Beispiel #1
def try_rotation(rotation,
                 chan1, chan2):
    (r, p, y) = gimbal_model(chan1, chan2)
    print("%s: %.1f %.1f %.1f" % (rotation,

    for idx in range(90):
        dcm_estimated = Matrix3()
        droll = demanded_roll
        if droll is None:
            droll = r
            droll = radians(droll)
        dpitch = radians(demanded_pitch)

        dcm_demanded = Matrix3()
        dcm_demanded.from_euler(droll, dpitch, y)

        (chan1_change, chan2_change) = gimbal_controller(dcm_estimated,
                                                         dcm_demanded, chan1)

        chan1 += chan1_change
        chan2 += chan2_change
        (r, p, y) = gimbal_model(chan1, chan2)
        print("-> %.1f %.1f %.1f" % (degrees(r),
Beispiel #2
    def mavlink_packet(self, m):
        '''handle an incoming mavlink packet'''

        if not
            # don't draw if no map

        if m.get_type() != 'GIMBAL_REPORT':

        needed = ['ATTITUDE', 'GLOBAL_POSITION_INT']
        for n in needed:
            if not n in self.master.messages:

        # clear the camera icon'GimbalView'))

        gpi = self.master.messages['GLOBAL_POSITION_INT']
        att = self.master.messages['ATTITUDE']
        vehicle_dcm = Matrix3()
        vehicle_dcm.from_euler(att.roll, att.pitch, att.yaw)

        rotmat_copter_gimbal = Matrix3()
        rotmat_copter_gimbal.from_euler312(m.joint_roll, m.joint_el, m.joint_az)
        gimbal_dcm = vehicle_dcm * rotmat_copter_gimbal

        lat = * 1.0e-7
        lon = gpi.lon * 1.0e-7
        alt = gpi.relative_alt * 1.0e-3

        # ground plane
        ground_plane = Plane()

        # the position of the camera in the air, remembering its a right
        # hand coordinate system, so +ve z is down
        camera_point = Vector3(0, 0, -alt)

        # get view point of camera when not rotated
        view_point = Vector3(1, 0, 0)

        # rotate view_point to form current view vector
        rot_point = gimbal_dcm * view_point

        # a line from the camera to the ground
        line = Line(camera_point, rot_point)

        # find the intersection with the ground
        pt = line.plane_intersection(ground_plane, forward_only=True)
        if pt is None:
            # its pointing up into the sky
            return None

        (view_lat, view_lon) = mp_util.gps_offset(lat, lon, pt.y, pt.x)

        icon ='camera-small-red.png')'gimbalview',
                                                        icon, layer='GimbalView', rotation=0, follow=False))
Beispiel #3
def gimbal_model(chan1, chan2):
    '''model the gimbal setup'''
    zero_chan1 = ROTATIONS['level'][0]
    zero_chan2 = ROTATIONS['level'][1]
    dcm = Matrix3()
    dcm1 = Matrix3()
    dcm1.from_euler(0, radians(PITCH_SCALE) * (chan2 - zero_chan2), 0)
    dcm2 = Matrix3()
    dcm2.from_euler(0, 0, radians(YAW_SCALE)*(chan1-zero_chan1))
    dcm *= dcm1 * dcm2
    return dcm.to_euler()
    def test_axisangle(self):
        axis = Vector3(0, 1, 0)
        angle = radians(45)

        m1 = Matrix3()
        m1.from_axis_angle(axis, angle)
        assert m1.close(Matrix3(Vector3(0.71, 0.00, 0.71),
                                Vector3(0.00, 1.00, 0.00),
                                Vector3(-0.71, 0.00, 0.71)),
    def test_constructor(self):
        """Test the constructor functionality"""
        m1 = Matrix3(Vector3(1, 0, 0), Vector3(1, 5, 0), Vector3(1, 0, -7))
        m2 = Matrix3()

        assert str(
        ) == 'Matrix3((1.00, 0.00, 0.00), (1.00, 5.00, 0.00), (1.00, 0.00, -7.00))'
        assert str(
        ) == 'Matrix3((1.00, 0.00, 0.00), (0.00, 1.00, 0.00), (0.00, 0.00, 1.00))'
    def test_matrixops(self):
        m1 = Matrix3(Vector3(1, 0, 0), Vector3(1, 5, 0), Vector3(1, 0, -7))

