Beispiel #1
    def comp_dists(self, comp_dists):
        self._comp_dists = comp_dists
        if isinstance(comp_dists, Distribution):
            self._comp_dist_shapes = to_tuple(comp_dists.shape)
            self._broadcast_shape = self._comp_dist_shapes
            self.comp_is_distribution = True
            # Now we check the comp_dists distribution shape, see what
            # the broadcast shape would be. This shape will be the dist_shape
            # used by generate samples (the shape of a single random sample)
            # from the mixture
            self._comp_dist_shapes = [to_tuple(d.shape) for d in comp_dists]
            # All component distributions must broadcast with each other
                self._broadcast_shape = np.broadcast(
                      for shape in self._comp_dist_shapes)).shape
            except Exception:
                raise TypeError("Supplied comp_dists shapes do not broadcast "
                                "with each other. comp_dists shapes are: "

            # We wrap the _comp_dist.random by adding the kwarg raw_size_,
            # which will be the size attribute passed to _comp_samples.
            # _comp_samples then calls generate_samples, which may change the
            # size value to make it compatible with scipy.stats.*.rvs
            self._generators = []
            for comp_dist in comp_dists:
                generator = Mixture._comp_dist_random_wrapper(comp_dist.random)
            self.comp_is_distribution = False
Beispiel #2
    def _set_values(cls, lower, upper, size, shape, initval):
        if size is None:
            size = shape

        lower = np.asarray(lower)
        lower = floatX(np.where(lower == None, -np.inf, lower))
        upper = np.asarray(upper)
        upper = floatX(np.where(upper == None, np.inf, upper))

        if initval is None:
            _size = np.broadcast_shapes(to_tuple(size), np.shape(lower),
            _lower = np.broadcast_to(lower, _size)
            _upper = np.broadcast_to(upper, _size)
            initval = np.where(
                (_lower == -np.inf) & (_upper == np.inf),
                    _lower == -np.inf,
                    _upper - 1,
                    np.where(_upper == np.inf, _lower + 1,
                             (_lower + _upper) / 2),

        lower = as_tensor_variable(floatX(lower))
        upper = as_tensor_variable(floatX(upper))
        return lower, upper, initval
Beispiel #3
def test_sample_generate_values(fixture_model, fixture_sizes):
    model, RVs = fixture_model
    size = to_tuple(fixture_sizes)
    with model:
        prior = pm.sample_prior_predictive(samples=fixture_sizes)
        for rv in RVs:
            assert prior[].shape == size + tuple(rv.distribution.shape)
Beispiel #4
def test_density_dist_default_moment_multivariate(with_random, size):
    def _random(mu, rng=None, size=None):
        return rng.normal(mu, scale=1, size=to_tuple(size) + mu.shape)

    if with_random:
        random = _random
        random = None

    mu_val = np.random.normal(loc=2, scale=1,
    with pm.Model():
        mu = pm.Normal("mu", size=5)
        a = pm.DensityDist("a",
    if with_random:
        evaled_moment = get_moment(a).eval({mu: mu_val})
        assert evaled_moment.shape == to_tuple(size) + (5, )
        assert np.all(evaled_moment == 0)
        with pytest.raises(
                "Cannot safely infer the size of a multivariate random variable's moment.",
            evaled_moment = get_moment(a).eval({mu: mu_val})
Beispiel #5
def random_choice(p, size):
    """Return draws from categorical probability functions

        p: array
           Probability of each class. If p.ndim > 1, the last axis is
           interpreted as the probability of each class, and numpy.random.choice
           is iterated for every other axis element.
        size: int or tuple
            Shape of the desired output array. If p is multidimensional, size
            should broadcast with p.shape[:-1].

