f = pylab.gcf() if hasattr(sub, '__len__'): nrows, ncols, idx = sub else: nrows, ncols, idx = sub // 100, (sub % 100) // 10, (sub % 10) if idx < 1 or idx > ncols * nrows: raise ValueError('Wrong values for sub: %d, %d, %d' % (nrows, ncols, idx)) c, r = (idx - 1) % ncols, (idx - 1) // ncols if not margins: margins = (0.01, 0.0, 0.0, 0.02) extent = (c * 1. / ncols + margins[0], 1. - (r + 1) * 1. / nrows + margins[1], 1. / ncols - margins[2] - margins[0], 1. / nrows - margins[3] - margins[1]) extent = (extent[0] + margins[0], extent[1] + margins[1], extent[2] - margins[2] - margins[0], extent[3] - margins[3] - margins[1]) #f=pylab.figure(fig,figsize=(5.5,6)) # Starting to draw : turn interactive off wasinteractive = pylab.isinteractive() pylab.ioff() try: if map is None: map = np.zeros(12) + np.inf cbar = False map = pixelfunc.ma_to_array(map) if zat and rot: raise ValueError('Only give rot or zat, not both') if zat: rot = np.array(zat, dtype=np.float64) rot.resize(3) rot[1] -= 90 ax = PA.HpxCartesianAxes(f, extent, coord=coord, rot=rot, format=format, flipconv=flip) f.add_axes(ax) if remove_dip: map = pixelfunc.remove_dipole(map, gal_cut=gal_cut, nest=nest, copy=True) elif remove_mono: map = pixelfunc.remove_monopole(map, gal_cut=gal_cut, nest=nest, copy=True) img = ax.projmap(map, nest=nest, coord=coord, vmin=min, vmax=max, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize, lonra=lonra, latra=latra, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, aspect=aspect) if cbar: im = ax.get_images()[0] b = im.norm.inverse(np.linspace(0, 1, im.cmap.N + 1)) v = np.linspace(im.norm.vmin, im.norm.vmax, im.cmap.N) if matplotlib.__version__ >= '0.91.0': cb = f.colorbar(im, ax=ax, orientation='horizontal', shrink=0.5, aspect=25, ticks=PA.BoundaryLocator(), pad=0.08, fraction=0.1, boundaries=b, values=v, format=format) else: cb = f.colorbar(im, orientation='horizontal', shrink=0.5, aspect=25, ticks=PA.BoundaryLocator(), pad=0.08, fraction=0.1, boundaries=b, values=v, format=format) cb.solids.set_rasterized(True) ax.set_title(title) if not notext: ax.text(-0.07, 0.6, ax.proj.coordsysstr, fontsize=14, fontweight='bold', rotation=90, transform=ax.transAxes) if cbar:, 0.30, unit, fontsize=14, fontweight='bold',, ha='left', va='center') finally: if wasinteractive: pylab.ion() pylab.draw() if return_projected_map: return img
def plot_task_hierarchy(data_HP, data_PFC,experiment_aligned_HP, experiment_aligned_PFC,\ beh = True, block = False, raw_data = False, HP = True, start = 0, end = 62, region = 'HP', plot = True): a_a_matrix_t_1_list, b_b_matrix_t_1_list,\ a_a_matrix_t_2_list, b_b_matrix_t_2_list,\ a_a_matrix_t_3_list, b_b_matrix_t_3_list,\ block_1_t1, block_2_t1, block_3_t1,block_4_t1,\ block_1_t2, block_2_t2, block_3_t2, block_4_t2,\ block_1_t3, block_2_t3, block_3_t3, block_4_t3 = hieararchies_extract(data_HP, data_PFC,experiment_aligned_HP, \ experiment_aligned_PFC, beh = beh, block = block, raw_data = raw_data, HP = HP, start = start, end = end) if HP == True: a_list, b_list, rew_list, no_rew_list = find_rewards_choices(data_HP, experiment_aligned_HP) elif