def test_graphics(): f = Figure(data=None, position=None) f.add_image(filename="", width=r"0.8\textwidth", placement=r"\centering") f.add_caption(caption="") # Subfigure s = SubFigure(data=None, position=None, width=r"0.45\linewidth", seperate_paragraph=False) s.add_image(filename="", width="r\linewidth", placement=None) s.add_caption(caption="") # Matplotlib plot = MatplotlibFigure(data=None, position=None) x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] y = [15, 2, 7, 1, 5, 6, 9] pyplot.plot(x, y) plot.add_plot(width=r"0.8\textwidth", placement=r"\centering") plot.add_caption(caption="I am a caption.") # Quantities Quantity(quantity=1 * Quantity(quantity=1 *, format_cb=lambda x: str(int(x)))
def test_graphics(): f = Figure(data=None, position=None) f.add_image(filename='', width=r'0.8\textwidth', placement=r'\centering') f.add_caption(caption='') repr(f) # Subfigure s = SubFigure(data=None, position=None, width=r'0.45\linewidth') s.add_image(filename='', width='r\linewidth', placement=None) s.add_caption(caption='') repr(s) # Matplotlib plot = Figure(data=None, position=None) x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] y = [15, 2, 7, 1, 5, 6, 9] pyplot.plot(x, y) plot.add_plot(width=r'0.8\textwidth', placement=r'\centering') plot.add_caption(caption='I am a caption.') repr(plot)
def add_figure(self,file=None,caption=None,width='240px'): """ 添加图形 :param str file: 图形文件路径 :param str caption: 图形标题 :param str width: 图形宽度 :return: 无返回值 """ graph = Figure(position='h!') graph.add_image(file, width=width) if caption is not None: graph.add_caption(caption) self.doc.append(graph)
def test_graphics(): f = Figure(data=None, position=None) f.add_image(filename="", width=r"0.8\textwidth", placement=r"\centering") f.add_caption(caption="") # Subfigure s = SubFigure(data=None, position=None, width=r"0.45\linewidth", separate_paragraph=False) s.add_image(filename="", width="r\linewidth", placement=None) s.add_caption(caption="") # Matplotlib plot = Figure(data=None, position=None) x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] y = [15, 2, 7, 1, 5, 6, 9] pyplot.plot(x, y) plot.add_plot(width=r"0.8\textwidth", placement=r"\centering") plot.add_caption(caption="I am a caption.")
def pile_report(self, pile, pile2, F, factor=1.25): """添加桩基长度计算内容""" self.soil = pile.soil llist = pl.get_l(self.soil, pile.d, F, factor, pile.h1, pile.rho, pile.t, pile.k2, pile2.type, pile2.completion) ra_1, ra_2 = pl.pile_l(llist, self.soil, pile.d, F, pile.h1, pile.rho, pile.t, pile.k2, pile2.type, pile2.completion) if ra_1.max() > ra_2.max(): ptype = '摩擦桩' ra = ra_1.max() else: ptype = '端承桩' ra = ra_2.max() t1 = f'''桩基直径:$d={pile.d:.2f}\,m$\n 桩基周长:$u={pile.u:.2f}\,m$\n 桩基截面积:$A_p={pile.pd:.2f}\,m^2$\n 桩基密度:$\gamma={pile.rho:.1f}\,kN/m^3$\n 容许承载力随深度的修正系数:$k_2={pile.k2:.1f}$\n 各土层加权平均重度:$\gamma_2={self.soil.rho:.1f}\,kN/m^3$\n 清底系数:$m_0={pile.m0:.1f}$ ''' t2 = '根据规范5.3.3可得,摩擦桩单桩承载力为' m1 = ['[R_a]', '=\\frac{1}{2}u\\sum_{i=1}^nq_{ik}l_i+A_pq_r'] t3 = '根据规范5.3.4可得,端承桩单桩承载力为' m2 = [ '[R_a]=', 'c_1A_pf_{rk}', '+u\\sum_{i=1}^mc_{2i}h_if_{rki}', '+\\frac{1}{2}\\xi_su\sum_{i=1}^nl_iq_{ik}' ] t4 = '考虑桩身自重与置换土重,桩基承载力为' m3 = ['R_a', '=[R_a]-G_p+G_s'] t5 = '代入不同长度桩长,可得摩擦桩与端承桩承载力如下图所示' t6 = '不同桩长具体承载力如下表所示' t7 = f'由上述分析可知,当桩长为{max(llist)}m时,{ptype}承载力为{ra:.0f}kN,安全系数为{ra/F:.2f},桩基承载力可满足规范要求。' with self.doc.create(Section('地基基本情况')): with self.doc.create(LongTabu("p{4cm}XXXXX")) as soil_table: header_row1 = self.soil.prop.columns.to_list()[:-1] soil_table.add_hline() soil_table.add_row(header_row1, mapper=[bold]) soil_table.add_hline() for i in self.soil.prop.index: soil_table.add_row(self.soil.prop.iloc[i].to_list()[:-1]) soil_table.add_hline() with self.doc.create(Section('桩基及其他参数取值')): self.doc.append(NoEscape(t1)) with self.doc.create(Section('桩长计算')): self.doc.append(t2) self.doc.append(Math(data=m1, escape=False)) self.doc.append(NoEscape('\n')) self.doc.append(t3) self.doc.append(Math(data=m2, escape=False)) self.doc.append(NoEscape('\n')) self.doc.append(t4) self.doc.append(Math(data=m3, escape=False)) self.doc.append(NoEscape('\n')) self.doc.append(t5) with self.doc.create(Figure(position='htbp')) as plot: plot.add_plot(width=NoEscape(r'1\textwidth'), dpi=300) self.doc.append(NoEscape('\n')) self.doc.append(t6) with self.doc.create(LongTable('p{1.5cm}|ll|ll')) as pll: pll.add_hline() pll.add_row(['桩长', '摩擦桩承载力', '安全系数', '端承桩承载力', '安全系数']) pll.add_hline() for i, j in enumerate(llist): pll.add_row([ j, f'{ra_1[i]:.0f}', f'{ra_1[i]/F:.2f}', f'{ra_2[i]:.0f}', f'{ra_2[i]/F:.2f}' ]) pll.add_hline() self.doc.append(t7)
hlines=True, cells=None, escape=False) # MultiColumn/MultiRow. t.add_row((MultiColumn(size=2, align='|c|', data='MultiColumn'), )) t.add_row((MultiRow(size=2, width='*', data='MultiRow'), )) # Command c = Command(command='documentclass', arguments=None, options=None, packages=None) # Figure f = Figure(data=None, position=None) f.add_image(filename='', width=r'0.8\textwidth', placement=r'\centering') f.add_caption(caption='') # Subfigure s = SubFigure(data=None, position=None, width=r'0.45\linewidth', seperate_paragraph=False) s.add_image(filename='', width='r\linewidth', placement=None) s.add_caption(caption='')
def create(self): try: self.status['text'] = 'Загрузка, подождите' self.root.update() # Настройки отступов, языка geometry_options = { "tmargin": "2cm", "lmargin": "3cm", "rmargin": "1.5cm", "bmargin": "2cm" } doc = Document(geometry_options=geometry_options) doc.packages.add( Package('grffile', options=['encoding', 'filenameencoding=utf8'])) doc.packages.add(Package('babel', options=['russian'])) # Вставляем логотип МИРЭА image_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'логотип.png') with doc.create(Figure(position='h!')) as logo: logo.add_image(image_filename, width='80px') # Обложка doc.change_length(r"\TPHorizModule", "1mm") doc.change_length(r"\TPVertModule", "1mm") with doc.create(MiniPage(width=r"\textwidth")) as page: # Центральная часть обложки with page.create(TextBlock(180, 0, 0)): page.append(Command('centering')) page.append('МИНОБРНАУКИ РОССИИ\n') page.append( 'Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования\n' ) page.append( MediumText( bold( '«МИРЭА - Российский Технологический Университет»\n' ))) page.append(LargeText(bold('РТУ МИРЭА\n'))) page.append(LineBreak()) page.append( MediumText( bold( 'Институт комплексной безопасности и специального приборостроения\n' ))) page.append(LineBreak()) page.append( 'Кафедра КБ-8 «Информационное Противоборство»\n') page.append(LineBreak()) page.append(LineBreak()) page.append(LineBreak()) page.append(LargeText('Отчёт\n')) page.append(f'{str(self.entry1.get())}\n') # Правая часть обложки with page.create(TextBlock(80, 88, 120)): if self.your_var.get() == 0: page.append('Выполнил:\n') page.append( f'Студент {str(self.entry2.get())} курса\n') else: page.append('Выполнила:\n') page.append( f'Студентка {str(self.entry2.get())} курса\n') page.append(f'Группа {str(self.entry3.get())}\n') page.append(f'Шифр {str(self.entry4.get())}\n') page.append(f'{str(self.entry5.get())}\n') page.append(LineBreak()) page.append(LineBreak()) if self.var.get() == 0: page.append('Проверил:\n') else: page.append('Проверила:\n') page.append(f'{str(self.entry6.get())}\n') # Нижний колонтитул header = PageStyle("header") with header.create(Foot("C")): header.append(f'Москва, {}\n') doc.preamble.append(header) doc.change_document_style("header") doc.generate_pdf("title", clean_tex=False) self.status['text'] = 'Готово!' except FileNotFoundError as e: self.status['text'] = str(e)
def generate_latex_document(trackers: List[Tracker], sequences: List[Sequence], results, storage: Storage, build=False, multipart=True): order_marks = {1: "first", 2: "second", 3: "third"} def format_cell(value, order): cell = format_value(value) if order in order_marks: cell = Command(order_marks[order], cell) return cell logger = logging.getLogger("vot") table_header, table_data, table_order = extract_measures_table( trackers, results) plots = extract_plots(trackers, results) doc = Document(page_numbers=True) doc.preamble.append(Package('pgf')) doc.preamble.append(Package('xcolor')) doc.preamble.append(Package('fullpage')) doc.preamble.append(NoEscape(read_resource("commands.tex"))) doc.preamble.append( UnsafeCommand('newcommand', r'\first', options=1, extra_arguments=r'{\color{red} #1 }')) doc.preamble.append( UnsafeCommand('newcommand', r'\second', options=1, extra_arguments=r'{\color{green} #1 }')) doc.preamble.append( UnsafeCommand('newcommand', r'\third', options=1, extra_arguments=r'{\color{blue} #1 }')) if multipart: container = Chunk() generate_symbols(container, trackers) with storage.write("symbols.tex") as out: container.dump(out) doc.preamble.append(Command("input", "symbols.tex")) else: generate_symbols(doc.preamble, trackers) doc.preamble.append(Command('title', 'VOT report')) doc.preamble.append( Command('author', 'Toolkit version ' + toolkit_version())) doc.preamble.append(Command('date', doc.append(NoEscape(r'\maketitle')) if len(table_header[2]) == 0: logger.debug("No measures found, skipping table") else: # Generate data table with doc.create(LongTable("l " * (len(table_header[2]) + 1))) as data_table: data_table.add_hline() data_table.add_row([" "] + [ MultiColumn(c[1], data=c[0].identifier) for c in merge_repeats(table_header[0]) ]) data_table.add_hline() data_table.add_row([" "] + [ MultiColumn(c[1], data=c[0].title) for c in merge_repeats(table_header[1]) ]) data_table.add_hline() data_table.add_row( ["Tracker"] + [" " + c.abbreviation + " " for c in table_header[2]]) data_table.add_hline() data_table.end_table_header() data_table.add_hline() for tracker, data in table_data.items(): data_table.add_row([ UnsafeCommand("Tracker", [tracker.reference, TRACKER_GROUP]) ] + [ format_cell(x, order[tracker] if not order is None else None) for x, order in zip(data, table_order) ]) for experiment, experiment_plots in plots.items(): if len(experiment_plots) == 0: continue doc.append(Section("Experiment " + experiment.identifier)) for title, plot in experiment_plots: with doc.create(Figure(position='htbp')) as container: if multipart: plot_name = plot.identifier + ".pdf" with storage.write(plot_name, binary=True) as out:, "PDF") container.add_image(plot_name) else: container.append(insert_figure(plot)) container.add_caption(title) if build: temp = tempfile.mktemp() logger.debug("Generating to tempourary output %s", temp) doc.generate_pdf(temp, clean_tex=True) storage.copy(temp + ".pdf", "report.pdf") else: with storage.write("report.tex") as out: doc.dump(out)
def details(): if __name__ == '__main__': image_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'kitten.jpg') logo_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'sample-logo.png') geometry_options = {"tmargin": "1cm", "lmargin": "3cm"} doc = Document(geometry_options=geometry_options) header = PageStyle("header") with header.create(Head("R")): header.append(simple_page_number()) with header.create(Foot("C")): header.append("Center Footer") first_page = PageStyle("firstpage") with first_page.create(Head("L")) as header_left: with header_left.create(MiniPage(width=NoEscape(r"0.49\textwidth"),pos='c')) as logo_wrapper with doc.create(MiniPage(align='l')): doc.append(LargeText(bold("INVESTMENT PROPERTY - BUY & HOLD"))) doc.append(LineBreak()) doc.append(MediumText(bold(" "))) logo_wrapper.append(StandAloneGraphic(image_options="width=120px", filename=logo_file)) with doc.create(Section('Home Adress')): doc.append('Some regular text and some') doc.append(italic('italic text. ')) doc.append('\nAlso some crazy characters: $&#{}') with doc.create(Subsection('Math that is incorrect')): doc.append(Math(data=['2*3', '=', 9])) with doc.create(Subsection('Table of something')): with doc.create(Tabular('rc|cl')) as table: table.add_hline() table.add_row((1, 2, 3, 4)) table.add_hline(1, 2) table.add_empty_row() table.add_row((4, 5, 6, 7)) a = np.array([[100, 10, 20]]).T M = np.matrix([[2, 3, 4], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 2]]) with doc.create(Section('The fancy stuff')): with doc.create(Subsection('Correct matrix equations')): doc.append(Math(data=[Matrix(M), Matrix(a), '=', Matrix(M * a)])) with doc.create(Subsection('Alignat math environment')): with doc.create(Alignat(numbering=False, escape=False)) as agn: agn.append(r'\frac{a}{b} &= 0 \\') agn.extend([Matrix(M), Matrix(a), '&=', Matrix(M * a)]) with doc.create(Subsection('Beautiful graphs')): with doc.create(TikZ()): plot_options = 'height=4cm, width=6cm, grid=major' with doc.create(Axis(options=plot_options)) as plot: plot.append(Plot(name='model', func='-x^5 - 242')) coordinates = [ (-4.77778, 2027.60977), (-3.55556, 347.84069), (-2.33333, 22.58953), (-1.11111, -493.50066), (0.11111, 46.66082), (1.33333, -205.56286), (2.55556, -341.40638), (3.77778, -1169.24780), (5.00000, -3269.56775), ] plot.append(Plot(name='estimate', coordinates=coordinates)) with doc.create(Subsection('Cute kitten pictures')): with doc.create(Figure(position='h!')) as kitten_pic: kitten_pic.add_image(image_filename, width='120px') kitten_pic.add_caption('Look it\'s on its back') doc.generate_pdf('full', clean_tex=False)
spacing = '2.5in' doc.append( NoEscape(r'\question ' + NoEscape(question['question']))) doc.append(Command('vspace', spacing)) answerKey = np.append(answerKey, [-1]) else: break doc.append(Command('end', 'questions')) big_code = pyqrcode.create(np.array_str(answerKey), mode='binary') big_code.png('code.png') with doc.create(Figure(position='b!')) as code: code.add_image('code.png', width='50px') doc.generate_pdf(clean_tex=False) doc.generate_tex() elif currentMode == 'Grade': filename = askopenfilename() image = cv2.imread(filename, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) scanner = zbar.Scanner() results = scanner.scan(image) for result in results: print(result.type,, result.quality, result.position) answerKey = list(str(results[0].data.decode("utf-8"))[1:-1].split("."))
