Beispiel #1
def test_jacobian_right():
    rho_vec = np.array([[1, 2, 3]]).T
    theta_vec = 3 * np.pi / 4 * np.array([[1, -1, 1]]).T / np.sqrt(3)
    xi_vec = np.vstack((rho_vec, theta_vec))

    J_r = SE3.jac_right(xi_vec)

    # Test the Jacobian numerically.
    delta = 1e-3 * np.ones((6, 1))
    taylor_diff = SE3.Exp(xi_vec + delta) - (SE3.Exp(xi_vec) + J_r @ delta)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(taylor_diff, np.zeros((6, 1)), 5)
Beispiel #2
def test_jacobian_left():
    rho_vec = np.array([[2, 1, 2]]).T
    theta_vec = np.pi / 4 * np.array([[-1, -1, -1]]).T / np.sqrt(3)
    xi_vec = np.vstack((rho_vec, theta_vec))

    J_l = SE3.jac_left(xi_vec)

    # Should have J_l(xi_vec) == J_r(-xi_vec).
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(J_l, SE3.jac_right(-xi_vec), 14)

    # Test the Jacobian numerically (using Exps and Logs, since left oplus and ominus have not been defined).
    delta = 1e-3 * np.ones((6, 1))
    taylor_diff = SE3.Log(SE3.Exp(xi_vec + delta) @ (SE3.Exp(J_l @ delta) @ SE3.Exp(xi_vec)).inverse())
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(taylor_diff, np.zeros((6, 1)), 5)
Beispiel #3
def left_right_perturbations():
    # Define the pose of a camera.
    T_w_c = SE3((SO3.from_roll_pitch_yaw(5 * np.pi / 4, 0,
                                         np.pi / 2), np.array([[2, 2, 2]]).T))

    # Perturbation.
    xsi_vec = np.array([[2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]).T

    # Perform the perturbation on the right (locally).
    T_r = T_w_c @ SE3.Exp(xsi_vec)

    # Perform the perturbation on the left (globally).
    T_l = SE3.Exp(xsi_vec) @ T_w_c

    # We can transform the tangent vector between local and global frames using the adjoint matrix.
    xsi_vec_w = T_w_c.adjoint(
    ) @ xsi_vec  # When xsi_vec is used on the right side.
    xsi_vec_c = T_w_c.inverse().adjoint(
    ) @ xsi_vec  # When xsi_vec is used on the left side.
    print('xsi_vec_w: ', xsi_vec_w.flatten())
    print('xsi_vec_c: ', xsi_vec_c.flatten())

    # Visualise the perturbations:
    # Use Qt 5 backend in visualisation, use latex.

    # Create figure and axis.
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')

    # Plot frames.
    to_right = np.hstack((T_w_c.translation, T_r.translation))
    ax.plot(to_right[0, :], to_right[1, :], to_right[2, :], 'k:')
    to_left = np.hstack((T_w_c.translation, T_l.translation))
    ax.plot(to_left[0, :], to_left[1, :], to_left[2, :], 'k:')
    vg.plot_pose(ax, SE3().to_tuple(), text='$\mathcal{F}_w$')
    vg.plot_pose(ax, T_w_c.to_tuple(), text='$\mathcal{F}_c$')
                 text=r'$\mathbf{T}_{wc} \circ \mathrm{Exp}(\mathbf{\xi})$')
                 text=r'$\mathrm{Exp}(\mathbf{\xi}) \circ \mathbf{T}_{wc}$')

    # Show figure.
Beispiel #4
def test_exp_of_log():
    X = SE3((SO3.from_roll_pitch_yaw(np.pi / 10, -np.pi / 3,
                                     3 * np.pi / 4), np.array([[3, 2, 1]]).T))
    xi_vec = X.Log()

        SE3.Exp(xi_vec).to_matrix(), X.to_matrix(), 14)
Beispiel #5
def test_log_of_exp():
    rho_vec = np.array([[1, 2, 3]]).T
    theta_vec = 2 * np.pi / 3 * np.array([[2, 1, -1]]).T / np.sqrt(6)
    xi_vec = np.vstack((rho_vec, theta_vec))

    X = SE3.Exp(xi_vec)

    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(X.Log(), xi_vec, 14)
Beispiel #6
def test_exp_with_no_rotation():
    rho_vec = np.array([[1, 2, 3]]).T
    theta_vec = np.zeros((3, 1))
    xi_vec = np.vstack((rho_vec, theta_vec))

    X = SE3.Exp(xi_vec)

    np.testing.assert_equal(X.rotation.matrix, np.identity(3))
    np.testing.assert_equal(X.translation, rho_vec)
Beispiel #7
def draw_exp(ax, xi_vec, draw_options):
    vg.plot_pose(ax, SE3().to_tuple(), scale=1, text='$\mathcal{F}_w$')
    T_l = SE3.Exp(xi_vec)
    vg.plot_pose(ax, T_l.to_tuple())  #, text=r'$\mathrm{Exp}(\mathbf{\xi})$')

    if draw_options['Draw box']:
        box_points = vg.utils.generate_box(pose=T_l.to_tuple(), scale=1)
        vg.utils.plot_as_box(ax, box_points)