HP == False: a_list, b_list, rew_list, no_rew_list = find_rewards_choices(data_PFC, experiment_aligned_PFC) isl = wes.FantasticFox2_5.mpl_colors plt.ioff() blocks_t1 = np.hstack((block_1_t1,block_2_t1,block_3_t1, block_4_t1)) blocks_t2 = np.hstack((block_1_t2,block_2_t2,block_3_t2, block_4_t2)) blocks_t3 = np.hstack((block_1_t3,block_2_t3,block_3_t3, block_4_t3)) stack_all_blocks = np.concatenate((blocks_t1,blocks_t2,blocks_t3),1) c = palettable.scientific.sequential.LaPaz_5.mpl_colormap switch = block_1_t1.shape[1] ticks = [0,switch,switch*2,switch*3,switch*4,switch*5,switch*6,switch*7,switch*8,switch*9,switch*10,switch*11] tick_n = ['1 T1 ', '2 T1 ', '3 T1', '4 T1', '1 T2 ', '2 T2 ', '3 T2', '4 T2',\ ' 1 T3 ', ' 2 T3 ', '3 T3', '4 T3'] corr = np.corrcoef(stack_all_blocks.T) plt.figure() plt.imshow(corr, cmap = c) plt.colorbar() plt.xticks(ticks, tick_n, rotation = 90) plt.yticks(ticks, tick_n) isl_1 = wes.Moonrise1_5.mpl_colors grand_bud = wes.GrandBudapest1_4.mpl_colors if plot == True: pdf = PdfPages('/Users/veronikasamborska/Desktop/time/'+ region +'time_in_block.pdf') plt.ioff() count = 0 plot_new = True for i,m in enumerate(blocks_t1): count +=1 if count == 7: plot_new = True count = 1 if plot_new == True: pdf.savefig() plt.clf() plt.figure() plot_new = False plt.subplot(3,4, count) blocks_mean = np.mean([blocks_t1[i], blocks_t2[i], blocks_t3[i]],0) blocks_std = np.std([blocks_t1[i], blocks_t2[i], blocks_t3[i]],0)/(np.sqrt(4)) plt.plot(blocks_mean, color = grand_bud[0], label = 'Task Av') plt.fill_between(np.arange(len(blocks_mean)), blocks_mean-blocks_std, blocks_mean+blocks_std, alpha=0.2, color = grand_bud[0]) #plt.plot(blocks_t1[i], color = isl_1[1], label = 'Task 1') #plt.plot(blocks_t2[i], color = isl_1[2], label = 'Task 2') #plt.plot(blocks_t3[i], color = isl_1[4], label = 'Task 3') plt.vlines([switch,switch*2,switch*3], np.min(blocks_mean), np.max(blocks_mean), linestyle = ':', color = 'grey', label = 'Switch') plt.title(str(count)) plt.tight_layout() if count == 1: plt.legend() plt.subplot(3,4, count+6) plt.plot(a_list[i], color = isl[1], label = 'A') plt.plot(b_list[i], color = isl[2], label = 'B') plt.plot(rew_list[i], color = isl[3], label = 'Reward') plt.plot(no_rew_list[i], color = isl[4], label = 'No Rew') plt.title(str(count)) plt.vlines([25,36,43], np.min([np.min(a_list[i]),np.min(b_list[i]),np.min(rew_list[i]),np.min(no_rew_list[i])]),\ np.max([np.max(a_list[i]),np.max(b_list[i]),np.max(rew_list[i]),np.max(no_rew_list[i])]),linestyle= '--', color = 'pink') if count == 1: plt.legend() pdf.savefig() pdf.close()
def signal_handler(signal, frame): plt.ioff() sys.exit(0)
def stop(self): # Остановить анимацию pylab.ioff()
'density': True, 'velocity': True, 'age': False } mom = MomentumFirn(model) nrg = EnergyFirn(model) plt = FirnPlot(model, plot_cfg) def cb(): model.update_height_history() theta_exp.t = model.t rho_exp.t = model.t w_exp.t = model.t #bdotNew = (w_exp.adot * model.rhoi(0)) / model.spy(0) #model.assign_variable(model.bdot, bdotNew) plt.update() dt_list = [dt1, dt2] #dt_list = None model.transient_solve(mom, nrg, t0, tm, tf, dt1, dt_list=dt_list, callback=cb) p.ioff() # plot the surface height trend : #plt.plot_height(model.times,, model.origHt)
