Beispiel #1
def find_factors(idat, odat, k = None):
    A routine to compute the main predictors (linear combinations of
    coordinates) in idat to predict odat.

        idat: d x n data matrix,
            with n measurements, each of dimension d
        odat: q x n data matrix
             with n measurements, each of dimension q

        **Depending on whether or not** *k* **is provided, the returned
        value is different**

      * if k is given, compute the first k regressors and return an orthogonal
        matrix that contains the regressors in its colums,
        i.e. reg[0,:] is the first regressor

      * if k is not given or None, return a d-dimensional vector v(k)
        explaining which fraction of the total predictable variance can be
        explained using only k regressors.


    #. idat and odat must have zero mean
    #. To interpret the regressors, it is advisable to have the
       for columns of idat having the same variance
    # transform into z-scores
    u, s, v = svd(idat, full_matrices = False)
    su = dot(diag(1./s), u.T)

    z = dot(su,idat)
    # ! Note that the covariance of z is *NOT* 1, but 1/n; z*z.T = 1 !

    # least-squares regression:
    A = dot(odat, pinv(z))

    uA, sigma_A, vA = svd(A, full_matrices = False)
    if k is None:
        vk = cumsum(sigma_A**2) / sum(sigma_A**2)
        return vk

    # choose k predictors
        sigma_A1 = sigma_A.copy()
        sigma_A1[k:] = 0
        A1 = reduce(dot, [uA, diag(sigma_A1), vA])
        B = dot(A1, su)
        uB, sigma_B, vB = svd(B, full_matrices = False)
        regs = vB[:k,:].T
        return regs
Beispiel #2
def pc_pm_std(data, ndim):
    This is a helper function.
    It returns the value of +1 * std(x), where x is the ndim-th principal
    component of the data

    data: `array` (*n*-by-*d*)
        the data on which the principal component analysis is performed.
    ndim: `integer`
        the number of the principal axis on which the analysis is performed.
        **NOTE** this is zero-based, i.e. to compute the first principal
        component, ndim=0

    std_pc: `array` (1-by-*d*)
        the vector that points in the direction of the *ndim*th principal
        axis, and has the length of the standard deviation of the scores
        along this axis.


    u,s,v = svd(data.T, full_matrices = False)
    direction = u[:, ndim : ndim + 1]
    scale = std(dot(direction.T, data.T))
    return scale * direction.T
Beispiel #3
def homog3D (points2d, points3d):

    Compute a matrix relating homogeneous 3D points (4xN) to homogeneous
    2D points (3xN)

    Not sure why anyone would do this.  Note that the returned transformation
    *NOT* an isometry.  But it's here... so deal with it.


    numPoints = points2d.shape[1]
    assert (numPoints >= 4)

    A = None
    for i in range (0, numPoints):
        xiPrime = points2d[:,i]
        xi = points3d[:,i]

        Ai_row0 = pl.concatenate ((pl.zeros (4,), -xiPrime[2]*xi, xiPrime[1]*xi))
        Ai_row1 = pl.concatenate ((xiPrime[2]*xi, pl.zeros (4,), -xiPrime[0]*xi))
        Ai = pl.row_stack ((Ai_row0, Ai_row1))

        if A is None:
            A = Ai
            A = pl.vstack ((A, Ai))

    U, S, V = pl.svd (A)
    V = V.T
    h = V[:,-1]
    P = pl.reshape (h, (3, 4))
    return P
Beispiel #4
def homog2D(xPrime, x):
    Compute the 3x3 homography matrix mapping a set of N 2D homogeneous 
    points (3xN) to another set (3xN)


    numPoints = xPrime.shape[1]
    assert numPoints >= 4

    A = None
    for i in range(0, numPoints):
        xiPrime = xPrime[:, i]
        xi = x[:, i]

        Ai_row0 = pl.concatenate((pl.zeros(3), -xiPrime[2] * xi, xiPrime[1] * xi))
        Ai_row1 = pl.concatenate((xiPrime[2] * xi, pl.zeros(3), -xiPrime[0] * xi))
        Ai = pl.row_stack((Ai_row0, Ai_row1))

        if A is None:
            A = Ai
            A = pl.vstack((A, Ai))

    U, S, V = pl.svd(A)
    V = V.T
    h = V[:, -1]
    H = pl.reshape(h, (3, 3))
    return H
Beispiel #5
def reduceDim(fullmat,n=1):
    reduces the dimension of a d x d - matrix to a (d-n)x(d-n) matrix, 
    keeping the largest eigenvalues unchanged.
    u,s,v = svd(fullmat)
    return dot(u[:-n,:-n],dot(diag(s[:-n]),v[:-n,:-n]))
Beispiel #6
def reduceDim(fullmat, n=1):
    reduces the dimension of a d x d - matrix to a (d-n)x(d-n) matrix, 
    keeping the largest eigenvalues unchanged.
    u, s, v = svd(fullmat)
    return dot(u[:-n, :-n], dot(diag(s[:-n]), v[:-n, :-n]))
Beispiel #7
def homog3D(points2d, points3d):
    Compute a matrix relating homogeneous 3D points (4xN) to homogeneous
    2D points (3xN)

    Not sure why anyone would do this.  Note that the returned transformation 
    *NOT* an isometry.  But it's here... so deal with it.


    numPoints = points2d.shape[1]
    assert numPoints >= 4

    A = None
    for i in range(0, numPoints):
        xiPrime = points2d[:, i]
        xi = points3d[:, i]

        Ai_row0 = pl.concatenate((pl.zeros(4), -xiPrime[2] * xi, xiPrime[1] * xi))
        Ai_row1 = pl.concatenate((xiPrime[2] * xi, pl.zeros(4), -xiPrime[0] * xi))
        Ai = pl.row_stack((Ai_row0, Ai_row1))

        if A is None:
            A = Ai
            A = pl.vstack((A, Ai))

    U, S, V = pl.svd(A)
    V = V.T
    h = V[:, -1]
    P = pl.reshape(h, (3, 4))
    return P
Beispiel #8
def homog2D (xPrime, x):

    Compute the 3x3 homography matrix mapping a set of N 2D homogeneous
    points (3xN) to another set (3xN)


    numPoints = xPrime.shape[1]
    assert (numPoints >= 4)

    A = None
    for i in range (0, numPoints):
        xiPrime = xPrime[:,i]
        xi = x[:,i]

        Ai_row0 = pl.concatenate ((pl.zeros (3,), -xiPrime[2]*xi, xiPrime[1]*xi))
        Ai_row1 = pl.concatenate ((xiPrime[2]*xi, pl.zeros (3,), -xiPrime[0]*xi))
        Ai = pl.row_stack ((Ai_row0, Ai_row1))

        if A is None:
            A = Ai
            A = pl.vstack ((A, Ai))