def create_report(system, curves, grid, filename): lines = system.lines trafos = system.trafos buses = system.buses geometry_options = { "tmargin": "1cm", "lmargin": "1cm", "rmargin": "1cm", "bmargin": "1cm", "includeheadfoot": True } doc = Document(page_numbers=True, geometry_options=geometry_options) doc.preamble.append(Command('usepackage', 'cmbright')) doc.preamble.append(Command('usepackage', 'tikz')) doc.preamble.append(Command('usepackage', 'amsmath')) doc.preamble.append(Command('usepackage', 'graphicx')) now = doc.append('Report auto-generated by ASPy at ' '{:02d}/{:02d}/{:02d} {:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(, now.month, now.year, now.hour, now.minute, now.second)) wye_comm = UnsafeCommand( 'newcommand', '\\wye', extra_arguments= r'\mathbin{\text{\begin{tikzpicture}[x=1pt, y=1pt, scale=2]' r'\draw ' r'(-0.9, 0) -- (0.9, 0) ' r'(-0.6, -0.5) -- (0.6, -0.5) ' r'(-0.3, -1) -- (0.3, -1) ' r'(0, 0) -- ++(0, 1.5) -- ++(1.2, 0) coordinate (tmp)' r'-- +(0, -2) ' r'(tmp) +(45:2) -- (tmp) -- +(135:2) ;' r'\end{tikzpicture}}}') why_comm = UnsafeCommand( 'newcommand', '\\why', extra_arguments= r'\mathbin{\text{\begin{tikzpicture}[x=1pt, y=1pt, scale=2]' r'\draw ' r'(1.2, 1.5) coordinate (tmp)' r'-- +(0, -2) ' r'(tmp) +(45:2) -- (tmp) -- +(135:2) ;' r'\end{tikzpicture}}}') doc.append(wye_comm) doc.append(why_comm) doc.add_color(name="lightgray", model="gray", description="0.80") with doc.create(Section('Buses')): with doc.create(Subsection('Power-Flow Solution')): with doc.create(LongTable('c|ccccccc')) as tbl: tbl.add_hline() tbl.add_row( ('Bus', NoEscape('$|V|$ (pu)'), NoEscape('$\\delta$ (deg)'), NoEscape('$P_G$ (MW)'), NoEscape('$Q_G$ (Mvar)'), NoEscape('$P_L$ (MW)'), NoEscape('$Q_L$ (Mvar)'), NoEscape('$Z_L$ (pu)'))) tbl.add_hline() tbl.end_table_header() tbl.add_hline() tbl.add_row((MultiColumn(8, align='r', data='Continued on Next Page'), )) tbl.add_hline() tbl.end_table_footer() tbl.add_hline() tbl.end_table_last_footer() for i, b in enumerate(buses): if i % 2 == 0: color = 'lightgray' else: color = None tbl.add_row( (b.bus_id + 1, NoEscape('{:.04f}'.format(b.v)), NoEscape('${:.02f}$'.format( * 180 / np.pi)), NoEscape('{:.02f}'.format( * 100)), NoEscape('{:.02f}'.format(b.qg * 100)), NoEscape('{:.02f}'.format( * 100)), NoEscape('{:.02f}'.format(b.ql * 100)), check_inf( b.Z)), color=color) with doc.create(Subsection('Fault Calculations')): with doc.create(LongTable('c|cccccccccc')) as tbl: tbl.add_hline() tbl.add_row((MultiRow(2, data='Bus'), MultiColumn(2, align='c', data=NoEscape('TPG')), MultiColumn(2, align='c', data=NoEscape('SLG')), MultiColumn(4, align='c', data=NoEscape('DLG')), MultiColumn(2, align='c', data=NoEscape('LL')))) tbl.add_hline(2, 11) tbl.add_row( ('', NoEscape('$I_A$ (pu)'), NoEscape('$\\delta_A$ (deg)'), NoEscape('$I_A$ (pu)'), NoEscape('$\\delta_A$ (deg)'), NoEscape('$I_B$ (pu)'), NoEscape('$\\delta_B$ (deg)'), NoEscape('$I_C$ (pu)'), NoEscape('$\\delta_C$ (deg)'), NoEscape('$I_B$ (pu)'), NoEscape('$\\delta_B$ (deg)'))) tbl.add_hline() tbl.end_table_header() tbl.add_hline() tbl.add_row((MultiColumn(11, align='r', data='Continued on Next Page'), )) tbl.add_hline() tbl.end_table_footer() tbl.add_hline() tbl.end_table_last_footer() for i, b in enumerate(buses): if i % 2 == 0: color = 'lightgray' else: color = None tbl.add_row((b.bus_id + 1, check_inf(np.abs(b.iTPG)), NoEscape('${:.02f}$'.format( np.angle(b.iTPG) * 180 / np.pi)), check_inf(np.abs(b.iSLG)), NoEscape('${:.02f}$'.format( np.angle(b.iSLG) * 180 / np.pi)), check_inf(np.abs(b.iDLGb)), NoEscape('${:.02f}$'.format( np.angle(b.iDLGb) * 180 / np.pi)), check_inf(np.abs(b.iDLGc)), NoEscape('${:.02f}$'.format( np.angle(b.iDLGc) * 180 / np.pi)), check_inf(np.abs(b.iLL)), NoEscape('${:.02f}$'.format( np.angle(b.iLL) * 180 / np.pi))), color=color) with doc.create(Section('Lines')): with doc.create(LongTable('c|cccccccc')) as tbl: tbl.add_hline() tbl.add_row((MultiRow(2, data='Line'), MultiColumn(3, align='c', data='Parametrization'), MultiColumn(2, align='c', data='Loss'), MultiColumn(3, align='c', data='Flow'))) tbl.add_hline(2, 9) tbl.add_row( ('', NoEscape('$R$ (\\%pu)'), NoEscape('$X_L$ (\\%pu)'), NoEscape('$B_C$ (\\%pu)'), NoEscape('$P_{loss}$ (MW)'), NoEscape('$Q_{loss}$ (Mvar)'), NoEscape('$P$ (MW)'), NoEscape('$Q$ (Mvar)'), NoEscape('$I/I_{max}$ (\\%)'))) tbl.add_hline() tbl.end_table_header() tbl.add_hline() tbl.add_row((MultiColumn(9, align='r', data='Continued on Next Page'), )) tbl.add_hline() tbl.end_table_footer() tbl.add_hline() tbl.end_table_last_footer() for i, lt in enumerate(lines): if i % 2 == 0: color = 'lightgray' else: color = None tbl.add_row((NoEscape('{} -- {}'.format( lt.orig.bus_id + 1, lt.dest.bus_id + 1)), NoEscape('{:.04f}'.format(lt.Zpu.real * 100)), NoEscape('{:.04f}'.format(lt.Zpu.imag * 100)), NoEscape('{:.04f}'.format(lt.Ypu.imag * 100)), NoEscape('{:.02f}'.format(lt.Sper.real * 100)), NoEscape('{:.02f}'.format(lt.Sper.imag * 100)), NoEscape('{:.02f}'.format(lt.S2.real * 100)), NoEscape('{:.02f}'.format(lt.S2.imag * 100)), NoEscape('{:.02f}'.format( np.abs(lt.Ia) / lt.imax * 100))), color=color) with doc.create(Section('Trafos')): with doc.create(LongTable('c|cccccccc')) as tbl: tbl.add_hline() tbl.add_row((MultiRow(2, data='Trafo'), MultiColumn(3, align='c', data='Parametrization'), MultiColumn(2, align='c', data='Loss'), MultiColumn(3, align='c', data='Flow'))) tbl.add_hline(2, 9) tbl.add_row( ('', NoEscape('$x^+$ (\\%pu)'), NoEscape('$x^0$ (\\%pu)'), 'Configuration', NoEscape('$P_{loss}$ (MW)'), NoEscape('$Q_{loss}$ (Mvar)'), NoEscape('$P$ (MW)'), NoEscape('$Q$ (Mvar)'), NoEscape('$S/S_N$ (\\%)'))) tbl.add_hline() tbl.end_table_header() tbl.add_hline() tbl.add_row((MultiColumn(9, align='r', data='Continued on Next Page'), )) tbl.add_hline() tbl.end_table_footer() tbl.add_hline() tbl.end_table_last_footer() for i, tr in enumerate(trafos): if i % 2 == 0: color = 'lightgray' else: color = None tbl.add_row((NoEscape('{} -- {}'.format( tr.orig.bus_id + 1, tr.dest.bus_id + 1)), NoEscape('{:.02f}'.format(tr.Z1.imag * 100)), NoEscape('{:.02f}'.format( tr.Z0.imag * 100)), get_scheme(tr), NoEscape('{:.02f}'.format(tr.Sper.real * 100)), NoEscape('{:.02f}'.format(tr.Sper.imag * 100)), NoEscape('{:.02f}'.format(tr.S2.real * 100)), NoEscape('{:.02f}'.format(tr.S2.imag * 100)), NoEscape('{:.02f}'.format( np.abs(tr.S2) * 1e8 / tr.snom * 100))), color=color) filepath = filename.strip('.pdf') make_system_schematic(curves, grid, initial_fontsize=9) doc.append(NewPage()) with doc.create(Section('System')): with doc.create(Figure(position='h')) as system_pic: system_pic.add_plot(bbox_inches='tight', width=NoEscape('\\textwidth')) doc.generate_pdf(filepath, clean_tex=True, compiler='latexmk', compiler_args=['-pdf'])
def odstup_generator(df): ''' Funkce k vytvoření kapitoly s vypočtenými odstupy Vstupní data musí být DataFrame o specifickém formátu o deseti sloupcích viz níže: df_result['Nazev/fasada', 'vyska', 'sirka', 'Samostatne']] df_result['POP'] = POP_store_list df_result['p_v'] = pv_list df_result['I_avrg'] = I_tok_list df_result['d'] = d_results df_result['d\''] = d_results_kraj df_result['d\'s'] = d_results_za_krajem Funkce tvoří přímo tabulku upravenou na míru pro prezentování odstupových vzdáleností v PBŘ zprávě ''' '''Poznámky k tabulce''' list_avaiable = ['Přístřešky pro auta DP3', 'Pergoly / přístřešky'] '''Práce s daty ''' data_popis = df['Samostatne'].values.tolist() # Data pro přidání popisků df = df.drop(columns=['Samostatne']) data_used = df.values.tolist() # Data pro tvoření tabulky '''Přidání popisků na správné místo''' check = [] if not data_popis: # Zjišťuje zda je nutné přidat popisky pass else: save_var = [] save_id = [] save_name = [] save_id_check = [] for i in range(0, len(data_popis)): if data_popis[i] in list_avaiable: check.append(i) save_var.append(data_popis[i]) save_id_check.append(i) count = list(range(1, len(save_var)+1)) pre = ' $^{' suf = ')}$' for i in range(0, len(save_var)): count[i] = pre + str(count[i]) count[i] = str(count[i]) + suf for n in range(0, len(save_var)): if n == 0: new_dict = dict(zip([save_var[n]], [count[n]])) save_id.append(save_id_check[n]) save_name.append(save_var[n]) # new_dict = dict(zip([save_var[n]], str(count[n]))) if n > 0: if save_var[n] in new_dict: save_id.append(save_id_check[n]) save_name.append(save_var[n]) else: len_dict = len(new_dict)+1 len_dict = pre + str(len_dict) len_dict = str(len_dict) + suf save_id.append(save_id_check[n]) save_name.append(save_var[n]) new_dict[save_var[n]] = len_dict for i in range(0, len(save_id)): data_used[save_id[i]][0] = NoEscape(data_used[save_id[i]][0] + new_dict[save_name[i]]) '''Přeměna čísel s . na čísla s ,''' for i in range(0, len(data_used)): data_used[i][1] = str(("%.2f" % data_used[i][1])).replace(".", ",") data_used[i][2] = str(("%.2f" % data_used[i][2])).replace(".", ",") data_used[i][3] = str(("%.2f" % data_used[i][3])).replace(".", ",") data_used[i][4] = str(("%.2f" % data_used[i][4])).replace(".", ",") data_used[i][5] = str(("%.2f" % data_used[i][5])).replace(".", ",") data_used[i][6] = str(("%.2f" % data_used[i][6])).replace(".", ",") data_used[i][7] = str(("%.2f" % data_used[i][7])).replace(".", ",") data_used[i][8] = str(("%.2f" % data_used[i][8])).replace(".", ",") '''Textová část kapitoly ''' with doc.create(Subsection('Stanovení odstupových vzdáleností')): if kcni_system != 'nehořlavý': doc.append(NoEscape(r'Požární zatížení je v souladu s čl. 10.4.4 normy ČSN 73 0802 vzhledem k zatřídění konstrukčního systému nově navrhované budovy ({}; zatřídění viz tabulka '.format(kcni_system))) doc.append(NoEscape(r'\ref{PTCH}) ')) doc.append(NoEscape(r' dále zvýšeno o {} kg/m$^2$.'.format(add_pv))) doc.append(NoEscape('\par')) doc.append(NoEscape(r'Odstupové vzdálenosti jsou stanoveny určením vzdáleností kritického tepelného toku 18,5 kW/m$^2$ od vnějšího líce požárně otevřené plochy, a to pomocí programu pro výpočet odstupových vzdáleností, který je zmíněn v kapitole \ref{cha-1}). Výsledné hodnoty odstupových vzdáleností z tohoto programu jsou názorně zakresleny v následujícím obrázku \ref{SchemaPOP2}.')) with doc.create(Figure(position='htb!')) as Odstup: Odstup.add_image('images/odstup.jpg', width='160px') Odstup.add_caption('Znázornění vypočtených hodnot') Odstup.append(Command('label', 'SchemaPOP2')) doc.append(NoEscape(r'Vypočtené odstupové vzdále\-nosti jsou patrné z tabulky \ref{odstup}.')) '''Ověření zda je možné přidat popisky + přidání popisků''' if len(check) > 0: doc.append(Command('begin', 'ThreePartTable')) doc.append(Command('begin', 'TableNotes')) doc.append(NoEscape('\small')) for key in new_dict.keys(): pre_str = '\item ' if key == 'Pergoly / přístřešky': loc_str = ' Odstupová vzdálenost z domnělých stěn otevřených přístřešků je spočtena pomocí normové křivky pro vnější požár. Maximální teplota požáru je tedy v tomto případě 658$^o$C. Požární zatížení je stanoveno pomocí čl. 10.4.4 normy ČSN 73 0802.' string = new_dict[key] doc.append(NoEscape(pre_str + string + loc_str)) if key == 'Přístřešky pro auta DP3': loc_str = ' Odstupová vzdálenost od otevřeného přístřešku pro auta je stanovena na základě čl. I.3.1 normy ČSN 73 0804. Uvažováno je s ekvivalentní dobou požáru 30 minut (zde označeno jako p$_v$ = 30 kg/m$^2$). s výškou přístřešku 1,5 m a skutečnou délkou přístřešku.' string = new_dict[key] doc.append(NoEscape(pre_str + string + loc_str)) if len(check) > 0: doc.append(Command('end', 'TableNotes')) with doc.create(LongTable("lcccccccc", pos=['htb'])) as data_table: doc.append(Command('caption', 'Odstupové vzdálenosti od objektu')) doc.append(Command('label', 'odstup')) doc.append(Command('\ ')) data_table.append data_table.add_hline() data_table.add_row([" ", "Výška", "Šířka", "POP", NoEscape('$p_v$'), NoEscape('$I_{avrg}$'), "d", "d\'", NoEscape("d\'$_s$")]) data_table.add_row([" ", "[m]", "[m]", NoEscape('[\%]'), NoEscape('[kg/m$^2$]'), NoEscape('[kW/m$^2$]'), "[m]", "[m]", "[m]"]) data_table.add_hline() data_table.end_table_header() for i in range(0, len(data_used)): if i == 0: # \multicolumn{9}{l}{\textbf{1. nadzemní podlaží - POP společné}}\\ data_table.add_row((MultiColumn(9, align='l', data=utils.bold(df_popis[i])),)) if i > 0 and df_popis[i] != df_popis[i-1]: data_table.add_hline() data_table.add_row((MultiColumn(9, align='l', data=utils.bold(df_popis[i])),)) if (i) % 2 == 0: data_table.add_row(data_used[i], color="Hex") elif (i) % 2 != 0: data_table.add_row(data_used[i]) data_table.add_hline() if len(check) > 0: doc.append(NoEscape('\insertTableNotes')) if len(check) > 0: doc.append(Command('end', 'ThreePartTable'))
