def compute(): experiment = "experiment03" default_run_id = "run01" default_sample_size = 1 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Compute problems') modes = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() parser.add_argument('-i', '--input-file', type=str, metavar="FILE", default="inputs.txt", dest="inputfile", help="the input file used for computation") modes.add_argument('-f', '--full-recompute', action='store_true', dest='recompute', default=True, help='redo the whole computation run (default)') modes.add_argument('-c', '--continue', action='store_false', dest='recompute', help='finish an unfinished computation run') parser.add_argument('-s', '--samples', type=int, metavar='S', dest='samples', default=default_sample_size, help='use S repetitions for each point (default: %d)' % default_sample_size) parser.add_argument('-r', '--run', metavar='ID', type=str, default=default_run_id, dest='run_id', help='use ID as run identifier (default: %s)' % default_run_id) parser.add_argument('-t', '--time', action="store_true", dest="timing_run", default=False, help='record timing only (no memory stats) (default: %s)' % False) parser.add_argument('-a', '--algorithms', action="append", metavar="alg", dest="algorithms", default=[], nargs='+', help="the list of algorithms to use (default: all)") parser.add_argument('-n', '--dry-run', action='store_true', dest='dry_run', default=False, help='simulate the run only (no computation started)') parser.add_argument('-p', '--problem-range', type=str, metavar='R', dest='problem_range', default=':', help='calculate only problems in the specified (Python) range, e.g. 1:10, 1::20 (default: all (:))') parser.add_argument('-m', '--max-card', type=str, metavar='PYLIST', default='3', dest='cards', help="a list of max-cardinalities for which to calculate the diagnoses") args = parser.parse_args() input_file = os.path.abspath(args.inputfile) if not os.path.exists(args.run_id): os.mkdir(args.run_id) os.chdir(args.run_id) if args.algorithms == [] or args.algorithms == [['all']]: algorithms = ['hsdag', 'hst', 'bool-it-h5-stop', 'bool-rec-h1-oldr4', 'saths', 'maxsaths'] else: algorithms = [a for l in args.algorithms for a in l] if args.recompute: remove_results_with_warning(args.run_id, algorithms) problems = eval('Problem.objects['+args.problem_range+']') samples = irange(args.samples) cards = eval('['']') tasks = (Task(card=c, algorithm=a,, sample=s) for p in problems for s in samples for a in algorithms for c in cards) resume_task = Task(**get_status()) filters = set() inputfile = Datafile(input_file) resumed = False last_task = Task(card=0,algorithm=None,pid=0,sample=0) inputline = None input = None print formatted_values(("%27s", "Time"), ("%20s", "Experiment"), ("%12s", "run"), ("%5s", "PID"), ("%7s", "MaxCard"), ("%25s", "Algorithm"), ("%12s","TotalTime"), ("%5s", "#Diag"), ("%7s", "RSS"), ("%7s", "RSS/SAT")) for task in tasks: if (not resumed) and (task == resume_task) and (not args.recompute): resumed = True if ((resumed or args.recompute) and all(map(lambda f: f(task), filters))): save_status(task) try: if not args.dry_run: gc.collect() problem = Problem.get( start = print formatted_values(("%27s", start), ("%20s", experiment), ("%12s", args.run_id), ("%5s",, ("%7s", str(task.card)), ("%25s", task.algorithm)), sys.stdout.flush() if args.dry_run: stats = {} exectime = 0 max_rss = 0 num_hs = 0 num_rss_polls = 0 stop_dueto_time = False stop_dueto_mem = False else: if != inputline = inputfile.getline( max_card = task.card if task.card else sys.maxint prune = True max_time = 330 python_cmd = [PYTHONPATH, os.path.join(THIS_FILE_DIR, '../../pymbd/benchmark/mhs/'), task.algorithm, str(max_card), str(prune), str(max_time)] python_process = Popen(python_cmd, stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=True) memstat_runner = os.path.join(THIS_FILE_DIR, '../../pymbd/benchmark/') sat_solver_name = [s for r,s in SOLVER_BACKENDS.iteritems() if re.match(r, task.algorithm)][0] memstat_cmd = [PYTHONPATH, memstat_runner] memstat_process = Popen(memstat_cmd, stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=True) memstat_process.stdin.write(str( + " " + sat_solver_name) memstat_process.stdin.close() approx_begin = time.time() output = python_process.communicate(inputline + "\n")[0].split("\n") if len(output) >= 2: output_line = output[0] if not re.match('^[0-9|,]*$', output_line): print str.join("\n",output) output_line = "Invalid Output:" + " ".join(output).translate(None, "\n") stats = dict() exectime = time.time() - approx_begin else: stats = eval(output[1]) exectime = stats.get('total_time',0) - stats.get('tp_time_check',0) - stats.get('tp_time_comp', 0) else: output_line = "Invalid Output:" + " ".join(output).translate(None, "\n") stats = dict() exectime = time.time() - approx_begin num_hs = stats.get('num_hs',0) # terminate the memory logger and get maximum rsize # terminate the memory logger and get maximum rsize os.kill(, signal.SIGTERM) os.waitpid(, 0) memstat_output = memstat_process.stdout.readlines() try: result = eval(memstat_output[0]) except: print memstat_output raise max_rss = result[0] / 1024.0 # MiB num_rss_polls = result[1] timeout = result[2] memout = result[3] tp_max_rss = result[4].get(sat_solver_name,0) / 1024.0 Result.append(experiment=experiment, run_id=args.run_id, datetime=start,, exectime=exectime, algorithm=task.algorithm, max_card=task.card if task.card else 0, ncomp=problem.ncomp, tp_time_check=stats.get('tp_time_check',0), tp_time_comp=stats.get('tp_time_comp',0), nnodes=stats.get('num_nodes', 0), ngen_nodes=stats.get('num_gen_nodes', 0), ntp_check_calls=stats.get('num_tpcalls_check',0), ntp_comp_calls=stats.get('num_tpcalls_comp',0), nmhs=num_hs, max_rss=max_rss, nrss_polls=num_rss_polls, timeout=timeout,memout=memout,nh_calls=stats.get('num_h_calls', 0),file=problem.file, tp_max_rss=tp_max_rss, cache_hits=stats.get('cache_hits',0), cache_misses=stats.get('cache_misses',0), cache_size=stats.get('cache_size',0), ncs=stats.get('num_cs',0), neffcs=stats.get('num_min_cs',0), mhshash="") Datafile("output-%s.txt" % task.algorithm, mode="append").appendline("%s\t%d\t%s" % (start,,output_line)) print formatted_values(("%12.6f",stats.get('total_time',exectime)), ("%5d", num_hs), ("%7.2f", max_rss), ("%7.2f", tp_max_rss)) sys.stdout.flush() # if exectime > 300 or max_rss > 2048: # algorithm = task.algorithm # important! copy the string here, or the closure will do wrong things # filters.add(lambda t: t.algorithm != algorithm) # print "Skipping algorithm %s due to limit (%f sec, %d MB)" % (task.algorithm, exectime, max_rss) except KeyboardInterrupt: os.kill(, signal.SIGKILL) return except: # algorithm = task.algorithm # important! copy the string here, or the closure will do wrong things # filters.add(lambda t: t.algorithm != algorithm) # print "Skipping algorithm %s due to exception" % task.algorithm print traceback.print_exc() last_task = task #end for save_status()
def compute(): experiment = "experiment02" default_run_id = "run01" default_sample_size = 1 timeout_seconds = 3600 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Compute problems') modes = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() modes.add_argument('-f', '--full-recompute', action='store_true', dest='recompute', default=True, help='redo the whole computation run (default)') modes.add_argument('-c', '--continue', action='store_false', dest='recompute', help='finish an unfinished computation run') parser.add_argument('-s', '--samples', type=int, metavar='S', dest='samples', default=default_sample_size, help='use S repetitions for each point (default: %d)' % default_sample_size) parser.add_argument('-r', '--run', metavar='ID', type=str, default=default_run_id, dest='run_id', help='use