    U, S, V = pl.svd (A)
    V = V.T
    h = V[:,-1]
    H = pl.reshape (h, (3, 3))
    return H
Beispiel #9
def matDist(mat1, mat2,nidx = 100):
    returns the distance of two lists of matrices mat1 and mat2.
    output: [d(mat1,mat1),d(mat2,mat2),d(mat1,mat2),d(mat2,mat1)]
    d(mat1,mat2) and d(mat2,mat1) should be the same
    up to random variance (when d(mat1,mat1) and d(mat2,mat2) have the same
    width in "FWHM sense")
    nidx: n matrices are compared to n matrices each, that is the result has
    length n**2
    # pick up a random matrix from mat1
    # compute distances from out-of-sample mat1
    # compute distances from sample of same size in mat2
    # repeat; for random matrix from mat2
    d_11 = []
    d_22 = []
    d_12 = []
    d_21 = []
    nidx1 = nidx
    nidx2 = nidx
    # for d_11 and d_12
    for nmat in randint(0,len(mat1),nidx1):
        refmat = mat1[nmat]
        for nmat_x in randint(0,len(mat1),nidx1):
            if nmat_x == nmat:
                nmat_x = (nmat - 1) if nmat > 0 else (nmat + 1)
            d_11.append(svd(mat1[nmat_x] - refmat,False,False)[0])
        # ... I could use a []-statement, but I do not want to reformat a list
        # of lists ...
        for nmat_x in randint(0,len(mat2),nidx1):
            d_12.append(svd(mat2[nmat_x] - refmat,False,False)[0])

    for nmat in randint(0,len(mat2),nidx2):
        refmat = mat2[nmat]
        for nmat_x in randint(0,len(mat2),nidx2):
            if nmat_x == nmat:
                nmat_x = (nmat - 1) if nmat > 0 else (nmat + 1)
            d_22.append(svd(mat2[nmat_x] - refmat,False,False)[0])
        # ... I could use a []-statement, but I do not want to reformat a list
        # of lists ...
        for nmat_x in randint(0,len(mat1),nidx2):
            d_21.append(svd(mat1[nmat_x] - refmat,False,False)[0])

    return (d_11,d_22,d_21,d_12)
Beispiel #10
def matDist(mat1, mat2, nidx=100):
    returns the distance of two lists of matrices mat1 and mat2.
    output: [d(mat1,mat1),d(mat2,mat2),d(mat1,mat2),d(mat2,mat1)]
    d(mat1,mat2) and d(mat2,mat1) should be the same
    up to random variance (when d(mat1,mat1) and d(mat2,mat2) have the same
    width in "FWHM sense")
    nidx: n matrices are compared to n matrices each, that is the result has
    length n**2

    # pick up a random matrix from mat1
    # compute distances from out-of-sample mat1
    # compute distances from sample of same size in mat2
    # repeat; for random matrix from mat2
    d_11 = []
    d_22 = []
    d_12 = []
    d_21 = []

    nidx1 = nidx
    nidx2 = nidx
    # for d_11 and d_12
    for nmat in randint(0, len(mat1), nidx1):
        refmat = mat1[nmat]
        for nmat_x in randint(0, len(mat1), nidx1):
            if nmat_x == nmat:
                nmat_x = (nmat - 1) if nmat > 0 else (nmat + 1)
            d_11.append(svd(mat1[nmat_x] - refmat, False, False)[0])
        # ... I could use a []-statement, but I do not want to reformat a list
        # of lists ...
        for nmat_x in randint(0, len(mat2), nidx1):
            d_12.append(svd(mat2[nmat_x] - refmat, False, False)[0])

    for nmat in randint(0, len(mat2), nidx2):
        refmat = mat2[nmat]
        for nmat_x in randint(0, len(mat2), nidx2):
            if nmat_x == nmat:
                nmat_x = (nmat - 1) if nmat > 0 else (nmat + 1)
            d_22.append(svd(mat2[nmat_x] - refmat, False, False)[0])
        # ... I could use a []-statement, but I do not want to reformat a list
        # of lists ...
        for nmat_x in randint(0, len(mat1), nidx2):
            d_21.append(svd(mat1[nmat_x] - refmat, False, False)[0])

    return (d_11, d_22, d_21, d_12)
Beispiel #11
    def singularValueDecomposition(self):
        """This method calculates the svd of the raw data.
        self.U = []
        self.S = []
        self.V = []

        self.U, self.S, self.V = plab.svd(self.dockedOpt.TT)
Beispiel #12
def get_transformation_matrix(matrix):
    # Get the vector p and the values that are in there by taking the SVD.
    # Since D is diagonal with the eigenvalues sorted from large to small
    # on the diagonal, the optimal q in min ||Dq|| is q = [[0]..[1]].
    # Therefore, p = Vq means p is the last column in V.
    U, D, V = svd(matrix)
    p = V[8][:]

    return inv(array([[p[0],p[1],p[2]], [p[3],p[4],p[5]], [p[6],p[7],p[8]]]))
Beispiel #13
def reduceDimDat(fulldat, n=1):
    reduces the dimension of a given data set by removing the 
    lowest principal component.
    data must be given in D X N - format 
      (D: dimension, N: number of measurements)
    raise NotImplementedError, \
          'Wait a minute - this function in raw form does not make much sense here ...'
    u, s, v = svd(fulldat, full_matrices=False)
Beispiel #14
def reduceDimDat(fulldat,n=1):
    reduces the dimension of a given data set by removing the 
    lowest principal component.
    data must be given in D X N - format 
      (D: dimension, N: number of measurements)
    raise NotImplementedError, \
          'Wait a minute - this function in raw form does not make much sense here ...'
    u,s,v = svd(fulldat, full_matrices = False)
Beispiel #15
def plotEllipse(pos,P,edge,face,transparency):
    U, s , Vh = pl.svd(P)
    orient = math.atan2(U[1,0],U[0,0])*180/math.pi
    ellipsePlot = Ellipse(xy=pos, width=2.0*math.sqrt(s[0]),
                          height=2.0*math.sqrt(s[1]), angle=orient,

    ax = pl.gca()
    return ellipsePlot
Beispiel #16
    def fun(xp, threshold=1e-10, debug=False):
        x =, xp)
        if np.linalg.norm(x - xp) > threshold:
            if debug:
                print "debug:", svd(projector, 0, 0)
                print "threshold exceeded:", x, xp
                print ("(norm of", x - xp, ":", np.linalg.norm(x - xp), " > ",
                        threshold, ") ")

            return 0
        return scale * np.exp(-0.5 * - x_ref,, x - x_ref)))
Beispiel #17
def kern(mat, threshold = 1e-8):
    returns the kernel of the matrix
        mat: matrix to be analyzed
        threshold: min. singular value to be considered as "different from 0"
    u,s,v = svd(mat,full_matrices = True)
    dim_k = len(find(s < threshold)) + v.shape[0] - len(s)
    if dim_k > 0:
        return v[-dim_k:,:].T
        return None
Beispiel #18
def kern(mat, threshold=1e-8):
    returns the kernel of the matrix
        mat: matrix to be analyzed
        threshold: min. singular value to be considered as "different from 0"
    u, s, v = svd(mat, full_matrices=True)
    dim_k = len(find(s < threshold)) + v.shape[0] - len(s)
    if dim_k > 0:
        return v[-dim_k:, :].T
        return None
Beispiel #19
def perspectiveTransform(image, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, M, N):
    # Construct the matrix M
    x1_a, y1_a = 0, 0
    x2_a, y2_a = M, 0
    x3_a, y3_a = M, N
    x4_a, y4_a = 0, N
    mat_M = array([[x1, y1, 1, 0,  0,  0, -x1_a * x1, -x1_a * y1, -x1_a], \
                   [0,  0,  0, x1, y1, 1, -y1_a * x1, -y1_a * y1, -y1_a], \
                   [x2, y2, 1, 0,  0,  0, -x2_a * x2, -x2_a * y2, -x2_a], \
                   [0,  0,  0, x2, y2, 1, -y2_a * x2, -y2_a * y2, -y2_a], \
                   [x3, y3, 1, 0,  0,  0, -x3_a * x3, -x3_a * y3, -x3_a], \
                   [0,  0,  0, x3, y3, 1, -y3_a * x3, -y3_a * y3, -y3_a], \
                   [x4, y4, 1, 0,  0,  0, -x4_a * x4, -x4_a * y4, -x4_a], \
                   [0,  0,  0, x4, y4, 1, -y4_a * x4, -y4_a * y4, -y4_a]])
    # Get the vector p and the values that are in there by taking the SVD. 
    # Since D is diagonal with the eigenvalues sorted from large to small on
    # the diagonal, the optimal q in min ||Dq|| is q = [[0]..[1]]. Therefore, 
    # p = Vq means p is the last column in V.
    U, D, V = svd(mat_M)
    p = V[8][:]                
    a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i = p[0], \
                                p[1], \
                                p[2], \
                                p[3], \
                                p[4], \
                                p[5], \
                                p[6], \
                                p[7], \
    # P is the resulting matrix that describes the transformation
    P = array([[a, b, c], \
               [d, e, f], \
               [g, h, i]])
    # Create the new image
    b = array([zeros(M, float)] * N)
    for i in range(0, M):
        for j in range(0, N):
            or_coor = dot(inv(P),([[i],[j],[1]]))
            or_coor_h = or_coor[1][0] / or_coor[2][0], \
                      or_coor[0][0] / or_coor[2][0]
            b[j][i] = pV(image, or_coor_h[0], or_coor_h[1], 'linear')
    return b
Beispiel #20
def generate(numDims, numClasses, k, numPatternsPerClass,
             numPatterns, numTests, numSVDSamples, keep):'N dims=%s', numDims)'N classes=%s', numClasses)'k=%s', k)'N vectors per class=%s', numPatternsPerClass)'N training vectors=%s', numPatterns)'N test vectors=%s', numTests)'N SVD samples=%s', numSVDSamples)'N reduced dims=%s', int(keep*numDims))'Generating data')

  data0 = numpy.zeros((numPatterns + numTests, numDims))
  class0 = numpy.zeros((numPatterns + numTests), dtype='int')
  c = 0

  for i in range(numClasses):
    pt = 5*i*numpy.ones((numDims))
    for _j in range(numPatternsPerClass):
      data0[c] = pt+5*numpy.random.random((numDims))
      class0[c] = i
      c += 1

  if 0: # Change this to visualize the output
    import pylab
    _u, _s, vt = pylab.svd(data0[:numPatterns])
    tmp = numpy.zeros((numPatterns, 2))
    for i in range(numPatterns):
      tmp[i] =, data0[i])[:2]
    pylab.scatter(tmp[:, 0], tmp[:, 1])

  ind = numpy.random.permutation(numPatterns + numTests)
  train_data = data0[ind[:numPatterns]]
  train_class = class0[ind[:numPatterns]]
  test_data = data0[ind[numPatterns:]]
  test_class = class0[ind[numPatterns:]]
  return train_data, train_class, test_data, test_class
Beispiel #21
def generate(numDims, numClasses, k, numPatternsPerClass,
             numPatterns, numTests, numSVDSamples, keep):'N dims=%s', numDims)'N classes=%s', numClasses)'k=%s', k)'N vectors per class=%s', numPatternsPerClass)'N training vectors=%s', numPatterns)'N test vectors=%s', numTests)'N SVD samples=%s', numSVDSamples)'N reduced dims=%s', int(keep*numDims))'Generating data')

  data0 = numpy.zeros((numPatterns + numTests, numDims))
  class0 = numpy.zeros((numPatterns + numTests), dtype='int')
  c = 0

  for i in range(numClasses):
    pt = 5*i*numpy.ones((numDims))
    for _j in range(numPatternsPerClass):
      data0[c] = pt+5*numpy.random.random((numDims))
      class0[c] = i
      c += 1

  if 0: # Change this to visualize the output
    import pylab
    _u, _s, vt = pylab.svd(data0[:numPatterns])
    tmp = numpy.zeros((numPatterns, 2))
    for i in range(numPatterns):
      tmp[i] =, data0[i])[:2]
    pylab.scatter(tmp[:, 0], tmp[:, 1])

  ind = numpy.random.permutation(numPatterns + numTests)
  train_data = data0[ind[:numPatterns]]
  train_class = class0[ind[:numPatterns]]
  test_data = data0[ind[numPatterns:]]
  test_class = class0[ind[numPatterns:]]

  return train_data, train_class, test_data, test_class
Beispiel #22
def triangulate(points2d, cameras):

    Compute the N-view triangulation of corresponding 2D image points, given calibrated camera poses

    points2d: 2N-by-M matrix of 2D image points  (N: number of cameras, M: number of image points)
    cameras: length-N list of Camera objects

    N = len(cameras)
    M = points2d.shape[1]

    pointsNorm = pl.zeros(points2d.shape)

    for camInd, camera in enumerate(cameras):
        points = points2d[camInd * 2 : (camInd * 2) + 2, :]
        pointsNorm[camInd * 2 : (camInd * 2) + 2, :] = camera.normalize(points)

    X = pl.zeros((3, M))
    for pointInd in range(M):
        A = pl.zeros((3 * N, 4))
        AStartRow = 0
        skewsyms = pl.zeros((3, 3, N))

        for camInd, camera in enumerate(cameras):
            skewsyms[:, :, camInd] = skewsym(
                homogeneous.homogenize(pointsNorm[camInd * 2 : (camInd * 2) + 2, pointInd])
            A[AStartRow : AStartRow + 3, 0:4] = skewsyms[:, :, camInd].dot(camera.wHc[0:3, 0:4])
            AStartRow += 3

        U, S, VT = pl.svd(A)
        V = VT.T

        X[:, pointInd] = homogeneous.dehomogenize(V[:, -1])

    return X
Beispiel #23
def _calculate_svd(pp, r_0, beta, N_piercepoints):
    Returns result (U) of svd for K-L vectors

    pp : array
        Array of piercepoint locations
    r_0: float
        Scale size of amp fluctuations (m)
    beta: float
        Power-law index for amp structure function (5/3 => pure Kolmogorov
    N_piercepoints : int
        Number of piercepoints

    C : array
        C matrix
    pinvC : array
        Inv(C) matrix
    U : array
        Unitary matrix

    import numpy as np
    from pylab import kron, concatenate, pinv, norm, newaxis, find, amin, svd, eye

    D = np.resize(pp, (N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints, 3))
    D = np.transpose(D, (1, 0, 2)) - D
    D2 = np.sum(D**2, axis=2)
    C = -(D2 / r_0**2)**(beta / 2.0) / 2.0
    pinvC = pinv(C, rcond=1e-3)
    U, S, V = svd(C)

    return C, pinvC, U
Beispiel #24
def _calculate_svd(pp, r_0, beta, N_piercepoints):
    Returns result (U) of svd for K-L vectors

    pp : array
        Array of piercepoint locations
    r_0: float
        Scale size of amp fluctuations (m)
    beta: float
        Power-law index for amp structure function (5/3 => pure Kolmogorov
    N_piercepoints : int
        Number of piercepoints

    C : array
        C matrix
    pinvC : array
        Inv(C) matrix
    U : array
        Unitary matrix

    import numpy as np
    from pylab import kron, concatenate, pinv, norm, newaxis, find, amin, svd, eye

    D = np.resize(pp, (N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints, 3))
    D = np.transpose(D, (1, 0, 2)) - D
    D2 = np.sum(D**2, axis=2)
    C = -(D2 / r_0**2)**(beta / 2.0) / 2.0
    pinvC = pinv(C, rcond=1e-3)
    U, S, V = svd(C)

    return C, pinvC, U
Beispiel #25
def triangulate (points2d, cameras):

    Compute the N-view triangulation of corresponding 2D image points, given calibrated camera poses

    points2d: 2N-by-M matrix of 2D image points  (N: number of cameras, M: number of image points)
    cameras: length-N list of Camera objects


    N = len (cameras)
    M = points2d.shape[1]

    pointsNorm = pl.zeros (points2d.shape)

    for camInd, camera in enumerate (cameras):
        points = points2d[camInd*2:(camInd*2)+2,:]
        pointsNorm[camInd*2:(camInd*2)+2,:] = camera.normalize (points)