def main(): # copy diagram["cp", "-r", dp.diagram_path, dp.latex_pics_path]) # copy diagram velocity only for begin and last for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dp.f_momentum_mass_field_path): # if not empty if filenames: sorted_filenames = natural_sort(filenames) first_filename = sorted_filenames[0] last_filename = sorted_filenames[-1] copy_filenames = [first_filename, last_filename] for filename in copy_filenames: filepath = os.path.join(root, filename) f_copy_path = filepath.replace(dp.diagram_path, dp.latex_pics_path)["cp", filepath, f_copy_path]) os.chdir(dp.latex_path) doc = Document(default_filepath=dp.latex_path + "plots") doc.packages.append(Package('placeins', "section")) #breakpoint() with doc.create(Section("Simulation Plot")): doc.append("Width= " + str(rr.log_variable["width_wall_dp_unit"]) + " diameter") doc.append("\nHeight= " + str(rr.log_variable["z_length_create_dp_unit"]) + " diameter") doc.append("\nPeriodic length in shear direction = " + str(rr.log_variable["x_period_dp_unit"]) + " diameter") doc.append("\nSavage_number = " + str(rr.log_variable["Sa"])) doc.append("\nV_wall = " + str( float(rr.log_variable["in_velocity"]) / float(rr.log_variable["dp"])) + " diameter/second") list_plot_no_errorbar = [ ("Coord1", "mv_1"), ] list_plot_errorbar = [ ("I_12", "mu_12_middle"), ("I_tensor", "mu_tensor_12"), ("strain", "I_12"), ("strain", "mu_12_middle"), ("strain", "I_tensor"), ("strain", "mu_tensor_12"), ("strain", "fraction"), ("strain", "velocity_1"), ("strain", "velocity_2"), ("strain", "velocity_3"), ("strain", "strain_rate_21_middle"), ("strain", "strain_rate_31_middle"), ("strain", "strain_rate_22_middle"), ("strain", "strain_rate_32_middle"), ("strain", "strain_rate_23_middle"), ("strain", "strain_rate_33_middle"), ("strain", "stress_11"), ("strain", "stress_22"), ("strain", "stress_33"), ("strain", "stress_12"), ("strain", "stress_13"), ("strain", "stress_23"), ("fraction", "mu_12_middle"), ("fraction", "I_12"), ("fraction", "mu_tensor_12"), ("fraction", "I_tensor"), ("strain", "fraction"), ("strain", "inwall_stress_1"), ("strain", "inwall_stress_2"), ("strain", "inwall_stress_3"), ("strain", "outwall_stress_1"), ("strain", "outwall_stress_2"), ("strain", "outwall_stress_3"), ("strain", "zbottom_stress_1"), ("strain", "zbottom_stress_2"), ("strain", "zbottom_stress_3"), ] for (x_name, y_name) in list_plot_no_errorbar: folder_name = y_name + "_" + x_name + "/" folder_path = dp.latex_pics_path + "diagram/n_ave_51/" + folder_name onlyfilepaths = [ os.path.join(folder_path, f) for f in os.listdir(folder_path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folder_path, f)) ] pic_path_list = natural_sort(onlyfilepaths) subsection_title = y_name + " vs. " + x_name #breakpoint() with doc.create(Subsection(subsection_title.replace('_middle', ''))): for pic_path in pic_path_list: with doc.create(Figure(position='h!')) as pic: #breakpoint() pic.add_image(pic_path) pic.add_caption(NoEscape("\label{fig:epsart}")) doc.append(NoEscape("\\FloatBarrier")) for (x_name, y_name) in list_plot_errorbar: folder_name = y_name + "_" + x_name + "/" folder_path = dp.latex_pics_path + "diagram/n_ave_51/" + folder_name onlyfilepaths = [ os.path.join(folder_path, f) for f in os.listdir(folder_path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folder_path, f)) ] pic_path_list = natural_sort(onlyfilepaths) folder_path = dp.latex_pics_path + "diagram/n_ave_51/" + folder_name + "errorbar/" onlyfilepaths = [ os.path.join(folder_path, f) for f in os.listdir(folder_path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folder_path, f)) ] pic_path_list_errorbar = natural_sort(onlyfilepaths) subsection_title = y_name + " vs. " + x_name #breakpoint() with doc.create(Subsection(subsection_title.replace('_middle', ''))): for pic_path in pic_path_list: with doc.create(Figure(position='h!')) as pic: #breakpoint() pic.add_image(pic_path) pic.add_caption(NoEscape("\label{fig:epsart}")) doc.append(NoEscape("\\FloatBarrier")) with doc.create( Subsection( subsection_title.replace('_middle', '') + " (with errorbar)")): for pic_path in pic_path_list_errorbar: with doc.create(Figure(position='h!')) as pic: pic.add_image(pic_path) pic.add_caption(NoEscape("\label{fig:epsart}")) doc.append(NoEscape("\\FloatBarrier")) doc.generate_pdf(clean_tex=False) os.chdir(rr.lammps_directory)
Mal_y_pos = np.arange(len(Mal_obj)) #______________________________________ geometry_options = {"margin":"0.5in"} doc = Document('matplotlib_ex-dpi', geometry_options=geometry_options,documentclass='report', document_options=['12pt, notitlepage']) #doc.preamble.append(NoEscape(r'\linespread{1.8}')) Command('linespread','1.6') # doc.append('Introduction.') # with doc.create(Section('I am a section')): # doc.append('Take a look at this beautiful plot:') with doc.create(Figure(position='h!')) as plotgrid: #first graph, benchMark, align='center', alpha=0.5), unconInvest,bottom=benchMark, align='center', alpha=1, color="#f3e151") plt.xticks(y_pos, objects,fontsize=9, rotation=30) plt.ylabel('USD bn') plt.title('Brazil') with doc.create(SubFigure(position='b',width=NoEscape(r'0.5\linewidth'))) as Leftplot: Leftplot.add_plot(width=NoEscape(r'\linewidth'), dpi=300) plt.clf() #Second graph, mex_benchMark, align='center', alpha=0.5), mex_unconInvest,bottom=mex_benchMark, align='center', alpha=1, color="#f3e151") plt.xticks(mex_y_pos, mex_obj, fontsize=9, rotation=30)
with doc.create(MiniPage(align='l')): #doc.append(NoEscape(r"\noindent\rule{\textwidth}{1pt}")) #doc.append(NewLine()) doc.append('Name : ' + str(sub_info.Name[0])) doc.append('\nAge: ' + str(sub_info.Age[0])) doc.append('\nGender: ' + str(sub_info.Gender[0])) doc.append('\nUH Id: ' + str(sub_info.UHID[0])) doc.append('\nDate: ' + d2) doc.append(LineBreak()) doc.append(NoEscape(r"\noindent\rule{\textwidth}{1pt}")) doc.append(NewLine()) doc.append(LineBreak()) with doc.create(MiniPage(align='c')): doc.append(LargeText(bold('Vowel Triangle Analysis Report'))) # Analysis result and image with doc.create(Section('Vowel Triangle Analysis')): with doc.create(Figure(position='h!')) as img_plot: img_plot.add_image(img1, width='300px') img_plot.add_caption('Vowel Triangle PLot') with doc.create(Subsection('Vowel Triangle')): doc.append('Area : ' + str(area)) doc.append(NoEscape(r"\pagebreak[4]")) # saving the pdf and tex doc.generate_pdf(filepath='media/VT.report1', clean_tex=False)
def plot_show(caption, width=r'0.5\textwidth', *args, **kwargs): fig = Figure(position='htbp') fig.add_plot(width=NoEscapeStr(width), *args, **kwargs) fig.add_caption(NoEscapeStr(caption)) return fig
def writeFigure(doc, figname, soru_sayisi, scale): with doc.create(Figure(position="h!")) as fig: width = NoEscape(r"{}\textwidth".format(scale)) fig.add_image(settings.fig_path + figname, width=width) fig.add_caption("Soru "+ str(soru_sayisi))
def dessiner(doc, chemin): for photo in os.listdir(chemin): with doc.create(Section('Showing subfigures')): image_filename = os.path.join(chemin, photo) with doc.create(Figure(width=NoEscape(r'\linewidth'))) as frog: frog.add_image(image_filename, width=NoEscape(r'\linewidth'))
itemize.add_item("the second item") itemize.add_item("the third etc") # you can append to existing items itemize.append(Command("ldots")) if __name__ == '__main__': # Basic document doc = Document('basic') fill_document(doc) # Document with `\maketitle` command activated doc = Document() image_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'final.png') with doc.create(Figure(position='h!')) as logo: logo.add_image(image_filename, width='300px') doc.preamble.append(Command('title', 'note-o-matic Summary')) doc.preamble.append(Command('author', 'Generated using note-o-matic')) doc.preamble.append(Command('date', NoEscape(r'\today'))) doc.append(NoEscape(r'\maketitle')) fill_document(doc) # Add stuff to the document with doc.create(Section('Your notes - reworked.')): doc.append('uwu') doc.generate_pdf('note-o-maticSummary', clean_tex=False, compiler='/Library/TeX/texbin/pdflatex')
rev_c = {"A": "T", "C": "G", "G": "C", "T": "A", "$": "$"} colors = ["red", "green", "blue", "yellow"] def create_figure(seq, interval_dict, query): seq_fig = tikz_matrix("seq", body([seq, "".join(rev_c[c] for c in seq)])) query_fig = tikz_matrix("q", body([query]), "below=of seq") rec_1 = r"\node[color=%s, draw, dashed, rounded corners, fit=(seq-1-%s) (seq-1-%s)] {};" rec_2 = r"\node[color=%s, draw, dashed, rounded corners, fit=(seq-2-%s) (seq-2-%s)] {};" rec_q = r"\node[color=%s, draw, dashed, rounded corners, fit=(q-1-%s) (q-1-%s)] {};" lines = [] N = len(seq) i = 0 for (s, e), (intervals, reverse_intervals) in interval_dict.iteritems(): lines.append(rec_q % (colors[i], s + 1, e)) for (start, end) in intervals: lines.append(rec_1 % (colors[i], start + 1, end)) for start, end in reverse_intervals: lines.append(rec_2 % (colors[i], N - end + 1, N - start)) i += 1 content = seq_fig + "\n" + query_fig + "\n" + "\n".join(lines) content = content.replace("$", r"\$") return content if __name__ == "__main__": fig = Figure("memfig", "memfigs") fig.write(create_figure("ATTCT", {1: ([(0, 3), (2, 5)], [(1, 3)])}))
def save_latex(self, uiObj, Design_Check, reportsummary, filename, rel_path, Disp_2d_image, Disp_3d_image, module=''): companyname = str(reportsummary["ProfileSummary"]['CompanyName']) companylogo = str(reportsummary["ProfileSummary"]['CompanyLogo']) groupteamname = str(reportsummary["ProfileSummary"]['Group/TeamName']) designer = str(reportsummary["ProfileSummary"]['Designer']) projecttitle = str(reportsummary['ProjectTitle']) subtitle = str(reportsummary['Subtitle']) jobnumber = str(reportsummary['JobNumber']) client = str(reportsummary['Client']) does_design_exist = reportsummary['does_design_exist'] osdagheader = '/ResourceFiles/images/Osdag_header_report.png' # Add document header geometry_options = { "top": "5cm", "hmargin": "2cm", "headheight": "100pt", "footskip": "100pt", "bottom": "5cm" } doc = Document(geometry_options=geometry_options, indent=False) doc.packages.append(Package('amsmath')) doc.packages.append(Package('graphicx')) doc.packages.append(Package('needspace')) doc.append(pyl.Command('fontsize', arguments=[8, 12])) doc.append(pyl.Command('selectfont')) doc.add_color('OsdagGreen', 'RGB', '153,169,36') doc.add_color('PassColor', 'RGB', '153,169,36') doc.add_color('Red', 'RGB', '255,0,0') doc.add_color('Green', 'RGB', '0,200,0') doc.add_color('FailColor', 'HTML', '933A16') header = PageStyle("header") # Create center header with header.create(Head("C")): with header.create(Tabularx('|l|p{4cm}|l|X|')) as table: table.add_hline() # MultiColumn(4) table.add_row(( MultiColumn( 2, align='|c|', data=('' if companylogo is '' else StandAloneGraphic( image_options="height=0.95cm", filename=companylogo))), MultiColumn(2, align='|c|', data=[ 'Created with', StandAloneGraphic( image_options="width=4.0cm,height=1cm", filename=rel_path + osdagheader) ]), )) table.add_hline() table.add_row(('Company Name', companyname, 'Project Title', projecttitle), color='OsdagGreen') table.add_hline() table.add_row( ('Group/Team Name', groupteamname, 'Subtitle', subtitle), color='OsdagGreen') table.add_hline() table.add_row(('Designer', designer, 'Job