ID as run identifier (default: %s)' % default_run_id) parser.add_argument( '-t', '--time', action="store_true", dest="timing_run", default=False, help='record timing only (no memory stats) (default: %s)' % False) parser.add_argument('-a', '--algorithms', action="append", metavar="alg", dest="algorithms", default=[], nargs='+', help="the list of algorithms to use (default: all)") parser.add_argument('-n', '--dry-run', action='store_true', dest='dry_run', default=False, help='simulate the run only (no computation started)') parser.add_argument( '-p', '--problem-range', type=str, metavar='R', dest='problem_range', default=':', help= 'calculate only problems in the specified (Python) range, e.g. 1:10, 1::20 (default: all (:))' ) parser.add_argument( '-m', '--max_card', type=str, metavar='C', dest='cardinalities', default='default', help='calculate using max_card = C (e.g. 1 or 1,2 or 1,2,3)') args = parser.parse_args() if not os.path.exists(args.run_id): os.mkdir(args.run_id) os.chdir(args.run_id) if args.algorithms == [] or args.algorithms == [['all']]: algorithms = ['hsdag-fm-cache', 'hsdag-ci-fm-cache'] else: algorithms = [a for l in args.algorithms for a in l] if args.recompute and not args.dry_run: remove_results_with_warning(args.run_id, algorithms, args.dry_run) problems = eval('Problem.objects[' + args.problem_range + ']') samples = irange(args.samples) if args.cardinalities != 'default': cards = eval('[' + args.cardinalities + ']') else: cards = [1] tasks = (Task(algorithm=a,, sample=s, card=c) for c in cards for p in problems for a in algorithms for s in samples) resume_task = Task(**get_status()) filters = set() inputfile = Datafile('../inputs.txt') resumed = False last_task = Task(algorithm=None, pid=0, sample=0) last_problem = None inputline = None input = None stop_dueto_time = False stop_dueto_mem = False resumed_tasks = dropwhile(lambda task: task != resume_task, tasks) if not args.recompute else tasks filtered_tasks = ifilter(lambda task: all(map(lambda f: f(task), filters)), resumed_tasks) print formatted_values(("%27s", "Time"), ("%20s", "Experiment"), ("%12s", "run"), ("%5s", "PID"), ("%7s", "MaxCard"), ("%25s", "Algorithm"), ("%12s", "TotalTime"), ("%5s", "#Diag"), ("%7s", "RSS"), ("%7s", "RSS/SAT")) for task in filtered_tasks: save_status(task) if not args.dry_run: gc.collect() problem = Problem.get( if > 0: last_problem = Problem.get( if (stop_dueto_time == True or stop_dueto_mem == True ) and last_problem and problem.specsize != last_problem.specsize: algorithm = task.algorithm # important! copy the string here, or the closure will do wrong things filters.add(lambda t: t.algorithm != algorithm) print "Skipping algorithm %s due to limit (%f sec, %d MB)" % ( task.algorithm, exectime, max_rss) stop_dueto_time = False stop_dueto_mem = False continue if args.dry_run: stats = {} max_rss = 0 num_rss_polls = 0 stop_dueto_time = False stop_dueto_mem = False start = print "%27s %20s %11s %5d %5d %20s" % ( start, experiment, args.run_id,, problem.specsize, task.algorithm) continue if != inputline = inputfile.getline( actual_pid, spec, int_diag, trace = inputline.split("\t") int_diag = parse(int_diag) spec_parsed = parse(spec) actual_pid = int(actual_pid) if actual_pid != raise Exception( "Something's wrong in the input file, expected PID %d on line %d, but got %d" % (,, actual_pid)) if last_problem and problem.specsize != last_problem.specsize: stop_dueto_time = True stop_dueto_mem = True tries = 0 done = False while tries < 3 and not done: tries += 1 try: with timeout_monitor(int(timeout_seconds * 2), True): start = print formatted_values( ("%27s", start), ("%20s", experiment), ("%12s", args.run_id), ("%5s",, ("%7s", str(task.card)), ("%25s", task.algorithm)), sys.stdout.flush() # start up the python process with the algorithm and parameters python_cmd = [ PYTHONPATH, os.path.join( THIS_FILE_DIR, '../../pymbd/benchmark/ltl/'), task.algorithm, str(task.card), str(timeout_seconds), "strong" ] python_process = Popen(python_cmd, stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=True) memstat_runner = os.path.join( THIS_FILE_DIR, '../../pymbd/benchmark/') sat_solver_name = [ s for r, s in SOLVER_BACKENDS.iteritems() if re.match(r, task.algorithm) ][0] memstat_cmd = [PYTHONPATH, memstat_runner] memstat_process = Popen(memstat_cmd, stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=True) memstat_process.stdin.write( str( + " " + sat_solver_name) memstat_process.stdin.close() approx_begin = time.time() output = python_process.communicate("\n".join( [spec, trace]))[0].split("\n") if len(output) >= 2: output_line = output[0] stats = eval(output[1]) exectime = stats['total_time'] diagnoses = {} for line in output_line.split(",\t")[:-1]: fff, t = line.split(" : ") diagnoses[parse(fff)] = float(t) found = False for d in diagnoses.keys(): if syntactic_equivalent(int_diag, d): found = True if diagnoses: first_timestamp = min(diagnoses.values()) else: first_timestamp = -1 else: output_line = "Invalid Output:" + " ".join( output).translate(None, "\n") stats = dict() exectime = time.time() - approx_begin found = False first_timestamp = -1 # terminate the memory logger and get maximum rsize os.kill(, signal.SIGTERM) os.waitpid(, 0) memstat_output = memstat_process.stdout.readlines() # print memstat_output try: result = eval(memstat_output[0]) except: print memstat_output raise num_hs = stats.get('num_hs', 0) max_rss = result[0] / 1024.0 # MiB num_rss_polls = result[1] timeout = result[2] memout = result[3] tp_max_rss = result[4].get(sat_solver_name, 0) / 1024.0 stats['cache_hits_fm'] = stats.get('cache_hits_fm', 0) if timeout: stats['timeout'] = True p, t, s = problem, task, stats Result.append(experiment=experiment, run_id=args.run_id, datetime=start,, algorithm=t.algorithm, specsize=p.specsize, specnumvars=p.specnumvars, tracesize=p.tracesize, tracestemsize=p.tracestemsize, found=found, first_timestamp=first_timestamp, memout=memout, max_rss=max_rss, sat_max_rss=tp_max_rss, num_rss_polls=num_rss_polls, num_faults=problem.num_faults, max_card=t.card, **stats) Datafile("output-%s.txt" % task.algorithm, mode="append").appendline( "%s\t%d\t%s" % (start,, output_line)) if exectime < timeout_seconds: stop_dueto_time = False if max_rss < 2048: stop_dueto_mem = False print formatted_values( ("%12.6f", stats.get('total_time', exectime)), ("%5d", num_hs), ("%7.2f", max_rss), ("%7.2f", tp_max_rss)) sys.stdout.flush() done = True # end with timeout except Timeout: print "Timed out... trying again" except KeyboardInterrupt: return except: algorithm = task.algorithm # important! copy the string here, or the closure will do wrong things filters.add(lambda t: t.algorithm != algorithm) print "Skipping algorithm %s due to exception" % task.algorithm print traceback.print_exc() print output sys.exit() last_task = task #end for save_status()
def compute(): experiment = "experiment01" default_run_id = "run01" default_sample_size = 1 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Compute problems') modes = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() parser.add_argument('-i', '--input-file', type=str, metavar="FILE", default="inputs.txt", dest="inputfile", help="the input file used for computation") modes.add_argument('-f', '--full-recompute', action='store_true', dest='recompute', default=True, help='redo the whole computation run (default)') modes.add_argument('-c', '--continue', action='store_false', dest='recompute', help='finish an unfinished computation run') parser.add_argument('-s', '--samples', type=int, metavar='S', dest='samples', default=default_sample_size, help='use S repetitions for each point (default: %d)' % default_sample_size) parser.add_argument('-r', '--run', metavar='ID', type=str, default=default_run_id, dest='run_id', help='use