Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, structure, oxi_states=None):
     Does initial Valence bond method to initialize oxidation states for user help
     Overwridden by oxi_state specified by
     Args: structure
         pymatgen structure object to determine the oxidation states
         min_max_oxi: any user specified min/max oxidation ranges for elements in structure
         oxi_states: any user specified oxidation states of elements in structure
     oxi_states = oxi_states if oxi_states is not None else {}
     struct_species = structure.types_of_specie
     if (len(struct_species)
             == 1) and struct_species[0].symbol not in oxi_states.keys():
         oxi_states[struct_species[0].symbol] = 0
         vir = VIRE(structure)
         for elt, oxi in vir.valences.items():
             strip_key = ''.join([s for s in elt if s.isalpha()])
             if strip_key not in oxi_states.keys():
                 oxi_states[strip_key] = oxi
     self.oxi_states = oxi_states
         '\nThis is Full-User Charge Generation Mode.\n'
         'Options are: (1) Range mode (input min and max of each each type of defect) '
         'or (2) Individual mode (input each charge state you want for each defect)\n'
         '\nWhen finished with specific defect, press ENTER to continue.')
     rng_mod = raw_input('Please specify Range (R) or Individual (I) Mode:')
     if 'R' == rng_mod.upper()[0]:
         self.rangemode = True
         self.rangemode = False
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, structure):
        Conservative defect charge generator based on the oxidation statess 
        determined by bond valence. Targetted materials are wideband 
        semiconductors and insulators. AxBy where A is cation and B is 
        anion will have charge assignments {A: [0:y], B:[-x:0]}. For these 
        systems, antisites typically have very high formation energies and 
        are ignored.
            structure: pymatgen structure object 
        struct_species = structure.types_of_specie
        if len(struct_species) == 1:
            oxi_states = {struct_species[0].symbol: 0}
            vir = VIRE(structure)
            oxi_states = vir.valences
        self.oxi_states = {}
        for key, val in oxi_states.items():
            strip_key = ''.join([s for s in key if s.isalpha()])
            self.oxi_states[strip_key] = val

        self.min_max_oxi = {}
        for s in struct_species:
            if isinstance(s, Specie):
                el = s.element
            elif isinstance(s, Element):
                el = s
            max_oxi = max(el.common_oxidation_states)
            min_oxi = min(el.common_oxidation_states)
            self.min_max_oxi[el.symbol] = (min_oxi, max_oxi)
Beispiel #3
 def __init__(self, structure):
         structure: pymatgen structure object
     struct_species = structure.types_of_specie
     if len(struct_species) == 1:
         oxi_states = {struct_species[0].symbol: 0}
         vir = VIRE(structure)
         oxi_states = vir.valences
     self.oxi_states = {}
     for key, val in oxi_states.items():
         strip_key = ''.join([s for s in key if s.isalpha()])
         self.oxi_states[strip_key] = val
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, structure, min_max_oxi=None, oxi_states=None):
        Charge assignment based on the oxidation states referenced from 
        semiconductor database. Targetted materials are shallow and some 
        wideband semiconductors. For these systems, antisites are common and 
        their charge assignment for antisites follows vacancies
        Args: structure
            pymatgen structure object to determine the oxidation states
            min_max_oxi: any user specified min/max oxidation ranges for elements in structure
            oxi_states: any user specified oxidation states of elements in structure
        min_max_oxi = min_max_oxi if min_max_oxi is not None else {}
        oxi_states = oxi_states if oxi_states is not None else {}

        struct_species = structure.types_of_specie
        if (len(struct_species)
                == 1) and struct_species[0].symbol not in oxi_states.keys():
            oxi_states[struct_species[0].symbol] = 0
            vir = VIRE(structure)
            for elt, oxi in vir.valences.items():
                strip_key = ''.join([s for s in elt if s.isalpha()])
                if strip_key not in oxi_states.keys():
                    oxi_states[strip_key] = oxi
        self.oxi_states = oxi_states

        self.min_max_oxi_bulk = [0, 0]
        for s in struct_species:
            if isinstance(s, Specie):
                el = s.element
            elif isinstance(s, Element):
                el = s
            if el.symbol not in min_max_oxi.keys():
                max_oxi = max(el.common_oxidation_states)
                min_oxi = min(el.common_oxidation_states)
                min_max_oxi[el.symbol] = [min_oxi, max_oxi]
            if min_max_oxi[el.symbol][0] < self.min_max_oxi_bulk[0]:
                self.min_max_oxi_bulk[0] = min_max_oxi[el.symbol][0]
            if min_max_oxi[el.symbol][1] > self.min_max_oxi_bulk[1]:
                self.min_max_oxi_bulk[1] = min_max_oxi[el.symbol][1]
        self.min_max_oxi = min_max_oxi