import numpy as np import json import os import radio_beam import reproject from astropy import constants, units as u, table, stats, coordinates, wcs, log from import fits from spectral_cube import SpectralCube, wcs_utils, tests, Projection, OneDSpectrum from astropy.nddata import Cutout2D from parse_contdotdat import parse_contdotdat import tempfile import pylab as pl pl.ioff() overwrite=False # for zarr storage os.environ['TMPDIR'] = '/blue/adamginsburg/adamginsburg/tmp' if __name__ == "__main__": # need to be in main block for dask to work from dask.distributed import Client if os.getenv('SLURM_MEM_PER_NODE'): memlim_total = int(os.getenv('SLURM_MEM_PER_NODE')) / 1024 # GB ntasks = int(os.getenv('SLURM_NTASKS')) memlim = memlim_total / ntasks else:
def VOCprlist(gtImages, detlist, show=False, usetr=True, usedf=False, ovr=0.5): """ calculate the precision recall curve """ #detf=open(detfile,"r") #detect=detf.readlines() imname = [] cnt = 0 #ovr=0.49 #print trPosImages.getTotal() tp = [] fp = [] tot = 0 for idx in range(gtImages.getTotal()): print gtImages.getImageName(idx) if show: img = gtImages.getImage(idx) pylab.figure(1) pylab.clf() pylab.imshow(img) #pyr=HOGcompute.HOGcrop(img,interv=interv) #pyr.pad() #pyr.pad() #pyr.contrast() rect = gtImages.getBBox(idx, usetr=usetr, usedf=usedf) print rect if show: for r in rect: pylab.figure(1) pylab.ioff() box(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], 'b', lw=1.5) #raw_input() tot = tot + len(rect) #print len(rect),rect #print rect for l in detlist: data = l #.split(" ") if data[0] == gtImages.getImageName(idx).split("/")[-1].split( ".")[0]: notfound = True rb = [ float(data[3]), float(data[2]), float(data[5]), float(data[4]) ] if show: pylab.ioff() pylab.text(rb[1], rb[0], data[1]) for id, r in enumerate(rect): #pylab.figure(1) #box(r[0],r[1],r[2],r[3],'b',lw=1.5) #print "entered",data #rb=[float(data[3]),float(data[2]),float(data[5]),float(data[4])] #print rb,r,overlap(rb,r) #pylab.text(rb[1],rb[0],data[1]) if overlap(rb, r) >= ovr: if show: pylab.ioff() box(rb[0], rb[1], rb[2], rb[3], 'g', lw=1.5) del rect[id] tp.append(float(data[1])) notfound = False break if notfound == True: if show: pylab.ioff() box(rb[0], rb[1], rb[2], rb[3], 'r', lw=1) fp.append(float(data[1])) #print len(tp),len(fp),tot #break if show: pylab.figure(1) pylab.draw() #raw_input() return tp, fp, tot
def stop(self): ''' Остановить анимацию ''' pylab.ioff()
def viewSortDet(gtImages, detlist, numim=numpy.inf, opt="all", usetr=True, usedf=False, ovr=0.5): dimg = {} tot = 0 for idx in range(min(gtImages.getTotal(), numim)): rect = gtImages.getBBox(idx) if rect != []: #print gtImages.getImageName(idx).split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] dimg[gtImages.getImageName(idx).split("/")[-1].split(".") [0]] = rect tot = tot + len(rect) imname = [] cnt = 0 tp = numpy.zeros(len(detlist)) fp = numpy.zeros(len(detlist)) thr = numpy.zeros(len(detlist)) detlist.sort(cmpscore) for