    X = pl.zeros ((3,M))
    for pointInd in range (M):
        A = pl.zeros ((3*N,4))
        AStartRow = 0
        skewsyms = pl.zeros ((3,3,N))

        for camInd, camera in enumerate (cameras):
            skewsyms[:,:,camInd] = skewsym (homogeneous.homogenize (pointsNorm[camInd*2:(camInd*2)+2,pointInd]))
            A[AStartRow:AStartRow+3, 0:4] = skewsyms[:,:,camInd].dot (camera.wHc[0:3,0:4])
            AStartRow += 3

        U, S, VT = pl.svd (A)
        V = VT.T

        X[:,pointInd] = homogeneous.dehomogenize (V[:,-1])

    return X
    def ksvd(self, X, n_components, dictionary=None, max_err=0, max_iter=10, approx=False, preserve_dc=False):
        (n_samples, n_features) = X.shape

        # if we're not given a dictionary for starters, make our own
        if dictionary is None:
            dictionary = np.random.rand(n_samples, n_components)

        # make the first dictionary element constant; remove the mean from the
        # rest of the dictionary elements
        if preserve_dc:
            dictionary[:, 0] = 1
        for i in range(1, n_components): dictionary[:, i] -= np.mean(dictionary[:, i])

        # normalize the dictionary regardless
        for i in range(n_components):
            dictionary[:, i] /= np.linalg.norm(dictionary[:, i])

        print("running ksvd on %d %d-dimensional vectors with K=%d" \
              % (n_features, n_samples, n_components))

        # algorithm stuff
        code = np.zeros((n_components, n_samples))
        err = np.inf
        iter_num = 0

        while iter_num < max_iter and err > max_err:
            # batch omp, woo!
            print("staring omp...")
            # X = omp(dictionary, Y, T, max_err)
            print("omp complete!")
            print( \
                'average l0 "norm" for ksvd iteration %d after omp was %f' \
                % (iter_num, len(np.nonzero(code)[0]) / n_features))

            # dictionary update -- protip: update dictionary columns in random
            # order
            atom_indices = range(n_components)
            if preserve_dc: atom_indices = atom_indices[1:]

            unused_atoms = []

            for (i, j) in zip(atom_indices, xrange(n_components)):
                if False:
                    if j % 25 == 0:
                        print("ksvd: iteration %d, updating atom %d of %d" \
                              % (iter_num + 1, j, n_components))

                # find nonzero entries
                x_using = np.nonzero(code[i, :])[0]

                if len(x_using) == 0:

                if not approx:
                    # Non-approximate K-SVD, as described in the original K-SVD
                    # paper

                    # compute residual error ... here's a trick passing almost all the
                    # work to BLAS
                    code[i, x_using] = 0
                    Residual_err = X[:, x_using] -, code[:, x_using])

                    # update dictionary and weights -- sparsity-restricted rank-1
                    # approximation
                    U, s, Vt = pl.svd(Residual_err)
                    dictionary[:, i] = U[:, 0]
                    code[i, x_using] = s[0] * Vt.T[:, 0]
                    # Approximate K-SVD

                    dictionary[:, i] = 0

                    g = code[i, x_using]
                    d =[:, x_using], g) -[:, x_using], g)
                    d = d / np.linalg.norm(d)
                    g =[:, x_using].T, d) -[:, x_using].T, d)

                    dictionary[:, i] = d
                    code[i, x_using] = g

            # fill in values for unused atoms

            # unused column -> replace by signal in training data with worst
            # representation
            Repr_err = X -, code)
            Repr_err_norms = (np.linalg.norm(Repr_err[:, n]) for n in range(n_features))

            err_indices = sorted(zip(Repr_err_norms, xrange(n_features)), reverse=True)

            for (unused_index, err_tuple) in zip(unused_atoms, err_indices):
                (err, err_idx) = err_tuple

                d = X[:, err_idx].copy()
                if preserve_dc: d -= np.mean(d)
                d /= np.linalg.norm(d)
                dictionary[:, unused_index] = d

            # compute maximum representation error
            Repr_err_norms = [np.linalg.norm(Repr_err[:, n]) for n in range(n_features)]
            err = max(Repr_err_norms)

            print("maximum representation error: %f" % (err))
Beispiel #27
def create_cm(dim,eigList1 = None, eigList2 = None):
    returns two real-valued commuting matrices of dimension dim x dim
    the eigenvalues of each matrix can be given; single complex numbers will be
    interpreted as pair of complex conjuates.
    With this restriction, the (internally augmented) lists must have the length
    of dim
    if eigList1 is None:
        eigList1 = rand(dim)
    if eigList2 is None:
        eigList2 = rand(dim)
    # order 1st array such that complex numbers are first
    EL1 = array(eigList1)    
    imPos1 = find(iscomplex(EL1))
    rePos1 = find(isreal(EL1)) # shorter than set comparisons :D
    EL1 = hstack([EL1[imPos1],EL1[rePos1]])
    # order 2nd array such that complex numbers are last
    EL2 = array(eigList2)    
    imPos2 = find(iscomplex(EL2))
    rePos2 = find(isreal(EL2)) # shorter than set comparisons :D
    EL2 = hstack([EL2[rePos2],EL2[imPos2]])
    # now: make eigenvalues of list #2, where a block is in list #1, 
    # pairwise equal, and other way round
    EL2[1:2*len(imPos1):2] = EL2[0:2*len(imPos1):2]    
    EL1[-2*len(imPos2)+1::2] = EL1[-2*len(imPos2)::2]
    if len(imPos2)*2 + len(imPos1)*2 > dim:
        raise ValueError(
           'too many complex eigenvalues - cannot create commuting matrices')

    # augment lists
    ev1 = []       
    nev1 = 0
    for elem in EL1:
        if elem.imag != 0.:
            ev1.append( array( [[elem.real, -elem.imag],
                               [elem.imag,  elem.real]]))
            nev1 += 2
            nev1 += 1
    if nev1 != dim:
        raise ValueError(
          'number of given eigenvalues #1 (complex: x2) does not match dim!')
    ev2 = []
    nev2 = 0
    for elem in EL2:
        if elem.imag != 0.:
            ev2.append( array( [[elem.real, -elem.imag],
                               [elem.imag,  elem.real]]))
            nev2 += 2
            nev2 += 1
    if nev2 != dim:
        raise ValueError(
          'number of given eigenvalues #2 (complex: x2) does not match dim!')

    u,s,v = svd(randn(dim,dim))
    # create a coordinate system v that is not orthogonal but not too skew
    v = v + .2*rand(dim,dim) - .1
    cm1 = dot(inv(v),dot(blockdiag(ev1),v))
    cm2 = dot(inv(v),dot(blockdiag(ev2),v))
    # create block diagonal matrices
    return cm1, cm2
Beispiel #28
 def svd(self):
     self.U, self.s, self.Vh = pylab.svd(
     self.decomposed = True
     return self.U , self.s , self.Vh
Beispiel #29
 def svd(self):
     self.U, self.s, self.Vh = pylab.svd(
     self.decomposed = True
     return self.U, self.s, self.Vh
Beispiel #30
def _fit_tec_screen(station_names, source_names, pp, airmass, rr, weights,
                    times, height, order, r_0, beta, outQueue):
    Fits a screen to given TEC values using Karhunen-Lo`eve base vectors

    station_names: array
        Array of station names
    source_names: array
        Array of source names
    pp: array
        Array of piercepoint locations
    airmass: array
        Array of airmass values (note: not currently used)
    rr: array
        Array of TEC values to fit screen to
    weights: array
        Array of weights
    times: array
        Array of times
    height: float
        Height of screen (m)
    order: int
        Order of screen (i.e., number of KL base vectors to keep)
    r_0: float
        Scale size of phase fluctuations (m)
    beta: float
        Power-law index for phase structure function (5/3 => pure Kolmogorov

    import numpy as np
    from pylab import kron, concatenate, pinv, norm, newaxis, find, amin, svd, eye'Fitting screens...')