ID as run identifier (default: %s)' % default_run_id) parser.add_argument( '-t', '--time', action="store_true", dest="timing_run", default=False, help='record timing only (no memory stats) (default: %s)' % False) parser.add_argument('-a', '--algorithms', action="append", metavar="alg", dest="algorithms", default=[], nargs='+', help="the list of algorithms to use (default: all)") parser.add_argument('-n', '--dry-run', action='store_true', dest='dry_run', default=False, help='simulate the run only (no computation started)') parser.add_argument( '-p', '--problem-range', type=str, metavar='R', dest='problem_range', default=':', help= 'calculate only problems in the specified (Python) range, e.g. 1:10, 1::20 (default: all (:))' ) parser.add_argument( '-m', '--max-card', type=str, metavar='PYLIST', default='1,2,3', dest='cards', help="a list of max-cardinalities for which to calculate the diagnoses" ) args = parser.parse_args() input_file = os.path.abspath(args.inputfile) if not os.path.exists(args.run_id): os.mkdir(args.run_id) os.chdir(args.run_id) if args.algorithms == [] or args.algorithms == [['all']]: algorithms = [ 'hst-yices', 'hst-cache-yices', 'hst-ci-yices', 'hst-ci-cache-yices', 'hsdag-yices', 'hsdag-cache-yices', 'hsdag-ci-yices', 'hsdag-ci-cache-yices', 'hst-picosat', 'hst-cache-picosat', 'hst-ci-picosat', 'hst-ci-cache-picosat', 'hsdag-picosat', 'hsdag-cache-picosat', 'hsdag-ci-picosat', 'hsdag-ci-cache-picosat' ] else: algorithms = [a for l in args.algorithms for a in l] if args.recompute: remove_results_with_warning(args.run_id, algorithms) Problem.objects = [] with open(input_file) as f: pid = 1 for line in f.readlines()[1:]: l = line.split() Problem(file=l[0], ngates=0, nmutations=len(l[1].split(",")), pid=pid) pid += 1 problems = eval('Problem.objects[' + args.problem_range + ']') samples = irange(args.samples) cards = eval('[' + + ']') tasks = (Task(card=c, algorithm=a,, sample=s) for p in problems for s in samples for a in algorithms for c in cards) resume_task = Task(**get_status()) filters = set() inputfile = Datafile(input_file) resumed = False last_task = Task(card=0, algorithm=None, pid=0, sample=0) inputline = None input = None print formatted_values(("%27s", "Time"), ("%20s", "Experiment"), ("%12s", "run"), ("%5s", "PID"), ("%7s", "MaxCard"), ("%25s", "Algorithm"), ("%12s", "TotalTime"), ("%5s", "#Diag"), ("%7s", "RSS"), ("%7s", "RSS/SAT")) for task in tasks: if (not resumed) and (task == resume_task) and (not args.recompute): resumed = True if ((resumed or args.recompute) and all(map(lambda f: f(task), filters))): save_status(task) try: if not args.dry_run: gc.collect() problem = Problem.get( start = print formatted_values( ("%27s", start), ("%20s", experiment), ("%12s", args.run_id), ("%5s",, ("%7s", str(task.card)), ("%25s", task.algorithm)), sys.stdout.flush() if args.dry_run: stats = {} exectime = 0 max_rss = 0 num_hs = 0 num_rss_polls = 0 stop_dueto_time = False stop_dueto_mem = False else: if != inputline = inputfile.getline( + 1).split() sisc_file = os.path.join(THIS_FILE_DIR, '..', 'iscas-data', inputline[0] + ".sisc") inputs = map(lambda s: int(s.split("=")[1]), inputline[2].split(",")) outputs = map(lambda s: int(s.split("=")[1]), inputline[3].split(",")) spec = str([sisc_file, inputs, outputs]) max_card = task.card if task.card else sys.maxint prune = True max_time = 330 python_cmd = [ PYTHONPATH, os.path.join( THIS_FILE_DIR, '../../pymbd/benchmark/iscas/'), task.algorithm, str(max_card), str(prune), str(max_time) ] python_process = Popen(python_cmd, stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=True) memstat_runner = os.path.join( THIS_FILE_DIR, '../../pymbd/benchmark/') sat_solver_name = [ s for r, s in SOLVER_BACKENDS.iteritems() if re.match(r, task.algorithm) ][0] memstat_cmd = [PYTHONPATH, memstat_runner] memstat_process = Popen(memstat_cmd, stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=True) memstat_process.stdin.write( str( + " " + sat_solver_name) memstat_process.stdin.close() approx_begin = time.time() output = python_process.communicate(spec + "\n")[0].split("\n") if len(output) >= 2: output_line = output[0] if not re.match('^[0-9|,]*$', output_line): print str.join("\n", output) output_line = "Invalid Output:" + " ".join( output).translate(None, "\n") stats = dict() exectime = time.time() - approx_begin else: stats = eval(output[1]) exectime = stats.get('total_time', 0) - stats.get( 'tp_time_check', 0) - stats.get( 'tp_time_comp', 0) else: output_line = "Invalid Output:" + " ".join( output).translate(None, "\n") stats = dict() exectime = time.time() - approx_begin num_hs = stats.get('num_hs', 0) # terminate the memory logger and get maximum rsize # terminate the memory logger and get maximum rsize os.kill(, signal.SIGTERM) os.waitpid(, 0) memstat_output = memstat_process.stdout.readlines() try: result = eval(memstat_output[0]) except: print memstat_output raise max_rss = result[0] / 1024.0 # MiB num_rss_polls = result[1] timeout = result[2] memout = result[3] tp_max_rss = result[4].get(sat_solver_name, 0) / 1024.0 Result.append( experiment=experiment, run_id=args.run_id, datetime=start,, exectime=exectime, algorithm=task.algorithm, max_card=task.card if task.card else 0, ncomp=0, tp_time_check=stats.get('tp_time_check', 0), tp_time_comp=stats.get('tp_time_comp', 0), nnodes=stats.get('num_nodes', 0), ngen_nodes=stats.get('num_gen_nodes', 0), ntp_check_calls=stats.get('num_tpcalls_check', 0), ntp_comp_calls=stats.get('num_tpcalls_comp', 0), nmhs=num_hs, max_rss=max_rss, nrss_polls=num_rss_polls, ngates=problem.ngates, nmutations=problem.nmutations, timeout=timeout, memout=memout, nh_calls=stats.get('num_h_calls', 0), file=problem.file, tp_max_rss=tp_max_rss, cache_hits=stats.get('cache_hits', 0), cache_misses=stats.get('cache_misses', 0), cache_size=stats.get('cache_size', 0), ncs=stats.get('num_cs', 0), neffcs=stats.get('num_min_cs', 0), mhshash="") Datafile("output-%s.txt" % task.algorithm, mode="append").appendline( "%s\t%d\t%s" % (start,, output_line)) print formatted_values( ("%12.6f", stats.get('total_time', exectime)), ("%5d", num_hs), ("%7.2f", max_rss), ("%7.2f", tp_max_rss)) sys.stdout.flush() # if exectime > 300 or max_rss > 2048: # algorithm = task.algorithm # important! copy the string here, or the closure will do wrong things # filters.add(lambda t: t.algorithm != algorithm) # print "Skipping algorithm %s due to limit (%f sec, %d MB)" % (task.algorithm, exectime, max_rss) except KeyboardInterrupt: os.kill(, signal.SIGKILL) return except: # algorithm = task.algorithm # important! copy the string here, or the closure will do wrong things # filters.add(lambda t: t.algorithm != algorithm) # print "Skipping algorithm %s due to exception" % task.algorithm print traceback.print_exc() last_task = task #end for save_status()
def compute(): experiment = "experiment02" default_run_id = "run01" default_sample_size = 1 timeout_seconds = 3600 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Compute problems') modes = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() modes.add_argument('-f', '--full-recompute', action='store_true', dest='recompute', default=True, help='redo the whole computation run (default)') modes.add_argument('-c', '--continue', action='store_false', dest='recompute', help='finish an unfinished computation run') parser.add_argument('-s', '--samples', type=int, metavar='S', dest='samples', default=default_sample_size, help='use S repetitions for each point (default: %d)' % default_sample_size) parser.add_argument('-r', '--run', metavar='ID', type=str, default=default_run_id, dest='run_id', help='use ID as run identifier (default: %s)' % default_run_id) parser.add_argument('-t', '--time', action="store_true", dest="timing_run", default=False, help='record timing only (no memory stats) (default: %s)' % False) parser.add_argument('-a', '--algorithms', action="append", metavar="alg", dest="algorithms", default=[], nargs='+', help="the list of algorithms to use (default: all)") parser.add_argument('-n', '--dry-run', action='store_true', dest='dry_run', default=False, help='simulate the run only (no computation started)') parser.add_argument('-p', '--problem-range', type=str, metavar='R', dest='problem_range', default=':', help='calculate only problems in the specified (Python) range, e.g. 1:10, 1::20 (default: all (:))') parser.add_argument('-m', '--max_card', type=str, metavar='C', dest='cardinalities', default='default', help='calculate using max_card = C (e.g. 1 or 1,2 or 1,2,3)') args = parser.parse_args() if not os.path.exists(args.run_id): os.mkdir(args.run_id) os.chdir(args.run_id) if args.algorithms == [] or args.algorithms == [['all']]: algorithms = ['hsdag-cache-picosat', 'hsdag-ci-cache-picosat'] else: algorithms = [a for l in args.algorithms for a in l] if args.recompute and not args.dry_run: remove_results_with_warning(args.run_id, algorithms, args.dry_run) problems = eval('Problem.objects['+args.problem_range+']') samples = irange(args.samples) if args.cardinalities != 'default': cards = eval('[' + args.cardinalities + ']') else: cards = [1] tasks = (Task(algorithm=a,, sample=s, card=c) for c in cards for p in problems for a in algorithms for s in samples) resume_task = Task(**get_status()) filters = set() inputfile = Datafile('../inputs.txt') resumed = False last_task = Task(algorithm=None,pid=0,sample=0) last_problem = None inputline = None input = None stop_dueto_time = False stop_dueto_mem = False resumed_tasks = dropwhile(lambda task: task != resume_task, tasks) if not args.recompute else tasks filtered_tasks = ifilter(lambda task: all(map(lambda f: f(task), filters)), resumed_tasks) print formatted_values(("%27s", "Time"), ("%20s", "Experiment"), ("%12s", "run"), ("%5s", "PID"), ("%7s", "MaxCard"), ("%25s", "Algorithm"), ("%12s","TotalTime"), ("%5s", "#Diag"), ("%7s", "RSS"), ("%7s", "RSS/SAT")) for task in filtered_tasks: save_status(task) if not args.dry_run: gc.collect() problem = Problem.get( if > 0: last_problem = Problem.get( if (stop_dueto_time == True or stop_dueto_mem == True) and last_problem and problem.specsize != last_problem.specsize: algorithm = task.algorithm # important! copy the string here, or the closure will do wrong things filters.add(lambda t: t.algorithm != algorithm) print "Skipping algorithm %s due to limit (%f sec, %d MB)" % (task.algorithm, exectime, max_rss) stop_dueto_time = False stop_dueto_mem = False continue if args.dry_run: stats = {} max_rss = 0 num_rss_polls = 0 stop_dueto_time = False stop_dueto_mem = False start = print "%27s %20s %11s %5d %5d %20s" % (start, experiment, args.run_id,, problem.specsize, task.algorithm) continue if != inputline = inputfile.getline( actual_pid, spec, int_diag, trace = inputline.split("\t") int_diag = parse(int_diag) spec_parsed = parse(spec) actual_pid = int(actual_pid) if actual_pid != raise Exception("Something's wrong in the input file, expected PID %d on line %d, but got %d" % (,, actual_pid)) if last_problem and problem.specsize != last_problem.specsize: stop_dueto_time = True stop_dueto_mem = True tries = 0 done = False while tries < 3 and not done: tries += 1 try: with timeout_monitor(int(timeout_seconds * 2), True): start = print formatted_values(("%27s", start), ("%20s", experiment), ("%12s", args.run_id), ("%5s",, ("%7s", str(task.card)), ("%25s", task.algorithm)), sys.stdout.flush() # start up the python process with the algorithm and parameters python_cmd = [PYTHONPATH, os.path.join(THIS_FILE_DIR, '../../pymbd/benchmark/ltl/'), task.algorithm, str(task.card), str(timeout_seconds), "weak"] python_process = Popen(python_cmd, stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=True) memstat_runner = os.path.join(THIS_FILE_DIR, '../../pymbd/benchmark/') sat_solver_name = [s for r,s in SOLVER_BACKENDS.iteritems() if re.match(r, task.algorithm)][0] memstat_cmd = [PYTHONPATH, memstat_runner] memstat_process = Popen(memstat_cmd, stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=True) memstat_process.stdin.write(str( + " " + sat_solver_name) memstat_process.stdin.close() approx_begin = time.time() output = python_process.communicate("\n".join([spec,trace]))[0].split("\n") if len(output) >= 2: output_line = output[0] stats = eval(output[1]) exectime = stats['total_time'] diff = diff_formulas(spec_parsed, int_diag) diff = set(map(str, diff)) diagnoses = [] for line in output_line.split(",\t")[:-1]: fff, t = line.split(" : ") diagnoses.append((set(eval(fff)), float(t))) found = False for d,t in diagnoses: if diff == d: found = True if diagnoses: first_timestamp = min(map(lambda x: x[1], diagnoses)) else: first_timestamp = -1 # print "intended diagnosis:", diff # print "found diagnoses:", diagnoses # print "found?", found else: output_line = "Invalid Output:" + " ".join(output).translate(None, "\n") stats = dict() exectime = time.time() - approx_begin found = False first_timestamp = -1 # terminate the memory logger and get maximum rsize os.kill(, signal.SIGTERM) os.waitpid(, 0) memstat_output = memstat_process.stdout.readlines() # print memstat_output try: result = eval(memstat_output[0]) except: print memstat_output raise num_hs = stats.get('num_hs',0) max_rss = result[0] / 1024.0 # MiB num_rss_polls = result[1] timeout = result[2] memout = result[3] tp_max_rss = result[4].get(sat_solver_name,0) / 1024.0 if timeout: stats['timeout'] = True p, t, s = problem, task, stats Result.append(experiment=experiment, run_id=args.run_id, datetime=start,, algorithm=t.algorithm, specsize=p.specsize, specnumvars=p.specnumvars,tracesize=p.tracesize, tracestemsize=p.tracestemsize, found=found, first_timestamp=first_timestamp, memout=memout, max_rss=max_rss, sat_max_rss=tp_max_rss, num_rss_polls=num_rss_polls, num_faults=problem.num_faults, max_card=t.card, cache_hits_fm=0, **stats) Datafile("output-%s.txt" % task.algorithm, mode="append").appendline("%s\t%d\t%s" % (start,,output_line)) if exectime < timeout_seconds: stop_dueto_time = False if max_rss < 2048: stop_dueto_mem = False print formatted_values(("%12.6f",stats.get('total_time',exectime)), ("%5d", num_hs), ("%7.2f", max_rss), ("%7.2f", tp_max_rss)) sys.stdout.flush() done = True # end with timeout except Timeout: print "Timed out... trying again" except KeyboardInterrupt: return except: algorithm = task.algorithm # important! copy the string here, or the closure will do wrong things filters.add(lambda t: t.algorithm != algorithm) print "Skipping algorithm %s due to exception" % task.algorithm print traceback.print_exc() print output sys.exit() last_task = task #end for save_status()
action='store_true', dest='recompute', default=True, help='redo the whole computation run (default)') modes.add_argument('-c', '--continue', action='store_false', dest='recompute', help='finish an unfinished computation run') args = parser.parse_args() vrange = [1e0, 1e3] npoints = 60 exp = math.pow(vrange[1] - vrange[0], 1 / float(npoints)) lengths = map(lambda x: math.pow(exp, x), irange(0, npoints)) # create exponentially spaced x values lengths = sorted(set(map(lambda x: int(math.ceil(x)), lengths))) # round up and remove duplicates lengths = filter(lambda x: x >= 3, lengths) # less than 3 doesn't make sense num_faults = 1 sample_size = 10 trace_size = 100 trace_stem_size = 50 samples = xrange(sample_size) Task = makestruct('Task', 'length sample') tasks = (Task(length=l, sample=s) for l in lengths for s in samples) if args.recompute: input_data = Datafile('inputs.txt', mode='write')