def gc_exceptions(keep_paths:List[Path])->Tuple[List[DRef],List[RRef]]: """ Scans `keep_paths` list for references to Pylightnix storage. Ignores unrelated filesystem objects. """ keep_drefs:List[DRef]=[] keep_rrefs:List[RRef]=[] def _check(f:str): nonlocal keep_drefs, keep_rrefs if islink(a): rref=path2rref(a) if rref is not None: keep_rrefs.append(rref) else: dref=path2dref(a) if dref is not None: keep_drefs.append(dref) for path in keep_paths: if islink(path): _check(path) elif isdir(path): for root, dirs, filenames in walk(path, topdown=True): for dirname in sorted(dirs): a=Path(abspath(join(root, dirname))) _check(a) else: pass return keep_drefs,keep_rrefs
def dirsize(o: Path) -> int: """ Return size in bytes """ total_size = 0 for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in walk(o): for f in filenames: fp = join(dirpath, f) if not islink(fp): total_size += getsize(fp) return total_size
def _iter() -> Iterable[Tuple[str, bytes]]: for root, dirs, filenames in walk(abspath(path), topdown=True): for filename in sorted(filenames): if len(filename) > 0 and filename[0] != '_': localpath = abspath(join(root, filename)) if islink(localpath): yield (f'link:{localpath}', encode(readlink(localpath))) with open(localpath, 'rb') as f: yield (localpath,
def dirrw(o: Path) -> None: for root, dirs, files in walk(o): for d in dirs: mode = stat(join(root, d))[ST_MODE] chmod(join(root, d), mode | (S_IWRITE)) for f in files: if isfile(f): filerw(Path(join(root, f))) if islink(f): warning( f"Pylightnix doesn't guarantee the consistency of symlink '{f}'" ) chmod(o, stat(o)[ST_MODE] | (S_IWRITE | S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH))