def plot(self): f = pylab.figure(figsize=(8,4)) co = [] #colors container for label, (pVal, logratio) in["pValue", "log2Ratio"]).iterrows(): if pVal < self.pCut: if logratio > 0: co.append(Colors().redColor) elif logratio < 0: co.append(Colors().greenColor) else: raise Exception else: co.append(Colors().blueColor) #print "Probability this is from a normal distribution: %.3e" %stats.normaltest(self.log2Ratio)[1] #ax = f.add_subplot(121) #pylab.axvline(self.meanLog2Ratio, color=Colors().redColor) #pylab.axvspan(self.meanLog2Ratio-(2*self.stdLog2Ratio), # self.meanLog2Ratio+(2*self.stdLog2Ratio), color=Colors().blueColor, alpha=0.2) #his = pylab.hist(self.log2Ratio, bins=50, color=Colors().blueColor) #pylab.xlabel("log2 Ratio %s/%s" %(self.sampleNames[1], self.sampleNames[0])) #pylab.ylabel("Frequency") ax = f.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal') pylab.scatter(self.genes1, self.genes2, c=co, alpha=0.5) pylab.ylabel("%s RPKM" %self.sampleNames[1]) pylab.xlabel("%s RPKM" %self.sampleNames[0]) pylab.yscale('log') pylab.xscale('log') pylab.tight_layout()
def TestOverAlpha(): nDim = 5 numOfParticles = 10 maxIteration = 2000 minX = array([-100.0]*nDim) maxX = array([100.0]*nDim) maxV = 1.0*(maxX - minX) minV = -1.0*maxV numOfTrial = 10 intDim = 4 alpha = 0.3 while alpha<1.0: gBest = array([0.0]*maxIteration) for i in xrange(numOfTrial): p1 = AUPSO.PSOProblem(nDim, numOfParticles, maxIteration, minX, maxX, minV, maxV, AUPSO.Sphere,intDim,alpha) gBest = gBest + p1.gBestArray[:maxIteration] gBest = gBest / numOfTrial pylab.plot(range(maxIteration), gBest,label='alpha='+str(alpha)) print 'alpha = ', alpha alpha += 0.3 print 'now drawing' pylab.title('$G_{best}$ over 20 trials'+' intDim='+str(intDim)) pylab.xlabel('The $N^{th}$ Iteratioin') pylab.ylabel('Average gBest over '+str(numOfTrial)+' runs') pylab.grid(True) pylab.yscale('log') ylim = [-6, 1] ystep = 1.0 # pylab.ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1]) # yticks = linspace(ylim[0], ylim[1], int((ylim[1]-ylim[0])/ystep+1)) # pylab.yticks(tuple(yticks), tuple(map(str,yticks))) pylab.legend(loc='lower left')
def plot_values(X, Y, xlabel, ylabel, suffix, ptype='plot'): output_filename = constants.ATTRACTIVENESS_FOLDER_NAME + constants.DATASET + '_' + suffix X1 = [X[i] for i in range(len(X)) if X[i]>0 and Y[i]>0] Y1 = [Y[i] for i in range(len(X)) if X[i]>0 and Y[i]>0] X = X1 Y = Y1 pylab.close("all") pylab.figure(figsize=(8, 7)) #pylab.rcParams.update({'font.size': 20}) pylab.scatter(X, Y) #pylab.axis(vis.get_bounds(X, Y, False, False)) #pylab.xscale('log') pylab.yscale('log') pylab.xlabel(xlabel) pylab.ylabel(ylabel) #pylab.xlim(0.1,1) #pylab.ylim(ymin=0.01) #pylab.tight_layout() pylab.savefig(output_filename + '.pdf')
def plot_fft_brams(new_pasp): run = True pylab.ion() pylab.cla() pylab.yscale("log") # read in initial data from the fft brams fftscope_power = new_pasp.get_fft_brams_power() # set up bars for each pasp channel fftscope_power_line =, new_pasp.numchannels), fftscope_power) pylab.ylim(1, 1000000) # plot forever # for i in range(1,10): while run: try: fftscope_power = new_pasp.get_fft_brams_power() # update the rectangles for j in range(0, new_pasp.numchannels): fftscope_power_line[j].set_height(fftscope_power[j]) pylab.draw() except KeyboardInterrupt: run = False # after receiving an interrupt wait before closing the plot raw_input("Press enter to quit: ") pylab.cla()
def main(k,m,x,v,t0,tf,dt): xs=numpy.arange(t0,tf+dt/2,dt) w2=k/m ys1=[] es1=[] x1=x v1=v for i in xs: #euler vtemp=v1 v1=v1-w2*x1*dt x1=x1+v1*dt e1=(k*x1**2+m*v1**2)/2 ys1+=[x1] es1+=[e1] #pylab.plot(xs,ys1,'-',label='x(t) - Euler') e0=(k*x**2+m*v**2)/2 incl=numpy.log(e1-e0)/(tf-t0) pylab.plot(xs,es1,'-',label='E(t); dt=%f'%(dt)) pylab.xlabel('t') pylab.ylabel('E') pylab.yscale('log') pylab.legend(loc=8) for x,y1,e1 in zip(xs,ys1,es1): print x, y1, e1
def ShowRawToF(): raw_codes = GetTimecodes_AllFilesInDir(timepix_path_1, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, 0, checkerboard_phase = None) offset = 0 tmin = 0 tmax = 11810 fig = pl.figure(figsize=(14,10)) n_codes, bins, patches = pl.hist([11810-i for i in raw_codes], bins = 11810, range = [0,11810]) pl.yscale('log', nonposy='clip') for i,code in enumerate(raw_codes): raw_codes[i] = (11810. - code) - offset raw_codes[i] *= 20 fig = pl.figure(figsize=(14,10)) n_codes, bins, patches = pl.hist(raw_codes, bins = 1000, range = [0,40000]) # n_codes, bins, patches = pl.hist(raw_codes, bins = tmax-tmin, range = [tmin,tmax]) # pl.clf() # n_codes = n_codes[:-1] # pl.plot(bins, n_codes, 'k-.o', label="Timecodes") pl.tight_layout()
def plot_charts2(data1, data2=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, size=(10, 4), log_scale=True): plt.figure(figsize=size) plt.grid() plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.plot(data1, color='blue', lw=2) plt.plot(data1, linestyle='None', markerfacecolor='white', markeredgecolor='blue', marker='o', markeredgewidth=2, markersize=8) if data2 is not None: plt.plot(data2, color='red', lw=2) plt.plot(data2, linestyle='None', markerfacecolor='white', markeredgecolor='red', marker='o', markeredgewidth=2, markersize=8) if log_scale: plt.yscale('log') plt.xlim(-0.2, len(data1) + 0.2) plt.ylim(0.8)
def esat_comparison_plot(t=_np.linspace(173.15, 373.15, 20), std="Hyland_Wexler", percent=True, log=False): import pylab import brewer2mpl methods = list(esat(0, method="return")) methods.remove(std) print len(methods) pylab.rcParams.update({"axes.color_cycle": brewer2mpl.get_map("Paired", "qualitative", 12).mpl_colors}) y = esat(t, method=std, info=False) i = 0 style = "-" for im in methods: if i > 11: style = "--" print im if percent: pylab.plot(t, 100.0 * (esat(t, method=im, info=False) - y) / y, lw=2, ls=style) else: pylab.plot(t, esat(t, method=im, info=False) - y, lw=2, ls=style) i += 1 pylab.legend(methods, loc="upper right", fontsize=8) pylab.xlabel("Temperature [K]") if percent: # pylab.semilogy() pylab.ylabel("Water Vapor Pressure Difference [%]") else: pylab.ylabel("Water Vapor Pressure [Pa]") pylab.title("Comparison of Water Vapor Calculations Ref:" + std) pylab.xlim(_np.round(t[0]), _np.round(t[-1])) pylab.grid() pylab.axvline(x=273.15, color="k") if log: pylab.yscale("log")
def _show_rates(rate, wo, wt, attenuator, tau_NP, tau_P): import pylab #pylab.figure() pylab.errorbar(rate, wt[0], yerr=wt[1], fmt='g.', label='attenuated') pylab.errorbar(rate, wo[0], yerr=wo[1], fmt='b.', label='unattenuated') pylab.xscale('log') pylab.yscale('log') pylab.xlabel('incident rate (counts/second)') pylab.ylabel('observed rate (counts/second)') pylab.legend(loc='best') pylab.grid(True) pylab.plot(rate, rate/attenuator, 'g-', label='target') pylab.plot(rate, rate, 'b-', label='target') Ipeak, Rpeak = peak_rate(tau_NP=tau_NP, tau_P=tau_P) if rate[0] <= Ipeak <= rate[-1]: pylab.axvline(x=Ipeak, ls='--', c='b') pylab.text(x=Ipeak, y=0.05, s=' %g'%Ipeak, ha='left', va='bottom', transform=pylab.gca().get_xaxis_transform()) if False: pylab.axhline(y=Rpeak, ls='--', c='b') pylab.text(y=Rpeak, x=0.05, s=' %g\n'%Rpeak, ha='left', va='bottom', transform=pylab.gca().get_yaxis_transform())
def plot_percentage(women_percentage, men_percentage, colors, xaxis_values, filename): """ plots the percentage of people who show up in N language editions :param men: :param women: :param colors: :return: """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6)) if len(colors) == 0: plt.gca().set_color_cycle(['pink', 'blue', 'yellow', 'red', 'black']) else: plt.gca().set_color_cycle(colors) #print xaxis_values #print women_percentage #print len(xaxis_values) #print len(women_percentage) plt.plot(xaxis_values, women_percentage[:len(xaxis_values)], linewidth=1) plt.plot(xaxis_values, men_percentage[:len(xaxis_values)], linewidth=1) plt.xlabel("Log Num Editions") plt.ylabel("Log Proportion") plt.xscale("log") plt.yscale("log") #plt.ysca:len(xaxis_values)lotle("log") plt.savefig(filename) plt.close()
def plot(self): f = pylab.figure(figsize=(8,4)) co = [] #colors container for zScore, r in itertools.izip(self.zScores, self.log2Ratio): if zScore < self.pCut: if r > 0: co.append(Colors().greenColor) elif r < 0: co.append(Colors().redColor) else: raise Exception else: co.append(Colors().blueColor) #print "Probability this is from a normal distribution: %.3e" %stats.normaltest(self.log2Ratio)[1] ax = f.add_subplot(121) pylab.axvline(self.meanLog2Ratio, color=Colors().redColor) pylab.axvspan(self.meanLog2Ratio-(2*self.stdLog2Ratio), self.meanLog2Ratio+(2*self.stdLog2Ratio), color=Colors().blueColor, alpha=0.2) his = pylab.hist(self.log2Ratio, bins=50, color=Colors().blueColor) pylab.xlabel("log2 Ratio %s/%s" %(self.sampleNames[1], self.sampleNames[0])) pylab.ylabel("Frequency") ax = f.add_subplot(122, aspect='equal') pylab.scatter(self.genes1, self.genes2, c=co, alpha=0.5) pylab.ylabel("%s RPKM" %self.sampleNames[1]) pylab.xlabel("%s RPKM" %self.sampleNames[0]) pylab.yscale('log') pylab.xscale('log') pylab.tight_layout()
def _set_axis_parameter( self ): # set axis to equal length params = self.__params ax_0 = self._get_axis() # set axis aspect pylab.xlim(params['xlim']) pylab.ylim(params['ylim']) x0,x1 = ax_0.get_xlim() y0,y1 = ax_0.get_ylim() if params['xlog'] and params['ylog']: delta_x = float(np.log(x1)-np.log(x0)) delta_y = float(np.log(y1)-np.log(y0)) else: delta_x = float(x1 - x0) delta_y = float(y1 - y0) ax_0.set_aspect(delta_x/delta_y) # set tick size ax_0.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=params['ticksize']) # set logarithmic scale if params['xlog']: pylab.xscale('log') if params['grid']: ax_0.xaxis.grid( True, which='both' ) if params['ylog']: pylab.yscale('log') if params['grid']: ax_0.yaxis.grid( True, which='both' ) # grid below bars and boxes ax_0.set_axisbelow(params['axisbelow'])
def Validation(): numSamples = 1000000 theta = np.random.rand(numSamples)*np.pi ECo60 = np.array([1.117,1.332]) Ef0,Ee0 = Compton(ECo60[0],theta) Ef1,Ee1 = Compton(ECo60[1],theta) dSdE0 = diffXSElectrons(ECo60[0],theta) dSdE1 = diffXSElectrons(ECo60[1],theta) # Sampling Values values = list() piMax = np.max([dSdE0,dSdE1]) while (len(values) < numSamples): values.append(SampleRejection(piMax,ComptonScattering)) # Binning the data bins = np.logspace(-3,0.2,100) counts = np.histogram(values,bins) counts = counts[0]/float(len(values)) binCenters = 0.5*(bins[1:]+bins[:-1]) # Plotting pylab.figure() pylab.plot(binCenters,counts,ls='steps'),counts,align='center') pylab.grid(True) pylab.xlim((1E-3,1.4)) pylab.xlabel('Electron Energy (MeV)') pylab.ylabel('Frequency per Photon') pylab.yscale('log') pylab.xscale('log') pylab.savefig('ValComptonScatteringXS.png')
def demo(): import pylab # The module normalize is not part of the osrefl code base. from reflectometry.reduction import normalize from .examples import ng7 as dataset spec = dataset.spec()[0] water = WaterIntensity(D2O=20,probe=spec.probe) spec.apply(normalize()) theory = water.model(spec.Qz,spec.detector.wavelength) pylab.subplot(211) pylab.title('Data normalized to water scattering (%g%% D2O)'%water.D2O) pylab.xlabel('Qz (inv Ang)') pylab.ylabel('Reflectivity') pylab.semilogy(spec.Qz,theory,'-',label='expected') scale = theory[0]/spec.R[0] pylab.errorbar(spec.Qz,scale*spec.R,scale*spec.dR,fmt='.',label='measured') spec.apply(water) pylab.subplot(212) #pylab.title('Intensity correction factor') pylab.xlabel('Slit 1 opening (mm)') pylab.ylabel('Incident intensity') pylab.yscale('log') pylab.errorbar(spec.slit1.x,spec.R,spec.dR,fmt='.',label='correction')
def main(self): global weights, densities, weighted_densities plt.figure() cluster = clusters.SingleStation() self.station = cluster.stations[0] R = np.linspace(0, 100, 100) densities = [] weights = [] for E in np.linspace(1e13, 1e17, 10000): relative_flux = E ** -2.7 Ne = 10 ** (np.log10(E) - 15 + 4.8) self.ldf = KascadeLdf(Ne) min_dens = self.calculate_minimum_density_for_station_at_R(R) weights.append(relative_flux) densities.append(min_dens) weights = np.array(weights) densities = np.array(densities).T weighted_densities = (np.sum(weights * densities, axis=1) / np.sum(weights)) plt.plot(R, weighted_densities) plt.yscale('log') plt.ylabel("Min. density [m^{-2}]") plt.xlabel("Core distance [m]") plt.axvline(5.77)
def plot_xy(cursor, query, prefix=None, color='b', marker='.', xlog=False, ylog=False, xlabel='', ylabel='', title=''): """ Executes the 'query' which should return two numerical columns. """ cursor.execute(query) x_list = [] y_list = [] for row in cursor: (x, y) = row if (x != None and y != None): x_list.append(x) y_list.append(y) X = pylab.array(x_list) Y = pylab.array(y_list) pylab.figure() pylab.hold(True) pylab.plot(X, Y, color=color, marker=marker, linestyle='None') if (xlog): pylab.xscale('log') if (ylog): pylab.yscale('log') pylab.title(title + " (R^2 = %.2f)" % pylab.corrcoef(X,Y)[0,1]**2) pylab.xlabel(xlabel) pylab.ylabel(ylabel) if (prefix != None): pylab.savefig('../res/%s.pdf' % prefix, format='pdf') pylab.hold(False)
def run_analysis(filename,mode,method): click.echo('Reading file : %s'%filename) data = IOfile.parsing_input_file(filename) click.echo('Creating class...') theclass = TFC(data) click.echo('Calculating transfer function using %s method'%method) if method=='tf_kramer286_sh': theclass.tf_kramer286_sh() elif method=='tf_knopoff_sh': theclass.tf_knopoff_sh() elif method=='tf_knopoff_sh_adv': theclass.tf_knopoff_sh_adv() plt.plot(theclass.freq,np.abs([0]),label=method) plt.xlabel('frequency (Hz)') plt.ylabel('Amplification') plt.yscale('log') plt.xscale('log') plt.grid(True,which='both') plt.legend(loc='best',fancybox=True,framealpha=0.5) #plt.axis('tight') plt.autoscale(True,axis='x',tight=True) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('test.png', format='png') click.echo('Calculation has been finished!',fg='green'))
def show_plot(xlabel, ylabel, xlog=False, ylog=False): plt.xscale('log') if xlog else None plt.yscale('log') if ylog else None plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.subplot(111).legend()