        random sample: array

    k = p.shape[-1]

    if p.ndim > 1:
        # If p is an nd-array, the last axis is interpreted as the class
        # probability. We must iterate over the elements of all the other
        # dimensions.
        # We first ensure that p is broadcasted to the output's shape
        size = to_tuple(size) + (1, )
        p = np.broadcast_arrays(p, np.empty(size))[0]
        out_shape = p.shape[:-1]
        # np.random.choice accepts 1D p arrays, so we semiflatten p to
        # iterate calls using the last axis as the category probabilities
        p = np.reshape(p, (-1, p.shape[-1]))
        samples = np.array([np.random.choice(k, p=p_) for p_ in p])
        # We reshape to the desired output shape
        samples = np.reshape(samples, out_shape)
        samples = np.random.choice(k, p=p, size=size)
    return samples
Beispiel #6
def generate_poisson_mixture_data(w, mu, size=1000):
    component = np.random.choice(w.size, size=size, p=w)
    mu = np.atleast_1d(mu)
    out_size = to_tuple(size) + mu.shape[:-1]
    mu_ = np.array([mu[..., comp] for comp in component.ravel()])
    mu_ = np.reshape(mu_, out_size)
    x = np.random.poisson(mu_, size=out_size)

    return x
Beispiel #7
def samples_to_broadcast_to(request, samples_to_broadcast):
    to_shape = request.param
    size, samples, broadcast_shape = samples_to_broadcast
    if broadcast_shape is not None:
            broadcast_shape = broadcast_dist_samples_shape(
                [broadcast_shape, to_tuple(to_shape)], size=size)
        except ValueError:
            broadcast_shape = None
    return to_shape, size, samples, broadcast_shape
Beispiel #8
def get_steps(
    steps: Optional[Union[int, np.ndarray, TensorVariable]],
    shape: Optional[Shape] = None,
    dims: Optional[Dims] = None,
    observed: Optional[Any] = None,
    step_shape_offset: int = 0,
    """Extract number of steps from shape / dims / observed information

        User specified steps for timeseries distribution
        User specified shape for timeseries distribution
        User specified dims for timeseries distribution
        User specified observed data from timeseries distribution
        Difference between last shape dimension and number of steps in timeseries
        distribution, defaults to 0

        Steps, if specified directly by user, or inferred from the last dimension of
        shape / dims / observed. When two sources of step information are provided,
        a symbolic Assert is added to ensure they are consistent.
    inferred_steps = None
    if shape is not None:
        shape = to_tuple(shape)
        if shape[-1] is not ...:
            inferred_steps = shape[-1] - step_shape_offset

    if inferred_steps is None and dims is not None:
        dims = convert_dims(dims)
        if dims[-1] is not ...:
            model = modelcontext(None)
            inferred_steps = model.dim_lengths[dims[-1]] - step_shape_offset

    if inferred_steps is None and observed is not None:
        observed = convert_observed_data(observed)
        inferred_steps = observed.shape[-1] - step_shape_offset

    if inferred_steps is None:
        inferred_steps = steps
    # If there are two sources of information for the steps, assert they are consistent
    elif steps is not None:
        inferred_steps = Assert(msg="Steps do not match last shape dimension")(
            inferred_steps, at.eq(inferred_steps, steps)
    return inferred_steps
def test_density_dist_custom_moment_multivariate(size):
    def moment(rv, size, mu):
        return (at.ones(size)[..., None] * mu).astype(rv.dtype)

    mu_val = np.random.normal(loc=2, scale=1, size=5).astype(aesara.config.floatX)
    with pm.Model():
        mu = pm.Normal("mu", size=5)
        a = pm.DensityDist("a", mu, get_moment=moment, ndims_params=[1], ndim_supp=1, size=size)
    evaled_moment = get_moment(a).eval({mu: mu_val})
    assert evaled_moment.shape == to_tuple(size) + (5,)
    assert np.all(evaled_moment == mu_val)
def test_density_dist_custom_moment_univariate(size):
    def moment(rv, size, mu):
        return (at.ones(size) * mu).astype(rv.dtype)

    mu_val = np.array(np.random.normal(loc=2, scale=1)).astype(aesara.config.floatX)
    with pm.Model():
        mu = pm.Normal("mu")
        a = pm.DensityDist("a", mu, get_moment=moment, size=size)
    evaled_moment = get_moment(a).eval({mu: mu_val})
    assert evaled_moment.shape == to_tuple(size)
    assert np.all(evaled_moment == mu_val)
Beispiel #11
def generate_normal_mixture_data(w, mu, sigma, size=1000):
    component = np.random.choice(w.size, size=size, p=w)
    mu, sigma = np.broadcast_arrays(mu, sigma)
    out_size = to_tuple(size) + mu.shape[:-1]
    mu_ = np.array([mu[..., comp] for comp in component.ravel()])
    sigma_ = np.array([sigma[..., comp] for comp in component.ravel()])
    mu_ = np.reshape(mu_, out_size)
    sigma_ = np.reshape(sigma_, out_size)
    x = np.random.normal(mu_, sigma_, size=out_size)