        assert m1.close(Matrix3(Vector3(0.2, -0.98, 0), Vector3(0.1, 1, 0),
                                Vector3(0, 0, 1)),
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(m1.trace(), 2.19115332535)

        m1.rotate(Vector3(0.2, -0.98, 0))
        assert m1.close(Matrix3(Vector3(0.2, -0.98, 0), Vector3(0.1, 1, -0.3),
                                Vector3(0.98, 0.2, 1)),
 def __init__(self, name, roll, pitch, yaw): = name
     self.roll = roll
     self.pitch = pitch
     self.yaw = yaw
     self.r = Matrix3()
     self.r.from_euler(self.roll, self.pitch, self.yaw)
Beispiel #8
    def __init__(self):
        self.home_latitude = 0
        self.home_longitude = 0
        self.home_altitude = 0
        self.ground_level = 0
        self.frame_height = 0.0

        self.latitude = self.home_latitude
        self.longitude = self.home_longitude
        self.altitude = self.home_altitude

        self.dcm = Matrix3()

        # rotation rate in body frame
        self.gyro = Vector3(0, 0, 0)  # rad/s

        self.velocity = Vector3(0, 0, 0)  # m/s, North, East, Down
        self.position = Vector3(0, 0, 0)  # m North, East, Down
        self.mass = 0.0
        self.update_frequency = 50  # in Hz
        self.gravity = 9.80665  # m/s/s
        self.accelerometer = Vector3(0, 0, -self.gravity)

        self.wind = util.Wind('0,0,0')
        self.time_base = time.time()
        self.time_now = self.time_base + 100 * 1.0e-6

        self.gyro_noise = math.radians(0.1)
        self.accel_noise = 0.3
Beispiel #9
def correct(mag, offsets, diag, offdiag):
    '''correct a mag sample'''
    diag.x = 1.0
    mat = Matrix3(Vector3(diag.x, offdiag.x, offdiag.y),
                  Vector3(offdiag.x, diag.y, offdiag.z),
                  Vector3(offdiag.y, offdiag.z, diag.z))
    mag = mag + offsets
    mag = mat * mag
    return mag
    def test_constructor(self):
        """Test the constructor functionality"""
        # Test the identity case
        q = [1, 0, 0, 0]
        euler = [0, 0, 0]
        dcm = Matrix3()
        self._helper_test_constructor(q, euler, dcm)

        # test a case with rotations around all angles (values from matlab)
        q = [0.774519052838329, 0.158493649053890, 0.591506350946110,
        euler = [np.radians(60), np.radians(60), np.radians(60)]
        dcm = Matrix3(Vector3(0.25, -0.058012701892219, 0.966506350946110),
                      Vector3(0.433012701892219, 0.899519052838329,
                      Vector3(-0.866025403784439, 0.433012701892219, 0.25))

        self._helper_test_constructor(q, euler, dcm)
def generate_rotations():
    '''generate all 90 degree rotations'''
    rotations = []
    for yaw in [0, 90, 180, 270]:
        for pitch in [0, 90, 180, 270]:
            for roll in [0, 90, 180, 270]:
                m = Matrix3()
                m.from_euler(radians(roll), radians(pitch), radians(yaw))
                if not in_rotations_list(rotations, m):
                    rotations.append(Rotation(roll, pitch, yaw, m))
    return rotations
def add_errors(mag, gyr, last_mag, deltat, total_error, rotations):
    for i in range(len(rotations)):
        if not rotations[i].is_90_degrees():
        r = rotations[i].r
        m = Matrix3()
        m.rotate(gyr * deltat)
        rmag1 = r * last_mag
        rmag2 = r * mag
        rmag3 = m.transposed() * rmag1
        err = rmag3 - rmag2
        total_error[i] += err.length()
Beispiel #13
 def __init__(self):
     self.latitude = 0
     self.longitude = 0
     self.altitude = 0
     self.heading = 0
     self.velocity = Vector3()
     self.accel = Vector3()
     self.gyro = Vector3()
     self.attitude = Vector3()
     self.airspeed = 0
     self.dcm = Matrix3()
     self.timestamp_us = 1
 def test_euler(self):
     '''check that from_euler() and to_euler() are consistent'''
     m = Matrix3()
     for r in range(-179, 179, 10):
         for p in range(-89, 89, 10):
             for y in range(-179, 179, 10):
                 m.from_euler(radians(r), radians(p), radians(y))
                 (r2, p2, y2) = m.to_euler()
                 v1 = Vector3(r, p, y)
                 v2 = Vector3(degrees(r2), degrees(p2), degrees(y2))
                 diff = v1 - v2
                 assert diff.length() < 1.0e-12
 def test_two_vectors(self):
     '''test the from_two_vectors() method'''
     for i in range(100):
         v1 = Vector3(1, 0.2, -3)
         v2 = Vector3(random.uniform(-5, 5), random.uniform(-5, 5),
                      random.uniform(-5, 5))
         m = Matrix3()
         m.from_two_vectors(v1, v2)
         v3 = m * v1
         diff = v3.normalized() - v2.normalized()
         (r, p, y) = m.to_euler()
         assert diff.length() < 0.001
    def test_maths(self):
        m1 = Matrix3(Vector3(1, 0, 0), Vector3(1, 5, 0), Vector3(1, 0, -7))
        m2 = Matrix3()