def get_ac_caracteristique(freq_start, freq_stop, BW, power, resistance, sample = 'sample', membrane = 'membrane'): index = [] data = [] span = int(1601*BW) print 'up' for freq in range(int(freq_start+span/2),int(freq_stop-span/2),span) : print freq NA.frequency_center = freq NA.span = span+40*BW NA.if_bandwidth = BW NA.sweep_types.power = power NA.averaging = True NA.averaging_factor = 10 time.sleep(float(NA.sweep_time*NA.averaging_factor)) measurements = NA.get_curve() index = concatenate((index,[20:-20])) data = concatenate((data,[20:-20])) final_file = array([index, data]).T.astype(complex) print final_file np.savetxt('Ac_caracteristic_'+sample+'_'+membrane+'_start'+str(freq_start)+'_stop'+str(freq_stop)+'_BW'+str(BW)+str(resistance)+'.txt',final_file) for line in fileinput.FileInput('Ac_caracteristic_'+sample+'_'+membrane+'_start'+str(freq_start)+'_stop'+str(freq_stop)+'_BW'+str(BW)+str(resistance)+'.txt',inplace=1): line=line.replace("+-","-") print line, pylab.close() pylab.plot(np.abs(index),np.abs(data)**2, color='red',lw=1) pylab.yscale('log') pylab.title('Ac_caracteristic_'+sample+'_'+membrane+'_start'+str(freq_start)+'_stop'+str(freq_stop)+'_BW'+str(BW)+str(resistance)) pylab.savefig('Ac_caracteristic_'+sample+'_'+membrane+'_start'+str(freq_start)+'_stop'+str(freq_stop)+'_BW'+str(BW)+str(resistance)+'.png')
def TestOverStep(): nDim = 10 numOfParticles = 20 maxIteration = 2000 minX = array([-100.0]*nDim) maxX = array([100.0]*nDim) maxV = 0.2*(maxX - minX) minV = -1.0*maxV numOfTrial = 20 intDim = 5 stopstep = 200 for i in xrange(4): step = i*3 gBest = array([0.0]*maxIteration) for i in xrange(numOfTrial): p1 = AOPSO.PSOProblem(nDim, numOfParticles, maxIteration, minX, maxX, minV, maxV, AOPSO.Rastrigrin,intDim,step, stopstep) gBest = gBest + p1.gBestArray[:maxIteration] gBest = gBest / numOfTrial pylab.plot(range(maxIteration), gBest,label='step='+str(step)) pylab.title('Rastrigrin function, intDim=5 ($G_{best}$ over 20 trials)') pylab.xlabel('The $N^{th}$ Iteration') pylab.ylabel('Average gBest over '+str(numOfTrial)+' runs') pylab.grid(True) pylab.yscale('log') ylim = [-6, 1] ystep = 1.0 # pylab.ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1]) # yticks = linspace(ylim[0], ylim[1], int((ylim[1]-ylim[0])/ystep+1)) # pylab.yticks(tuple(yticks), tuple(map(str,yticks))) pylab.legend(loc='lower left')
def test_fit_bb(self): def func(nu, T): return np.pi * rf.planck(nu, T, inp="Hz", out="freq") self.sp.cut_flux(max(self.sp.Flux) * 1e-5) freq = self.sp.Freq flux = self.sp.Flux Tinit = 1.e4 popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, freq, flux, p0=Tinit) Tbest = popt # bestT, pcov = curve_fit(rf.fit_planck(nu, inp='Hz'), nu, flux, p0=Tinit, sigma=sigma) sigmaT = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov)) print 'True model values' print ' Tbb = %.2f K' % self.sp.T print 'Parameters of best-fitting model:' print ' T = %.2f +/- %.2f K' % (Tbest, sigmaT) # Tcol = self.sp.temp_color ybest = np.pi * rf.planck(freq, Tbest, inp="Hz", out="freq") # plot the solution plt.plot(freq, flux, 'b*', label='Spectral T: %f' % self.sp.T) plt.plot(freq, ybest, 'r-', label='Best Tcol: %f' % Tbest) plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.legend(loc=3) self.assertAlmostEqual(Tbest, self.sp.T, msg="For planck Tcolor [%f] should be equal sp.T [%f]." % (Tbest, self.sp.T), delta=Tbest*0.01)
def con(text, stopwords): alfa = [] content = [w for w in text if w.lower() not in stopwords and w.isalpha()] fdist = FreqDist(content) keys = fdist.keys() vals = fdist.values() maxiFreq = vals[0] for i in range(1, maxiFreq + 1): k = len([w for w in keys if fdist[w] == i]) alfa.append(k) ys = range(1, maxiFreq + 1) xs = alfa pylab.xlabel("Anzahl der Woerter") pylab.ylabel("Haeufigkeit") pylab.plot(xs, ys) pylab.xlabel("Anzahl der Woerter log scale") pylab.ylabel("Haeufigkeit log scale") pylab.plot(xs, ys) pylab.xscale('log') pylab.yscale('log') return alfa
def save_plot(l, xlabel=None, title=None, filename=None, xticks_labels=None, legend_loc='upper left', bottom_adjust=None, yscale='linear', ymin=0.0, ymax_factor=1.1): params = { 'backend': 'ps', #'text.usetex': True,' 'text.latex.unicode': True, } pylab.rcParams.update(params) pylab.figure(1, figsize=(6,4)) pylab.grid(True) pylab.xlabel(xlabel) pylab.ylabel(u"čas [s]") pylab.title(title) pylab.xlim(0, max(l[0][0][0]) * 1.1) if xticks_labels is not None: pylab.xticks(l[0][0][0], xticks_labels, rotation=25, size='small', horizontalalignment='right') ymax = 0.0 for i in l: pylab.plot(*i[0], **i[1]) ymax = max(ymax,max(i[0][1])) pylab.ylim(ymin, ymax * ymax_factor) if bottom_adjust is not None: pylab.subplots_adjust(bottom=bottom_adjust) pylab.yscale(yscale) pylab.legend(loc=legend_loc) pylab.savefig(filename, format='eps') pylab.clf()
def plot_stats(sbstats): subbands = map(subband_from_stats, sbstats) flagged = [max(sb['real']['flagged%'],sb['imag']['flagged%']) for sb in sbstats] astd = [sb['real']['all-std'] for sb in sbstats] gstd = [sb['real']['good-std'] for sb in sbstats] clf() subplot(311) title('Flagged') plot(subbands, flagged) xlabel('Subband number') subplot(312) title(r'$\sigma$ all') plot(subbands, astd) yscale('log') xlabel('Subband number') subplot(313) title(r'$\sigma$ good') plot(subbands, gstd) yscale('log') xlabel('Subband number') pass
def makeComp(save=0): data = Repeatability.getRepeatsData() dc = data['dc_min'] dv = data['dv'] P.figure() P.plot( dc, dv, 'k.', alpha=0.4) P.ylim(0.1, 1e6) P.xlim(1e-6, 1) P.xscale('log') P.yscale('log') ylim = P.ylim() P.plot( [1e-2, 1e-2], ylim, 'b--', lw=2) P.plot( [5e-3, 5e-3], ylim, 'r--', lw=2) P.plot( [1e-6, 1], [1000, 1000], 'm--', lw=2) P.xlabel(r'$\Delta \chi^2/dof$') P.ylabel(r'$\Delta v$ (km/s)') P.tight_layout() if save: P.savefig('/plots/Repeat_all_rchi2_vel.pdf',\ bbox_inches='tight') ngals = len(dv)*1. print 'Total galaxies in plot', ngals print ' dchi2 < 0.01', N.sum( dc< 0.01), N.sum( dc< 0.01)/ngals print ' dchi2 < 0.005', N.sum( dc< 0.005), N.sum( dc< 0.005)/ngals print ' dv > 1000 km/s', N.sum( dv > 1000.), N.sum( dv > 1000.)/ngals return data
def mesh2d_mcolor_mask(self, data, axis, output=None, mask=None, datscale='log', axiscale=['log', 'log'], pcolors='Greys', maskcolors=None): """ >>> generate 2D mesh plot <<< """ pl.clf() fig=pl.figure() ax=fig.add_subplot(111) pldat=data # get the color norm if(datscale=='log'): cnorm=colors.LogNorm() elif(datscale=='linear'): cnorm=colors.NoNorm() else: raise Exception color1=colors.colorConverter.to_rgba('white') color2=colors.colorConverter.to_rgba('blue') color3=colors.colorConverter.to_rgba('yellow') my_cmap0=colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('mycmap0',[color1, color1, color2, color2, color2, color3, color3], 512) my_cmap0._init() if pcolors!=None: cm=ax.pcolormesh(axis[0,:], axis[1,:], pldat,, norm=cnorm) #cm=ax.pcolormesh(axis[0,:], axis[1,:], pldat, cmap=my_cmap0, norm=cnorm) else: cm=ax.pcolormesh(axis[0,:], axis[1,:], pldat, norm=cnorm) if mask!=None: # get the color map of mask """ color1=colors.colorConverter.to_rgba('white') color2=colors.colorConverter.to_rgba('red') my_cmap=colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('mycmap',[color1, color2], 512) my_cmap._init() alphas=np.linspace(0.2, 0.7, my_cmap.N+3) my_cmap._lut[:,-1] = alphas """<=1e-2)&(mask>=-1e-2) , mask) mymap=ax.contourf(axis[0,:], axis[1,:], maskdata, cmap=maskcolors) cbar=fig.colorbar(mymap, ticks=[4, 6, 8]) #, orientation='horizontal')['void', 'filament', 'halo']) pl.xscale(axiscale[0]) pl.yscale(axiscale[1]) return
def plot_tmp_imp( name_plot ): # distance between axes and ticks pl.rcParams['xtick.major.pad']='8' pl.rcParams['ytick.major.pad']='8' # set latex font pl.rc('text', usetex=True) pl.rc('font', **{'family': 'serif', 'serif': ['Computer Modern'], 'size': 20}) # plotting x_plf = pow(10,pl.linspace(-6,0,1000)) pl.clf() p_pl, = pl.plot(x_plf,ff_pl(x_plf,par_pl[0],par_pl[1]), ls='--', color='Red') p_lg, = pl.plot(x_plf,ff_lg(x_plf,par_lg[0],par_lg[1]), ls='-', color='RoyalBlue') p_points, = pl.plot(df_imp_1d.pi,df_imp_1d.imp,'.', color='Black',ms=10) pl.xscale('log') pl.yscale('log') pl.xlabel('$\phi$') pl.ylabel('$\mathcal{I}_{tmp}(\Omega=\{ \phi \})$') pl.grid() pl.axis([0.00001,1,0.0001,0.1]) leg_1 = '$\hat{Y} = $' + str("%.4f" % round(par_pl[0],4)) + '$\pm$' + str("%.4f" % round(vv_pl[0][0],4)) + ' $\hat{\delta} = $' + str("%.4f" % round(par_pl[1],4)) + '$\pm$' + str("%.4f" % round(vv_pl[1][1],4)) + ' $E_{RMS} = $' + str("%.4f" % round(pl.sqrt(chi_pl/len(df_imp_1d.imp)),4)) leg_2 = '$\hat{a} = $' + str("%.3f" % round(par_lg[0],3)) + '$\pm$' + str("%.3f" % round(vv_lg[0][0],3)) + ' $\hat{b} = $' + str("%.0f" % round(par_lg[1],3)) + '$\pm$' + str("%.0f" % round(vv_lg[1][1],3)) + ' $E_{RMS} = $' + str("%.4f" % round(pl.sqrt(chi_lg/len(df_imp_1d.imp)),4)) l1 = pl.legend([p_pl,p_lg], ['$f(\phi) = Y\phi^{\delta}$', '$g(\phi)= a \log_{10}(1+b\phi)$'], loc=2, prop={'size':15}) l2 = pl.legend([p_pl,p_lg], [leg_1 ,leg_2 ], loc=4, prop={'size':15}) pl.gca().add_artist(l1) pl.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) pl.subplots_adjust(left=0.17) pl.savefig("../plot/" + name_plot + ".pdf")
def plot_values(X, Y, xlabel, ylabel, suffix): output_filename = constants.CHARTS_FOLDER_NAME + constants.DATASET + '_' + suffix pylab.figure(figsize=(8, 7)) pylab.rcParams.update({'font.size': 20}) pylab.scatter(X, Y) ''' #smoothing s = np.square(np.max(Y)) tck = interpolate.splrep(X, Y, s=s) Y_smooth = interpolate.splev(X, tck) pylab.plot(X, Y_smooth) ''' #pylab.axis(vis.get_bounds(X, Y, False, False)) pylab.xscale('log') pylab.yscale('log') pylab.xlabel(xlabel) pylab.ylabel(ylabel) #pylab.tight_layout() pylab.savefig(output_filename + '.pdf')
def quartile_plot( fits, group_index_start, group_index_end, model_param_index, ylim=None, log=True, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, labels=None): model_param_values = [ fit_params(fits, group_index, model_param_index) for group_index in xrange( group_index_start, group_index_end) ] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(len(model_param_values), 7)) if log is True: plt.yscale('log') if ylim is not None: plt.ylim(ylim) if xlabel is not None: plt.xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is not None: plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.boxplot( model_param_values, labels=labels, showmeans=True) plt.grid()
def plot_fft_brams(): import pylab run = True # turn on live updating pylab.ion() # plot the power in log scale pylab.yscale('log') # get an initial power spectrum and plot the power lines as rectangles fftscope_power = get_fft_brams_power(),numchannels),fftscope_power) pylab.ylim(1,1000000) # plot until an interrupt is received # for i in range(1,10): while(run): try: # read in a new spectrum fftscope_power = get_fft_brams_power() # update the rectangles based on the new power spectrum for j in range(0,numchannels): fftscope_power_line[j].set_height(fftscope_power[j]) #update the plot pylab.draw() except KeyboardInterrupt: run = False # after stopping the liveupdate leave the plot up until the user is done with it raw_input('Press enter to quit: ') pylab.cla()
plt.xlim([1.e-1, 1e8]) ax3.set_xscale('log') plt.xlabel("$z$") plt.ylabel("$\phi$") ax3.grid(True) plt.savefig(name + ".pdf") if False: ax4 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 4) for i in range(4): ax4.plot(lna, pts4[i]) plt.xlabel("$\ln a$") plt.ylabel("$\dot \phi^2$") pylab.yscale('log') ax4.grid(True) ax5 = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 5) ax5.plot(lna, T.Pot(xx, 0)) plt.xlabel("$\ln a$") plt.ylabel("$V(\phi)$") pylab.yscale('log') ax5.grid(True) #ax6=fig.add_subplot(2,3,6) #ax6.plot(xx, (T.Pot(xx,1)**2/T.Pot(xx,0)/4. - T.Pot(xx,0))*exp(-140)*4.E4*(3/2.36)) #plt.xlim([-35,-30]) #plt.xlabel("$\ln a$") #plt.ylabel("$V,{\phi}(\phi)$") #pylab.yscale('log') # Log-normal box smre_k, smre_pk, smre_stddev \ = box.binned_power_spectrum(delta_k=fft.fftn(delta_smoothed)) # Plot some stuff fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(th_k, th_pk, 'b-', label="Theoretical P(k)") #plt.errorbar(re_k, re_pk, yerr=re_stddev, fmt=".", color='r') plt.errorbar(re_k, re_pk, yerr=re_stddev, marker='.', color='r', ls='none', label="P(k) from density field") plt.errorbar(smre_k, smre_pk, yerr=smre_stddev, marker='x', color='g', ls='none', label="P(k) from smoothed field") plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.legend(loc='lower left', frameon=False) plt.ylim((1e0, 1e5)) sys.exit(0) # Log-normal box delta_ln = box.lognormal(box.delta_x) lnre_k, lnre_pk, lnre_stddev \ = box.binned_power_spectrum(delta_k=fft.fftn(delta_ln)) plt.matshow(delta_ln[0], vmin=-1., vmax=2., cmap='cividis') plt.title("Log-normal density")
thBragg = float(Sub.calc_Bragg_angle(Energy).subs(Sub.structure.subs).evalf()) angle = pl.linspace(data[:, 0][0] * np.pi / 180, data[:, 0][-1] * np.pi / 180, len(data[:, 0])) XR = crystal.calc_reflectivity(angle, Energy) crystal.print_values(angle, Energy) #pl.plot(angle*180/np.pi,abs(layer1.XR)**2) #pl.plot(angle*180/np.pi,abs(Sub.XR)**2) pl.plot(data[:, 0], abs(XR)**2) pl.plot(data[:, 0] + thetaoffset, data[:, 1] * scale, '.') pl.yscale('log') def residual(params, angle, data): strainmax = params['strainmax'].value straindepth = params['straindepth'].value scale = params['scale'].value thetaoffset = params['thetaoffset'].value c = layer1.strain.keys()[0] tvector, strain = my_strain_profile(strainmax, straindepth) layer1.strain[c] = strain layer1.thickness = tvector XR = crystal.calc_reflectivity(angle + thetaoffset * np.pi / 180, Energy)