Number', jobnumber), color='OsdagGreen') table.add_hline() table.add_row( ('Date', time.strftime("%d /%m /%Y"), 'Client', client), color='OsdagGreen') table.add_hline() # Create right footer with header.create(Foot("R")): header.append(NoEscape(r'Page \thepage')) # # doc.preamble.append(header) # doc.change_document_style("header") # Add Heading # with doc.create(MiniPage(align='c')): doc.preamble.append(header) doc.change_document_style("header") with doc.create(Section('Input Parameters')): with doc.create( LongTable('|p{5cm}|p{2.5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{3cm}|p{3.5cm}|', row_height=1.2)) as table: table.add_hline() for i in uiObj: # row_cells = ('9', MultiColumn(3, align='|c|', data='Multicolumn not on left')) if i == "Selected Section Details" or i == KEY_DISP_ANGLE_LIST or i == KEY_DISP_TOPANGLE_LIST or i == KEY_DISP_CLEAT_ANGLE_LIST: # if type(uiObj[i]) == list: continue if type(uiObj[i]) == dict: table.add_hline() sectiondetails = uiObj[i] image_name = sectiondetails[KEY_DISP_SEC_PROFILE] Img_path = '/ResourceFiles/images/' + image_name + '.png' if (len(sectiondetails)) % 2 == 0: # merge_rows = int(round_up(len(sectiondetails),2)/2 + 2) merge_rows = int((len(sectiondetails) / 2)) + 2 else: merge_rows = round_up((len(sectiondetails) / 2), 2) if (len(sectiondetails)) % 2 == 0: sectiondetails[''] = '' a = list(sectiondetails.keys()) # index=0 for x in range(1, (merge_rows + 1)): # table.add_row("Col.Det.",i,columndetails[i]) if x == 1: table.add_row(( MultiRow( merge_rows, data=StandAloneGraphic( image_options= "width=5cm,height=5cm", filename=rel_path + Img_path)), MultiColumn(2, align='|c|', data=a[x]), MultiColumn(2, align='|c|', data=sectiondetails[a[x]]), )) elif x <= 4: table.add_row(( '', MultiColumn(2, align='|c|', data=NoEscape(a[x])), MultiColumn(2, align='|c|', data=NoEscape( sectiondetails[a[x]])), )) else: table.add_row(( '', NoEscape(a[x]), sectiondetails[a[x]], NoEscape(a[merge_rows + x - 4]), sectiondetails[a[merge_rows + x - 4]], )) table.add_hline(2, 5) elif uiObj[i] == "TITLE": table.add_hline() table.add_row((MultiColumn( 5, align='|c|', data=bold(i), ), )) table.add_hline() elif i == 'Section Size*': table.add_hline() table.add_row(( MultiColumn( 3, align='|c|', data=i, ), MultiColumn(2, align='|c|', data="Ref List of Input Section"), )) table.add_hline() elif len(str(uiObj[i])) > 55 and type( uiObj[i]) != pyl.math.Math: str_len = len(str(uiObj[i])) loop_len = round_up((str_len / 55), 1, 1) for j in range(1, loop_len + 1): b = 55 * j + 1 if j == 1: table.add_row(( MultiColumn(3, align='|c|', data=MultiRow(loop_len, data=i)), MultiColumn(2, align='|c|', data=uiObj[i][0:b]), )) else: table.add_row(( MultiColumn(3, align='|c|', data=MultiRow(loop_len, data="")), MultiColumn(2, align='|c|', data=uiObj[i][b - 55:b]), )) table.add_hline() else: table.add_hline() table.add_row(( MultiColumn(3, align='|c|', data=NoEscape(i)), MultiColumn(2, align='|c|', data=uiObj[i]), )) table.add_hline() for i in uiObj: if i == 'Section Size*' or i == KEY_DISP_ANGLE_LIST or i == KEY_DISP_TOPANGLE_LIST or i == KEY_DISP_CLEAT_ANGLE_LIST: with doc.create(Subsection("List of Input Section")): # with doc.create(LongTable('|p{8cm}|p{8cm}|', row_height=1.2)) as table: with doc.create(Tabularx('|p{4cm}|X|', row_height=1.2)) as table: table.add_hline() table.add_row(( MultiColumn( 1, align='|c|', data=i, ), MultiColumn(1, align='|X|', data=uiObj[i].strip("[]")), )) # str_len = len(uiObj[i]) # loop_len = round_up((str_len/100),1,1) # table.add_hline() # for j in range(1,loop_len+1): # b= 100*j+1 # if j ==1: # table.add_row((MultiColumn(1, align='|c|', data=i, ), # MultiColumn(1, align='|X|', data=uiObj[i][0:b]),)) # else: # table.add_row((MultiColumn(1, align='|c|', data=" ", ), # MultiColumn(1, align='|X|', data=uiObj[i][b-100:b]),)) table.add_hline() doc.append( pyl.Command('Needspace', arguments=NoEscape(r'10\baselineskip'))) doc.append(NewPage()) count = 0 with doc.create(Section('Design Checks')): with doc.create( Tabularx( r'|>{\centering}p{12.5cm}|>{\centering\arraybackslash}X|', row_height=1.2)) as table: table.add_hline() # Fail = TextColor("FailColor", bold("Fail")) # Pass = TextColor("PassColor", bold("Pass")) if does_design_exist != True: table.add_row(bold('Design Status'), color_cell("Red", bold("Fail"))) else: table.add_row(bold('Design Status'), color_cell("OsdagGreen", bold("Pass"))) table.add_hline() for check in Design_Check: if check[0] == 'SubSection': if count >= 1: # doc.append(NewPage()) doc.append( pyl.Command( 'Needspace', arguments=NoEscape(r'10\baselineskip'))) with doc.create(Subsection(check[1])): ######################### # if uiObj== "WELDImage": # table.add_hline() # table.add_row((MultiColumn(5, align='|c|', data=bold(i), ),)) # table.add_hline() # else: ######################### with doc.create(LongTable(check[2], row_height=1.2) ) as table: # todo anjali remove table.add_hline() table.add_row( ('Check', 'Required', 'Provided', 'Remarks'), color='OsdagGreen') table.add_hline() table.end_table_header() table.add_hline() count = count + 1 elif check[0] == "Selected": if count >= 1: # doc.append(NewPage()) doc.append( pyl.Command( 'Needspace', arguments=NoEscape(r'10\baselineskip'))) with doc.create(Subsection(check[1])): with doc.create(LongTable(check[2], row_height=1.2)) as table: table.add_hline() for i in uiObj: # row_cells = ('9', MultiColumn(3, align='|c|', data='Multicolumn not on left')) print(i) if type( uiObj[i] ) == dict and i == 'Selected Section Details': table.add_hline() sectiondetails = uiObj[i] image_name = sectiondetails[ KEY_DISP_SEC_PROFILE] Img_path = '/ResourceFiles/images/' + image_name + '.png' if (len(sectiondetails)) % 2 == 0: # merge_rows = int(round_up(len(sectiondetails),2)/2 + 2) merge_rows = int( round_up((len(sectiondetails) / 2), 1, 0) + 2) else: merge_rows = int( round_up((len(sectiondetails) / 2), 1, 0) + 1) print('Hi', len(sectiondetails) / 2, round_up(len(sectiondetails), 2) / 2, merge_rows) if (len(sectiondetails)) % 2 == 0: sectiondetails[''] = '' a = list(sectiondetails.keys()) # index=0 for x in range(1, (merge_rows + 1)): # table.add_row("Col.Det.",i,columndetails[i]) if x == 1: table.add_row(( MultiRow( merge_rows, data=StandAloneGraphic( image_options= "width=5cm,height=5cm", filename=rel_path + Img_path)), MultiColumn(2, align='|c|', data=NoEscape( a[x])), MultiColumn( 2, align='|c|', data=NoEscape( sectiondetails[a[x]])), )) elif x <= 4: table.add_row(( '', MultiColumn(2, align='|c|', data=NoEscape( a[x])), MultiColumn( 2, align='|c|', data=sectiondetails[a[x]]), )) else: table.add_row(( '', NoEscape(a[x]), sectiondetails[a[x]], NoEscape(a[merge_rows + x - 4]), sectiondetails[a[merge_rows + x - 4]], )) table.add_hline(2, 5) table.add_hline() count = count + 1 else: if check[3] == 'Fail': table.add_row((NoEscape(check[0])), check[1], check[2], TextColor("Red", bold(check[3]))) else: table.add_row((NoEscape(check[0])), check[1], check[2], TextColor("OsdagGreen", bold(check[3]))) table.add_hline() # 2D images if len(Disp_2d_image) != 0: if module == KEY_DISP_BCENDPLATE or module == KEY_DISP_BB_EP_SPLICE: if does_design_exist and sys.platform != 'darwin': doc.append(NewPage()) weld_details = rel_path + Disp_2d_image[0] detailing_details = rel_path + Disp_2d_image[1] stiffener_details = rel_path + Disp_2d_image[2] with doc.create(Section('2D Drawings (Typical)')): with doc.create(Figure()) as image: image.add_image(weld_details, width=NoEscape(r'0.7\textwidth'), placement=NoEscape(r'\centering')) image.add_caption( 'Typical Weld Details -- Beam to End Plate Connection' ) # doc.append(NewPage()) with doc.create(Figure()) as image_2: image_2.add_image( detailing_details, width=NoEscape(r'0.7\textwidth'), placement=NoEscape(r'\centering')) image_2.add_caption('Typical Detailing') # doc.append(NewPage()) with doc.create(Figure()) as image_3: image_3.add_image( stiffener_details, width=NoEscape(r'0.9\textwidth'), placement=NoEscape(r'\centering')) image_3.add_caption('Typical Stiffener Details') # doc.append(NewPage()) elif module == KEY_DISP_BASE_PLATE: if does_design_exist and sys.platform != 'darwin': doc.append(NewPage()) bp_sketch = rel_path + Disp_2d_image[0] bp_detailing = rel_path + Disp_2d_image[1] bp_weld = rel_path + Disp_2d_image[2] bp_anchor = rel_path + Disp_2d_image[3] bp_key = rel_path + Disp_2d_image[4] with doc.create(Section('2D Drawings (Typical)')): with doc.create(Figure()) as image_1: image_1.add_image( bp_sketch, width=NoEscape(r'1.0\textwidth'), placement=NoEscape(r'\centering')) image_1.add_caption('Typical Base Plate Details') # doc.append(NewPage()) with doc.create(Figure()) as image_2: image_2.add_image( bp_detailing, width=NoEscape(r'1.0\textwidth'), placement=NoEscape(r'\centering')) image_2.add_caption('Typical Base Plate Detailing') # doc.append(NewPage()) with doc.create(Figure()) as image_3: image_3.add_image( bp_weld, width=NoEscape(r'1.0\textwidth'), placement=NoEscape(r'\centering')) image_3.add_caption('Typical Weld Details') # doc.append(NewPage()) with doc.create(Figure()) as image_4: image_4.add_image( bp_anchor, width=NoEscape(r'0.5\textwidth'), placement=NoEscape(r'\centering')) image_4.add_caption('Typical Anchor Bolt Details') # doc.append(NewPage()) if len(Disp_2d_image[-1]) > 0: with doc.create(Figure()) as image_5: image_5.add_image( bp_key, width=NoEscape(r'0.9\textwidth'), placement=NoEscape(r'\centering')) image_5.add_caption( 'Typical Shear Key Details') # doc.append(NewPage()) if does_design_exist and sys.platform != 'darwin': doc.append(NewPage()) Disp_top_image = "/ResourceFiles/images/top.png" Disp_side_image = "/ResourceFiles/images/side.png" Disp_front_image = "/ResourceFiles/images/front.png" view_3dimg_path = rel_path + Disp_3d_image view_topimg_path = rel_path + Disp_top_image view_sideimg_path = rel_path + Disp_side_image view_frontimg_path = rel_path + Disp_front_image with doc.create(Section('3D Views')): with doc.create( Tabularx( r'|>{\centering}X|>{\centering\arraybackslash}X|', row_height=1.2)) as table: view_3dimg_path = rel_path + Disp_3d_image view_topimg_path = rel_path + Disp_top_image view_sideimg_path = rel_path + Disp_side_image view_frontimg_path = rel_path + Disp_front_image table.add_hline() table.add_row([ StandAloneGraphic(image_options="height=4cm", filename=view_3dimg_path), StandAloneGraphic(image_options="height=4cm", filename=view_topimg_path) ]) table.add_row('(a) 3D View', '(b) Top View') table.add_hline() table.add_row([ StandAloneGraphic(image_options="height=4cm", filename=view_sideimg_path), StandAloneGraphic(image_options="height=4cm", filename=view_frontimg_path) ]) table.add_row('(c) Side View', '(d) Front View') table.add_hline() # with doc.create(Figure(position='h!')) as view_3D: # view_3dimg_path = rel_path + Disp_3d_image # # view_3D.add_image(filename=view_3dimg_path, width=NoEscape(r'\linewidth')) # # view_3D.add_image(filename=view_3dimg_path,width=NoEscape(r'\linewidth,height=6.5cm')) # # view_3D.add_caption('3D View') with doc.create(Section('Design Log')): doc.append( pyl.Command('Needspace', arguments=NoEscape(r'10\baselineskip'))) logger_msgs = reportsummary['logger_messages'].split('\n') for msg in logger_msgs: if ('WARNING' in msg): colour = 'blue' elif ('INFO' in msg): colour = 'OsdagGreen' elif ('ERROR' in msg): colour = 'red' else: continue doc.append(TextColor(colour, '\n' + msg)) try: doc.generate_pdf(filename, compiler='pdflatex', clean_tex=False) except: pass