    # Initialize arrays
    N_stations = len(station_names)
    N_sources = len(source_names)
    N_times = len(times)
    N_piercepoints = N_sources * N_stations
    tec_fit_white_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    tec_residual_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))

    for k in range(N_times):
        D = np.resize(pp[k, :, :], (N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints, 3))
        D = np.transpose(D, (1, 0, 2)) - D
        D2 = np.sum(D**2, axis=2)
        C = -(D2 / r_0**2)**(beta / 2.0) / 2.0
        pinvC = pinv(C, rcond=1e-3)
        U, S, V = svd(C)
        invU = pinv([:, :order]),
                 [:, :, k], U[:, :order])),

        # Calculate screen
        rr1 =[:, :order]),
           [:, :, k], rr[:, k]))
        tec_fit =,[:, :order],, rr1)))
        tec_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = tec_fit.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))
        residual = rr -, tec_fit)[:, newaxis]
        tec_residual_all[k, :, :] = residual.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))

    outQueue.put([tec_fit_white_all, tec_residual_all, times])
Beispiel #31
# generate random data with random uncertainties in y
x = pylab.arange(0.5 / N, 1.0, 1.0 / N)
dy = pylab.array([0.1 * random.lognormvariate(0.0, 1.0) for i in range(N)])
y = [sum(a[j] * x[i]**j for j in range(M)) for i in range(N)]
y = pylab.array([random.gauss(y[i], dy[i]) for i in range(N)])

# construct vector b and design matrix X
b = pylab.zeros(N)
X = pylab.zeros((N, M))
for i in range(N):
    b[i] = y[i] / dy[i]
    for j in range(M):
        X[i, j] = x[i]**j / dy[i]

# compute fit parameters ahat and covariance matrix Sigma
(U, w, VT) = pylab.svd(X)
wmax = max(w)
Winv = pylab.zeros((M, N))
Sigma = pylab.zeros((M, M))
eps = 1e-6
for j in range(M):
    if w[j] > eps * wmax:
        Winv[j, j] = 1.0 / w[j]
        Winv[j, j] = 0.0
    Sigma[j, j] = Winv[j, j]**2
ahat =,,, b)))
Sigma =,, VT))

# compute chi-square and p-value of the fit
chisq = pylab.norm(, ahat) - b)**2
Beispiel #32
def robust_combined_algo(y, u, f, p, s_tol, dt):
    Subspace Identification for stochastic systems with input
    Robust combined algorithm from chapter 4 of (1)

    assuming a system of the form:

    x(k+1) = A x(k) + B u(k) + w(k)
    y(k)   = C x(k) + D u(k) + v(k)
    E[(w_p; v_p) (w_q^T v_q^T)] = (Q S; S^T R) delta_pq

    and given y and u.

    Find the order of the system and A, B, C, D, Q, S, R

    See page 131, and generally chapter 4, of (1)
    A different implementation of the algorithm is presented in 6.1 of (1)

    (1) Subspace Identification for Linear
    Systems, by Van Overschee and Moor. 1996
    #pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals
    # for this algorithm, we need future and past
    # to be more than 1
    assert f > 1
    assert p > 1

    # setup matrices
    y = pl.matrix(y)
    n_y = y.shape[0]
    u = pl.matrix(u)
    n_u = u.shape[0]
    w = pl.vstack([y, u])
    n_w = w.shape[0]

    # make sure the input is column vectors
    assert y.shape[0] < y.shape[1]
    assert u.shape[0] < u.shape[1]

    W = block_hankel(w, f + p)
    U = block_hankel(u, f + p)
    Y = block_hankel(y, f + p)

    W_p = W[:n_w*p, :]
    W_pp = W[:n_w*(p+1), :]

    Y_f = Y[n_y*f:, :]
    U_f = U[n_y*f:, :]

    Y_fm = Y[n_y*(f+1):, :]
    U_fm = U[n_u*(f+1):, :]

    # step 1, calculate the oblique and orthogonal projections
    #TODO fix explanation
    # Y_p = G_i Xd_p + Hd_i U_p
    # After the oblique projection, U_p component is eliminated,
    # without changing the Xd_p component:
    # Proj_perp_(U_p) Y_p = W1 O_i W2 = G_i Xd_p
    O_i  = Y_f*project_oblique(U_f, W_p)
    Z_i  = Y_f*project(pl.vstack(W_p, U_f))
    Z_ip = Y_fm*project(pl.vstack(W_pp, U_fm))

    #TODO fix explanation
    # step 2, calculate the SVD of the weighted oblique projection
    # given: W1 O_i W2 = G_i Xd_p
    # want to solve for G_i, but know product, and not Xd_p
    # so can only find Xd_p up to a similarity transformation
    U0, s0, VT0 = pl.svd(O_i*project_perp(U_f))  #pylint: disable=unused-variable

    # step 3, determine the order by inspecting the singular
    # values in S and partition the SVD accordingly to obtain U1, S1
    #print s0
    n_x = pl.find(s0/s0.max() > s_tol)[-1] + 1
    U1 = U0[:, :n_x]
    S1 = pl.matrix(pl.diag(s0[:n_x]))
    # VT1 = VT0[:n_x, :n_x]

    # step 4, determine Gi and Gim
    G_i = U1*pl.matrix(pl.diag(pl.sqrt(s1[:n_x])))
    G_im = G_i[:-n_y, :]

    # step 5, solve the linear equations for A and C
    # Recompute G_i and G_im from A and C
    #TODO figure out what K (contains B and D) and the rhos (residuals) are in terms of knowns
    AC_stack = (pl.vstack(G_im.I*Z_ip,Y_f(1,:))-K*U_f-pl.vstack(rho_w, rho_v))*(G_i.I*Z_i).I #TODO not done
Beispiel #33
def _fit_phase_screen(station_names, source_names, pp, airmass, rr, weights,
                      times, height, order, r_0, beta, outQueue):
    Fits a screen to given phase values using Karhunen-Lo`eve base vectors

    station_names: array
        Array of station names
    source_names: array
        Array of source names
    pp: array
        Array of piercepoint locations
    airmass: array
        Array of airmass values (note: not currently used)
    rr: array
        Array of phase values to fit screen to
    weights: array
        Array of weights
    times: array
        Array of times
    height: float
        Height of screen (m)
    order: int
        Order of screen (i.e., number of KL base vectors to keep)
    r_0: float
        Scale size of phase fluctuations (m)
    beta: float
        Power-law index for phase structure function (5/3 => pure Kolmogorov

    import numpy as np
    from pylab import kron, concatenate, pinv, norm, newaxis, find, amin, svd, eye'Fitting screens...')