def main(): matlab_path = '/Applications/' ## THE FOLLOWING FLAGS TO TRUE/FALSE CONTROL WHICH TESTS ARE DONE do_ibp_tests = True do_maaipm_tests = True do_colgen_tests = True do_comparison_plots = True # Control which data set to use: 'sparsesquare', 'sparsedisc', 'noisygrid', 'translatedgrid' test_type = 'sparsesquare' k_vals = [10] n_vals = [10] # Control parameters for IBP vs. MAAIPM method. ibp_eps_vals = [0.1, 0.01] # Support size gridding for IBP. ibp_filter_sizes = [1] # the regularization parameter is eta = (1/eps)^2 / (2 * filter_size^2) maaipm_eps_inv_vals = [10] # eps_inv x eps_inv grid for MAAIPM. # Plot parameters y_limits = (1e-10 - 1e-11, 10.0) x_limits = (0.009,100) for k in k_vals: for n in n_vals: np.random.seed(19238412) random.seed(12834981) data_identifier = test_type + '_n' + str(n) + 'k' + str(k) ########################################################################## ## A) Generate the sparse test data if test_type == 'sparsesquare': sparse_data = get_sparsesquare_test(k=k,n=n) elif test_type == 'sparsedisc': sparse_data = get_sparsedisc_test(k=k,n=n) elif test_type == 'noisygrid': sparse_data = get_noisygrid_test(k=k,n=n) elif test_type == 'translatedgrid': sparse_data = get_translatedgrid_test(k=k,n=n) else: assert(0) # show_sparse_data(sparse_data) # And save it for use by IBP and MAAIPM data_filename = 'comparison_test_files/experiment_data/' + data_identifier # Save it as gridded images (for IBP): eps_vals = ibp_eps_vals for i, eps_val in enumerate(eps_vals): dense_data = get_dense_data_representation(sparse_data, eps=eps_val, bounding_box=((-1,-1),(1,1))) eps_desc = str(eps_val).split('.')[1] dense_data_filename = data_filename + 'eps' + eps_desc save_dense_data_representation(dense_data, dense_data_filename) # Save it as a list of points (for MAAIPM): save_sparse_data_representation(sparse_data, data_filename) ########################################################################## # B) Run our column generation method, collecting an error plot. if do_colgen_tests: filename_colgen = 'comparison_test_files/experiment_results/colgen_results/' + data_identifier + '.txt'; if os.path.exists(filename_colgen): print('ALREADY EXISTS: ' + filename_colgen) else: bary_prob = BarycenterProblem(sparse_data, method='powerdiagram', log_file=filename_colgen) bary_prob.solve() ######################################################################## ## C) Run IBP method, gridding the space. ## 1) Run the IBP code (MATLAB) computing regularized barycenters (different regularizations and epsilons). if do_ibp_tests: eps_vals = ibp_eps_vals filter_sizes = ibp_filter_sizes # the regularization parameter is eta = (1/eps)^2 / (2 * filter_size^2) for i, eps_val in enumerate(eps_vals): eps_desc = str(eps_val).split('.')[1] for filter_size in filter_sizes: ibp_res_prefix = 'comparison_test_files/experiment_results/ibp_results/' + data_identifier + 'eps' + eps_desc + 'f' + str(filter_size); ibp_res_file = ibp_res_prefix + '.txt' if os.path.exists(ibp_res_file): print('ALREADY EXISTS: ' + ibp_res_file) continue time.sleep(0.05) matlab_command = matlab_path + ' -nodisplay -r "cd(\'comparison_test_files/IBP_code\'); test_barycenters_ibp(' + str(n) + ', ' + str(k) + ',\'' + eps_desc + '\',\'' + test_type + '\',' + str(filter_size) + ',{imgortime:d});exit"'; ## i) Assign scores to the IBP barycenters w.r.t. actual point cloud. ## Use the Lemon solver to obtain the exact optimal transport distance between pairs of points. costs_filename = ibp_res_prefix + '_costs.txt' costs_lemon = [] if not os.path.exists(costs_filename): print(matlab_command) os.system(matlab_command.format(imgortime=1)) # Write the barycenter at each iteration to the disk. t = 1 while True: curr_filename = ibp_res_prefix + '/b_' + str(t) + '.png' if not os.path.exists(curr_filename): break if t % 40 == 1 or (t < 80 and t % 10 == 1): f1 = pylab.imread(curr_filename) print(f1) f1 = f1 / np.sum(f1) sparsedatum_f1 = get_sparse_data_representation([f1], bounding_box=((-1,-1),(1,1)))[0] print(t) curr_lemon = 0 for i in range(k): print(t,i) curr_lemon += exact_cost_lemon(sparse_data[i], sparsedatum_f1, lemon_solver_location='../lemon_solver/LemonNetworkSimplex') / k costs_lemon.append(curr_lemon) else: costs_lemon.append(-1) t += 1 costs_file = open(costs_filename, 'w') for i in range(len(costs_lemon)): costs_file.write('{v:.9f}\n'.format(v=costs_lemon[i])) costs_file.close() else: print('USING PREVIOUSLY-COMPUTED COSTS FILE: ' + costs_filename) costs_file = open(costs_filename, 'r') costs_lemon = costs_file.readlines() costs_lemon = [float(i) for i in costs_lemon] costs_file.close() # ii) Separately re-run the IBP code to get the timing information. timings_filename = ibp_res_prefix + "_timing.txt"; if not os.path.exists(timings_filename): os.system(matlab_command.format(imgortime=2)) # Write the cumulative time to each iteration to the disk. else: print('USING PREVIOUSLY-COMPUTED TIMINGS FILE: ' + timings_filename) timings_file = open(timings_filename, 'r') times = timings_file.readlines() times = [float(i) for i in times] timings_file.close() res_file = open(ibp_res_file, 'w') assert(len(times) == len(costs_lemon)) for i in range(len(times)): res_file.write('{v:.9f} {t:.9f}\n'.format(v=costs_lemon[i], t=times[i])); res_file.close() ########################################################################## ## D) Run MAAIPM method with fixed-support assumption. if do_maaipm_tests: for eps_inv in maaipm_eps_inv_vals: # eps_inv x eps_inv-size grid maaipm_res_file = 'comparison_test_files/experiment_results/ipm_results/' + data_identifier + 'epsinv' + str(eps_inv) + '.txt' if os.path.exists(maaipm_res_file): print('ALREADY EXISTS: ' + maaipm_res_file) continue time.sleep(0.05) matlab_command = matlab_path + ' -nodisplay -r "cd(\'comparison_test_files/MAAIPM_code\'); test_barycenters_maaipm_grid_support(' + str(n) + ', ' + str(k) + ',' + str(eps_inv) + ',\'' + test_type + '\');exit"'; os.system(matlab_command) os.system('mv comparison_test_files/experiment_results/ipm_results/latest_maaipm_results.txt ' + maaipm_res_file) ############################################################################## ## E) Create the comparison plots between the algorithms if do_comparison_plots: print('Comparison plots here') markers = ['x', 'o', 'v', '^', '.']*100 best_val = 10; last_time = 0; title_text = ''; legend_names = None; # Which data to plot. # Example comparison plot: n = 5, k = 5, sparsesquare. series = ['colgen_results/sparsesquare_n5k5.txt', 'ipm_results/sparsesquare_n5k5epsinv10.txt', 'ibp_results/sparsesquare_n5k5eps1f1.txt'] legend_names = ['Proposed algorithm', 'MAAIPM 10x10 grid', 'IBP 10 x 10 grid, filter-size 1'] assert(len(k_vals) == 1) assert(len(n_vals) == 1) k = k_vals[0] n = n_vals[0] test_prefix = test_type + '_n' + str(n) + 'k' + str(k); title_text = test_type + ', n = ' + str(n) + ', k = ' + str(k) series = [] legend_names = [] if do_colgen_tests: series.append('colgen_results/' + test_prefix + '.txt') legend_names.append('Proposed algorithm') if do_ibp_tests: for eps_val in ibp_eps_vals: eps_desc = str(eps_val).split('.')[1] for filter_size in ibp_filter_sizes: series.append('ibp_results/' + test_prefix + 'eps' + eps_desc + 'f' + str(filter_size) + '.txt') legend_names.append('IBP eps=' + str(eps_val) + ' filter-size=' + str(filter_size)) if do_maaipm_tests: for eps_inv in maaipm_eps_inv_vals: series.append('ipm_results/' + test_prefix + 'epsinv' + str(eps_inv) + '.txt') legend_names.append('IPM epsinv=' + str(eps_inv)) # series = ['colgen_results/sparsesquare_n25k10.txt', 'ibp_results/sparsesquare_n25k10eps1f1.txt', 'ibp_results/sparsesquare_n25k10eps1f2.txt', 'ibp_results/sparsesquare_n25k10eps05f1.txt', 'ibp_results/sparsesquare_n25k10eps05f2.txt'] # series = ['colgen_results/sparsesquare_n25k10.txt', 'ipm_results/sparsesquare_n25k10epsinv10.txt', 'ipm_results/sparsesquare_n25k10epsinv30.txt', 'ipm_results/sparsesquare_n25k10epsinv70.txt'] ## # IPM plot: n = 20, k = 20, noisygrid. ## series = ['colgen_results/noisygrid_n20k10.txt', 'ipm_results/noisygrid_n20k10epsinv10.txt', 'ipm_results/noisygrid_n20k10epsinv30.txt', 'ipm_results/noisygrid_n20k10epsinv50.txt'] ## # IBP plot: n = 20, k = 20, sparsesquare. ## series = ['colgen_results/sparsesquare_n20k10.txt', 'ibp_results/sparsesquare_n20k10eps04f1.06.txt', 'ibp_results/sparsesquare_n20k10eps01f7.txt', 'ibp_results/sparsesquare_n20k10eps004f12.txt'] ## legend_names = ['Proposed algorithm', 'IBP 25x25 grid, $\eta=100$', 'IBP 100x100 grid, $\eta=100$', 'IBP 250x250 grid, $\eta=200$'] ## title_text = 'Comparison with IBP' # # IPM plot: n = 20, k = 20, sparsesquare. # series = ['colgen_results/sparsesquare_n20k10.txt', 'ipm_results/sparsesquare_n20k10epsinv10.txt', 'ipm_results/sparsesquare_n20k10epsinv40.txt', 'ipm_results/sparsesquare_n20k10epsinv70.txt'] # legend_names = ['Proposed algorithm', 'MAAIPM 10x10 grid', 'MAAIPM 40x40 grid', 'MAAIPM 70x70 grid'] # title_text = 'Comparison with MAAIPM' # # Comparison plot: n = 5, k = 5, sparsesquare. # series = ['colgen_results/sparsesquare_n5k5.txt', 'ipm_results/sparsesquare_n5k5epsinv10.txt', 'ibp_results/sparsesquare_n5k5eps1f1.txt'] # legend_names = ['Proposed algorithm', 'MAAIPM 10x10 grid', 'IBP 10 x 10 grid, filter-size 1'] # title_text = 'Example comparison with MAAIPM and IBP' if legend_names is None: legend_names = series val_data = [] time_data = [] # Sanitize data (remove places where cost was not computed.) for i in range(len(series)): temp_vals, temp_times = read_val_time_file('comparison_test_files/experiment_results/' + series[i]) vals = [] times = [] for j in range(len(temp_vals)): if temp_vals[j] >= 0: vals.append(temp_vals[j]) times.append(temp_times[j]) val_data.append(vals) time_data.append(times) for i, serie in enumerate(series): vals = val_data[i] times = time_data[i] best_val = min(best_val, np.min(vals)) # Provided that column generation is one of the methods run, best_val will be the true optimum for the problem. last_time = max(last_time, np.max(times)) pylab.figure(figsize=(12,8)) for i, serie in enumerate(series): vals = val_data[i] times = time_data[i] vals.append(vals[-1]) times.append(last_time) pylab.plot(times, vals-best_val + 1e-18, marker=markers[i], label=legend_names[i], linewidth=3.0) pylab.ylim(y_limits) pylab.xlim(x_limits) pylab.yscale('log') pylab.xscale('log') font = {'family' : 'sans-serif', 'size' : 30} pylab.rc('font', **font) pylab.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True ax = pylab.gca(); ax.set_ylabel('Suboptimality gap') ax.set_xlabel('Time (seconds)') ax.set_title(title_text) for item in ([ax.xaxis.label, ax.yaxis.label] + ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels()): item.set_fontsize(30) item.set_usetex(True) ax.title.set_fontsize(40) ax.title.set_usetex(True) pylab.legend()
plt.plot([n['count_packets_good'] for n in nodestats], '.-', label='packets: good') plt.plot([n['count_packets_bad'] for n in nodestats], '.-', label='packets: bad') plt.plot([n['count_packets_dropped'] for n in nodestats], '.-', label='packets: dropped') plt.plot([n['count_beam_id_mismatch'] for n in nodestats], '.-', label='beam id mismatch') plt.xlabel('L1 node number') plt.xticks(np.arange(n_l1_nodes)) plt.legend(fontsize=8) plt.yscale('symlog') plt.savefig('counts.png') print('Sending write_chunks requests...') for socket in sockets: beams = [0, 1, 2] minchunk = 0 maxchunk = 5 filename_pat = 'chunk-beam(BEAM)-fpga(FPGA0)+(FPGAN)-py.msgpack' msg = (msgpack.packb(['write_chunks', token]) + msgpack.packb([beams, minchunk, maxchunk, filename_pat])) socket.send(msg) print('Waiting for write_chunks replies...') for socket in sockets: hdr, msg = socket.recv_multipart() print('Received reply: %i bytes' % len(msg))
def eval_gwas(pv, i_causal, out_fn=None, plot=False): """ """ pv_thresholds = [1e-3, 5e-4, 1e-4, 5e-5, 1e-5, 5e-6, 1e-6, 5e-7, 1e-7, 5e-8, 1e-8] # compute lambda on all p-values? #lambda_gc = estimate_lambda(p_values) lambda_gc = estimate_lambda(pv) n_causal = i_causal.sum() #compute power and Type-1 error power = np.zeros_like(pv_thresholds) t1err = np.zeros_like(pv_thresholds) power_corr = np.zeros_like(pv_thresholds) t1err_corr = np.zeros_like(pv_thresholds) pvcorr = stats.chi2.sf(stats.chi2.isf(pv,1)/lambda_gc,1) for i_t, t in enumerate(pv_thresholds): #compute uncorrected power and T1 i_lower = pv<t power[i_t] = i_causal[i_lower].sum()/(1.0*(n_causal)) t1err[i_t] = (~i_causal[i_lower]).sum()/(1.0*(len(i_causal)-n_causal)) #compute GC corrected Power and T1 i_lower_corr = pvcorr<t power_corr[i_t] = i_causal[i_lower_corr].sum()/(1.0*(n_causal)) t1err_corr[i_t] = (~i_causal[i_lower_corr]).sum()/(1.0*(len(i_causal)-n_causal)) if plot == True: import pylab pylab.figure() pylab.title("lambda_gc=%f" % lambda_gc) pylab.plot(pv_thresholds, power, "-o") pylab.yscale("log") pylab.xscale("log") pylab.xlabel("pv threshold") pylab.ylabel("power") pylab.grid(True) pylab.plot(pv_thresholds, power_corr, "-o") if not out_fn is None: pow_fn = out_fn.replace(".pickle", "_pow.pdf") pylab.savefig(pow_fn) else: pylab.figure() pylab.title("lambda_gc=%f" % lambda_gc) pylab.plot(pv_thresholds, t1err, "-o", label="t1err") pylab.plot(pv_thresholds, t1err_corr, "-o", label="t1err_gc") pylab.yscale("log") pylab.xscale("log") pylab.xlabel("pv threshold") pylab.ylabel("t1err") pylab.grid(True) pylab.plot(pv_thresholds, pv_thresholds, "-", label="thres") pylab.legend(loc="upper left") if not out_fn is None: t1err_fn = out_fn.replace(".pickle", "_t1err.pdf") pylab.savefig(t1err_fn) else: # plot auROC if out_fn is None: roc_fn = None else: roc_fn = out_fn.replace(".pickle", "_roc.pdf") plot_roc(i_causal, -pv, label='lambda_gc=%0.4f' % (lambda_gc), out_fn=roc_fn) # plot auPRC if out_fn is None: prc_fn = None else: prc_fn = out_fn.replace(".pickle", "_prc.pdf") plot_prc(i_causal, -pv, label='lambda_gc=%0.4f' % (lambda_gc), out_fn=prc_fn) # wrap up metrics res = {} res["lambda"] = lambda_gc res["pv_thresholds"] = pv_thresholds res["power"] = power res["power_corr"] = power_corr res["t1err"] = t1err res["t1err_corr"] = t1err_corr return res
def f_1(x): return x**5 / 5 - x**2 + x def integral(f, N, a, b): h = (b - a) / N result = 0.5 * f(a) + 0.5 * f(b) for k in range(1, N): result += f(a + k * h) result = h * result return result area_exact = f_1(1) - f_1(0) N = [] deltas = [] for n in range(1, 1000): N.append(n) area_trapezoidal = integral(f, n, 0, 1) delta = np.abs(area_trapezoidal - area_exact) / area_exact deltas.append(delta) pl.plot(N, deltas) pl.title("Error development of trapezoidal integration method") pl.xlabel("Number of trapezoidal slices") pl.ylabel("Error") pl.yscale("log")