    return x
Beispiel #12
    def test_normal_mixture_nd(self, nd, ncomp):
        nd = to_tuple(nd)
        ncomp = int(ncomp)
        comp_shape = nd + (ncomp,)
        test_mus = np.random.randn(*comp_shape)
        test_taus = np.random.gamma(1, 1, size=comp_shape)
        observed = generate_normal_mixture_data(
            w=np.ones(ncomp) / ncomp, mu=test_mus, sigma=1 / np.sqrt(test_taus), size=10

        with Model() as model0:
            mus = Normal("mus", shape=comp_shape)
            taus = Gamma("taus", alpha=1, beta=1, shape=comp_shape)
            ws = Dirichlet("ws", np.ones(ncomp), shape=(ncomp,))
            mixture0 = NormalMixture("m", w=ws, mu=mus, tau=taus, shape=nd, comp_shape=comp_shape)
            obs0 = NormalMixture(
                "obs", w=ws, mu=mus, tau=taus, comp_shape=comp_shape, observed=observed

        with Model() as model1:
            mus = Normal("mus", shape=comp_shape)
            taus = Gamma("taus", alpha=1, beta=1, shape=comp_shape)
            ws = Dirichlet("ws", np.ones(ncomp), shape=(ncomp,))
            comp_dist = [
                Normal.dist(mu=mus[..., i], tau=taus[..., i], shape=nd) for i in range(ncomp)
            mixture1 = Mixture("m", w=ws, comp_dists=comp_dist, shape=nd)
            obs1 = Mixture("obs", w=ws, comp_dists=comp_dist, observed=observed)

        with Model() as model2:
            # Test that results are correct without comp_shape being passed to the Mixture.
            # This used to fail in V3
            mus = Normal("mus", shape=comp_shape)
            taus = Gamma("taus", alpha=1, beta=1, shape=comp_shape)
            ws = Dirichlet("ws", np.ones(ncomp), shape=(ncomp,))
            mixture2 = NormalMixture("m", w=ws, mu=mus, tau=taus, shape=nd)
            obs2 = NormalMixture("obs", w=ws, mu=mus, tau=taus, observed=observed)

        testpoint = model0.compute_initial_point()
        testpoint["mus"] = test_mus
        testpoint["taus_log__"] = np.log(test_taus)
        for logp0, logp1, logp2 in zip(
            model0.compile_logp(vars=[mixture0, obs0], sum=False)(testpoint),
            model1.compile_logp(vars=[mixture1, obs1], sum=False)(testpoint),
            model2.compile_logp(vars=[mixture2, obs2], sum=False)(testpoint),
            assert_allclose(logp0, logp1)
            assert_allclose(logp0, logp2)
Beispiel #13
    def change_size(cls, rv, new_size, expand=False):
        weights = rv.tag.weights
        components = rv.tag.components

        if expand:
            component = rv.tag.components[0]
            # Old size is equal to `shape[:-ndim_supp]`, with care needed for `ndim_supp == 0`
            size_dims = component.ndim - component.owner.op.ndim_supp
            if len(rv.tag.components) == 1:
                # If we have a single component, new size should ignore the mixture axis
                # dimension, as that is not touched by `_resize_components`
                size_dims -= 1
            old_size = components[0].shape[:size_dims]
            new_size = to_tuple(new_size) + tuple(old_size)

        components = cls._resize_components(new_size, *components)

        return cls.rv_op(weights, *components, size=None)
Beispiel #14
    def __init__(self, w, comp_dists, mixture_axis=-1, *args, **kwargs):
        self.w = at.as_tensor_variable(w)
        if not isinstance(comp_dists, Distribution):
            raise TypeError(
                "The MixtureSameFamily distribution only accepts Distribution "
                f"instances as its components. Got {type(comp_dists)} instead."
        self.comp_dists = comp_dists
        if mixture_axis < 0:
            mixture_axis = len(comp_dists.shape) + mixture_axis
            if mixture_axis < 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    "`mixture_axis` is supposed to be in shape of components' distribution. "
                    f"Got {mixture_axis + len(comp_dists.shape)} axis instead out of the bounds."
        comp_shape = to_tuple(comp_dists.shape)
        self.shape = comp_shape[:mixture_axis] + comp_shape[mixture_axis + 1:]
        self.mixture_axis = mixture_axis
        kwargs.setdefault("dtype", self.comp_dists.dtype)