def generateLatex(phrases, key, result, flag): geometry_options = {"tmargin": "1cm", "lmargin": "3cm", "rmargin": "3cm"} doc = Document(geometry_options=geometry_options) if(flag == "E"): with doc.create(Section('Encyption Input')): doc.append('Text: ' + "".join(phrases) + "\n") doc.append('Key: ' +key) with doc.create(Section("Matrix Mltiplications")): for phrase in phrases: M = createEncryptMatrix(key) messageMatrix = np.array([[getCapitalAlphaMod(phrase[0]),getCapitalAlphaMod(phrase[1]),getCapitalAlphaMod(phrase[2])]]).astype("float64").T doc.append(Math(data=[r'1/' + str(26), Matrix(M), Matrix(messageMatrix), '=', Matrix(getModMatrix(M @ messageMatrix))])) doc.append("\n") doc.append("Encrypted chunk: " + getStringFromMatrix(getModMatrix(M @ messageMatrix))) with doc.create(Section('Encyption Result')): doc.append('Cipher: ' + result) elif(flag == "D"): image_filename = './LookupHill.png' with doc.create(Section('Introduction')): doc.append('In this project, I implement a 3 × 3 Hill Cipher Machine in Python. This machine automatically generates LaTex reports to decipher user-input step by step. \n') doc.append('We will be deciphering: ' + "".join(phrases) + ' using the key: ' + key + '. \n') with doc.create(Section("Enryption Matrix")): with doc.create(Figure(position='h!')) as lookup_hill: lookup_hill.add_image(image_filename, width='120px') lookup_hill.add_caption('Lookup Table of Hill Cipher') doc.append('We use the Lookup Table above to create the Encryption Matrix below. \n') M = createEncryptMatrix(key) doc.append(Math(data=[Matrix(M)])) with doc.create(Section("Encryption Matrix Mod 26 Inverse")): '''iM = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]) E21E31 = iM.copy() E21E31[(1,0)] = -1 * (augM[(1,0)]/augM[(0,0)]) E21E31[(2,0)] = -1 * (augM[(2,0)]/augM[(0,0)]) augM = E32 = iM.copy() E32[(2,1)] = -1 * (augM[(2,1)]/augM[(1,1)]) augM = E23E13 = iM.copy() E23E13[(1,2)] = -1 * (augM[(1,2)]/augM[(2,2)]) E23E13[(0,2)] = -1 * (augM[(0,2)]/augM[(2,2)]) augM = E12 = iM.copy() E12[(0,1)] = -1 * (augM[(0,1)]/augM[(1,1)]) augM = det = augM[(0,0)] * augM[(1,1)] * augM[(2,2)] if(det == 0 or math.isnan(det)): raise ValueError("Matrix Non-Invertible") #print("Det: " + str(det)) if(egcd(int(round(det)), 26)[0] != 1): raise ValueError("Key Matrix determinent not co-prime with 26") #print("Mod inv of det: " + str(modinv(det, 26))) D = iM.copy() D[(0,0)] = 1/augM[(0,0)] D[(1,1)] = 1/augM[(1,1)] D[(2,2)] = 1/augM[(2,2)] augM = #Here are the additional steps needed to find the modular inverse of a matrix augM = augM * det augM = augM * modinv(int(round(det)), 26) modAugM = getModMatrix(augM[0:, 3:]) return modAugM''' invMat = gaussianInverseMod26(createEncryptMatrixAug(key)) doc.append(Math(data=[Matrix(invMat)])) doc.append("\n") with doc.create(Section("Matrix Multiplications")): for phrase in phrases: M = invMat #print(M) messageMatrix = np.array([[getCapitalAlphaMod(phrase[0]),getCapitalAlphaMod(phrase[1]),getCapitalAlphaMod(phrase[2])]]).astype("float64").T doc.append(Math(data=[Matrix(M), Matrix(messageMatrix), '=', Matrix(getModMatrix(M @ messageMatrix))])) doc.append("\n") doc.append("Decrypted chunk: " + getStringFromMatrix(getModMatrix(M @ messageMatrix))) with doc.create(Section('Decryption Result')): doc.append('Plaintext: ' + result) doc.generate_pdf('full', clean_tex=False)['open', 'full.pdf'])
def gen_graphs(self, visu): ''' function calls the graphs methods to draw from the visualization module according to use preferences takes as input a visualizer object ''' # start Graphs Section in the report # self.doc.append(NoEscape(r'\leftskip=0pt')) with self.doc.create(Section('Graphs', numbering=False)): # uncomment after generating predictions if not self.regression: # Confusion Matrix # self.doc.append(NoEscape(r'\leftskip=20pt')) with self.doc.create( Subsection('Confusion Matrix', numbering=False)): self.doc.append(NoEscape(r'\leftskip=40pt')) with self.doc.create( Figure(position='htbp') ) as conf_mat_plot: # Create new Figure in tex # get image path from the visualizer file_name = visu.gen_conf_mat( target_names=self.target_names, predictions=self.predictions, y=self.y_train, dpi=300) conf_mat_plot.add_image(file_name, width=NoEscape(r'1\textwidth')) self.doc.append(NoEscape(r'\pagebreak')) #start new page # ROC Curve # self.doc.append(NoEscape(r'\leftskip=20pt')) with self.doc.create(Subsection('ROC Curve', numbering=False)): self.doc.append(NoEscape(r'\leftskip=40pt')) with self.doc.create( Figure(position='htbp' )) as ROC_plot: # Create new Figure in tex # y_tr = self.y_train y_ts = self.y_train file_name = visu.gen_roc_curve( probabilities=self.probabilities, y=y_ts, target_names=self.target_names) ROC_plot.add_image(file_name, width=NoEscape(r'1.2\textwidth')) self.doc.append(NoEscape(r'\pagebreak')) #start new page # Feature importance # self.doc.append(NoEscape(r'\leftskip=20pt')) with self.doc.create( Subsection('Feature Importance', numbering=False)): self.doc.append(NoEscape(r'\leftskip=40pt')) with self.doc.create(Figure(position='htbp')) as imp_plot: file_name = visu.gen_feature_imp( regression=self.regression, X=self.X_train, y=self.y_train) imp_plot.add_image(file_name, width=NoEscape(r'1.2\textwidth')) self.doc.append(NoEscape(r'\pagebreak')) #start new page if self.experiments.iloc[0][0] == 'ensembleSelection': # Word Cloud # self.doc.append(NoEscape(r'\leftskip=20pt')) with self.doc.create( Subsection('Models Cloud', numbering=False)): self.doc.append(NoEscape(r'\leftskip=40pt')) with self.doc.create( Figure(position='htbp')) as cloud_plot: file_name = visu.gen_word_cloud(self.experiments) cloud_plot.add_image(file_name, width=NoEscape(r'1.2\textwidth'))
def fill_document(doc): with doc.create(Section('Section 9.1', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Subsection('8', numbering=False)): with doc.create( Enumerate(enumeration_symbol=r"\alph*)", options={'start': 1})) as enum: enum.add_item('5') enum.add_item('3') enum.add_item('7') enum.add_item(NoEscape('$\sqrt{49+25}\\approx 8.6$')) enum.add_item(NoEscape('$\sqrt{9+25}\\approx 5.8$')) enum.add_item(NoEscape('$\sqrt{49+9}\\approx 7.6$')) with doc.create(Subsection('12', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Alignat(numbering=False, escape=False)) as agn: agn.append( r'radius = \sqrt{(\sqrt{1^2+2^2})^2+3^2} &= \sqrt{14} \\') agn.append(r'(x-1)^2+(y-2)^2+(z-3)^2 &= (\sqrt{14})^2\\') agn.append(r'(x-1)^2+(y-2)^2+(z-3)^2 &= 14') with doc.create(Subsection('14', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Alignat(numbering=False, escape=False)) as agn: agn.append(r'x^2+8x+y^2-6y+z^2+2z &= -17\\') agn.append(r'(x+4)^2-16+(y-3)^2-9+(z+1)^2-1 &= -17\\') agn.append(r'(x+4)^2+(y-3)^2+(z+1)^2 &= -17 +16+9+1\\') agn.append(r'(x+4)^2+(y-3)^2+(z+1)^2 &= 9\\') doc.append( 'The equation represents a sphere with center (-4,3,-1) and radius = 3' ) with doc.create(Subsection('16', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Alignat(numbering=False, escape=False)) as agn: agn.append(r'3(x^2+y^2+z^2) &=10+6y+12z\\') agn.append(r'x^2+y^2+z^2 &=\frac{10}{3}+2y+4z\\') agn.append(r'x^2+y^2-2y+z^2-4z &=\frac{10}{3}\\') agn.append(r'x^2+(y-1)^2-2+(z-2)^2-4 &=\frac{10}{3}\\') agn.append(r'x^2+(y-1)^2+(z-2)^2 &=\frac{10}{3}+2+4\\') agn.append(r'x^2+(y-1)^2+(z-2)^2 &=\frac{28}{3}\\') doc.append( 'The equation represents a sphere with center (0,1,2) and radius =' ) doc.append(NoEscape('$2\sqrt{\\frac{7}{3}}$')) with doc.create(Subsection('21-32', numbering=False)): with doc.create( Enumerate(enumeration_symbol=r"\arabic*)", options={'start': 21})) as enum: enum.add_item( 'The vertical plane that lies over the line given by x=5 in the xy-plane' ) enum.add_item( 'The vertical plane that lies over the line given by y=-2 in the xy-plane' ) enum.add_item( 'The subspace containing all numbers smaller than the plane that goes through y=8' ) enum.add_item( 'The subspace containing all numbes larger than the vertical plane that lies over the line given by x=-3 in the xy-plane' ) enum.add_item( 'The subspace contained between (and including) the xy-planes that pass through z=0 and z=6' ) enum.add_item( 'The cup-shaped shell defined by spinning the parabola given by ' ) doc.append(NoEscape('$z^2=1$')) doc.append(' spun around the z-axis') enum.add_item( 'The circle that lies in the xy-plane and is centered at (0,0,-1) and has a radius = 2' ) enum.add_item( 'The cylindrical shell of radius = 4 that is centered around the x-axis' ) enum.add_item( 'The subspace contained within the sphere centered at (0,0,0) with radius ' ) doc.append(NoEscape('$\leq\sqrt{3}$')) enum.add_item( 'The plane that extends out from the line given by x=z') enum.add_item( 'The subspace that is outside the sphere centered at (0,0,1) with a radius of 1' ) with doc.create(Subsection('38', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Alignat(numbering=False, escape=False)) as agn: agn.append( r'\sqrt{(x+1)^2+(y-5)^2+(z-3)^2} &= 2\sqrt{(x-6)^2+(y-2)^2+(z+2)^2}\\' ) agn.append( r'x^2+2x+1+y^2-10y+25+z^2-6z+9 &= 4(x^2-12x+36+y^2-4y\\ \ &\textnormal{ }+4+z^2+4z+4)\\') agn.append( r'4x^2-x^2-48x-2x+4y^2-y^2-16y+10y+4z^2-z^2+16z+6z &= -141\\' ) agn.append(r'3x^2-50x+3y^2-6y+3z^2+22z &=-141\\') agn.append( r'x^2-\frac{50}{3}x+y^2-2y+z^2+\frac{22}{3}z &=-47\\') agn.append( r'(x-\frac{25}{3})^2+(y-1)^2+(z-\frac{11}{3})^2 &=-47+\frac{625}{9}+\frac{121}{9}\\' ) agn.append( r'(x-\frac{25}{3})^2+(y-1)^2+(z-\frac{11}{3})^2 &=\frac{323}{9}\\' ) doc.append('The center is (25/3, 1, 11/3) and the radius is ') doc.append(NoEscape('$\\frac{\\sqrt{323}}{3}$')) with doc.create(Section('Section 9.2', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Subsection('22', numbering=False)): doc.append( NoEscape( '$\\langle \\frac{-6}{\\sqrt{6}}, \\frac{12}{\\sqrt{6}}, \\frac{6}{\\sqrt{6}}\\rangle$' )) with doc.create(Subsection('28', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Alignat(numbering=False, escape=False)) as agn: agn.append( r'wind = &\langle 50cos(\frac{7\pi}{4}), 50sin(\frac{7\pi}{4}) \rangle \ \\plane = &\langle 250cos(\frac{\pi}{6}), 250sin(\frac{\pi}{6}) \rangle\\' ) agn.append( r'true course = \langle 251.86, 89.64\rangle \textnormal{ and } & \ ground speed = \sqrt{251.86^2 + 89.64^2} = 267.34\\') with doc.create(Subsection('38', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Alignat(numbering=False, escape=False)) as agn: agn.append(r'\vec{i} = & \langle 1,0,0 \rangle\\') agn.append(r'\vec{j} = & \langle 0,1,0 \rangle\\') agn.append(r'\vec{k} = & \langle 0,0,1 \rangle\\') agn.append( r'\vec{v} = & \langle a\vec{i},b\vec{j},c\vec{k} \rangle\\' ) agn.append( r'hypotenuse = \rvert\rvert v\rvert\rvert = & \sqrt{a^2+b^2+c^2}\\' ) agn.append(r'cos\alpha = & \frac{a}{\sqrt{a^2+b^2+c^2}}\\') agn.append(r'cos\beta = & \frac{b}{\sqrt{a^2+b^2+c^2}}\\') agn.append(r'cos\gamma = & \frac{c}{\sqrt{a^2+b^2+c^2}}\\') agn.append( r'cos^2\alpha + cos^2\beta + cos^2\gamma = & \frac{a^2}{a^2+b^2+c^2} + \ \frac{b^2}{a^2+b^2+c^2} + \frac{c^2}{a^2+b^2+c^2}\\' ) agn.append(r'cos^2\alpha + cos^2\beta + cos^2\gamma = & 1\\') with doc.create(Subsection('43', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Figure(position='h!')) as triangle_pic: image_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tri1.jpg') triangle_pic.add_image(image_filename, width='255px')
def make_pdf(self, jobid, filename, dirname): """ Makes a PDF for a given job id. It retrieves data from Prometheus HTTP API and calls make_plot() as well as make_pie() in order to make the graphs and display resource usage to users. Parameters ---------- jobid : integer, Slurm job's ID filename : string File name to save the figure dirname : string directory name to save the file """ geometry_options = {"right": "2cm", "left": "2cm"} fname = CWD + "pdf/" + str(jobid) + "_summary" doc = Document(fname, geometry_options=geometry_options) metrics = ("jobs_cpu_percent", "jobs_rss", "jobs_read_mb", "jobs_write_mb") doc.preamble.append( Command("title", "Plots for job " + str(self.__jobid))) doc.preamble.append(Command("date", NoEscape(r"\today"))) doc.append(NoEscape(r"\maketitle")) doc.append( "This pdf contains plots/pie charts which are representative of your job's usage of HPC resources on CC clusters" ) doc.append(NewPage()) for item in metrics: self.make_plot(item, filename, dirname, True) with doc.create(Section("Plot for " + Y_LABELS[item])): with doc.create(Figure(position="htbp")) as plot: plot.add_plot(width=NoEscape(r"1\textwidth")) plot.add_caption(Y_LABELS[item] + " variation with time") if item == "jobs_cpu_percent": doc.append( "The dashed line on this plot shows the lowest acceptable bound for CPU usage for a job with as many cores as yours" ) doc.append(NewPage()) plt.close() metrics = ("jobs_user_time", "jobs_system_time") title = [Y_LABELS[metric] for metric in metrics] self.make_pie(metrics, filename, dirname, True) with doc.create(Section("Pie chart for " + " vs ".join(title))): with doc.create(Figure(position="htbp")) as plot: plot.add_plot(width=NoEscape(r"1\textwidth")) plot.add_caption(", ".join(title) + " proportions") doc.append(NewPage()) plt.close() metrics = ("jobs_cpu_time_core", ) self.make_pie(metrics, filename, dirname, True) with doc.create( Section("Pie chart for " + Y_LABELS[metrics[0]] + " per core")): with doc.create(Figure(position="htbp")) as plot: plot.add_plot(width=NoEscape(r"1\textwidth")) plot.add_caption(Y_LABELS[metrics[0]] + " proportions") doc.append(NewPage()) plt.close() doc.generate_pdf(clean_tex=False)