    if draw_options['Draw manifold\ntrajectory']:
        draw_interpolated(ax, SE3(), xi_vec, SE3())
Beispiel #8
def draw_left_perturbation(ax, T_w_a, xi_vec, draw_options):
    vg.plot_pose(ax, SE3().to_tuple(), scale=1, text='$\mathcal{F}_w$')
    vg.plot_pose(ax, T_w_a.to_tuple(), scale=1, text='$\mathcal{F}_a$')
    T_l = SE3.Exp(xi_vec) @ T_w_a
    vg.plot_pose(ax, T_l.to_tuple(
    ))  #, text=r'$\mathrm{Exp}(\mathbf{\xi}) \circ \mathbf{T}_{wa}$')

    if draw_options['Draw box']:
        box_points = vg.utils.generate_box(pose=T_l.to_tuple(), scale=1)
        vg.utils.plot_as_box(ax, box_points)

    if draw_options['Draw manifold\ntrajectory']:
        draw_interpolated(ax, SE3(), xi_vec, T_w_a)
Beispiel #9
def test_jacobian_right_inverse():
    X = SE3((SO3.from_roll_pitch_yaw(np.pi / 8, np.pi / 2, 5 * np.pi / 6), np.array([[2, 1, 1]]).T))
    xi_vec = X.Log()

    J_r_inv = SE3.jac_right_inverse(xi_vec)

    # Should have J_l * J_r_inv = Exp(xi_vec).adjoint().
    J_l = SE3.jac_left(xi_vec)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(J_l @ J_r_inv, SE3.Exp(xi_vec).adjoint(), 14)

    # Test the Jacobian numerically.
    delta = 1e-3 * np.ones((6, 1))
    taylor_diff = X.oplus(delta).Log() - (X.Log() + J_r_inv @ delta)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(taylor_diff, np.zeros((6, 1)), 5)
Beispiel #10
def test_jacobian_X_oplus_tau_wrt_X():
    X = SE3((SO3.from_roll_pitch_yaw(np.pi / 10, -np.pi / 3, 3 * np.pi / 4), np.array([[3, 2, 1]]).T))
    rho_vec = np.array([[2, 1, 2]]).T
    theta_vec = np.pi / 4 * np.array([[-1, -1, -1]]).T / np.sqrt(3)
    xi_vec = np.vstack((rho_vec, theta_vec))

    J_oplus_X = X.jac_X_oplus_tau_wrt_X(xi_vec)

    # Should be Exp(tau).adjoint().inverse()
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(J_oplus_X, np.linalg.inv(SE3.Exp(xi_vec).adjoint()), 14)

    # Test the Jacobian numerically.
    delta = 1e-3 * np.ones((6, 1))
    taylor_diff = X.oplus(delta).oplus(xi_vec) - X.oplus(xi_vec).oplus(J_oplus_X @ delta)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(taylor_diff, np.zeros((6, 1)), 14)
Beispiel #11
def test_jacobian_left_inverse():
    X = SE3((SO3.from_roll_pitch_yaw(np.pi / 8, np.pi / 2, 5 * np.pi / 6), np.array([[2, 1, 1]]).T))
    xi_vec = X.Log()

    J_l_inv = SE3.jac_left_inverse(xi_vec)

    # Should have that left and right are block transposes of each other.
    J_r_inv = SE3.jac_right_inverse(xi_vec)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(J_l_inv[:3, :3], J_r_inv[:3, :3].T, 14)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(J_l_inv[:3, 3:], J_r_inv[:3, 3:].T, 14)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(J_l_inv[3:, 3:], J_r_inv[3:, 3:].T, 14)

    # Test the Jacobian numerically (using Exps and Logs, since left oplus and ominus have not been defined).
    delta = 1e-3 * np.ones((6, 1))
    taylor_diff = (SE3.Exp(delta) @ X).Log() - (X.Log() + J_l_inv @ delta)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(taylor_diff, np.zeros((6, 1)), 5)
Beispiel #12
import numpy as np
import visgeom as vg
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pylie import SO3, SE3

# Define the pose of a camera.
T_w_c = SE3((SO3.from_roll_pitch_yaw(5 * np.pi / 4, 0,
                                     np.pi / 2), np.array([[2, 2, 2]]).T))

# Perturbation.
xsi_vec = np.array([[2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]).T

# Perform the perturbation on the right (locally).
T_r = T_w_c @ SE3.Exp(xsi_vec)

# Perform the perturbation on the left (globally).
T_l = SE3.Exp(xsi_vec) @ T_w_c

# We can transform the tangent vector between local and global frames using the adjoint matrix.
xsi_vec_w = T_w_c.adjoint(
) @ xsi_vec  # When xsi_vec is used on the right side.
xsi_vec_c = T_w_c.inverse().adjoint(
) @ xsi_vec  # When xsi_vec is used on the left side.
print('xsi_vec_w: ', xsi_vec_w.flatten())
print('xsi_vec_c: ', xsi_vec_c.flatten())

# Visualise the perturbations:
# Use Qt 5 backend in visualisation, use latex.
Beispiel #13
def draw_interpolated(ax, T_1, xi, T_2):
    for alpha in np.linspace(0, 1, 20):
        T = T_1 @ SE3.Exp(alpha * xi) @ T_2
        vg.plot_pose(ax, T.to_tuple(), alpha=0.1)