    # Initialize arrays
    N_stations = len(station_names)
    N_sources = len(source_names)
    N_times = len(times)
    N_piercepoints = N_sources * N_stations
    real_fit_white_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    imag_fit_white_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    phase_fit_white_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    real_residual_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    imag_residual_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    phase_residual_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))

    # Change phase to real/imag
    rr_real = np.cos(rr)
    rr_imag = np.sin(rr)

    for k in range(N_times):
            D = np.resize(pp[k, :, :], (N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints, 3))
            D = np.transpose(D, (1, 0, 2)) - D
            D2 = np.sum(D**2, axis=2)
            C = -(D2 / r_0**2)**(beta / 2.0) / 2.0
            pinvC = pinv(C, rcond=1e-3)
            U, S, V = svd(C)
            invU = pinv([:, :order]),
                     [:, :, k], U[:, :order])),

            # Calculate real screen
            rr1 =[:, :order]),
               [:, :, k], rr_real[:, k]))
            real_fit =,[:, :order],, rr1)))
            real_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = real_fit.reshape(
                (N_sources, N_stations))
            residual = rr_real -, real_fit)[:, newaxis]
            real_residual_all[k, :, :] = residual.reshape(
                (N_sources, N_stations))

            # Calculate imag screen
            rr1 =[:, :order]),
               [:, :, k], rr_imag[:, k]))
            imag_fit =,[:, :order],, rr1)))
            imag_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = imag_fit.reshape(
                (N_sources, N_stations))
            residual = rr_imag -, imag_fit)[:, newaxis]
            imag_residual_all[k, :, :] = residual.reshape(
                (N_sources, N_stations))

            # Calculate phase screen
            phase_fit =
                pinvC, np.arctan2(, imag_fit),, real_fit)))
            phase_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = phase_fit.reshape(
                (N_sources, N_stations))
            residual = rr -, phase_fit)[:, newaxis]
            phase_residual_all[k, :, :] = residual.reshape(
                (N_sources, N_stations))
            # Set screen to zero if fit did not work
            logging.debug('Screen fit failed for timeslot {}'.format(k))
            real_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = np.zeros((N_sources, N_stations))
            real_residual_all[k, :, :] = np.ones((N_sources, N_stations))
            imag_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = np.zeros((N_sources, N_stations))
            imag_residual_all[k, :, :] = np.ones((N_sources, N_stations))
            phase_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = np.zeros((N_sources, N_stations))
            phase_residual_all[k, :, :] = np.ones((N_sources, N_stations))

        real_fit_white_all, real_residual_all, imag_fit_white_all,
        imag_residual_all, phase_fit_white_all, phase_residual_all, times
Beispiel #34
def subspace_det_algo1(y, u, f, p, s_tol, dt):
    Subspace Identification for deterministic systems
    algorithm 1 from (1)

    assuming a system of the form:

    x(k+1) = A x(k) + B u(k)
    y(k)   = C x(k) + D u(k)

    and given y and u.

    Find A, B, C, D

    See page 52. of (1)

    (1) Subspace Identification for Linear
    Systems, by Van Overschee and Moor. 1996
    # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals
    # for this algorithm, we need future and past
    # to be more than 1
    assert f > 1
    assert p > 1

    # setup matrices
    y = np.matrix(y)
    n_y = y.shape[0]
    u = np.matrix(u)
    n_u = u.shape[0]
    w = pl.vstack([y, u])
    n_w = w.shape[0]

    # make sure the input is column vectors
    assert y.shape[0] < y.shape[1]
    assert u.shape[0] < u.shape[1]

    W = block_hankel(w, f + p)
    U = block_hankel(u, f + p)
    Y = block_hankel(y, f + p)

    W_p = W[:n_w*p, :]
    W_pp = W[:n_w*(p+1), :]

    Y_f = Y[n_y*f:, :]
    U_f = U[n_y*f:, :]

    Y_fm = Y[n_y*(f+1):, :]
    U_fm = U[n_u*(f+1):, :]

    # step 1, calculate the oblique projections
    # ------------------------------------------
    # Y_p = G_i Xd_p + Hd_i U_p
    # After the oblique projection, U_p component is eliminated,
    # without changing the Xd_p component:
    # Proj_perp_(U_p) Y_p = W1 O_i W2 = G_i Xd_p
    O_i = Y_f*project_oblique(U_f, W_p)
    O_im = Y_fm*project_oblique(U_fm, W_pp)

    # step 2, calculate the SVD of the weighted oblique projection
    # ------------------------------------------
    # given: W1 O_i W2 = G_i Xd_p
    # want to solve for G_i, but know product, and not Xd_p
    # so can only find Xd_p up to a similarity transformation
    W1 = np.matrix(pl.eye(O_i.shape[0]))
    W2 = np.matrix(pl.eye(O_i.shape[1]))
    U0, s0, VT0 = pl.svd(W1*O_i*W2)  # pylint: disable=unused-variable

    # step 3, determine the order by inspecting the singular
    # ------------------------------------------
    # values in S and partition the SVD accordingly to obtain U1, S1
    # print s0
    n_x = pl.where(s0/s0.max() > s_tol)[0][-1] + 1
    U1 = U0[:, :n_x]
    # S1 = np.matrix(pl.diag(s0[:n_x]))
    # VT1 = VT0[:n_x, :n_x]

    # step 4, determine Gi and Gim
    # ------------------------------------------
    G_i = W1.I*U1*np.matrix(pl.diag(pl.sqrt(s0[:n_x])))
    G_im = G_i[:-n_y, :]  # check

    # step 5, determine Xd_ip and Xd_p
    # ------------------------------------------
    # only know Xd up to a similarity transformation
    Xd_i = G_i.I*O_i
    Xd_ip = G_im.I*O_im

    # step 6, solve the set of linear eqs
    # for A, B, C, D
    # ------------------------------------------
    Y_ii = Y[n_y*p:n_y*(p+1), :]
    U_ii = U[n_u*p:n_u*(p+1), :]

    a_mat = np.matrix(pl.vstack([Xd_ip, Y_ii]))
    b_mat = np.matrix(pl.vstack([Xd_i, U_ii]))
    ss_mat = a_mat*b_mat.I
    A_id = ss_mat[:n_x, :n_x]
    B_id = ss_mat[:n_x, n_x:]
    assert B_id.shape[0] == n_x
    assert B_id.shape[1] == n_u
    C_id = ss_mat[n_x:, :n_x]
    assert C_id.shape[0] == n_y
    assert C_id.shape[1] == n_x
    D_id = ss_mat[n_x:, n_x:]
    assert D_id.shape[0] == n_y
    assert D_id.shape[1] == n_u

    if np.linalg.matrix_rank(C_id) == n_x:
        T = C_id.I  # try to make C identity, want it to look like state feedback
        T = np.matrix(pl.eye(n_x))

    Q_id = pl.zeros((n_x, n_x))
    R_id = pl.zeros((n_y, n_y))
    sys = ss.StateSpaceDiscreteLinear(
        A=T.I*A_id*T, B=T.I*B_id, C=C_id*T, D=D_id,
        Q=Q_id, R=R_id, dt=dt)
    return sys
Beispiel #35
def subspace_det_algo1(y, u, f, p, s_tol, dt):
    Subspace Identification for deterministic systems
    deterministic algorithm 1 from (1)

    assuming a system of the form:

    x(k+1) = A x(k) + B u(k)
    y(k)   = C x(k) + D u(k)

    and given y and u.

    Find A, B, C, D

    See page 52. of (1)

    (1) Subspace Identification for Linear
    Systems, by Van Overschee and Moor. 1996
    #pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals
    # for this algorithm, we need future and past
    # to be more than 1
    assert f > 1
    assert p > 1

    # setup matrices
    y = pl.matrix(y)
    n_y = y.shape[0]
    u = pl.matrix(u)
    n_u = u.shape[0]
    w = pl.vstack([y, u])
    n_w = w.shape[0]

    # make sure the input is column vectors
    assert y.shape[0] < y.shape[1]
    assert u.shape[0] < u.shape[1]

    W = block_hankel(w, f + p)
    U = block_hankel(u, f + p)
    Y = block_hankel(y, f + p)

    W_p = W[:n_w*p, :]
    W_pp = W[:n_w*(p+1), :]

    Y_f = Y[n_y*f:, :]
    U_f = U[n_y*f:, :]

    Y_fm = Y[n_y*(f+1):, :]
    U_fm = U[n_u*(f+1):, :]

    # step 1, calculate the oblique projections
    # Y_p = G_i Xd_p + Hd_i U_p
    # After the oblique projection, U_p component is eliminated,
    # without changing the Xd_p component:
    # Proj_perp_(U_p) Y_p = W1 O_i W2 = G_i Xd_p
    O_i = Y_f*project_oblique(U_f, W_p)
    O_im = Y_fm*project_oblique(U_fm, W_pp)