with doc.create(Section('The fancy stuff')): with doc.create(Subsection('Correct matrix equations')): doc.append(Math(data=[Matrix(M), Matrix(a), '=', Matrix(M * a)])) with doc.create(Subsection('Beautiful graphs')): with doc.create(TikZ()): plot_options = 'height=6cm, width=6cm, grid=major' with doc.create(Axis(options=plot_options)) as plot: plot.append(Plot(name='model', func='-x^5 - 242')) coordinates = [ (-4.77778, 2027.60977), (-3.55556, 347.84069), (-2.33333, 22.58953), (-1.11111, -493.50066), (0.11111, 46.66082), (1.33333, -205.56286), (2.55556, -341.40638), (3.77778, -1169.24780), (5.00000, -3269.56775), ] plot.append(Plot(name='estimate', coordinates=coordinates)) with doc.create(Subsection('Cute kitten pictures')): with doc.create(Figure(position='h!')) as kitten_pic: kitten_pic.add_image(image_filename, width='120px') kitten_pic.add_caption('Look it\'s on its back') doc.generate_pdf('full')
with doc.create(Subsection('Summary Table')): with doc.create(LongTabu(fmt, spread="0pt")) as data_table: header_row = ['Experiment runs', 'Average Throughput(million events/second)'] data_table.add_row(header_row, mapper=[bold]) data_table.add_hline() data_table.add_empty_row() data_table.end_table_header() # Iterates through throughput array and no_file_array and append rescpective run and throughput in the row for x, y in np.c_[no_of_file, throughput]: row = [x, y] data_table.add_row(row) doc.append(NoEscape(r'\newpage')) # append graph into the pdf report with doc.create(Subsection("Graph")): with doc.create(Figure(position='h!')) as throughput_chart: throughput_chart.add_image(throughput_image_dir, width='450px') with doc.create(Subsection("results")): doc.append("Over all throughput average (million events/seconds) of") doc.append(NoEscape(r'\space')) doc.append(path) doc.append(NoEscape(r'\space')) doc.append("is") doc.append(NoEscape(r'\space')) doc.append(final_throughput_avg) doc.append(NoEscape(r'\newpage')) # latency summary table and chart for latency with doc.create(
t.add_hline(start=None, end=None) t.add_row(cells=(1, 2), escape=False) t.add_multicolumn(size=2, align='|c|', content='Multicol', cells=None, escape=False) t.add_multirow(size=3, align='*', content='Multirow', hlines=True, cells=None, escape=False) # Command c = Command('documentclass', arguments=None, options=None, packages=None) # Figure f = Figure(data=None, position=None) f.add_image(filename='', width=r'0.8\textwidth', placement=r'\centering') f.add_caption('') # Numpy v = VectorName(name='') M = np.matrix([[2, 3, 4], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 2]]) m = Matrix(matrix=M, name='', mtype='p', alignment=None) # Package p = Package(name='', base='usepackage', options=None)
def _document_models(self) -> None: """Add model summaries to the traceability document. """ with self.doc.create(Section("Models")): for model in humansorted(, key=lambda m: m.model_name): if not isinstance(model, (tf.keras.Model, torch.nn.Module)): continue self.doc.append(NoEscape(r'\FloatBarrier')) with self.doc.create(Subsection(f"{model.model_name}")): if isinstance(model, tf.keras.Model): # Text Summary summary = [] model.summary(line_length=92, print_fn=lambda x: summary.append(x)) summary = "\n".join(summary) self.doc.append(Verbatim(summary)) with self.doc.create(Center()): self.doc.append( HrefFEID(FEID(id(model)), model.model_name)) # Visual Summary # noinspection PyBroadException try: file_path = os.path.join( self.resource_dir, "{}_{}.pdf".format(self.report_name, model.model_name)) dot = tf.keras.utils.model_to_dot( model, show_shapes=True, expand_nested=True) # LaTeX \maxdim is around 575cm (226 inches), so the image must have max dimension less than # 226 inches. However, the 'size' parameter doesn't account for the whole node height, so # set the limit lower (100 inches) to leave some wiggle room. dot.set('size', '100') dot.write(file_path, format='pdf') except Exception: file_path = None print( f"FastEstimator-Warn: Model {model.model_name} could not be visualized by Traceability" ) elif isinstance(model, torch.nn.Module): if hasattr(model, 'fe_input_spec'): # Text Summary # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences inputs = model.fe_input_spec.get_dummy_input() self.doc.append( Verbatim( pms.summary( model.module if self.system.num_devices > 1 else model, inputs, print_summary=False))) with self.doc.create(Center()): self.doc.append( HrefFEID(FEID(id(model)), model.model_name)) # Visual Summary # Import has to be done while matplotlib is using the Agg backend old_backend = matplotlib.get_backend() or 'Agg' matplotlib.use('Agg') # noinspection PyBroadException try: # Fake the IPython import when user isn't running from Jupyter sys.modules.setdefault('IPython', MagicMock()) sys.modules.setdefault('IPython.display', MagicMock()) import hiddenlayer as hl with Suppressor(): graph = hl.build_graph( model.module if self.system.num_devices > 1 else model, inputs) graph = graph.build_dot() graph.attr( rankdir='TB' ) # Switch it to Top-to-Bottom instead of Left-to-Right # LaTeX \maxdim is around 575cm (226 inches), so the image must have max dimension less # than 226 inches. However, the 'size' parameter doesn't account for the whole node # height, so set the limit lower (100 inches) to leave some wiggle room. graph.attr(size="100,100") graph.attr(margin='0') file_path = graph.render( filename="{}_{}".format( self.report_name, model.model_name), directory=self.resource_dir, format='pdf', cleanup=True) except Exception: file_path = None print( "FastEstimator-Warn: Model {} could not be visualized by Traceability" .format(model.model_name)) finally: matplotlib.use(old_backend) else: file_path = None self.doc.append( "This model was not used by the Network during training." ) if file_path: with self.doc.create(Figure(position='ht!')) as fig: fig.append( Label( Marker(name=str(FEID(id(model))), prefix="model"))) fig.add_image( os.path.relpath(file_path, start=self.save_dir), width=NoEscape( r'1.0\textwidth,height=0.95\textheight,keepaspectratio' )) fig.add_caption( NoEscape( HrefFEID(FEID(id(model)), model.model_name).dumps()))
def fill_document(doc): with doc.create(Section('Basic Concept Problems', numbering=True)): # Question 1: prove the pythagorean theorem with doc.create(Figure(position='h!')) as pythagorean_pic: image_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'pythagorean.jpg') pythagorean_pic.add_image(image_filename, width='350px') # Question 2: prove the law of cosines with doc.create(Figure(position='h!')) as tri_pic: image_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'triangle.jpg') tri_pic.add_image(image_filename, width='100px') with doc.create(Alignat(numbering=False, escape=False)) as agn: agn.append( r'&\textnormal{Given a triangle with sides A, B, and C }') agn.append( r'\textnormal{with height h and an angle } \theta\\') agn.append( r'& \textnormal{we know that the left triangle will}') agn.append(r'\textnormal{ have the property } m^2+h^2=B^2\\') agn.append( r'&\textnormal{and the right triangle will have the property }' ) agn.append( r' h^2 + n^2 = C^2\\ &\textnormal{by the pythagorean theorem.}' ) agn.append(r'\textnormal{ Therefore:}\\') agn.append(r'&n = A - m\\') agn.append(r'&\textnormal{and } h^2 + (A-m)^2 = C^2\\') agn.append(r'&B^2-m^2+A^2-2Am+m^2 = C^2\\') agn.append( r'&\textnormal{Furthermore, we know } cos\theta = \frac{m}{B}\\' ) agn.append(r'&\textnormal{Therefore:}\\') agn.append(r'&B^2+A^2 -2ABcos\theta = C^2') with doc.create(Section('9.3', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Subsection('20', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Figure(position='h!')) as tri2_pic: image_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tri2.jpg') tri2_pic.add_image(image_filename, width='150px') with doc.create(Alignat(numbering=False, escape=False)) as agn: agn.append(r'\vec{u} &= <-2,3,2>\\') agn.append(r'\vec{v} &= <3,-2,-4>\\') agn.append(r'\vec{w} &= <1,1,-2>\\') agn.append(r'\textnormal{The angle at D:} \\') agn.append( r'<-2,3,2>\cdot<1,1,-2> &=\|<-2,3,2>\| \|<1,1,-2>\|cosd\\' ) agn.append(r'-3 &= \sqrt{17}\sqrt{6}cosd\\') agn.append(r'cos^-1(\frac{-3}{\sqrt{102}}) &= d\\') agn.append(r'd & \approx{107.28}^\circ\\') agn.append(r'\textnormal{The angle at E:} \\') agn.append( r'-(<-2,3,2>)\cdot<3,-2,-4> &=\|<-2,3,2>\| \|<3,-2,-4>\|cose\\' ) agn.append(r'20 &= \sqrt{17}\sqrt{29}cose\\') agn.append(r'cos^-1(\frac{20}{\sqrt{493}}) &= e\\') agn.append(r'e & \approx{25.74}^\circ\\') agn.append(r'\textnormal{The angle at F:} \\') agn.append( r'-(<1,1,-2>)\cdot-(<3,-2,-4>) &=\|<1,1,-2>\| \|<3,-2,-4>\|cosf\\' ) agn.append(r'9 &= \sqrt{6}\sqrt{29}cosf\\') agn.append(r'cos^-1(\frac{9}{\sqrt{174}}) &= f\\') agn.append(r'f & \approx{46.98}^\circ\\') # projections with doc.create(Subsection('30', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Alignat(numbering=False, escape=False)) as agn: agn.append(r'\|a\| &= \sqrt{5}\\') agn.append( r'comp_a b &= \frac{a \cdot b}{\|a\|} = \frac{-4+2}{\sqrt{5}} = \frac{-2}{\sqrt{5}}\\' ) agn.append(r'\textnormal{The vector projection is:}\\') agn.append( r'proj_a b &= \frac{-2}{\sqrt{5}}\frac{<1,2>}{\sqrt{5}} = \frac{-2}{5} <1,2>\\' ) agn.append(r'proj_a b &= <\frac{-2}{5}, \frac{-4}{5}>') with doc.create(Subsection('31', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Alignat(numbering=False, escape=False)) as agn: agn.append( r'a = <2,-1,4> & \textnormal{ and } b = <0,1,\frac{1}{2}>\\' ) agn.append(r'\| a \| &= \sqrt{4+1+16} = \sqrt{21}\\') agn.append( r'comp_a b &= \frac{a \cdot b}{\sqrt{21}} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{21}}\\' ) agn.append(r'\textnormal{The vector projection is:}\\') agn.append( r'proj_a b &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{21}}\frac{<2,-1,4>}{\sqrt{21}} = \frac{1}{21}<2,-1,4>\\' ) agn.append( r'proj_a b &= <\frac{2}{21},\frac{-1}{21},\frac{4}{21}>\\') with doc.create(Subsection('43', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Alignat(numbering=False, escape=False)) as agn: agn.append( r'\intertext{Let all sides of the cube be length = 1, and let the edges lie along the x, y, z axis}\\' ) agn.append( r'\text{The diagonal vector, }\vec{d}\text{ from (0,0,0) to (1,1,1) = <1,1,1>}\\' ) agn.append( r'\text{Let the unit vector } \vec{k} = <0,0,1> \text{be a side.