def PlotStatsForParam(config, param_name): """ @brief Save plots for the results of reconvolution_validation, when param_name is varied. @param config galsim yaml config, which was used to produce the results, read by yaml @param param_name varied parameter name, listed under config['vary_params'], for which to create the plots """ # get the shortcut to the dict corresponding to current varied parameter param = config['vary_params'][param_name] # prepare the output dict and initialise lists bias_list = { 'm1': [], 'm2': [], 'c1': [], 'c2': [], 'm1_std': [], 'm2_std': [], 'c1_std': [], 'c2_std': [] } bias_moments_list = copy.deepcopy(bias_list) bias_hsmcorr_list = copy.deepcopy(bias_list) # loop over values changed for the varied parameter for iv, value in enumerate(param['values']): # get the filename for the results file filename_results_direct = '' % ( config['filename_config'], param_name, iv) filename_results_reconv = '' % ( config['filename_config'], param_name, iv) # get the path for the results files filepath_results_reconv = os.path.join(config['results_dir'], filename_results_reconv) filepath_results_direct = os.path.join(config['results_dir'], filename_results_direct)'parameter %s, index %03d, value %2.4e' % (param_name, iv, float(value))) # if there is no .reconv or .direct file, look for the default to compare it against if not os.path.isfile(filepath_results_direct):'file %s not found, looking for defaults' % filepath_results_direct) filename_results_direct = '' % ( config['filepath_config']) filepath_results_direct = os.path.join(config['results_dir'], filename_results_direct) if not os.path.isfile(filepath_results_direct): raise NameError('file %s not found' % filepath_results_direct) if not os.path.isfile(filepath_results_reconv):'file %s not found, looking for defaults' % filepath_results_reconv) filename_results_reconv = '' % ( config['filepath_config']) filepath_results_reconv = os.path.join(config['results_dir'], filename_results_reconv) if not os.path.isfile(filepath_results_reconv): raise NameError('file %s not found' % filepath_results_reconv) # measure m and c biases bias_moments, bias_hsmcorr = GetBias(config, filepath_results_direct, filepath_results_reconv)'bias_moments has %d points ' % len(bias_moments)) # append results lists - slightly clunky way bias_moments_list[iv] = bias_moments bias_hsmcorr_list[iv] = bias_hsmcorr # yaml is bad at converting lists of floats in scientific notation to floats values_float = map(float, param['values']) # get the tick labels values_float_ticklabels = map(str, values_float) # if very large value is used, put it closer to other points for ivf, vf in enumerate(values_float): if vf > 1e10: values_float_ticklabels[ivf] = str(vf) values_float_sorted = sorted(values_float) values_float[ivf] = values_float_sorted[-2] * 10 # set some plot parameters fig_xsize, fig_ysize, legend_ncol, legend_loc = 12, 10, 2, 3 # plot figures for moments pylab.figure(1, figsize=(fig_xsize, fig_ysize)) pylab.title('Weighted moments - uncorrected') pylab.xscale('log') # add the scattered m values to plot for iv, value in enumerate(param['values']): m1 = [b['m1'] for b in bias_moments_list[iv]] # m2 = [b['m2'] for b in bias_moments_list[iv]] print any(numpy.isnan(m1)) pylab.plot(numpy.ones([len(m1)]) * values_float[iv], m1, 'x') pylab.errorbar(values_float[iv], numpy.mean(m1), yerr=numpy.std(m1, ddof=1), fmt='o', capsize=30) # pylab.plot(numpy.ones([len(m2)])*values_float[iv],m2,'o') print values_float print values_float_ticklabels pylab.xticks(values_float, values_float_ticklabels) pylab.yscale('symlog', linthreshy=1e-2) pylab.ylabel('m1') pylab.xlabel(param_name) pylab.xlim([min(values_float) * 0.5, max(values_float) * 1.5]) pylab.legend(ncol=legend_ncol, loc=legend_loc, mode="expand") filename_fig = 'fig.moments.%s.%s.png' % (config['filename_config'], param_name) pylab.savefig(filename_fig) pylab.close()'saved figure %s' % filename_fig) # plot for HSM pylab.figure(2, figsize=(fig_xsize, fig_ysize)) pylab.title('Weighted moments - corrected') pylab.xscale('log') pylab.yscale('symlog', linthreshy=1e-3) for iv, value in enumerate(param['values']): m1 = [b['m1'] for b in bias_hsmcorr_list[iv]] # m2 = [b['m2'] for b in bias_moments_list[iv]] pylab.plot(numpy.ones([len(m1)]) * values_float[iv], m1, 'x') pylab.errorbar(values_float[iv], numpy.mean(m1), yerr=numpy.std(m1, ddof=1), fmt='o', capsize=30) # pylab.plot(numpy.ones([len(m2)])*values_float[iv],m2,'o') pylab.ylabel('m1') pylab.xlabel(param_name) pylab.xlim([min(values_float) * 0.5, max(values_float) * 1.5]) pylab.legend(ncol=legend_ncol, loc=legend_loc, mode="expand") filename_fig = 'fig.hsmcorr.%s.%s.png' % (config['filename_config'], param_name) pylab.savefig(filename_fig) pylab.close()'saved figure %s' % filename_fig) # now plot the log std of m1 as a function of parameter for iv, value in enumerate(param['values']): m1 = [b['m1'] for b in bias_moments_list[iv]] pylab.plot(values_float[iv], numpy.std(m1, ddof=1), 'x') pylab.ylabel('std(m_1)', interpreter='latex') pylab.xlabel(param_name) pylab.xlim([min(values_float) * 0.5, max(values_float) * 1.5]) # pylab.legend(ncol=legend_ncol,loc=legend_loc,mode="expand") filename_fig = 'fig.moments.stdm1.%s.%s.png' % (config['filename_config'], param_name) pylab.savefig(filename_fig) pylab.close()'saved figure %s' % filename_fig)
def stage_fitplots(T=None, coimgs=None, cons=None, cat=None, targetrd=None, pixscale=None, targetwcs=None, W=None, H=None, bands=None, ps=None, brickid=None, plots=False, plots2=False, tims=None, tractor=None, pipe=None, outdir=None, **kwargs): for tim in tims: print 'Tim', tim, 'PSF', tim.getPsf() writeModels = False if pipe: t0 = Time() # Produce per-band coadds, for plots coimgs, cons = compute_coadds(tims, bands, targetwcs) print 'Coadds:', Time() - t0 plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10.5)) #plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.002, right=0.998, bottom=0.002, top=0.998) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.002, right=0.998, bottom=0.002, top=0.95) plt.clf() dimshow(get_rgb(coimgs, bands)) plt.title('Image') ps.savefig() ax = plt.axis() cat = tractor.getCatalog() for i, src in enumerate(cat): rd = src.getPosition() ok, x, y = targetwcs.radec2pixelxy(rd.ra, rd.dec) cc = (0, 1, 0) if isinstance(src, PointSource): plt.plot(x - 1, y - 1, '+', color=cc, ms=10, mew=1.5) else: plt.plot(x - 1, y - 1, 'o', mec=cc, mfc='none', ms=10, mew=1.5) # plt.text(x, y, '%i' % i, color=cc, ha='center', va='bottom') plt.axis(ax) ps.savefig() mnmx = -5, 300 arcsinha = dict(mnmx=mnmx, arcsinh=1) # After plot rgbmod = [] rgbmod2 = [] rgbresids = [] rgbchisqs = [] chibins = np.linspace(-10., 10., 200) chihist = [np.zeros(len(chibins) - 1, int) for band in bands] wcsW = targetwcs.get_width() wcsH = targetwcs.get_height() print 'Target WCS shape', wcsW, wcsH t0 = Time() mods = _map(_get_mod, [(tim, cat) for tim in tims]) print 'Getting model images:', Time() - t0 orig_wcsxy0 = [tim.wcs.getX0Y0() for tim in tims] for iband, band in enumerate(bands): coimg = coimgs[iband] comod = np.zeros((wcsH, wcsW), np.float32) comod2 = np.zeros((wcsH, wcsW), np.float32) cochi2 = np.zeros((wcsH, wcsW), np.float32) for itim, (tim, mod) in enumerate(zip(tims, mods)): if != band: continue #mod = tractor.getModelImage(tim) if plots2: plt.clf() dimshow(tim.getImage(), **tim.ima) plt.title( ps.savefig() plt.clf() dimshow(mod, **tim.ima) plt.title( ps.savefig() plt.clf() dimshow((tim.getImage() - mod) * tim.getInvError(), **imchi) plt.title( ps.savefig() R = tim_get_resamp(tim, targetwcs) if R is None: continue (Yo, Xo, Yi, Xi) = R comod[Yo, Xo] += mod[Yi, Xi] ie = tim.getInvError() noise = np.random.normal(size=ie.shape) / ie noise[ie == 0] = 0. comod2[Yo, Xo] += mod[Yi, Xi] + noise[Yi, Xi] chi = ((tim.getImage()[Yi, Xi] - mod[Yi, Xi]) * tim.getInvError()[Yi, Xi]) cochi2[Yo, Xo] += chi**2 chi = chi[chi != 0.] hh, xe = np.histogram(np.clip(chi, -10, 10).ravel(), bins=chibins) chihist[iband] += hh if not writeModels: continue im = tim.imobj fn = 'image-b%06i-%s-%s.fits' % (brickid, band, wcsfn = create_temp() wcs = tim.getWcs().wcs x0, y0 = orig_wcsxy0[itim] h, w = tim.shape subwcs = wcs.get_subimage(int(x0), int(y0), w, h) subwcs.write_to(wcsfn) primhdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() primhdr.add_record( dict(name='X0', value=x0, comment='Pixel origin of subimage')) primhdr.add_record( dict(name='Y0', value=y0, comment='Pixel origin of subimage')) xfn = im.wcsfn.replace(decals_dir + '/', '') primhdr.add_record(dict(name='WCS_FILE', value=xfn)) xfn = im.psffn.replace(decals_dir + '/', '') primhdr.add_record(dict(name='PSF_FILE', value=xfn)) primhdr.add_record(dict(name='INHERIT', value=True)) imhdr = fitsio.read_header(wcsfn) imhdr.add_record( dict(name='EXTTYPE', value='IMAGE', comment='This HDU contains image data')) ivhdr = fitsio.read_header(wcsfn) ivhdr.add_record( dict(name='EXTTYPE', value='INVVAR', comment='This HDU contains an inverse-variance map')) fits = fitsio.FITS(fn, 'rw', clobber=True) tim.toFits(fits, primheader=primhdr, imageheader=imhdr, invvarheader=ivhdr) imhdr.add_record( dict(name='EXTTYPE', value='MODEL', comment='This HDU contains a Tractor model image')) fits.write(mod, header=imhdr) print 'Wrote image and model to', fn comod /= np.maximum(cons[iband], 1) comod2 /= np.maximum(cons[iband], 1) rgbmod.append(comod) rgbmod2.append(comod2) resid = coimg - comod resid[cons[iband] == 0] = np.nan rgbresids.append(resid) rgbchisqs.append(cochi2) # Plug the WCS header cards into these images wcsfn = create_temp() targetwcs.write_to(wcsfn) hdr = fitsio.read_header(wcsfn) os.remove(wcsfn) if outdir is None: outdir = '.' wa = dict(clobber=True, header=hdr) for name, img in [('image', coimg), ('model', comod), ('resid', resid), ('chi2', cochi2)]: fn = os.path.join(outdir, '%s-coadd-%06i-%s.fits' % (name, brickid, band)) fitsio.write(fn, img, **wa) print 'Wrote', fn del cons plt.clf() dimshow(get_rgb(rgbmod, bands)) plt.title('Model') ps.savefig() plt.clf() dimshow(get_rgb(rgbmod2, bands)) plt.title('Model + Noise') ps.savefig() plt.clf() dimshow(get_rgb(rgbresids, bands)) plt.title('Residuals') ps.savefig() plt.clf() dimshow(get_rgb(rgbresids, bands, mnmx=(-30, 30))) plt.title('Residuals (2)') ps.savefig() plt.clf() dimshow(get_rgb(coimgs, bands, **arcsinha)) plt.title('Image (stretched)') ps.savefig() plt.clf() dimshow(get_rgb(rgbmod2, bands, **arcsinha)) plt.title('Model + Noise (stretched)') ps.savefig() del coimgs del rgbresids del rgbmod del rgbmod2 plt.clf() g, r, z = rgbchisqs im = np.log10(np.dstack((z, r, g))) mn, mx = 0, im.max() dimshow(np.clip((im - mn) / (mx - mn), 0., 1.)) plt.title('Chi-squared') ps.savefig() plt.clf() xx = np.repeat(chibins, 2)[1:-1] for y, cc in zip(chihist, 'grm'): plt.plot(xx, np.repeat(np.maximum(0.1, y), 2), '-', color=cc) plt.xlabel('Chi') plt.yticks([]) plt.axvline(0., color='k', alpha=0.25) ps.savefig() plt.yscale('log') mx = np.max([max(y) for y in chihist]) plt.ylim(1, mx * 1.05) ps.savefig() return dict(tims=tims)
color='gold', label='JADE') scatter(planilha['Pluto']['x'], planilha['Pluto']['y'], color='red', label='PLUTO') scatter(planilha['Tasso']['x'], planilha['Tasso']['y'], color='lime', label='TASSO') scatter(planilha['MarkJ']['x'], planilha['MarkJ']['y'], color='violet', label='MARK-J') yscale('log') grid(True, linestyle='--') legend() xlabel('$\sqrt{s}$ (GeV)', fontsize=20) ylabel('$\sigma$ (pb)', fontsize=20) show() # Parte 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- barber = read_csv('barber.csv') y = (10**(-3)) * (4 * pi * hc2 * alpha2 / 3) * (x**(-2)) plot(x, y, color='navy', label='Previsão do Modelo') errorbar(barber['x'],
# import libraries import numpy, pylab from pylab import * # plot DOF convergence graph pylab.yscale("log") pylab.title("Error convergence") pylab.xlabel("Degrees of freedom") pylab.ylabel("Error [%]") axis('equal') data = numpy.loadtxt("conv_dof_exact.dat") x = data[:, 0] y = data[:, 1] loglog(x, y, '-s', label="error (exact)") data = numpy.loadtxt("conv_dof_est.dat") x = data[:, 0] y = data[:, 1] loglog(x, y, '-s', label="error (est)") legend() # initialize new window pylab.figure() # plot CPU convergence graph pylab.yscale("log") pylab.title("Error convergence") pylab.xlabel("CPU time (s)") pylab.ylabel("Error [%]") axis('equal') data = numpy.loadtxt("conv_cpu_exact.dat") x = data[:, 0]
# Plot best-fit result (radio) P.subplot(121) P.plot(L_radio, radio_lumfn(L_radio, pcur), 'r-', lw=1.8) P.plot(L_radio, radio_lumfn(L_radio, p0), 'b-', lw=1.8) # Symmetrise radio errors logerr_radio = 0.5 * (np.abs(errp_radio) + np.abs(errm_radio)) err_radio = Phi_radio * (10.