idx, detbb in enumerate(detlist): #print detbb[1] found = False if dimg.has_key(detbb[0]): rect = dimg[detbb[0]] found = False for r in rect: rb = (float(detbb[3]), float(detbb[2]), float(detbb[5]), float(detbb[4])) #print "GT:",r #print "DET:",rb if overlap(rb, r) >= ovr: dimg[detbb[0]].remove(r) found = True break if found: tp[idx] = 1 else: fp[idx] = 1 thr[idx] = detbb[1] if show: pylab.ioff() prec = numpy.sum(tp) / float(numpy.sum(tp) + numpy.sum(fp)) rec = numpy.sum(tp) / tot print "Scr:", detbb[1], "Prec:", prec, "Rec:", rec img = gtImages.getImageByName2(detbb[0]) pylab.figure(1) pylab.clf() pylab.imshow(img) rb = (float(detbb[3]), float(detbb[2]), float(detbb[5]), float(detbb[4])) for r in rect: pylab.figure(1) pylab.ioff() box(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], 'b', lw=1.5) if found: box(rb[0], rb[1], rb[2], rb[3], 'g', lw=1.5) else: box(rb[0], rb[1], rb[2], rb[3], 'r', lw=1.5) pylab.draw() rect = [] raw_input() return tp, fp, thr, tot
def orig_adv_dist(orig_img=None, target_img=None, plot=False, bestC=None, iteration=1): if orig_img is None: orig_img = np.random.randint(0, len(test_x)) #orig_img = np.random.randint(0, len(test_x_app)) if target_img is None: target_label = test_y[orig_img] #target_label = test_y_app[orig_img] while target_label == test_y[orig_img]: #while target_label == test_y_app[orig_img]: target_img = np.random.randint(0, len(test_x)) target_label = test_y[target_img] #target_img = np.random.randint(0, len(test_x_app)) #target_label = test_y_app[target_img] noise_dist = [] orig_dist = [] adv_dist = [] target_recon_dist = [] recon_dist = [] orig_target_dist = [] orig_target_recon_dist = [] target_orig_recon_dist = [] C = np.logspace(-20, 20, 100, base=2, dtype=np.float32) for c in C: noise, od, ad, ore, tre, recd, otd, otrd, tord = adv_test(orig_img, target_img, C=c, plot=False) noise_dist.append(noise) orig_dist.append(od) adv_dist.append(ad) target_recon_dist.append(tre) recon_dist.append(recd) orig_target_dist.append(otd) orig_target_recon_dist.append(otrd) target_orig_recon_dist.append(tord) noise_dist = np.array(noise_dist) orig_dist = np.array(orig_dist) adv_dist = np.array(adv_dist) target_recon_dist = np.array(target_recon_dist) recon_dist = np.array(recon_dist) orig_target_dist = np.array(orig_target_dist) orig_target_recon_dist = np.array(orig_target_recon_dist) target_orig_recon_dist = np.array(target_orig_recon_dist) if bestC is None: bestC = C[np.argmax(adv_dist - orig_dist >= 0) - 1] #print (orig_img, target_img, bestC) best_noise, best_orig_dist, best_adv_dist, orig_reconstruction_dist, target_reconstruction_dist, _, _, _, _ = adv_test( orig_img, target_img, C=bestC, plot=True) plt.ioff() if plot: fig = plt.figure() plt.axhline(y=target_reconstruction_dist, linewidth=2, color='cyan', label="Dist(Target reconstruction - Target)") plt.axvline(x=orig_reconstruction_dist, linewidth=2, color='DarkOrange', label="Dist(Original reconstruction - Original)") plt.scatter(orig_dist, adv_dist) plt.scatter([best_orig_dist], [best_adv_dist], color="red") plt.xlabel("Dist(recon