        # Compute the mode so we don't always have to pass a initval
        defaults = kwargs.pop("defaults", [])
        event_shape = self.comp_dists.shape[mixture_axis + 1:]
        _w = at.shape_padleft(
            at.shape_padright(w, len(event_shape)),
            len(self.comp_dists.shape) - w.ndim - len(event_shape),
        mode = take_along_axis(
            at.argmax(_w, keepdims=True),
        self.mode = mode[(..., 0) + (slice(None), ) * len(event_shape)]

        if not all_discrete(comp_dists):
            mean = at.as_tensor_variable(self.comp_dists.mean)
            self.mean = (_w * mean).sum(axis=mixture_axis)
            if "mean" not in defaults:

        super().__init__(defaults=defaults, *args, **kwargs)
Beispiel #15
 def test_get_broadcastable_dist_samples(self, samples_to_broadcast):
     size, samples, broadcast_shape = samples_to_broadcast
     if broadcast_shape is not None:
         size_ = to_tuple(size)
         outs, out_shape = get_broadcastable_dist_samples(
             samples, size=size, return_out_shape=True)
         assert out_shape == broadcast_shape
         for i, o in zip(samples, outs):
             ishape = i.shape
             if ishape[:min([len(size_), len(ishape)])] == size_:
                 expected_shape = (size_ + (1, ) *
                                   (len(broadcast_shape) - len(ishape)) +
                 expected_shape = ishape
             assert o.shape == expected_shape
         assert shapes_broadcasting(*(o.shape
                                      for o in outs)) == broadcast_shape
         with pytest.raises(ValueError):
             get_broadcastable_dist_samples(samples, size=size)
Beispiel #16
 def test_broadcast_dist_samples_shape(self, fixture_sizes, fixture_shapes):
     size = fixture_sizes
     shapes = fixture_shapes
     size_ = to_tuple(size)
     shapes_ = [
         s if s[:min([len(size_), len(s)])] != size_ else s[len(size_):]
         for s in shapes
         expected_out = np.broadcast(*(np.empty(s) for s in shapes_)).shape
     except ValueError:
         expected_out = None
     if expected_out is not None and any(
             s[:min([len(size_), len(s)])] == size_ for s in shapes):
         expected_out = size_ + expected_out
     if expected_out is None:
         with pytest.raises(ValueError):
             broadcast_dist_samples_shape(shapes, size=size)
         out = broadcast_dist_samples_shape(shapes, size=size)
         assert out == expected_out
Beispiel #17
 def _random(mu, rng=None, size=None):
     return rng.normal(mu, scale=1, size=to_tuple(size) + mu.shape)
Beispiel #18
    def test_normal_mixture_nd(self, nd, ncomp):
        nd = to_tuple(nd)
        ncomp = int(ncomp)
        comp_shape = nd + (ncomp,)
        test_mus = np.random.randn(*comp_shape)
        test_taus = np.random.gamma(1, 1, size=comp_shape)
        observed = generate_normal_mixture_data(
            w=np.ones(ncomp) / ncomp, mu=test_mus, sd=1 / np.sqrt(test_taus), size=10

        with Model() as model0:
            mus = Normal("mus", shape=comp_shape)
            taus = Gamma("taus", alpha=1, beta=1, shape=comp_shape)
            ws = Dirichlet("ws", np.ones(ncomp), shape=(ncomp,))
            mixture0 = NormalMixture("m", w=ws, mu=mus, tau=taus, shape=nd, comp_shape=comp_shape)
            obs0 = NormalMixture(
                "obs", w=ws, mu=mus, tau=taus, shape=nd, comp_shape=comp_shape, observed=observed

        with Model() as model1:
            mus = Normal("mus", shape=comp_shape)
            taus = Gamma("taus", alpha=1, beta=1, shape=comp_shape)
            ws = Dirichlet("ws", np.ones(ncomp), shape=(ncomp,))
            comp_dist = [
                Normal.dist(mu=mus[..., i], tau=taus[..., i], shape=nd) for i in range(ncomp)
            mixture1 = Mixture("m", w=ws, comp_dists=comp_dist, shape=nd)
            obs1 = Mixture("obs", w=ws, comp_dists=comp_dist, shape=nd, observed=observed)