**logerr_radio - 1.) P.errorbar(L_radio, Phi_radio, yerr=err_radio, color='k', marker='.', ls='none') #P.errorbar(L_data, phi_data, yerr=[errp, np.abs(errm)], color='k', marker='.') P.yscale('log') P.xscale('log') # Plot best-fit result (optical) P.subplot(122) P.plot(mag_gama, optical_lumfn(mag_gama, BAND, pcur), 'r-', lw=1.8) P.plot(mag_gama, optical_lumfn(mag_gama, BAND, p0), 'b-', lw=1.8) P.errorbar(mag_gama, Phi_gama, yerr=err_gama, color='k', marker='.', ls='none') P.gca().invert_xaxis() #P.errorbar(L_data, phi_data, yerr=[errp, np.abs(errm)], color='k', marker='.') P.yscale('log') #P.xscale('log') P.tight_layout()
def _data_plot(models, X, Y, **kwargs): with_legend = False use = [0, 0, 0] if isinstance(X, basestring): X = [X, None] if isinstance(Y, basestring): Y = [Y, None] x_prop, x_units = X y_prop, y_units = Y ret_list = [] every = kwargs.pop('every', 1) upto = kwargs.pop('upto', len(models)) mark_images = kwargs.pop('mark_images', True) hilite_model = kwargs.pop('hilite_model', None) hilite_color = kwargs.pop('hilite_color', 'm') yscale = kwargs.pop('yscale', 'log') xscale = kwargs.pop('xscale', 'linear') xlabel = kwargs.pop('xlabel', None) ylabel = kwargs.pop('ylabel', None) kwargs.setdefault('color', 'k') kwargs.setdefault('marker', '.') kwargs.setdefault('ls', '-') normal_kw = {'zorder': 0, 'drawstyle': 'steps', 'alpha': 1.0} hilite_kw = { 'zorder': 1000, 'drawstyle': 'steps', 'alpha': 1.0, 'lw': 4, 'ls': '--' } accepted_kw = {'zorder': 500, 'drawstyle': 'steps', 'alpha': 0.5} normal = [] hilite = [] accepted = [] #imgs = set() imgs = defaultdict(set) xmin, xmax = np.inf, -np.inf ymin, ymax = np.inf, -np.inf objplot = defaultdict(dict) for mi in xrange(0, upto, every): m = models[mi] si = m.get('accepted', 2) tag = '' if si == False: tag = 'rejected' if si == True: tag = 'accepted' for [obj, data] in m['obj,data']: try: xs = data[x_prop][x_units] ys = data[y_prop][y_units] xlabel = _axis_label(xs, x_units) if not xlabel else None ylabel = _axis_label(ys, y_units) if not ylabel else None objplot[obj].setdefault(tag, {'ys': [], 'xs': None}) objplot[obj][tag]['ys'].append(ys) objplot[obj][tag]['xs'] = xs #objplot[obj].setdefault('%s:xs'%tag, xs) #objplot[obj].setdefault('%s:ymax'%tag, ys) #objplot[obj].setdefault('%s:ymin'%tag, ys) #objplot[obj].setdefault('%s:ysum'%tag, np.zeros_like(ys)) #objplot[obj].setdefault('%s:count'%tag, 0) #objplot[obj]['%s:ymax'%tag] = np.amax((objplot[obj]['%s:ymax'%tag], ys), axis=0) #objplot[obj]['%s:ymin'%tag] = np.amin((objplot[obj]['%s:ymin'%tag], ys), axis=0) #objplot[obj]['%s:ysum'%tag] += ys #objplot[obj]['%s:count'%tag] += 1 if mark_images: for i, src in enumerate(obj.sources): for img in src.images: imgs[i].add( convert('arcsec to %s' % x_units, np.abs(img.pos), obj.dL, data['nu'])) except KeyError as bad_key: Log("Missing information for object %s with key %s. Skipping plot." % (, bad_key)) continue use[si] = 1 s = _styles[si] #xmin, xmax = min(xmin, amin(data[X])), max(xmax, amax(data[X])) #ymin, ymax = min(ymin, amin(data[Y])), max(ymax, amax(data[Y])) for i, tag in enumerate(['rejected', 'accepted', '']): for k, v in objplot.iteritems(): if tag not in v: break ys = np.array(v[tag]['ys']) xs = np.repeat(np.atleast_2d(v[tag]['xs']), len(ys), axis=0) ret_list.append([xs, ys]) if tag == 'rejected': pl.plot(xs, ys, c=_styles[0]['c'], zorder=_styles[0]['z']) else: pl.plot(xs.T, ys.T, **kwargs) # return pl.yscale(yscale) pl.xscale(xscale) si = style_iterator() for k, v in imgs.iteritems(): lw, ls, c = for img_pos in v: pl.axvline(img_pos, c=c, ls=ls, lw=lw, zorder=-2, alpha=0.5) # if use[0] or use[1]: # lines = [s['line'] for s,u in zip(_styles, use) if u] # labels = [s['label'] for s,u in zip(_styles, use) if u] # pl.legend(lines, labels) if use[0]: lines = [_styles[0]['line']] labels = [_styles[0]['label']] pl.legend(lines, labels) #axis('scaled') if xlabel: pl.xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel: pl.ylabel(ylabel) pl.xlim(xmin=pl.xlim()[0] - 0.01 * (pl.xlim()[1] - pl.xlim()[0])) #pl.ylim(0, ymax) return ret_list
######################################################################################################################## cancer = load_breast_cancer() X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(,, random_state=0) svc = SVC(), y_train) print("Accuracy on training set: {:.2f}".format(svc.score(X_train, y_train))) print("Accuracy on test set: {:.2f}".format(svc.score(X_test, y_test))) plt.boxplot(X_train, manage_xticks=False) plt.yscale("symlog") plt.xlabel("Feature index") plt.ylabel("Feature magnitude") # Compute the minimum value per feature on the training set min_on_training = X_train.min(axis=0) # Compute the range of each feature (max - min) on the training set range_on_training = (X_train - min_on_training).max(axis=0) # subtract the min, divide by range # afterward, min=0 and max=1 for each feature X_train_scaled = (X_train - min_on_training) / range_on_training print("Minimum for each feature\n{}".format(X_train_scaled.min(axis=0))) print("Maximum for each feature\n {}".format(X_train_scaled.max(axis=0))) # use THE SAME transformation on the test set,
def tikhonov_result_out(W, lc, M, folder_name): if not os.path.isdir(folder_name): os.mkdir(folder_name) mprior = np.zeros(M) #prior lamb = 0.1 # regularization parameter start = time.time() U, S, VT = np.linalg.svd(W) elapsed_time = time.time() - start"elapsed_time (SVD):%f [sec]", elapsed_time) nlcurve = 30 lmin = 0.1 lmax = 100.0 lamseq = np.logspace(np.log10(lmin), np.log10(lmax), num=nlcurve) modelnormseq = [] residualseq = [] curveseq = [] for lamb in lamseq: mest, dpre, residual, modelnorm, curv_lcurve = tikhonov_regularization( W, lc, mprior, U, VT, S, lamb) modelnormseq.append(modelnorm) residualseq.append(residual) curveseq.append(curv_lcurve) logger.debug("lambda:%f, curv_lcurve: %f", lamb, curv_lcurve) residualseq = np.array(residualseq) modelnormseq = np.array(modelnormseq) imax = np.argmax(curveseq) lamb = lamseq[imax]"Best lambda:%f", lamb) #define small and large lambda cases ismall = imax - 7 if ismall < 0: ismall = 0 ilarge = imax + 9 if ilarge > len(residualseq) - 1: ilarge = len(residualseq) - 1 #plot a L-curve fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3)) ax = fig.add_subplot(121) pylab.xscale('log') pylab.yscale('log') pylab.ylabel("Norm of Model", fontsize=12) pylab.xlabel("Norm of Prediction Error", fontsize=12) ax.plot(residualseq, modelnormseq, marker=".", c="gray") ax.plot([residualseq[imax]], [modelnormseq[imax]], marker="o", c="green") ax.plot([residualseq[ismall]], [modelnormseq[ismall]], marker="s", c="red") ax.plot([residualseq[ilarge]], [modelnormseq[ilarge]], marker="^", c="blue") plt.tick_params(labelsize=12) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) pylab.xscale('log') pylab.ylabel("Curvature", fontsize=12) pylab.xlabel("Norm of Prediction Error", fontsize=12) ax2.plot(residualseq, curveseq, marker=".", c="gray") ax2.plot([residualseq[imax]], [curveseq[imax]], marker="o", c="green") plt.tick_params(labelsize=12) plt.savefig(folder_name + "others/lcurve.pdf", bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0.0) plt.close() #getting maps! mest_lbest, dpre, residual, modelnorm, curv_lcurve = tikhonov_regularization( W, lc, mprior, U, VT, S, lamb) mest_ls, dpre, residual, modelnorm, curv_lcurve = tikhonov_regularization( W, lc, mprior, U, VT, S, lamseq[ismall]) mest_ll, dpre, residual, modelnorm, curv_lcurve = tikhonov_regularization( W, lc, mprior, U, VT, S, lamseq[ilarge]) dpi = 200 #best map output = io.StringIO() sys.stdout = output hp.mollview(mest_lbest, title="", flip="geo",, min=0, max=1.0) hp.graticule(color="white") plt.savefig(folder_name + "others/best_kw.pdf", dpi=dpi, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() logger.debug("Fit finished") + "model/best_tik", mest_lbest) # too small lambda hp.mollview(mest_ls, title="", flip="geo", hp.graticule(color="white") plt.savefig(folder_name + "others/small_lam_kw.pdf", dpi=dpi, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() + "model/too_small_tik", mest_ls) # too large lambda hp.mollview(mest_ll, title="", flip="geo", hp.graticule(color="white") plt.savefig(folder_name + "others/large_lam_kw.pdf", dpi=dpi, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() + "model/too_large_tik", mest_ll) sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
def _data_error_plot(models, X, Y, **kwargs): with_legend = False use = [0, 0, 0] if isinstance(X, basestring): X = [X, None] if isinstance(Y, basestring): Y = [Y, None] x_prop, x_units = X y_prop, y_units = Y ret_list = [] every = kwargs.pop('every', 1) upto = kwargs.pop('upto', len(models)) mark_images = kwargs.pop('mark_images', True) hilite_model = kwargs.pop('hilite_model', None) hilite_color = kwargs.pop('hilite_color', 'm') yscale = kwargs.pop('yscale', 'log') xscale = kwargs.pop('xscale', 'linear') xlabel = kwargs.pop('xlabel', None) ylabel = kwargs.pop('ylabel', None) sigma = kwargs.pop('sigma', '1sigma') kwargs.setdefault('color', 'k') kwargs.setdefault('marker', '.') kwargs.setdefault('ls', '-') normal_kw = {'zorder': 0, 'drawstyle': 'steps', 'alpha': 1.0} hilite_kw = { 'zorder': 1000, 'drawstyle': 'steps', 'alpha': 1.0, 'lw': 4, 'ls': '--' } accepted_kw = {'zorder': 500, 'drawstyle': 'steps', 'alpha': 0.5} normal = [] hilite = [] accepted = [] #imgs = set() imgs = defaultdict(set) xmin, xmax = np.inf, -np.inf ymin, ymax = np.inf, -np.inf objplot = defaultdict(dict) for mi in xrange(0, upto, every): m = models[mi] si = m.get('accepted', 2) #print si tag = '' if si == False: tag = 'rejected' if si == True: tag = 'accepted' for [obj, data] in m['obj,data']: try: xs = data[x_prop][x_units] ys = data[y_prop][y_units] xlabel = _axis_label(xs, x_units) if not xlabel else xlabel ylabel = _axis_label(ys, y_units) if not ylabel else ylabel objplot[obj].setdefault(tag, {'ys': [], 'xs': None}) objplot[obj][tag]['ys'].append(ys) objplot[obj][tag]['xs'] = xs #objplot[obj].setdefault('%s:xs'%tag, xs) #objplot[obj].setdefault('%s:ymax'%tag, ys) #objplot[obj].setdefault('%s:ymin'%tag, ys) #objplot[obj].setdefault('%s:ysum'%tag, np.zeros_like(ys)) #objplot[obj].setdefault('%s:count'%tag, 0) #objplot[obj]['%s:ymax'%tag] = np.amax((objplot[obj]['%s:ymax'%tag], ys), axis=0) #objplot[obj]['%s:ymin'%tag] = np.amin((objplot[obj]['%s:ymin'%tag], ys), axis=0) #objplot[obj]['%s:ysum'%tag] += ys #objplot[obj]['%s:count'%tag] += 1 if mark_images: for i, src in enumerate(obj.sources): for img in src.images: imgs[i].add( convert('arcsec to %s' % x_units, np.abs(img.pos), obj.dL, data['nu'])) except KeyError as bad_key: Log("Missing information for object %s with key %s. Skipping plot." % (, bad_key)) continue use[si] = 1 s = _styles[si] #xmin, xmax = min(xmin, amin(data[X])), max(xmax, amax(data[X])) #ymin, ymax = min(ymin, amin(data[Y])), max(ymax, amax(data[Y])) for i, tag in enumerate(['rejected', 'accepted', '']): for k, v in objplot.iteritems(): if tag not in v: break #if not v.has_key('%s:count'%tag): break avg, errp, errm = dist_range(v[tag]['ys'], sigma=sigma) errp = errp - avg errm = avg - errm #s = np.sort(v[tag]['ys'], axis=0) #avg = s[len(s)//2] if len(s)%2==1 else (s[len(s)//2] + s[len(s)//2+1])/2 #print s #avg = np.median(v[tag]['ys'], axis=0) #print avg #print np.median(v[tag]['ys'], axis=1) #errp = s[len(s) * .841] - avg #errm = avg - s[len(s) * .159] #errp = np.amax(v[tag]['ys'], axis=0) - avg #errm = avg - np.amin(v[tag]['ys'], axis=0) #errp = errm = np.std(v[tag]['ys'], axis=0, dtype=np.float64) xs = v[tag]['xs'] # print [x[1] for x in v[tag]['ys']] # pl.hist([x[1] for x in v[tag]['ys']]) # break #avg = v['%s:ysum'%tag] / v['%s:count'%tag] #errp = v['%s:ymax'%tag]-avg #errm = avg-v['%s:ymin'%tag] #errm = errp = np.std( #print len(v['xs']) #print len(avg) #assert 0 #print len(xs) #print len(avg) ret_list.append([xs, avg, errm, errp]) yerr = (errm, errp) if not np.all(errm == errp) else None if tag == 'rejected': pl.errorbar(xs, avg, yerr=yerr, c=_styles[0]['c'], zorder=_styles[0]['z']) else: pl.errorbar(xs, avg, yerr=yerr, **kwargs) # return pl.xscale(xscale) pl.yscale(yscale) si = style_iterator() for k, v in imgs.iteritems(): lw, ls, c = for img_pos in v: pl.axvline(img_pos, c=c, ls=ls, lw=lw, zorder=-2, alpha=0.5) # if use[0] or use[1]: # lines = [s['line'] for s,u in zip(_styles, use) if u] # labels = [s['label'] for s,u in zip(_styles, use) if u] # pl.legend(lines, labels) if use[0]: lines = [_styles[0]['line']] labels = [_styles[0]['label']] pl.legend(lines, labels) #axis('scaled') if xlabel: pl.xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel: pl.ylabel(ylabel) pl.xlim(xmin=pl.xlim()[0] - 0.01 * (pl.xlim()[1] - pl.xlim()[0])) #pl.ylim(0, ymax) return ret_list
def apphot_ps1stars(ccd, ps, apertures, survey, sky_inner_r=40, sky_outer_r=50): im = survey.get_image_object(ccd) tim = im.get_tractor_image(gaussPsf=True, splinesky=True) img = tim.getImage() wcs = tim.subwcs magrange = (15, 21) ps1 = ps1cat(ccdwcs=wcs) ps1 = ps1.get_stars(magrange=magrange) print 'Got', len(ps1), 'PS1 stars' band = ccd.filter piband = ps1cat.ps1band[band] print 'band:', band ps1.cut(ps1.nmag_ok[:, piband] > 0) print 'Keeping', len(ps1), 'stars with nmag_ok' ok, x, y = wcs.radec2pixelxy(ps1.ra, ps1.dec) apxy = np.vstack((x - 1., y - 1.)).T ap = [] aperr = [] nmasked = [] with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): ie = tim.getInvError() imsigma = 1. / ie imsigma[ie == 0] = 0 mask = (imsigma == 0) for rad in apertures: aper = photutils.CircularAperture(apxy, rad) p = photutils.aperture_photometry(img, aper, error=imsigma, mask=mask) aperr.append(p.field('aperture_sum_err')) ap.append(p.field('aperture_sum')) p = photutils.aperture_photometry((ie == 0), aper) nmasked.append(p.field('aperture_sum')) ap = np.vstack(ap).T aperr = np.vstack(aperr).T nmasked = np.vstack(nmasked).T print 'Aperture fluxes:', ap[:5] print 'Aperture flux errors:', aperr[:5] print 'Nmasked:', nmasked[:5] H, W = img.shape sky = [] skysigma = [] skymed = [] skynmasked = [] for xi, yi in zip(x, y): ix = int(np.round(xi)) iy = int(np.round(yi)) skyR = sky_outer_r xlo = max(0, ix - skyR) xhi = min(W, ix + skyR + 1) ylo = max(0, iy - skyR) yhi = min(H, iy + skyR + 1) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(xlo, xhi), np.arange(ylo, yhi)) r2 = (xx - xi)**2 + (yy - yi)**2 inannulus = ((r2 >= sky_inner_r**2) * (r2 < sky_outer_r**2)) unmasked = (ie[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi] > 0) #sky.append(np.median(img[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi][inannulus * unmasked])) skypix = img[ylo:yhi, xlo:xhi][inannulus * unmasked] # this is the default value... nsigma = 4. goodpix, lo, hi = sigmaclip(skypix, low=nsigma, high=nsigma) # sigmaclip returns unclipped pixels, lo,hi, where lo,hi are # mean(goodpix) +- nsigma * sigma meansky = np.mean(goodpix) sky.append(meansky) skysigma.append((meansky - lo) / nsigma) skymed.append(np.median(skypix)) skynmasked.append(np.sum(inannulus * np.logical_not(unmasked))) sky = np.array(sky) skysigma = np.array(skysigma) skymed = np.array(skymed) skynmasked = np.array(skynmasked) print 'sky', sky[:5] print 'median sky', skymed[:5] print 'sky sigma', skysigma[:5] psmag = ps1.median[:, piband] ap2 = ap - sky[:, np.newaxis] * (np.pi * apertures**2)[np.newaxis, :] if ps is not None: plt.clf() nstars, naps = ap.shape for iap in range(naps): plt.plot(psmag, ap[:, iap], 'b.') #for iap in range(naps): # plt.plot(psmag, ap2[:,iap], 'r.') plt.yscale('symlog') plt.xlabel('PS1 %s mag' % band) plt.ylabel('DECam Aperture Flux') #plt.plot(psmag, nmasked[:,-1], 'ro') plt.plot(np.vstack((psmag, psmag)), np.vstack((np.zeros_like(psmag), nmasked[:, -1])), 'r-', alpha=0.5) plt.ylim(0, 1e3) ps.savefig() plt.clf() plt.plot(ap.T / np.max(ap, axis=1), '.') plt.ylim(0, 1) ps.savefig() plt.clf() dimshow(tim.getImage(), **tim.ima) ax = plt.axis() plt.plot(x, y, 'o', mec='r', mfc='none', ms=10) plt.axis(ax) ps.savefig() color = ps1_to_decam(ps1.median, band) print 'Color terms:', color T = fits_table() T.apflux = ap.astype(np.float32) T.apfluxerr = aperr.astype(np.float32) T.apnmasked = nmasked.astype(np.int16) # Zero out the errors when pixels are masked T.apfluxerr[T.apnmasked > 0] = 0. #T.apflux2 = ap2.astype(np.float32) = sky.astype(np.float32) T.skysigma = skysigma.astype(np.float32) T.expnum = np.array([ccd.expnum] * len(T)) T.ccdname = np.array([ccd.ccdname] * len(T)).astype('S3') = np.array([band] * len(T)) T.ps1_objid = ps1.obj_id T.ps1_mag = psmag + color T.ra = ps1.ra T.dec = ps1.dec T.tai = np.array([tim.time.toMjd()] * len(T)).astype(np.float32) T.airmass = np.array([tim.primhdr['AIRMASS']] * len(T)).astype(np.float32) T.x = (x + tim.x0).astype(np.float32) T.y = (y + tim.y0).astype(np.float32) if False: plt.clf() plt.plot(skymed, sky, 'b.') plt.xlabel('sky median') plt.ylabel('sigma-clipped sky') ax = plt.axis() lo, hi = min(ax), max(ax) plt.plot([lo, hi], [lo, hi], 'k-', alpha=0.25) plt.axis(ax) ps.savefig() return T, tim.primhdr