        assert m1 + m2 == Matrix3(Vector3(2, 0, 0), Vector3(1, 6, 0),
                                  Vector3(1, 0, -6))
        assert m1 - m2 == Matrix3(Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3(1, 4, 0),
                                  Vector3(1, 0, -8))
        assert m1 * 3 == Matrix3(Vector3(3, 0, 0), Vector3(3, 15, 0),
                                 Vector3(3, 0, -21))
        assert m1 * m1 == Matrix3(Vector3(1, 0, 0), Vector3(6, 25, 0),
                                  Vector3(-6, 0, 49))
        assert m1 / 2.0 == Matrix3(Vector3(0.5, 0, 0), Vector3(0.5, 2.5, 0),
                                   Vector3(0.5, 0, -3.5))
        assert m1 / 0.5 == Matrix3(Vector3(2, 0, 0), Vector3(2, 10, 0),
                                   Vector3(2, 0, -14))
        assert m1.transposed() == Matrix3(Vector3(1, 1, 1), Vector3(0, 5, 0),
                                          Vector3(0, 0, -7))
Beispiel #17
def expected_field(ATT, yaw):
    '''return expected magnetic field for attitude'''
    global earth_field

    roll = ATT.Roll
    pitch = ATT.Pitch

    rot = Matrix3()
    rot.from_euler(math.radians(roll), math.radians(pitch), math.radians(yaw))

    field = rot.transposed() * earth_field

    return field
Beispiel #18
def remove_offsets(MAG, BAT, c):
    '''remove all corrections to get raw sensor data'''
    correction_matrix = Matrix3(Vector3(c.diag.x, c.offdiag.x, c.offdiag.y),
                                Vector3(c.offdiag.x, c.diag.y, c.offdiag.z),
                                Vector3(c.offdiag.y, c.offdiag.z, c.diag.z))
    correction_matrix = correction_matrix.invert()

    field = Vector3(MAG.MagX, MAG.MagY, MAG.MagZ)
    field -= c.cmot * BAT.Curr
    field = correction_matrix * field
    field *= 1.0 / c.scaling
    field -= Vector3(MAG.OfsX, MAG.OfsY, MAG.OfsZ)

    MAG.MagX = int(field.x)
    MAG.MagY = int(field.y)
    MAG.MagZ = int(field.z)
Beispiel #19
def remove_offsets(MAG, BAT, c):
    '''remove all corrections to get raw sensor data'''
    correction_matrix = Matrix3(Vector3(c.diag.x, c.offdiag.x, c.offdiag.y),
                                Vector3(c.offdiag.x, c.diag.y, c.offdiag.z),
                                Vector3(c.offdiag.y, c.offdiag.z, c.diag.z))
    correction_matrix = correction_matrix.invert()

    field = Vector3(MAG.MagX, MAG.MagY, MAG.MagZ)
    if BAT is not None and not math.isnan(BAT.Curr):
        field -= c.cmot * BAT.Curr
    field = correction_matrix * field
    field *= 1.0 / c.scaling
    field -= Vector3(MAG.OfsX, MAG.OfsY, MAG.OfsZ)

    if math.isnan(field.x) or math.isnan(field.y) or math.isnan(field.z):
        return False
    MAG.MagX = int(field.x)
    MAG.MagY = int(field.y)
    MAG.MagZ = int(field.z)
    return True
Beispiel #20
def correct(MAG, BAT, c):
    '''correct a mag sample, returning a Vector3'''
    mag = Vector3(MAG.MagX, MAG.MagY, MAG.MagZ)