    # step 2, calculate the SVD of the weighted oblique projection
    # given: W1 O_i W2 = G_i Xd_p
    # want to solve for G_i, but know product, and not Xd_p
    # so can only find Xd_p up to a similarity transformation
    W1 = pl.matrix(pl.eye(O_i.shape[0]))
    W2 = pl.matrix(pl.eye(O_i.shape[1]))
    U0, s0, VT0 = pl.svd(W1*O_i*W2)  #pylint: disable=unused-variable

    # step 3, determine the order by inspecting the singular
    # values in S and partition the SVD accordingly to obtain U1, S1
    #print s0
    n_x = pl.find(s0/s0.max() > s_tol)[-1] + 1
    U1 = U0[:, :n_x]
    # S1 = pl.matrix(pl.diag(s0[:n_x]))
    # VT1 = VT0[:n_x, :n_x]

    # step 4, determine Gi and Gim
    G_i = W1.I*U1*pl.matrix(pl.diag(pl.sqrt(s0[:n_x])))
    G_im = G_i[:-n_y, :]

    # step 5, determine Xd_ip and Xd_p
    # only know Xd up to a similarity transformation
    Xd_i = G_i.I*O_i
    Xd_ip = G_im.I*O_im

    # step 6, solve the set of linear eqs
    # for A, B, C, D
    Y_ii = Y[n_y*p:n_y*(p+1), :]
    U_ii = U[n_u*p:n_u*(p+1), :]

    a_mat = pl.matrix(pl.vstack([Xd_ip, Y_ii]))
    b_mat = pl.matrix(pl.vstack([Xd_i, U_ii]))
    ss_mat = a_mat*b_mat.I
    A_id = ss_mat[:n_x, :n_x]
    B_id = ss_mat[:n_x, n_x:]
    assert B_id.shape[0] == n_x
    assert B_id.shape[1] == n_u
    C_id = ss_mat[n_x:, :n_x]
    assert C_id.shape[0] == n_y
    assert C_id.shape[1] == n_x
    D_id = ss_mat[n_x:, n_x:]
    assert D_id.shape[0] == n_y
    assert D_id.shape[1] == n_u

    if pl.matrix_rank(C_id) == n_x:
        T = C_id.I # try to make C identity, want it to look like state feedback
        T = pl.matrix(pl.eye(n_x))

    Q_id = pl.zeros((n_x, n_x))
    R_id = pl.zeros((n_y, n_y))
    sys = ss.StateSpaceDiscreteLinear(
        A=T.I*A_id*T, B=T.I*B_id, C=C_id*T, D=D_id,
        Q=Q_id, R=R_id, dt=dt)
    return sys
Beispiel #36
def _fit_tec_screen(station_names, source_names, pp, airmass, rr, weights, times,
    height, order, r_0, beta, outQueue):
    Fits a screen to given TEC values using Karhunen-Lo`eve base vectors

    station_names: array
        Array of station names
    source_names: array
        Array of source names
    pp: array
        Array of piercepoint locations
    airmass: array
        Array of airmass values (note: not currently used)
    rr: array
        Array of TEC values to fit screen to
    weights: array
        Array of weights
    times: array
        Array of times
    height: float
        Height of screen (m)
    order: int
        Order of screen (i.e., number of KL base vectors to keep)
    r_0: float
        Scale size of phase fluctuations (m)
    beta: float
        Power-law index for phase structure function (5/3 => pure Kolmogorov

    import numpy as np
    from pylab import kron, concatenate, pinv, norm, newaxis, find, amin, svd, eye'Fitting screens...')

    # Initialize arrays
    N_stations = len(station_names)
    N_sources = len(source_names)
    N_times = len(times)
    N_piercepoints = N_sources * N_stations
    tec_fit_white_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    tec_residual_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))

    for k in range(N_times):
        D = np.resize(pp[k, :, :], (N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints, 3))
        D = np.transpose(D, (1, 0, 2)) - D
        D2 = np.sum(D**2, axis=2)
        C = -(D2 / r_0**2)**(beta / 2.0) / 2.0
        pinvC = pinv(C, rcond=1e-3)
        U, S, V = svd(C)
        invU = pinv([:, :order]),[:, :, k], U[:, :order])), rcond=1e-3)

        # Calculate screen
        rr1 =[:, :order]),[:, :, k], rr[:, k]))
        tec_fit =,[:, :order],, rr1)))
        tec_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = tec_fit.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))
        residual = rr -, tec_fit)[:, newaxis]
        tec_residual_all[k, :, :] = residual.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))

    outQueue.put([tec_fit_white_all, tec_residual_all, times])
Beispiel #37
def _fit_phase_screen(station_names, source_names, pp, airmass, rr, weights, times,
    height, order, r_0, beta, outQueue):
    Fits a screen to given phase values using Karhunen-Lo`eve base vectors

    station_names: array
        Array of station names
    source_names: array
        Array of source names
    pp: array
        Array of piercepoint locations
    airmass: array
        Array of airmass values (note: not currently used)
    rr: array
        Array of phase values to fit screen to
    weights: array
        Array of weights
    times: array
        Array of times
    height: float
        Height of screen (m)
    order: int
        Order of screen (i.e., number of KL base vectors to keep)
    r_0: float
        Scale size of phase fluctuations (m)
    beta: float
        Power-law index for phase structure function (5/3 => pure Kolmogorov

    import numpy as np
    from pylab import kron, concatenate, pinv, norm, newaxis, find, amin, svd, eye'Fitting screens...')

    # Initialize arrays
    N_stations = len(station_names)
    N_sources = len(source_names)
    N_times = len(times)
    N_piercepoints = N_sources * N_stations
    real_fit_white_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    imag_fit_white_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    phase_fit_white_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    real_residual_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    imag_residual_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    phase_residual_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))

    # Change phase to real/imag
    rr_real = np.cos(rr)
    rr_imag = np.sin(rr)

    for k in range(N_times):
            D = np.resize(pp[k, :, :], (N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints, 3))
            D = np.transpose(D, (1, 0, 2)) - D
            D2 = np.sum(D**2, axis=2)
            C = -(D2 / r_0**2)**(beta / 2.0) / 2.0
            pinvC = pinv(C, rcond=1e-3)
            U, S, V = svd(C)
            invU = pinv([:, :order]),[:, :, k], U[:, :order])), rcond=1e-3)

            # Calculate real screen
            rr1 =[:, :order]),[:, :, k], rr_real[:, k]))
            real_fit =,[:, :order],, rr1)))
            real_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = real_fit.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))
            residual = rr_real -, real_fit)[:, newaxis]
            real_residual_all[k, :, :] = residual.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))

            # Calculate imag screen
            rr1 =[:, :order]),[:, :, k], rr_imag[:, k]))
            imag_fit =,[:, :order],, rr1)))
            imag_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = imag_fit.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))
            residual = rr_imag -, imag_fit)[:, newaxis]
            imag_residual_all[k, :, :] = residual.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))

            # Calculate phase screen
            phase_fit =, np.arctan2(, imag_fit),, real_fit)))
            phase_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = phase_fit.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))
            residual = rr -, phase_fit)[:, newaxis]
            phase_residual_all[k, :, :] = residual.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))
            # Set screen to zero if fit did not work
            logging.debug('Screen fit failed for timeslot {}'.format(k))
            real_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = np.zeros((N_sources, N_stations))
            real_residual_all[k, :, :] = np.ones((N_sources, N_stations))
            imag_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = np.zeros((N_sources, N_stations))
            imag_residual_all[k, :, :] = np.ones((N_sources, N_stations))
            phase_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = np.zeros((N_sources, N_stations))
            phase_residual_all[k, :, :] = np.ones((N_sources, N_stations))

    outQueue.put([real_fit_white_all, real_residual_all,
                  imag_fit_white_all, imag_residual_all,
                  phase_fit_white_all, phase_residual_all,
Beispiel #38
def fit_screen_to_tec(station_names, source_names, pp, airmass, rr, times,
                      height, order, r_0, beta):
    Fits a screen to given TEC values using Karhunen-Lo`eve base vectors