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) lw = 0.5 plt.clf() plt.plot(f2, rD, linewidth=lw) plt.title("Signal") plt.xlabel("Frequency [MHz]") plt.ylabel("Temperature [K]") plt.savefig("signal.png") plt.clf() plt.plot(f2, np.abs(np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(rD))), linewidth=lw) plt.title("Signal FFT") plt.xlabel("Frequency [MHz]") plt.ylabel("Temperature [K]") plt.yscale("log") plt.savefig("signal_fft.png") plt.clf() plt.plot(f2, filter(rD), linewidth=lw) plt.title("Filtered Signal") plt.xlabel("Frequency [MHz]") plt.ylabel("Temperature [K]") plt.savefig("filtered_low.png") plt.clf() plt.plot(f2, np.abs(np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(filter(rD)))), linewidth=lw) plt.title("Filtered Signal FFT") plt.xlabel("Frequency [MHz]") plt.ylabel("Temperature [K]") plt.yscale("log")
def GasMassFunction(self, G): print('Plotting the cold gas mass function') plt.figure() # New figure ax = plt.subplot(111) # 1 plot on the figure binwidth = 0.1 # mass function histogram bin width # calculate all w = np.where(G.ColdGas > 0.0)[0] mass = np.log10(G.ColdGas[w] * 1.0e10 / self.Hubble_h) sSFR = (G.SfrDisk[w] + G.SfrBulge[w]) / (G.StellarMass[w] * 1.0e10 / self.Hubble_h) mi = np.floor(min(mass)) - 2 ma = np.floor(max(mass)) + 2 NB = (ma - mi) / binwidth (counts, binedges) = np.histogram(mass, range=(mi, ma), bins=NB) # Set the x-axis values to be the centre of the bins xaxeshisto = binedges[:-1] + 0.5 * binwidth # additionally calculate red w = np.where(sSFR < 10.0**sSFRcut)[0] massRED = mass[w] (countsRED, binedges) = np.histogram(massRED, range=(mi, ma), bins=NB) # additionally calculate blue w = np.where(sSFR > 10.0**sSFRcut)[0] massBLU = mass[w] (countsBLU, binedges) = np.histogram(massBLU, range=(mi, ma), bins=NB) # Baldry+ 2008 modified data used for the MCMC fitting Zwaan = np.array([[6.933, -0.333], [7.057, -0.490], [7.209, -0.698], [7.365, -0.667], [7.528, -0.823], [7.647, -0.958], [7.809, -0.917], [7.971, -0.948], [8.112, -0.927], [8.263, -0.917], [8.404, -1.062], [8.566, -1.177], [8.707, -1.177], [8.853, -1.312], [9.010, -1.344], [9.161, -1.448], [9.302, -1.604], [9.448, -1.792], [9.599, -2.021], [9.740, -2.406], [9.897, -2.615], [10.053, -3.031], [10.178, -3.677], [10.335, -4.448], [10.492, -5.083]], dtype=np.float32) ObrRaw = np.array([[7.300, -1.104], [7.576, -1.302], [7.847, -1.250], [8.133, -1.240], [8.409, -1.344], [8.691, -1.479], [8.956, -1.792], [9.231, -2.271], [9.507, -3.198], [9.788, -5.062]], dtype=np.float32) ObrCold = np.array([[8.009, -1.042], [8.215, -1.156], [8.409, -0.990], [8.604, -1.156], [8.799, -1.208], [9.020, -1.333], [9.194, -1.385], [9.404, -1.552], [9.599, -1.677], [9.788, -1.812], [9.999, -2.312], [10.172, -2.656], [10.362, -3.500], [10.551, -3.635], [10.740, -5.010]], dtype=np.float32) ObrCold_xval = np.log10(10**(ObrCold[:, 0]) / self.Hubble_h / self.Hubble_h) ObrCold_yval = (10**(ObrCold[:, 1]) * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h) Zwaan_xval = np.log10(10**(Zwaan[:, 0]) / self.Hubble_h / self.Hubble_h) Zwaan_yval = (10**(Zwaan[:, 1]) * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h) ObrRaw_xval = np.log10(10**(ObrRaw[:, 0]) / self.Hubble_h / self.Hubble_h) ObrRaw_yval = (10**(ObrRaw[:, 1]) * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h) plt.plot(ObrCold_xval, ObrCold_yval, color='black', lw=7, alpha=0.25, label='Obr. \& Raw. 2009 (Cold Gas)') plt.plot(Zwaan_xval, Zwaan_yval, color='cyan', lw=7, alpha=0.25, label='Zwaan et al. 2005 (HI)') plt.plot(ObrRaw_xval, ObrRaw_yval, color='magenta', lw=7, alpha=0.25, label='Obr. \& Raw. 2009 (H2)') # Overplot the model histograms plt.plot(xaxeshisto, counts / self.volume * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h / binwidth, 'k-', label='Model - Cold Gas') plt.yscale('log', nonposy='clip') plt.axis([8.0, 11.5, 1.0e-6, 1.0e-1]) # Set the x-axis minor ticks ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.1)) plt.ylabel( r'$\phi\ (\mathrm{Mpc}^{-3}\ \mathrm{dex}^{-1})$') # Set the y... plt.xlabel(r'$\log_{10} M_{\mathrm{X}}\ (M_{\odot})$' ) # and the x-axis labels leg = plt.legend(loc='lower left', numpoints=1, labelspacing=0.1) leg.draw_frame(False) # Don't want a box frame for t in leg.get_texts(): # Reduce the size of the text t.set_fontsize('medium') outputFile = OutputDir + '3.GasMassFunction' + OutputFormat plt.savefig(outputFile) # Save the figure print('Saved file to', outputFile) plt.close() # Add this plot to our output list OutputList.append(outputFile)
def plot_AM_correlation(mcmodel, startvariances=None, variables=None, trim=0, thin=1, plotcov=True, plotcorrelation=True, plotvalues=True, plotdeviance=False): """Plot correlation or covariance from AdaptativeMetropolis traces. mcmodel -- a pymc MCMC object with a db containing an AdaptativeMetropolis trace. """ oldnumpyerrsettings = numpy.seterr(invalid='ignore') cname = None for key in mcmodel.db.trace_names[-1]: if key.startswith('AdaptiveMetropolis'): cname = key #print cname if cname is None: print "Could not find an AdaptiveMetropolis trace." return Ctrace = mcmodel.db.trace(cname)[trim::thin] indices = numpy.arange(trim, len(mcmodel.db.trace(cname)[:]), thin) ### Figure out order of stochastics. ### positions = [] stochlist = list(mcmodel.stochastics.copy()) icount = 0 olength = len(stochlist) cname = cname.replace('AdaptiveMetropolis', '') while len(stochlist) > 0: icount += 1 stoch = stochlist.pop() print stoch if cname.count(stoch.__name__) == 0: print "Couldn't find %s in %s" % (stoch.__name__, cname) continue positions.append([stoch, cname.find('_' + stoch.__name__)]) # Sort list by position in cname string. positions.sort(key=lambda l: l[1]) stochlist = [l[0] for l in positions] names = [s.__name__ for s in stochlist] title = " ".join(names) print title covlist = [] fig1 = pylab.figure() fig1.subplots_adjust(right=0.7) fig1.set_label('AMcorrelations') ax1 = pylab.gca() divider = make_axes_locatable(ax1) if plotvalues: ax2 = divider.append_axes("bottom", 1.5, pad=0.0, sharex=ax1) if plotdeviance: ax3 = divider.append_axes("top", 1.5, pad=0.0, sharex=ax1) pylab.title(cname) plottedinds = set([]) inds = set(range(Ctrace.shape[1])) colors = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'c', 'm', 'k', 'y'] for (i, stoch) in enumerate(stochlist): if variables is not None: if stoch not in variables: continue plottedinds.add(i) if plotvalues: ax2.plot(indices, mcmodel.db.trace(stoch.__name__)[trim::thin]) if plotdeviance: ax3.plot(indices, mcmodel.db.trace('deviance')[trim::thin]) if not plotcorrelation: lines = pylab.plot(indices, Ctrace[:, i, i]**0.5, alpha='0.5', lw=3.0, label=names[i] + " stdev", color=colors[i]) if startvariances is not None: pylab.axhline(y=startvariances[stoch]**0.5, ls='-', c=lines[0]._color, lw=1.5) else: lines = pylab.plot(indices, (Ctrace[:, i, i] / Ctrace[-1, i, i])**0.5, alpha='0.5', lw=3.0, label=names[i] + " stdev/stdev_final", color=colors[i]) if startvariances is not None: pylab.axhline(y=(startvariances[stoch] / Ctrace[-1, i, i])**0.5, ls='-', c=colors[i], lw=1.5) if not plotcov: continue for j in inds.difference(plottedinds): if plotcorrelation: cov = Ctrace[:, i, j] / (Ctrace[:, i, i]**0.5 * Ctrace[:, j, j]**0.5) mag = abs(cov) else: cov = Ctrace[:, i, j] mag = abs(cov)**0.5 sign = (cov > 0) * 1 + (cov <= 0) * -1 covlist.append([names[i] + ' * ' + names[j], mag[-1], sign[-1]]) pylab.plot(indices, sign * mag, alpha='0.9', lw=3.0, c=colors[i], ls='--') pylab.plot(indices, -sign * mag, alpha='0.9', lw=3.0, c=colors[i], ls=':') pylab.plot(indices, mag, alpha='0.9', lw=1.0, color=colors[j], ls='-', label=names[i] + ' * ' + names[j]) covlist.sort(key=lambda l: l[1], reverse=True) for l in covlist: print "%50s: %.3g" % (l[0], l[1] * l[2]) #pylab.legend(loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.00,1.0,0.25,-1.0)) pylab.legend(loc=(1.0, 0.0)) if plotcorrelation: pylab.ylim(ymin=0) else: pylab.yscale('log') pylab.draw() numpy.seterr(**oldnumpyerrsettings)
def StellarMassFunction(self, G): print('Plotting the stellar mass function') plt.figure() # New figure ax = plt.subplot(111) # 1 plot on the figure binwidth = 0.1 # mass function histogram bin width # calculate all w = np.where(G.StellarMass > 0.0)[0] mass = np.log10(G.StellarMass[w] * 1.0e10 / self.Hubble_h) sSFR = (G.SfrDisk[w] + G.SfrBulge[w]) / (G.StellarMass[w] * 1.0e10 / self.Hubble_h) mi = np.floor(min(mass)) - 2 ma = np.floor(max(mass)) + 2 NB = (ma - mi) / binwidth (counts, binedges) = np.histogram(mass, range=(mi, ma), bins=NB) # Set the x-axis values to be the centre of the bins xaxeshisto = binedges[:-1] + 0.5 * binwidth # additionally calculate red w = np.where(sSFR < 10.0**sSFRcut)[0] massRED = mass[w] (countsRED, binedges) = np.histogram(massRED, range=(mi, ma), bins=NB) # additionally calculate blue w = np.where(sSFR > 10.0**sSFRcut)[0] massBLU = mass[w] (countsBLU, binedges) = np.histogram(massBLU, range=(mi, ma), bins=NB) # Baldry+ 2008 modified data used for the MCMC fitting Baldry = np.array([ [7.05, 1.3531e-01, 6.0741e-02], [7.15, 1.3474e-01, 6.0109e-02], [7.25, 2.0971e-01, 7.7965e-02], [7.35, 1.7161e-01, 3.1841e-02], [7.45, 2.1648e-01, 5.7832e-02], [7.55, 2.1645e-01, 3.9988e-02], [7.65, 2.0837e-01, 4.8713e-02], [7.75, 2.0402e-01, 7.0061e-02], [7.85, 1.5536e-01, 3.9182e-02], [7.95, 1.5232e-01, 2.6824e-02], [8.05, 1.5067e-01, 4.8824e-02], [8.15, 1.3032e-01, 2.1892e-02], [8.25, 1.2545e-01, 3.5526e-02], [8.35, 9.8472e-02, 2.7181e-02], [8.45, 8.7194e-02, 2.8345e-02], [8.55, 7.0758e-02, 2.0808e-02], [8.65, 5.8190e-02, 1.3359e-02], [8.75, 5.6057e-02, 1.3512e-02], [8.85, 5.1380e-02, 1.2815e-02], [8.95, 4.4206e-02, 9.6866e-03], [9.05, 4.1149e-02, 1.0169e-02], [9.15, 3.4959e-02, 6.7898e-03], [9.25, 3.3111e-02, 8.3704e-03], [9.35, 3.0138e-02, 4.7741e-03], [9.45, 2.6692e-02, 5.5029e-03], [9.55, 2.4656e-02, 4.4359e-03], [9.65, 2.2885e-02, 3.7915e-03], [9.75, 2.1849e-02, 3.9812e-03], [9.85, 2.0383e-02, 3.2930e-03], [9.95, 1.9929e-02, 2.9370e-03], [10.05, 1.8865e-02, 2.4624e-03], [10.15, 1.8136e-02, 2.5208e-03], [10.25, 1.7657e-02, 2.4217e-03], [10.35, 1.6616e-02, 2.2784e-03], [10.45, 1.6114e-02, 2.1783e-03], [10.55, 1.4366e-02, 1.8819e-03], [10.65, 1.2588e-02, 1.8249e-03], [10.75, 1.1372e-02, 1.4436e-03], [10.85, 9.1213e-03, 1.5816e-03], [10.95, 6.1125e-03, 9.6735e-04], [11.05, 4.3923e-03, 9.6254e-04], [11.15, 2.5463e-03, 5.0038e-04], [11.25, 1.4298e-03, 4.2816e-04], [11.35, 6.4867e-04, 1.6439e-04], [11.45, 2.8294e-04, 9.9799e-05], [11.55, 1.0617e-04, 4.9085e-05], [11.65, 3.2702e-05, 2.4546e-05], [11.75, 1.2571e-05, 1.2571e-05], [11.85, 8.4589e-06, 8.4589e-06], [11.95, 7.4764e-06, 7.4764e-06], ], dtype=np.float32) # Finally plot the data # plt.errorbar( # Baldry[:, 0], # Baldry[:, 1], # yerr=Baldry[:, 2], # color='g', # linestyle=':', # lw = 1.5, # label='Baldry et al. 2008', # ) Baldry_xval = np.log10(10**Baldry[:, 0] / self.Hubble_h / self.Hubble_h) if (whichimf == 1): Baldry_xval = Baldry_xval - 0.26 # convert back to Chabrier IMF Baldry_yvalU = (Baldry[:, 1] + Baldry[:, 2] ) * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h Baldry_yvalL = (Baldry[:, 1] - Baldry[:, 2] ) * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h plt.fill_between(Baldry_xval, Baldry_yvalU, Baldry_yvalL, facecolor='purple', alpha=0.25, label='Baldry et al. 2008 (z=0.1)') # This next line is just to get the shaded region to appear correctly in the legend plt.plot(xaxeshisto, counts / self.volume * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h / binwidth, label='Baldry et al. 2008', color='purple', alpha=0.3) # # Cole et al. 2001 SMF (h=1.0 converted to h=0.73) # M = np.arange(7.0, 13.0, 0.01) # Mstar = np.log10(7.07*1.0e10 /self.Hubble_h/self.Hubble_h) # alpha = -1.18 # phistar = 0.009 *self.Hubble_h*self.Hubble_h*self.Hubble_h # xval = 10.0 ** (M-Mstar) # yval = np.log(10.) * phistar * xval ** (alpha+1) * np.exp(-xval) # plt.plot(M, yval, 'g--', lw=1.5, label='Cole et al. 2001') # Plot the SMF # Overplot the model histograms plt.plot(xaxeshisto, counts / self.volume * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h / binwidth, 'k-', label='Model - All') plt.plot(xaxeshisto, countsRED / self.volume * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h / binwidth, 'r:', lw=2, label='Model - Red') plt.plot(xaxeshisto, countsBLU / self.volume * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h / binwidth, 'b:', lw=2, label='Model - Blue') plt.yscale('log', nonposy='clip') plt.axis([8.0, 12.5, 1.0e-6, 1.0e-1]) # Set the x-axis minor ticks ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.1)) plt.ylabel( r'$\phi\ (\mathrm{Mpc}^{-3}\ \mathrm{dex}^{-1})$') # Set the y... plt.xlabel(r'$\log_{10} M_{\mathrm{stars}}\ (M_{\odot})$' ) # and the x-axis labels plt.text(12.2, 0.03, whichsimulation, size='large') leg = plt.legend(loc='lower left', numpoints=1, labelspacing=0.1) leg.draw_frame(False) # Don't want a box frame for t in leg.get_texts(): # Reduce the size of the text t.set_fontsize('medium') outputFile = OutputDir + '1.StellarMassFunction' + OutputFormat plt.savefig(outputFile) # Save the figure print('Saved file to', outputFile) plt.close() # Add this plot to our output list OutputList.append(outputFile)
def weak_bounds(): pylab.ion() pylab.figure(1, figsize=figsize) pylab.clf() qvec = [0.001, 0.01, 0.1] m = np.logspace(0, 5) pylab.loglog(m, m, 'k:', linewidth=lw) cvec = ['b', 'c', 'g'] """ for (q, c) in zip(qvec, cvec): K = np.log(q)/np.log(1-q) M = np.linspace(1, K) MM = np.logspace(np.log10(M[-1]), 5) SS = np.zeros(len(MM)) + K SS[MM < K] = MM[MM < K] SS[MM > 2**K] += np.log2(MM[MM > 2**K] - K) pylab.loglog(MM, SS, c + '-', linewidth=1) """ for (q, c) in zip(qvec, cvec): K = np.log(q) / np.log(1 - q) print q, K M = np.linspace(1, K) S = (1 - q - (1 - q)**M) / q MM = np.array(M.tolist() + np.logspace(np.log10(M[-1]), 5).tolist()) SS = np.array(S.tolist() + [S[-1]] * 50) SL = SS * 0 + K SL[MM < K] = MM[MM < K] SL[MM > 2**K] += np.log2(MM[MM > 2**K] - K) pylab.fill_between(MM, SL, SS, color=c, alpha=0.2) A = 1 for (q, c) in zip(qvec, cvec): p = 1 - q R = np.log(q) / np.log(1 - q) B = p**np.arange(1, R) D = np.ones(len(B)) B = np.concatenate([B, q * p**np.arange(0, R)]) D = np.concatenate([D, np.arange(R)]) for pow in range(2, 88): B = np.concatenate([B, q**pow * p**np.arange(0, R)]) D = np.concatenate([D, sm.comb(np.arange(R), pow)]) assert len(B) == len(D), 'len(B) != len(D)' if len(B) > 10**8: print pow, 'breaking' break B = np.concatenate(([1], B)) D = np.concatenate(([1], D)) i = B.argsort()[::-1] B = (D[i] * B[i]).cumsum() D = D[i].cumsum() j = np.nonzero((D >= A) & (D <= 10**5))[0] #pylab.loglog(np.arange(A, 100001), A*C[np.arange(A-1, 100000)/A]) pylab.loglog(D[j], A * B[j / A], c, linewidth=lw) pylab.draw() pylab.loglog(m, np.log2(m + 1), 'purple', linewidth=lw) pylab.yscale('log') pylab.xscale('log') #pylab.loglog(MM, SS, c + '-', linewidth=1) pylab.xlabel('Number of cores $(J)$', fontsize=fs) pylab.ylabel('Expected speedup $(E[S_J])$', fontsize=fs) pylab.title('Expected speedup with simple bounds', fontsize=fs) pylab.legend(['$E[S_J] = J$'] + [('$q = %1.4f' % q).strip('0') + '$' for q in qvec] + ['$E[S_J] = \log_2 (J+1)$'], loc='upper left', fontsize=fs) pylab.xticks(fontsize=fs) pylab.yticks(fontsize=fs) pylab.axis((1, 10**4, 1, 10**4)) pylab.savefig('../figs/expected-speedup.pdf')
def main(): if (len(sys.argv) != 5): print() print("##################################") print("Ariel J. Amsellem") print("*****@*****.**") print("KICP UChicago") print("##################################\n") print( " - Run Multinest on Sigmag Measurements to determine measure of best fit with errors." ) print( "Usage: python [output directory/file name] [data filename] [color] [plot label/title]" ) print( "Example: python Fiducial_RM splashback_cov_Fiducial_RM.npz r Fiducial_Redmapper" ) sys.exit(0) out_directory = str(sys.argv[1]) dat_filename = str(sys.argv[2]) color = str(sys.argv[3]) label = str(sys.argv[4]) label = label.replace("_", " ") # Scipy Minimization # Load Data data = np.load( '/Users/arielamsellem/Desktop/Research/splashback_codes_master/npzs/' + dat_filename) sigmag = data['sg_mean'] sigmag_sig = data['sg_sig'] sigmag_cov = data['cov'] rperp = data['r_data'] # Priors log_alpha = -0.32085983 - 0.1 log_beta = 0.16309539 log_gamma = 0.64815634 log_r_s = 0.85387196 - 0.1 log_r_t = 0.08325509 log_rho_0 = -0.8865869 - 0.5 log_rho_s = -0.19838697 - 0.3 se = 1.3290722 ln_mis = -1.146114384 f_mis = 0.15857366 # Chihway: alpha, beta, gamma, r_s, r_t, rho_0, rho_s, se, ln_mis, f_mis params = np.array([ log_alpha, log_beta, log_gamma, log_r_s, log_r_t, log_rho_0, log_rho_s, se, ln_mis, f_mis ]) # Minimized Splashback Model of Data print('Running Scipy Minimize...') print('') nll = lambda *args: -1 * lnlikelihood(*args) p0 = params.copy() bounds = ((None, None), (None, None), (None, None), (np.log10(0.1 / h0), np.log10(5.0 / h0)), (np.log10(0.1 / h0), np.log10(5.0 / h0)), (None, None), (None, None), (-10., 10.), (np.log(0.01), np.log(0.99)), (0.01, 0.99)) data_vec = sigmag.copy() invcov = np.linalg.inv(sigmag_cov.copy()) args = (rperp, z, data_vec, invcov, h0, 1) result = op.minimize(nll, p0, args=args, options={'maxiter': 200}, bounds=bounds) best_params = result.x best_lnlike = # Scipy Stats model = Sigmag(rperp, z, best_params, h0, 1) diff = data_vec - model chisq_min =,, diff)) # Defining the Multinest Function def run_multinest(rperp, sigmag, invcov, splashback, outfile): def Prior(cube, ndim, nparams): # Sigma Values are from Chang 2018 Table 2. Each sigma is half a prior range cube[0] = gaussian(np.log10(0.19), 0.2, cube[0]) # log(alpha) cube[1] = gaussian(np.log10(6.), 0.2, cube[1]) # log(beta) cube[2] = gaussian(np.log10(4.), 0.2, cube[2]) # log(gamma) cube[3] = uniform(0.1, 5., cube[3]) # r_s cube[4] = uniform(0.1, 5., cube[4]) # r_t cube[5] = uniform(0., 10., cube[5]) # rho_0 cube[6] = uniform(0., 10., cube[6]) # rho_s cube[7] = uniform(1., 10., cube[7]) # s_e cube[8] = gaussian(-1.13, 0.22, cube[8]) # ln(c_mis) cube[9] = gaussian(0.22, 0.11, cube[9]) # f_mis def Loglike(cube, ndim, nparams): # Read in parameters log_alpha = cube[0] log_beta = cube[1] log_gamma = cube[2] r_s = cube[3] r_t = cube[4] rho_0 = cube[5] rho_s = cube[6] se = cube[7] ln_mis = cube[8] f_mis = cube[9] params = [ log_alpha, log_beta, log_gamma, r_s, r_t, rho_0, rho_s, se, ln_mis, f_mis ] # Calculate likelihood sig_m = Sigmag(rperp, z, params, h0, splashback) vec = sig_m - sigmag likelihood = -0.5 * np.matmul(np.matmul(vec, invcov), vec.T) # Calculate prior #prior = -0.5*(-1.13-ln_mis)**2/0.22**2 - 0.5*(log_alpha - np.log10(0.19))**2/0.4**2 - 0.5*(log_beta - np.log10(6.0))**2/0.4**2 - 0.5*(log_gamma - np.log10(4.0))**2/0.4**2 -0.5*(f_mis-0.22)**2/0.11**2 prior = 0. # Total probability tot = likelihood + prior return tot # Run Multinest, Prior, 10, outputfiles_basename=outfile, verbose=False) # Saving Results os.mkdir('/Users/arielamsellem/Desktop/Research/Multinest/' + out_directory) out_filename = out_directory out_directory = '/Users/arielamsellem/Desktop/Research/Multinest/' + out_directory + '/' out_filename = out_directory + out_filename # Run Multinest run_multinest(rperp, sigmag, invcov, 1, out_filename) # Save Output to File "log.txt" stdoutOrigin = sys.stdout sys.stdout = open(out_directory + "log.txt", "w") # Read in Multinest Results # Unequal Weights #multinest_out = np.genfromtxt(out_filename + '.txt') #samples_txt = multinest_out[:,2:] #likelihood_txt = -1.*multinest_out[:,1]/2 # Equal Weights multinest_out = np.genfromtxt(out_filename + 'post_equal_weights.dat') samples_txt = multinest_out[:, :-1] likelihood_txt = multinest_out[:, -1] # Multinest Best Parameters analyzer = mult.analyse.Analyzer(10, outputfiles_basename=(out_filename), verbose=False) bestfit_params_multinest = analyzer.get_best_fit() best_params_mult = bestfit_params_multinest['parameters'] best_loglike_mult = bestfit_params_multinest['log_likelihood'] # Multinest Stats model_mult = Sigmag(rperp, z, best_params_mult, h0, 1) diff_mult = data_vec - model_mult chisq_mult =,, diff_mult)) print("Best Parameters From Minimization: " + str(best_params)) print("Loglike From Minimization: " + str(best_lnlike)) print("Best Parameters From Multinest: " + str(best_params_mult)) print("Loglike From Multinest: " + str(best_loglike_mult)) print("Chi-Squared Scipy Minimize: " + str(chisq_min)) print("Chi-Squared Multinest: " + str(chisq_mult)) sys.stdout.close() sys.stdout = stdoutOrigin # Get Rho Values and Error Range low, high = profile_range(samples_txt, rperp, z, 16, 84) r_rho, r_rhoderiv, rho, drho, rho_i, rho_o = find_rho_drho(best_params) r_rho_mult, r_rhoderiv_mult, rho_mult, drho_mult, rho_i_mult, rho_o_mult = find_rho_drho( best_params_mult) # Plot Results print('') print('Plotting Results...') samples = MCSamples(samples=samples_txt, loglikes=likelihood_txt, names=[ 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma', 'rs', 'rt', 'rho0', 'rhos', 'se', 'lnmis', 'fmis' ], labels=[ '\\alpha', '\\beta', '\\gamma', 'r_s', 'r_t', '\\rho_0', '\\rho_s', 's_e', 'ln(c_{mis})', 'f_{mis}' ]) # Triangle Plot sns.set_style("white") g = plots.getSubplotPlotter(width_inch=12) g.triangle_plot(samples, filled=True, colors=[color], lw=[3], line_args=[{ 'lw': 2, 'color': 'k' }]) plt.savefig(out_directory + 'Triangle_Multinest.png', dpi=600) # Plot Error Region Around \\rho Derivative sns.set_style("whitegrid") fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) plt.suptitle(label, fontsize=23, fontweight=900) plt.subplot(121) plt.semilogx(r_rho, rho, color=color, label='Splashback Fit (Scipy)', linewidth=1) plt.semilogx(r_rho, rho_i, color=color, label='Scipy Inner Profile', linewidth=1, linestyle='--') plt.semilogx(r_rho, rho_o, color=color, label='Scipy Outer Profile', linewidth=1, linestyle='-.') plt.semilogx(r_rho_mult, rho_mult, color="fuchsia", label='Splashback Fit (Multinest)', linewidth=1) plt.semilogx(r_rho_mult, rho_i_mult, color="fuchsia", label='Multinest Inner Profile', linewidth=1, linestyle='--') plt.semilogx(r_rho_mult, rho_o_mult, color="fuchsia", label='Multinest Outer Profile', linewidth=1, linestyle='-.') plt.xlabel('$R [Mpc]$', fontsize=15) plt.ylabel('$\\rho(R)$', fontsize=15) plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.ylim(bottom=10**-4) plt.legend(fontsize=18, loc='lower left') plt.subplot(122) plt.semilogx(r_rhoderiv, drho, color=color, label='Splashback Fit (Scipy)', linewidth=1) plt.semilogx(r_rhoderiv_mult, drho_mult, color=color, label='Splashback Fit (Multinest)', linestyle='--', linewidth=1) plt.fill_between(r_rhoderiv, low, high, color=color, alpha=0.25) plt.xlim(0.1, 10.) plt.xlabel('$R [Mpc]$', fontsize=15) plt.ylabel('$\\frac{dlog(\\rho(R))}{dlog(R)}$', fontsize=23) fig.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95]) plt.savefig(out_directory + 'rho_Multinest.png', dpi=600) # Plot Sigmag Bestfit from Multinest plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5)) plt.errorbar(rperp, sigmag, yerr=sigmag_sig, capsize=4, label=label, color=color, ls='none') plt.semilogx(rperp, Sigmag(rperp, z, best_params, h0, 1), label='Splashback Fit (Scipy)', color=color) plt.semilogx(rperp, Sigmag(rperp, z, best_params_mult, h0, 1), label='Splashback Fit (Multinest)', linestyle='--', color=color) plt.xlabel('$R [Mpc]$', fontsize=15) plt.ylabel('$\Sigma_{g} [(1/Mpc)^2]$', fontsize=15) plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.legend(fontsize=14, loc='lower left') plt.savefig(out_directory + 'Sigmag.png', dpi=600)
def BaryonicMassFunction(self, G): print('Plotting the baryonic mass function') plt.figure() # New figure ax = plt.subplot(111) # 1 plot on the figure binwidth = 0.1 # mass function histogram bin width # calculate BMF w = np.where(G.StellarMass + G.ColdGas > 0.0)[0] mass = np.log10( (G.StellarMass[w] + G.ColdGas[w]) * 1.0e10 / self.Hubble_h) mi = np.floor(min(mass)) - 2 ma = np.floor(max(mass)) + 2 NB = (ma - mi) / binwidth (counts, binedges) = np.histogram(mass, range=(mi, ma), bins=NB) # Set the x-axis values to be the centre of the bins xaxeshisto = binedges[:-1] + 0.5 * binwidth # Bell et al. 2003 BMF (h=1.0 converted to h=0.73) M = np.arange(7.0, 13.0, 0.01) Mstar = np.log10(5.3 * 1.0e10 / self.Hubble_h / self.Hubble_h) alpha = -1.21 phistar = 0.0108 * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h xval = 10.0**(M - Mstar) yval = np.log(10.) * phistar * xval**(alpha + 1) * np.exp(-xval) if (whichimf == 0): # converted diet Salpeter IMF to Salpeter IMF plt.plot(np.log10(10.0**M / 0.7), yval, 'b-', lw=2.0, label='Bell et al. 2003') # Plot the SMF elif (whichimf == 1): # converted diet Salpeter IMF to Salpeter IMF, then to Chabrier IMF plt.plot(np.log10(10.0**M / 0.7 / 1.8), yval, 'g--', lw=1.5, label='Bell et al. 2003') # Plot the SMF # Overplot the model histograms plt.plot(xaxeshisto, counts / self.volume * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h * self.Hubble_h / binwidth, 'k-', label='Model') plt.yscale('log', nonposy='clip') plt.axis([8.0, 12.5, 1.0e-6, 1.0e-1]) # Set the x-axis minor ticks ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.1)) plt.ylabel( r'$\phi\ (\mathrm{Mpc}^{-3}\ \mathrm{dex}^{-1})$') # Set the y... plt.xlabel(r'$\log_{10}\ M_{\mathrm{bar}}\ (M_{\odot})$' ) # and the x-axis labels leg = plt.legend(loc='lower left', numpoints=1, labelspacing=0.1) leg.draw_frame(False) # Don't want a box frame for t in leg.get_texts(): # Reduce the size of the text t.set_fontsize('medium') outputFile = OutputDir + '2.BaryonicMassFunction' + OutputFormat plt.savefig(outputFile) # Save the figure print('Saved file to', outputFile) plt.close() # Add this plot to our output list OutputList.append(outputFile)