    # add the given offsets
    mag += c.offsets

    # multiply by scale factor
    mag *= c.scaling

    # apply elliptical corrections
    mat = Matrix3(Vector3(c.diag.x, c.offdiag.x, c.offdiag.y),
                  Vector3(c.offdiag.x, c.diag.y, c.offdiag.z),
                  Vector3(c.offdiag.y, c.offdiag.z, c.diag.z))

    mag = mat * mag

    # apply compassmot corrections
    mag += c.cmot * BAT.Curr

    return mag
Beispiel #21
    def to_rotation_matrix(self):
        m = Matrix3()
        yy = self.y**2
        yz = self.y * self.z
        xx = self.x**2
        xy = self.x * self.y
        xz = self.x * self.z
        wx = self.w * self.x
        wy = self.w * self.y
        wz = self.w * self.z
        zz = self.z**2

        m.a.x = 1.0 - 2.0 * (yy + zz)
        m.a.y = 2.0 * (xy - wz)
        m.a.z = 2.0 * (xz + wy)
        m.b.x = 2.0 * (xy + wz)
        m.b.y = 1.0 - 2.0 * (xx + zz)
        m.b.z = 2.0 * (yz - wx)
        m.c.x = 2.0 * (xz - wy)
        m.c.y = 2.0 * (yz + wx)
        m.c.z = 1.0 - 2.0 * (xx + yy)
        return m
Beispiel #22
def quat_to_dcm(q1, q2, q3, q4):
    """Convert quaternion to DCM."""
    q3q3 = q3 * q3
    q3q4 = q3 * q4
    q2q2 = q2 * q2
    q2q3 = q2 * q3
    q2q4 = q2 * q4
    q1q2 = q1 * q2
    q1q3 = q1 * q3
    q1q4 = q1 * q4
    q4q4 = q4 * q4

    m = Matrix3()
    m.a.x = 1.0 - 2.0 * (q3q3 + q4q4)
    m.a.y = 2.0 * (q2q3 - q1q4)
    m.a.z = 2.0 * (q2q4 + q1q3)
    m.b.x = 2.0 * (q2q3 + q1q4)
    m.b.y = 1.0 - 2.0 * (q2q2 + q4q4)
    m.b.z = 2.0 * (q3q4 - q1q2)
    m.c.x = 2.0 * (q2q4 - q1q3)
    m.c.y = 2.0 * (q3q4 + q1q2)
    m.c.z = 1.0 - 2.0 * (q2q2 + q3q3)
    return m
Beispiel #23
        self.v0_c0 = self.index_to_attr[v0_c0]
        self.v1_c1 = self.index_to_attr[v1_c1]
        self.v2_c1 = self.index_to_attr[v2_c1]
        self.v4_c4 = self.index_to_attr[v4_c4]
        self.v0_c4 = self.index_to_attr[v0_c4]

_neighbor_umbrellas = (
    _NeighborUmbrella((9, 8, 7, 12, 14), 1, 2, 0, 0, 2),
    _NeighborUmbrella((1, 2, 4, 5, 3), 0, 0, 2, 2, 0),
    _NeighborUmbrella((16, 15, 13, 18, 17), 2, 2, 0, 2, 1),