}\\' ) agn.append( r'\text{The angle between } \vec{d} \text{ and } \vec{k} \text{ is:}\\' ) agn.append( r'cos\theta &= \frac{<0,0,1> \cdot <1,1,1>}{\|u\|\|v\|}\\') agn.append(r'&= \frac{0+0+1}{\sqrt{1}\sqrt{3}}\\') agn.append(r'&= \frac{1}{\sqrt{3}} \\') agn.append(r'\theta &= cos^-1 \frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}\\') agn.append(r'&= 54.74^\circ') with doc.create(Subsection('46', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Figure(position='h!')) as ang_pic: image_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'ang1.jpg') ang_pic.add_image(image_filename, width='150px') with doc.create(Alignat(numbering=False, escape=False)) as agn: agn.append(r'cos\alpha &= \frac{a \cdot c}{\|a\| \|c\|}\\') agn.append( r'&= \frac{a \cdot (\|a\|b+\|b\|a))}{\|a\| \|c\|}\\') agn.append( r'&= \frac{a \cdot \|a\|a \cdot b + \|b\|a \cdot a}{\|a\| \|c\|}\\' ) agn.append( r'&= \frac{\|a\|a \cdot b + \|b\| \|a\|^2}{\|a\| \|c\|}\\') agn.append(r'&= \frac{a \cdot b + \|b\| \|a\|}{\|c\|}\\') agn.append(r'cos\beta &= \frac{b \cdot c}{\|b\| \|c\|}\\') agn.append( r'&= \frac{b \cdot (\|a\|b+\|b\|a))}{\|b\| \|c\|}\\') agn.append( r'&= \frac{\|a\| b \cdot b + \|b\|a \cdot b}{\|b\| \|c\|}\\' ) agn.append( r'&= \frac{\|a\| \|b\|^2 + \|b\| a \cdot b}{\|b\| \|c\|}\\' ) agn.append(r'&= \frac{\|a\| \|b\| + a \cdot b}{\|c\|}\\') agn.append( r'\textnormal{Now we can see that } cos \alpha = cos \beta\\' ) agn.append( r' \frac{a \cdot b + \|b\| \|a\|}{\|c\|} &= \frac{\|a\| \|b\| + a \cdot b}{\|c\|}\\' ) with doc.create(Section('9.4', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Subsection('20', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Alignat(numbering=False, escape=False)) as agn: agn.append( r'\intertext{The cross product is orthogonol to both i+j+k and 2i+k:}\\' ) agn.append( r'i+j+k = <1,1,1> & \textnormal{ and } 2i+k = <2,0,1>\\') agn.append( r'<1,1,1>\times <2,0,1> &= (1-0) \vec{i}+(2-1) \vec{j}+(0-2) \vec{k}\\' ) agn.append(r'<1,1,1>\times <2,0,1> &= <1,1,-2>\\') agn.append( r'\intertext{Divide by the magnitude to find the unit vector:}\\' ) agn.append( r'\textnormal{unit vector } &= \frac{<1,1,-2>}{\sqrt{1+1+4}}\\' ) agn.append( r'&= <\frac{1}{\sqrt{6}},\frac{1}{\sqrt{6}},\frac{-2}{\sqrt{6}}>\\' ) agn.append( r'\intertext{The second unit vector would be the negative of the first:}\\' ) agn.append( r'&= <\frac{-1}{\sqrt{6}},\frac{-1}{\sqrt{6}},\frac{2}{\sqrt{6}}>\\' ) with doc.create(Subsection('22', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Figure(position='h!')) as para_pic: image_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'para1.jpg') para_pic.add_image(image_filename, width='150px') with doc.create(Alignat(numbering=False, escape=False)) as agn: agn.append( r'\vec{u} = <2,5,0> \textnormal{ and } \vec{v} = <0,1,3>\\' ) agn.append(r'A &= \|<2,5,0> \times <0,1,3>\| \\') agn.append(r'A &= \|<-15,6,-2>\| \\') agn.append(r'A &= \sqrt{265}') with doc.create(Subsection('24', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Subsection('a)', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Alignat(numbering=False, escape=False)) as agn: agn.append( r'\vec{PQ} = <1,2,1> \textnormal{ and } \vec{PR} = <5,0,-2>\\' ) agn.append( r'\textnormal{The vector orthogonol to the plane = } \vec{PQ} \times \vec{PR}\\' ) agn.append(r'\vec{PQ} \times \vec{PR} = <-5,7,-10>\\') with doc.create(Subsection('b)', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Alignat(numbering=False, escape=False)) as agn: agn.append(r'A &= \frac{\|<-5,7,-10>\|}{2}\\') agn.append(r'A &= \frac{\sqrt{174}}{2} \approx 6.6') with doc.create(Subsection('33', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Subsection('a)', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Alignat(numbering=False, escape=False)) as agn: agn.append(r'd &= \|b\|sin\theta\\') agn.append(r'&=\frac{\|a\|}{\|a\|}\|b\|sin\theta\\') agn.append(r'&= \frac{\|a\|\|b\|sin\theta}{\|a\|}\\') agn.append(r'&= \frac{\|a \times b\|}{\|a\|}\\') with doc.create(Subsection('b)', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Alignat(numbering=False, escape=False)) as agn: agn.append( r'\vec{a} = <-1,-2,-1> \textnormal{ and } \vec{b} = <1, -5, -7>\\' ) agn.append( r'd &= \frac{\|<-1,-2,-1> \times <1, -5, -7>\|}{\sqrt{1+4+1}}\\' ) agn.append(r'&= \frac{\|<9,-15,7>\|}{\sqrt{6}}\\') agn.append(r'&= \frac{\sqrt{355}}{\sqrt{6}}\\') agn.append(r'd & \approx 7.69\\') with doc.create(Section('9.5', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Subsection('2', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Alignat(numbering=False, escape=False)) as agn: agn.append( r'\textnormal{vector equation } &= <6,-5,2> + t<1,3,\frac{-2}{3}>\\' ) agn.append(r'&= <6+t, -5+3t, 2+\frac{-2}{3}t>\\') agn.append(r'\textnormal{The parametric equations are:}\\') agn.append(r'x(t) &= 6+t\\') agn.append(r'y(t) &= -5+3t\\') agn.append(r'z(t) &= 2+\frac{-2}{3}t\\') with doc.create(Subsection('5', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Alignat(numbering=False, escape=False)) as agn: agn.append(r'x(t) &= 1+t\\') agn.append(r'y(t) &= 3t\\') agn.append(r'z(t) &= 6+t\\') with doc.create(Subsection('10', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Alignat(numbering=False, escape=False)) as agn: agn.append( r'\vec{n_1} = <1,2,3> \textnormal{ and } \vec{n_2} = <1,-1,1>\\' ) agn.append( r'<1,2,3> \times <1,-1,1> \textnormal{is a line parallel to the line of intersection.}\\' ) agn.append(r'<1,2,3> \times <1,-1,1> = <5,2,-3>\\') agn.append( r'\textnormal{Plug in z=0 to solve x, y and find a point on the line of intersection}\\' ) agn.append(r'x+2y=1 \textnormal{ and } x-y &=1\\') agn.append(r'\textnormal{This gives us } 3y &= 0 \\') agn.append( r'\textnormal{Therefore (1,0,0) lies on the line of intersection and the symmetric equations are:}\\' ) agn.append(r'\frac{x-1}{5} &= \frac{y}{2} = \frac{-z}{3}\\') agn.append(r'\textnormal{And the parametric equations are:}\\') agn.append(r'x(t) &= 1+5t\\') agn.append(r'y(t) &= 2t\\') agn.append(r'z(t) &= -3t\\') with doc.create(Subsection('18', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Alignat(numbering=False, escape=False)) as agn: agn.append( r'\textnormal{Check ratio of coefficients to test if parallel:}\\' ) agn.append(r'\frac{1}{-1} = \frac{3}{1} = \frac{-1}{3}\\') agn.append( r'-1 \neq 3 \neq -3 \textnormal{therefore the lines are NOT parallel}\\' ) agn.append( r'\textnormal{Solve system of equations to test if intersecting:}\\' ) agn.append(r'1 +2t &= -1+s\\') agn.append(r'3t &= 4+s\\') agn.append(r'2-t &= 1+3s\\') agn.append(r'\textnormal{Solve the first equation for t:}\\') agn.append(r'2t &=-2+s\\') agn.append(r't &= -1 + \frac{s}{2}\\') agn.append(r'\textnormal{Plug into the second equation:}\\') agn.append(r'3(-1+\frac{s}{2}) = 4+s\\') agn.append(r'-3+\frac{3s}{2} = 4+s\\') agn.append(r'\frac{s}{2} = 7\\') agn.append(r's = 14\\') agn.append( r'\textnormal{Plug s=14 this into the equation for t:}\\') agn.append(r't=-1+\frac{14}{2} = -6\\') agn.append( r'\textnormal{Plug s=14 and t=-6 into the third equation:}\\' ) agn.append(r'2+-6 = 1+3(14)\\') agn.append( r'-4 \neq 43 \textnormal{therefore the lines do not intersect.}\\' ) agn.append( r'\textnormal{Since the lines are not parallel and do not intersect, they must be skew.}\\' ) with doc.create(Subsection('25', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Alignat(numbering=False, escape=False)) as agn: agn.append( r'P(0,1,1) \textnormal{ and }Q(1,0,1) \textnormal{ and }R(1,1,0)\\' ) agn.append(r'\vec{PQ} = <1-0,0-1,1-1> &= <1,-1,0>\\') agn.append(r'\vec{PR} = <1-0,1-1,0-1> &= <1,0,-1>\\') agn.append( r'\textnormal{Take the cross product to get the coefficients of the plane equation:}\\' ) agn.append(r'<1,-1,0> \times <1,0,-1> = <1,1,1> \\') agn.append( r'\textnormal{Use P as the point for the equation of the plane:}\\' ) agn.append(r'1(x-0)+1(y-1)+1(z-1) &= 0\\') agn.append(r'x+y+z &=2\\') with doc.create(Subsection('27', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Alignat(numbering=False, escape=False)) as agn: agn.append( r'\textnormal{The points P(6,0,-2) and Q(4,3,7) are on the plane.}\\' ) agn.append( r'\textnormal{Set t=1 to get a third point on the plane, R(2,8,11)}\\' ) agn.append(r'\vec{PQ} = <4-6,3-0,7-(-2)> = <-2,3,9>\\') agn.append(r'\vec{PR} = <2-6,8-0,11-(-2)> = <-4,8,13>\\') agn.append( r'\textnormal{Take the cross product to get the coefficients of the plane equation:}\\' ) agn.append(r'<-2,3,9> \times <-4,8,13> = <-33,-10,-4>\\') agn.append( r'\textnormal{Use P as the point for the equation of the plane:}\\' ) agn.append(r'-33(x-6)+-10(y-0)+-4(z+2) &= 0\\') agn.append(r'-33x+198-10y-4z-8 &= 0\\') agn.append(r'-33x-10y-4z &= -190') with doc.create(Subsection('32', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Alignat(numbering=False, escape=False)) as agn: agn.append( r'\textnormal{Let Q be the plane that we are looking for.}\\' ) agn.append( r'\textnormal{Set z=0 to get a point on the line of intersection:}\\' ) agn.append(r'(1,3,0)\\') agn.append( r'\textnormal{To get a normal vector for Q, take the cross product of two vectors parallel to Q.}\\' ) agn.append( r'\textnormal{The normal vector of the plane perpendicular to Q is parallel to Q:}\\' ) agn.append(r'<1,1,-2>\\') agn.append( r'\textnormal{Get a second vector parallel to Q by taking the cross product of the normal vectors }\\' ) agn.append( r'\textnormal{of the two planes that form the line of intersection that Q passes through.}\\' ) agn.append(r'<1,0,-1> \times <0,1,2> &= <1,-2,1>\\') agn.append( r'\textnormal{Now take the cross product of these two vectors:}\\' ) agn.append(r'<1,1,-2> \times <1,-2,1> &= <-3,-3,-3>\\') agn.append( r'\textnormal{Plug these into the plane equation:}\\') agn.append(r'-3(x-1)-3(y-3)-3(z-0) &= 0\\') agn.append(r'-3x+3-3y+9-3z &= 0\\') agn.append(r'-3x-3y-3z &= -12\\') agn.append(r'-3(x+y+z) &= -12\\') agn.append(r'x+y+z &= 4\\') with doc.create(Subsection('56', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Alignat(numbering=False, escape=False)) as agn: agn.append( r'd &= \frac{|1(6)+(-2)(0)+(-4)(-2) + (-8)|}{\sqrt{1^2+(-2)^2+(-4)^2}}\\' ) agn.append(r'&= \frac{|6+8-8|}{\sqrt{21}}\\') agn.append(r'&= \frac{6}{\sqrt{21}}\\ ') agn.append(r'd &\approx 1.31\\') with doc.create(Subsection('58', numbering=False)): with doc.create(Alignat(numbering=False, escape=False)) as agn: agn.append( r'\textnormal{To find the distance we need a point on one plane.}\\' ) agn.append( r'\textnormal{Plug in z=0 to the first equation.}\\') agn.append(r'0 &= 4y - 2x\\') agn.append(r'y &= \frac{1}{2}x\\') agn.append( r'\textnormal{Therefore the point (2,1,0) is on the first plane.}\\' ) agn.append( r'\textnormal{Now we can use the distance formula.}\\') agn.append( r'd &= \frac{|3(2) + -6(1) + 9(0) + -1|}{\sqrt{3^2+(-6)^2+9^2}}\\' ) agn.append(r'&= \frac{|6-6-1|}{\sqrt{126}}\\') agn.append(r'&= \frac{1}{\sqrt{126}}\\') agn.append(r'd & \approx .09\\')
def append_cross_section_figure(self, doc, tpdf): with doc.create(Section(tpdf.step_split)): with doc.create(Figure(position='H')) as fig_sectransv: fig_sectransv.add_image("figs\\sectransv", width='500px') fig_sectransv.add_caption(NoEscape(tpdf.figure_label))