    Keyword arguments:
    station_names -- array of station names
    source_names -- array of source names
    pp -- array of piercepoint locations
    airmass -- array of airmass values
    rr -- array of TEC solutions
    times -- array of times
    height -- height of screen (m)
    order -- order of screen (i.e., number of KL base vectors to keep)
    r_0 -- scale size of phase fluctuations (m)
    beta -- power-law index for phase structure function (5/3 =>
        pure Kolmogorov turbulence)
    import numpy as np
    from pylab import kron, concatenate, pinv, norm, newaxis, find, amin, svd, eye
        import progressbar
    except ImportError:
        import losoto.progressbar as progressbar'Fitting screens to TEC values...')
    N_stations = len(station_names)
    N_sources = len(source_names)
    N_times = len(times)

    tec_fit_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    residual_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))

    A = concatenate([
        kron(eye(N_sources), np.ones((N_stations, 1))),
        kron(np.ones((N_sources, 1)), eye(N_stations))

    N_piercepoints = N_sources * N_stations
    P = eye(N_piercepoints) -, pinv(, A))), A.T)

    pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=N_times).start()
    ipbar = 0
    for k in range(N_times):
            D = np.resize(pp[k, :, :], (N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints, 3))
            D = np.transpose(D, (1, 0, 2)) - D
            D2 = np.sum(D**2, axis=2)
            C = -(D2 / r_0**2)**(beta / 2.0) / 2.0
            P1 = eye(N_piercepoints) - np.ones(
                (N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints)) / N_piercepoints
            C1 =, C), P1)
            U, S, V = svd(C1)

            B =,[k, :]), U[:, :order]))
            pinvB = pinv(B, rcond=1e-3)

            rr1 =, rr[:, k])
            tec_fit =[:, :order],, rr1))
            tec_fit_all[k, :, :] = tec_fit.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))

            residual = rr1 -, tec_fit)
            residual_all[k, :, :] = residual.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))
            # Set screen to zero if fit did not work
            logging.debug('Tecscreen fit failed for timeslot {0}'.format(k))
            tec_fit_all[k, :, :] = np.zeros((N_sources, N_stations))
            residual_all[k, :, :] = np.ones((N_sources, N_stations))

        ipbar += 1

    return tec_fit_all, residual_all
Beispiel #39
def create_cm(dim, eigList1=None, eigList2=None):
    returns two real-valued commuting matrices of dimension dim x dim
    the eigenvalues of each matrix can be given; single complex numbers will be
    interpreted as pair of complex conjuates.
    With this restriction, the (internally augmented) lists must have the length
    of dim
    if eigList1 is None:
        eigList1 = rand(dim)
    if eigList2 is None:
        eigList2 = rand(dim)

    # order 1st array such that complex numbers are first
    EL1 = array(eigList1)
    imPos1 = find(iscomplex(EL1))
    rePos1 = find(isreal(EL1))  # shorter than set comparisons :D
    EL1 = hstack([EL1[imPos1], EL1[rePos1]])
    # order 2nd array such that complex numbers are last
    EL2 = array(eigList2)
    imPos2 = find(iscomplex(EL2))
    rePos2 = find(isreal(EL2))  # shorter than set comparisons :D
    EL2 = hstack([EL2[rePos2], EL2[imPos2]])
    # now: make eigenvalues of list #2, where a block is in list #1,
    # pairwise equal, and other way round
    EL2[1:2 * len(imPos1):2] = EL2[0:2 * len(imPos1):2]
    EL1[-2 * len(imPos2) + 1::2] = EL1[-2 * len(imPos2)::2]

    if len(imPos2) * 2 + len(imPos1) * 2 > dim:
        raise ValueError(
            'too many complex eigenvalues - cannot create commuting matrices')

    # augment lists
    ev1 = []
    nev1 = 0
    for elem in EL1:
        if elem.imag != 0.:
            ev1.append(array([[elem.real, -elem.imag], [elem.imag,
            nev1 += 2
            nev1 += 1

    if nev1 != dim:
        raise ValueError(
            'number of given eigenvalues #1 (complex: x2) does not match dim!')

    ev2 = []
    nev2 = 0
    for elem in EL2:
        if elem.imag != 0.:
            ev2.append(array([[elem.real, -elem.imag], [elem.imag,
            nev2 += 2
            nev2 += 1

    if nev2 != dim:
        raise ValueError(
            'number of given eigenvalues #2 (complex: x2) does not match dim!')

    u, s, v = svd(randn(dim, dim))
    # create a coordinate system v that is not orthogonal but not too skew
    v = v + .2 * rand(dim, dim) - .1

    cm1 = dot(inv(v), dot(blockdiag(ev1), v))
    cm2 = dot(inv(v), dot(blockdiag(ev2), v))
    # create block diagonal matrices

    return cm1, cm2
Beispiel #40
def fit_screen_to_tec(station_names, source_names, pp, airmass, rr, times,
    height, order, r_0, beta):
    Fits a screen to given TEC values using Karhunen-Lo`eve base vectors

    Keyword arguments:
    station_names -- array of station names
    source_names -- array of source names
    pp -- array of piercepoint locations
    airmass -- array of airmass values
    rr -- array of TEC solutions
    times -- array of times
    height -- height of screen (m)
    order -- order of screen (i.e., number of KL base vectors to keep)
    r_0 -- scale size of phase fluctuations (m)
    beta -- power-law index for phase structure function (5/3 =>
        pure Kolmogorov turbulence)
    import numpy as np
    from pylab import kron, concatenate, pinv, norm, newaxis, find, amin, svd, eye
        import progressbar
    except ImportError:
        import losoto.progressbar as progressbar'Fitting screens to TEC values...')
    N_stations = len(station_names)
    N_sources = len(source_names)
    N_times = len(times)

    tec_fit_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    residual_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))

    A = concatenate([kron(eye(N_sources), np.ones((N_stations, 1))),
        kron(np.ones((N_sources, 1)), eye(N_stations))], axis=1)

    N_piercepoints = N_sources * N_stations
    P = eye(N_piercepoints) -, pinv(, A))), A.T)

    pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=N_times).start()
    ipbar = 0
    for k in range(N_times):
            D = np.resize(pp[k, :, :], (N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints, 3))
            D = np.transpose(D, (1, 0, 2)) - D
            D2 = np.sum(D**2, axis=2)
            C = -(D2 / r_0**2)**(beta / 2.0) / 2.0
            P1 = eye(N_piercepoints) - np.ones((N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints)) / N_piercepoints
            C1 =, C), P1)
            U, S, V = svd(C1)

            B =,[k, :]), U[:, :order]))
            pinvB = pinv(B, rcond=1e-3)

            rr1 =, rr[:, k])
            tec_fit =[:, :order],, rr1))
            tec_fit_all[k, :, :] = tec_fit.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))

            residual = rr1 -, tec_fit)
            residual_all[k, :, :] = residual.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))
            # Set screen to zero if fit did not work
            logging.debug('Tecscreen fit failed for timeslot {0}'.format(k))
            tec_fit_all[k, :, :] = np.zeros((N_sources, N_stations))
            residual_all[k, :, :] = np.ones((N_sources, N_stations))

        ipbar += 1

    return tec_fit_all, residual_all