_inverses = (
    Matrix3(Vector3(-0.309017, 0.500000, 0.190983),
            Vector3(0.000000, 0.000000, -0.618034),
            Vector3(-0.309017, -0.500000, 0.190983)),
    Matrix3(Vector3(-0.190983, 0.309017, -0.500000),
            Vector3(-0.500000, -0.190983, 0.309017),
            Vector3(0.309017, -0.500000, -0.190983)),
    Matrix3(Vector3(-0.618034, 0.000000, 0.000000),
            Vector3(0.190983, -0.309017, -0.500000),
            Vector3(0.190983, -0.309017, 0.500000)),
    Matrix3(Vector3(-0.500000, 0.190983, -0.309017),
            Vector3(0.000000, -0.618034, 0.000000),
            Vector3(0.500000, 0.190983, -0.309017)),
    Matrix3(Vector3(-0.190983, -0.309017, -0.500000),
            Vector3(-0.190983, -0.309017, 0.500000),
            Vector3(0.618034, 0.000000, 0.000000)),
    Matrix3(Vector3(-0.309017, -0.500000, -0.190983),
            Vector3(0.190983, 0.309017, -0.500000),
Beispiel #24
def optimise_attitude(conn, rotation, tolerance, timeout=25, quick=False):
    '''optimise attitude using servo changes'''
    expected_roll = ROTATIONS[rotation].roll
    expected_pitch = ROTATIONS[rotation].pitch
    chan1 = ROTATIONS[rotation].chan1
    chan2 = ROTATIONS[rotation].chan2

    attitude = wait_quiescent(conn.refmav)
    time_start = time.time()
    # we always do at least 2 tries. This means the attitude accuracy
    # will tend to improve over time, while not adding excessive time
    # per board
    tries = 0
    while time.time() < time_start+timeout:"============================= BEGIN ROTATIONS  try=%s =================" % (tries))
        dcm_estimated = Matrix3()
        dcm_estimated.from_euler(attitude.roll, attitude.pitch, attitude.yaw)
        droll = expected_roll
        if droll is None:
            droll = attitude.roll
            droll = radians(droll)
        dpitch = radians(expected_pitch)

        dcm_demanded = Matrix3()
        dcm_demanded.from_euler(droll, dpitch, attitude.yaw)

        (chan1_change, chan2_change) = gimbal_controller(dcm_estimated,
                                                         dcm_demanded, chan1)
        (err_roll, err_pitch) = attitude_error(attitude, expected_roll, expected_pitch)"optimise_attitude: %s err_roll=%.2f err_pitch=%.2f c1=%u c2=%u" % (rotation, err_roll, err_pitch, chan1, chan2))
        if ((abs(err_roll)+abs(err_pitch) > 5*tolerance and
             (abs(chan1_change)<1 and abs(chan2_change)<1))):
            chan1_change += random.uniform(-20, 20)
            chan2_change += random.uniform(-20, 20)
        if (tries > 0 and (abs(err_roll)+abs(err_pitch) < tolerance or
                           (abs(chan1_change)<1 and abs(chan2_change)<1))):
            print("roll=%.2f pitch=%.2f expected_roll=%s expected_pitch=%s" % (
                expected_roll, expected_pitch))
  "%s converged %.2f %.2f tolerance %.1f" % (rotation, err_roll, err_pitch, tolerance))
            # update optimised rotations to save on convergence time for the next board
            ROTATIONS[rotation].chan1 = chan1
            ROTATIONS[rotation].chan2 = chan2
            return True
        chan1 += chan1_change
        chan2 += chan2_change
        if chan1 < 700:
            chan1 += 900
        if chan2 < 700:
            chan2 += 900
        if chan1 > 2300:
            chan1 -= 900
        if chan2 > 2300:
            chan2 -= 900
        if chan1 < 700 or chan1 > 2300 or chan2 < 700 or chan2 > 2300:
            logger.debug("servos out of range")
            return False
        util.set_servo(conn.refmav, YAW_CHANNEL, chan1)
        util.set_servo(conn.refmav, PITCH_CHANNEL, chan2)
        attitude = wait_quiescent(conn.refmav, quick=quick)
        tries += 1
    logger.error("timed out rotating to %s" % rotation)
    return False
Beispiel #25
def toVec(magnitude, angle):
    """Converts a magnitude and angle (radians) to a vector in the xy plane."""
    v = Vector3(magnitude, 0, 0)
    m = Matrix3()
    m.from_euler(0, 0, angle)
    return m.transposed() * v
Beispiel #26
 def __init__(self):
     self.r = Matrix3()
     self.vel = Vector3()
     self.pos = Vector3()