def run(self):"(ptc.doPTC) executing") res = [] ## ## for each quadrant ## for q in self.settings['quadrants']: ## ## read this quadrant's attributes from settings file ## qid = q['id'] pos = q['pos'] x_lo = int(q['x_lo']) x_hi = int(q['x_hi']) y_lo = int(q['y_lo']) y_hi = int(q['y_hi']) overscan_x_lo = int(q['overscan_x_lo']) overscan_x_hi = int(q['overscan_x_hi']) overscan_y_lo = int(q['overscan_y_lo']) overscan_y_hi = int(q['overscan_y_hi']) is_defective = bool(q['is_defective']) if is_defective:"( omitting defective quadrant " + str(qid) + " with position \"" + str(pos) + "\"") res.append(None) continue"( processing quadrant " + str(qid + 1) + " with position \"" + str(pos) + "\"") logging.debug("( x range of quadrant is defined by " + str(x_lo) + " < x < " + str(x_hi)) logging.debug("( y range of quadrant is defined by " + str(y_lo) + " < y < " + str(y_hi)) logging.debug( "( overscan x range of quadrant is defined by " + str(overscan_x_lo) + " < x < " + str(overscan_x_hi)) logging.debug( "( overscan y range of quadrant is defined by " + str(overscan_y_lo) + " < y < " + str(overscan_y_hi)) ## ## read this quadrant's data and remove bias (and dummy if requested) ## files_data = {} files_hdr = {} for f in self.files:"( caching file " + f) ff = this_data = ff[self.settings['data_hdu']].data[ y_lo:y_hi, x_lo:x_hi] - np.mean( ff[self.settings['data_hdu']].data[ overscan_y_lo:overscan_y_hi, overscan_x_lo:overscan_x_hi]) this_dummy = ff[self.settings['dummy_hdu']].data[ y_lo:y_hi, x_lo:x_hi] - np.mean( ff[self.settings['dummy_hdu']].data[ overscan_y_lo:overscan_y_hi, overscan_x_lo:overscan_x_hi]) this_hdr = ff[self.settings['data_hdu']].header exptime = this_hdr['EXPTIME'] if exptime not in files_data: files_data[exptime] = [] files_hdr[exptime] = [] if self.settings['do_dummy_subtraction']: files_data[exptime].append(this_data - this_dummy) else: files_data[exptime].append(this_data) files_hdr[exptime].append(this_hdr) ff.close() ## ## order quadrant data by exptime ## files_data_od = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(files_data.items())) ## ## for each exposure time, take the mean of the signal and calculate the noise of the difference frame ## res_thisq = [] # this keeps track of (mean, noise) tuples diff_stk = [ ] # this generates a difference stack which, when plotted, is useful for diagnosing which regions of the quadrant are suitable for exposure_time, data in files_data_od.iteritems(): if len( data ) != 2: # check we have two frames for this exposure time err.setError(1) err.handleError() continue diff = (data[1] - data[0]) # make diff frame diff_stk.append(diff) # append to stack thisq_mean = np.mean(data) # mean of frames thisq_std_diff = np.std(diff) # error on diff frame this_shot_and_read_noise = thisq_std_diff / (pow( 2, 0.5)) # NOTE: THIS ISN'T BE TRUE FOR DUMMY SUBTRACTION if np.mean(thisq_mean) < 0 or np.mean( thisq_std_diff) < 0: # we have a duff pair here err.setError(2) err.handleError() continue logging.debug("( exposure time of " + str(exposure_time) + " has mean signal level of " + str(round(np.mean(thisq_mean), 2)) + "ADU +/- " + str(round(np.mean(thisq_std_diff), 2)) + "ADU") res_thisq.append( (thisq_mean, this_shot_and_read_noise, exposure_time)) if self.diagnosticMode: plt.imshow(np.mean(diff_stk, axis=0), vmax=np.percentile(np.mean(diff_stk, axis=0), 95), vmin=np.percentile(np.mean(diff_stk, axis=0), 5)) plt.colorbar() if len(res_thisq) < MINIMUM_FRAMES_REQUIRED: err.setError(-5) err.handleError() res.append(None) else: res.append(res_thisq) rn = [] gain = [] qx = [] qy = [] for idx_q, q in enumerate(res): pos = self.settings['quadrants'][idx_q]['pos'] if q is None: rn.append(None) gain.append(None) qx.append(None) qy.append(None) continue thisq_mean_all = [] thisq_std_all = [] thisq_exptimes = [] for p in q: # p == pair. thisq_mean_all.append(p[0]) thisq_std_all.append(p[1]) thisq_exptimes.append(p[2]) thisq_rates = [ c / e for c, e in zip(thisq_mean_all, thisq_exptimes) ] x = np.asarray(thisq_mean_all) y = np.asarray(thisq_std_all) # hazard a guess at read regime by: ## i) finding gradients for each index in data array using a linear fit ## ii) find index with gradient of ~0.2 (shot regime for loglog) by assessing truth array for adjacent indices of <0.2 and >0.2 gradients_log = [] for idx_x in range(1, len(x)): gradients_log.append( np.polyfit(np.log10(x[idx_x - 1:idx_x + 1]), np.log10(y[idx_x - 1:idx_x + 1]), 1)[0]) truth = [] for idx_g in range(1, len(gradients_log)): lt = [True for gi in gradients_log[:idx_g] if gi < 0.2] gt = [True for gi in gradients_log[idx_g:] if gi > 0.2] n_true = np.sum(lt) + np.sum(gt) truth.append(n_true) idx_x_nearest = np.argmax( truth ) + 2 # +2 for offsets incurred from taking gradient and cycling through truth array read_guess = range(0, idx_x_nearest) if idx_x_nearest > len(x) - 1 or idx_x_nearest < 0: read_guess = [] # hazard a guess at shot regime by: ## i) finding gradients for each index in data array using a linear fit ## ii) find index with gradient of ~0.5 (shot regime for loglog) by assessing truth array for adjacent indices of <0.5 and >0.5 gradients_log = [] for idx_x in range(1, len(x)): gradients_log.append( np.polyfit(np.log10(x[idx_x - 1:idx_x + 1]), np.log10(y[idx_x - 1:idx_x + 1]), 1)[0]) truth = [] for idx_g in range(1, len(gradients_log)): lt = [True for gi in gradients_log[:idx_g] if gi < 0.5] gt = [True for gi in gradients_log[idx_g:] if gi > 0.5] n_true = np.sum(lt) + np.sum(gt) truth.append(n_true) idx_x_nearest = np.argmax( truth ) + 2 # +2 for offsets incurred from taking gradient and cycling through truth array shot_guess = [idx_x_nearest - 1, idx_x_nearest, idx_x_nearest + 1] if idx_x_nearest + 1 > len(x) - 1 or idx_x_nearest - 1 < 0: shot_guess = [] # interactive selection of PTC # - follow on screen prompts"( interactive selection of PTC regions") print print "\t\tCOMMAND SET" print print "\tq: define point for read noise" print "\tw: define point for shot noise" print "\te: define full well" print "\ta: smooth data with cubic spline" print "\tx: clear point definition" print "\tm: clear all point definitions" print "\tr: remove point from dataset (will reset point definitions)" print class define_PTC_regions(object): def __init__(self, ax, x, y, read_guess=read_guess, shot_guess=shot_guess, fwd_guess=None): = ax self.x = x # data array self.y = y # data array self.c_idx = None # current cursor idx = read_guess # (idx_1, idx_2 ... idx_n) self.shot = shot_guess # (idx_1, idx_2 ... idx_n) self.fwd = fwd_guess # idx self.rn = None self.gain = None def calculate_nearby_gradient(self, idx): if idx != 0 and idx != len(self.x): c = np.polyfit(self.x[idx - 1:idx + 2], self.y[idx - 1:idx + 2], 1) return c[0] else: return None def calculate_read_noise(self): # calculate read noise (ADU) ## i) fit a second order polynomial to read data array ## ii) find gradient = 0 ## iii) find y-intercept if len( < 2: self.rn = None print "e: need more than two points for read regime" return f_co = np.polyfit(self.x[], self.y[], 2) f_xmin = f_co[1] / -(2 * f_co[0]) # find minimum rn_yi_log = np.polyval(f_co, f_xmin) # y-intercept (rn in ADU) print "i: read noise calculated as " + str( round(10**rn_yi_log, 2)) + "ADU" self.rn = rn_yi_log def calculate_gain(self): # calculate gain (e-/ADU) ### i) fit second order polynomial to shot data array, and find x coordinate at which gradient is exactly 0.5 ### ii) calculate corresponding x-intercept if len(self.shot) < 2: self.gain = None print "e: need more than two points for shot regime" return f_co = np.polyfit(self.x[self.shot], self.y[self.shot], 2) x_g_of_0p5 = (0.5 - f_co[1]) / (2 * f_co[0]) y_g_of_0p5 = np.polyval(f_co, x_g_of_0p5) yi_g_of_0p5 = y_g_of_0p5 - (0.5 * x_g_of_0p5) xi_g_of_0p5 = -yi_g_of_0p5 / 0.5 print "i: gain calculated as " + str( round(10**xi_g_of_0p5, 2)) + "e-/ADU" self.gain = (xi_g_of_0p5, x_g_of_0p5, y_g_of_0p5) def draw(self): plt.title("PTC") plt.xlabel("Log10 (Signal, ADU)") plt.ylabel("Log10 (Noise, ADU)") # text location in axes coords self.txt = ax.text(0.1, 0.9, '', transform=ax.transAxes) plt.plot(self.x, self.y, 'kx-') plt.xlim([0, np.max(self.x)]) plt.ylim([0, np.max(self.y)]) if self.c_idx is not None: # update line positions lx = ax.axhline(color='k') # horiz line (cursor) ly = ax.axvline(color='k') # vert line (cursor) lx.set_ydata(self.y[self.c_idx]) ly.set_xdata(self.x[self.c_idx]) # show gradient at point m = self.calculate_nearby_gradient(self.c_idx) if m is not None: self.txt.set_text('nearby_m=%1.2f' % (m)) if is not None and self.rn is not None: # update line positions lx = ax.axhline( color='k', linestyle='--') # horiz line (read noise) lx.set_ydata(self.rn) if self.shot is not None and self.gain is not None: # update line positions plt.plot([self.gain[0], self.gain[1]], [0, self.gain[2]], 'k--') # update regime points[], self.y[], 'ro')[self.shot], self.y[self.shot], 'bo') if self.fwd is not None: lyf = ax.axvline(color='k', linestyle='--') # the vert line (fwd) lyf.set_xdata(self.x[self.fwd]) # draw plt.draw() def find_closest_point(self, xc, yc, x, y): ''' xc/yc are the cursor input coords x/y are the data arrays ''' delta_x = ([xc] * len(x)) - x delta_y = ([yc] * len(y)) - y r = ((delta_x**2) + (delta_y**2))**0.5 return int(np.argmin(r)), np.min(r) def key_press(self, event): if not event.inaxes: return x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata if event.key == 'q': idx, val = self.find_closest_point( x, y, self.x, self.y) if idx not in self.calculate_read_noise() print "i: added read regime point" if event.key == 'w': idx, val = self.find_closest_point( x, y, self.x, self.y) if idx not in self.shot: self.shot.append(idx) self.calculate_gain() print "i: added shot regime point" if event.key == 'e': idx, val = self.find_closest_point( x, y, self.x, self.y) self.fwd = idx print "i: added fwd line" if event.key == 'r': idx, val = self.find_closest_point( x, y, self.x, self.y) = [] self.shot = [] self.fwd = None self.rn = None self.gain = None self.x = np.delete(self.x, idx) self.y = np.delete(self.y, idx) self.c_idx = None print "i: reset point definitions and removed point from dataset" elif event.key == 'x': idx, val = self.find_closest_point( x, y, self.x, self.y) if idx in idx_to_pop = self.calculate_read_noise() print "i: cleared read regime point" if idx in self.shot: idx_to_pop = self.shot.index(idx) self.shot.pop(idx_to_pop) self.calculate_gain() print "i: cleared shot regime point" if idx == self.fwd: self.fwd = None print "i: cleared fwd line" elif event.key == 'm': = [] self.shot = [] self.fwd = None self.rn = None self.gain = None print "i: cleared all point definitions" elif event.key == 'a': self.smooth_data() self.calculate_gain() self.calculate_read_noise() print "i: smoothed data" self.draw() def mouse_move(self, event): if not event.inaxes: return x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata idx, val = self.find_closest_point(x, y, self.x, self.y) self.c_idx = idx self.draw() def smooth_data(self): to_idx = len(self.x) - 1 if self.fwd is not None: # use FWD if it's been applied to_idx = self.fwd to_rev_idx = [ x2 - x1 < 0 for x1, x2 in zip(self.x[:-1], self.x[1:]) ] # catch for reverse turnover (occurs in some data after full well) if True in to_rev_idx and to_rev_idx < self.fwd: to_idx = [ idx for idx, xi in enumerate(to_rev_idx) if xi is True ] s = interpolate.UnivariateSpline( self.x[:to_idx + 1], self.y[:to_idx + 1], k=3, s=10) # apply smoothing cubic bspline self.x = self.x[:to_idx + 1] self.y = s(self.x) fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() reg = define_PTC_regions(ax, np.log10(x), np.log10(y)) reg.calculate_read_noise() reg.calculate_gain() reg.draw() plt.connect('motion_notify_event', reg.mouse_move) plt.connect('key_press_event', reg.key_press) rn.append(reg.rn) gain.append(reg.gain) qx.append(reg.x) qy.append(reg.y) if self.makePlots: for idx_q in range(len(qx)): this_rn = rn[idx_q] this_gain = gain[idx_q] this_q_x = qx[idx_q] this_q_y = qy[idx_q] pos = self.settings['quadrants'][idx_q]['pos'] is_defective = bool( self.settings['quadrants'][idx_q]['is_defective']) plt.subplot(2, 2, idx_q + 1) plt.yscale('log') plt.xscale('log') plt.xlabel("Signal (ADU)") plt.ylabel("Noise (ADU)") if is_defective: plt.plot([], label='data for quadrant: ' + str(self.settings['quadrants'][idx_q]['pos']), color='white') plt.legend(loc='upper left') continue plt.plot(10**this_q_x, 10**this_q_y, 'k.', label='data for quadrant: ' + str(self.settings['quadrants'][idx_q]['pos'])) if this_rn is not None: plt.plot([10**0, np.max(10**this_q_x)], [10**this_rn, 10**this_rn], 'k--', label="read noise: " + str(round(10**this_rn, 2)) + " ADU") if this_gain is not None: plt.plot([10**this_gain[0], 10**this_gain[1]], [10**0, 10**this_gain[2]], 'k--', label="gain: " + str(round(10**this_gain[0], 2)) + " e-/ADU") plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.tight_layout()
def VelocityDistribution(self, G): print('Plotting the velocity distribution of all galaxies') seed(2222) mi = -40.0 ma = 40.0 binwidth = 0.5 NB = (ma - mi) / binwidth # set up figure plt.figure() ax = plt.subplot(111) pos_x = G.Pos[:, 0] / self.Hubble_h pos_y = G.Pos[:, 1] / self.Hubble_h pos_z = G.Pos[:, 2] / self.Hubble_h vel_x = G.Vel[:, 0] vel_y = G.Vel[:, 1] vel_z = G.Vel[:, 2] dist_los = np.sqrt(pos_x * pos_x + pos_y * pos_y + pos_z * pos_z) vel_los = (pos_x / dist_los) * vel_x + (pos_y / dist_los) * vel_y + ( pos_z / dist_los) * vel_z dist_red = dist_los + vel_los / (self.Hubble_h * 100.0) tot_gals = len(pos_x) (counts, binedges) = np.histogram(vel_los / (self.Hubble_h * 100.0), range=(mi, ma), bins=NB) xaxeshisto = binedges[:-1] + 0.5 * binwidth plt.plot(xaxeshisto, counts / binwidth / tot_gals, 'k-', label='los-velocity') (counts, binedges) = np.histogram(vel_x / (self.Hubble_h * 100.0), range=(mi, ma), bins=NB) xaxeshisto = binedges[:-1] + 0.5 * binwidth plt.plot(xaxeshisto, counts / binwidth / tot_gals, 'r-', label='x-velocity') (counts, binedges) = np.histogram(vel_y / (self.Hubble_h * 100.0), range=(mi, ma), bins=NB) xaxeshisto = binedges[:-1] + 0.5 * binwidth plt.plot(xaxeshisto, counts / binwidth / tot_gals, 'g-', label='y-velocity') (counts, binedges) = np.histogram(vel_z / (self.Hubble_h * 100.0), range=(mi, ma), bins=NB) xaxeshisto = binedges[:-1] + 0.5 * binwidth plt.plot(xaxeshisto, counts / binwidth / tot_gals, 'b-', label='z-velocity') plt.yscale('log', nonposy='clip') plt.axis([mi, ma, 1e-5, 0.5]) # plt.axis([mi, ma, 0, 0.13]) plt.ylabel(r'$\mathrm{Box\ Normalised\ Count}$') # Set the y... plt.xlabel(r'$\mathrm{Velocity / H}_{0}$') # and the x-axis labels leg = plt.legend(loc='upper left', numpoints=1, labelspacing=0.1) leg.draw_frame(False) # Don't want a box frame for t in leg.get_texts(): # Reduce the size of the text t.set_fontsize('medium') outputFile = OutputDir + '11.VelocityDistribution' + OutputFormat plt.savefig(outputFile) # Save the figure print('Saved file to', outputFile) plt.close() # Add this plot to our output list OutputList.append(outputFile)