        with Model() as model2:
            # Expected to fail if comp_shape is not provided,
            # nd is multidim and it does not broadcast with ncomp. If by chance
            # it does broadcast, an error is raised if the mixture is given
            # observed data.
            # Furthermore, the Mixture will also raise errors when the observed
            # data is multidimensional but it does not broadcast well with
            # comp_dists.
            mus = Normal("mus", shape=comp_shape)
            taus = Gamma("taus", alpha=1, beta=1, shape=comp_shape)
            ws = Dirichlet("ws", np.ones(ncomp), shape=(ncomp,))
            if len(nd) > 1:
                if nd[-1] != ncomp:
                    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                        NormalMixture("m", w=ws, mu=mus, tau=taus, shape=nd)
                    mixture2 = None
                    mixture2 = NormalMixture("m", w=ws, mu=mus, tau=taus, shape=nd)
                mixture2 = NormalMixture("m", w=ws, mu=mus, tau=taus, shape=nd)
            observed_fails = False
            if len(nd) >= 1 and nd != (1,):
                    np.broadcast(np.empty(comp_shape), observed)
                except Exception:
                    observed_fails = True
            if observed_fails:
                with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                    NormalMixture("obs", w=ws, mu=mus, tau=taus, shape=nd, observed=observed)
                obs2 = None
                obs2 = NormalMixture("obs", w=ws, mu=mus, tau=taus, shape=nd, observed=observed)

        testpoint = model0.recompute_initial_point()
        testpoint["mus"] = test_mus
        testpoint["taus"] = test_taus
        assert_allclose(model0.logp(testpoint), model1.logp(testpoint))
        assert_allclose(mixture0.logp(testpoint), mixture1.logp(testpoint))
        assert_allclose(obs0.logp(testpoint), obs1.logp(testpoint))
        if mixture2 is not None and obs2 is not None:
            assert_allclose(model0.logp(testpoint), model2.logp(testpoint))
        if mixture2 is not None:
            assert_allclose(mixture0.logp(testpoint), mixture2.logp(testpoint))
        if obs2 is not None:
            assert_allclose(obs0.logp(testpoint), obs2.logp(testpoint))
Beispiel #19
    def random(self, point=None, size=None):
        Draw random values from MvGaussianRandomWalk.

        point: dict, optional
            Dict of variable values on which random values are to be
            conditioned (uses default point if not specified).
        size: int or tuple of ints, optional
            Desired size of random sample (returns one sample if not



        .. code-block:: python

            with pm.Model():
                mu = np.array([1.0, 0.0])
                cov = np.array([[1.0, 0.0],
                                [0.0, 2.0]])

                # draw one sample from a 2-dimensional Gaussian random walk with 10 timesteps
                sample = MvGaussianRandomWalk(mu, cov, shape=(10, 2)).random()

                # draw three samples from a 2-dimensional Gaussian random walk with 10 timesteps
                sample = MvGaussianRandomWalk(mu, cov, shape=(10, 2)).random(size=3)

                # draw four samples from a 2-dimensional Gaussian random walk with 10 timesteps,
                # indexed with a (2, 2) array
                sample = MvGaussianRandomWalk(mu, cov, shape=(10, 2)).random(size=(2, 2))


        # for each draw specified by the size input, we need to draw time_steps many
        # samples from MvNormal.

        size = to_tuple(size)
        multivariate_samples = self.innov.random(point=point, size=size)
        # this has shape (size, self.shape)
        if len(self.shape) == 2:
            # have time dimension in first slot of shape. Therefore the time
            # component can be accessed with the index equal to the length of size.
            time_axis = len(size)
            multivariate_samples = multivariate_samples.cumsum(axis=time_axis)
            if time_axis != 0:
                # this for loop covers the case where size is a tuple
                for idx in np.ndindex(size):
                    multivariate_samples[idx] = (
                        multivariate_samples[idx] - multivariate_samples[idx][0]
                # size was passed as None
                multivariate_samples = multivariate_samples - multivariate_samples[0]

        # if the above statement fails, then only a spatial dimension was passed in for self.shape.
        # Therefore don't subtract off the initial value since otherwise you get all zeros
        # as your output.
        return multivariate_samples