def report(context, json_report, json_varreport, rulegraph_img): config = json_report sample_config = json.load(open(json_report)) var_config = json.load(open(get_config(json_varreport))) tex_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(sample_config["analysis"]["analysis_dir"], "delivery_report")) if not rulegraph_img: rulegraph_img = sample_config['analysis']['dag'] os.makedirs(tex_path, exist_ok=True) geometry_options = { "head": "40pt", "headheight": "130pt", "headsep": "1cm", "margin": "1.5cm", "bottom": "1.5cm", "includeheadfoot": True } doc = Document(geometry_options=geometry_options) doc.packages.append(Package('lscape')) doc.packages.append(Package('longtable')) doc.packages.append(Package('float')) doc.packages.append(Package('caption', options='labelfont=bf')) doc.append( NoEscape( r'\captionsetup[table]{labelsep=space, justification=raggedright, singlelinecheck=off}' )) #Add first page style first_page = PageStyle("header", header_thickness=1) #Add Header with first_page.create(Head("C")) as mid_header: with mid_header.create( MiniPage(width=NoEscape(r"0.2\textwidth"), pos='c')) as logo_wrapper: logo_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'assests/cg.png') logo_wrapper.append( StandAloneGraphic(image_options="width=50px", filename=logo_file)) with mid_header.create( Tabularx( "p{3cm} p{2cm} X X p{4cm} p{3cm}", width_argument=NoEscape(r"0.8\textwidth"))) as mid_table: mid_table.add_row( [MultiColumn(6, align='r', data=simple_page_number())]) mid_table.add_row([ MultiColumn(6, align='c', data=MediumText("Molecular report on")) ]) mid_table.add_row([ MultiColumn(6, align='c', data=MediumText(get_sample_name(config))) ]) mid_table.add_empty_row() mid_table.add_row([ 'gender', "NA", " ", " ", 'Sample recieved:', sample_config['analysis']['date']['sample_received'] ]) mid_table.add_row([ 'tumor type', "NA", " ", " ", 'Analysis completion:', sample_config['analysis']['date']['analysis_finish'] ]) mid_table.add_row([ 'analysis type', "NA", " ", " ", 'PDF Report date:',"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") ]) mid_table.add_row( ['sample type', "NA", " ", " ", 'Delivery date', "NA"]) mid_table.add_row([ 'sample origin', "NA", " ", " ", 'Analysis:', r'BALSAMIC v' + sample_config['analysis']['BALSAMIC'] ]) doc.preamble.append(first_page) #End First page # doc.preamble.append( # Command( # 'title', # NoEscape(r'BALSAMIC v' + sample_config["analysis"]["BALSAMIC"] + # r'\\ \large Developer Report'))) # doc.preamble.append( # Command('author', 'Patient ID: ' + get_sample_name(config))) # doc.preamble.append(Command('date', NoEscape(r'\today'))) # doc.append(NoEscape(r'\maketitle')) doc.change_document_style("header") with doc.create(Section(title='Analysis report', numbering=True)): with doc.create( Subsection('Summary of variants and variant callers', numbering=True)): doc.append( "Placeholder for text about BAM alignment metrics and variant callers. Here comes the info on reads, " + "QC metrics, align metrics, and general sample information. preferabily in table format." ) doc.append("\n") summary_tables = ["TMB", "VarClass", "VarCaller", "VarCallerClass"] for i in summary_tables: shellcmd = [ os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "..", "..", "scripts/VariantReport.R") ] shellcmd.extend([ "--infile", sample_config["vcf"]["merged"]["SNV"], "--genomeSize", sample_config["bed"]["genome_size"], "--type", "latex", "--mode", i, "--outfile", os.path.join(tex_path, sample_config['analysis']['sample_id']) ]) print(" ".join(shellcmd)) outTab = subprocess.check_output(shellcmd) doc.append( NoEscape( outTab.decode('utf-8').replace("\\centering", "\\small"))) doc.append(NoEscape(r'\normalsize')) doc.append(NewPage()) with doc.create(Subsection("Summary of MVL report", numbering=True)): doc.append( "Placeholder for general description of MVL settings. A mention to summary " + "pipeline, summary of MVL settings. Gene coverage for identified genes should go here. Figures!" ) outCov = dict() cmd_param = defaultdict(list) J = defaultdict(list) for i in var_config["filters"]: cmd_param["TUMOR_DP"].append( var_config["filters"][i]["TUMOR"]["DP"]) cmd_param["TUMOR_AD"].append( var_config["filters"][i]["TUMOR"]["AD"]) cmd_param["TUMOR_AFmax"].append( var_config["filters"][i]["TUMOR"]["AF_max"]) cmd_param["TUMOR_AFmin"].append( var_config["filters"][i]["TUMOR"]["AF_min"]) cmd_param["TUMOR_inMVL"].append( var_config["filters"][i]["in_mvl"]) cmd_param["var_type"].append(",".join( ["SNP", "INDEL", "MNP", "OTHER"])) cmd_param["varcaller"].append(",".join( var_config["filters"][i]["variantcaller"])) cmd_param["ann"].append( ",".join(var_config["filters"][i]["annotation"]["SNV"]) + "," + ",".join(var_config["filters"][i]["annotation"]["INDEL"])) cmd_param["name"].append(i.replace("_", "\_")) cmd_param["outfile_tex"].append(tex_path + "/" + i + ".tex") cmd_param["outfile_gene"].append(tex_path + "/" + i + ".genelist") for i in cmd_param: J[i] = ";".join(cmd_param[i]) shellcmd = [ os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "..", "..", "scripts/VariantReport.R") ] shellcmd.extend([ "--infile", "'" + sample_config["vcf"]["merged"]["SNV"] + "'", "--dp", "'" + J["TUMOR_DP"] + "'", "--tumorad", "'" + J["TUMOR_AD"] + "'", "--afmax", "'" + J["TUMOR_AFmax"] + "'", "--afmin", "'" + J["TUMOR_AFmin"] + "'", "--inMVL", "'" + J["TUMOR_inMVL"] + "'", "--exclusiveSets", "TRUE", "--vartype", "'" + J["var_type"] + "'", "--varcaller", "'" + J["varcaller"] + "'", "--ann", "'" + J["ann"] + "'", "--name", "'" + J["name"] + "'", "--type", "latex" ]) subprocess.check_output( " ".join(shellcmd + ["--outfile", "'" + J["outfile_tex"] + "'"]), shell=True) print(" ".join(shellcmd + ["--outfile", "'" + J["outfile_tex"] + "'"])) subprocess.check_output(" ".join(shellcmd + [ "--outfile", "'" + J["outfile_gene"] + "'", "--exportGene", "T" ]), shell=True) for c, i in enumerate(var_config["filters"]): with doc.create( Subsubsection(var_config["filters"][i]["name"], numbering=True)): print(cmd_param["outfile_tex"]) fname = cmd_param["outfile_tex"][c] if os.stat(fname).st_size > 10: #get gene list with open(cmd_param["outfile_gene"][c]) as myfile: genes ='\n', '') with open(fname, 'r') as myfile: data = #.replace('\n', '') #doc.append(NoEscape(r'\begin{landscape}')) #longtable instead of tabular makes the table span multiple pages, but the header doesn't span. Occasionally #the alignment also is messed up. There must be a hidden package conflict OR general alignment issues. #doc.append(NoEscape(varreport.replace("{tabular}","{longtable}"))) doc.append( NoEscape( data.replace("\\centering", "\\scriptsize"))) for s in sample_config["bed"]["exon_cov"]: shellcmd = [ os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "..", "scripts/CoverageRep.R") ] shellcmd.extend([ "--infile", sample_config["bed"]["exon_cov"][s], "--genename", genes, "--name", s.replace("_", "\_"), "--type", "latex" ]) outCov = subprocess.check_output(shellcmd) doc.append( NoEscape( outCov.decode('utf-8').replace( "\\centering", "\\scriptsize"))) #doc.append(NoEscape(r'\end{landscape}')) else: doc.append("No variants were found for this filter") # doc.append(NoEscape(r'\normalsize')) doc.append(NewPage()) with doc.create(Subsection('Coverage report')): for s in sample_config["bed"]["target_cov"]: with doc.create(Figure(position='h!')) as cov_img: covplot = ".".join( [os.path.join(tex_path, s), "Coverage.pdf"]) shellcmd = [ os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "..", "..", "scripts/CoveragePlot.R") ] shellcmd.extend([ "--infile", sample_config["bed"]["target_cov"][s], "--outfile", covplot, "--title", s.replace("_", "\_") ]) subprocess.check_output(shellcmd) cov_img.add_image(covplot, width='450px') cov_img.add_caption('Coverage report for sample ' + s.replace("_", "\_")) doc.append(NewPage()) with doc.create(Subsection('Analysis pipeline')): with doc.create(Figure(position='h!')) as pipeline_img: pipeline_img.add_image(rulegraph_img, width='450px') pipeline_img.add_caption('BALSAMIC pipeline') doc.append(NewPage()) with doc.create(Section(title="Appendix", numbering=True)): with doc.create(Subsection("MVL settings", numbering=True)): fmt = "p{3cm}" * (len(var_config["filters"]) + 1) with doc.create(Tabular(fmt)) as data_table: header_row1 = [""] for i in var_config["filters"]: header_row1.append(var_config["filters"][i]["name"]) data_table.add_hline() data_table.add_row(header_row1, mapper=[bold], color="lightgray") data_table.add_hline() data_table.add_empty_row() column = list(var_config["filters"][next( iter(var_config["filters"]))]["TUMOR"].keys()) for i in column: row = [i] for j in var_config["filters"]: row.append(var_config["filters"][j]["TUMOR"][i]) data_table.add_row(row) row = ["MVL"] for i in var_config["filters"]: row.append(var_config["filters"][i]["in_mvl"]) row = ["Variantcallers"] for i in var_config["filters"]: row.append("\n".join( var_config["filters"][i]["variantcaller"])) data_table.add_row(row) data_table.add_hline() with doc.create( Subsection("Bioinformatic tool in pipeline", numbering=True)): doc.append( "The following Bioinformatic tools were used in the analysis:\n\n" ) with doc.create(Tabular("p{4cm}p{4cm}")) as data_table: data_table.add_hline() conda_env = glob.glob( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "..", "..", "conda_yaml/*.yaml")) pkgs = get_package_split(conda_env) data_table.add_row(["Package", "Version"], color="lightgray") data_table.add_hline() data_table.add_row( ["BALSAMIC", sample_config['analysis']['BALSAMIC']]) for k, v in pkgs.items(): data_table.add_row([k, v]) doc.append(NewPage()) print(tex_path) doc.generate_tex(os.path.join(tex_path, get_sample_name(config))) # doc.generate_pdf( # os.path.join(tex_path, get_sample_name(config)), clean_tex=False) shellcmd = [ "pdflatex", "-output-directory=" + tex_path, os.path.join(tex_path, get_sample_name(config)) + ".tex", "1>", "/dev/null" ] #generate_pdf doesn't run AUX files properly and ends up with incorrect total page numbers. So subprocess for #pdflatex is called twice instead. print(" ".join(shellcmd))" ".join(shellcmd), shell=True)" ".join(shellcmd), shell=True)
def result_to_score(arr, doc, arr_name="", n_class=5, sort="asc", sigma=2.5, iqr_factor=1.5, outliers_method="z-score"): ''' convert continuous value to ranged score :param str arr: input result array :param sec: pylatex document object :param str arr_name: array name :param str n_class: number of score classes :param str sort: "asc" or "dsc", order of the class count with ascending or descending order :param float sigma: standard deviation of the data in z-score outliers removal :param float iqr_factor: factor for iqr outliers removal :param str outliers_method: "z-score" or "iqr" :type sigma: float :return: arr score: array of converted score :rtype: None ''' # remove outliners if outliers_method == "z-score": z = np.abs(stats.zscore(arr)) arr_filtered = arr[(z < sigma)] elif outliers_method == "iqr": Q1 = np.quantile(arr, 0.25) Q3 = np.quantile(arr, 0.75) IQR = Q3 - Q1 arr_filtered = arr[~((arr < (Q1 - iqr_factor * IQR)) | (arr > (Q3 + iqr_factor * IQR)))] plt.clf() n, bins, patches = plt.hist(x=arr_filtered, bins=n_class, color='#607c8e', alpha=0.7, rwidth=0.9) plt.grid(axis='y', alpha=0.75) plt.xlabel('Value') plt.ylabel('Frequency') # plt.title(arr_name) maxfreq = n.max() # Set a clean upper y-axis limit. plt.ylim(ymax=np.ceil(maxfreq / 10) * 10 if maxfreq % 10 else maxfreq + 10) # print(n, bins, patches) # convert result to score score = np.zeros_like(arr) if sort == "asc": for i in range(n_class): if i == 0: score[arr < bins[1]] = 1 elif i == n_class - 1: score[arr > bins[n_class - 1]] = n_class else: score[~((arr < bins[i]) | (arr > bins[i + 1]))] = i + 1 elif sort == "dsc": for i in reversed(range(n_class)): if i == 0: score[arr > bins[n_class - 1]] = 1 elif i == n_class - 1: score[arr < bins[1]] = n_class else: score[~((arr < bins[::-1][i + 1]) | (arr > bins[::-1][i]))] = i + 1 with doc.create(Figure(position='htbp')) as plot: plot.add_plot(dpi=300) plot.add_caption(arr_name) with doc.create(Center()) as centered: table_format = "c|" for i in range(n_class): table_format += "c" with centered.create(Tabular(table_format)) as table: table.add_row(['severity score'] + [i + 1 for i in range(n_class)]) table.add_hline(1, n_class + 1) table.add_row(['range'] + [ "{:.2f}-{:.2f}".format(bins[i], bins[i + 1]) for i in reversed(range(n_class)) ]) table.add_row(['count'] + [str(int(value)) for value in n]) doc.append(basic.NewPage()) return score
import os from pylatex import Document, PageStyle, Head, Foot, Section, Subsection, Tabular, Math, TikZ, Axis, \ Plot, Figure, Matrix, Alignat, StandAloneGraphic, MiniPage, LineBreak, Center, Command from pylatex.utils import italic, bold, NoEscape image_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'Invoices\sus_header.png') geometry_options = {"tmargin": "1cm", "lmargin": "1cm"} doc = Document(geometry_options=geometry_options) with doc.create(Figure(position='h!')) as sus_pic: sus_pic.add_image(image_filename, width='550px') doc.append(Command('noindent')) doc.append(Command('textbf', 'asdasdasd')) doc.append(Command('linebreak')) doc.append(Command('textbf', 'asdasdasd')) doc.generate_pdf('test', clean_tex=False, compiler='pdflatex')