Adversarial image, Original image)") plt.ylabel("Dist(recon Adversarial image, Target image)") plt.legend() plt.plot() #output_dir = '/Users/rishikaagarwal/Desktop/cs597/adv_vae-master/results/' + model_filename + '/' output_dir = 'results/' + model_filename + '/' #os.path.join(output_dir, {}/exp_'+ str(iteration)+ '.png') fig.savefig( os.path.join(output_dir, ('exp_' + str(iteration) + 'graph1.png'))) plt.close(fig) fig = plt.figure() plt.axhline(y=target_reconstruction_dist, linewidth=2, color='cyan', label="Dist(Target reconstruction - Target)") plt.axvline(x=np.linalg.norm(test_x[orig_img] - test_x[target_img]), linewidth=2, color='DarkOrange', label="Dist(Original - Target)") plt.scatter(noise_dist, adv_dist) plt.scatter([best_noise], [best_adv_dist], color="red") plt.ylabel("Dist(reconAdversarial image, Target image)") plt.xlabel("noise") plt.legend() fig.savefig( os.path.join(output_dir, ('exp_' + str(iteration) + 'graph2.png'))) plt.plot() plt.close(fig) #compute AUDDC #orig_img : index of original image #target_img : index of target image #bestC: #orig_reconstruction_dist : distance b/w original image and its recons #target_rec_dist : distance b/w original image and its recons #noise dist : #orig_dist : #adv_dist : xs = noise_dist / orig_target_dist zs = ((adv_dist - target_recon_dist) / (orig_target_recon_dist - target_recon_dist)) idx = np.argsort(xs) xs = xs[idx] zs = zs[idx] (xs, zs) = zip(*[(x, z) for (x, z) in zip(xs, zs) if x >= 0 and x <= 1]) points = (xs, zs) limits = (1.0, 1.0, 0) AUDDC = metrics_auc(points, limits) bestCind = np.where(C == bestC) print('orig_img : ', orig_img) print('target_img : ', target_img) #print('orig_reconstruction_dist : ', orig_reconstruction_dist) #print('target_reconstruction_dist : ',target_reconstruction_dist) #print('original_target_dist : ', orig_target_dist[bestCind]) #print('orig_target_recon_dist : ', orig_target_recon_dist[bestCind]) #print('target_orig_recon_dist : ', target_orig_recon_dist[bestCind]) print() print('bestC : ', bestC) print('adv_adv_recon_dist : ', recon_dist[bestCind]) print('best noise_dist : ', noise_dist[bestCind]) print('best orig_dist : ', orig_dist[bestCind]) print('best adv_dist : ', adv_dist[bestCind]) print('AUDDC: ', AUDDC) print() df = pd.DataFrame({ 'orig_img': orig_img, 'target_img': target_img, 'bestC': bestC, 'orig_reconstruction_dist': orig_reconstruction_dist, 'target_reconstruction_dist': target_reconstruction_dist, 'noise_dist': noise_dist, 'orig_dist': orig_dist, 'adv_dist': adv_dist, 'target_recon_dist': target_recon_dist, 'recon_dist': recon_dist, 'orig_target_dist': orig_target_dist, 'orig_target_recon_dist': orig_target_recon_dist, 'target_orig_recon_dist': target_orig_recon_dist, 'C': C, 'AUDDC': AUDDC, 'best_noise': best_noise }) return df
def VOCprRecord_wrong(gtImages, detlist, show=False, usetr=True, usedf=False, ovr=0.5): """ calculate the precision recall curve """ dimg = {} tot = 0 for idx in range(len(gtImages)): rect = gtImages[idx]["bbox"][:] #if idx>288: # print idx,rect if rect != []: #print gtImages.getImageName(idx).split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] dimg[gtImages[idx]["name"].split("/")[-1].split(".")[0]] = { "bbox": rect, "det": [False] * len(rect) } tot = tot + len(rect) imname = [] cnt = 0 tp = numpy.zeros(len(detlist)) fp = numpy.zeros(len(detlist)) thr = numpy.zeros(len(detlist)) detlist.sort(cmpscore) for idx, detbb in enumerate(detlist): #print detbb[1] found = False maxovr = 0 #gtdet=[False] gt = 0 if dimg.has_key(detbb[0]): rect = dimg[detbb[0]]["bbox"] found = False for ir, r in enumerate(rect): #gtdet.append(False) rb = (float(detbb[3]), float(detbb[2]), float(detbb[5]), float(detbb[4])) #print "GT:",r #print "DET:",rb covr = overlap(rb, r) if covr >= maxovr: maxovr = covr gt = ir #dimg[detbb[0]].remove(r) #found=True #break if maxovr > ovr: #if not(dimg[detbb[0]]["det"][gt]): tp[idx] = 1 #dimg[detbb[0]]["det"][gt]=True #else: # fp[idx]=1 else: fp[idx] = 1 thr[idx] = detbb[1] if show: prec = numpy.sum(tp) / float(numpy.sum(tp) + numpy.sum(fp)) rec = numpy.sum(tp) / tot print "Scr:", detbb[1], "Prec:%.3f" % prec, "Rec:%.3f" % rec ss = raw_input() if ss == "s" or not (found): pylab.ioff() img = gtImages.getImageByName2(detbb[0]) pylab.figure(1) pylab.clf() pylab.imshow(img) rb = (float(detbb[3]), float(detbb[2]), float(detbb[5]), float(detbb[4])) for r in rect: pylab.figure(1) pylab.ioff() box(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], 'b', lw=1.5) if found: box(rb[0], rb[1], rb[2], rb[3], 'g', lw=1.5) else: box(rb[0], rb[1], rb[2], rb[3], 'r', lw=1.5) pylab.draw() rect = [] return tp, fp, thr, tot
def viewDet(gtImages, detfile, opt="all", usetr=True, usedf=False, stop=True, t=0.5): detf = open(detfile, "r") detect = detf.readlines() detlst = numpy.zeros((len(detect), 5)) namelst = [] pylab.ioff() for id, el in enumerate(detect): aux = el.split() namelst.append(aux[0]) detlst[id, :] = aux[1:] srt = numpy.argsort(-detlst[:, 0]) imname = [] cnt = 0 ovr = 0.49 #print trPosImages.getTotal() tp = [] fp = [] tot = 0 pylab.figure() bb = numpy.zeros((4)) for id in range(detlst.shape[0]): pylab.ioff() abb = detlst[srt[id]] conf = abb[0] bb[0] = abb[2] bb[1] = abb[1] bb[2] = abb[4] bb[3] = abb[3] pylab.clf() img = gtImages.getImageByName2(namelst[srt[id]]) gtbb = gtImages.getBBoxByName(namelst[srt[id]], usetr=usetr, usedf=usedf) found = False for l in range(len(gtbb)): pylab.imshow(img) pylab.title("%s Confidence: %f" % (namelst[srt[id]], float(conf))) #box(gtbb[l][0],gtbb[l][1],gtbb[l][2],gtbb[l][3],col='b',lw="2") print overlap(bb[:], gtbb[l][:4]) if overlap(bb[:], gtbb[l][:4]) > 0: if overlap(bb[:], gtbb[l][:4]) > ovr: box(gtbb[l][0], gtbb[l][1], gtbb[l][2], gtbb[l][3], col='y', lw="2") box(bb[0], bb[1], bb[2], bb[3], col='g', lw="2") pylab.draw() if stop: raw_input() else: time.sleep(t) found = True else: box(gtbb[l][0], gtbb[l][1], gtbb[l][2], gtbb[l][3], col='y', lw="1") #box(bb[0],bb[1],bb[2],bb[3],col='g',lw="2") #raw_input() else: pass #pylab.imshow(img) #box(bb[0],bb[1],bb[2],bb[3],col='r',lw="2") if not (found): pylab.imshow(img) box(bb[0], bb[1], bb[2], bb[3], col='r', lw="2") pylab.draw() if stop: raw_input() else: time.sleep(t)